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I Prayed have prayed
Our Father, holy is Your name. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Are you struggling to make sense of everything going on? If so, you are not alone.

We want to know how you are processing the events swirling in our nation and in the world. We are opening up the comments section below for you to share your opinion, feelings, prayers. We invite you to interact as a community of praying believers–we are convinced that we can learn from each other and from what the Lord is showing each other.

We looked for verses about community and found this encouragement Peter shared with the early Church who were suffering for Christ:

To sum up, you should all be of one mind living like brothers with true love and sympathy for each other, generous and courteous at all times. Never pay back a bad turn with a bad turn or an insult with another insult, but on the contrary pay back with good. For this is your calling—to do good and one day to inherit all the goodness of God. For: ‘He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking guile: let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil’. (1 Pt 3:8 PHILLIPS)

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Joan H. Richardson
February 1, 2021

I remember the gist of a story Corrie Ten Boom told. She said her father never gave her the ticket for the train until just before it left the station. She likened her experience to our walk with God. We should not worry or be anxious about anything. Instead we look to Him, and He knows what we need for the journey. When its time comes, He provides for us.

I pray for the church to be awake and aware of the journey ahead of us but not to be anxious about it. We cast all our cares on You, Father, knowing You care for us. We have no fear; terror is far from us because we are the children of the living God. As we walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord. You give courage to the weak and strength to the faltering. Our provision is in Your hand. You’ve already lived in our flesh and have overcome; so the victory is ours in Your Name. Amen.

January 31, 2021

What goes around comes around. Biden and the whole family of gangsters will pay. In time. They have cost to many to much. God will see that they receive their full due.
This country was founded by very religious people under as stated in our founding documents. Escaping the
king of England and others. They gave up a lot. I think it’s time we go back to our roots and do a little more praying. Put god back in our schools and our daily life. My husband & I sent all 4 of our children to church sponsered schools. They received a good education and still don’t always go to church.
Church just isn’t a part of the family like it used to be. No group activities, no happy musicals and I could go on. Say an extra prayer for our country and our fellow man tonight.

January 31, 2021

I am very nervous, I try hard not to be but even though I do not watch the news anymore of any kind, even local I have turned off it is all seems it is just depressing to me and I don’t need that. I read a lot of websites and feel I get a better idea of what is going on than if I let someone tell me junk news. I think about my Dad and I know that if he was alive today he would be crying at what has happened, so it is better he is not here to endure it.
I see what is going on and know that the bad things that are happening are also going to affect those everyday people who voted for Biden, they may have been blinded by the hatred in the media for Trump and really have not sought out what is really truth vs facts. The media has become the worst enemy of the people because they omit what is really happening and want to give you a lot of misleading information that causes people to think the worst especially about Trump and his supporters. Then they have the Fakebook and Twitter people who are shutting down anything factual, this is really an information blackout and I know that is intentional, just as in communist countries, it is such a shame that it has come down to this and our leaders have allowed these people to abuse their power and not hold them to account.
I hope and pray that those that did vote for Biden will see when things begin to affect their pocketbook and way of life that the Dems are dangerous and want to control every aspect of your life. All Trump wanted was to set us free and unshackle us and that was why the power in Washington hates him so much, he threw back the veil of secrecy and let everyone see if they would look at how awful things really are there.
I think we need to continue to pray for Trump and his family it appears they will never leave him alone, they are so afraid of him and those of us who voted for him.

January 31, 2021

Continually coming to grips with my own failures and praying for His Truth in my life and reflection back to the Kingdom. Persevering in Kingdom work to free captives from strongholds of iniquity through prayer and if led, deliverance by the authority we have from King Jesus.

Debbie Isbell
January 30, 2021

As born again Christians we must stand strong and in faith. Our God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians and He will deliver us from our enemy too. Look to the modern day prophets and listen to what they are saying. The Word says, :Surely the Lord does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants, the Prophets.” Amos 3:7 In II Chronicles 20:20 It says, ” Believe His prophets and you will prosper. In I Thessalonians 5:20 God says, “Do not despise, reject and scorn prophesies” as long as it lines up with God’s Word. God’s heart is revival and He will do whatever it takes to bring that to pass. The prophets have told us we are being shaken because God is exposing all the corruption in our government. The longer He delays, the more corruption and lies will be exposed. Our job is never quit, give up, and cave. Our job is to “fight the good fight of faith. I Timothy 6:12 The reason the enemy keeps winning is we need to be one in mind, Spirt, and deed. We must watch our tongues. Decree the Word like in Job 22:28. No matter what they try to do to me, I will not bow to Communism, Socialism, or Marxism. Many millennials voted for this but they have no idea what it is and how they will live if our country turns this way. God loves our country and He will never turn it over to the enemy. We must pray “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on this earth, just like it is in Heaven. I believe we are going to witness something so miraculous because man is not going to do it but God is! God says He will fight for us and we are to STAND STILL AND SEE THE SALVATION OF OUR LORD. Exodus 14:13

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January 29, 2021

I am terrified of the events unfolding in our country since the election and the tyranny used in the name of a virus no more harmful than a cold or flu. The vaccine is now being pushed and is experimental. It should not be used on the public. I ask for prayers right now for a case that is being brought up to allow all citizens to opt out of this vaccine. I fear for our lives. I wish more people would see how us being muzzled is tyrannical and abusive to our children, an entire generation who is learning to live muzzled. This is terrifying yet so many people DO NOT SEE. Justice has not been served by the murderers holding high level positions who are not held accountable to the law and Constitution. I am terrified and need strength to endure this. I fear what is to come. I pray continuously for deliverance. I feel very alone in CA where so many people have seemingly willingly embraced communism and tyranny.

    February 5, 2021

    Dear Jean; I went through what you’re experiencing myself, so I understand. It is so easy to become terrified over current circumstances. I bore this fear for several months until I realized I was doubting that God is sovereign and still in control of everything that is happening. There are so many Scripture verses that speak to what we are experiencing: “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus.” “Don’t be anxious about tomorrow, because each day has enough troubles of its own..” (my paraphrase). “Commit thy way unto God and He shall bring it to pass.” In fact Psalm 37 is a wonderful Psalm to read often, because it is so encouraging. One thing I’ve learned is, this broken world, and its troubles are making people more open to hearing the Gospel, and more likely to put their trust in Him. I will be praying for you.

    Joyce Davis
    February 3, 2022

    I meditate on Exodus 14 because I know God will deliver us. He has always been there from the beginning and will be through the end until his return. Keep the faith pray without ceasing for God’s truth to be revealed against this evil. Pray for hearts and minds to be open to hear God’s word. Let God’s light shine through us in love and compassion for those that are lost. Only God’s love can give us true peace and happiness. God is leading us to where he needs us to be to reawaken his people who have been asleep for to long. God is calling for true repentance upon his children. Praying for the lies of illusions that all people will awaken to come out and hear God calling them. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Marie Mathews
January 29, 2021

How I’m handling or responding to world events: Praying, reading scripture and focusing on God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, praising God and having confidence in Him and being thankful. Also trying to express the gospel as often as possible. I think all people who are praying are doing the same things.

January 28, 2021

I am encouraged. God is not finished. Since Benghazi I have prayed for truth to be revealed. Perhaps I am naïve but I had no idea our beautiful democracy was so corrupt. I’ve been focusing on government but perhaps God wants us to see the truth about Big Tech & Hollywood’s power to control even elections. The Media’s power and the evil we have seen exposed in America is incredible. Isn’t it good that we have seen many of our deepest weaknesses?

Until we admit our 63 million babies are still crying out across our land, how can we be at peace? How do you think they would have voted? We are panicked now with the 400,000 Virus Deaths, but we are still numb to 63,ooo,ooo human deaths from our 5 decades of abortion. I bought into that lie in 1973 when Baal and Molech reared their heads here, did you?

Imagine! We have killed 3 times as many voters every year as this Covid-19 Virus killed in only one year. More African American babies have been killed by abortion than the entire US population of African Americans in the 1970 census. I pray we get new prescription glasses in America.

Our very first vocal & openly anti-abortion president did not even have enough backing to stop the elimination of our tiny American citizens. Father, please let us be the solutions not part of the problems You see in America. Please give us insight and use each of us as You used our ancestors.

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January 27, 2021

A thought came to me a while ago that the Lord is telling President Trump, ” well done, go and rest. I will take over from here “

Stephen Miller
January 23, 2021

I have a personal request. My name is Stephen. My wife has left me and is living with another man. It broke my heart and caused me more pain than I thought possible to bear. I thought I was going to die. She has, now, hired a lawyer and wants a divorce. I just turned 70. I still love her. Not only was she my wife. She was my best friend. Please pray for me. Thank you and God Bless you for your compassion and prayers. Stephen

    January 25, 2021


    January 27, 2021


    I am so sorry you are broken-hearted. God does have a special place for you,
    next to His Sacred Heart. It is very difficult at this time to bear the pain
    you are feeling…but God has given you the strength to write your note reach-
    ing out for help. I hope you have good health, so this doesn’t cause you to die,
    even though I can understand why you would want to. You sound like a very nice
    and soft-hearted man. When you have given yourself ample time to heal and feel
    you are ready, there are many places you can go to socialize. Library/coffee shops,
    groups/bible study, church singles groups, health clubs, senior group settings,
    park walking paths.etc. I have already prayed for you, so I hope it helps. I
    will include you in my prayer list for awhile. I wish you all the best. When
    the time is right, God may have a surprise for you. May God Bless You.

    January 29, 2021

    As one who has been through these things, they almost always come back. My advice would be to pray as much as possible and focus on the love of God and trust in him that things will be okay, no matter what. You need time to heal whether she comes back or not. You need to recover and get strong so that you can forgive her, whether she comes back or not. Trust God for your entire future. Jesus needs to be your best friend now. That is his place in your life anyway, with no one in between. I pray God will comfort you and draw you close. Trust that you already lack nothing. He does not withhold any good thing from you. It’s hard to understand, but it’s the truth. You will emerge from this stronger, happier and closer to God. His love for you is more perfect and greater than anything here on earth. God bless you. You have a bright future, in Jesus name. AMEN

January 22, 2021

It is so very hard and scary as we see all the big black books in the oval office and the new President one by one opening them up for his signature on executive actions. Let us pray for our Rep. Reps and Sen’s to work hard and not just roll over and give in. Let us contact them in kindness to share our viewpoints and urge them to stand up to things that are coming up that would keep moving us to the Left. Things that would tear away our freedoms we hold dear and our Constitution. We must keep praying to our Great Lord. Corporate prayer is powerful but even begin to pray God would place a one on one prayer time with yourself and another. May more and more prayer partners spring up in these days. You will encourage ea other and also hold ea other accountable to our Lord. We must stay in the Word ea day and look for His wonderful promises to us. Ask God to illumine a promise or two esp for you at this time. As He does, for He is faithful to ea seeker, write it out. Hang it up. Memorize it. Pray it back to God. His promises will strengthen you and lift up your heart and spirit. God is with us!! He will never leave us nor forsake us!! HE IS COMING AGAIN!!! If you get too down, read Rev. 21 and 22. Look what awaits those who place their very lives in Christ Jesus. Amen and Amen. To Him be glory in the church now and forevermore!!

January 22, 2021

I need this site.

Emily Murr
January 22, 2021

I am really struggling to accept what is happening to our country. I do not watch or read anything concerning the new administration. After hearing Trumps farewell speech it is beyond my comprehension that people could not get beyond their hate of him to see the good he accomplished. I am not equating him to Jesus but I could not help but think of the Crucifixtion. I feel so helpless. Surely there is something God would have us do.

    James Hackney
    January 24, 2021

    Repent for all the evil in our nation and corruption in our governments.

Diane Keilman
January 22, 2021

I voted for President Trump. I supported him because he is Pro-Life,kept us out of war, supported Israel, installed pride for country, and helped Black Americans. I believe in my heart that he won the election. The only reason why Biden is in the White House is because he took advantage of the virus and cheated the system, and had a lot of help from big tech,big companies, and God only knows how many foreign countries.
I feel like it sends the wrong message to young people. You can cheat and steal as long as you win. It’s the end results that matters.

    January 27, 2021

    you are right and God is in His time going to use Tramp again to wake up this nation to all the hate and
    corruption in the swamp. We will see the hand of God move for this one nation under God .We did nothing to
    stop the one person from taking prayer out of the schools and now the young knows no history to live by. We
    are going to see dark times for not speaking up for our children 50 years ago and God waiting to hear from
    us all. Have mercy old God on us all. Fear God not man. 2 Tim.2:26 and Ro.8:26

Cheryl C Stalinsky
January 21, 2021

In this call for prayer for these ungodly leaders, I was drawn to an article that I read regarding prayers for removing them from office. They are prayers for God to exact justice, not for me to exact judgment upon them. I feel that most of these people have seared consciences and my spirit will not allow me to pray that God blesses them; even though we are taught to pray for these who have rule over us. I feel that, like David, we are to pray for their removal. There has been far to much shedding of innocent blood, which is one of the 7 sins God hates. Psalm 109:6-15 (NLT)6 They say, “Get an evil person to turn against him. Send an accuser to bring him to trial.7 When his case comes up for judgment, let him be pronounced guilty. Count his prayers as sins.8 Let his years be few; let someone else take his position.9 May his children become fatherless, and his wife a widow.10 May his children wander as beggars and be driven from their ruined homes.11 May creditors seize his entire estate, and strangers take all he has earned.12 Let no one be kind to him; let no one pity his fatherless children.13 May all his offspring die. May his family name be blotted out in a single generation.14 May the LORD never forget the sins of his fathers; may his mother’s sins never be erased from the record.15 May the LORD always remember these sins, and may his name disappear from human memory. Sounds harsh, but this is what David prayed. So, I am praying God’s mercy and removal of the wicked who have rule over us.

    Glenn R. Freeman
    January 22, 2021

    Dont forget Romans 12:14 and Matthew 5: 7&9. For in so doing you will Proverbs 25: 21-22.
    I find myself praying for repentance first, if hardness persists then remove them Lord.
    2 Pet. 3:9
    Bless you sister

    January 22, 2021

    Yes, I am in complete agreement with you.

    January 22, 2021

    TOTALLY in agreement. I’m praying for repentance or removal and like you, I feel in my spirit that they are reprobates. I can’t pray anything but for their removal. When I saw all 4 of those reprobates going up
    Stairs to a Catholic Church the day of The “installation” of the illegal regime, I thought maybe the walls would fall down… not because they are sinners, but because they were doing that for a photo op. It was so unbelievably obvious. So yes, I will continue to pray for Removal if the baby murderers will not Repent.

    Jess Ann
    January 25, 2021

    Powerful. And David was God’s beloved. We too can pray as David. Lord Vindicate and deliver us from our enemy….foriegn and within.
    In Jesus name. Amen

Rochelle Price
January 21, 2021

I am dealing with such grief over all that has happened over 2020. I specifically am struggling that evil seems to win. Those who are over us politically are going to keep doing harm to our America and our freedoms. Us, we the people, feel trapped in their agenda, not sure how to really make a huge change. I am praying for our nation. Will continue; my faith definitely being tested with the fraudulent election, and all the hypocrisy of the left. All the lies and accusations, the very thought out events on the 6th to continue to point and blame Trump and us believers. Sad state our country is in. I want to not give up, to keep standing. God is not done with this whole evil plan to destroy America.

Catherine Seybold
January 21, 2021

God has not turned His back on America! There is no reason to be sad or grieve. God Loves this country! This isn’t over! Remember, the early settlers came to America to worship God. They came to glorify Him and advance the Christian faith. God made covenants with the earliest settlers. He always keeps His covenants. He never breaks them. He is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man that He should change His mind. He speaks and acts. He promises and fulfills. Numbers 23:19

I continue to remind Father of His covenants. We will always be free to worship Him. America will always be a Christian nation. Psalm 105:8, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Hebrews 13:8.

