I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we ask for Your favor for all God-fearing candidates who are running for office and we ask for your protection of and provision for them. Show us how You want us to help.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Conservatives have an unprecedented opportunity in America right now as we head toward the November election. It is an opportunity to take back progressive states such as California, New York, and Illinois.

Even if we donā€™t live in one of those states, we have an active part to play in what I believe is a Holy Spirit set up.

New York and California are especially important battle ground states because of the weight they carry in electoral votes. California has 55 and New York has 29. (In order to win an election, a presidential candidate must have 270 votes.)

In a typical election year, no one would consider that these deep blue states could shift. But we arenā€™t in a typical election year, are we?

As only God can do, the COVID-19 pandemic had a silver lining that may be a catalyst of this potential shift. As the Left continues to fight desperately to keep our nation closed–along with the voting boothsā€”frustration among Americans, from progressive to conservative, mounts.

Across the board, the states which have experienced the most severe shutdowns are Democrat-run. California was one of the hardest hit regarding control measures. It didnā€™t experience the same degree of hot spot outbreaks as New York. (Of course NYC exacerbated problems when Democratic leaders forced nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients.)

COVID-19 did what we could not have done. It has caused bipartisan frustration as Democratic mayors and governors put their areas on lockdown with mandates that often made no sense.

For example, a Malibu man was arrested for paddle boating out on the water alone, but prisoners have been released by the thousands from state prisons to prevent outbreaks.

Many citizens have said, ā€œEnough!ā€ The ongoing heavy-handed control has created a powder keg of anger at mayors and governors who have routinely been caught breaking the very rules they require citizens to follow.

The anger now simmering just below the surface may explode at the voting booth, but there is an important factor that we cannot miss and which is where we come in.

We have never had as many ā€œnon-politicalā€ candidates jump into these political races than right now.Ā  All across America we hear of doctors, business owners, housewives, teachers, etc., people who have never considered running for office before, accept the challenge. Why?

They recognize the desperate need to see our nation shift back to God and biblical values.

Christian candidates are doing their part. But what is our part of the process?

It requires both prayer and action. We canā€™t do one without the other.

Here are some key races in which we have learned that Christians are running AGAINST powerful incumbents:

Maxine Waters, 43rd district,Ā  California
Jerry Nadler, 10th district (Manhattan), New York
Cheri Bustos, 17th district, Illinois
Ilhan Omar, 5th district, Minnesota
Adam Schiff, 28th district, California
Lucy McBath, 6th District, Georgia

Sadly, god-fearing righteous candidates have already been eliminated in primaries across the nation. Many because they didnā€™t have the financial or prayer backing needed to win. This is a tragedy.

We have an unprecedented opportunity before us to see a shift as those who would typically vote blue consider voting out Democrat incumbents due to frustration over the COVID-19 mandates, defunding the police, removing historical monuments, and other actions and reactions we have experienced in the last 5 months.

We can help. Action Steps:

  1. Pray for Christian candidatesĀ who have been willing to become candidates to see righteousness restored in our land. Pray for supernatural favor, strength and wisdom upon them.
  1. Please consider giving a contribution to assist them in their fight. Everything helps. Political contributions are not tax-deductible, but they are essential in this process. Can we consider giving up coffee purchases for the week, or another perk, and invest that in a campaign? Are we willing to truly help not just with the words ā€œI will pray for you,ā€ but by putting our money where our mouth is? Running a campaign is expensive and many of those who have chosen to run in this hour are just ordinary people like you and me stepping out in obedience. Let us step out to help them.

We cannot leave these brave believers to stand alone in this fight. They have been willing to do the hard part and put their lives on hold to run campaigns against well-entrenched incumbents, who are well-funded by the political machine. These are truly David versus Goliath battles. But we know with God NOTHING is impossible.

Will you be part of this extraordinary event to help the blue shift red? If we work together, we have the opportunity to see a historic shift.

Lord, we link arms to join in prayer, first and foremost. We pray over every righteous candidate who has chosen to run. We ask for your favor to surround them as a shield. Fill their mouths with your words and give them wisdom and insight into the matters of their district. We also ask that every financial need will be met regarding media ads, staff, lawyers, printing, etc. Lord, please increase us, so we can give and show us where to give. We lift up the hands that are weary, and like Aaron and Hur, we lift up their hands with our prayers and finances to say, ā€œWe are standing with you in this battle.ā€

Lord, we ask that you would renew their strength that they will run and not be weary and walk and not faint. Show us, as the Church, how to stand up against injustice and unrighteousness, by getting involved in helping to build the political landscape of our nation by voting in godly leaders and voting out ungodly ones.

