I Prayed have prayed
Father, we lift up Ketanji Brown Jackson before You. While her background may be questionable, Lord, we know that all things are in Your hands. We pray that You would use her to accomplish Your will in our country.
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Following intense criticism and scrutiny at the hands of the Senate, Ketanji Brown Jackson has been confirmed as the next Supreme Court Judge.

From National Review. The Senate voted to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court on Thursday.

Jackson was nominated by President Biden after Justice Stephen Breyer announced in February that he will retire by summer. Jackson will join Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor in the Court’s liberal minority.

Biden fulfilled a campaign pledge by nominating the first black woman to the Court. Jackson will be the third African American justice confirmed to the Court, after Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.

Jackson counted being born in the U.S. as one of “many blessings” in her life, when she accepted the nomination in February.

“The United States of America is the greatest beacon of hope and democracy that the world has ever known,” Jackson said at the time.

While Republicans almost uniformly opposed Jackson’s confirmation, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah voted in favor. Romney’s decision came after he voted against Jackson’s nomination to a separate appeals court in 2021.

“In her previous confirmation vote, I had concerns about whether or not she was in the mainstream. And having spent time with her personally and reviewing her testimony before Congress became convinced that she is in the mainstream,” Romney told reporters on Tuesday….

Check out the prophetic vision that an IFA intercessor received about Jackson. Click HERE to read.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Susan D McCollum MD
April 9, 2022

How does she declare herself the first black WOMAN in that position, since she CANNOT DEFINE ‘woman’ ????????? She is talking out of both sides of her mouth!!!

Lillian Colleran
April 8, 2022

Heavenly Father – Although my heart is against what this woman stands for and believes and how she rules, I lift her up to You. I pray she has an awakening in her heart for You and she makes decisions based on our constitution and not a subversive political agenda. May You be glorified in all things.

Darla Lennox
April 8, 2022

I don’t think she should have been nominated just because she is black, that is an insult to many judges of other color who are just as qualified as Judge Brown Jackson. I don’t agree with the soft sentence handed out for pedophiles and child pornography. As a parent & a grandparent pedophilia is a heinous crime, and very damaging and catastrophic to a child. The pedophilia needs to be locked up for a very long time, until it is definitely proven that they are fit to be a productive part of society. Releasing them out on the streets in 3 weeks is only allowing someone else’s child to be hurt . Maybe Judges should be held accountable for he sentences they give these criminals, so that when they are released by the Judge and the criminal comes out of jail and performs the same criminal act on someone else, then the Judge should be looked at how he is performing his job and reviewed on quarterly basis. It’s time that all elected officials are held accountable for their actions. Too many innocent people are being hurt & killed by repeated offenders. It’s time this stops. Also, CRT should not be tought in school. That is teaching hate to all of the children, Judge Brown Jackson believes in teaching that garbage in schools. If that is the case, then we should just go back to “segeration” and keep colored and whites seperated. Step back 100 years. Our children do not know color, it is the adult parents and news media teaching our children about hate and color and telling the children why they should hate the white children, so until the parents let go of the past and stop teaching their children to hate, that is all CRT is going to accompolish.

April 7, 2022

Father God, as Ketanji receives ongoing prayer from the saints, may thy Holy Spirit hover over her continuously; bringing conviction, repentance, and drawing her into salvation. May she become a new creation in Christ, and may we delight to discover that she is actually thy sheep in wolves clothing. Please give her the courage to humble herself, repent, and become the Supreme Court Justice (and the godly woman) that thee created her to be. Please protect her as she receives our prayers. May we see this miracle of new life, as we continue to pray earnestly for her. In thy name, Jesus, we pray,

    Ingrid MW
    April 7, 2022

    Bless you Carolina for the growth of the Holy Spirit in you as an intercessor. This is where our hearts all yearn to be. God has everything under control and what might seem for evil He will use it for good. This IS a test of faith. Not to wring our hands and complain but to be grateful in all things. I too pray, may this woman accept the beautiful and bountiful presence of the Holy Spirit. May she be forever changed and renewed. May her testimony as a Supreme Court Justice become a precious example for all of us in our own walks. All things are possible through God and his precious Son’s name we pray in Christ Jesus name amen.

Sad Day For America
April 7, 2022

Very proud of all the upstanding Republican legislators who opposed confirmation of this unfit, soft-on-crime, defender-of-sex-offenders who couldn’t define what a “woman” is.

Very disappointed in RHINOS Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah.


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