I Prayed have prayed
Father, we look to you for solutions for families and students. Let us seek Your will for educating our children and grandchildren.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Editor’s Note: As we have been long-praying about the ideology and activism steeped in our public schools, some of our prayer has been asking God for direction for families of faith and the impact that public schools is having on them. Some questions we need to ask at such a time of shifting, “Is God opening doors for other online learning avenues for our students?”Ā  “Will COVID-19 bring the natural opportunity to see school choice and vouchers a part of our nation’s education framework?” How can we be praying about what God may be doing through all of this?

From Fox News:

Education Secretary Betsy DeVosĀ said Sunday that she intends to have American schools open for in-person classes this fall, and insisted that this can be done safely despite concerns over theĀ coronavirusĀ pandemic.

ā€œParents are expecting that this fall their kids are going to have a full-time experience with their learning, and we need to follow through on that promise,ā€ DeVos told “Fox News Sunday,” stressing that “kids cannot afford to not continue learning.”

DeVos said it is “not a matter of if” this happens, but “a matter of how.”

The secretary hold host Chris Wallace that “the CDC never recommended that schools close in the first place,”Ā but she did note that there can be exceptions in areas that are coronavirus hot spots.

ā€œWhere there are hot spots in the future, in the fall, of course that has to be dealt with differently,ā€ she said.

DeVos said that students have suffered from not being in a classroom environment this past spring, and that schools should have the ability to help them catch up in the fall.

“Theyā€™ve fallen behind this spring, we need to ensure theyā€™re back in a classroom situation wherever possible and whenever possible, and fully functioning, fully learning,” she said.

DeVos also said that by not being in school, there are children with mental, emotional, and social issues who are suffering from being stuck at home.

DeVos and President Trump had previously threatened to withhold funding from schools that do not reopen in the fall. Sunday, DeVos reiterated this warning.

And in a separate Fox News Sunday interview (watch above), when asked about school systems who choose not to open in the fall, DeVos shared, “if schools aren’t going to reopen…they shouldnā€™t get the funds. Then give it to the families to decide to go to a school who is going to meet that promise.”

Is this the door opening for school choice? Pray into this!Ā  This could be the opportunity that many have been waiting for to have the freedom and means to exit the public school systems, that in many cases are beyond repair.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Ronn Blitzer.)

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July 17, 2020

As a retired teacher, I believe that in all the public schools we need to teach U.S.A. history with great respect for our country starting in every classroom in the whole school system. In every hight school the curriculum needs to require that every student needs to have Civic and History classed so they all understand about U.S.A. history, the constitution, articles and the government, etc. Throw out all the extra nonsense classes and extra curricular entertainment classes that are not necessary or needed in our schools. Get back to the basics, reading, writing, and mathematics.
I also believe it should be legal for Home Schools, Charter Schools, Private, and Christian Schools as long as they give each child a balance education following a good, solid curriculim. I also believe each child should be funded as the Public Schools are.

Jen odom
July 16, 2020

Praying that God will help the nation throw bad curricula out of the public schools and allow good solid Christian curriculum in so that children can learn the truth.

Jeanne P Layman
July 16, 2020

I would think the Churches would start having schools. There use to be a lot more Church Schools than
we have right now.

July 15, 2020

Almighty God, Your ways are inscrutable. Could this Covid crisis be an answer in part to provide children with better choices, better education, tearing down of evil footholds? I pray for Your guidance for parents who are concerned for the health of their children as well as for the education of their children. May the church lead the way with backing private Christian schools with smaller class sizes. I pray for Christian parents to have a burden to educate their children at home or in Christian schools. May they be willing to sacrifice to bring this about and may our government financially support this with vouchers. But for so many other children in public schools would You also pave the way for parents to seek private education where liberal agendas are not taught. Lead Education Secretary Betsey DeVos. May she have wisdom and protection from above. May correct decisions be made as to when and how schools should return. I pray You would destroy the principalities and powers and world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness that are invading the public school system. I praise You that You are able and thank You that You are more willing than I am to pray. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen

    July 16, 2020

    Agree in Jesus name. Amen. As I had listened to some recent news of parents beginning to make decisions about their homes and their children, I believe the Holy Spirit began to reveal that in some ways that we may have focused on the “Reset” that He had spoken of in light of the Church and our lives, not realizing that other mountains, like Education, Media.. and more, were also in need of this “Reset.” May the Lord open our eyes, reveal His heart, and direct our steps in every area for His glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

      July 16, 2020

      Yes. We need the Holy Spirit to invade all areas of life and education at all levels is huge!

