The fight is raging in public school systems regarding Critical Race Theory, and IFA has covered much of it. Our hope was that private schools, Christian and secular, would remain a bastion of truth and continue to teach their students that all men are created equal. Since 1689, the Quakers provided quality education for America’s children. That era of excellence may soon be over. The Society of Friends has announced that 12 of their K-12 schools will now teach the controversial Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Critical Race Theory (CRT) derived from one of the main pillars of communist theory hammered out by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and published in 1848 in the Communist Manifesto. Marx and Engels believed only two classes of people existed: the oppressors and the oppressed. Pitting the two classes against each other would provoke a communist revolution. In education, teachers who teach CRT will view every subject through the lens of race, keeping in mind that one race is the oppressed and the other race is the oppressor. All existing thoughts on racial justice are to be challenged and altered to explain the struggles of the oppressed.
Believers hold the key to stopping the tide of CRT and the carnage it will produce in its wake.
As we see this insidious ideology roll full steam ahead in the schools across our nation, what can we do?
We pray:
- Prayer is the most important thing we can do. Pray with Intercessors for America. Pray in our devotional time. Pray with our friends and family in small groups. The prayer of agreement is powerful. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:15 pm ET. Visit or call (712) 775-7430.
- Pray a declaration. Mark 11:22 says, “. . . that if I say to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea, and do not doubt in my heart, but believe what he says will happen, it will be done.’” Declare:I stand on Mark 11:22 and speak to Critical Race Theory and declare that it is removed from the schools in our nation.
- Praise and worship are two of the most effective and powerful weapons we have. To praise God in worship in the face of the enemy of CRT is an absolute act of faith that defeats the enemy and brings victory.
- Prayer and fasting. In Mark 9, when Jesus’ disciples asked Him why they could not cast the demon out of a young child, his reply was, “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting” Mark 9:14-29. Jesus knew there are times evil would be so invasive and insidious that prayer and fasting would be the only way to drive it away. CRT may be such an evil.
We act:
Often we are told to take a stand or speak out. While great advice, many don’t know how to do either effectively. There are excellent examples of parents who have taken action and have successfully changed their school district’s policies on CRT. Here’s what they do:
- They organize their parents. The parents at Loudon County, Virginia, attracted media attention and were successful once they organized Parents Against Critical Theory (PACT)
- They expose school administrators and school boards that promote CRT. SouthlakeTexas’s top-performing school district exploded after they found out what their schools had been teaching in the name of racial justice and demanded the school district stopped sweeping this (CRT) under the carpet.
- They attend school board meetings en masse. After a year of virtual learning, parents are more aware of what their children are taught in school and take action.
- They support those who publically speak about the dangers of CRT. While a lone person can make a public statement, with the support of parents, they can make an even greater impact.
- They take the issue to the state level. Calling and writing their state congress members has resulted in states like Oklahoma, Florida, North Dakota, Tennessee, and Idaho banning CRT in their classrooms.
CRT may be the greatest education battle of our lifetimes and will require prayer and action. As believers and intercessors, we hold the key to godly prayer and actions that will turn the tide of evil and protect the hearts and minds of our nation’s students.
How do you feel called to take a stand against Critical Race Theory? Share in the comments below!
About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information, go to: Credit: Canva.)
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Please, do all Nancy Huff advises. Critical race theory is the worst thing that has targeted our children, ever!! It is evil!! Don’t let your school boards, or elected officials, get by with this one!! Parents and grandparents can stop this, but you have to get involved. It is already in some states and communities, but if enough people stand against this, it can, I believe, be stopped! This is not something that believers can be silent on. The people behind this need to read what Jesus said should happen if you harm one of His little ones.
Thank you for presenting the most comprehensive and totally effective way of changing curriculum in our public schools. You have given parents, grandparents, etc. the tools they need to change attitudes of school officials! Thank you, thank you, thank you!😁
I am a retired teacher and have watched our public school system be destroyed by political teachers. This must stop. POLITICS HAS NO PLACE IN SCHOOL. Our children haven’t been taught what they really need to know because a teacher’s/school’s politics have taken the place of a good education. That is so unfair to do to our children. In this article you have outlined exactly how to fix this issue.
I have been blogging these same steps for decades and am truly grateful for your dedication to fix our education system! After all, our Children are Our Future…and our Blessings!
God Bless each and everyone of you! You are making God (and many Teachers/Parents) very happy by your actions!
Dear Lord, as You have commanded us, please teach us to love You, the Lord our God, with ALL our heart and soul and mind and strength, and – as we abide in You – to love each one of our neighbors (lovely and unlovely) as ourselves, for You are not a respecter of persons.