Hear our cry, O Lord, and attend unto our prayers as we pray for turnaround in America.


Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To join her in DC for the Election 2020 Prayer Tour go to: https://destinybuilders.world/election-prayer-tour/ or you can contact her atĀ www.prioritypr.org or www.karenhardin.com . (Photo by Marco Oriolesi on Unsplash)



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September 20, 2020

I will pray for these challengers and donate what I can.

Derricee Newton
July 24, 2020

I once held office in a small town of around 2,000 people. I did not even have funds to buy an ad cheap ad of 25.00 to place in the last weekly print before the election. Favor and God’s will was on my life and I got to advertise in a larger paper for free in color on the front page on a Sunday! End result. I received favor with the press and my constituents because of the Almighty provision. My prayer is that the Christians running will receive supernatural favor in their finances. Nothing is too hard for God! He did it for me and He will do it for you. Amen! And it is so! To God be the Glory.
Bless them Lord!

Sandra Kidd
July 21, 2020

There are 30 candidates in WA running for governor. I have only seen a few people on here in interviews. Where are the lists with their names on them that shows what they stand for and who you have interviewed that will let us know which are Christians or at least agree with Christian values and who are not? I can’t find that on here. All I found were names for other offices.

Sue Rikli
July 21, 2020

Also Martha McSally running for US Senate in Arizona

    September 20, 2020

    I do not get the impression she’s doing well. Kelly’s ads are everywhere.

Belinda Remy
July 17, 2020

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help (Psalm 121:1) our help comes from you Lord. The invisible enemy is threatening to over take us Lord, but you are mighty and all powerful to save us from the enemy. Even when the enemy comes in like a flood, you will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19). Guide us Holy Spirit, show us what to pray for and how to intercede Lord, only you know the thoughts and hearts of man, send us righteous men and women of God after your own heart to replace the corrupted politicians who continue to resist and rebel against you. Give us financial favor and miracles Lord, to be able to finance the campaigns of the ones who are bravely stepping fourth and have a willing heart to do your will. Dear God, and all of the billions of dollars that the wicked elites are pouring into the lefts campaigns to further do evil to America and around the world, let it fall to the ground as dust. Allow us to ride the red Tsunami wave all the way to victory in State, after State, after State…..in Jesus mighty name we pray Amen.

July 17, 2020

Here are the Christians running against the candidates mentioned:

Joe Collins ā€“ running against Maxine Waters for the 43rd district in California
Jeanne Nigro ā€“running against Jerry Nadler for the 10th district (Manhatten area) of New York
Esther Joy King ā€“running against Cheri Bustos for Illinoisā€™ 17th district
Lacy Johnson ā€“running against Ilham Omar in Minnesotaā€™s 5th District.
Eric Early ā€“running against Adam Schiff in the Californiaā€™s 28th District.
Mykel Barthelemy ā€“running for the Georgiaā€™s 6th District

    Thomas McClellan
    July 18, 2020

    Buzz Patterson – running against Ami Berra in California’s 7th District. Dr Berra bows to Nancy Pelosi everytime she puts pressure on him. We’re commanded to pray for godly leaders and our enemies. I am praying for both. Join me in this.


    Dawn FOX
    July 18, 2020

    Thank you so much for listing the Christian candidates names. I can now lift them up in prayer.

Janice Allen
July 17, 2020

Why did you list the six candidates above for us to contribute to their campaigns and pray for??? Waters, Nadler,Shchiff,Omar, the ones who have done the most to stop Godly reform and who are very liberal in words and deeds. No thank you. Please tells us who is running against them please.

July 16, 2020

You didnt give us the names of those running against the leftist incumbents…

    July 17, 2020

    I did click on the incumbent races you listed but in many cases more than one other person is listed as running against them.
    How do we know which is the Christian candidate, in that case? Will you please specify who they are?

C Walker
July 16, 2020

You wrote:”Pray by name for the candidates listed above, along with the many others not listed who have been willing to become candidates to see righteousness restored in our land. Pray for supernatural favor, strength and wisdom upon them” …

but the candidates you listed by name are far left, anti-life incumbents!! What are the names of the candidates we should pray for?

Ann Clayton
July 16, 2020

Why werenā€™t the names of people running against the Democratic incumbents listed??

    Angelina Koh
    July 16, 2020

    You’ll have to click on each link to get the names of the other candidates running against the incumbents.

Mary Ann Martino
July 16, 2020

You indicated prayer needed for those running against the dem incumbents, but there are no names for these people. Am I missing something?