MaryAnn Stuart
July 15, 2020

Yes, schools should be open for the students whose families want them there. Yes, they need to catch up on a whole semester. That could set them back further. Some might need summer school the following year.
Secretary DeVos, one thing the next generations of Americans DO NOT NEED more of is continued training in racism (our creator only made one pair of humans from whom have come every human ever on this planet. We are all related to Adam and Eve and to every other human.One family, Under God), sub-humans, multiple genders (only 2),
explicit sex images for low grades, origin of life groups from “simple” to “complex” over millions of years by accident/chance — because of which we each are partly animal with no relevant rules or purpose for being alive. Therfore, others are the same and don’t matter; So, it’s ok to kill anyone or oneself or millions of unborn babies. The integration of “science falsely so-called,” i.e. evolution, into every aspect of school and every other part of American lives — along with the removal of respect for God’s Word, the Bible, is why we see such destruction and hatred and threats acted out today, mostly without bad consequences. As long as students are mandated to learn false and evil ways and are refused true training in science and in history and in what has made America the greatest nation on Earth for over 200 years, in spite of our flaws (which we have acknowledged). If students between 15 and 25 were required to spend some time in a very poor place like Haiti, or in a Communist nation — as apart of requirement for economics or civics classes, many of them might learn to appreciate more the freedom and blessings of living in a Republic. In lieu of visiting another form of government, knowledgeable speakers from elsewhere who came here to get away from a bad place or true stories or being read books that focus on why people come here from other lands — making comparisons — too many people in America just haven’t learned enough truth to appreciate or be grateful for or to be willing to work to make America great again! Too many also have no idea that our prayers and our support of Israel is necessary for God to continue to bless us inspite of deserving His judgment, because He keeps His promises. Genesis 12:3. Thank you, Mrs. DeVos, for removing Common Core. Thank you for using your authority for the good of this nation. May God bless you.

Linda Miller
July 15, 2020

Please know that we are praying for you believing you will have His wisdom and strength to do what is best for all students in our country.

Sherry Culp
July 15, 2020

Lord forgive us for allowing our Government to educate our children and now reaping what has been down into many of them. Lord I ask for Your blessing and guidance for the money to be available for Parents to use this money to educate their children as guides by You. Lord may they be convicted of their responsibility to “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Lord may we invest in our Children’s Spiritual training, Educational Training and Emotional guidance in whatever capacity You equip and the situation one is in allows. Provide ways for this to be accomplished Lord. Lord may it start in our homes, fathers teaching trades to their children, and however else You have for support Lord for families. Thank you Lord that you are able! In Jesus name. Amen
Proverbs 22:6

July 15, 2020

I pray for God’s will to be done in this matter. Children are being taught in school things that are contrary to God’s will.”And all your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children!”

July 14, 2020

Father Have your will and way. You know exactly what children need. Truth, love, and opportunity for them to grow into exactly what you created them to be. May they feel loved and encouraged wherever you would have them learn. For those children who suffer please have mercy & place them where they will feel your love and I ask that each child will find their only hope in Jesus. I ask for revival in the schools and that you raise up teachers who will love you Lord and will do what is right. Give them courage to stand against the progressive
socialist agenda! Place them where they will make an effectual difference for Christ. In Jesus name, Amen

Byron Stark
July 14, 2020

Secretary DeVos, the revising of American history must be stopped; restore the true record. Then, teach it.
God bless your effort to accomplish this.

July 14, 2020

Father, I pray in Jesus name that the children of this nation might once more have the opportunity to attend school this fall without all the fear and panic surrounding the idea. We know that children are a blessing from the Lord and we pray Psalms 91 over each of them. That you will protect their health and well being. I pray that our schools will once more function according to your will and purpose for our children. I pray for Godly teachers and save God fearing environments. I pray that teacher all across our country will come to know you as Savior. That the evil intent of the enemy will be nullified and brought to naught. Father, give courage to our leaders to do what is best for our children. Fear is not of you! Thank you Jesus that you tell us ā€œfear not ā€œ 365 times in the your word. One fear not for everyday. You tell us to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!
Help us each one to be strong and of good courage. For the battle is not ours, but itā€™s the Lord who leads us to victory as we lean on and trust in Jesus for all things. In his precious, victorious name I pray and thank you for answering our prayers. Amen

Linda Welsh
July 14, 2020

We have been praying almost daily as we walk around our local school that the entire ungodly agenda in these schools would be reset!
We are grateful that President Trump put prayer back in our schools! We need to break the stranglehold that the teachers union has on our schools! We declare that honor & truth will be restored & the true story of our nation will be taught


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