Intercessors: Prepare to Stand Faithful
Intercessors: Prepare to Stand Faithful
This analysis by IFA Contributing Writer Mavourene Robinson is written for Maryland but has applications for us all in the wake of the election returns.
Analysis. To most intercessors, it appeared that God’s choice for Maryland’s next governor was clear; we expected that our years of intercession would culminate with the election victory of Dan Cox and every America First candidates. Now that we know this is not the outcome, we are confronted with an opportunity to demonstrate our trust in God’s timing. Remembering “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” is always a ‘now’ word, how will we respond? (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Who is praying on the wall?
Unfortunately, Maryland is among the most radically liberal and progressive states in America and has been for decades. Our rebellion did not begin in 2016. For example, Maryland codified abortion into our constitution in 1991, ensuring that if the Supreme Court ever overturned Roe, our state can continue child sacrifice. Still, during the Maryland Legislature’s 2022 Session, Democrats rose to another level of evil by writing bills legalizing perinatal infanticide, elder euthanasia, child brides, and codifying sexual exploitation into school curricula. After decades of swamp-level infiltration and control within every level of government, education, healthcare, social services, religion, media, infrastructure, and private industry, radical Communist and Progressive policy and agendas abound. Unfortunately, many faith-based and parachurch organizations went along with this.
It seems that the overall wealth and comfort afforded to Maryland’s corrupt leaders and their beneficiaries has strengthened the establishment’s resolve to stay their anti-American course. When exposed, few have been brought to justice and fewer have proven willing to go quietly into the night or to do the right thing. We witness a rebellious, prideful, entitled nature. No remorse and no shame. Some would say they are stiff-necked people.
In prayer, I have been repeatedly reminded about God’s mercy that precedes His heavy hand of judgment when people refuse every opportunity to turn. I believe that this campaign cycle was one last opportunity for Maryland’s corrupt leaders, compromising churches’ voters, and the willfully uninformed to turn — to somehow relent and choose a better way. Instead, they have doubled down.
Biblically, the most wicked and rebellious of all, the stiff-necked all required severe humbling that led to repentance. Personally, my turn toward Christ and Christ alone proceeded a breaking process whereby my only hope came when I cried out “Jesus, save me!” Unfortunately, on the campaign trail and during prayerful observation I recognized that the vast majority still need to be brought to the end of themselves. I still believe that God will ultimately have Maryland. However, more than the land, God desires to have the people of Maryland, the prodigals, know that He is God. He wants a full, abundant harvest. Today begins the rest of Maryland’s breaking process. We, His ecclesia, are the beneficiaries of God’s grace; chosen as ones who sow and water the fields. God will get the increase.
What can we do? We must resolve to praise the LORD and to continue evangelizing and contending for our faith. Rather than withdraw, become offended by God, or engage in personal backbiting and attacks, together we must continue advancing. How? Through spiritual warfare and active political engagement. We have already taken much ground. We must not retreat. Finally, we must prepare ourselves and our children for the opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ toward those who will experience judgment in the months to come. Unless the LORD sends us to another place, we must stand strong in the power of His might until breakthrough manifests.
Will you accept this challenge? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Mavourene Robinson is a homeschool mom, author, and intercessor. A former Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR), Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017/18 and the Maryland Senate in 2022. A life-long learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. Photo Credit: Jack Sharp on Unsplash.
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The Lord said that a changing of the guard is coming. It is going to be worldwide. HE doesn’t need man’s elections to accomplish that. What HE does to change the guard and when HE changes the guard is all under HIS control, BUT rest assured HE IS GOING TO CHANGE THE GUARD!
AMEN!!!What true and great words spoken! This truly is the right mindset to have for children of the MOST HIGH GOD, our faithful Heavenly Father! He has heard our prayers and decrees, and He will watch over His words to perform them. It is He Who has led us to pray the way we have because it IS His will to save America! We must trust Him, keep our eyes on Him, and believe that He has good plans that He will bring to pass. We just need to wait patiently and continue to be about our Father’s buisness!
by Eva
In a world filled with hatred, violence, and crime,
Great depression, sorrow, and woe,
There is still hope for you, dear child.
