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Father, we pray that You would change the hearts and minds of Israel's leaders. Show them, God, how valuable the lives of the unborn are to you.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Following the Supreme Court’s decision on Friday, Israel loosened their abortion restrictions, criticizing the U.S. in the process.

From Yahoo News. Israel on Monday eased its regulations on abortion access in what the country’s health minister said was a response to last week’s “sad” U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.

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The new rules, approved by a parliamentary committee, grant women access to abortion pills through the country’s universal health system and remove a longstanding requirement that women appear physically before a special committee before they are permitted to terminate a pregnancy….

Under the new rules, Israeli women will now have access to abortion pills at their local health clinics. They also will no longer need to physically appear before an abortion approval committee, and the application form will be shortened and simplified.

Abortion approval committees have been heavily criticized in Israel over the years. While most requests are approved, women have objected to being subject to bureaucracy and a humiliating and intrusive process. Women also can face long wait times before they can be seen by a committee.

Instead, the process will be digitized, and a requirement to meet with a social worker will become optional. The new regulations are set to take effect in three months….

How are you praying for Israel as its government pursues evil? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Yahoo News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Pam Figueroa
June 29, 2022

It is amazing to me how patient our God has been with America and Israel. His love truly is above anything we can think or imagine, long suffering, patient and kind – even without reason. We (people the world over) have given Him every reason to destroy us and this earth He made. Yet, I cry for continued mercy to Father God while at the same time praying for hearts to be broken for what breaks His so that repentance from every heart and mouth happens. Whatever it takes to cleanse us and this earth I pray for It and bind abortion from this earth to include even the thought of it. I pray that blood be in the taste of every mouth that is for it and that the pain the child feels will be felt by the woman equal to what the child feels as it is being removed from its mothers womb. Whatever it takes Father… I pray for the end of abortion today and that this prayer echos until it is. Amen

June 29, 2022

Heavenly Father, God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting, have mercy on Your people Israel! I pray that while the states in the U.S. continues to tighten abortion restrictions, it will affect and soften the hearts of the lawmakers in Israel. Have mercy on the unborn and the mothers with pregnancy crises in Israel! Save them from this evil and the snare of the devil. May You raise Your faithful servants to minister to these mothers, serving their practical and spiritual needs, and strengthen the ministry that has been dedicated to this area. In Jesus’ name, please stop this evil in Israel! Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer. In Yeshua’s name, amen.

June 28, 2022

It is amazing that supposedly intelligent people either can’t or won’t read the Supreme Court decision involved in overturning Roe ON THE FEDERAL LEVEL!!! It was sent back to the States where it came from 49 years ago! The Blessing for America is that after the overturn many of us repented for America’s sin of murder and the curse is now off of our nation. Israel has often been rebellious to the Will of GOD and been turned over to their enemies many times according to scripture! FATHER GOD I ask for mercy for those in Israel that are serving YOU in Spirit and in Truth! Protect them and let them be a holy influence to the rebellious ones! I bind the spirit of murder hovering over Israel and ask that they be delivered from sin in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Ashley Dickenson
June 28, 2022

How tragic of Israel, God’s special nation. How equally tragic that they view the SCOTUS’ decision as ‘sad’.
More terminations in Israel: less Israelis while the Arab – Palestinian population grows. Will this mean the future demise of the Jewish State?
Israel has missed the point.

Janet Ryan
June 28, 2022

I guess that might be too sarcastic. Very sad!

June 28, 2022

Lord Yeshua, we pray for the leaders of Israel, and the people. Open their hearts to see the value of life from the mothers’ wombs. We pray for restoration of the fear of the Lord and righteousness in Israel.

Janet Ryan
June 28, 2022

Oh, great! Is that a tourist draw?

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