I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would reveal Yourself to us through dreams and visions. Help us to be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit. Convict and lead us.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

This past Sunday February 21, 2021, just before Purim, Jews united all over the globe to pled to heaven for their long awaited Moshiach.  It was a call to all Jews to unite and call out to G-D at the exact same moment, 18:00 Israeli time.  Rabbis from across the globe unified their people in ONE prayer.  Covid has exposed the vulnerability of mankind and the Jews have responded with hunger and desperation.


“Master of the universe

We, your beloved children

United together around the world at this moment

Are crying out to you in prayer

Please accept this prayer with grace and kindness

We sincerely thank you for all your daily blessings,

But we implore you from the depths of our hearts

To send Moshiach immediately to redeem us with mercy,

From this long exile and suffering

And to bring peace to the world

We can’t wait anymore!

We desire your great name to be revealed

Your dominion in the entire world

And your presence returned to the Beit Hamikdash – the Holy Temple – now!”



They ended their heartfelt prayer with the Shema – the same prayer we asked you to pray with our Jewish brothers and sisters across the globe, for Israel and for the United States of America!  For two months, this community prepared for, advertised and unified for this powerful moment.

“Two powerful ways to hasten the coming of Moshiach is through unity of our nation and charity. Therefore, we are encouraging everyone to stop what they are doing, say this worldwide prayer together, and give a little charity at the same time. When Jews all around the world band together for a shared goal, the power is immeasurable…

“We believe that one day, Moshiach will come, and g-dliness will be revealed on earth. There will be no more war, no more suffering. There will be peace among nations.”

-Rabbi David Masinter, Chabad House in Johannesburg

Believing and yearning for the Moshiach is foundational to Jews and their study of the Torah – it is from this place of HOPE that they have called out as one!

Blessed ones, we KNOW the Messiah has come and His name is Jesus.  Many of our Jewish brothers and sisters have been blind to this for over 2000 years!  They have cried out and the Lord has HEARD the desires of their hearts!  Would you join me in praying for revelation of this truth to ring in home after home across the globe – those same who cried in unified desperation this past Sunday?

Pray that the Lord Jesus would reveal Himself in dreams and visions – from rabbis to the smallest children.  Pray that blind eyes would see, deaf ears would hear and that hearts would be softened and ready to receive this truth that hearts have been previously hardened to.  Pray that congregation after congregation would turn and become Messianic – those who believe the Messiah HAS come and know Him as Yeshua.

I love the “why” listed, why this cry out for Moshiach – “Like in Egypt, the final Redemption will come when we will all claim it from Hashem, said our holy sages.”  They have “claimed” before heaven that NOW is the time for Hashem (the name used to refer to God – ‘the Name’) to send Moshiach to redeem them.

Let’s pray that HE will truly be revealed in hearts as such an astronomical rate – with a flood of confidence and certainty that CHRISTIANS across the globe would feel the ripple effect.  Let’s pray for REVIVAL such as we have never conceived of before!

“Millions of Jews praying the same prayer at the same time.  It obviously is something that will create a blast in Heaven.  It hastens the Geula (redemption) and brings Mashiach!  May this world prayer be joined by everyone!  And Mashiach will come with Hashem’s help.  Amen.”  -Rabbi Shalom Arush

“Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.”  Lord, may Your people, Your chosen people KNOW that Moshiach has already come and His name is Jesus/Yeshua.  May there be a sudden and supernatural understanding of the prophecies surrounding His coming.  Lord, we pray that you would remove the veil and show them the temple curtain was already torn in two.  Let them each know that they too have access to the holy of holies, that they have been allowed access to the Father, to Hashem!


The beauty of this prayer is multiplied when we consider the timing.  It was strategically scheduled to happen right before Purim.

Purim refers back to the time when the Jewish people were saved from a holocaust.   Haman (the king’s highest-ranking servant) took offense that “these people” would not bow their knee or give worship to the king and his kingdom.  He was repulsed that they kept themselves “separate”.  In his anger he deemed them a threat to the kingdom and convinced the king that those who did give full allegiance to the king and his kingdom should not be tolerated and in fact should be destroyed.  The law was signed and issued.

Haman’s plot to exterminate all Jews living in the kingdom in a single day was set-in motion.

Esther learned of the situation and felt hopeless, knowing even approaching the king without being summoned would likely result in her immediate execution.

