How Will Abortion Impact the Election?
How Will Abortion Impact the Election?
The issue of abortion has once again taken center stage in American politics, with former President Donald Trump reportedly considering a ban on abortions after 16 weeks of pregnancy. This proposed ban would include three exceptions: rape, incest, and the life of the mother.
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President Trump’s stance on abortion has changed over time, reflecting a broader shift within the Republican Party. Despite his pro-life advocacy during his presidency, Trump faced backlash after criticizing Gov. Ron DeSantis’ six-week abortion ban. His criticism, however, may be seen as a pragmatic approach to a deeply divisive issue, seeking to balance personal beliefs with political realities.
On the other side of the aisle, the Democratic Party has made abortion access a primary issue since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. President Biden and Vice President Harris have focused a significant portion of their 2024 platform on abortion rights. Harris visited an abortion clinic last week — a public event unprecedented in American history for presidents and vice presidents. As Christians, we must pray for our leaders and engage in respectful dialogue about the sanctity of life.
While Democrats are leaning into the issue, Trump criticized Democrats as radicals because they support the right to have an abortion even in the late stages of pregnancy and even after birth. He encouraged Republicans to be more comfortable addressing the issue in the lead-up to November.
What about American citizens?
Gallup published a poll in mid-2023 with a helpful infographic on the views of Americans on abortion.
A follow-up question revealed that 47% of Americans favor sweeping abortion rights, and 49% of Americans want it legal in few or no cases. So the stage is set for a battle, because America is divided. And we can expect abortion to be used as a political tactic to divide people in a crucial election year.
The abortion debate is not just a political issue, but a moral one that affects the most vulnerable among us. As the political landscape continues to evolve, we must continue to advocate for the sanctity of life and pray for wisdom for our leaders and for ourselves as we navigate this issue.
Is the Lord speaking to you about the issue of abortion culturally, personally, politically? Please post a comment!
(Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)
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I agree with what WT posted below about the direction that this country is going in.
Since the Supreme Court returned this issue to the states, overturning an earlier ruling which in effect added abortion to the list of freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, a presidential degree will undoubtably be blocked by the Supreme Court, regardless of their personal convictions.
At this point, the fight against abortion has shifted from the National to the local level.
The regulation of abortion is NOT yet at the local level, because even when states pass laws regulating abortions or limiting to particular time periods, such as early pregnancy, when the FDA permits abortion pills to be mailed out all over the US without women even having to have a doctor visit, then the state laws are being undermined by an agency of the federal government. When the abortion pills are taken in later pregnancy, with every week that goes by, the risk of serious side effects continues to go up. This is nothing like taking a Tylenol. With Tylenol, the only time one could take it and end up in the ER is if one overdosed – at normal doses, you will not find yourself in a life-threatening situation. But with these abortion pills – there have been deaths of women who took the abortion pills correctly. That is not “most women” but a number of women. And hundreds of women have had so much bleeding that they had to have blood transfusions. Even the manufacturer, Danco, wrote a letter in 2004 to all the directors of hospital emergency departments throughout the U.S. to caution them to be on the lookout for women who may show up in the ER needing help for life-threatening infection or hemorrhage after the abortion pills. The risk of problems that could need surgical intervention goes up the later in pregnancy that the abortion by pill is attempted. Women do not realize that even if they take the pills for an abortion, they may still end up needing a surgical abortion. So it really is important, if a woman is going to do this, that she must be sure how far along she is in her pregnancy. If anyone can get pills so easily by mail, they do not have a medical visit and they are only guessing at how many weeks of pregnancy, and probably they do not realize the great risks of taking the pills when the pregnancy is more advanced. The risk is always there to some extent, but moreso the later in pregnancy one goes. But the thing is, a state can pass any law its people think is appropriate, and still, based on what the FDA permits, abortion clinics in one state can mail out pills to patients in states for women to take with no medical exam even if that woman’s pregnancy is so far advanced that it is not permitted by state law in her state. Abortion advocates believe this is a good feature of the pills – anyone can get them and have an abortion at any time, and in their eyes this is a good thing. But – it is a mistake to think this is now under local control, because it is not. Anyone can bypass what state legislatures have passed, and what the voters have voted for, via these abortion pills by mail. Again, for those who believe that abortion is their “right” this is a good thing. For those who are serious about protecting women’s health, it is a tragedy, and it is often very psychologically harmful for women who will end up in many cases seeing their dead child, which is often recognizable as a child – which is horrifying to women who believed they were just “ending a pregnancy” when they took the pills. The pain, cramps, bleeding, vomiting are often so severe that some women have said they wanted to die, and some have said they believed they were dying. One woman has said that even when she went through brain surgery, she did not have as much pain as she did with this type of abortion. Women are not being given adequate informed consent, because some would not take the tablets if they knew, and especially if they knew about help available for continuing their pregnancy. Pray for women who are considering abortion, and pray that the Supreme Court will be guided by the Holy Spirit on this case – without continued prayer, the FDA’s decisions about “pills by mail” will likely continue.