When I was praying, I saw an explosion. Then it was calm. Wait for the explosion. The explosion is the rebirth of American. The best is yet to come! America will always be a Christian nation!

Also remember that God does not need any man to “save” His nation!


Joni Butcher
January 21, 2021

Yes, I agree with you. I was so upset, just as you were. I couldn’t understand why God would turn his back on us after all the prayers that had gone up concerning this election. Why would he turn us over to a corrupt party that did not win the election legitimately? I don’t believe he will. I believe he WILL turn this around. We all thought it would happen before the inauguration, but that was not God’s ultimate plan. There is more evil that needs to be exposed. And it will be. God will ultimately reveal it and remove it. He will NOT turn this nation over to evil. He still has a plan for American and it WILL come to pass.

    Rochelle Price
    January 21, 2021

    Thank you! I agree, I know God’s timing is so different than ours.

January 21, 2021

Wow,is God trusting the mature in this hour!
(though i am little) From my stance I see a perfect Plan bigger then our ability to conpute comming from on HIGH, its exciting and overwhelming due to the thought that our GOD is counting on us to hold the line with one another exspecting UNITY so the POWER can FLO… AMEN ,LOVE BLESSINGS.

    Rochelle Price
    January 21, 2021

    Amen and yes Blessings to you as well! Our faith is indeed being tested. He loves His Remnant! He does have a much higher abd greater plan!!

Gary Fortney
January 21, 2021

Be strengthened, stand firm(cf. I Thess. 3) in midst of sad heart.

January 21, 2021

I don’t have alot of time to explain as am at work. As I was grieving this morning these scriptures I believe where divinely brought to my attention so as to focus on and straighten me out during this time. Maybe they will minister to someone else so here they are:
Why does God leaves us on this earth after we are saved? In the second chapter of his letter, Peter begins by reminding us that we are living stones, part of the holy building God is building on the cornerstone Jesus Christ. This building made up of the lives of Christians is to be a beacon proclaiming the glory of God and the good news of redemption in Jesus.

In the remainder of his letter to the churches, Peter addresses what we are to do while we are living on this earth. He first tells us that we are likely to encounter trials and suffering in this world. Then, beginning with verse 13 of chapter 1, Peter conveys to us the importance of our mission, giving us instructions we would expect a military commander to give before sending his team out on a dangerous and critical mission. He tells us to:

Prepare our minds for action — we are to be action oriented, not passively waiting for our life to pass by.

Be alert and focused on the mission — we are to keep our minds focused on God’s purpose for our life on this earth.

Keep a long term perspective — don’t be deceived into putting your thoughts and your hope on the temporary temptations of the world, and

Realize God has entrusted you with the priceless resource of time — Peter tells us that we are to conduct ourselves in the fear of the Lord while we are on this earth.

The apostle Peter put it this way, “[You are] a people of his own, so that you may proclaim the virtues of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”{11}

Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul. Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation.{12}
1 Peter 2:18-19, Peter tells us,

Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable. For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly.

our post-salvation purpose of life on earth is to proclaim the excellencies of Jesus Christ through the gospel. The first two ways that we should use to proclaim Christ in this world. The first way is through excellent behavior lived out before an unbelieving world. The second is through living out right relationships with those with whom we deal in this world. As you can see, these first two ways that Peter addresses do not require us to explain our faith in Jesus Christ. Rather, they draw unbeliever’s attention to our lives, building up questions in their minds.

January 21, 2021

I give God our Father in heaven all glory for His Word, His truth in the name of Jesus for guiding me to read and hold on to His Word now more than ever.Remember what He said to Thomas? Be not faithless but believing (John20:27).Also from Luke when Jesus spoke to the two on the rode to Emmaus chpt24:25 note all that the prophets have spoken. I believe by His Spirit He has great things for us who believe.In Jesus Name.Amen.

January 21, 2021

I’ve been impressed since early 2020 that God is speaking to us, “’Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also heaven.’” And this statement, ‘Yet once more,’ signifies the removal of those things that can be shaken, things that are created, so that only those things that cannot be shaken will remain.” You may recognize this from Hebrews 12 (and Haggai 2). I have been concerned that we are trying to hang onto things that can be shaken, esteeming them as from God, yet they are things that were made by the hands and words of fallible men. The Kingdom of God is unshakable — the kingdoms of men, not so much. We can have absolute confidence in God, and the peace that comes therewith, that we will not be shaken as we hide ourselves in Him, but we find trouble when we hold onto shakable things. I feel we have not stopped to ask ourselves, what am I leaning on that is man-made, but have rather asked God to preserve and maintain those things, when He is saying that He is shaking them, and they will ultimately be removed. I have that peace and confidence that He will do good, but I am consciously keeping a willingness to let go of some things I have been accustomed to all my life.

    January 21, 2021

    I agree. The kingdom we are concerned with is God’s Kingdom which will come, is unshakeable and nothing can stop it. THE USA is not God’s Kingdom, although we grieve for all the evil that has presently taken over this nation. God is allowing all the evil to come to the surface. It is painful to see it, but HE will deal with the evil in His time and way. We can ask God for wisdom to pray in a such a way that we help HIS kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. We can trust His promises and His love for each one of us.

Jeannie Sparkman
January 21, 2021

In 2019 I had a strong feeling of dismay, that something evil was about to happen, but I didn’t know what. The Holy Spirit was warning me. God has given me the gift of sight and dreams. Before COVID19 hit, a man approached me in a local store where I was in the books and magazines area looking for historical books about WW2 to complete my mother’s childhood story of her experience through that war. A man approached me from behind to look at what I was reading. Completely caught off guard, he started yelling at me about reading books in that area. He mentioned that I should be reading a type of book I couldn’t even understand of what language or if it was of a different religion! When I gathered back my composure, I stood my ground and and I told him that Jesus was my Savior and the books I was looking at were decent! He quickly walked away. That was in 2019 also. Not too long ago, I had a dream of war and people all around me were being shot, bombs going off. It was very real life like and full of color! My mother is now 86 and was saved 13 years ago after my dad died. She is very afraid to go through a war again, but I remind her that she has a Savior who will be with her no matter what God’s plan is. I also told her that Satan is angry because his time is short and he has caused our world to go crazy and extremely evil. Our job is to still love everyone, even the blind who don’t realize that what they really need is not Biden, but Jesus Christ as Savior! Jesus is with us inside and nobody can take Him away from us, even if they took our Holy Bibles from us! Amen and peace be with everyone!

Alison Stevens
January 21, 2021

I was feeling hopeless last week but God started bringing to my mind the things that bring such joy in my life so I started writing them down, resulting in the following NO MATTER WHAT poem. I pray that you feel encouragement and start thinking on the things God brings to your mind that give you joy.

No Matter What …
Cardinals sing.
No Matter What …
Eagles fly.
No Matter What …
Snow Drops will rise from the snow.
No Matter What …
Creeks and streams flow into rivers and rivers flow into lakes and the seas.
No Matter What …
Children laugh.
No Matter What …
Cats purr.
No Matter What …
Trees sway gently in a Spring breeze.
No Matter What …
There’s ice cream.
No Matter What …
The sky sometimes explodes with unimaginable colors in the morning AND evening.
No Matter What …
Aurora Borealis paints the night sky with stunning beauty.
No Matter What …
Whales sing.
No Matter What …
Beautiful music can be heard.
No Matter What …
Soft Summer rain falls.
No Matter What …
Babies are born.
No Matter What …
Seasons change.
No Matter What …
The tides rise and fall.
No Matter What …
Mountains stand majestic.
No Matter What …
God still sits on THE THRONE.
God still is IN LOVE WITH US.
God still is THE GREAT I AM.
No Matter What.

    Emily Murr
    January 22, 2021

    That is a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it and thank you to all the people who are posting such helpful comments.

David McIntosh
January 20, 2021

Don’t give up.
My advice to go back to the 10 commandments and spend time confessing historic sins and sins of the ancestors and sins of the country.
Then fill the heavens with prayer: chaining up evil, exposing all darkness, and bringing the right men and women forward.
The ultimate defender of freedom is always God; we need Him in the fight.
God bless you all!

January 20, 2021

First, “pray for your enemies and those who abuse you.” Second, Several years ago the Holy Spirit told me the following which I never forgot. “You are going to be living in a time when all the evil which has been hidden will break out of the surface of the earth. I am telling you this so that you will not be dismayed when it happens. I, THE LORD, am allowing it, I am in control and I have a plan…” (There was more, but that is the heart of it) Well!! it is happening all around us causing much grief and sorrow and questions. Although millions of people around the world were praying for our election, God has allowed it to be stolen by fraud. He has His reasons and I trust Him, although I am grieving and trying not to be angry. (I know enough about the underground of this that I cannot soft pedal it). I realize that those who have done this illegal thing are caught in The Great Delusion, prophesied in II Thess 2:11 and are in great trouble eternally. My responsibility is to pray for their realization and repentance. I sadly see that some who are caught up in this delusion call themselves by the name of Jesus and it is possible that He will say to them “depart from Me I never knew you.” This causes me to be diligent in my own self examination. I want to be a standing answer to Jesus’ poignant question, “will the Son of Man find faith when He returns to earth???” PS when I am getting frustrated and really struggling with anger I read one of the imprecatory Psalms. IT is in Scripture!!

Mona Colwell
January 20, 2021

Today and last night I wept, a lot…. our government is so corrupt. I’m so thankful that the Lord blessed our country with a leader like President Donald Trump to awaken many Americans. I’m so sad with how he was treated by the media, by the swamp and the many who are continuing to spew hate despite their alleged belief that they “won.”

I’m heartbroken that Biden was allowed to be inaugurated today with all his corruption, with bribing the Ukraine, with his illegal business activities with Russia and China and with his rascist beliefs. We know he’s an illegitimate president.

It’s upsetting to think of all the hell the democratic Senators, Congressmen plus CIA, FBI, media and every other never-Trumper put President Trump and innocent people through over the past five years. Lies based on fake allegations. Now we have a real crook occupying the White House. It’s so unfair.

I was slightly angry about the idea today of trying to “fight for justice” when our own legislative and judicial branches tried to bury the crimes of voter fraud. Our military is allowing it by not arresting Joe and all the other crooks who broke Constitutional laws. Why couldn’t they be arrested today? We know there is treason. It’s been a day of wonder for sure, or no wonder as many of us had hoped justice would have been served before today or, in a worst case scenario, today!!

President Trump said we’ve got to go on and enjoy our lives… meanwhile, the evil that exists is continuing to try to silence Christians and spread false allegations of Patriots as terrorists. It’s more appealing for us to go back to letting all the injustice prevail. It’s hard to imagine stepping up into any “political” arena after watching what the administration has endured.

Our incredible President Trump and his patriotic staff were surrounded by traitors, negativity and hate in our country. Evil “won,” it’s hard to muster hope.

In one day, Biden is getting the US back involved with all the corrupt foreign organizations that generate hundreds of millions for these evil, selfish “public servants.”

I really can’t think about four years of a corrupt president or this being our last “fair” (not fair) election ever. That makes me cry.

I pray the country will continue to turn to God, that more people will be saved and that prayer is common among all. I do pray for a restoration of our hope and our faith in God. I pray for justice in His perfect time and in a grand way that makes it clear to all that our God is the victor, He “trumps”evil & wins 🙏🙏❤️❤️

    Nancy J Baskerville
    January 20, 2021

    It’s not over. Biden will have a very short term of office. Stand firm. Have faith. God is doing a very big STING on the evil satan worshipping ones. And many will come to Christ now…a great harvest of souls.

      Jane Fain
      January 22, 2021

      I believe everything you said in your paragraph, Nancy.

Pastor Susan Nikirk
January 20, 2021

Not shocked, The Holy Spirit showed me that Biden would win months ago. Much has to do with what is coming related to the Jewish people. I finally released what The Lord gave me last week on Facebook and it is on our website http://www.nikirkministries.org
I am humbled that The Lord trusted me with these words. If you are interested please listen to the word.
Apostle Susan Nikirk

January 20, 2021

Our Abba Father, just like in Ezekiel 37, we ask for Your breath from the four winds to blow and breathe upon our dry bones that we may LIVE again and ARISE as Your end time army. Let Your spiritual awakening come upon the Church in America and in all the nations so that we would return to You our First Love with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our souls and with all our strength. Help us step into our calling to be a holy priesthood and built up as a spiritual tabernacle offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to You through Jesus Christ. Help us to devote ourselves to holiness and consecration to prepare the way for the return of our King of Glory, Yeshua HaMashiach, the one and only Messiah. Help us Your children remember we may be hard pressed but we are not crushed, we may be perplexed but not in despair, we may be persecuted but we are never forsaken, struck down but not destroyed. No, even in trials and tribulations, You have made us to be more than conquerors through Christ who loved us for nothing can separate us from Your everlasting love. We thank and praise You for Your mercy that endures forever. We love You. You alone are worthy of all glory, honor, and power. In the mighty name of Yeshua I pray, Amen.

January 20, 2021

I want to thank God for President Trump. He is a God send to America. He used astute business knowledge and accomplished more than all Presidents in my life time. His farewell speech is precious. He loves America and all the people. I will pray for Pres Trump and his family as I do for my own. I pray God raises up others who speak truth and do good for our nation. God bless Pres Trump and America.

Rita Jelinek
January 20, 2021

I am struggling also; overwhelmed with sadness. Sadness for what they put President Trump and his family through for the past four years. Sadness for the fact that so much evil lurks in our government and across the world. Sadness that it seems they will never be brought to justice. Sadness for the children of the world who have been abused. Sadness that the media is so biased. Sadness for the hate that was created and promoted by the left. Sadness for the lies and and corruption around the election. Sadness that if they were able to get away with it this time (and apparently in past years), there will never be another fair election in this country. I was hoping that God’s “will” was the same as what I wanted. I am very worried for our country and the world. But I’m trying to hang in there, and trust in God. If I remember correctly, Jesus’ Good Friday didn’t end so well, but His Easter Sunday was amazing! Still hoping and praying. God wins!

    January 20, 2021

    almost exactly how i felt as i sat watching the inauguration and waiting for God to intervene. I shed tears, and then became physically sick to my stomach. The thoughts of the sex trafficked children and even adults of the world is overwhelming, and the abortion and all the other things you mentioned. We wanted God to meet our time line. After i watched him sworn in, i went into prayer, saddened, sick to my stomach and confused. He said stand. The word is stand. stand in faith, dont give up on Him. Faith is not based on what we see in the natural. Stand, God hears our prayers.

      January 20, 2021

      I too am overwhelmed with sadness. He too has been telling me to stand. The song that has been resonating with me this week is, on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. With Christ, we are on solid ground.

    Barbara Hesch
    January 20, 2021

    Rita, I’m with you. Couldn’t stop crying this morning when the President and First Lady said good bye and watched the plane take off and leave.

Woody Colter
January 20, 2021


January 20, 2021

You are not alone, dear sister. We feel our feelings but at the end of the day, we get back up in faith and continue on our journey. This is truly not our home and we will continue to share Jesus Christ with those who don’t know Him … May God’s peace and grace be with you xox

Richard Chenoweth
January 20, 2021

Spiritual warfare is at hand..Pray without ceasing for the forces we must defeat..

January 20, 2021

I still have faith God is in charge, but it is confusing, the well known prophets saying things and nothing happens. I will continue to pray.

Diana Robillard
January 20, 2021

I am feeling very calm. For over 4 years I have watched everything unfold and have worried about how President Trump would get out of each situation the Deep State would put him in and whether or not what they were saying was true. But each time the Lord showed the truth and helped President Trump through each situation. I finally learned to trust the Lord with everything while continuing to pray. I do not believe the Lord will turn His back on His Children or President Trump. The Lord’s Will will be done! And I am looking forward to His many blessings!

