IFA Gift: 50th Anniversary 250K Bestseller Absolutely Free!
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IFA Gift: 50th Anniversary 250K Bestseller Absolutely Free!
IFA president, Dave Kubal, and board member, Larry Tomczak, want to give you Clap Your Hands! as a free gift for yourself and to give to as many of your family and friends as you want… no limit… no gimmick…no cost… no strings attached! The reason: to seize the opportunity to reach as many as we can with the transformative message of the gospel.
Jesus said, “The fields are white unto harvest. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest.” Just as He “came to seek and save the lost,” He calls us to be intentional and missional as His ambassadors. Enjoy this classic book (now an audiobook) that was instrumental in reaching millions around the world and co-labor with Him to reach those whom we love and care for as family, friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbors.
Backstory-Larry Tomczak
“I never intended to write a book. Imagine being 21 years old at a conference with thousands when the keynote speaker cancels and instead I am asked to speak! This was the scenario in which I found myself without notes or a clue what to say.
I decided to simply share what I knew best-my life story. Afterwards a publisher asked me if I’d write it as a book because he believed it would help millions who would identify with my journey. Little did I realize then how God would use it all over the world to help people find hope and an abundant life in an authentic relationship with Jesus.
With my Catholic upbringing, scores raised in this faith tradition (and multitudes who have lapsed or fallen away) “plugged in” with my journey and found fresh encouragement, clarity where there had been confusion, plus new meaning in their spiritual lives.
As a result of people’s encouragement and prayer, God put it on my heart to release this audiobook free of charge as an evangelistic tool so that together we could reach multitudes for Christ. All those whom we care about and love need the message of God’s amazing grace and we can now give them a gift to bless them and there’s no charge!”
What Do I Do?
- Pray that God show you who you should give the audiobook to as a gift in this season. Make a list. There’s no limit!
- Go to Larrytomczak.com and click the button down the page to download the entire audiobook! You’re not being put on a mailing list or to be solicited in the future in any way!
- You can enjoy the book but more importantly send it to all you care about and be sure to add a gracious, non-religious message maybe telling them, “This is a quarter million best-selling book that‘s inspirational, entertaining, and nostalgic especially for baby boomers. During the Iranian hostage crisis it was one of only 3 books the terrorists allowed in the embassy. It’s an easy to listen to, fun book to enjoy.”
Friend, for everyone redeemed or who returns to the Lord through our efforts, we will share an equal reward in heaven. You and I are “ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us” (2 Cor.5:20).
Thank you and what a joy it is to serve with you as “fishers of men“ (women, children, youth, fellow workers, students, neighbors, relatives, family and friends) to share God’s amazing story of salvation!
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Cor. 9:15).
Click HERE to get the free book.
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here.
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This is just like JESUS, u guy’s…. Kudo’s to u!! May the Lord BLESS the work of ur hands.
I have 2 that I know will really gain, and enjoy from it. Not to mention myself, I look forward to reading it.
I am 71, on SS, not much money, but will do what HE asks.
I was a 30 year old Catholic girl, growing up in Ohio, and a part of a Polish family. I was given this book to read at a Catholic renewal and I have never gone back! There in the living room of my home as I read the words off the pages of this book, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The one thing that I do regret is there wasn’t anyone to disciple me in my new adventure. Be a guide to those who you share the book with. The book in itself is powerful. Be that additional encourager for others so they will really know the power of Him and His resurrection! Thank you Larry. It is full circle that I would be a part of IFA and Larry would be a part of this organization also. God is truly in control!
Thank you so much for this transforming story of your life. I have unsaved grandchildren, I am going to share this with hem and many others. God continue to bless you and your ministry
so happy to see this book, have lots of copies in our school library, which the kids enjoy! Larry often visited our mission in the Philippines and gave us considerable input, glad to know he is a board member of IFA.