I wouldn’t tell you if it were not so.
You’re of great value; you’re not a mistake
As the Devil would want you to believe.
G-D loves you more than you’ll ever know.
Trust in Him, precious one, and receive.
His Salvation awaits you with opened arms.
Look to the Cross, to Christ’s victory!
No greater love will you ever find
Than the love displayed there to set you free.
Turn to G-D and turn away from your sins.
Allow Jesus to enter your heart.
True peace and joy will then flood your soul;
His Holy Spirit to you He’ll impart.
He’ll lead you and guide you everyday.
Through the Bible, you’ll discover His ways.
His truth shall uphold you wherever you go
If you will follow His Voice and obey.
It’s not “by chance” you are reading this note.
G-D’s love has been drawing you through the years.
He knows who you are and where you have been.
He knows your anguish, your doubts, and your fears.
It’s my solemn prayer you’ll surrender your life
To the One Who is called “Faithful and True”.
Your new life can begin this very day.
The decision, child, is now left to you.
“For G-D so loved the world, that He gave His only
begotten Son [Christ Jesus] that whosoever
believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting
life.” – John 3:16
Father I thank you and praise you in the midst of everything happening around us. Your ways truly are higher, this I know full well. Therefore, I trust you and stand on the Solid Rock, your Holy Son, my Lord Jesus and His firm foundation that you so graciously loved us to give, as he went to the cross to make atonement for our sins to forgive us, to have mercy upon us & redeem your children from the hand of the enemy, even when we did not deserve your salvation. In Victory of your resurrection power Our Savior King Jesus lives today—HalleluYAH! I humbly pray that you fill us a fresh Holy Ghost with your fire to be salt & light on your earth for kingdom come & your will be done. I am declaring Victory to your people & my nation, USA that was raised up by you on the same foundation you choice to save us for all eternity with —Arise O Lord as we declare your Glory across this nation and your Righteousness that exalts a nation and the hearts of your people rejoicing in the land because you of your judgements, your goodness, your mercy and your salvation , in Jesus name Amen
Stand up * Look up * Rejoice!!!
Luke 21:28
Will “Exceptionalism” Stand’
Dear Lord I pray for Maryland, please bring salvation to the people of Maryland, help them to turn to your ways and right the wrongdoing that they have put into motion upon the people there. Save the people of Maryland!
Pray for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania also. Heathens elected a brain dead former mayor to the US Senator and a liberal state governor. Heathen sourced money financed those elections. Heathens on the US Supreme Court and in Congress put money above fairness in most recent decisions.
Maryland was named for our BLESSED MOTHER MARY who had a “choice” to make and who chose LIFE!!! How the evil one has blinded our nation and smeared Our Lady’s Name! MARY who brought ETERNAL LIFE to the world has her name attached to a state who celebrates DEATH OF THE INNOCENTS!!! THROUGH THE SAKE OF HIS SORROWFUL PASSION, HAVE MERCY ON US AND IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!
I am in total agreement with author Mavourene Robinson’s post and her prayer.
We must never stop crying out to God for His mercy as we continue in prayer and praise. Never!
This is how we got ourselves and our country into the mess we are in.
Please continue in daily prayer, praise and fasting. There is so much more God wants to do but He needs active participants like never before.
He is just getting started and so are we!
Amen…??? and Amen!
From Barbara:
Correction to my reply to Mavourene Robinson’s analysis and prayer;
I did not mean to say “There is so much more God wants to do but He “needs” achieve participants like never before.
I wanted to write He DESIRES active participants like never before. God really doesn’t need us.
We need God.
Do I hear an Amen ???… and Amen!