I Prayed have prayed
Holy Spirit, lead us. Wake us up to Your work and Your ways. Thank You, Father, for this powerful testimony.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Incredible things are happening in IFA state groups. IFA Ohio is convinced they experienced a “glimpse into” what the days ahead may look like and how Holy Spirit will prepare us and how we have to be prepared. Don’t miss this powerful story.

We have got to be led by the Holy Spirit. We can no longer just take everything for granted.” — Cookie Eckels

The IFA Ohio state prayer call was about to begin on a recent Sunday evening. As is usually the case, intercessors join in at various times, and some are early. People were saying hello and engaging in conversation. At 6:57 p.m., one of our intercessors, Cookie, came on and with a heightened voice identified herself and said: “I am at Easton Mall in Columbus, and I am in the middle of an active-shooter situation. One person is dead. One person is wounded. The shooter has not been caught. And no one is allowed to leave. We need prayer.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


OH-IFA intercessors IMMEDIATELY took a STAND and started PRAYING. People were coming onto the call as we prayed. Cookie stayed on the call but was “muted.”

Holy Spirit directed the whole time of intercession. The intercessors were very sensitive to what Holy Spirit was saying, and they would pray, release, and declare as directed: Scriptures, very specific prayers, words from the Lord.

When most everyone had logged on, we repeated what Cookie had said so everyone would know what we were praying about and could join in.

Everything on the OH-IFA outline was altered. The intercessors jumped right in, praying Ephesians 6 and Psalm 91 for this active-shooter situation.

We concluded with praise Scriptures that we pray on every call.

Holy Spirit took our “outline” and used things where and when He needed them.

As we were praying, in my mind I privately and quietly asked the Lord: “How long do You want us to pray?” I kept hearing 7:20 p.m.  We prayed up to 7:20 p.m., and then the Lord gave us release. The situation at Easton was resolved at 7:39 p.m.

There were several “learning TAKEAWAYS”:

1. BE ULTRA-SENSITIVE TO HOLY SPIRIT. The Lord had been preparing us all week.

ALL week the Lord was impressing upon me that He was going to lead the call. He had something He wanted to release. This was confirmed as Ohio state prayer co-leader Karen Wolford and I were preparing the OH-IFA Prayer Points — we sensed the Father had something He wanted to release on the call, and He wasn’t telling us in advance. We just knew we were to come to the call with clean hands and a pure heart and to listen VERY INTENTLY to Holy Spirit.

The opening sentence to our Prayer Points prepared the OH-IFA intercessors to be ready to listen to Holy Spirit:

“Sunday’s prayer call is going to be different. We will have only one item of business, and then we will move into an open time of worship and prayer. We will surrender to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.”

(The Lord had been preparing Cookie all week. He had awakened her each night and had her in His word for at least an hour. She listed several other things with the summation: “He has been keeping my attention on HIM.”)

On the day of the scheduled prayer call, Cookie’s family was celebrating her grandson’s 21st birthday in a restaurant at the mall where the shooting happened. It was the only time they could all get together.

Here’s what Cookie said about the experience:

I want to let you know how KEY it is to follow the leading of the Spirit. When our grandson said this was the only time he had for us to celebrate his 21st birthday, we made it happen. But I decided to take my papers, pen, and everything I would need for the prayer call in case we weren’t back by 7. Then I made the decision to take my notebook and pens and paper in the restaurant rather than leave them in the car. My husband thought that was crazy, but I kept it all on my lap. Had I not taken them I could not have returned to the car and gotten them. OBEY THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT. When we started to get up and leave, the waiter informed us we could not leave. The shooting happened at 6:15 p.m. I joined in the call about 6:53 or so, just after we were informed. I was totally at peace at all time.

Yesterday when I looked at my stove clock, I saw 9:11. I felt that was a warning to stay alert. I feel we passed the test. It was off-the-chart listening to your prayers. I would have sobbed in gratitude had I not been with others. My heart was BURSTING with gratitude for you intercessors, on my behalf and on behalf of all the citizens of Ohio.

I had been led of the Holy Spirit the whole day. Felt like “no.” I knew that I had to be on this call. No, just go. Take my EarPods. Never do I take my earplugs, my notebook, my papers for the call. I was prepared with everything I needed for the call in the restaurant. The waiter gave me a private room and kept me informed on everything. I felt the prayers like a cuddly blanket.

We have got to be led by the Holy Spirit; we can no longer just take everything for granted.

The shooter was a 13-year-old. If we hadn’t been praying, who knows what the outcome would have been … Easton was PACKED with people.

God said He was going to “use nobodies from nowhere, and they are going to change nations.” At different times things have occurred, and Cookie has asked: “Is this it?” And the Lord has responded: “No. It’s big.”

2. We are going to find ourselves in emergency situations that require an immediate response. Be prepared with God’s word. Be sensitive to Holy Spirit. Listen. Obey. Do and respond as directed by Holy Spirit.

3. Literally, we are going to be watchers on the wall. An immediate response will be necessary.

4. Be courageous. Do not fear. (The only fear we are permitted and encouraged to have is the “fear of the Lord.”)

Share this article to encourage your fellow intercessors!

