Intercessors, Pray for David’s Tent!
Intercessors, Pray for David’s Tent!
The Lord has been showing IFA the important place of praise and worship in national intercession. David’s Tent has been meeting in constant, 24/7 prayer and worship since 2015. Now, the National Park Service is trying to remove them. IFA received this message from Jason Hershey, director of David’s Tent DC:
If you can rally prayer in any way you feel best, we need it now.
Post a prayer for your state!
First, what is David’s Tent?
David’s Tent DC has hosted a continual 24/7/365 worship and prayer vigil on the National Mall since September 11, 2015. David’s Tent derives its name from the Biblical King David who chose to lead Israel in like manner, employing 4,288 musicians and singers to minister to the Lord continuously in Jerusalem. Literally 24 hours a day, in a 300 person wedding tent, outside, in the heart of DC, thousands of worship teams have taken part, from all 50 states, many nations, and especially various churches and ministries from the local DC, MD, and VA region. This musical prayer meeting has been going nonstop now over six and a half years as intercession for America, with the motto, “Jesus is Worthy!”
David’s Tent mobilizes worship teams and intercessors in DC, with each state taking one week per year. This week is Tennessee Week. A team from Tennessee is hosting six hours per day of worship and prayer at the tent. The rest of the schedule is rounded out by David’s Tent full time staff, local volunteers, and individual sign ups. Green Acres Baptist Church Youth Choir from Tyler, Texas took 2 hours this week. A Russian church takes every Saturday morning. A Church from Puerto Rico takes each Sunday afternoon. Antioch Church DC has every Sunday morning and Justice House of Prayer every Friday night. Grace Capitol City worships at David’s Tent every Monday night. It’s an incredible display of unity, prayer, worship, and witness around the clock. Thirty-three people have been led to the Lord in the last two months by the David’s Tent team in DC.
What is the urgent prayer need?
Seated on the National Mall, David’s Tent must comply with National Park Service rules and regulations, including permitting. We have done all our due diligence, submitting permit applications a year in advance and staying on top of our paperwork.
We were notified by the National Park Service about a month ago that due to the set-up and tear-down of July 4th celebrations in DC, they have no place for David’s Tent from June 21 – July 25. This would mean the interruption of over 6.75 years of continuous vigil.
To be clear, David’s Tent is still running right now, at a temporary place by the WW2 memorial until June 21. After July 25, we could restart back at our normal place at 7th street NW on the main stretch of the Mall.
We have been trying to negotiate with the NPS to find a way to meet their needs, and satisfy our rights to continue. They are stonewalling our pursuits, with the words, “Sorry, we are just so busy.” What I know is that they prioritize what they want. We do believe there are transgressions happening on the part of the NPS toward David’s Tent in this regard. Somehow, we must find a way to continue that is consistent with our message that “Jesus deserves to be central.”
We are one step away from rallying our influence group to calling their congressional representatives, getting lawyers involved, and putting significant pressure on the NPS. This is an interesting political battle. We are fighting for the worth of Jesus in our nation.
Before we do that, our team is going to fast and pray for 3 days, from Wednesday, June 1 at sundown until Friday, June 3 at sundown.
Will you please fast and pray with us over these next three days? America, are we really going to fumble the ball of 24/7 worship and prayer on our temple mount (so to speak) ?!
God prophetically spoke to us last summer saying, “Don’t stop at 6!” So we are believing God to be faithful to keep us going all of year 7. He won’t ask us to do what He himself isn’t going to back us up on.
Share your prayers for the David’s Tent ministry in our nation’s capital! And please share their prayer need with others.
(From Jason Hershey, David’s Tent DC. Photo Credit: Dreamstime)
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I have worshipped at David’s Tent on two occasions of a Prayer Summit in Washington DC. Both were very inspiring and edifying experiences.
I pray that the Lord hear our prayers and keep David’s Tent open and running in the nation’s capital..
Oh, Victory in JESUS, the hymn, is what came to my mind as I read this! I declare victory in HIS name that David’s Tent prevails! All glory to our great GOD!