Janene Guy
January 20, 2021

This is surely a HARD season in our nation’s history. Knowing GOD IS IN CONTROL and resting in His peace (a moment by moment prayer)– this can bring peace to the heart and mind! He is so faithful and the only Sovereign God. I pray for protection over President Trump and his entire family – also for Mike Pence and family. I do believe the Lord is calling the Church to repent and to stand firm for all He calls us to in the Word. I am praying for revival across this great land!! Thank you Lord Jesus for your peace, love and faithfulness!!!!

Gladys Negbegble
January 20, 2021

am not very happy with what my eyes are witnessing right now but I know God will is prevailing. looking at the situation, it seem God has lost the battle, but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. God’s word tells us that God does not answer the prayers of the wicked. Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of God. it is amazing to witness the opposite side prayed to God and pretend as if nothing bad happened. the God of Israel is till alive. he never fail David, he never fails the disciples of Jesus Christ even though they wake up on a dark day as the one we are facing today. He prevailed and He will prevail in our nation. the glory of the Lord covers the face of this nation. the Egyptians we see today, we will see them no more. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

    January 21, 2021

    Yes, I believe this, too. God has given this same scripture to several others that I have spoken too. Remember, God never goes back on his promises. He delivered Daniel from the lion’s den, he delivered the three Hebrew children from the fiery furnace, and he will deliver American from the grip of the enemies who have stolen our country.

Nancy K Kocurek
January 20, 2021

Still struggling to process all that is happening. In our Bible Study today we read Philippians 2:1-11 and discussed what humility means – having the mind of Christ who was the supreme model of humility. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Value others about yourselves, looking not to our own interests, but to the interests of others. I am convicted of my pride in wanting to BE right, to have the last word, for my “side” to win as proof of being “right”, of assuming I know what those who think differently from me are like and what their motives are; of not really listening to what they say. I’m prayerfully considering beginning a dialogue with a close friend who sees the world differently from me, and practice loving by listening to them with an open heart. I think this must be where the change in our divided and hate-filled country must begin, two people choosing to listen to the other without judging; choosing to love even in disagreement; to put relationship over “being right.” I need much prayer preparation to be able to do this. I appreciate the encouragment of my brothers and sisters in Christ on this website! May God use this time of tumult and pain to bring about His good purposes.

January 20, 2021

Gut punched and grieving

    Dodie Gallagher
    January 27, 2021


    You may want to consider thinking of the joyful times you
    had when you saw President Trump accomplish something that
    was so astounding that you could see the Hand of God so
    clearly orchestrating i6 all. I bet your tummy will feel
    better. I also wanted to tell you that Donald J Trump is
    in the process of setting up an office called ‘Former
    President Trump’s Office’. Remember he said he would be
    back in a somewhat different manner. His answer when asked
    of his future plans. It won’t be long before he is off and
    running again. I hope you are feeling better now. God Bless!

Jessica Renshaw
January 20, 2021

I love the way God has been drawing us to each other, removing denominational quibbles, misunderstandings, pride (and prejudice), superiority, judgment–the Father answering the Son’s prayer in John 17! I love how at the same time we are each drawn to the same Bible verses/passages: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 91 and 46, 2 Chronicles 20, the analogy of the Red Sea, being “between a rock and a hard place.” It’s terrifying to face and I’m sure I would literally drop dead of anxiety if I didn’t know God has a way through for us, too!

Michele Zerr
January 20, 2021

In Jesus name, We The People, pray for understanding & clear wisdom through His Holy Spirit to recognize the reasons why the voice of the prophets who spoke God’s word of President Trump being a 2 term president has not come to fruition. Answer why Our Holy Father has allowed evil leaders to win who will invoke policies that go against Biblical statues including full term abortion, opening borders, transgenderism, homosexual marriage, etc when our last administration has worked toward eliminating such sinful horrors. The Trump administration attempted to unite with Israel & fulfill prophesy to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. We pray that God will fill ALL our leaders with His Holy spirit & rebuke the spirit of Ahab & Jezebel that will be sworn in today as reigning over the USA. God HELP the USA & all the nations of HIS Kingdom, Amen

January 20, 2021

Or we could just trust God knowing He has a plan up His sleeve, so being alive today in such a time as this is a privilege and almost like watching a suspense movie! I wonder what will happen next? I know without a doubt God is faithful, so I’m anxiously with bated breath watching and waiting to see How He will take care of this and what He will do next! On the positive side, He absolutely will conquer His enemies. We’ve all read the end of the book and God wins and we win. We just have to wait patiently for His plan and His timing. God is still on the throne, and He is good. Let’s all be sure to keep our focus on Him and not on the circumstances. Let’s walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh.

    January 21, 2021

    I couldn’t have said this better. Thank you!

Mrs. Ealey
January 20, 2021

It is an untruth that they are the “president-elect and vice president-elect”. They are not; they stole this election, with the help of the corrupt and evil that would not stand for the Truth. And so I cannot pray for the well-being of evil people. I pray for God to intervene, and have mercy on America. May he forgive us, and may we truly become a repentant Nation. God will do with the wicked as He sees fit.

John Calvin said that when God gives wicked leaders to a Nation, it is to judge that Nation. And when I think of how to pray, I think of Hezekiah with Sennacherib, and others in the Bible that were faced with wicked men trying to overtake them.

May we turn to the LORD and may He have mercy upon us.

    Mrs. Ealey
    January 20, 2021

    The Prayer of Hezekiah about Sennecherib is found in II Kings 19:14-19

connie j cookman
January 20, 2021

I want to share that I believe the Lord is allowing so much to be uncovered and the plans of the wicked to appear to be prospering to wake up the church. Imagine if Pres Trump had been pronounced winner in Nov?…. we would have all gone back to our self-absorbed lives by now. Jesus said, Take heart, I have overcome the world… then why does it look like the world is winning? Daniel 7:21-22…”As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them… UNTIL the ancient of days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High.” Because God’s plan for the powers of darkness to be defeated is a surrendered church… They overcome by the blood of the lamb, the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto death. (Rev 12:11) It’s doesn’t say they overcome by praying really hard. We must become a body of believers who literally will lay down our lives for others. I’m not talking about dying on a physical battle field, i’m talking about RADICAL LOVE. When Jan 6 proved to be such a disaster, we realized the truth of scripture… tomorrow is not promised, all we have is today. what would God ask of us today? Love Him with all of our heart, mind and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves. Wait, do you know anyone who loves their neighbor as themselves? i don’t… but this is our new focus. WHAT DOES LOVE LOOK LIKE TODAY?

    Barbara Brunner
    January 20, 2021

    The Bible says to pray for your enemies. It’s not if we feel like it, it’s a command. Don’t let your enemies prove you disobedient to the God you love and serve. And – I pray for Biden that his spiritual eyes will be opened so he can see and know the truth, that God will call his name and Biden can find salvation just like you did and I did. I was once blind just like Biden is now blind. No can know what they don’t know, what they have never learned. I ask You, Father God, to reveal Your truth to him because he is deceived and knows it not. Not because Biden is a good and moral person, but because he is Your child, created by Your own hands, and You love him as much as you love me and Anita.

January 20, 2021

God is a good God. What Satan means for evil God will turn it to good. iGod is sovereign and in control. I may not understand all that happened and is happening in America. I stand on Proverbs 3:5-6 and continue to trust in the goodness of God. He will raise a standard of righteousness in America. It is my job to continue trusting in Him.

Barbara Baumann
January 20, 2021

I am hoping that I will be doing what the Word says and from Jan 20 on if I simply pray each day “That our leaders will govern with or in the fear of the Lord”

January 20, 2021

Well, to be very honest, i am struggling greatly. So many of the so called “prophets “, that were constantly on the ifa feed were absolutely dead wrong. This is very disheartening to me. What have we been doing? Have we been blinded and deceived? Have we prayed selfishly and wrongly, for our own shortsided agendas? What really is God’s will for our nation and the world? The prophecy in the Bible seems very clear to me about what will happen in the end of days. Shouldn’t we be alinging ourselves and our prayers with what God’s Word says instead of our own “ dreams and so called visions “? Yes, i am very disheartened with what has and is happening in our nation and world, but maybe more so with the so called prophets and “intercessors”. My faith holds firm in GOD ALONE AND HIS WORD…. not the words of self made men.

    Anna Lovato
    January 20, 2021

    Christine, I am also very sad that things have, so far, turned out like they have. But I am hoping and praying that God is not yet done. Before we bad mouth our brothers and sisters, we need to stand back and watch God move. He is the one we need to keep our eyes on. AND we need to stay tuned in to the Holy Spirit to give us discernment about what others are saying. God bless you and give you peace.

    January 22, 2021

    Christine, your last sentence says it all. Why are we caught up in the words of self appointed prophets, in paying attention to them, while often failing to study the words of our Lord, and his appointed apostles and prophets who have spoken clearly and accurately to us in God’s Word. I think this is the lesson to be learned. In Rev 19:10 it is written, ‘the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.’ His words of prophecy, and those God appointed to write in Scripture are the ones we should be heeding in these end times. May God lead you in His peace and in His pathways.

      January 22, 2021

      YES!!!! Let us lean hard on and in HIS WORD, and not unto our own understanding ( see Proverbs 3:5-6) Let HIS WORD direct our prayers and intercessions through the guidance of HIS Holy Spirit… and may He have mercy on us all in these days as His Word has clearly laid out…

January 20, 2021

Singing and praising brings heaven to earth! Please let’s all sing this many times today and pass along to our sisters and brothers in Christ. Our Lord and Savior we praise You in the middle of the storm! Louder and louder You’re gonna hear our praises roar!

Anita McAllister
January 20, 2021

I know you want us to pray for Biden, but I’m sorry, I can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t pray for the coming destruction of our country. I won’t pray for evil.

I will; however, pray that the millions of Patriots who still want our country to survive will take the reins that Donald Trump has given us and defeat this evil.

    Barbara Brunner
    January 20, 2021

    The Bible says to pray for your enemies. It’s not if we feel like it, it’s a command. Don’t let your enemies prove you disobedient to the God you love and serve. And – I pray for Biden that his spiritual eyes will be opened so he can see and know the truth, that God will call his name and Biden can find salvation just like you did and I did. I was once blind just like Biden is now blind. No can know what they don’t know, what they have never learned. I ask You, Father God, to reveal Your truth to him because he is deceived and knows it not. Not because Biden is a good and moral person, but because he is Your child, created by Your own hands, and You love him as much as you love me and Anita.

January 20, 2021

I have been so discouraged. The tuesday prayer time with Dave and Chris Kuball was encouraging. Thanksgiving is so important. Thank you IFA for keeping us together and helping reframe our mindset as intercessors. Bleess you.

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Bob Stenson
January 20, 2021

Fifty years ago, God warned me about the combination of media and education acting as one great false prophet system. Through the years, He also warned me about trusting my own reasoning. Today, He’s saying, “Listen to My voice. Let me lead you. Yield to my righteousness. Let My love be shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost. Only say the words I say through you. Only to the acts I do through you. I realize my spiritual immaturity in this and my lack of discernment. However, God assures me if I just keep in step with the Spirit, He’ll forgive my missteps, continue to form Christ in me, continue to renew my mind, and continue to remove the fleshly nature. With that, maturity and discernment will come.

Barbara Hesch
January 20, 2021

I am handling the storm by not listening to the forecast, which is very cold, dark and gloomy. I have turned off the source which is the TV news. I occasionally tune in to Newsmax in the evening because of Greg Kelly who has always been pro-Trump, but today Jan. 20, I will not turn on the TV at all. Other than that, I am having more time for prayer and reading God’s word. It is the Good news, not the bad that we all need now.

January 20, 2021

God is not finished with America yet. I will continue to pray for God’s judgement to come to the nation Capitol on Jan 20. I find the Jan 20 prayer in Dutch Sheets “Give Him 15” series very powerful and timely. In fact, I pray through it 3 times in a row. Have a read and I hope you will pray the same. God bless.

Father, You are most certainly not finished with America.

Our faith is in You and the wonderful promises You have given in Your word, and also that You have been releasing to us through many trusted, seasoned, credible, people these last several months. We will not waver regarding Your words and plans. We have not been warring for a person, although a person is involved. We are certainly not warring for a political party. Lord, we are battling for Your plans and purposes for America.

We decree today, even on a day where we may see some things that grieve us, You will always have the last say. Always. You are never at the mercy of Your enemies, You are never out-planned, outmaneuvered, or overpowered. And You are indeed, raising up a mature people who are able to release Your kingdom authority in the earth. We are determined to do this and we will not back up. You declare the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). Therefore, You are never having to figure things out or play catch-up. You always have a plan.

Yes, we are at the Red Sea. Our backs are against an impassable barrier, and the enemy in front of us looks like they have won. But they have not won. And they will not win. Our faith is strong. Our hope is steadfast. You have begun America’s turnaround and You will finish it. We declare these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Maria Campos
    January 20, 2021

    Thank you so much for this prayer!! He Who began a good work in you (America) will be faithful to complete it. Amen

      Jessica Renshaw
      January 20, 2021

      Dutch Sheets also got the word from God that He not only wants to preserve America but says, “I MUST have America!” to accomplish His missionary purposes and blessing of the rest of the world. He may totally shake and transform it but He will not let it go. He is bound to us by covenant.

January 20, 2021

God has not done with America yet. I will continue to pray for his judgement to come to the nation Capitol on Jan 20. I find the Jan 20 prayer in Dutch Sheets Give Him 15 very powerful and timely. I prayed through it 3 times in a row. Have a read and I hope you will pray the same.

Father, You are most certainly not finished with America.

Our faith is in You and the wonderful promises You have given in Your word, and also that You have been releasing to us through many trusted, seasoned, credible, people these last several months. We will not waver regarding Your words and plans. We have not been warring for a person, although a person is involved. We are certainly not warring for a political party. Lord, we are battling for Your plans and purposes for America.

We decree today, even on a day where we may see some things that grieve us, You will always have the last say. Always. You are never at the mercy of Your enemies, You are never out-planned, outmaneuvered, or overpowered. And You are indeed, raising up a mature people who are able to release Your kingdom authority in the earth. We are determined to do this and we will not back down. You declare the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). Therefore, You are never having to figure things out or play catch-up. You always have a plan.

Yes, we are at the Red Sea. Our backs are against an impassable barrier, and the enemy in front of us looks like they have won. But they have not won. And they will not win. Our faith is strong. Our hope is steadfast. You have begun America’s turnaround and You will finish it. We declare these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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January 20, 2021

In my prayer time with the Lord, I was so upset with the unhandedness of this fraudulent election with a cry asking that justice would prevail. I serve a mighty God, a just God, a God of Truth .. I brought all my prayers, my supplications and requests made them known unto him. The Lord spoke to me saying, “BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.” So I do believe that God is going to turn this around for good. I stand knowing that with God all things are possible. My faith is being tested this very hour of uncertainty, but I believe that he will move on behalf of this nation. His timing is not ours nor are his thoughts, they are much higher. I will remain steadfast in Fatih and will not be moved for the God that parted the Red Sea for the Children of Isreal when there seems to be no hope will be the same God that will deliver this Nation out of the snare of the enemy.. I WILL BEHOLD AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD COME FORTH. Is there anything too difficult for our God?

January 20, 2021

I’m not going to lie. I’m really struggling. Sometimes I’m okay and other times I feel physically ill from everything going on. Between the every day trials and then the political and world issues on top of it…it’s a lot. I pray every day, even if they’re short little prayers asking God to give me strength. Sometimes I don’t even know what to say to God at times because I just repeat myself. I’ve been listening to scripture every day and just trying to lean on and trust in Jesus. I know He’s with me always and His plans are better than mine, it’s the letting go of worry and accepting whatever comes that’s hard. I’m also upset over how evil people seem to get away with things. I know in the end they won’t, but I still get mad that no one is being held accountable for the horrible things that they’ve been doing to the powerless. I pray for those poor children. :'(
Please pray for me. Thank you and God bless you my fellow brothers and sisters.

