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"The wicked sit in the lurking places of the villages; In the hiding places, he kills the innocent; his eyes stealthily watch for the unfortunate. He lurks in a hiding place as a lion in his lair; He lurks to catch the afflicted; He catches the afflicted when he draws them into his net.  He crouches and bows down, and the unfortunate fail by his mighty ones.  He says to himself, "God has forgotten; He has hidden His face.  He will never see it. But we pray, Arise, O Lord! O God, lift up Your hand.  Do not forget the afflicted.  Break the arm of the wicked and the evildoer.  Seek out his wickedness until You find no more."  (Excerpted from Psalm 10:8-15)
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Approximately 50 million people around the world are being exploited in human trafficking right now. This 150-billion-dollar industry has evolved into a complex network of organized crime trafficking sex, labor, and human organs.  Prayer and action are needed to combat the demonic enterprise of human trafficking.

On a recent Pray With America’s Leaders broadcast, IFA’s Kris Kubal talked with Noel Thomas, co-founder of Zero Trafficking, an organization that develops and utilizes machine-learning augmented analysis to bring military-grade intelligence to the fight against human trafficking.

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Kris opens the interview referencing Sound of Freedom, the 2023 movie about child sex trafficking.  Based on a true story, this movie provides a jolting glimpse into the hellscape of horror that is the dark underworld of human trafficking.  The film leaves an indelible gash on the human soul, causing many to cry out, “What can I do?”  Noel Thomas has personally answered that call and trains others to do the same.

Noel’s soon-to-be-released book, Dark Traffic: The Dangerous Intersection of Technology, Crime, Money, Sex, and Humanity, informs readers how they can help identify and stop trafficking that occurs close to home in their own neighborhoods. Dark Traffic will change all of our perceptions of trafficking.

What Is Human Trafficking?  

Human trafficking is criminal activity in which people are recruited, harbored, transported, bought, or kidnapped to serve an exploitive purpose, such as sexual slavery, forced labor, child soldiery, or harvesting human organs. In the interview, Noel describes the first time he witnessed sex trafficking.  While in India on a mission trip, he witnessed a 14-year-old girl being trafficked with the cooperation of the local police.

That experience changed the trajectory of his life forever.

Trafficking in the third world looks very different from the first world. In the third world, trafficking happens out in the open, particularly in tourist areas.  I work with an organization that rescues bar girls in Angeles City, Philippines. On the main strip, a mile of bars, 20,000 girls are being exploited while bribed and corrupt local police sit idly by.

In the Western first world, the nefarious syndicate is just as pernicious but more carefully hidden. “Everyone thinks that it’s on the coasts or at the border.  But it’s happening in rural areas, affluent areas, small towns, and retirement communities.” Noel continued to explain that there is most likely some form of trafficking “a half mile or mile from your house.”

Noel went on to say, “I was surprised to learn there are over 27,000 illicit massage establishments here in the U.S. Many of the women working in these establishments are tricked, thinking they were coming to work as nail technicians and one day get a student visa. But once they arrive, unable to speak the language, they are exploited.  They lose control of their passports and don’t have freedom of movement.  Fraud and coercion are used to ensnare the individual, which is the basic definition of human trafficking.”

Noel describes the sophisticated networks of systems and businesses required to support this notorious netherworld.  The web to sustain human trafficking spans across 30 industries, including transportation, finance, hospitality, social media, dating apps, cryptocurrency, and online gaming, to name a few.

“We know the internet is the most dangerous place for our kids.”

He urges parents to be vigilant to protect their children from adult predators who pose as children online. Gaming apps like Roblox and Minecraft are high-risk arena’s because the approachers are shockingly brazen in the way they lure children into a trusting relationship online.

One of the most shocking facts Noel reveals involves the economics of trafficking. “Human trafficking is unique when compared to other illicit trade.  Unlike trafficking weapons or drugs, which can only be sold once, a victim of trafficking can be sold up to 20 times per day. So organized crime, terrorist organizations, and cartels have discovered human trafficking is extremely lucrative and is used to fund other illegal operations.”

What Can We Do?

First, we must choose the uncomfortable path and become more aware of the plight of the trafficked. Remember those in prison as though you were in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated as if you too felt their torment (Hebrews 13:3).