Holly, it sounds like you are struggling with this. Try this find a quiet place by yourself. Close your eyes and repeat “O Jesus I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything”. Do this for 15 minutes or more if you can withstand God’s healing grace everyday. Please be sincere and allow the Holy Spirit to work. I feel you are in pain and I will pray for you. Be safe and God bless. Amen
Why must resort to calling MAGA supporters a cult. The USA was formed on Godly principles and satan has been attacking those principles. There are scientists all over the world who have stated that LIFE begins at conception. So if you, the left, claim to follow the science then abortion is murder, homosexually and the transgender nonsense is an abomination to God. I trust God will give us a leader that will bring us back to protecting the sanctity of life. Amen
Abortion is an important, even a monumental moral issue, and a total loser for republicans politically. I see that President Trump is stumbling toward a 15 week ban, which may work on the statre level, but any federal ban has already been shot down by the supreme court, in effect. Just leave abortion alone politically and view it for what it is, a sin! Government should not be involved in this. Both the doctors and mothers should be branded socially for what the are: baby killers.
Holy Father, it grieves me that anyone cannot see the precious miracle of a human life. The horrors of abortion are endless. I don’t understand how we got here and how anyone can fight for this so-called right. Please open their eyes, let them see. Please convict the hearts of doctors that perform these atrocities to the sanctity of life. As it says in Ephesians 1:18, Open the eyes of their hearts, and let the light of Your truth flood in. Shine Your light on the hope You are calling them to embrace. Amen
Pure. Simple.
“My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained to me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. “
Psalm 139: 15-16.
LORD, You know the hearts of those who are posting on this issue and site, whether their names are real and their motives are righteous – You know.
I am so grateful that Your justice is perfect and Your ways are pure.
The law of the LORD is perfect,
Refreshing the soul;
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
Making wise the simple.
The precepts of the are right;
Giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is pure,
Enduring forever.
The decrees of the LORD are firm,
And all of them are righteous.
Psalm 19: 7-9.
Abortion is murder. Period. it is also a modern-day repeat of the worship of molech, an ancient god that the pagans worshipped by offering their children to it. God Almighty, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit are against murder. Period. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Aborting babies is cutting off the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. We need God’s Kingdom here on earth. So let the little children live so they, too can come to Jesus! Amen!
I pray for forgiveness for those who have had abortions and an awakening of people to realize that life begins in the womb.
All of us need forgiveness. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death(eternal separation from God). Our actions have consequences. If not, why did Jesus leave his throne of glory in perfect heaven to die an agonizing and shameful death to save us from the consequences of our choices in our bodies. Next week is Holy Week so maybe give it some thought before it is too late. Are you absolutely sure that abortion is acceptable to a Holy and Just God that you are willing to risk your eternal destiny? You are right. It is your body and your choice. Choose wisely.
