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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for what You are doing around the world. We pray that Your revival fire would fall upon America as well.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Revival fire is spreading across Europe, as evidenced by a gospel event in London last month that attracted over 70,000 people. The event led many to give their lives to Jesus Christ, experience healing, and witness deliverance. Evangelist Daniel Chand, pastor of Pragma Church and founder of Walking Like Jesus Ministries, led the event in Trafalgar Square on May 4th. He noted the historical and prophetic significance of the gathering, which saw numerous evangelists and pastors sharing testimonies, praying for the sick, and preaching the Gospel.

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Numerous testimonies of healing were reported amid this revival fire, including relief from back pain, arthritis, nerve pain, and macular degenerative disease. One notable testimony involved a woman who experienced the miraculous disappearance of a lump in her body. Walking Like Jesus Ministries celebrated the event on Instagram, proclaiming that God is actively working in the United Kingdom, healing the land, and pouring out His Spirit.

This revival fire in London is part of a broader movement across Europe, with similar events occurring in Paris and the Netherlands.

In Paris, the “March For Jesus in France” had more than 25,000 participants, while the 54th annual Opwekking Pentecost Conference in the Netherlands drew more than 63,000 attendees and 700,000 online participants. International evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel highlighted this as evidence of a massive move of the Holy Spirit across Europe, bringing revival amidst darkness, war, and persecution. He wrote on Facebook that this movement is “already historic and glorious.”

Photo from Evangelist Daniel Chand/Walking Like Jesus Ministries

How Should We Pray about This Revival Fire?

Not only is God moving in America, but He’s also moving powerfully around the rest of the world. How should this news inform our prayers?

  • Thank God for His revival fire. The Lord is moving. Thank Him for this revival that is spreading across Europe!
  • Pray for revival in the United States. If God can move the hearts of hundreds of thousands across Europe, he can do the same thing in America. Pray that the revival fire would reach us as well!

Are you encouraged by this? Share your prayers of thanksgiving with us in the comments below.

(Photo Credit: Evangelist Daniel Chand/Walking Like Jesus Ministries)

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Thomas. G. Spriggs
June 25, 2024

I prayed for Revival here at home and abroad, Thank you God, our Father; Jesus our saviour; and the Holy Spirit. our guide.

Please pray for those who are deceived by Satan and the media portraying Hamas as a victim. Please pray for those who are deceived within my family.

June 18, 2024

Precious Father we know that faith is a gift from you. Bless all those who believe now and add millions world-wide to your precious flock.
I pray in the name of Jesus, our savior, and to his glory.

Glo richards
June 17, 2024

Thank you Jesus hallelujah yes God is no respecter of persons he loves America just like he loves these other countries God is not through with America amen!!!

Billie J. Minor
June 17, 2024

This is truly endtime Harvest and people of every culture and tradition are Spiritually hungering and thirsting for Righteousness and Truth that will come, freely given by the Holy Spirit. May they be encouraged to follow Jesus with No turning back. Just follow Him and seek for more>Amen

June 17, 2024

Praise the Lord!

Ms Mary
June 17, 2024

Let it spread everywhere, as the waters cover the sea!

June 17, 2024

Jesus, you are mighty to save!! Who is there like you no one compares to your glory and majesty All praise and honor belongs to you Jesus Ŵe thank you for the leaders and worshippers in Europe praising your holy name. We need you Lord! We are desperate for your presence to see you lift high over America. Change our hearts Father give us hearts hungry for you!!

Sharon Ballard
June 17, 2024

Thank you Father, God for your faithfulness, your love towards all, your miraculous works behind the scenes and your fierce love to seek and save the lost.

Keith Knapp
June 15, 2024

Lord Jesus, sometimes we “Christians” forget that you chose us. We responded to your knocking at our our heart’s door. Let us, in turn, praise your holy name for the joy of salvation which comes through that intimate relationship with Christ Jesus. Also put into us boldness. We need to proclaim you to all those that you put into our lives, and it only requires our willingness to be your witness. Keep a great revival sweeping across Europe and into the USA. AMEN!

Janice Flora
June 14, 2024

Thank you Lord for revival in America.
I decree that many churches would gather together and become one as you want us to do.
Thank you for our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for blessing these United States of America!
In YOU we trust!

June 14, 2024


June 13, 2024

Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! May God be praised day and night for the glorious work He is doing, across all nations! May we bow our knees and hearts before God and become a part of this mighty movement!

Darlene Estlow
June 13, 2024

Praise the Lord for what he is doing worldwide. Father, continue these revivals and those in our country. I pray the new believers would be discipled in your truth so they may walk with you all their lives.

June 13, 2024

Thank you our Heavenly Father! We know that once YOUR WORD is preached to all nations, your Dear Son will be able to return and claim those of us you gave to him and who love him. It is so sad Father that America which has always known about you and has had a “right” to have bibles and churches yet we have been the major country falling away from you. That we have been so complacent and derelict in our duties of teaching it to our children to where we now have whole generations that do not acknowledge or reverence you. As an Intercessor I stand in the gap for those who have left you or who refuse to acknowledge you as our Creator and Savior. While I am happy that other countries and nations are now hearing about you and having revival, because it speaks of the time when your Son returns, I can’t help but be sad that we here in America have not honored you as we should. I pray that America will begin to have such a move of the HOLY SPIRIT that it will boggle the devil’s mind. I want all of those that were once for you to return and bring at least 10 others each with them. I know the devil knows he loses, but I want to see him LOSE BIG. I love you my Lord and Savior and pray revival happens EVERYWHERE. You are worthy to be praised and I would love to hear America sing praises to you.