    Wendy Friske
    January 20, 2021

    Vicki, I can so relate to your struggle … I also know that I have to keep being very purposeful about recalling Scripture, reading it, and recalling it somemore. I have felt completely overwhelmed at times and can weep often for our beloved country. Thank you for being open about your struggle. I am finding it strengthening to hear the heart of other believers who love the Lord and love this country … it’s our founding that has made our nation exceptional … our Christian founding.
    May we find grace, faith, strength, and peace today … let’s pray through the day and keep recalling to our minds that it is through the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, His compassions, they fail not , and His faithfulness is great … this is our hope. 🙏 I am also encouraged by those godly patriots who are standing up in these very difficult days. Let’s keep encouraging one another!

    In Christ’s Love,
    Wendy Friske

      January 20, 2021

      Thank you Wendy for the encouragement and support. I really appreciate it. It helps me more than you know. God bless you always. ♥

Mary Acevedo
January 20, 2021

I continue to pray and worship my God, Yahweh, My Savior Jesus and Holy Spirit! I have cried a lot in the last couple of weeks. I cry when I think about how Our President has been mistreated and see the evil in our country. I continue to pray for him and his family. I have never before felt this way about a President as I do Donald Trump, not because he’s perfect, none of us are, but because I believe God called him for this position for such a time as this and he has done a lot of good for our country. As we read the Bible we know how the story ends. We will have the victory!

Rosemary Wade
January 20, 2021

May the Joy of the Lord be our strength. Be refreshed/filled to overflowing/encouraged to continue/filled with hope/ looking forward/ pressing in/ knowledge of Jesus leading us/ angels protecting us as we cross/ full of wisdom/ full of grace/ thanking the Lord/praising him/ for prayer..His greatest WIRELESS connection. Waiting at the Red Sea..looking for miracles..jehovah Rophe. Jehovah Sidkinew. Jehovah Mikadish..jehovah Jireh Jehovah Shalom..open the windows of Heaven let it rain. Let it Rain. We just haven’t seen it yet. Lord We wait upon you. Glory of the Lord is our rear guard. Thank you Lord for using us for this work with you Lord. As it is in Heaven and on earth amen.

Daniel Patrick Druk
January 20, 2021

I am not shaken. I have not been able to stop praying since October. I feel closer than every to God and Jesus as I continue to pray. The evil doers who have plotted and schemed all of what has happened. Have not caused me to stumble. They have lifted me up. All of us who have drawn closer to God because of the evil, will see victory. God’s plan is better than our plan. We have to never give up. I know now that my love for God and my faith will get me to victory. I don’t need to read reports. I do not need to see victory today, tomorrow or even in my lifetime. I only need to know that all of this was not hidden from God’s eyes. So. I go into Jan 20th 2021 without any sadness. I declare that the evil ones will regret every doing evil on all of us who have been praying for this country. God loves us. God wants to depend on only him. Well, that is what all of us are doing.
Please everyone, wait on God. It will be better in the future than we could every imagine.
God bless America

    Jessica Renshaw
    January 20, 2021

    Thank you. I have been shaken so much, vacillating between trust, faith, grief, panic and terror! I have been reduced to: God is, God is good, God is all powerful, God loves us, God feels with us, Jesus died for ma, I love Him, He knows and wants what’s best for us, sin (including mine) will not go unpunished, I want His will not mine no matter what, I know He makes a way where there is no way. That’s about it. Praise Him!

Gerry Stotler
January 20, 2021

I know my Lord God has not given us a spirit of fear. We can have peace through these perilous times by dwelling in the richness of His grace by reading His Word and by spending time on our knees.

Dorothy S
January 19, 2021

I am so thankful for the past four years of Donald Trump’s presidency. It’s been refreshing to see a president who did what he said he would do after so many years of empty promises and disappointments. It’s hard to believe that an election could be stolen as we witnessed. I still hope fir s miracle! As the Intercessors came together in prayer we were so sure that God would answer our prayers the way that we thought it should be done. As I Intercessors we know that God has heard our prayers, we know that He has not turned a deaf ear to us and yet the days got darker. But as intercessors we know that when we pray and ask God that His will be done He will do what only He can do and in His own time. I have learned many lessons throughout these many weeks, one being that my will is not necessarily His will. I do need to forgive those who have wrong President Trump and our nation and at times it’s is not easy but I MUST. I am working on that. I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to meet many prayer Intercessors on the 24/7 Prayer line. Many times I’ve been discouraged and gone to the prayer line just to find encouragement and hopefully be able to encourage others. I’m so thankful for God‘s word that has encouraged me day after day. I’m thankful for chapters like Psalm 91, Psalm 2, Psalm 112, and the many chapters in Isaiah when God said “ I am God and there’s none like me.“. Through these many weeks God Word has proven to be timeless. Thank you Dave and Kris for opening this prayer line. We needed it for ourselves and each other. God bless you all.

January 19, 2021

I’m sad. Just plain sad!
Sad that our freedoms in America are becoming more and more restricted. Over the past month our gas prices has increased, stores are posting “ cash shortages, debit or Credit Cards only” just for a few examples.
Our grandchildren are being taught PC culture is the normal and our politicians, even at the local level refuse to listen and turn around and do exactly what they’ve forbidden us to do, boldly on TV.
President Trump is not God. I don’t worship him. But, I’ll miss him fighting for the regular every day ordinary person.
Thank you, Sir & God Speed!

Cansyce williams
January 19, 2021

I believe God has a plan I am not worried I am not fearful one thing I have learned in my seasoned Christian walk with Jesus my Savior is that the road is never what it appears to be and that we are to stand as it says in Ephesians 6 in the last chapter it says stand three times So that’s what I’m doing
Gg go God

January 19, 2021

I am handling the storm well because God has let me know what will happen..not how but the end result. God is in charge, and the best is yet to come. There will be revivals, awakenings healings, prosperity and happy times. The next 4 years will be better than the last 4. God has a big surprise coming.

    Jessica Renshaw
    January 20, 2021

    I hate and fear surprises normally but if God has one for us (and I hope He does) I receive it and know it will be GREAT!

      Pat M
      January 20, 2021

      I too am stunned and in shock about how things have turned out, but today as I turned to my Bible Study, these verses spoke to me: 1Thess 5:16-24 –
      Be joyful always; pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophesies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to good. Avoid every kind of evil. May God himself the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who calls you is faithful and He will do it! Amen

January 19, 2021

Jesus said oh ye of little faith. I and millions have been repenting and praying for this nation. The nation of Israel was at the Red Sea, the Pharaoh and his army (no small army) behind. Israel had no idea where the pathway out was but God did and they walked over on dry ground, the very ground Pharaoh and his army perished in. God said if my people will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear. He has heard, He isn’t through with America He has given her a destiny and He will use her again for His great world harvest. So stand hold the line and see what God will do.

    Jessica Renshaw
    January 20, 2021

    Last night my husband and I watched again The Exodus Revealed, a documentary showing physical and other evidence for the Red Sea crossing. I stood with the Israelites as the videographer filmed that vast sea ahead with the cliffs behind and identified with their fear. But when the divers went down into the sea of Aqaba and revealed the actual seaweed-encrusted chariot wheels and axles, it was amazing! So faith-affirjming: “You will never see them again!” Hallelujah!

January 19, 2021

God’s Word says that HE is the one who seats men in high places,having cried out to our Lord for months like thousands of others, for another 4 years of righteous leadership, i believe what very well may be happening is God’s judgement on the church, HIS BRIDE is stained, stained with having”other gods before HIM,(our comforts, our pleasures, our shame of proclaiming HIS name when given opportunity, for not being the SALT of the earth,” where is the church speaking out about cultural issues, being willing to publicly decry the culture norms that are against God’s principles,how many pastors are not willing to “speak God’s truth” because they don’t want to “offend” congregants, they fear man more then speaking the ‘Whole truth.’
I believe we as the Bride of Christ (the church) needs to repent, and to love the LORD our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, once again. Will suffering do that? I pray so. There is ALWAYS hope, in our God, JEHOVAH, HE is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, HE made away when the Egyptians were on the heels of the Israelite’s, He saved Daniel from the lions, He saved Shadrach, Meshach , and Abendego.He can do the same today, but HE desires, even demands repentance of me, of us all who name HIS name.

Ken Budz
January 19, 2021

Lord please forgive them for they know not what they do. I fear America will suffer because of our sins. Lord please forgive the iniquities of the country and help us to turn towards You Father. Amen.

Donna Leach
January 19, 2021

This has indeed been a very trying time. I have watched news and reports from both sides of the isle. I have been upset at times. The unrest at the Capitol was terrible. Who would do these things? There is no way that both sides (mainstream media and the conservative media) are right in reporting Polar opposite news. I wonder how people do not see through some of these reports.

What I do believe is that God will use all things for good for those who love and serve the Lord. I have come to have a peace in my heart that there is nothing that God doesn’t know. I hope many will continue to pray for those in leadership and for our country. Like Shawn Hannity reminds us daily: Let not your heart be troubled.

    Carol Lynn Baird
    January 19, 2021

    I just have this awful feeling that America is the verge of downfall which America because many in our nation have pushed God out of every aspect of our lives, we have not not humbled ourselves nor have repented of our sins yet we still we still God to show up at the 11th hour with a miracle, really! Look I’m not saying it’s not it’s not going to happen, it might. His thoughts are not my rhoughts and my his thoughts are not my thoughts. But don’t be surprised if He doesn’t show up for that 11th hour miracle!

      January 19, 2021

      Trust in God. The next 4 years will be a lot better. God has a big surprise coming and it’s good. Keep your eyes on God and not the news.

      Donna Leach
      January 20, 2021

      I don’t expect anything to change for the short term ( 4 years). There will most likely be a lot of decisions that we will not like at all. I expect many of them. What I do know is that God loves us. He will help us all through this time. I will choose to pray for our government and for all those in charge. What we can do is that we can work for good things to happen in our country. We need to actually get involved. Then let God handle the rest.

January 19, 2021

I am doing the same thing that Jesus did.
I am resting on a cushion of faith believing that JESUS will speak to the wind and the waves and command the storm to cease and get us all safely to the other side.

MARK 4:39
And having been awoken, He rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Silence, be still!” And the wind abated, and there was a great calm.

    Jessica Renshaw
    January 20, 2021

    Well, sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms his child.

January 19, 2021

Loved the message Bible in Psalms 64:

They say to each other
“No one can catch us
no one can detect our perfect crime.”
The Detective detects the mystery
in the dark of the cellar heart.

The God of the Arrow shoots!
They double up in pain,
Fall flat on their faces
in full view of the grinning crowd.

Everyone sees it. God’s
work is the talk of the town.
Be glad, good people! Fly to God!
Good-hearted people, make praise your habit.

So lets praise the Lord. We shall witness the VICTORY!

    Bruna Allen
    January 19, 2021

    Yes, Trump keeps on saying, our great movement has just begun. I want to have faith too that God might make a miracle at the 21th hour. If not, it means ee have to pay indemnity for the mistakes of gbose in power. Yrump was surrounded by traitors, Obama holdovers, so he could not clean up all the evils in this nation. But, God still loves America and He will build His Kingdom.

January 19, 2021

The Bible talks a lot about suffering for the sake of Christ. I believe we are being given the privilege of suffering for the cause of Christ. Persecution is coming. I am asking the Lord to prepare me for the coming events. To recall memorized verses. To sing and praise him. To share the gospel with those within my reach. To obey Luke 19:13 to occupy until he comes. To seek the welfare of my city from Jeremiah 29:7. To savor these times I have with other believers at church, bible study, enjoy friendships, love my family more, and use this website while I can still can.

    January 21, 2021

    Agreeing with you Patricia. I pray for the strength to endure what God wills, for all believers to be equipped to do so.

Marjorie Williamson
January 19, 2021

I believe the virus is God’s judgement on the world for the murdering of innocent life – worldwide abortions. There is no repentance – they kept all the abortions places open and slaughtered millions more. 42 million around the world! God will be sending more judgements. America is a big sinful nation. I don’t know if we will see “normal” for a long time. Be like the people of faith in Hebrews not loving thier lives even unto death. margie

January 19, 2021

God is a God of justice and truth. He hates unfair and unjust weights and measures. Pray for truth to be revealed. Corruption uncovered.

    January 19, 2021

    That is what has going through my mind all week, truth and justice!!

Teri Evans-Palmer
January 19, 2021

Doing well as long as I stand trusting in the Lord’s word and the word of the prophets! God will reign in America!

January 19, 2021

There is no unity with light and darkness or with good and evil. I do believe God is going to grow me in how to pray for my enemies as 2021 progresses. Right now I am holding fast and staying steady in the word and praying and standing in unity with those who love the Lord. Also looking forward to a great harvest of souls.Rebecca

Pastor Karen Lester
January 19, 2021

We’ve been walking through one horrible year after the other since 2009. I think we are handling this one a lot better than the one in 2009 that started this chain. Reading and praying Psalm 23 always helps you center yourself and reflect on how much easier what you are going through is compared to David’s or any of the King’s of Israel and their trials and tribulations. We actually have it a lot easier than any of them, since at least we’ve had short breaks in between to take a breath and refocus our minds on God and his word. We deal with domestic violence victims and the homeless, and so being able to relate
to them is of primary importance if we are to be of any support or help to them turning their circumstances around. The virus and the election and the upheaval of normal hasn’t been difficult to handle, but the changing attitudes of those in the healthcare industry has been a bit trying on our own attitudes. Fear in them has been the biggest challenge and their totalitarian approach to delivering services. When you’re both in the same boat trying to get back to shore you can’t have more than one captain, and since ours will always be the Lord, and some of them only rely on their knowledge and experience it is difficult to get them to see that things will soon be back to more normal if they only have a little faith.

January 19, 2021

My heart has been broken over the corruption that went on in this election. And what followed with judges, our legislature, the media, etc., rejecting every method of investigation. Then adding the impeachment of our president, without one shred of evidence nauseates me. I no longer have any confidence in the elected officials that are supposed to be representing the people. Breaks my heart!
But I will and do resort to prayer, letting my Savior in on my broken heart. He is my God, & I rejoice in Him, and my salvation, because of Christ alone. I worship Him!!
My heart’s cry is to serve Him & finish my “race” well. With His Grace that will be accomplished.
I thank my Jesus for every intercessor that has persevered in this battle for America. Their prayers,my prayers, for future generations, our president, his family, our country, has been bottled in heaven. May God loose those prayers in His time.
Thank you my brother’s, my sister’s for standing together with one heart, one mind, one spirit for the good of the USA. Let’s never give up praying, trusting in our Lord Jesus. He is still on them throne.

    January 19, 2021

    In Christ the Solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.
    Jesus is on the throne & we pray on!
    To God be the glory, great things He has done. He is working even when we do not see Him or feel Him. He is our Waymaker, Promise Keeper, Miracle Worker, Light in the darkness. Our God that is Who He is! Pray on!!!

    January 19, 2021

    Hi Nancy, You stated so well and concisely how I feel. We saw one injustice after the other, with no consequences. Yet we know how God loves justice. So let’s just rest in that. He balances justice and mercy perfectly. I also talk to Jesus, knowing that He experienced unjust treatment. He knows EXACTLY how we feel because He felt it, too! Thank you for expressing so well what I think most of us here feel. I am so grateful to you and all my brothers and sisters here who provide me comfort by simply understanding how I feel. It is great to know that I am understood! Praise God for giving us each other!