We need to teach that we are all God’s children, created in His image, we are one race, the human race. There are no distinctions for color or disability or gender. We are His people.
We need to speak out in a loud voice against the lies of CRT. Christians founded this country and gave thanks to God. Was there evil? Of course, there was. Slavery was brought here by the British and was destined to die out as righteous people, laid out the founding principles of our nation.
Know the truth, speak the truth. Evil exists in the hearts of men however, the Holy Spirit helps us overcome. Search history and learn from it. Slaves came in all colors at different times in history. Black people do not have a monopoly of being persecuted or enslaved. This is not about social justice. If it was, BLM would be seeking social justice globally. I’ve heard nothing of their work in West Africa. I’ve seen no evidence of them investing in communities to promote growth, opportunity, health, or empowerment. I have only seen evidence of them seeking to weaken their own people using CRT and telling them they are oppressed, they are different, they cannot compete, and that their character doesn’t matter.
Do not tolerate the lies.
When one reads Genesis, one must conclude that there is but one race, the human race, therefore the idea of multiple races is actually a lie. What we perceive as multiple races are actually physical characteristics that have been enhanced by micro evolution. Micro evolution, unlike macro evolution, is a proven scientific fact, micro evolution is what “survival of the fittest” is based on. Micro evolution allows those traits that are more important for survival to be accentuated. Every human has the same basic DNA available to them, but based on the environment of my ancestors that migrated to Europe, my skin tone is lighter than someone whose ancestors migrated to Africa, because darker skin tones are more advantageous in the heat of Africa. Macro evolution (Darwinism), an unproven and wholly unsupported theory says that DNA is not only mutated (as in macro evolution), but is ADDED to by evolution, hence the idea that humans descended from the apes. Macro evolution is one of the bases for racism.
I made a typo in the next to the last sentence inside the parentheses, the word SELECTED should have preceded macro and macro should have been MICRO evolution.
Parents and grandparents must be at their local Board of Education meetings. The local boards of education are choosing the policies and curricula that are adopted by the schools. You must be there to support your own children and your neighbors’ children and for this next generation. They will be leaders of America and around the world. So what do you want them to be taught? It must line up with your biblical values. We are in a crisis today as students have been taught lies, to hate their own country, obscene stuff regarding “sex education” which no parent should want someone else teaching their child this pornography. The church has remained silent for almost 6 decades. We’re where we are culturally because THE CHURCH DID NOT SPEAK UP. Are we ready to march in unity to our Commander-in-Chief, Yeshua/Jesus or not? IT IS PAST TIME TO BE THE GLORIOUS CHURCH THAT OUR LORD CALLED US TO BE!!!!!!
Jesus, in Your name, I stand against the Critical Race Theory! Reveal the evilness of this theory to all of us and strengthen us with Devine wisdom to oppose it!
Having served as a teacher and school administrator in a 92% at risk population of students through an alternative charter High School, I’ve seen with my own eyes how vulnerable this population is to the lies of the Left. Through media and the empty promises of “Social Justice” these students are manipulated to look somewhere to find someone to blame for their often very poor quality of life. It’s not the system’s fault, it’s often the consequences of rampant sexual immorality and a complete lack of knowledge of the truth among their missing parents. These students often parrot the lies of the Left in anger because they are angry and they have been mistreated; but they don’t understand the root issues behind their pain. Jesus loves these students very much and wants to reveal Himself to them, but free will, tainted by sin and often addiction, hinders their ability to process.
It takes time and a gentle spirit, while walking in love, to help these students understand that the narrative they have been programmed to believe is a horrible, deceptive lie. I also witnessed as a left leaning educator began sowing seeds of racism in their hearts and minds, against administration, that had been alien to them in the caring culture of that school before that time. Fortunately he wasn’t there long enough to do great damage.
Now God has called me out of school administration, but my heart aches for the horrible ways this generation and the other citizens of our country that are being diabolically manipulated and Socially engineered to bring about this wicked end to Liberty.
Christians need to rise up and confront this evil boldly and without apology, bathing their efforts in prayer and supplication. We can’t be spiritually lazy about this issue or it will destroy us.
May the Lord give us tremendous grace and strength to take back this territory that we’ve willingly surrendered to the enemy by not being strategic in seeking out places of influence. May Christians rush to fill in the vacuums and vacancies that exist for us to influence these critical areas of Civic life while we still have the chance, and may God grant us a great victory over Lucifer’s work in our nation through the Marxist radicals that have infiltrated much of academia.
We must study to learn the lies they are being taught so we can refute them. The lies are complex and idiotic and therefore not rational so they don’t make any sense.