I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for integrity in our election. Bring the truth of what happened in 2020 to light and prevent any future elections from being tampered with.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

2020 saw perhaps the most corrupt election in American history. As evidence continues to come out, we must pray for people to see the truth.

From The Epoch Times. Voter fraud has traditionally been a local affair in the United States, where elections are conducted by more than 3,000 counties in a decentralized system that makes mass ballot manipulation nearly impossible.

And it very much remains so, maintains Gregg Phillips. His investigation into Georgia voter fraud during the state’s 2021 U.S. Senate election runoff is featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary, to be released this week.

While manning True the Vote’s voter fraud hotline during the 2020 election, Phillips said he observed local election fraud “grown to scale” as part of a ballot-harvesting scheme orchestrated by national organizations….

But what has happened over the past few decades, and became evident during the 2020 election, is “new money and old money, old-fashioned foundations” can “leverage fraud already in place at a local level,” Phillips said. “This is how this thing grows to scale” and can influence state and national election results.

Phillips, a former director of the Mississippi Department of Human Services and a former deputy commissioner for the Texas Health & Human Services Commission, is the managing partner and majority owner of OPSEC Group LLC, based in Birmingham, Alabama.

His company conducts voting roll and election results investigations and analysis for True the Vote (TTV), a nonprofit based in Houston founded by Catherine Engelbrecht in 2010….

Engelbrecht’s TTV and Phillips’s OPSEC conducted the investigation presented in the documentary by D’Souza, which is set to open in 300 theaters on May 2 and May 4.

The genesis of the investigation, which he and Englebrecht say proves large-scale, illegal vote trafficking occurred in the 2020 election, was digging into reports after manning TTV’s tip line, Phillips said….

He said that people calling the tip lines from across the country reported oddities around ballot drop boxes. A common theme was seeing the same people dropping off ballots….

Then he had an idea: Geospatial analysis gleaned from cellphone data….

By collecting cellphone data, “you not only know where, but when” a phone is at different places, Phillips said. “Presuming you know the person who owns that phone, you can learn, where does he sleep? Where does he work?”…

Once they had the data, the question was, who made 25 or more visits to a dropbox?

“What that left us with was 242 individuals who met that threshold,” Phillips said.

TTV also collected “4 to 5 million minutes” of video that also show the cellphone owners making ballot drops, he said. Those who did so 25 or more times were labeled “mules.”

The data confirmed conclusively that industrial-scale ballot harvesting was routine in Georgia, especially in the Atlanta area. Phillips said Englebrecht demanded it be checked and rechecked….

When the findings were presented to state officials in early 2021, they didn’t get the expected response. In September 2021, Georgia Bureau of Investigation  Director Vic Reynolds said that since TTV would not reveal sources cited in its analysis, there was no probable cause to investigate….

On April 25, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the state would investigate TTV’s claims and subpoenaed Englebrecht and Phillips….

Phillips said they found ballot harvesting to be a local cottage industry everywhere they looked….

Phillips said he can’t name names right now. “We are being advised right now (not to make specific allegations) until we get further down the road,” he said.

But he said the groups capitalizing on local election fraud networks tend to be state chapters of national advocacy groups and foundations with grant programs that have significant influence in communities….

“We have two investigations that are more explosive and likely more impactful than this entire ‘mules’ thing,” Phillips said.

“There is something we haven’t spoken of publicly because we thought it was going to go in a certain direction, and now that agency is flipping the script, so we are trying to batten down the hatches,” Englebrecht said. “When it comes to this stuff, you cannot be wrong.”

How are you praying for integrity and truth in our elections? Share this article to encourage people to pray.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Tiffany Tertipes on Unsplash)

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Robert Henderson
May 9, 2022

watch 2000 Mules Movie

Gary A Troidl
May 4, 2022

Once again we have an unsubstantiated claim of election fraud as presented in D’Souza’s film. Wasn’t he convicted of breaking election laws? And you believe him? You have run this play before, remember Arizona, and come up empty. It is time to be quiet until you have something credible to present. Otherwise you are bearing false witness.

    Karen Turner-Reed
    May 4, 2022

    Did you see the movie, Sir? I did, and as a Christian, God gave me a sound mind and good common sense!
    See the movie and then make your claim…. D’Souza had a target on his back for making “Obama’s America”. Which was very prophetic!
    Truth Seekers and Truth tellers are destroyed by Social Media, Main Stream News and banned from all platforms.
    God is in control that is certain, we need to be seekers of the truth and speak loudly about injustices that have been perpetuated on this country and it’s citizens.