Faithe Giaquinto
January 19, 2021

I have been thinking about all the miracles God performed when He was making a way for the Israelites to leave slavery in Egypt; this led me to remember the epic film, The Ten Commandments, with Charleton Heston. I watched the movie again (well worth a re-watch)and have been reflecting on a few things.
Filled with anticipation, I believe we are in for a “Red Sea” moment! Can you imagine how they felt when facing an ocean and the Egyptian army of chariots at their rear? There is NOTHING impossible with our God.
Another part of the narrative that stood out to me was the last plague in the land. It began with
Pharoah cursing the Israelites, that their first born would die. But God intervened and made a way with the Passover blood, and the curse came back on the Egyptians, who lost their first-born, even Pharoah.
What the enemy has meant for evil, God WILL use for good. Amen!

Patelin Cogswell
January 19, 2021

Well, I think that I am just mainly focusing on the Lord. I read Sunday a testimony of a lady who used to be in the late-term abortion industry named Adrienne which And Then There Were None put out on their website which the Lord reminded me of again last night. I feel like the Lord wants me to pray tomorrow during the Inauguration. Here’s the link:


Leslie Moon
January 19, 2021

Think about Israel and Joshua. The people he was leading had been trained wanderers for 40 years. There were no swordsmen, horsemen, military geniuses but they were going in to Canaan where they would be fighting. HOW???
Much the same way as God is asking us now Joshua was asked to put on spiritual armor. What does that look like? Trust/ Pray/ Praise/ Repeat.
We are being trained to be lean in expectations of this world (which is not our home) and fat in our expectation of God’s provision.
Intercessors get fat in Christ; He offers a bounty of good things as you worship Him in spirit and in truth. Then we MUST go into our houses of worship and bring back prayer and trust in God.
We are starting with the children because they will have an easier time in trusting God then the adults who are used to Egypt.
“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO.” JOSHUA 1:9

January 19, 2021

We have peace because we know that God IS in control and He will work all things for good according to His purposes. We must encourage one another and fix our eyes on Him.

Mary Anne Blood
January 19, 2021

It seems like there have been so many ups and downs these last 3 months. I am so thankful that God is my rock.
And I am incredibly thankful that he woke me out of my sleepy spiritual walk. Though the future can seem unsettling I know that it really isnt Because God is standing straight and tall in the fog. No evil can ever defeat him. And His character is true. He is good and merciful. I am reminded of Psalm 46 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way…”

And I can’t express my gratitude in knowing that I am shoulder to shoulder with so many amazing intercessors here on IFA. When I listen to the Tuesday and Thursday Prayer Calls and hear all the other intercessors praying I feel that strength and unity. It is amazing.

oma James
January 19, 2021

I have felt All along That this was not over until God had his say, and still don’t feel He has and continue to pray about ever day for President Trump, America and all of us who voted for truth, righteousness, and justice to have him as our president 4 more years; which was a land slide victory, Paslm 64 and Isaiah 35 and other Bible verses. Keeping my eyes on Jesus our righteous judge, and last Friday as cleaning my kitchen, God just came over me with His peace like a blanket and I heard him say “I have this!” I feel like Moses when God told him in Exodus 14:13-14 especially v14 The battle is the LORD’s, and you shall hold your peace and rest in Me. (AMP)
I pray I will stay in His love in my thoughts, prayers and sp each; taking on the whole Armour of God on to br able to stand in these evil days, and doing all to stand. Help me Holy Spirit to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, Amen!I am so encouraged by your emails and getting on conferance calls, Thank God for you!

Kathy Bitschenauer
January 19, 2021

In my prayer time this morning, I reflected on what the Jews in Israel were hoping for when the Messiah came: a political leader. But Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world; it’s up to citizens of the world to rule according to God’s laws and commandments. So many, including Judas, just never understood Christ’s message or purpose; they lived an illusion, like what we see too much of today: wanting the easy way, instant gratification of their desires, wave a magic wand, instant fixes to problems — without any responsibility for consequences, nor any desire to work for what they want, or even what they need. Many refused to follow Christ after he fed the five thousand,they just wanted the miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fish. So going forward, we have to adjust like the Hebrews did in Egypt. we know the level of corruption, and it would be wonderful for something stupendous to happen tomorrow, but I don’t believe that is what God desires to show us or teach us. Dependence on Him, based on discipleship, works of mercy, right worship, honest prayer, and above all OBEDIENCE to all God’s laws, not just the one’s that suit our fancy. Too many are blind, deaf, and disobedient, and God has to shake up and wake up sleeping mankind to get them to change. so, while I am deeply saddened, I have no illusions about any sudden miracle that will make it all go away. Trump showed us what is possible when you use your god-given gifts to the good of all humanity, but the blind still want the blind to lead them. May God have mercy on those who are truthfully His, and on our nation.

    Cynthia Coppersmith
    January 19, 2021

    Thank you for sharing God’s wisdom. It was so meaningful and of great encouragement. Praise to our God and King!

    January 20, 2021


    I have been reading the book of Mark. The Holy Spirit put my heart on how I was focusing on a man to solve the problems in America. My flaw was thinking/hoping there was a quick fix and a man could fix it. We live in a different America now. The majority of people deny Christ and worship other gods. Just like many Jews looking for the Messiah as a man (king/prophet) that would solve all their earthly problems. God doesn’t do that. He is leading us to his Kingdom. As Christians we need to unite, we need to stand in prayer with the full armor of God and then we will bring the Kingdom here on earth.

    Hebrews 13:5-6 NKJV
    [5] Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” [6] So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

January 19, 2021

In prayer and fasting…

Lynn M.
January 19, 2021

Sorry I Misunderstood. Will still b praying. We need to pray for one another. Amen

Ann Maran
January 19, 2021

We have cancelled Facebook, Twitter, Amazon prime, and in process of dropping google. We pray and trust that God is still on the throne. I know that even if America goes down God will be with us. Strengthen your relationships with your family, friends and church. Stay away from the media, they lie & aim to discourage us. Above all don’t be fearful of “what ifs”, usually it never happens. Have a group of prayer warriors you can count on and PRAY 🙏

Terri Renfro
January 19, 2021

God has a reason for allowing all that is happening to occur-I believe He is still in the process of bringing the hidden things to light. I have peace in all this, knowing that God is on the throne, keeps all his promises, and protects His children. He has heard all the intercessory prayers from humbled hearts, and he is answering! Persevere and keep on praying!!

Richard Leste
January 19, 2021

Phillips describes so clearly what we should be doing. I shut off the TV News years ago, and sought my own sources for news that truly reported TRUTH! A daunting task, but possible to find true journalists and some publications that have a Christian foundation. God will provide a miracle very soon that will shock the world and lead many millions to turn to him. President Donald J. Trump is the means, God is the HAND!
May the Grace of God fill our hearts and minds with truth and inspiration in all we do devoted to Jesus Christ! May God Bless all of you with Intercessors of America providing this forum for us to speak!
In Christ,

Karen Gibson
January 19, 2021

I have read many of the comments below and I agree with them.
Prayer is the most necessary thing to do. But we are not wimps (nor do I believe God ask us to be) we are not an able to do somethings but we have things we can do. Stop using Amazon. 80 million voices will make a loud statement to them.
Write your Senators and congressmen demanding the votes be proven. Otherwise why vote again. At least ask for reform!
Demand your governors do the right thing in your state!
Run for office any office.
As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said do not live by lies. When your neighbor tells your lie tell them the truth in love.

joyce Brogdon
January 19, 2021

I feel guilty for being anxious, for thinking that no one hears me. But I know God hears me, so I tell Him how I feel and then for a little while, I feel better.
I find that I am hedged on every side with pleas for help, with many people in dire straits, how can I refuse them. But I don’t trust them….only the ones like Samaritans Purse, Joni and Friends, all the well known ones. I don’t know if I can trust the ones who ask me to join them in their crusade to fight for freedom.
Perhaps I’m too old at 92…I should just let the younger ones do the fighting.

    Carrie Croswell
    January 19, 2021

    Your prayers and love are sufficient, Sister Joyce. God bless you and your giving heart.

    Leslie Moon
    January 19, 2021

    Joyce you are a precious warrior for the King. There is no more honorable job than praying. Be strong and courageous and wait for your King…

    January 19, 2021

    Dear Joyce,
    Please do not feel guilty for your feelings. I pray daily, really every moment, and yet cry a lot over all that is happening, my heart and spirit are grieved. If The Holy Spirit lives in us, I believe it is God who is also grieving over the people He created and yet has given us all a free will to choose. He spared Noah and his family and destroyed the whole earth, because of their evil ways. In the Old Testament, There were a good Kings, one died and an evil King rose up. He died and another evil King rose up, then a Good King, Jesus said in this world we will have tribulation. I believe with everything in me, the forces over the USA esp. Washington DC are Occult and Witchcraft. Listening to Derek Prince videos, he knew this years ago. Nothing we can fight in our own strength, Powers and Principalities are over regions. Daniels prayer was delayed because of Satans strategies, Jesus Christ is Above All, Knows All and He has defeated Satan when He rose from the grave. It’s difficult because we are human, but We must keep our eyes on Christ, and encourage one another, and Pray. And NOT allow a false guilt to o ER shadow us.
    Joyce, May the Lord Bless you and Keep you, Make His Holy face Shine Upon you and give you His peace. Shalom Jesus is on the throne, He doesn’t slumber or sleep, He is working we just cannot see, so we must trust, pray, that is our Weapon and Rest in His Wonderful strong and Mighty Arms, Peace in Christ.

January 19, 2021

With God all things are possible for those who believe in him. God is in control of all he is about to do.
Do not dismay and have faith. What he will do will be on his clock and not ours. The glory will be his.

January 19, 2021

I lead two devoted Women’s Lifegroups here in Jacksonville North Carolina of approximately 24 women. In the hours together each week, we not only fellowship and pray with each other but we study our Bible. We believe it is our life book of instruction. Presently we are doing a study called Seamless by Angie Smith. It allows us to experience the Bible like we have never done before, and is one seamless story from Genesis-Revelations about the God who made us, loves us, redeems us, and has a future for us. Even though we are only in week 3 of the study (Beginning the chapter of Exodus)… we can see God using peoples’ lives in the Old Testament as life applications for how we should be in such times as this.
That is, God wants us to know him personally as Christians striving to not only understand the Bible but use it to weather life. When we trust and know our Bible, it brings us to the Truth and Way we lead our lives to walk into tomorrow without anxiousness or regret.
God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everything! I will trust in him always as I see his written word in history before me and now as He reveals his promised good plan for all that believe in his son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

January 19, 2021

Trust the Lord always! Nehemiah 4:14 Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and (pray) for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.
Psalm 37 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.

Robin Perini
January 19, 2021

God is saying today, January 19, “I will work. My plans will stand. I will be glorified.”

Glory to God!

January 19, 2021

God commands us to pray for those in authority. That can be very tough in our present times but not impossible. I have to fully learn to depend on God to even utter the words of prayer for some (especially those who are willingly compromised) when we know that the election was fraudulent in so many ways. It is heartbreaking to know that not only the presidential election but other elections were filled with fraud.
But we know that when people become comfortable with the wrongdoing that they have seemingly gotten away with, God has promised that there will be severe consequences for those who participate in these types of misdeeds. And with every person who was knowledgeable about what they were doing and did nothing to correct it, there will indeed be consequences that God alone will ensure. We can’t see what that will be but we must trust that God has it in hand. That is easier said than done and that is where we must ask God for the faith to believe his promises and word will come true.
I, like so many millions, are disappointed that this has happened. One day we will understand in full. For now & going forward, we must continue to seek God for his justice and mercy on our nation. My faith is being pushed to a limit that I have never experienced before. Its not comfortable. We will pray in ways we haven’t before. We will pray for those who we know “committed treason” against the United States, its citizens and willingly lied to God Almighty so that they could gain power. God does not just dismiss actions like this. God will demand accountability for every action. Remember “that to whom much is given, much is required”. In positions such as governmental leadership & actions for a nation, that becomes even more weighty when we consider answering to God.
Continue to pray for President Trump. God isn’t finished with using him yet in our nation. Pray that he can rest, find a deeper relationship with God and use the warrior spirit God gave him to help our nation in ways he may not have even imagined. With so much coming at him during his presidency, understanding on what to do in some areas might have been a struggle at times. Only God knows that. But perhaps without some of that pressure, Pres. Trump may be directed with new ideas that could truly help our nation. We will need that.
Lord – direct us how to pray for everyone in our government. Get us through the wall of pain and disappointment so that we can approach you with hearts of honesty. We need you Lord. Our nation needs you like never before. So many of our leaders need salvation and to turn to you Lord. We ask for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit over D.C., the states and our nation overall. We simply cannot do this without your guidance and help. We pray for the scales to be removed from the eyes of the people of this nation – saved and unsaved. We pray that truth, no matter how suppressed it is — will find its way out and that nothing will stop that. Amen.

    January 19, 2021

    Truth! I believe there is an indwelling of evil spirits in our Government. Only Our Lord God can vanquish that in Jesus Name.

    Ephesians 6:12 – For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].
    Jude 1:9 – Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

Lynn M.
January 19, 2021

Carol I have said from the beginning that if something happens out of the ordinary that people will know its God in his glory. That he will get all the praise & glory, not man & man will know there is a true God. It will be a wake up call. Man will get no credit. Only God. I beieve that. Amen

January 19, 2021

We must know that God does not lie! He says that if we would humble ourselves and pray , and seek his face and turn from our wicked ways He would hear from heaven and forgive our sin and heal our land. Evidently we have not done what is commanded! Of us! By no means do I believe that God is thru with the United States of America! But for a change let’s us as Christians stop asking God to Bless America and have an attitude of gratitude towards God And praise and worship him for what he already has done for us. And stop asking if God can and have that faith that believes God will!

Harry E Schmidt
January 19, 2021

Proverbs 3:5-6 Lean not on your on understanding. But trust the Lord. My understanding of the last two weeks has been challenged to what is going on and am I hearing God correctly. My sole trust is in the Lord not a particular political party. We must never stop praying.

Renate Duneman
January 19, 2021

This encouragement from 1Peter 3:8 is one we all need to heed more than ever. Only through the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives are we able to do what we are admonished to do. Apart from Him we can do nothing but through Him we are able!

January 19, 2021

The Lord is going to release new songs from Zion that are filled with His glory. Pr 28:12 when the righteous do rejoice, there is great glory. Phil 4:4 rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Praise, praise, praise.

January 19, 2021

What I have learned is that I need to keep my eyes and faith on Jesus only! That I must base my faith in the vast and deep knowledge and understanding of His Word. That I need to hear from Him directly through my daily intimacy with Him! That we can be easily deceived by others who are FALSE PROPHETS. Now I understand that we have been like the Prophet Habakkuk. We have prayed based on assumptions of who God is and how He should had answered our requests. Our assumptions have been based on extremely limited knowledge of the Bible but deeply shaped by our culture. And as He did with Habakkuk the Lord has answered our prayers not the way we thought and were told He was going to answer, but in his sovereign way which is always much better. The Lord allowed the Babylonians to come and destroy the temple and everything they have placed their faith on. He also allowed for the Jews to be taken into exiled. The Lord is allowing us to go through what is coming to do the same thing and take away everything we have placed our faith on that is not from Him. We need to submit to Him and seek Him in a serious and sober way as 1 Peter 4:7 says otherwise we will not be able to stand firm. The SOONER THE FALSE PROPHETS AND WE WHO BELIEVED THEM REPENT and turn our faces to the Lord, the better it will be FOR US TO BE ABLE TO endure and overcome what is quickly approaching. Let us fill our lamps with oil every day by spending time in the secret place with our loving, kind, and merciful Father. Let us not be like the Jews in the time of Jeremiah that even when they were taken captives to Babylon, did not repent and did not acknowledge that everything that had happened was their fault.

January 19, 2021

I stand with the fourth man in the furnace. I will agree with His settlement in the matter. I plead for mercy for our country and yield to our Lord Jesus for the future of America. May He give us courage to stand in this struggle He is God when I stand and God when I fall.