Read “Brave New World by A. Huxley and his later publication, “Brave New World Revisited”. The ultimate aim of the social changes is complete top down control. The role of abortion, transgenderism and other such social changes is to pacify the masses through unlimited and encouraged sex at all times, in all ways, with anyone, without responsibility and without babies. Production of babies is controlled by the top down government. No motherhood, no families, no religion. Read the book to find other ways of social control. AI is even hinted at, although there was no AI at the time the book was written.
Zoa, Thanks for educating me! I want to understand the BIG PICTURE! Maybe this book U mentioned will help me!
Once a society says that it is all right to murder a subset of itself, it is a slippery slope toward the murder of whomever.
I lost a baby at 14 weeks and I saw him for several minutes. He was a fully formed child,just tiny. He would have grown baby teeth, rolled over, learn to walk,go to school. Maybe he’d have become president. My loss was an act of God. I was a nurse exposed to measles and he caught them.
Lord God, we must have Your wisdom in praying for this life matter. Open the eyes of those blinded by Satan. Save our babies Lord in Jesus name. Amen
Pray our lady of Guadalupe to save babes and change hearts – people won’t kill
Their pets – hearts have to be converted through prayer-in Jesus .Amen
If conservative Constitutionalists won’t stand up for the helpless who don’t have a voice, what DO we stand for? God will hold us accountable!
Father, where is wisdom and love of life in this discussion among politicians? I ask You to change the discussion to protecting life, to discussing who is in the womb, to advocating for the life of this human being. Allow Truth to reign in this matter. Thank You. Amen.
God our Father, we thank you and praise you for the opportunity for the Supreme Court to hear truthful testimony concerning the harms of drug-induced abortions, and especially the great harm of abortion pills by mail. Current regulations are based on lies about these unsafe drugs. But your word in Isaiah 28:17 says that “hail will sweep away the refuge of lies,” and we praise you and thank you for this promise and pray with hope for that refuge of lies to be swept away.
We pray for protection and safety for all mothers who are experiencing violence from abusers or traffickers, that you will help them to have joy in giving birth to children who are wanted and loved.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon the Supreme Court Justices, with gifts of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel and fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2-3), to guide their judgment. May their decision shepherd our nation toward recognition of the dignity of every person, created by you, in your own image. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
On March 26, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments about whether to stop the mailing of abortion pills all over the US as is currently allowed by the FDA. The Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM) is an organization that represents groups that include Christian Medical & Dental Associations, and the American Association of Pro-life OB/GYNS (AAPLOG) – in all, tens of thousands of pro-life physicians. AHM has sued the FDA over its recklessness in allowing the abortion pills to be mailed out to women who never had any medical examination at all. One problem with mailing out pills like this is that it can be very easy for traffickers to get their hands on pills and force them on trafficked women who actually want their babies but can be forced to abort. When the pills are flying through the mail like that, it is also easy for abusive men to obtain the pills and cause forced abortions on unsuspecting women by putting tablets in a beverage – if the man does not want to pay child support and the woman has otherwise refused an abortion. There are too many problems with these abortion pills – and women who actually choose to abort with the pills are being deceived on so many levels – the abortion industry tells women it will end a “pregnancy” without telling them that they are likely to see their unborn child when they have the abortion at home, and it will be a recognizable baby when they see it in the toilet or in their hand, and it is very traumatic. They don’t tell women that there is much more pain with the medication abortion, much more nausea and vomiting, much more bleeding, that they may bleed for more than a month, and they may bleed so much they need an emergency transfusion. or that there have been deaths associated with this method of abortion. They have “educational” videos to tell women they can go back to work the next day, so they expect this will be easy and it’s anything but. But for our society, the concern beyond any individual woman, is that the abortion industry is trying to move forward to a point where they don’t even have to mail out the pills because anyone “should” be able to get these over the counter, no prescription needed, just like Tylenol. Just buy it non-prescription at the pharmacy. You can read articles in medical journals and see they are trying to set the stage for that – which will greatly expand how many women obtain abortions, and more than that, greatly expand opportunities for forced abortions. Thus – the Supreme Court is considering this lawsuit against the FDA as of March 26. Pray for the attorneys as they prepare to argue this case in 5 days from now, and pray for the Supreme Court justices that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Abort the Court
When a woman has an abortion is out of fear in many situations. Women are uninformed on the effects of abortion. There is no reason to abort. It’s out of selfishness. There are resources out there for those seeking to be educated before a women makes the choice to end a life. Please pray for the money making industry promoting abortions. They tell lies that life goes back to normal. It never does! It carries the weight of shame, guilt, and condemnation. Only Jesus can you set you free! Turn to Him and repent!!