Second, we must pray. Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up Your hand.  Do not forget the helpless (Psalms 10:12). In my work in the Philippines, through the power of prayer we are watching revival break out in the sex trade. Not only are the precious daughters of the King being rescued, healed, restored, and educated, but also the power of God is transforming the city. Men on the strip are repenting of their sins, bar owners have welcomed us to host worship and Bible study for the girls on Sunday mornings, and bar workers are getting baptized and delivered from demons.

Third, please visit Noel’s website and purchase his new book so you can learn how to join the movement actively dismantling criminal networks. Situational awareness is one area in which we all need to grow.

As Noel and Kris ended the interview, he said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. We’ve got such an opportunity as the body of Christ, our collective churches, and places of worship to come together and agree to be unifiers in a fragmented nation around this issue. As a country and as a society, we should take this issue seriously and give a voice to the voiceless of human trafficking.”

You can watch the interview here:

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Keith Guinta blogs at www.winepatch.org. He is a husband and father, and he has been a worship leader and church planter. Photo Credit: Tim Tebow Foundation on Unsplash.

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June 14, 2024

Rise up, oh men and women of God!! Have done with lesser things. Rise up, oh people of God, and serve the King of Kings !! Let us pray and obey more than we ever have before. Great is the wickedness but far greater are our prayers and obedience to God’s will. In Him we have won the victory!! Jesus is Lord.

Darlene Estlow
June 13, 2024

Father, I pray for deliverance for those trafficked and repentance for traffickers. Bring righteousness into lives that you will be glorified.

June 13, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: I lift to you in prayer every man, woman or child who is being trafficked or led astray for such purposes. You know the ploys the devil uses, often having young people run away from their homes. Some of them may be rebellious and searching for something, or some may be living in dire situations at home and feel like the streets and being on their own would be better- not realizing fully how dangerous this world can be. Whatever the reasons, some of them even mature in age in these situations becoming adults who have been so mistreated and used, that they no longer think they have worth outside of this situation or a way to escape it. I pray Father that you will help expose those keeping them bound and they will be held accountable. I pray you rescue and restore each of these that are being exploited. I pray you will meet each of them where they are and lead them out of bondage – helping them find people, places and churches where they cannot only begin to know you, but can find their worth and purpose in YOU. That they will come to the knowledge of how much they mean to you. (God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 and For I am convinced that neither life nor death, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth or ANYTHING else in all of creation shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38 & 39) Father help me and others be more aware and work to not judge but offer assistance whenever we can. Help us work to alert authorities when we see anything that causes us concern rather than turning our heads. I thank you Lord that their is love, forgiveness, strength, and mercy renewed each day for these ones who may be lost and for myself as well. I pray this prayer in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

June 13, 2024

Outrage about slavery in America that took place hundreds of years ago, but no outrage by these same people about slavery (human trafficking) today in America and around the world.

Susan CC
June 13, 2024

I cannot even read this report because it is heartbreaking.

Dear Heavenly Father, You hear my daily prayers for children but more importantly You see each one . I pray today, there will be rescue upon rescue for these little ones…women and men as well. I pray the power of restoration is near each soul. The rescue and restoration of so many is a huge prayer but there is nothing too big for You to bring down-this evil industry….and nothing too small for You to raise up- each individual life being trafficked. I pray it pleases You to intervene in every way necessary to bring traffickers to utter ruin. Jesus said, “the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” I ask for salvation to come today for so many, and do so in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Brian Lynch
June 13, 2024

Lord Jesus, You know what a horrible mess that human trafficking is in our nation, and world. I drop the sword of the spirit upon the head of the Leviathan spirit, and ALL of the familiar, evil spirits that are behind this terribly evil practice. I pray for safety and peace to replace turmoil and fear in the lives of those people who have been victimized by this terrible scourge. Thank you, Jesus.

Carol Ann
June 13, 2024

I agree and pray in the mighty name of Jesus that God will rise and deliver these precious children who are being abused and he will break the arm of the wicked and Justice will come, and he would send workers in his angels and his mercy and Grace and healing I pray in the name of Jesus that all of our eyes will be opened And that one person at a time we can all make a difference in Jesus name wherever we live in Jesus name amen. Amen.


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