January 19, 2021

Good is still on his throne. Keep praying. Keep believing.

January 19, 2021

I have as much peace and joy as ever, because this world is not my home, His kingdom is the only one that matters, and His people who remain faithful to Him have great reason to live in hope. Not hoping that things on earth will get better, but that His kingdom will spread in the hearts and souls of mankind. I pray daily that eyes, ears, hearts and minds will be open to God’s truth. May His light shine brightly through His people and His word into this dark world.

Saretha Copelin
January 19, 2021

I believe pray that as true believers we should stand strong and tall knowing that what God has promise will be concerning this nation and the world.

Alvin Fisher
January 19, 2021

I thank God that the riot was no more tragic than it was. Some of that mob wanted to kill the Vice President for fulfilling his constitutional duty. He had no authority to do anything beyond supervising the discussion of whether the electoral votes were valid. That is what he did. No one in that mob had the right to rewrite the constitution and then play judge, jury and executioner. One terrorist thought that everyone inside the Capitol was deserving of death! We are still under God’s protection. He kept the lawmakers safe and even protected the integrity of our Constitution. Thanks be unto Him.

We still need to pray for Senator McConnell, even though he is the minority leader now. He still has the power of the filibuster and we can pray that he will use it wisely, knowing when to block things and when to cooperate with the opposition. And we need to pray for President-elect Biden. The apostle Paul told the people of his day to pray for their leaders and Biden is not as bad as Nero was.

    Carol Gary
    January 19, 2021

    Biden – and Dems – have already slaughtered 63,000,000 PreBorn Humans, and months ago started slaughtering Humans even after they are Born, aka, infanticide. Your comment that Biden – and Dems – aren’t as bad as Nero is quite ill-founded and premature.

    Cheryl Henderson
    January 19, 2021

    Pence did not fulfill his Constitutional duty instead he abdicated it. He could have returned the electoral votes in the disputed states back to the legislators for review and reconciliation. Pence betrayed his oath and his loyalty to Trump and the American people who voted for Trump. How can Pence who had to know there was voter fraud refuse to try and make sure the evidence was seen by the entire country.

Abby Joy
January 19, 2021

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Roxana Rogers
January 19, 2021

Feeling like we are getting our second wind. Lord we live in a world that feels weary. But we choose, by Your Grace, to turn to You. To trust what You say. By the Power of the Holy Spirit, You have open our eyes to readjust our motives, feelings and what we “think” is true, to align with what IS True. You are not the author of confusion (1 Cor14:33).
You are the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus (John 14:6).”Lord we ask that you not allow the world’s chaos to distract us. We lean not on our own understanding, And TRUST in the Your perfect timing to reveal Your Master plans. (1 Peter 5:6). We align with Your timing of events and continue to pray for revival. Lord You are the God who moves men to will and do. So I humbly ask that You breathe in us and give us favor. Give Your prayer warriors, Your Church, and Your Heavenly armies strength to keep “doing good”. Show us how to live, to serve and love others as You have shown us. Keep our eyes focused on You. Pour out Your Holy Spirit and rain on us. Refresh us as we dig in to see Your Sovereign reign, as we give You Thanks. As we worship You with body, mind and soul. Please Lord, in Jesus’ precious name, help us to keep sowing faithfully for we know our labor will not be in vain. We choose to Trust in You and You alone.
“My beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Gabe Bruno
January 19, 2021

I believe we witnessed a criminal election, and now we are going to install a criminal in the White House. We’re now officially a Banana Republic.

    Sunny Lemming
    January 19, 2021

    But God.

      Gabe Bruno
      January 19, 2021

      I believe in God’s power Sunny, but he also gave us a great power called, “Free Will”. We need to exercise our free will just like the Demons who cloak themselves as Democrats did. God’s plan is enacted through our free will.

Pam L.
January 19, 2021

I want to invite you to this timely event that starts Fri. I invested in these two days for myself and those who have been and will be traumatized by the storms we are in. Documented medical healing miracles flow from at least some of these people and their associates. This is for all who will come even my saved and unsaved relatives and a couple of friends who are brainwashed and deceived by political correctness.

January 19, 2021

I’m praying for the Lord’s mercy and intervention in this nation. Personally, I’m asking the Lord to help me overcome my disappointment/frustration with the Christians who voted and sided with the leftist, progressive, liberals, abortionists, socialists, lgbtq, and people who are in witchcraft, etc. I know I should pray for the Christians to be united whatever political affiliations they have. I hope and pray that many Americans who seem not to care what is going on will wake up.

January 19, 2021

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

January 19, 2021

“‘Yet once more I shake not only the earth but also heaven.’ Now this ‘yet once more’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made , that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken , let us have grace , by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12

I believe God is shaking out the things that cannot remain , the idols we have made for ourselves and it is very painful and hard to endure. But praise God that he cares enough to awaken the church and the saints! While it’s hard to see so much chaos and uncertainty , I feel God is going to use this to move in believers to bring us back to prayer and fasting and move into unbelievers to repentance and salvation. Also to give parents a heart for their children again. I’ve never been so thankful to know that our God is a consuming fire 🙂

Daniel Ireland
January 19, 2021

What seems to be ruling our country now is not who so much as what. It appears to be ignorance, arrogance, dishonesty, disrespect and selfishness. By a small but growing number of people.
I pray, this to shall pass….

    January 19, 2021

    It is the solid roots of Communism. History shows exactly how it starts and it also shows the un-Godly ends.

January 19, 2021

I have stopped listening to all news outlets. Instead I have asked God to give me instructions with how to prepare and move forward. I’m keeping my heart and eyes on Him.

January 19, 2021

Dear IFA staff, I have sent a message on “Eagle” and encouragement last week. I hope and wish you were able to read/see it, and did not go to spam. I was hoping it could be posted to encourage intercessors.

January 19, 2021

Thank you, Lord for using this election to open our eyes to the evils dwelling at all levels around us as well as the weakness in our own hearts. Through the past 2 months, we have witnessed your Glory and Love for this nation by revealing Truth, exposing the fraud and the wicked. Now we are praying for Your Justice to reign this nation. Bless those who uphold Your Law and serve Your Justice. Our eyes are fixed on You as You lead us crossing the Red Sea! In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen!

Joan McKinney
January 19, 2021

I am praying. I am especially praying for law enforcement and for the military who have been dispatched around the country for their protection. I am praying for all patriots who are on the front lines of this battle for righteousness in our country. My son is in law enforcement and yesterday he was part of arresting a person impersonating a Federal officer who had plans to ambush them. I am praying for wisdom and strategies to shut down all of the plots and plans of the enemy. I have a Facebook group called Mothers of Law Enforcement where we pray together for our law enforcement officers. This group is not just for mothers. It is for anybody with a heart for law enforcement and for their safety. It has a blue line flag logo. I invite anyone who wants to pray for law enforcement to join us there. God bless and keep you all and God bless America. I declare and decree peace and unity over our nation.

Adriana Silveira
January 19, 2021

I usually am very strong and faithful , joyful…
I’m a single mom, my ex has been drunk often since 07/04/2019. I moved out with my 9 year old in 09/2019 escaping oppression and verbal abuse. My business I started in 08/2018 did ok, until 03/2020.
This month 01/21 was the worse! I have only $2100 in my account to pay rent on 02/1 $1580. I do not have money to pay my business rent.
I am like a bit frozen … but despite everything I am worshipping God with my voice and my guitar. I am praying and believing for His provision.

    Abby Joy
    January 19, 2021

    Praying for you Adriana!

    Sunny Lemming
    January 19, 2021

    Your redemption draweth nigh!

    January 19, 2021

    Praying for you, that God honors his servant, and meets every need! His storehouse is limitless. He will supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory!!!

Dale Jaacks
January 19, 2021

I guess if there is one thing I’ve learned over the last month or so, is that Donald Trump is not our savior. I know we know that in our heads but I think as a Church we have talked about him in such a way and have put our hope in him winning another term. While that might be good for the country, the rhetoric and divisiveness that it has caused in the Body of Christ is not good. I think the enemy has used our unhealthy emphasis on a man to become a trap. There is only one who is God and He and His Son alone are on the throne and worthy of our worship, hope and trust.

January 19, 2021

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Mt 6:14-15

“Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. ‘Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:19-21

The steadfast love of the LORD for you endures forever!

Bradley McClaughry
January 19, 2021

God bless you for what you are doing.

Jane VanderPloeg
January 19, 2021

I find the songs that rise in my heart are indicating the Lord’s action, and are full of truth, joy, and assurance. The one this week was “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun…” A few years ago He was saying, “Ready or not, here I come.” I am led to release peace, joy, and love over Portland and the nations as I pray. He said He’d come with healing in his wings.

January 19, 2021

I am trusting in the Lord and not leaning on my own understanding. I read scripture to remind myself of the mighty acts of the Lord God, I repeat those acts out loud making declarations to the dark forces that battle against the forces of righteousness. Daniel, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Esther, David, Gideon, Elijah, Elisha, Caleb, Joshua, Jesus, Peter, James, John, and Paul among others are all heroes given to us to build our faith and give us courage to face this current battle. My fight is not against flesh and blood but against powers and spiritual forces of wickedness. I take every sad, depressed and panicked thought captive to the obedience of Christ and repeat the truth of His Word out loud until my brain and my heart hear it and respond in faith. I play worship music loud all day long and sing it out into the heavenly spaces where the battle rages. I trust in God and I believe He is who he says he is and he will do what he said he will do.

    Beverly Adams
    January 19, 2021

    Amen!Thank you for your encouraging word and testimony! Trying to keep my focus on Jesus! He’s the author & the finisher!

    January 19, 2021

    I love your comment about your worship music! I do the same! From my early morning workout to my workday to when I’m cooking…it’s on all day. It definitely impacts my thoughts, my moods, my prayers.

Jerry Jones
January 19, 2021

I am seeking to use all of the powers satan is using from his vast experience of harming Israel and the Church to draw nearer to my LORD. Depending on HIS infinite omnipotence and omniscience, the ONE that gave HIS only begotten SON for all of us ‘who so evers’, understanding that HIS is the victory! Seeing all the Brothers and Sisters in Christ all over this nation, being allowed to know that we are a vast network, much like those of Elijah’s time!

Penni Bulten
January 19, 2021

I remember this one! Also remember Living in Laodicea..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0tqYetdVmw (with lyrics)

and as for storms, loved this one from David Martin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhUsVGbO2Sc (Let the Wind Blow)

I’m praying you see Him in the furnace as he is there. Heavenly Father, make your presence known to Sunny, even as you did to Hananiel, Mishiel, and Azariah. (AKA Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego) May she not even have the smell of fire as she exits the furnace.

Rose Marie Doyle
January 19, 2021

Lord, you prayed for unity among your followers – that your “other sheep, not of this fold” would be joined together to become One Flock, One Shepherd. May all of your followers — Catholic, Protestant (with its many sub-sets), and Orthodox unite to postpone the plan of Satan for this country and our world. Let us enrich each other by sharing snd welcoming our various gifts. May we work and pray together energetically for a window of time to bring in your Final Harvest.

We pray that the evils of fraud, fornication, adultery, abortion, greed, idolatry, witchcraft — and all other evils that flow from them — be exposed and forsaken as we run to you and follow you on a sure path of love, honesty and integrity. Help us faithfully obey your commandments. Capture hearts that have gone astray. Be the Shepherd of this country and the world!

Danielle Hidalgo
January 19, 2021

But my servant ( we are God’s servants) Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land into which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.
I want to be a Caleb and look out over this nation (with its giants) with my eyes fixed on my Father and my knee bowed in humility to see clearly how I as his bride have missed opportunities and allowed my enemy to come sneaking in while I was distracted by this thing or that…… But God in His mercy is not finished with me (or us) yet!
I want to be the one He finds standing in the gap when He looks to see if someone is there.
I want to be the one who has a different spirit – the honey badger tenacity to follow after God.
Honey Badgers don’t back off, they don’t back down.
I want to pass that spirit on to my children and grand children coming up behind me.

I grew up in a military family, and my dad briefed for the day to get his assignment for the day, and de-briefed at the end of the day to get feedback on how things went. That’s how I see my relationship with Abba. We need to hear from Him – and follow obediently. We have enough light for the step we are on.

We get a prophetic word, and then assign based on our own thinking how that will play out.
I don’t think the prophets are wrong. I thing Isaiah 55 is right. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, His ways are higher than our ways. Be strong and courageous my brothers and sisters. Where we currently stand is no surprise to our Father. He loves us, and hears our cries. He is coming to deliver His bride.

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January 19, 2021

During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Hebrews 5:7

Father God, thank you for sharing with us the life of Jesus by writing the Bible. He is our model in all things. There is nothing we can go through that he didn’t go through first. He showed us how to live. We would be so lost without him.

Cindy Krueger
January 19, 2021

Although I was not familiar with it, I do love the words to Steve Camp’s song and what is written here.

He gave me a chorus I learned a long time ago which also fits these times in His church…the church of true believers who have a realtionship with the Living God and His only divine Son:

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true.
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
sanctuary for you!

    January 19, 2021

    The Lord also gave me the exact same chorus out of the blue last week. I knew it was Him as that is not a chorus that I sing. Praise the Lord, He is confirming.

Steve Olson
January 19, 2021

I confess that I have experienced a bit of disappointment at the election of biden as president. I believe the election was stolen. God could have intervened, but so far He has chosen not to do so. That said, it is the Lord in whom I trust. Not the person Donald Trump. Not the republican political party. Not the government.

I am thankful. So much has been accomplished over the past four years under a Trump administration. I do not believe that God is done with America; yet. I personally do not believe that God is done with Donald Trump. This is not intended to be a prophetic statement. I do not hold myself out as a prophet. I have not had visions and my dreams are more likely the result of old pizza. I just believe that God is merciful and will be glorified by what will take place in America. In my heart, I don’t believe that God will allow the gains achieved under the Trump administration to be totally reversed under the biden administration. I pray that God will frustrate the efforts of the democrats to implement their policies and practices that are an affront to God.

We (collectively the IFA Intercessors) have been asking God to expose the corruption, the lies, the deceit in our government. Well folks, have not our prayers been answered in an amazing way? The democrats have exposed themselves as the party of evil, as the party of lies, as the party of corruption. Should we not celebrate that? Perhaps this exposure is just what the church and Americans need as a jolt to wake them up. From my perspective in Colorado, a great many churches are asleep to the promise God gave Solomon after the dedication of the temple as recorded in 2 Chron 7:13-14. “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Maybe this controversial election is just what is needed to awaken those that slumber. In my observation, absent persecution, the church tends to become complacent. Wasn’t the great commission given to all of us, not just to pastors or a few that are “called”? Have we fully used the time that a Trump Administration has given us to advance the kingdom of God or with the pressure off have we become lazy? Maybe this is a wake up call?

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N.C. Daniel
January 19, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, like many people, I go through an emotional roller coaster every day. Though I have prayed long that our nation may take a more Godly path, I also know that may not be Your will at this time. I have not given up hope that things may yet change, but know full-well that You have warned of dark days to come, and believe those days are now upon us. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done. In Jesus name I pray Dear Lord, Amen.

January 19, 2021

Taken from January 19th reading in Watchman Nee’s, A Table in the Wilderness:

Wherefore, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision. Acts 26:19

“What called forth Paul’s lifelong consecration of himself was that flash of light from heaven. The obedience sprang from the vision. For while it remains true that all self-committal to God is precious to Him, blind self-committal may not serve Him very far. There is, I think, a difference between the initial, pure but uninstructed consecration that follows our conversion and that further giving of ourselves that may spring out of a seeing of the plan of God. Upon the one, based as it is on our salvation, He may not at once make severe demands. But when He opens His heart to reveal to us what He wants done, and when having asked for our willingness He receives our fresh response, then it is that His demands upon our giving intensify. We have pledged our word on the basis of a new understanding, and He takes us anew at our word. Hereafter all we have must go into it, all the way.”