I’m sorry, Mary, you do not fully understand the issue, to call it selfishness – though you are right that there is very often fear involved and lack of information. Many women are not the ones being selfish. I know multiple women who have had actual forced abortions. One woman now middle-aged, had a forced abortion at age 17. She and her fiancé had a plan that he would go to job training so that he would have a job and could return to support her when it was time for the baby to be born. She wanted her baby, was about 5 months pregnant, but her mom made the appointment for an abortion because the pregnancy was considered an embarrasment. The young woman went to the clinic fully intending to simply tell them she did not consent for an abortion. But because she was under age, and her mom paid for an abortion, she was pushed down on the table, forcibly sedated an restrained after telling the staff, “I do not consent, I want my baby.” This happens to young women when the parents don’t want their first grandchild, but it also often happens in cases of domestic violence and in human trafficking. The majority of women who are trafficked having multiple abortions, and some of them forced, though even in that circumstance many women want their children, and sometimes have them. In a research study, one formerly trafficked woman said she had had 17 abortions and that some were “forced.” But – in a trafficking situation even if it is perceived as a choice by the woman, whether or not she is even permitted to eat, and what she wears is up to the trafficker, so for a woman to have 17 abortions while being trafficked, I don’t think you could say any were a true choice. But it is not only in trafficking. There are many more commonplace domestic violence situations in which the man decides that he doesn’t want the child and enforces his wishes with violence. Fortunately, pro-life pregnancy centers are having their staff trained to try to identify and help women who are being trafficked or who are in a situation of domestic violence / reproductive coercion. The perky women on TV who are happy about having a choice who serve in promotional videos for abortion “rights” do not actually represent the majority of women. The majority of women bond to the child during the pregnancy, and would prefer to have their child if they had emotional support, knowledge of where to go for help, and having things they need. There are 2,700 pro-life pregnancy centers in the US that can help women to get everything they need from emotional support to free diapers to information on how to get a daycare voucher, how to get free healthcare for pregnancy and delivery, and free housing if needed at a maternity home while they finish school or find a job. The Center Against Forced Abortion helps women to avoid forced abortion – here: Btw, the 17 year old who had a forced abortion? That is illegal in all 50 states – even young women, even minors, have the legal right to say no to an unwanted abortion of a loved and wanted child. And information on pro-life pregnancy centers and some of the ways they can help is here: For women seeking help, they can go to to find a local center in their area. There are 2,700 pregnancy centers providing free services and giving out many free resources throughout the US.
While an abortion may not be for the convenience of the mother, the abortion is always for the convenience or benefit of someone! I counseled pregnant women for years. God help us! God forgive us….
Aid Access, ULTRAVIOLET and Plan C will mail abortion pills to anyone freely in all 50 states, no questions asked.
See for assistance!
No questions asked. Sometimes questions should be asked.
What about the man who orders these pills to cover his acts of incest or statutory rapes?
What about sex traffickers who use these pills so that their underage girls can continue to be sexually abused?