“Mordecai told the messenger to reply to Esther, “Don’t think that you will escape the fate of all the Jews because you are in the king’s palace. If you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place, but you and your father’s family will be destroyed. Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Es 4:13-14

At this point Queen Esther became resolute and through her uncle Mordechai, called all the Jews to fast and pray to Yahweh that He would use her, the Jewish bride to the king, to save their people.  It.  At the end of the three-day fast, she would approach the king and risk her life.

Esther approached, found favor in the eyes of the king and was allowed to invite him and Haman to a private banquet she prepared for them.  Haman was puffed up by the invite, never realizing the true ethnic heritage of his queen.  As the plot for destruction was revealed, a rapid turn of events ensued with the instigator being hung on his own gallows.  In turn, the Jewish people were spared, elevated and laws established for their protection and reign.

All because of the unlikely assent of a young woman and her subsequent courage for “such a time as this”.

Purim Today

On the day before Purim, the Jewish people today still fast in commemoration of “Esther’s fasting and praying to G-d that He save His people.”

Will you prayerfully consider fasting and praying for the Jewish people this  Purim (Thursday through Sunday)?

Read more about how to fast this Purim–click HERE.

Will you pray that God will reveal Himself as they cried out in a unified voice this past Sunday?

Jewish Voice published “5 Ways to Pray at Purim” for Messianic believers.  What a precious time and opportunity to pray the Shema and pray for the Jewish people.  Jesus is the name above ALL other names.  Let’s pray that His name is magnified and revealed in this time and day!

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.  2 Pt 3:9

I was overjoyed when they said, “Let’s go up to the house of the Lord.” And now at last we stand here, inside the very gates of Jerusalem! O Jerusalem, you were built as a city of praise, where God and man mingle together. This is where all the tribes of Yahweh are required to come and worship him. This is where the thrones of kings have been established to rule in righteousness; even King David ruled from here. Pray and seek for Jerusalem’s peace, for all who love her will prosper! O Jerusalem, may there be peace for those who dwell inside your walls and prosperity in your every palace. I intercede for the sake of my family and friends who dwell there, that they may all live in peace. For the sake of your house, Yahweh I will seek the welfare and prosperity of Jerusalem. Ps 122 TPT

Suni Piper is a writer and passionate intercessor for the nation and for the Church. She is determined and surrendered to be a voice of truth and encouragement to the Body of believers. Follow Suni at her website ASurrenderedLife.com. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Will you join us in fasting during Purim?

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Jack Murphy
February 25, 2021

Let us Join with Queen Ester who braved the wrath of her husband the Persian King to save her people.

Jennifer Shetler
February 25, 2021

This is an amazing article, am a Jesus follower,Christian in the true sense and will be joining in this weekend with all who will be fasting, remains as silent as possible and listening to the Holy Spirit as I care for the 95 year old senior who lives in my home. Thank you for the invitation.

February 25, 2021


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mmQuqeHZwHU With lyrics below video


stephen g myers
February 25, 2021

Dear friends at IFA,

You’re probably already aware that You Tube has censored your prayer call video. Is it available on any other platform?

blessings in Him, thank You for a “tip on His Spear”

Steve Myers

    Gloria A Robles
    February 25, 2021

    Hi Stephen,

    You can find the prayercall on Spotify or Apple I believe. It’s shared as a podcast too. 🙂
    Just look for
    Headline Prayer.

    Abby Joy
    February 25, 2021

    Hi Stephen! Unfortunately, YouTube has not been allowing our videos to alert you with a notification when our broadcast has started but you can find our most recent call with Kris Kubal on Tuesday on our YouTube page now by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1D8uHGE-Tg&t=178s
    Our Facebook page also share our YouTube broadcast, but unfortunately, while we are streaming the call live it is always censored, but if you go back a few hours after the call you will also be able to watch it there. In addition to this the content from our Tuesday and Thursday calls are available t listen to as podcast episodes like Gloria mentioned. You can find the podcast episodes here: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/headlineprayer
    Hoping that clears things up and answers your questions!
    Have a blessed day!

