I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for protection Israel in the war against Hezbollah. We pray that Your people would see a victory.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

All day Monday rumors swirled about Israel Special Ops on the ground in Lebanon and IDF forces moving into Lebanon. In fact, Israel asked people to stop posting about troop movements because it endangered the soldiers. We will continue to publish the latest confirmed reports.

As the conflict may be moving to another level of warfare, let’s commit to another level of prayer for God’s will to be done in Israel, Lebanon, Gaza, and all the areas impacted.

The IDF confirmed over the weekend that it has killed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the terrorist organization Hezbollah. Nasrallah has been in charge of the organization since 1992, and his death is likely to change the tide of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel.

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On Friday, the IDF attacked Hezbollah’s “central underground command center” according to Israel Hayom, killing several top commanders and operatives. Among those killed was Nasrallah, one of Hezbollah’s founders and the leader of the organization for over 3 decades.

Following this attack, Hezbollah has been effectively crippled. Much of its leadership has been killed, and Lebanese trust in the terrorist organization has been shaken. As The Wall Street Journal put it:

“In retrospect, this was the outcome of Nasrallah’s making two strategic mistakes: grossly underestimating Israel, his foe, and overestimating the abilities of his patron, Iran, and its network of allied militant groups in the region. …

Hezbollah, of course, isn’t gone, and the movement retains thousands of fighters and a significant part of its arsenal. …

But what Hezbollah has clearly lost inside Lebanon is the aura of invincibility that has allowed it essentially to control the Lebanese state. The country has had no president since October 2022 because of obstructionism by Hezbollah and its allies that prevented the country’s parliament from holding a vote.

Hezbollah is now risking its standing with its base within Lebanon’s Shiite community, especially as residents of mostly Shiite areas in the south and the Bekaa Valley are fleeing their homes because of Israeli airstrikes. …”

In direct answer to our prayers, the leadership of the terrorist organization Hezbollah has been decimated. Look at this chart:

Credit: Amir Tsarfati on Telegram.

The conflict will not end here. As the Journal said, Hezbollah is not gone. They will continue to fight on the northern front, with or without Nasrallah. for the time being, however, God has protected Israel. Just look at this paragraph from the Journal:

More than 1,000 people have been killed in Lebanon since Sept. 16, according to the Lebanese health ministry, during Israel’s campaign to end Hezbollah’s strikes that have forced tens of thousands from their homes in northern Israel. Not a single Israeli has died as a result of Hezbollah strikes since Sept 19.

Amid the conflict that has decimated Hezbollah and parts of Lebanon, God has protected the Jews. He is showing the world that He will never abandon His people. No matter how many nations and world leaders abandon Israel, this small nation has a great God on its side Who will never fail. Your prayers are being answered!

How is this event stirring you to pray? Share your prayers for Israel in the comments below.

(Photo Credit: Khamenei.ir, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=83514416)

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