What about boyfriends who secretly give these pills to their girlfriends because they don’t want to pay child support for 18 years?
What about women and girls that have bad reactions even death because they don’t understand the risks?
Many women suffer greatly because of their abortions. Even women who had forced abortions often feel guilt that they did not fight hard enough for their little one – even when truly there was nothing they could have done, in some situations. (Some women have actually been murdered when they have refused abortions, murdered by the baby’s father). For those who want help, emotionally and spiritually, after abortion, one good resource is “SaveOne.” This is a Christian support program through which women can receive the healing and forgiveness that Jesus desires for them. Almost every SaveOne leader has one or more abortions in her past, and has received healing from Jesus. Sheila Harper, the founder of this organization and the author of their Bible study titled “SaveOne” had an abortion herself, and almost killed herself because of her guilt and distress – had the gun in her hand to shoot herself but was interrupted – and later found healing of her distress through Jesus Christ. That gift is extended to others through SaveOne. Those contacting SaveOne through can look for a local group in their area, but also can request to have a leader to meet with them by zoom or phone one-on-one to go through the workbook with them. They will have a leader who has personally experienced abortion in the past who does not judge them. There is no judging in SaveOne. I think often of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery – in the Scripture, he says “neither do I condemn you” – he doesn’t want to condemn anyone but to heal and restore. Anyone can get the workbook to work through it individually, which can be bought through the website, but it’s intended to be done in a small group, and since Covid, one-on-one by zoom or phone as an alternative to the small group, in-person meetings. For those who want to understand more regarding the many women who are distressed after their abortion, Sheila Harper’s book “Survivor” also available at the website, tells the story of her experience in having the abortion, all that she experienced afterward, through discovering the love and forgiveness of Jesus who has healed her.
God’s Word is our foundation for the taking an innocent life, for the shedding of innocent blood, which is murder, not a politician.
Those who want to do evil – – to do wrong, come up with a name other than what the act truly ‘is’… ‘murder’ to ‘soften’ the procedure and deceive people. Also, because murdering babies is hidden behind closed doors, most people are emotionally out of touch with the horror of the shedding innocent blood. God HATES the shedding of innocent blood.
He spoke to me several years ago and basically communicated that He ‘could not’ do what His heart wanted to do for America until America deals with the sin of abortion (murdering innocent children). He then began to give me pro-life songs which I recorded (a few of which my husband and I sent to our Justices). When Roe v Wade was overturned,
it was a great victory (Goliath’s demise), and yet, we are now dealing with Goliath’s 5 brothers. On June 24, 2022 (overturning of Roe v Wade), many Christian leaders, pastors felt that if abortion (murdering innocent lives) was not allowed in their state, that their work was done and ‘no need to deal with it anymore.’ This view is being short-sighted. God, please forgive us!
We in the Church need to educate our young people who are bombarded with the murdering of innocent life propaganda every day! Abby Johnson once said that when God’s people unite and come to Washington, D.C. and demand that abortion be stopped, it will happen. Holy Spirit, bring a powerful sweeping conviction of sin to Your people – we cry out for Your Church to rise up as ONE VOICE on behalf of the murdering of innocent lives.
We pray for dear President Trump to be visited by the Lord and have a revelation given to him of how much God hates the taking of innocent lives. He will then adjust his ‘thinking’ on the shedding of innocent blood.
Lord, we pray for a cleansing of our nation from believing lies, and compromise and our hearts being hardened. Restore the fear of the LORD to America! Baptize us in the fear of the LORD, choosing to hate all evil, not bowing to idols, not fearing man.
Raise up godly statesmen across our government and nation and the Church who, in the midst of perverse evil, will powerfully speak on Your behalf, Lord, those who You raise up to be mighty in word and deed, in the face of such dark evil. Let their anointed words make a huge difference, confronting evil, just like Elijah did on Mt. Carmel.