February 25, 2021

AWESOME!!! Thank You so much for this!!! What a great sign I ask OUR Father, to answer by REVEALING THE LOVELY JESUS CHRIST AS THE ONE TRUE GOD ALMIGHTY in total agreement with this prayer… ““Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.” Lord, may Your people, Your chosen people KNOW that Moshiach has already come and His name is Jesus/Yeshua. May there be a sudden and supernatural understanding of the prophecies surrounding His coming. Lord, we pray that you would remove the veil and show them the temple curtain was already torn in two. Let them each know that they too have access to the holy of holies, that they have been allowed access to the Father, to Hashem!” AMEN AMEN AND AMEN IN HIS GREAT GREATBGREAT NAME \o/

Cheryl Bond
February 25, 2021

I regularly see advertisements on News Max TV that breaks my heart! It’s Survivor’s of the Holocaust living lives of EXTREME POVERTY! Literally BEGGING just for the daily sustenance if food! They’re living in dilapidated tiny homes that are falling apart! This should NOT BE! Where are all the VERY RICH JEW’S!? How do they let these HEINOUS ATTROCITIES go unnoticed!? These people have gone through Enough Pain, Suffering, & Heartache! They should be living the easy life, NOT daily suffering! How is this Not being Exposed on a larger level!? This is NOT Right! This is NOT Humane on ANY Level Whatsoever!!!!!
P-L-E-A-S-E Help Get This Word Out!!!

    February 25, 2021

    Dear Cheryl,

    As a Christian prayer warrior for the Jerusalem, Israel, The GROWING Messianic Jewish Remnant in The Land, my heart within me recognizes “another Ruth” in you. 🙂 Yes, Holocaust survivors living in poverty is a grievous shame and should break the heart of EVERYONE who claims to be a Christian. May I just gently share that BECAUSE so many churches still embrace Replacement Theology…this is one of the sinful outcroppings when we do not walk in a “One New Man in Christ Jesus” mindset (Romans Chapter 9-11 and in Ephesians as well). Hitler based much of his evil ideology on some of the anti-Semitical writings of both Martin Luther and John Chrysostom…and yet most Christians are unaware of this! Those writings make me want to vomit.
    Also, ponder this, again gently…when was the last time you heard a sermon series on Romans 9-11? When was the last time you heard persistent Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem and the Jewish People in church? When I was first called to be a prayer warrior for the growing Messianic remnant, I shared my joy with someone at church, and a lady looked at me completely puzzled and said, “Why would you wanna pray for them?!?” My heart BROKE. It is a shameful reality that such prayers RARE in the West. Our role as Christians is to be SO LOVING and KNOW the Word of God so well–especially the “Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures” so well…that it provokes the Jews to jealously so that they will be driven by the Spirit to honestly INQUIRE if this “Jesus” is really Yeshua, their very own Messiah for whom they have been waiting and waiting. Just thinking of the day when they will cry “Bless is HE Who comes in the Name of the LORD”…makes me want to cry in happiness! That will be a GLORIOUS DAY and The Father’s Heart will BURST in JOY!

    You may want to go to the following Messianic (Jewish followers of Jesus) websites to help their efforts to CARE for the Holocaust Survivors:

    ONE for Israel (in Israel) headed by Dr Erez Soref – amazing articles, podcasts and so much more! God is doing MIRACULOUS THINGS during COVID in Israel!
    TOGETHER for ISRAEL (in America) headed by Scott Volk–again, much to explore and support in Scott’s ministry.

    I pray, dear sister, that the LORD continues to press a fresh love of His People in your heart. Please consider praying DAILY for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122), the unity which God so desires(Psalm 133)
    and for all believers to search the Scriptures and lay down the painful and divisive error of Replacement Theology. God’s Plans for unity in His Son are more glorious than DIVISION! Let us SHINE His Love that they may come to KNOW HIM, Our Beloved Messiah! I send you hugs! Know that your heart touched my heart today! May His Shalom be with you!

      February 26, 2021

      Thank you for this! I, too, was given a burden for the Jewish people many years ago. The “replacement theology” people obviously don’t understand Romans 11:11-24. Have they even read it??
      It sickens me how some things done in the Name of Christ (but NOT OF HIM) have turned the Cross into Kryptonite for so many people. Thanks for the websites, too! Dear ADONAI, please heal and deliver Your chosen people and send the Good News to them in a way they can understand and accept. Open their eyes to Isaiah 53. Remove all anti-Semitism from Your church. Let the Jewish poor see Yeshua ministering to them. Ruach HaKodesh, convict everyone to know that the Kapporah for sin has been made and the Law fulfilled in Yeshua HaMashiach, AMEN!! YOU ARE THE ONE!! \O/

    February 28, 2021

    International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is a wonderful organization that helps the poor Jewish people. It’s a worthy organization.

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