Kindest Father and Ruler in the Heavens, We know you make decrees from your throne room in heaven for us, your family -remnant here on earth and we need your mighty intervention for David’s Tent, our National House Of Prayer. Encounter the decision makers of the National Park Service with a sudden blast of Holy Spirit like Acts 2 and change their hearts and their minds including a righteous decision for their own salvation and their families’. We decree visions & dreams of the Tent before them night and day so they cannot stop thinking about the Tent. You have skirted the path of tornadoes around the Tent to preserve it and you will preserve it again. Yeshua the only true God will be worshiped on our National Mall in Spirit and in Truth! He is worthy!Thank you Abba! Thank you! —David’s Tent State Coordinator for Michigan
Thank You Lord for this amazing display of faithfulness by these musicians/worshippers!! We ask that You would honor them by taking away any interference or obstacle and allow them to continue uninterrupted. And while You are orchestrating this breakthrough, we boldly ask that You kindly redeem every park service member connected with this project. Turn hearts of stone to flesh as only You can do, and use this as yet another testimony of the Power of Heaven in every situation that looks impossible!! Praise Be!!!
Lord Jesus, we come before the gates of Heaven and present our case to our Heavenly Father. We ask that you make a way where there is no way. Move hearts, give the ones opposing this hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone. We ask that the fear of God fall on them. God you are our advocate in Jesus Name Amen.
No weapon formed ⚔️⚔️⚔️
Dear God in heaven we come boldly before your throne little children and thank you that you will supernaturally make away where there is no way for David‘s tent to continue uninterrupted Praising your Holy Name in Washington DC. Thank you Lord for opening doors and getting results. For 6 years the Fourth of July was not a problem – we know that you can bend the hearts and minds of anyone- so we thank you for making a way where there is no way. In Jesus’s mighty name we pray. Amen
Amen – Thank you for your intercession!
Lord David’s tent is for your Glory. You Lord hold all things together and have power over every king, government entity and person. Lord may David’s Tent not be moved may God of the Armies of Heaven move in NPS to take away the demand for David’s Tent to be temporarily moved. As Your Kingdom will never be moved, may You hold the line of David’s tent to Your Glory. Amen
All the Angles sing Holy, Holy, Holy And the Bride and the Spirit say Holy Holy, Holy, is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Let all the earth declare His praise, for He alone is Worthy, Yes YESHUA, JESUS, YOU ARE WORTHY OF ALL PRAISE!!! The tabernacle/tent of David shall remain in Jesus mighty name.
I will praying as a Nationwide and Global Esther Fast with Moral Outcry/ The Justice Foundation and Holy Nation is taking place today 6/2/22 thru Saturday sundown 6/4/22. I’ve been to David’s Tent DC and am so grateful it’s there! IHOPKC with Mike Bickle just installed on on Harry Truman’s old property for 24 hour worship and Intercession for Israel!
David Tent with all the prayers & worshipers MUST remain 24/7’s until our nation turns around, fences on our national grounds removed & Illegitimate leadership throughout the house & senate & presidential seat & the Whitehouse is removed & the legitimate winner of the past election is rectified.
Praise and glory
and wisdom and thanks and honor
and power and strength
be to our God for ever and ever.
This is the first time I have heard about this worthy prayer service. We need prayer in the belly of the beast every day 24/7.
I will spread the word and hope others will also.
amen and amen! Praise is essential in this battle. Father, keep it going. May David’s Tent continue to give praise and glory to you!
I did not know this has been happening steadily but am grateful to find out about the steady services. Praise God !! I will add my prayers to yours.
Amen!! “Jesus deserves to be central”
I am glad this is happening. I had never heard of this.
Lord Jesus, I know where You are right now: You are seated at the right hand of The Majesty on High. I know why You are there: You wait for Your enemies to be made Your footstool. Blessed be Your name. Vindicate David’s Tent. Give them the victory. And to Your name be the praise.
Lord we pray that You will intervene in this matter and save David’s Tent. I pray we as Christians will humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven forgive our sin and heal our land. We, as Christians need to stand up for what the Bible says. Thank You Lord for this promise. Move us to do Your will. In Jesus nam I pray. Amen.
My kids and I went to David’s Tent recently and joined in on the worship. This is a ministry worth fighting for. I stand with you in prayer!