    L. Helfert
    July 16, 2020

    You have to click on the name of the incumbent i.e. Maxine Waters etc., and then you will see their opponent.

      Mary Ann Martino
      July 16, 2020

      Thanks so much for responding. Will pray for the Lordā€™s miracle!!

        L Helfert
        July 16, 2020

        You’re welcome. I’ll be praying as well. Be blessed.

      Brinda Friday
      July 16, 2020

      Thank you!

      Sandra Leah Oldham
      July 17, 2020

      Yes, I applaud all effort to electe committed Christian Conservatives to office!!!
      I will speak to pastor to urge them to preach on citizens responsibility to vote and where to look for fact.

July 16, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, we truly need YOUR divine intervention on the upcoming election. I pray that YOU will help these blue states to turn RED. Please forgive our country for wrongdoing or anything that has gone against YOUR word. I pray for these people listed below – first, that they will turn to YOU and away from wrongdoing. I pray that those running against these people will win, and that the USA will return to the morals and ideals that the Bible teaches. I pray these people will be replaced. I pray that we will again have Godly representation in our government.

Maxine Waters, 43rd district, CA Jerry Nadler, 10th district (Manhattan), NY
Cheri Bustos, 17th district, IL Ilhan Omar, 5th district, Minnesota
Adam Schiff, 28th district, CA Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 14th, NY
Rashida Talib, 13th, Michigan
Ayanna Pressley, 7th MA Mazie Hirono, HI Jr. Senator
Diane Feinstein, CA Sr Senator Kamala Harris, CA Jr. Senator
Nancy Pelosi, 12th, CA Chuck Schumer, NJ Sr. Senator

July 16, 2020

Thank you Lord for another day, today I pray for our President who I believe you put in office to clean up the
on going corruption, I pray for strength to all Americans to see why TRUMP is in office not only to clean house
but to bring back IN GOD WE TRUST this is your land not ours, Please wake up every eye to the importance
of voting RED this year so we can come to some kind of peace and law and order, Let the minds of all Americans
see the light, in Jesus name Amen

Marya J Moore
July 16, 2020

the article only mentioned the names of the unrightous sitting leaders, not any of the unknown who we are to pray for by name.

Mel Teoh
July 16, 2020

Father God, thank you for the opportunity to pray for these Candidates who have been in the office too long and accumulating sins due to their walk further away from the Constitutions.

Please help these people who are so vocal opposing the current administration that YOU HAVE PUT IN CHARGE OF THE USA currently to step down:
Maxine Waters, 43rd district, CA Jerry Nadler, 10th district (Manhattan), NY
Cheri Bustos, 17th district, IL Ilhan Omar, 5th district, Minnesota
Adam Schiff, 28th district, CA Lucy McBath, 6th District, Georgia
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 14th, NY Rashida Talib, 13th, Michigan
Ayanna Pressley, 7th MA Mazie Hirono, HI Jr. Senator (2024 done)
Diane Feinstein, CA Sr Senator (2024)Kamala Harris, CA Jr. Senator (2022)
Nancy Pelosi, 12th, CA (2021) Chuck Schumer, NJ Sr. Senator (2022)

As a member of the government, they are supposed to support their elected President so that the country can move forward rapidly tackling all obstacles and stand by together to overcome anything in their way to successful.

Father God, we ask that CA, OR, WA, MN, IL, NY, DE, NJ, DC RI, VT, MA, who are currently Blue States, will turn RED STATES by Election 2020.

Father God, we also ask that these toss up states CO, NM, MI, NC, VA, PA, WI, OH, IN, FL will turn RED STATES by Election 2020.

The 18 AGs from CA, OR, CO, NM, IL, MI, MN, WI, NC, VA, PA, DE, NJ, DC RI, VT, MA, WA will be demoted in Jesus’ name.

Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we speak to the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances to dry up from the roots.

Father God please raise up men and women like Daniel to REPLACE above REPs and SENATORs and AGs. They will have no corruption in them because they are trustworthy, not corrupt, nor negligent. They will not bow before the idol of the King. They will stand firm and speak the truth in love. They are the righteous whose allegiance only to KING JESUS.
Lord, we link arms to join in prayer, first and foremost. We pray over every righteous candidate who has chosen to run. We ask for your favor to surround them as a shield. Fill their mouths with your words and give them wisdom and insight into the matters of their district. We also ask that every financial need will be met regarding media ads, staff, lawyers, printing, etc. Lord, please increase us, so we can give and show us where to give. We lift up the hands that are weary, and like Aaron and Hur, we lift up their hands with our prayers and finances to say, ā€œWe are standing with you in this battle.ā€
Lord, we ask that you would renew their strength that they will run and not be weary and walk and not faint. Show us, as the Church, how to stand up against injustice and unrighteousness, by getting involved in helping to build the political landscape of our nation by voting in godly leaders and voting out ungodly ones.