May 3, 2022

Thank you Lord for this amazing bravery! Sadly, it reminds me of Ayn Rand’s book Anthem where the scholars want to kill the young man who discovered electricity. Let’s not investigate the issues to determine what’s really going on – let’s just crucify the ones who discovered it!! Jesus help us!

Sharion H
May 3, 2022

They found that 29,000 votes were deleted in Mesa County, on the western slope of Colorado. It’s an area of farmers, fruit growers, wineries, low crime, and peaceful with lots of patriotic people, mostly Christians, and the enemy of our nation found us dangerous to their plans. We had lots of flag rally’s celebrating our president, Donald J. Trump! His votes were deleted. There aren’t enough people to consider anything else.
I want everyone found a part of this conspiracy thrown in prison for at least 5 years and fined so high they’ll have to sell houses, cars, etc., so when they get out, they won’t have a dime.
It’s been proven that Obama didn’t win his second term and I think he should have to give back all those millions he’s buying houses with since he came into office broke!!! Considered fired!!! and the loss of all benefits!!!
Colorado was always RED and now that a communist is our governor?????

May 3, 2022

I would like to see those who have cheated and lied to obtain or maintain their office to be held accountable and for those who have committed treason against this land and Gods law to get what they deserve.

Andrea LS
May 3, 2022

We understand, at this time the reason there is so much dishonesty is people do not believe in God. I pray Father, please touch every man, woman, child old enough to understand, and we lift them up to You to reveal Yourself to them and let them know just who Jesus IS.

None can come to the Father except through the Son John 14:6 , and none can come to Me (the Son) except the Father draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:44. We ask You to draw them to Jesus and that they may be saved, and that You would help them overcome what ever it is that has held them back from YOU. Jesus: help them understand help them hear You! We pour out our hearts here to you for this dying world. You can Jesus so they would not have to die eternally. In Jesus name amen.

May 3, 2022

It is truly unacceptable in our nation for this level of corruption to exist. The Globalist Elite certainly had their way in the 2020 election. They are out to ruin America’s way of life, to set up a one- world government, and to pave the way for Antichrist to take control of the world. These people have ALL made their deal with the Devil. The Dems- Biden, Harris, etc. are their pawns, and are certainly doing a great job of ruining this country. That said, I pray for transparency , integrity, and truth to prevail in our elections. This nation needs for this to happen, or we WILL face ruination. I pray for the Lord to intervene in the affairs of men. I pray that our nation returns to the values that it was founded upon. In Jesus’ name.

John Vacaro
May 3, 2022

Lord Jesus we need you here you will shed the light of truth on all things. Please expose the evil in the election fraud and let the truth be known. And more importantly expose the evil in the abortion business. Thank you Jesus for interceding for us. And

Jacquelyn Miller
May 3, 2022

Election fraud. Why are we spending so much time on this issue when America is in so much more serious trouble? God has control of all governments. It’s ok to call out election fraud, but what about the weightier matters? Legalized abortions: Stop having sex or use some means to protect yourself. Same sex marriage: recognize the bodies and see that God made male and female for a purpose. When laws are made to keep people from giving water to voters in line, why is this acceptable? We are the Body of Christ and these are the things that have caused us to be in trouble with God.
“Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34). America is going to be judged and it won’t be for ‘election fraud’.

    May 3, 2022

    Fraud is a sin of false witness.I pray for integrity of those who count the vote, as well as those who cast a vote.

    May 4, 2022

    same sex marriage,abortion and election cheats “thou should not steal ” is done by the same crowd..mostly leftards and fake conservatives

    May 8, 2022

    We are spending time on voter fraud because it is a sin also, lies & manipulation are from the devil. As you pointed out our nation will be judged, however it will be judged for ALL sin not just abortion & homosexuality. All these things are under God’s control not just the government but as Christians we must call out all sin. As for not getting water in line, if you look at the details they can have water it was more who was giving it to them, so they would not be influenced by any party. If we cannot get an election that is just, we as a nation will never have a government that is just, which means we will never have laws that align with Biblical principles. That is why we must contain to investigate and bring to light the fraud that happened in the election.

    May 19, 2022

    All other matters you mentioned are on IFA site. Election fraud is just one of the many concerns to pray about. Election integrity is very important if it’s not addressed, and dealt with evil men will continue to reign and rule, and our votes will mean nothing. I believe the 2020 elections was stolen from President Trump, and Biden installed, and with that we have a administration that’s out to destroy our country like we’ve never known before. This is an election year and I’m praying that God will put in men and women in leadership that have a heart for Him and want to walk in truth so that the concerns you mentioned will be a priority in our nation.