I saw the post about re-focusing on “who is in the womb.” There are two truths that dovetail here. The truth of the child, made in God’s image, and the truth of the woman also made in God’s image as we all are. The reality is that the majority of women begin to bond to their children even during early pregnancy, and a majority would not have an abortion if even one person in their life encouraged or supportive them in giving life. But to the contrary, parents as well as teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers, and often the baby’s father pressure toward abortion. Normally, when a woman is married, her own mother will say, “How wonderful you are pregnant! A grandchild! Can I help you to paint the nursery? Can I go shopping with you for things you will use for the baby? Can I give you a baby shower?” But for a single mom, there is a terrible fear – how will I do this? How can I care for a baby?” when the baby’s father may say he doesn’t want to pay child support (though in reality, he would have to) but worse, he may say, “I will never love that child,” and the woman naturally is afraid of being 100% alone and unsupported. The truth is, she can’t do this 100% on her own. Thus, to take care of that child in the womb, we must have tender hearts toward the mother – the best interests of the mother and the child are entirely intertwined, and in most cases, with love and support, women want to have their child. If you want to promote love of life, start an Embrace Grace group at your church if you can – Embrace Grace starts with women who have already experienced motherhood, moms with wisdom and experience and love for life, who lead a Bible study, and the girls receive love and emotional support from leaders and from each other, plus practical help like church members providing gifts for a baby shower, and – the girls have a connection to a church that welcomes them. These are meant to be done through churches so that each mother has a church home. After the baby is born, there are more Bible studies to keep going and growing as new moms. You can find videos on you tube in which Embrace Grace young women give their testimonies, and some of their stories are told in the book “A Bump in Life” by Amy Ford. If you want to start an Embrace Grace group at your church, google Embrace Grace and contact them through the webpage. The materials are provided after an application is completed – there has to be a church involved and the pastor has to be supportive. I will say, throughout human history, there has never been a woman who created her child entirely on her own with no help from anyone else (i.e. there is always a mother and a father involved in making a baby), and no woman ever raised a child entirely on her own either- there were always other women to help, besides normally the support of a father. Today, a big part of the problem is, the existence of abortion gives everyone else the idea that they have no responsibility in this – if a woman doesn’t have a way to take care of the child, then she should get an abortion, is how many people view this. People don’t come around to give support. Yet there are sources for support, if only women even knew – 2700 pro-life pregnancy centers in the US that offer all kinds of help, and someone who cares to provide emotional support, as well as free diapers and bathy clothes, and free parenting classes. Maternity homes that will provide a home for a woman and her baby while she finds a job or finishes college. And a growing number of Embrace Grace groups in churches, though many more are needed. No woman should having a baby alone. That is a new thing in our generation that “you’re on your own,” “if you don’t want a baby, have an abortion.” How about an Embrace Grace at your church so that she has a church home and know she has people she can count on, so she’s NOT having this alone.
Saying abortion is ok for some reasons is like saying it is ok to rob some people, or it is ok to lie to some people, or it is ok to rape some people, or it is ok to abuse some children. Saying abortion is ok for some reasons is saying it is ok to kill some people. The concept of some abortions being ok is completely against Gods word.
We know that God gives us free will to choose between Him and Satan (good and evil). We also know that God’s word tells us that based on our choices there are consequences.
Genesis 2:16-17 ESV And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Exodus 20:13 ESV tells use. You shall not murder.
Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV tells us.Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
James 4:4 ESV You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
All people including President Trump should follow the word of God and not do what the world wants just to gain votes.
For those who say we need to take things into our own hands and compromise as if God is not in control.
Matthew 19:26 ESV tells us.But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
John 12:48 ESV The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.
Father, my prayer is that President Trump and all leaders, lead by Your word and as a result You are glorified in Jesus name!
Aid Access, ULTRAVIOLET and Plan C will mail abortion pills to anyone freely in all 50 states, no questions asked.
See for assistance!