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Father, we pray for the integrity in our elections. Protect the voting process, Lord, and ensure that it is fair and free, only avaible to American citizens.
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How were so many noncitizens able to vote? This study may lead to real change.

From The Washington Times. More than 200 self-acknowledged noncitizens have managed to register to vote in Arizona’s Maricopa County and at least nine of them have cast ballots in federal elections, according to a report that questions the federal law that pushes states to register more voters.

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The study is the first in a series of reports by the Public Interest Legal Foundation to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Motor Voter law, which requires states to allow people to register to vote at their local motor vehicle bureau offices. …

In Maricopa County, which is the fourth most-populous county in the nation and is home to Phoenix, 222 people have alerted officials since 2015 that they were on the rolls but did not hold citizenship. Of those, nine cast ballots in federal elections before acknowledging that they should have been excluded, the foundation said.

“This is just more evidence that there is a problem that is not being adequately addressed,” said J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation and a former lawyer in the Justice Department’s voting rights section.


Motor Voter, officially the National Voter Registration Act, enlisted local officials to get more people to register to vote. It required state motor vehicle bureaus to ask customers whether they wanted to register. …

The problem is that some states have offered registration to everyone — even noncitizens who, under federal law, are not eligible to vote in national elections. …

In North Carolina, voter registration forms were sent to motor vehicle bureaus with the “citizen” box already checked. A 2017 audit found that 41 noncitizens cast ballots in 2016. All of them were legal immigrants. …

The 222 names in Maricopa County are of people who self-reported as noncitizens. Mr. Adams said immigrants seeking citizenship often come forward and acknowledge that they are on the rolls because one of the questions on the naturalization form is whether they ever were illegally registered. Lying on that form can quickly earn deportation. …

Mr. Adams said there is no guessing about how many others haven’t come forward. …

Mr. Adams said part of the problem with the Motor Voter law dates back to its creation when lawmakers debated how to handle voter registration applications with the citizenship box unchecked.

Democrats wanted a blank box to be an attestation of citizenship. Republicans saw it differently. The law was enacted with no resolution on the matter, Mr. Adams said. Blue-leaning states generally interpret it the way Democrats wanted, and red-leaning states see it the way Republicans wanted.

Mr. Adams said Congress should step in and provide clarity by authorizing states to validate citizenship claims. …

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(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: Element5 Digital on Unsplash)

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Ann Shaw
April 30, 2023

We need to respect the laws of our nation even if we want to change them. We have developed a good system, but we need to act in agreement with the laws. I pray that lawfully hired workers would carefully investigate the credentials who register to vote.

R Finley
April 29, 2023

Was this not the Communist “democratic” plan all along? They just needed the right “brain dead” emty suit in the white house.
Bi-dumb did the rest by appointing the “Clown Car” cabinet which will sit down and shut up while the “America hateing” dum-o-rats destroy our country.

Darlene Estlow
April 28, 2023

Father, continue to send repentance on our country. May we not be like Israel and Judah who continued in their way of sin and lost their country. We cannot depend on politics to deliver us. We have to depend on you and follow you.

April 28, 2023

I would have liked to know if the “non-citizens” voted for what party?

    April 28, 2023

    Democrat! That’s why the border is left open, so the socialist democrat party can attempt to stay in power to destroy America! However, what GOD has put together, let not man put asunder! GOD has the only authority over America and as we continue in prayer for salvation, and deliverance, GOD will answer in JESUS NAME! Amen!

      A M
      April 30, 2023

      How do you know, is it not a secret ballot?

        May 2, 2023

        Yes it is a secret ballot, however I work at the polls during elections (for many years) and beginning with obama running for president we got questions about how do I vote for the letter “o” from people who were not familiar with voting. And people not fluent in English. We’ve had to make people turn political shirts inside out, (not allowed inside polling places). I have seen democrat political activists in my community bring car loads and vans loaded with people, including immigrants to vote. You are right, they may not vote democrat, but I know that is how they have been schooled to vote. I have yet to see a republican activist bring loads of people to vote although we need to from now on!

Rose Rocha
April 28, 2023

Father God help us to protect this nation for the legal American Citizens. With you we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, when we ask in prayer. Lord please intervene with the right people set in place. IJN

Jeffrey W Gosney
April 28, 2023

This needs to go out to ALL of the USA Politicians.


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