(Photo Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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October 19, 2023

This is another magnificent story of how Christ works in our daily lives. So wonderful toCa have him as our guide and Savior.

Deborah Ryder
September 24, 2023

Lord, you are setting up the watchman in the walls.
Staying alert to every opportunity to intercede while moving about our directed paths.

Prayer is a powerful weapon, walls come tumbling down, in Jesus’ Name!

Susan Holt-Stack
September 23, 2023

Happy Autumn 🍁🍁

Johnette Beaver
September 17, 2023

Abba, lead us your children into the sanctuary of you peace. Lead and guide our hearts, minds, spirits and bodies to be exactly where and when you want us to be. May our spirits always be focused on you and not on our situations. Guard our hearts and minds from all fear or intimidation from the enemy. We are in YOU and we are greater than anything the enemy wants to do. Make us aware of our surroundings at all times without anxiety or confusion. Keep is clear minded and filled with your spirit as we are lead forward during this time. You gave us dream and visions of 9/11 and many more should have perished but for the faithfulness of your saints. May we continue to be ever vigilant on the wall as you have called us to be the watchmen who stand guard to intervene in intercession at all times. In the precious name of Yashua Amen

September 15, 2023

Is there regularly a group intercessors call?
[email protected]

    John Sipley
    September 16, 2023

    Yes. If you go to either the top of this page or the main page click on “Community” then “State Prayer Groups”. On the “State Prayer Groups” page scroll down and find the information concerning your state’s “State Prayer Call” which will give you Day, time, Phone number & access code to join the call. Click on “View More” for additional information.

Karen Stavrinakis
September 15, 2023

This impacted me, I have been heeding the Holy Spirit’s call to “wake up!” We must be ready, thank you for sharing this story, so powerful!

Ellen Hoffman
September 15, 2023

I have felt this very same theme in my spirit. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and prepared, ready to speak, intervene, whatever He requests. Of course, we do our part and the Lord will do the rest – even giving us the words!

Christine Stott
September 14, 2023

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ everyone around the globe is in desperate need of Your help, we have been deceived by the enemy (the devil) for decades upon decades, only You can undo the damage done by the enemy. Only You can stop him in his tracks, only You can destroy all his evil plans that he has for us.

Sylvia Rosario
September 14, 2023

The Lord has been saying Isaiah 43:19

September 14, 2023

Praise the mighty name of Jesus for his amazing work on the behalf of all the people of God who pray!!! Praise the Lord that we invite the Holy Spirit to pray through us when we don’t know what he wants us to pray for amen!!

September 14, 2023

Praise the Lord for his leading

Sherman Thompson
September 14, 2023

Lost sight in left eye from 2nd injection
Have not Taken any other vaccine since
I’m 83 in October

    September 14, 2023

    Please don’t get any more; they don’t help and will only shorten your life.

    September 15, 2023

    Lord, we ask for a reversal of all ill effects from these vaccines, for a miraculous healing of Sherman’s eye–full restoration of sight, in Jesus’ Name & for His Glory!

Sherry Menchaca
September 14, 2023

These are exciting times if we will only listen to Holy Spirit and allow him to lead us it’s time for the ekklesia to take her place .I praise God for what’s happening around our nation we need to give glory to our father in heaven ,and not the devil .we will stand up for truth and righteousness and take back what the enemy has done through his lies and distortions we need to use our God given authority in prayer 🙏

Mari Williams
September 14, 2023

Proverbs 22:3 “A wise man sees trouble coming and avoids it.” This is the scripture that comes to me right at this very moment.
The Word of GOD and those holy nudges can save lives–perhaps even our own!
Our Father in Heaven, we are so very grateful that You are aware of all the dangerous situations that we need to avoid and thank you for all the doors that close in our lives to protect us from harm.. Thank you for ears to hear the still, small voice of Your Holy Spirit and to recognize quickly the warnings that you send our way. What a wonderful Father you are! Praise Your Holy Name!

Ron Glenn Deere
September 14, 2023

We just do not know the awesome power of prayer. Because of prayer, in the First World War, Allied pilots of planes in the air would be shot dead in the air and yet SOMEONE was piloting the plane! Of course, it was an angel. There are stories of battles in this war where the Allies were beaten and soon to be killed, BUT suddenly a battalion would come out of nowhere to defeat the Axis forces.
And then there is the Civil War. For the first two years, the South had either won or drawn every battle, BUT Northern Christians were praying. Then there was Antietam. Before, the battle, a rolled up piece of paper was found on the ground near Antietam. It was the battle plans of the South fallen out of a saddle bag! Now the North was ready for their plan! Finally, the North won this battle decisively, This turned the entire rest of the war toward the North. Finally, there was Appomattox.

    Maynard E Beck Sr.
    September 17, 2023

    We visited the site of the Civil War POW camp at Andersonville, Georgia.
    A true miracle happened at that camp when a spring of water opened after a lightning bolt struck a rock during a thunderstorm.
    I believe it was the prayer of Mothers of the prisoners that cleft the rock…

Susan Haall
September 14, 2023

Thank you for sharing. There is no doubt the Holy Spirit is working in those who invite him. Astoundiing.