Pam L.
January 19, 2021

Our prayers like Daniel’s can be thwarted by the prince of Persia or prince of wherever; but Michael the Archangel sent to Gabriel to… However I believe the Lord is testing us to see if we really have repented as so many said they did with Franklin Graham’s Prayer March and Jonathan Cahn’s prayer group on the same day at D.C. Do we still look at different denominations and streams in the Church with suspicion, prejudice, and division? Do we still cling to our traditions claiming they are biblical while refusing to hear those who would say otherwise? Do we make broad brush strokes in our statements about things we haven’t researched more thoroughly because we are afraid of what others will say of us or whatnot?

    January 19, 2021

    Thinking to the Lord, in agreement with one who wrote that these days seem like a rollercoaster. But we keep our eyes on the Lord! And this same one also stated that as part of a military background, it was customary to be briefed for the day and at day’s end to be debriefed. That seems like a powerful word and, Lord, i want that briefing to go Your way each day, and to hear Your verdict at days end to repent of errors and to rejoice that my heart is still strong with You, Jesus. Bless us to keep our eyes on the One and Only Wo is Able. Praying with forever hope in the Blessed Hope by the blood and Name of Jesus, amen.

Debbie Sparks
January 19, 2021

Personally, I have been depressed more, crying more. I have to make myself step back and focus on what the Lord has done and that He is in control! Yes, it has brought anger with it and I find myself talking back to the negative on OAN news. I thank God for OAN news,Intercessors of America, other conservative news networks that spread the Truth. How do I touch other people in my community? I do not know where to start. Yes, I have to say I have had fear. Praise God for you! I am not on here enough. I do work and the timing is not good and praying with others, at the same time, is so much better.

    Pam L.
    January 19, 2021

    The Prayer of Lament fits you, dear. I forget where I heard of the Prayer of Lament. Was it with IFA? We could use reading Lamentations again. Also I think of Elijah and his life story.

    N.C. Daniel
    January 19, 2021

    I can relate. I have made many prayers during moments of despair and anger. While I later ask for forgiveness, I do believe it is best to pray honestly from the heart at those moments.

Shirley Thompson
January 19, 2021

I am 86 female & while checking on my allergy symptoms with Dr. I was informed that I cannot continue in their system unless I get a Covid shot! I am not a fearful person but this drives me closer. We are in a battle for our “HEALTH FREEDOM” I know God will show me the way, He always does.

    Pam L.
    January 19, 2021

    For what its’ worth, my cousin and his wife are Nurse Practitioners. They got their first COVID vaccine on Dec. 21 and are doing well. My doctor, a Christian, sells pharmaceutical grade Douglas Laboratories – Vitamin D3 as preventions. Trump took these ingredients after he got COVID-19.

    Elder Doug
    January 19, 2021

    My son practices alternative medicine, and he has kept me healthy without resorting to the MD’s very often. I am 71 and have been in close contact with people who had COVID at least twice without getting sick. I believe God gave us an immune system to deal with viruses like COVID, and we can enhance that system with the right vitamins. You are indeed in a difficult position, and I pray that God will show you the way forward, hopefully without having to take the vaccine.

    Cheryl Lashmit
    January 19, 2021

    Perhaps it is time to change doctors if you are not comfortable moving forward with vaccine. There are many doctors out there! 🙏🏻

Daniel Rath
January 19, 2021

The Lord’s word from Psalm 45 came afresh to me this morning, extremely relevant in this day. — “Only by your power can we push back our enemies; only in your name can we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow; I do not count on my sword to save me. You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies. O God, we give glory to you all day long and constantly praise your name.” Amen.

Arline Reed Trowbridge
January 19, 2021

Father Frank Pravone last night at our prayer meeting said: “Be quiet. Let the presence of Our God prevail.” I have been doing so, through the night and into today. God’s Holy Spirit has entered into my heart bringing me His precious love, peace, and yes, even joy. This is His battle against evil. Upon reading Mario Murillo’s blog this morning, I found Holy Assurance, Be encouraged, dear Saints of Our God.

Pam L.
January 19, 2021

I have thought of this hymn especially since Jan 6 which was also Epiphany/Three Kings’ Day. I don’t know if there’s prophetic symbolism in that or not; but God’s enemies are in for a surprise! And so are we!


    January 19, 2021

    My prayer partner and I were led to this hymn in 2015 and have continued closing our prayers with this since then! God is on the move!

A. Kim
January 19, 2021

I’m processing the events in our nation and globally as best as possible with a proper spiritual lens as much as is possible because I’m staying sober and alert by being the His word, His truth daily. For we know we do not battle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, the cosmic powers in this present darkness and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore every morning I choose to put on the whole armor of God, to withstand in the evil day firmly. I choose to begin each day with His truth, the sword of the Spirit and pray daily and throughout the day when things arise at all times in the Spirit with thanksgiving making supplication for all the saints.

In this divisive world with so many angry people, so many people running to fight and turn against each other in violence and not in love, my husband and I had prayed so many times all through last year to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we’ve been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience to bear with others in love, especially those who are in complete disagreement with us as believers even in the body of Christ and those who are name calling and bashing us and we prayed that we would BE EAGER to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Eph 4:1-3)

For whomever is president, Jesus is always King. God will always reign forever. We do not live for earthly kingdoms or put our faith in government but we seek and live for the Heavenly Kingdom of God. He will come to take His children home one day. To this I look forward to and will continue to be a light in the dark world and share the gospel with as many people as I can.

Kelly Hiller
January 19, 2021

Leaning on the Everlasting arms, trusting in God’s sovereignty, assuring myself that nothing is falling apart but it’s all falling into place. 💜🙏💜

Scott Robson
January 19, 2021

Dutch’s “Give Him 15” and today’s blog by Mario Maurillo are sources of strength, in addition to what the Lord told me on election day morning when I asked him to weigh in (“Be Still. Be Joyful. Be Exceedingly Glad because of what I am going to do today.”) Here’s Mario’s blog from today:

Someone has wrapped a noose around the neck of free speech and every other right we hold dear. Certain opinions are being choked to death in America. I get why tech giants are fine with wielding oppressive control over people’s opinions—I have never seen them as anything but greedy and power hungry. They are not, as some naïve ‘woke’ folk claim, “trying to save democracy.”

And yet, strangely, I feel a calm sense of hope amid all of this.

What I do not get is why many of the elements of the media, key intellectuals, and some mainstream institutions that have been wise and objective in the past are now strangely quiet during the censorship, silencing, and even the cancel-culture obliteration of many American lives. Such widespread acceptance of tyranny by them is totally new to America.

And still, I feel a great hope, even in this situation.

What is also new is the attitude of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with the Democrat Party. They have made it abundantly clear that they are not going to reach out to the millions who voted for Trump. They are moving on without us. No one has ever had that attitude after “winning” an election.

Does that sound like something is being forced on us? It should. 2020 has been a year full of things forced on the American people. Since they forced their election upon us, why would they feel any need to work with us?

What is happening to America is evil. Preplanned and premeditated evil. We are watching something that was hatched decades ago and is finally upon us. So why do I feel hope in a seemingly hopeless situation? Precisely because it is evil.

Genesis 50:20 says, “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” Those words were spoken by Joseph to his brothers who had sold him into slavery. That vicious act was exploited by God to promote Joseph into a position of royalty in Egypt, in order to save a nation from famine.

It is time for you to settle your spirit behind a historical fact. God has always dealt with evil in America, even when we did not deserve it. It is not by accident that ‘wokesters’ have tried to bury our history. It is there that we find the irrevocable evidence of God’s intervention in America. It is not simply the people of America that God loves, it is the idea of America. In order for that idea to be destroyed, you would first have to get past our omniscient and loving God.

Many believers are throwing in the towel too early. We could very easily see a miracle in a few days. That miracle would cause unprecedented nationwide convulsions. Or it could take longer. But one way or another, surely and eventually, the evil will be exposed and it will be punished.

God may do it by changing the tide of public opinion. Another way is by exposing the evil acts and those who have committed the evil. One thing has already begun: because Fake News outlets such as CNN have openly called for the shutting down of any news outlets that do not spout Democrat Party propaganda, such as One America News Network and Newsmax, Christian conservatives have been forced to build their own mass media—something they should have done long ago.

Another way may be the sudden groundswell of hunger for righteousness, which I see sparking mass conversions. The tide of revival is only just now beginning to crash upon our shores.

What the minions of Satan mean for evil, God will exploit for good, in order to save many. You can either let the images of blasphemy and arrogance drain your spirit or you can take your stand, lift up your head and anticipate the inevitable intervention of the Holy Lord of the Armies of Heaven!

    Pam L.
    January 19, 2021

    Yes, it’s what my pastor Matt calls “Judo Theology” or something like that. God uses the momentum of evil for His good just as the martial art of Judo does with the Judo fighter’s enemy!

    Danielle Hidalgo
    January 19, 2021

    What satan means for evil, God will use for our good! And the God of Peace will soon crush satan under your feet!

January 19, 2021

There is so many things I am hearing now. Truly, I am praying for 1776 to happen again but I know that it might be Venezuela that is our future. I pray that if a sting operation is happening on the good guys side that it goes smoothly and we get all the evil out of there. But either way I know God is in control.

    Nancy Thomas
    January 19, 2021

    He is on the throne…He is alive and knows all things.
    And He hears our prayers….May He strengthen and protect us, in these end days that we are living in…

Dewey W Whitworth
January 19, 2021

Fine, for one thing, I do not buy or swallow hook line and sinker the lies-malarkey-schemes etc cranked out by the news media. The china virus, election that ( IS fraudulent ! ) has so many in turmoil and so on. LOOK TO THE LORD. AMEN

Theron Friberg
January 19, 2021

All throughout the Old & New Testament we see God allowing evil leaders to rise in prominence. God’s promises still remain: “I will not leave you or forsake you. He will meet all our needs according to His riches that are in Christ Jesus.

January 19, 2021

I’m handling the storm by keeping my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. His ways are higher than mine, His thoughts higher than mine, so I will lean in and listen closely that I may be a light in this present darkness. I do not know the next steps, but I do know that He holds my hand every step of the way.

Father God, I come humbly before you and ask that You grant wisdom, strength, peace, and a holy boldness to me and my fellow sisters and brothers as we navigate these waters. May we keep our eyes on You, remembering that You already have the victory, promising us that You walk through the waters with us, that we will not, NO WAY, be drowned as long as we hold tight to You. Use us as instruments in our daily lives to show forth your goodness and love. We accept this call to be salt and light, to fish for men, to be fruitful and multiply. It’s about souls and always has been in your heart. Realign our hearts, direct our thoughts and motivations according to your purposes. Prepare hearts to receive as we go forth. Bring many into our nets and let your name be glorified, in Jesus name we pray, amen.

    Pam L.
    January 19, 2021

    Our Papa God holds on tight to us just as a wise dad would with his toddler’s hand that may falter if he/she tried to hold onto his/her daddy’s hand. God puts our hand into His so no inadvertent slipping will happen!

Joan Diane Bartruff
January 19, 2021

As long as I feed on the the Word of God, and claim His promises, I find renewed strength to deal with
personal challenges, political challenges, powers of darkness surrounding us.

I am seeking Jesus as the people did when He was the God/man (walking as a human among the people). I am rowing my boat, not literally, of course, across the sea to look for Jesus. I am ill, and need to be healed, and I know He can heal me if I can find Him. I will not give up my pursuit until I touch Him and feel His healing, peace, joy, and love which casts aside all my fears, doubts, and pain.

I pray His people will “seek Him” as some in the New Testament did when they lowered their friend through the roof so Jesus could touch and heal their friend. They would not let the crowds prevent them from their pursuit to get healing for their friend. Their unwillingness to let anything keep them from getting their friend to Jesus tells me I should have that same unwillingness to disallow anything from keeping me from His Word, prayer, and claiming His promises. He is faithful. He will not fail me if I seek Him.

Lynn M.
January 19, 2021

Thy KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.God has a plan & his will, “Will be done”. Continue to pray & trust in the Lord @ all times. Pray the blood of Jesus over you your family & your home. There is power in the blood of Jesus. Satan will flee from Jesus’s name. We have authority over the enemy satan.put on the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD. God said fear not.The anchor holds even when the ship is battered Trust him completely. In Jesus’s name Amen

S. Chaney
January 19, 2021

I am holding to God and His Word. I trust that God is still in control and that He has everything well in hand. The scriptures that encourage me are Proverbs 3:5-6. Isaiah 26:3 and Psalm 46.

    January 19, 2021

    Also Ps 37 – esp vv 3-4; Phil 4:4-9; 1 Thess 5:16-18
    And the song “Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus”

    Pam L.
    January 19, 2021

    I just read these in the Message version! Ps 46 was esp. good in that version. Thanks.

January 19, 2021

Holding fast to the prophets’ words. 2 Chronicles 20:15-22: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s… Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in His prophets and you will be successful… Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever…As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy who were invading them and they were defeated.” Let us give thanks and sing praises of victory to the Lord. Therefore I am NOT praying for the inauguration or for the transition. God told Prophet Tracey Cooke that Biden would NOT be president. I pray that he would NOT be president even for a day. And I further declare that neither will Harris be the vice president or by default the president. In hope against hope, I’m holding fast to God’s promises.
I pray for God’s intervention at the appointed time. For His miracle deliverance. I believe we should not succumb to the narrative of what we see but to the narrative of the unseen, the substance of what we hope for and believe in with single-minded hearts anchored by faith in God.
Father, let Your grace fall upon the United States of America, that we are united in seeking the truth, truth about You, marriage, conception and life, and truth about the election fraud both domestic and foreign regarding deceit and interference, and about the RussiaGate fraud. Open our hearts to see the truth. Unshackle the hearts of all Americans to renounce the evil corruption, and to cling to You for the greatest revival of the USA. A revival with great benefits worldwide and especially for Israel’s benefit with America as their faithful ally. We pray for the fulfillment of America’s destiny for Your kingdom in Jesus’ name. Amen!

    January 19, 2021

    Amen Alma, i’m praying in agreement with you!

    Lynn M.
    January 19, 2021

    Alma I read that verse over & over last year when the virus started.it is so true to this day. God is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow. He bever changes.i m in total agreement with the verses. We need to hold on to Gods precious word. Amen

Amy E Winchester
January 19, 2021

In reading “Green Leaf in Drought” the statement was made: during the storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus wasn’t concerned about the storm; He was concerned about the unbelief of the disciples “. Lord, help our unbelief. Let these times of “pressing” be our times of “pressing into You and Your timing, fully trusting that You are able to work everything after the counsel of your Will.

Richard Klein
January 19, 2021

When God began to pour our His Spirit in Cambodia in the ’60s and’70s there was a great harvest. When the Communists surrounded Phnom Penh the great harvest was continuing. During the next 4 years the whole country became a concentration camp and 90% of the church perished. But God used the 10% to usher in an even greater harvest. His ways are not our ways.

Lana McMillen
January 19, 2021

Eph 6: 10-18, Stand! But first put on the WHOLE amour of God. God will never abandon us but we can do our part and prepare.

Kathleen Amanti
January 19, 2021

We lost the communist revolution. It began as a Biological warfare virus to control Americans. Then they stole the election. NOW they have taken away our 1st amendment. They have 25,000 military troops protecting a FAKE president’s inauguration. Patriots and Christians have 3 choices. Flee, Fight or Fish. I choose to Fish for souls. America has been infiltrated by the Communists for years. Probably, started with Clinton. So for years they have been taking away our rights and stealing elections and convincing Americans that we are going further and further left, when in reality, we have grown further to the RIGHT!! They lie, cheat steal and kill and destroy. Our only choice is to turn our lives over to the LORD and pray for HIM to use us to be a witness!! God is able to work all things together for good.

