The part of tax law that prohibits houses of worship from engaging in explicit political activity will remain intact for now, despite concerns that Republican lawmakers would try to repeal it in the latest massive federal spending bill they released this week.
The more than 60-year-old law, often referred to as the Johnson Amendment, bars churches and other tax-exempt organizations from endorsing political candidates. A group of conservatives — mostly evangelical Christian leaders and a few Republican lawmakers — have advocated for its removal in recent years, and a 2017 bill from the House Appropriations Committee included a provision largely defunding IRS efforts to enforce it.
This year’s $1.3 trillion omnibus bill, released by the GOP on Wednesday night (March 21), however, does not include a repeal. Its absence was celebrated by faith leaders and nonprofit groups who advocated against repealing the law, arguing that it protects them from political coercion.
“Those who depend on houses of worship and community nonprofits can breathe a sigh of relief, as concerted efforts to weaken the long-standing law that keeps the 501(c)(3) sector free from partisan campaigning were rebuked yet again,” said Amanda Tyler, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty….
“Last year prominent politicians and well-funded lobbyists tried to gut the Johnson Amendment through an executive order and five separate bills. Their zeal last year suggests they likely will continue their push to hijack charitable goodwill for their own political ambitions while rewarding their supporters with charitable tax deductions for partisan donations.”
Last year’s attempts to gut the Johnson Amendment included several efforts to attach a repeal to larger legislation. The GOP-authored tax bill, for example, initially included language that would damage the law. That version was passed by the House of Representatives but removed from the final bill negotiated with the Senate in December….
According to a 2016 Public Religion Research Institute poll, majorities within all major U.S. religious groups oppose allowing churches to endorse candidates while retaining their tax-exempt status — including white evangelical Protestants. In addition, 99 religious groups sent a letter to Congress in April 2017 asking lawmakers to stop attempts to politicize churches, and later that year more than 4,000 faith leaders signed on to a letter demanding Congress refrain from weakening or repealing the Johnson Amendment. (Excerpts from Jack Jenkins’ article from Religious News Service)
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Colossians 2:10 and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority. Ps19(1-6):5It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course.(day to day faithful!)
Acts5:29 But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority. The body of Christ’silence is deafening…LORD have mercy, Christ have mercy
I believe God is concerned about every issue the Church faces. In view of that we must all pray that He will give direction and wisdom to all of us including those who are in Washington D.C. He is able to make changes where it seems impossible as He has shown us in the past years of this Nation. Those of us who are not in Washington must trust God to guide our leaders even if they are not followers of Jesus Christ. Remember, all leaders are in the palm of His Hand.
May our Lord give our leadership, Spiritual and political, wisdom to do what is right for America in God’s sight. He, and He alone. can give humanity wisdom. We often try to do everything ourselves instead of asking for HIS WILL TO BE DONE!!!!
The president of the United States should exercise any line item veto prerogatives that are available to meet the goals defined by his electors.
Pray the body of Christ wakes up and ends their contract with the state, and begins worshiping Jesus again. The Johnson Amendment only is applicable for 501C3 State controlled corporations.
Pray the real non-State church rise up, and lead the nation with Jesus at the helm and not the state.
The churches in our country for several hundred years spoke out about candidates and were leading voices on so called ‘political’ issues. That all changed in 1954. There is no constitutional or biblical reason why churches shouldn’t be able to speak out about candidates or political issues. The Johnson Amendment stifles freedom of speech for churches across America.