Maryjo Coleman
June 13, 2024

This is so wonderful…may it spread on every continent, in Jesus name! LORD thank You for Your kindness! To God be the Glory!

June 13, 2024

Praise be to our Lord! Thank you Jesus for moving your Holy Spirit through all these people.
May we continue to see these type of revivals. May we as believers share God’s word with whoever we can. Abba Father, give us the courage to continue the spiritual fight we are in, in ourselves and outside in this world. We all need you Jesus! We all do.

Linda Rice
June 13, 2024

Praise God

Rich Swingle
June 13, 2024


Lord, please use us to fan the flames of this revival we’ve been praying into being for so long!!!

Barbara St George
June 13, 2024

Lord we thank you for sending you revival fire across Europe. I pray 🙏 and believe you are getting ready to do the same here in America. Lord God we need you. Send your Holy Spirit and pour out your revival fire 🔥
Amen 🙏

June 13, 2024

Thank you Jesus, for what You are doing, what You have been doing all over the world since at least 10/7. We see the evil raising its arrogant vicious head, but thank You so much for revivals, all over too, like this revival in England, the various cities with streets packed with supporters for Israel.
LORD we see You doing a new thing, help us be found faithful for such a time as this…forgive our fears, our unbelief, our distractability, help us guard our hearts with Your Word, with gathering together with other believers for worship and prayer, with a fresh outpouring or first time surrender to Your Spirit of Love, for authentic healing, to be ready, to be equipped with Your Spirit, Your armor- wisdom, Your Word, faith, truth in love, those boots from You Poppa G-d, like hazmat suit of perfect peace made out of Your Superpowerful Unconditional Love.
Maranatha King Jesus!

June 13, 2024

It is always a Glorious Day,and time to celebrate what God is doing
The love for his creation, and God’s desire to love and reach into to so many lives
It is a awesome thing to see, GOD filling that void that the world cannot provide
Our GOD is a Awesome Awesome “GOD”

Susan CC
June 13, 2024

Proverbs 16:3, Psalm37:10 Commit your works to the LORD and your plans will be achieved. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it.

Isaiah 41:10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Romans 8:31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

Dear Lord and God Almighty, please forgive me when the problems of the world divert my attention from You. Please forgive me when I fail to realize You are at work, always and powerfully. I praise You for May 4th at Trafalgar Square. I praise You for the March for Jesus in France, the Opwekking Pentecost Conference, and IFA. I praise You for each individual involved in these and all ministries… pastors, leaders, followers…. the believers and those who will come to Christ because of this work. Thank You for Your Word, it is my ever encouragement and thank you for this report. You are our God! You will strengthen us and You will lead us to victory if we will commit our work to You. You will do it. I pray for everyone today who has even a seed of faith, for those with none and for each one who makes You their life’s work. I pray in thankfulness, asking for You to abundantly multiply these numbers like You did with the loaves and fishes. My prayer is for Your glory, which is our reward to envelop us all. Our reward is Jesus Christ who was and is and will ever be. Amen

    June 18, 2024

    So thankful to hear of these WONDERFUL reports out of Europe! I lived in France in the late 90’s and in England also until the early 2000’s with my British husband, and though both places were beautiful and met some dear people, when I lived there one of the reasons I longed to get back to America was because I could feel that Europe was in a spiritual decline and wanted to get back to America where I felt the stronger love for Christ by more people (Though I met some wonderful Christians in England).

    Now that I’ve been back for over 23 years I have seen my country start to become like this as well. It was already starting to happen for some decades, but never to this extent as now-I do not recognize my country! And though I am grateful for the revivals that happened last year here in America I hope and pray to see even stronger and more widespread ones here and that they continue to happen in Europe and all over the world-please God make this happen soon!!

    The hear of this in France and is really something! And England and the Netherlands is all just astoundingly wonderful!

    We work with people in Sweden please pray for all of Scandinavia as I Remember Christian woman on a broadcast asking for prayer also for Finland as Christians are persecuted there as well and also remember some nurses in Sweden that were pro life so pray for all these countries as well please!

    Praise the Lord that all these revivals are happening-so wonderful!!!!

    June 18, 2024

    So thankful to hear of these WONDERFUL reports out of Europe! I lived in France in the late 90’s and in England also until the early 2000’s with my British husband, and though both places were beautiful and met some dear people, when I lived there one of the reasons I longed to get back to America was because I could feel that Europe was in a spiritual decline and wanted to get back to America where I felt the stronger love for Christ by more people (Though I met some wonderful Christians in England).

    Now that I’ve been back for over 23 years I have seen my country start to become like this as well. It was already starting to happen for some decades, but never to this extent as now-I do not recognize my country! And though I am grateful for the revivals that happened last year here in America I hope and pray to see even stronger and more widespread ones here and that they continue to happen in Europe and all over the world-please God make this happen soon!!

    To hear of this in France is really something! And England and the Netherlands is all just astoundingly wonderful!

    We work with people in Sweden please pray for all of Scandinavia as I Remember Christian woman on a broadcast asking for prayer also for Finland as Christians are persecuted there as well and also remember some nurses in Sweden that were pro life so pray for all these countries as well please!

    Praise the Lord that all these revivals are happening-so wonderful!!!!

Ted Bjorem
June 13, 2024

Yes yes yes

And praising You Yahweh Adoni Elohim Jehovah IAM

Halvor Ronning
June 13, 2024

LAST WORDS OF JESUS when HE left from Mt of Olives: REPENTANCE AND FORGIVNESS OF SINS will be preached in MY NAME
and then


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