Carolyn W Billington
September 14, 2023

Praise GOD, Thank you HOLY SPIRIT, glory to JESUS,

Lauri Roberts
September 14, 2023

Thank you Lord.

Rich Swingle
September 14, 2023

Praise the Lord!

Lord, keep us sensitive to your Spirit and ready for your assignments!

We pray over all who were traumatized by the incident in the mall. May they turn to You for your Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Bring those who don’t know You into Salvation!

Ann NMN Shaw
September 14, 2023

Almighty Father and Savior, grant that we would respond to the Holy Spirit as we pray. Open our hearts as well as our ears.

September 14, 2023

Glory to God! Only Heaven knows how many lives have been saved by faithful, Spirit led intercessors. Blessings on Cookie and the precious prayer warriors.

September 14, 2023

Hallelujah 🙌. Praise you Father God! We bless you and exalt you… Holy Spirit please keep our hearts, minds , ears and eyes open and attentive to your voice and leading in these days and for what is coming. In Jesus name .. Amen

September 14, 2023

Holy Spirit, make us willing vessels as we go through our daily lives here in this broken world! May we stay in tune with You, even while we carry out our daily tasks. We put our trust in Your leading and guidance.

Carol Lenz
September 14, 2023

The Lord has been speaking to me about abiding in Him. He wants to use us so we need to be ready. Thank you for sharing this powerful testimony of the Lord using His prayer warriors and watchmen to turn a serious situation around.

Ray Sheldon Jr
September 14, 2023

So glad to hear that situation was resolved. Sorry there was a life taken and praying the wounded individual recovers with no long-term damage or lasting effects.
It makes me wonder if the escaped prisoner from the Chester County jail could have been found sooner if there had been more of an organized prayer effort.
Thank you for all that you do to further the cause of Christ! Blessings.

    Maynard Beck Sr
    September 17, 2023

    A bloodhound would have found him in a matter of hours.

September 14, 2023

I love this testimony! The walk with the Lord , the sensitivity to the Holy Spirit no matter what anyone says…to be touched and used by Him— praise the Lord!!

Thomas W Chisler
September 14, 2023

Praying for the Holy Spirit to touch our lives and direct us. Help us to be vigilant for his instructions.

Jeff Hilton
September 14, 2023

Amen – Cone Lord Jesus!

Brian Lynch
September 14, 2023

Praise God for His goodness!

Pamela Derrer
September 14, 2023

God bless you.
And Thank you, Jesus, that you listen to the Holy Spirit.
You are exactly right. We must listen to the Holy Spirit at all. Times. The Nations are on God’s mind . We must pray day and night and give Jesus no rest.
May we, the body of Christ, listen and obey Jesus.
Thank you for your testimony.

Allena Jordan
September 14, 2023

Father, I pray for all of Your people. May we all bow our knees, listen to and obey Your voice, believe that You hear our cries. May we all hear the still small voice of God for every moment in these days of correction. We can choose to fight the waves, or we can ride them, following where You lead. Oh, most Holy Father, You are great and greatly to be praised. You are our strong tower, our refuge and strength. Thank You! Amen.

Susan S - Alabama
September 14, 2023

Amazing testimony, about God using prayer during mall shooting, encourages us to obey Holy Spirit guidance.
Another favorite prayer report was in IFA’s “Miracles in Ukraine” article on web that included big wind suddenly blowing parachutes 🪂 of Russian soldiers back to their Russian side so they didn’t land on Ukranian soldiers (following soldier earlier telling his family in Ukraine to gather prayer support since Ukranians just got intelligence Russian paratroopers planned to land in their area. I was impressed because, unaware of any of this situation, I had “happened” to trustingly pray 1) for God to use weather (knowing Jesus calmed storm) to help Ukrainians (in conflict) and 2) for God to keep both Ukrainian and Russian soldiers alive longer so more time to turn wills to trust Jesus gospel and get saved. The “Miracles in Ukraine” report encouraged me God used my prayers, answering both requests! I’ve mentioned this parachute story at Christian academy where substitute. One student exclaimed, “You changed history!” During tornado alert at Christian academy where I substitute, to help students turn fear into trusting all-powerful, loving God, I told this God-controlling-weather-in-Ukraine story, Jesus calming storm, and 2 friends’ stories of, following praying for safety of loved ones, seeing tornado on radar split in two, going around on both sides missing people).

Grant R
September 14, 2023

Trusting God is key.
The Holy Spirit is powerful and we need to get ourselves out of our own way.
What a wonderful testimony.

Kathy - New York
September 14, 2023

Praise God you all were listening to Holy Spirit! That has been my word from Him also: “Listen closely”. Be intentional. In the last several weeks we’ve had two different back-to-back incidents that needed prayer that we would not have realized it was Holy Spirit leading these situations if we hadn’t been admonished to “Listen closely”. Both were resolved with a positive outcome. Amen! “Listen closely”.


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IFA President
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