Hear our cry, O Lord, and attend unto our prayers as we pray for turnaround in America.

Thank You Lord Jesus’

    Mrs D
    July 16, 2020

    GREAT prayer. With your permission, i shall distribute it among the members of 2 different prayer groups. Thank you for sharing.

Lynnette Hiebert
July 16, 2020

It would greatly help if we, the God Fearing voters, had a list of the candidates and how they align with the Word of God. These would be persons who believe education should not be an indoctrination of Marxism and a deviance in how our creator intended us to be. What is their stand on abortion? What is their stand on nationalism vs globalism? If IFA could build this list of candidates so that we could effectively pray in those who will help take this nation back for God, it would greatly help me as a prayer warrior.

Pamela Bostic
July 16, 2020

The very least I can do to help is pray and I am praying daily, but also to get out and vote, which I fully intend to do. But there’s a lot of opposition to any conservative voter and I’m adding to my prayers a clear path to vote, as well as an honest voting system.

Mary Meens
July 16, 2020

I am in agreement with your well-written article! Thanks for highlighting this issue and prompting us to pray.

July 16, 2020

You listed the liberal “unhealthy” candidates, not who is running against them. The ones you listed need prayer: ie “convert or remove from public offices”.

Please list the Christians who are still running around the US

Ronda Orchard
July 16, 2020

Dear readers … we know that the incumbents are the ones that need to go. Who hasn’t hit send prematurely?

Please use your God given gifts to research your candidates and lift them up. It’s achievable when you move in the power of the Spirit of God to do something as simple as pray for truthfulness and integrity in the political spectrum.

Stop grumbling and be part of the solution.

Ronda Orchard
July 16, 2020

Lord, I lift up Mark Ronchetti running for New Mexico Senate, Michelle Garcia Holmes running fo NM House District 1, Yvette Herrekl running for NM House District 2, and Alexis Johnson NM House District 3.

May you guide the direction of their platforms to show integrity, morality and compassion for our families, our state and our country. May they lift up your name in humility as they unashamedly proclaim you as Lord of their lives.

I pray for your protection over them and that you would grant them endurance for the race ahead of them. And when they, by faith, are elected keep them steadfast and true to their principles and promises. Let them not forget where they have come from and the prize they are fighting for. amen

    Jackie Prentiss
    July 16, 2020

    Thanks for the names.

      Ronda Orchard
      July 16, 2020

      No worries. If you are from NM you noticed the type for Yvette Harrell … oops.

July 16, 2020

Unless I am reading this incorrectly, why are you telling us to vote FOR the incumbent democrats and go to their website and make donations?

    Jackie Prentiss
    July 16, 2020

    Ok so Im an wordsmith/stickler for detail. I thought something in this article was amiss. So Im not going not nutsšŸ¤·

Cindy Gilmer
July 16, 2020

The article lists the incumbents and asks us to pray for them. While Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff definitely need prayer, we need the names of those running against these progressives to pray for their campaigns and claim them victorious for Godā€™s purposes.

July 16, 2020

Where are the list of Christian candidates to pray for?

    Ronda Orchard
    July 16, 2020

    please use the gift of intelligence to research your candidates and lift them up …

Shirley Norton
July 16, 2020

I agree that the list is confusing…the incumbents are against Pres Trump…I guess just read about them & their party affiliation…then pray….the article at end says we can contact the author, Karen Hardin…the Lord knows & can guide us to pray too…:) Thank You Jesus! Amen!

July 16, 2020

Thank you for this article! By clicking on the names of the incumbents a wealth of information is given, including those opposing them!!

I agree with your prayers and will make donations to conservative opposing candidates! In Jesus’ Name I pray! AMEN!

Jackie Mostoller
July 16, 2020

Father, we pray for those listed to come to Your truth. If they are not destined to do so, we pray they would be removed from office, and replaced by those whom You have chosen, in Jesus name. Amen

Christine Parker
July 16, 2020

Please add John James, Michigan US Senate candidate to your list. We need a strong, articulate Christian voice for Michigan.

July 16, 2020

The section which says ‘pray for the candidates listed above’ is a little confusing, as those named are the ones we would like to defeat. Not that we should not also pray for them, but the article doesn’t name the favored candidates who need our prayers that they may win these seats from those named in the article.


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