I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that you would be glorified by this perpetual reading of Your word. It is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

God’s word is powerful. What a wonderful idea to read the word of God over our nation during election week! IFA is joining with several other ministries to read the word for seven days–IFA is covering Monday, November 2nd from midnight to midnight, ET. We are looking for two things to make that happen.

We need 24 FACILITATORS  to sign up for 2-hour blocks of Bible reading. Facilitators welcome readers on the line, keep the place in the reading, and ensure that the reading continues without gaps.  It’s a simple but needed role!

Sign up to facilitate and claim a 2-hour shift by clicking here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=xhwszpbab&oeidk=a07ehdqh5ssf7b3c0c1.  More information will be sent to you before November 2nd so that you are well-informed and ready to host!

We also need PARTICIPANTS! Dial in at any time to help with the reading. In fact, set a reminder now to join the reading.  Please note that the conference call line being used in this Bible Read-a-Thon is NOT IFA’s conference call number.  We are partnering with six other ministries, and are using Capitol Hill Prayer Partners’ conference call line. That number to use for the Bible Read-a-Thon is 605-313-5142 with code 418253#.  

Let’s see the power that can be released when we read God’s word over our nation!  Share below if you are planning on participating!

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Heb 4:12)


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John Du
October 31, 2020

Follow God’s Will All my Life!

Thanks God!


October 30, 2020

Good idea! Praise the Lord!

Angelina Gicheri
October 29, 2020

Will we read the Bible for 2 hours per facilitor?.Or how long is one facilitor will take to read the Bible. Please help.

    October 31, 2020

    Hi Angelina, It is a little confusing, but I think a Facilitator just signs up for a 2 hour shift and Participants call the number they gave to read Gods word. The Facilitator just keeps things going, keeps track of where a Participant leaves off reading God’s Word so the next Participant that calls in knows where to start reading.
    I hope that helps. 🙏

October 29, 2020

Today, I have no electricity due to the storm. I rode around a little bit to charge my phone. I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, parked, and read scriptures about Jesus healing the sick. I prayed that God would free us from this coronavirus. I have felt led many times recently to exalt his word over our nation. We will be so blessed by this.

amiamo lacolomba
October 29, 2020

Question: So, do you mean really late Sunday night (Monday morning) and all through the 2nd, until really late Monday night (ending a few hours before polls would open on Tuesday)?

    October 29, 2020

    We should praying thru election day..til it’s over !

    October 31, 2020

    Yes, I think IFA is assigned Monday morning 12:00 am (which is late Sunday night) then all through Monday till 12:00 midnight
    ( which is early early Tuesday morning). But the way I take it a different ministry takes over for Tuesday and so on, for the rest of election week. 🙏

Joanne Xiang
October 29, 2020

It is a fabulous idea!

“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17 NIV)

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)

I plan to participate and registered to be a facilitator at 12-2 PM, Eastern Time, even English is not my native language.

Looking forward to use our weapon to stand with Our Mighty God!


    Joanne Xiang
    October 29, 2020


    Looking forward to using our weapon to stand with our Mighty God!

Irene Betts
October 29, 2020

We do not know Gods thoughts for they are higher than ours. My values do align with the Red platform. Only God…….Whomever wins,God’s plans cannot be thwarted. May He be patient with us to want His way not our own..Your will be done o Lord..” God is still on the throne a mighty God is He,and He cares for His own throughout eternity…….For I have Christ in my heart!….“

Joanne DeBord
October 29, 2020

I want to be involved! I will call in and join with you all. Shall I have scriptures prepared to read or will that be decided by the leaders?

    October 31, 2020

    I think I remember reading the Facilitator
    is the one that will be keeping track where people leave off and where we start at where they left off. The Facilitators sign up for 2 hour shifts and the Participants call in to read God’s word. I hope that helps. I am excited about it. I think we can call in and listen to the Word being read also. I might be wrong. 🙏

Mel Teoh
October 29, 2020

Amen .. Amen.

Mel Teoh
October 29, 2020

GM Velma,
Thank You for reading IFA and share your comment.
Would it be okay if we pray for you that you know the TRUTH (Jesus Christ) as Jesus said: “ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. ?

May God’s peace be with you, Velma. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

October 29, 2020

I render Velma’s comments null & void in the Name of Jesus. Lord, please open up Velma’s eyes to see the truth of our nation’s situation. In the name of Jesus I bind the lying deceptive spirits blinding Velma’s eyes & send them back to the pit where they came from. Lord pour out your spirit of truth upon Velma to see your way & guide her into your truth & for your glory, In Jesus name, Amen.

Shirley Gue
October 29, 2020

I would love to read the Word of God aloud over our nation and world! Thank you!

Lorene Warren
October 29, 2020

I have set my reminder and plan to read the Bible.

Sandra McCaa
October 29, 2020

Can we view this online as we do the IFA first Friday calls? Either way I will participate.

October 29, 2020

Will be calling in Nov 2.

October 29, 2020

God and Father of us all I pray for Velma and for us all that we will truly humble ourselves before you that you will show us the truth of what we believe because of the promise in Philippians 3:15 about you will show us if we have a different mind from yours if we are willing to listen to you!

Mary Ann Martino
October 29, 2020

I’m afraid you have your facts wrong. Please listen to the interview with Tony Bobulinski! The truth is, God put Trump in office to get rid of the corruption in government! Only with God’s help is this even possible. I pray the Lord opens your mind to truth!


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IFA President
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