May 3, 2022

God has supplied us with His angel army in the skies to disclose the technological information in the “clouds” regarding one of the fraudulent methods that that was used during the elections. While referred to as the ‘prince of the power of the air’ in Ephesians 2:2, satan overplayed his hand. He never thought that the truth would be revealed. Although it’s taken months to uncover the plot, and there are many other layers to be exposed, we as Believers must continue to press in with prayers, fasting and action so that these plans will be revealed, and consequences follow.
Let us continue to put our angels in the sky (Rev. 14:6, 8, 9) that have been assigned to us to work on this major and critical assignment. Let us not get weary in well doing. The World will know the truth and God will supply the way and means. We thank Father for Your faithfulness! In Jesus Name. Amen.

Pam Z.
May 3, 2022

Father let the light from Your glory expose the deeds and people that are being used by the enemy to draw our nation away from You.

Darlene Estlow
May 3, 2022

Father, I pray the corruption would be broken. Bring out the truth and let it stand against those who say it isn’t so. May it be conclusive to the point it cannot be denied and that our election system will be protected from dishonest and illegal activity. We praise your name because you working and foiling the evil.. Thank you Jesus.

Toni Kushner
May 3, 2022


Sarah Wright
May 3, 2022

Thank unfortunately you’re hard work!!

Allena Jordan
May 3, 2022

Lord, protect all records in any type of media. Protect the organizations investigating potential election fraud. Protect these leaders: Englebrecht, D’Souza. Protect law firms and lawyers, investigators, all those who are seeking the truth regarding election integrity or the lack thereof in this wonderful country You made. Let no harm, danger, or disabling accident come against any of these people. Break open hardened hearts and minds. Let those involved in wrong-doing repent. Give the United States and her people a good bathing because we have sinned against You. Thank You, Father, that You are the One using Your people and others to expose and bring to light the truth in this matter. As Sidney Powell stated, this has been going on for a long time, maybe 20 years or more. Scrub us completely clean, Lord. Use this country for Your purposes on earth. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 3, 2022

I pray that the truth is revealed and shared about what really happened with the 2020 election. There is an “agenda” and the 2020 election was very much part of it. I’m sure many eyes will be opened with this revelation. Satan has deceived so many of us and lied to us about this. I pray that future elections are honest and we can rely on the integrity of this process. I feel that the 2020 election was a hoax from the beginning and the truth will come to light.

Marsha Bashor
May 3, 2022

Yes I pray for the truth to be known to everyone, and for correction to be made for this 2022 election. And for the whole truth to come out about the 2020 election. We deserve honesty and truth Lord, and you can supply it! And for the sake of President Trump! Thank you for the people who are looking into it! Bless and protect them!

May 3, 2022

It is time for America to bless God.
It is time for America to take ownership of her sins, repent, and turn to honor God.
Then we can once again say,
God bless America
Thank you Father for who You are.
Thank You for Your mercy and grace.
Thank You for opportunities to share the hope that we have.
Thank You for those who choose to defend the truth.
Thank You for your wisdom.
Thank You for Your protection.

Cynthia MORSE
May 3, 2022

Amen, let the truth be seen.

May 3, 2022

I pray the hidden things be brought to light so they can be dealt with in Jesus Name

Frank Mc Carley
May 3, 2022

There are many in our government who are as Jesus said“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” We can work to insure the next election isn’t stolen by Dominion election machines but, honestly there is nothing that can over turn the 2020 election no matter how bad we want to nor the amount of fraud that is found. Senator Cornyn’s office told me “there was no fraud which the Senator is aware of”. These wolves are playing dumb. The Republicans voted to certify the election. It is a done deal and there is nothing we can do to change those facts. But the Lord is on the throne and 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still in the Bible.

    Mary Kat
    May 3, 2022

    When you steal something, do you get to keep it? The election was stolen. God is restoring everything.

alan bromhead
May 3, 2022

when is something going to be done about it and the guilty brought to book?

May 3, 2022

I pray that as the truth is being revealed about what happened with the ballots in the 2020 election and the 2021 runoff in Georgia, our eyes would be opened to this truth. I believe our enemy, the devil, has deceived so many of us and lied to us about this. I pray the veil of deception would finally be removed off our eyes.

May 3, 2022

I pray our leaders and elected officials act and react appropriately to all the evidence coming to light. I believe it is important for the survival of our country.

Cheryl Woods
May 3, 2022

An appeal to Heaven, Father, please interceed and save our nation, save Your United States of America. Bring revival, remove the veil and open eyes to Truth. Bring accountability, hope and intercession and restore us to the Nation You designed us to be. Praise God Almighty, Amen!


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