Lord I pray for the continuation of David’s Tent, let there be no break in their praying 24/7. Please work in the situation at hand with the National Park Service to make accommodation for them to continue prayer without interruption. Please intervene in the matter Lord Jesus. Thank you!
How would one give to the David’s Tent ministry ?
Almighty God, Sustainer of Life, Provider, Chief Justice of the Universe, You deserve all Honor, Praise and Worship 24/7 on earth as it is in Heaven. Holy, Holy, Holy are You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are Glorious and I bow before You Jesus/Yeshua King of kings and Lord of lords and am anticipating Your arrival as my soon coming Bridegroom.
I decree that David’s tent shall prevail
“And I looked, and, hinei, the SEH (Lamb, Ex 12:3; Isa 53:7 Moshiach) having taken his stand on Mount Tziyon and with him the 144,000 having ha-Shem of him and ha-Shem of HaAv of him which had been written on their metsakhim (foreheads).”
Hisgalus 14:1 OJB
Therefore, as it is written do as WORD OF GOD says and David’s Tent will see 7, enjoying, having taken his stand.
Father, the number 7 is significant to you and your kingdom. Change the hearts and mind of the National Parks Service to allow David’s Tent to remain on the Mall in Washington, DC. Father we need your presence in our country and our government more than ever. Your remnant are standing firm believing that you will do a miracle in this. Thank you, Father, for hearing our prayers. Amen
I stand upon God’s word that says “ I will build My church and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail!”
Thank you Jesus!
Father, we pray that You would bless and empower David’s Tent. Move in the hearts of the National Park Service to allow them to continue their worship and prayer. We ask that you would give the leaders wisdom as they look to maintain a witness for you and be allowed to continue 24/7 worship at the present location. Give them the words, the actions, the love that it takes along with the confidence that they are moving according to Your will toward the goal. By the power of the Father, in the name of Jesus, according to the Holy Spirit,
Heavenly Father, please change hearts and minds, and move the mountains that only You can move to allow David’s tent to continue and in the place that You want it to be. Thank You for all the unity that is displayed when so many different churches from all over the country participate in lifting up Jesus’s name. We pray You will make a way for David’s tent to continue, a way that only You can make, to Your honor and glory, so that Your praise can continue uninterrupted. Even so, if we are silenced, “the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:40) “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
In times like these we need a place of prayer, like David’s Tent. In the name of the Lord please allow this holy place to continue.
Father God, Please send dreams and visions of the Man in White to all in authority in the NPS so that David’s Tent can continue their prayer and worship without interruption. I pray this in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you YHVH for David’s tent! It is Your miracle that it started, it is YOUR miracle that it has continued this long and we are asking, Father Nissi, do it again. Provide for the place You desire to be worshipped, not the place they want to put Your tent! Move their hearts to put Your tent EXACTLY where You want it! We trust that it’s already done! I call down from Heaven, “it’s done!” I praise Your holy Name! Thank you for Your faithfulness in Your David’s Tent and thank you for David’s Tent. You said better is one day in Your courts than a thousand years elsewhere, lift up Your courts/tent like never before!
Amen, amen, AMEN!
YHWH, You are the God who not only moves mountains, but you also move mountain ranges. We ask that the right persons in the NPS will stand up for David’s Tent, allowing this 7th year of praise qnd worship to be completed. All to your glory and honor.
In the name of your only Son, Yeshua we pray,
Praying David’s Tent will continue
Heavenly Father, we pray for Your intervention to stop those involved in wanting to disturb our Praise and worship for You. We put the pressure ion You Lord. For with You, nothing is impossible..
I had no idea David’s Tent existed! I am deeply grateful for their prayers and dedication.
Lord, place Your hand upon whoever is standing in the way of Your declared will. Cause them to change their minds, move them out of the way, or let them be overruled by someone higher up. Bring in whatever Congressional representatives, lawyers, or other officials are needed to place massive pressure on the National Park Service. Let nothing stand in the way of these dedicated intercessors.
Hear their prayers and ours. Amen!
FATHER GOD we claim them to be able to obey YOU and keep the praying going on the national mall! We bind satan interfering through wicked men! FATHER GOD please send laborers to every person involved in this decision and we claim them for salvation in JESUS Name! Amen!
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! Lord, if You said, don’t stop, then You will make a way!