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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, open our eyes to evil. May we not be like the boiled frog--unaware of our surroundings until we have consumed. Give us courage to sound the alarm!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Cuban people have suffered under the tyranny of Communism for over 50 years and the recent protests in Cuba should remind every American of the economic, moral and social devastation that comes with Marxism. As our own government and institutions force Critical Race Theory, censorship and massive government programs upon us and seek to change our economy through massive spending programs, a warning should be sounded. We can not sit silent in response to the Cuban people seeking freedom.  We need to pray for those in Cuba and for our own country to reject tyranny.

Suppression from the government, censorship, shortages and poverty brought about the mass protests in Cuba that we recently saw in the news. Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) recently stated, “They said to me, ‘Man, it’s so bad.’ Not only did they shut down the internet, but they were like, ‘There was a 12-year-old kid who was in the crowd at the protests. The police, the military police threw him on the ground, hit him with the butt of their gun in the back of his neck, broke his neck. He’s now paralyzed from the neck down.’” Donalds stated this in a recent interview for the Daily Signal.

Donalds continued, “The Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro is one of the most murderous regimes on the face of the planet. Unfortunately, this is what happens when nations fall into the hands of Marxism, communism, socialism, because in order for the “government to thrive,” they have to take everything from the people.”  So what is behind this revolt? Simply lack! Lack of the necessities of life, lack of freedom and an economy that can’t sustain the island. Some falsely blame a longtime U.S. embargo against Cuba but the U.S. embargo does not include food and medicine.

The Chair of the American Conservative Union, Matt Schlapp said “We demand immediate and swift action from President Biden to rally global support for the Cuban cause of freedom against the horrific evils of communism.”

Over sixty years of human rights abuses under the Marxist regime initiated by Fidel Castro has led to this desperation in the Cuban people. During the protest in Havana, Cubans were waiving the American Flag. They know our flag represents freedom! “Abajo la Dictadura!” “Down with the Dictatorship!” “Those are the chants we’re hearing on the streets of Cuba!” said Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. She is the daughter of political refugees who fled the Castro regime. During her speech, she mentioned there are over 500 political prisoners now and the regime has cut off the internet to torture the Cuban people.

What about China and their influence in the U.S.? As an act to defend our homeland security, U.S. Congressman Chip Roy introduced a bill by the name of Securing America’s Land from Foreign Interference Act to block members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from purchasing public or private lands in the United States. The lawmaker told the Epoch Times, “There have been a number of disturbing stories in the recent years … where we’ve seen the land being acquired in the United States of America by Chinese interests … and very obvious ties to the Chinese Communist Party.” In a recent press release by Congressman Roy, the act will ensure Texas land never comes into the control of the CCP. Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows that foreign investors control nearly 30 million acres of U.S. farmland, roughly the size of Ohio. Texas has the second highest amount of foreign ownership with 3 million acres under foreign control.

  • In Texas, a Chinese based energy company purchased more than 130,000 acres of land near Laughlin Air Force Base and is now attempting to build a wind farm to access the U.S. power grid.
  • In Australia, China is the second largest foreign owner of land and a Chinese real estate company bought an Australian island and then blocked Aussie residents from living there.
  • In 1993, China paid the Australian government to lease the Merredin airport for 100 years. Now China owns the airspace and Australian citizens can’t land in their own country without approval from the Chinese government.

Congresswomen Kat Cammack has co-sponsored legislation H.R, 3264 or Domain Critical to Homeland Security Act. “I recently co-sponsored legislation, H.R. 3264, that requires DHS to analyze various sectors of the economy and identify whether there exists a present or future threat to homeland security. It also requires the secretary of Homeland Security to produce an annual report on these risks to be presented to the public and Congress. This bill is not a quick fix to all our supply chain problems, but it is an important first step for DHS to identify where problem areas exist and begin to fix them. As a nation, we must identify weaknesses in the ability of the public and private sector to recover from disaster events and overcome domestic scarcity of goods in the case of a crisis. Florida and our municipalities must be honest about the threats we face from China via partnerships, financial transactions, or business acquisitions.”

Be sure to visit the new Pray for America’s Leaders website to pray for your state leaders and those from all over the Nation! If you missed last Thursday’s webcast on The Warning Signs of Communism with special guest Congresswoman Kat Cammack and Rev. Rafael Cruz please click here. Also, please click here to download a copy of IFA’s newest special report,

And join us live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm ET —IFApray.org/LIVE or (713) 775-7430.

How are you praying about the protection of Constitutional freedoms in America? Please share in the comments section.

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July 24, 2021

I rebuke and bind the spirits of socialism, communism and facisim. Release our nation from this welfare deception based on greed and convenience for the purpose of government control, which would result in the enslavement of the nation’s people by the government, a set up for the antichrist.
Open all the people’s hearts and minds of all nations to the manipulation and the lies. Expose all the truth about these failed experiments in other nations. Thank you for the countries that are presently revealing these truths, like Venezuela, Cuba, South Africa, and China. Thank You for the occurrences of worldwide protests of patriots pushing back on globalism.
I know the devil is trying to rush the timetable in order to nullify the great harvest. But he will not have his way. According to Job 42:2: “I know that You God can do all things; no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” I declare that You Father can do all things You instead will thwart the enemy’s plans attempting to stop Your glory, the great outpouring of Your Spirit upon all flesh. The devil will actually play straight into Your hands so that the people will decry the lies and seek You, the One True God, and billions will be saved from the devil’s strongholds and socialist mindsets, slavery of sin, through the Gospel of Truth. Jesus is Lord. In Him, I release this prayer. Amen!

Joni Debord
July 24, 2021

oh my. Heavenly Father, I praise Your Name for it’s in You we put our trust. give our leaders godly wisdom and turn our hearts to you. Protect our land from all those who would seek to overpower us and strengthen us by Your might. In Jesus name I pray.

Darlene Estlow
July 24, 2021

Father, continue to awaken us to the Satanic threats against our country. May we stand in repentance and pray for you righteousness over our country. We praise you for what you are doing. May we be faithful.

Susan CC
July 24, 2021

We must not grow weary in prayer. “Prayer does not equip us for greater works— prayer is the greater work…Prayer is the battle, and it makes no difference where you are. However God may engineer your circumstances, your duty is to pray…When you labor at prayer, from God’s perspective there are always results.” October 17th is one of my favorite Oswald Chambers messages, one that is emblazoned on my heart. Father in Heaven, thank you for Your love. Jesus, thank You for your death which gave us who believe, access to Your Father, now ours. Holy Spirit, thank You for a continued empowering as we pray in the Name of Jesus Christ and for all prayers in us which we cannot utter ourselves. As a nation Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw us, keep us, and save us. Amen


Karen E. Kendrick
July 24, 2021

Lord we know what a threat China is to our nation & the world and everywhere communism
lands there is only destruction & misery for the people by a ideology that only wants to control and is godless.
Everywhere they go they destroy everything that is good(satan’s agenda)
So we pray for Cuban people and China’s people and North Korea’ people & Venezuela’s people that you would bring your freedom to them and let us keep fighting in prayer and all other means for our own Prescious country of America..the land of the brave & home of the free…as I believe You Lord are on the move for 1st our country & then all others from this tyrannical agenda.
Praise Your Holy Name🙏🔥🙏


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