    January 19, 2021

    I will fight the good fight of faith. I will NOT be discouraged or dismayed. I will NOT give up hope that God’s promises and His prophets words are true. President Trump will serve for a second term. I declare it according to God’s will.

Pam L.
January 19, 2021

After reading the above passage, I had to look up the meaning of guile. https://www.gotquestions.org/guile-in-the-Bible.html

January 19, 2021

Thanks for the opportunity to express how we are doing in the storm. I am thankful for the Intercessors for America who have given us a platform to join together as believers in our Lord and Savior as we pray and praise and cry and encourage each other during this stunningly horrific time in America.

We believed that God would hear us and answer our prayers with 4 more years of a President who not only loved our country but believed in the Biblical values that our forefathers fought and died for. But God did not answer our prayers as we expected. Now we have to understand that we have not been pleasing in His sight. The Church has become like the lukewarm church written about in Revelation. We remained silent for decades as abortion became legal, as God was removed from the courthouse, from schools, businesses and the public square.

Now we are in the refiner’s fire as we examine our ways and confess our sins. God is faithful and just and He loves us and will not forsake us. I pray we take this spiritual warfare challenge seriously as the Body of Christ and see what He will do if we get out of His way. Shalom brothers and sisters.

https://youtu.be/B5P2T72sDqA – a beautiful song by Steve Camp – “Back in the Furnace”

Oh, the flames are getting hotter
As I knew someday they’d be
But under the hands of a loving Father
He is refining me perfectly
And the fire consumes not my person
It’s burning away my impurities
It’s His way of saying “I love You”
But how strange it is to me

Oh, to be
In the furnace once again
Where the heat is so strong
Where it’s so hard to stand
I’m thirsty for some water
And I’m hungry for a friend
I know I’m being tested
But it feels like I’m being condemned
In the furnace again

There’s a bitter cup
We must all learn to drink from
Let it fill you up
Let it draw you closer to the Son
And with every taste
You’ll discover the wonder of
The race He’s making you ready for
It’s a race that you must run

You have begun
In the furnace once again
Where the heat is so strong
Where it’s so hard to stand
Are you thirsty for some water
Are you hungry for a friend
You know you’re being tested
But it feels like you’re being condemned
Back in the furnace again

Looking deep inside
I know He’s in control
Of my troubled soul
He’s breaking me of my pride
While in the Father’s hands
The Father understands
How low you can go

I don’t know why I’m in this situation
Except God has put me here
To give strength to my salvation
And to weaken all my fears
My faith is being tested
To be perfected takes many years
And when I think of how He loves me
It can bring this man to tears

As He’s leading me through
Through the furnace once again
Where the heat is so strong
Where it’s so hard to stand
I’m thirsty for some water
And I’m hungry for a friend
I know I’m being tested
But it feels like I’m being condemned
Back in the furnace again
Back in the furnace again
In the furnace again

    Pam L.
    January 19, 2021


      January 19, 2021

      We don’t fully understand His ways, but we know that He is faithful. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” It’s always good to search our hearts, and to continue in humility. But just because God didn’t answer like we expected Him doesn’t mean He is not going to act. “Fight the good fight of faith.” Don’t grow weary for in due time (at the appointed time), God will respond. Who will have the lamps filled with oil? The oil is the praise and thanksgiving of eager expectation and hope of God’s answer.

    Lois Robords
    January 19, 2021

    This sums up my spiritual life, and explains it to me. Thank you for posting this.

Diana Gordon
January 19, 2021


My soul, mind and heart have been in turmoil for such long time.
I truly have supported Trump for a long time. It is when he opens his mouth and speaks off script, that he had left such confusion.
Thanks so much for IFA…it has truly given me a different perspective and kept me on track. Praise to God that IFA has printed a list of Trump’s accomplishments. I have needed that to help counter all that our daughter continues to spew forth with her anti… stuff.
God prepared me for the election of Mr. Biden. My new mantra is what I titled this missive. Thanks that I have this perspective. Praise Him for all He has done!
Watch out world for how God is going to work. He turns all things for good!

    January 19, 2021

    I pray for Biden and Harris’ souls, for their acknowledgement of God’s holiness and for their repentance. But they will not serve as leaders of this country at this time. God has a plan and their leadership right now is not aligned with God’s. Not now, who knows how far they will change in surrender to God, to respect the life of the unborn, holy marriage, and the US Constitution. May God have mercy on their souls and lead them to repentance.

January 19, 2021

It’s not over! There are many intercessors praying. At the Red Sea, Pharaoh’s army was behind them, and a seemingly impossible to cross sea, was in front of them. The instruction:
“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord…”Exodus 14:13.
The word “stand” in Hebrew means “to set or station
oneself; to take a stand”. It is active. So our “stand” is to
believe our great God and His promises so that righteousness will prevail. God is on His throne and He is working. Let’s keep praising and glorifying Him so that He will receive all the glory when His will is
manifested in America and on the earth!

    January 19, 2021

    YES! Its not over! I believe the body of Christ has been seeking His face and repentance taking place. I know He hears our cries .I know God is up to something. He’s not done yet. He has the final say.We do not deserve anything but judgment . He is merciful and full of grace. So we wait on Him. Thank you Jesus!

Glory Swiniarski
January 19, 2021

The Lord will have HIS WAY in the storm!
Be STILL! Be at Peace!
The Battle is the LORD’S…

Joan Diane Bartruff
January 19, 2021

IFA, Thank you so very much for asking how we are doing? Would be hard to believe so many, or most is not reeling from all Covid has caused, the election, and etc. etc. Your concern, counsel, and shared loved for all has encouraged me this morning. Certainly, proves God’s Word again, “He does not leave us comfortless”.

“God bless us everyone”

Nancy Thomas
January 19, 2021

We are told of these days, and how the evil will increase as we get closer to His return, for His bride the church in the rapture..
Put on the whole armor of God..Eph.6:11-18…I pray this all of the time…God will protect us..He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Blessings to you.

January 19, 2021

I believe the battle between the anti-Christ forces and God’s people has begun. It’s like Pharoah vs. Moses.Exodus and Revelation have many paralells. Israel dwelt in Goshen, a protected place. We can live under the blood, in Psalm 91 security. I feel we must continue to keep good morale by meditating God’s Word. Continue to keep our finances strong by tithing, giving, honoring Israel, and supporting missions and evangelism. You can’t out give God! And having “air power”, angels working in our lives as we pray, praise, and prophesy. Psalm 103,19,20. We have the winning weapons, and we can overcome the heathen, and the demons. That said, it won’t be easy. As for me, I pray I will never surrender, never bow my knee to baal in any way, I pray this for all God’s precious people in the USA and throughout the World. Hold Fast!

January 19, 2021

God and father of us all I pray you will be at work in US 2 love you so much that we do your word like 1 Peter 3:8 (as quoted above) so much that you know we are doing 1st Chronicles 7:14 and so will do what Barb and us believe you will do for us

January 19, 2021

Why was Mary the only one waiting at the tomb after Jesus was crucified? Was it because they SAW him die and could not stand in faith. We need to stop watching the news watching what the enemy is doing and stand in FAITH that GOD ALONE has the power to raise America from the dead – and He Will. We must stand in FAITH believing and will be first to see AMERICA be raised from the dead!!!! TRUST / FAITH in God Alone!!!

Sharon Culp
January 19, 2021

I choose to meditate on Proverbs 3:5-6. My trust is not on who Leading our Nation but the King of kings and the Lord of lord’s. I am asking The Lord what I need to do in repentance, preparing, praying, to provide people to share the Gospel with. I know He is more than able to turn things around, to expose the enemies work and those willing to do it or have done it. In the bottom line His way is the perfect way. My favorite saying is :”But God”

January 19, 2021

‘Believe the prophets and you shall prosper…’ Do not waver in unbelieve. I am holding on to Pres. Trump as our president for a continuing 4 years.

Paul Cirillo
January 19, 2021

I am encouraged by the faith of the people who have written in this column. Thank you for taking the time to do so.

Billie Lee-Minor
January 19, 2021

I stand in Faith believing ‘It’s not Over’. God can still work miracles to reverse the fraudulent victory that the Liberals celebrate. The voices to believe our President Trump suffers defeat, and is finished seem to not have Faith to believe that we serve a God of Miracles. He can change and make happen what seems in the natural impossible. Our God gets the Glory as He turns the impossible circumstance into a Victory.I think of Gideon who was victorious with a small remnant against a legion of enemies. Also, the 3 Hebrew children thrown in the fiery furnace who declared, “our God is able to rescue, but if not, we will still serve Him.”
We must Pray, believe, and after having done all – Stand.

Christine E Armstrong
January 19, 2021

When we are in times like these when you don’t see the answers in the natural, we are moved to come close to Father God’s heart and hear what he is saying. This week I heard two encouraging words, one from our Pastors and the other from a well- known prophet. My Pastor had a clear revelation from God through scriptures the Lord led him to in Exodus 6, 7, ad 8. The authority that is wicked like that of Pharaoh, will say a word to release the authority for the judgement to begin. When Moses came into Egypt to speak on God’s behalf, the Pharaoh spoke and said, “Show a miracle for yourselves” This released the authority for Moses to throw his serpent on the ground and swallow up those of Pharaoh’s magician’s snakes because Pharaoh was trusting in witchcraft. This released the judgement of God to begin. We too are waiting for the word to be spoken that will release the power for his judgement to begin in our government, and the church.
Also the Prophet mentioned that as in the days of Noah people would be saying, “God cannot move once the inauguration takes place, but God says to us, “Is there anything too hard for God to do?” Jer. 32:27 Keep your eyes and heart on the Lord, and Praise him as though the work is done! You will see him move in power and glory!

Joe Sturz
January 19, 2021

Comforts Christians Have in the Lord Dear Friend, Christians are often down, disappointed, and feel deserted (Psalm 74:17-18). Sweet then are the comforts the Holy Spirit (John 15:26) Who then quickens and consoles, those who truly follow the Lord (Psalm 94:19-23), with thoughts of:

–God’s eternal love (John 3:16; I John 4:8), unchangeable plan and purpose, and covenant promises (I Kings 8:56; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 7:21),
–Christ’s finished work on the cross (John 17:4), His rising from the dead (I Corinthians 15:3-5) so as to reign with the Father and be in and with us in intimate fellowship (John 17:20-23),
–the Holy Spirit’s enabling power and strength (Zechariah 4:6; Acts 1:8) and enlightening us with the truths of God’s Word in Christ in our daily walk (John 14:26).

So let us receive and enjoy God’s comfort in Christ’s presence in and with us and the renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5-7) who comforts us in our time of need with the words of Jesus Christ (John 16:12-15) and motivates us to share this with others (II Corinthians 1:4).

Deborah Turcotte
January 19, 2021

Please read Psalm 27, and also keep this in mind from Psalm 23:

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Dorthy P Johnson
January 19, 2021

This has been a distressing time. Have and continue to pray for peace, evil to be banished, justice and laws to reign and protection for all defending America. Presidet Trump and his family have endured criminal attacks and danger all while working tirelessly for us. Then election fraud declared he lost. Grant him and all who have supported him peace and a sincere thanks from millions of supporters. I believe he will be vindicated. He MUST know how grateful America is for his many accomplishments and pray for another 4 years.

Penni Bulten
January 19, 2021

I refuse to listen to anyone acting like the MSM. FOX is not on my list of those worthy to be heard by me, and with this new info about Newsmax, they might join the list.

From statist, spinning, stealing media Oh Lord, Our God deliver us!

    Kathy Cook
    January 19, 2021

    I can’t thank you for your expressions. I am battling – truly battling to pray for Biden and those that will be quickly destroying our great country. Like Trump or NOT, he did more for the average American and truly loved AMERICA and AMERICANS. I am not scared because I know that GOD has his hands on his people. I am fearful for our youth, our grandchildren and pray for God’s mercy for them. I have to think of the poem Footprints in the sand, I know GOD is caring us believers thru the storm. I’m broken at the death that is coming to our great land at the hands of the democrats who truly hate and despise our country.

    I remain struggling as I pray for them, we are commanded by GOD to pray for our enemies and this is truly the hardiest thing I have ever been forced to do. Matt 4:43-48. Love your enemies and pray for those who
    Perce cute you… I know who holds our tomorrows and I know who holds my hand.

    Also praying that GOD will block those trying to remove NewsMax and Lou Dobbs, and Sean Hannity…. Truly we are under attack. I pray GOD will stop them all.

      Pam L.
      January 19, 2021

      Thanks for being so raw and honest. I don’t follow what’s up with the people at FOX or Newsmax or OAN, but I will pray. I kept thinking of the patriotic songs I used to sing in public grade school like “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” I need to look up the words to refresh my memory. Jesus said that it would be better for a millstone to be hung around one’s neck and he/she be thrown into the sea if he/she touched one of these little ones. Ps. 2

      Penni Bulten
      January 19, 2021

      That’s fine, people are free to disagree. I neither voted for Trump in the primaries, nor did I vote for him in the 2016 election because the polls for Trump’s lead in Florida seemed pretty solid. We had plenty of choices, so voted Constitution Party since I’d like to see more options for President than (D) or (R) for everybody, not because I disliked Trump. President Trump has proved himself to be an ally of freedom pretty much from his first day, and we appreciate all he has done to advance the religious freedoms we hold dear. He has also listened to advice from the wise (Judge Andrew Napolitano) for Supreme Court Justices and Senator Rand Paul’s advice concerning the Tenth Amendment when he was considering overriding the Democrat governors’ closure of their states. So there is much good about this administration, and I haven’t even mentioned the peace plans. As far as FOX goes, they still have a few people worth listening to. However, unless they change the overall spin to the left, (the MSM already has enough of that spin! So thanks but no thanks!) when I listen to them, it will not be on TV.

      I say amen to God blocking those trying to remove Parler, Newsmax, Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs from the airwaves. Censorship should have no place in a free country. Some of these platforms should be treated as monopolies and broken up.

      I also pray for Former Acting President Biden and Former Senator Kamala Harris to repent of their wicked ways, and seek salvation through faith.

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhUsVGbO2Sc (Let the Wind Blow – David Martin)

Barb Modugno
January 19, 2021

If Paul can be radically transformed so can some of the Democrats. Praying many in the house and the senate are radically changed by God and that they see their sin and that their hearts are changed

    January 19, 2021

    God and father of us all I pray you will be at work in US 2 love you so much that we do your word like 1 Peter 3:8 (as quoted above) so much that you know we are doing 1st Chronicles 7:14 and so will do what Barb and us believe you will do for us

Paul Dias
January 19, 2021

I will be honest with you. I am really struggling, and I have been for some time. I am at work right now trying to get motivated and I have lost all motivation. I have even found myself crying out to the Lord asking that he takes my life or takes me home. I know it is a lousy attitude which only makes me feel even worse. I have a wife and two great children that I am scared to death of their future. That is all I have to say.

    Ann Z
    January 19, 2021

    Paul, I understand completely why you feel the way you do for your family. I have felt the same way often. Then I have to stop and remind myself that people all through history have encountered evil times and have managed not only to survive, but even triumph. Our families do not belong to us; they are on loan from God and He is completely able to carry them through the worst of times, because He loves them infinitely more than we do. Commit them to the Lord because the Word says, “He is able to keep those who have been committed to Him.” Do what you can to live before them as a person who is totally committed to Christ, and let the Lord take can of the rest.

      January 19, 2021

      Paul I agree with Ann!

      Paul Dias
      January 19, 2021

      Thank you Ann for your encouraging words and I agree that many times throughout history Christians faced very dark times, and even today in many countries such as North Korea or China or Afghanistan, etc…


    Glory Swiniarski
    January 19, 2021

    God will bring you through it all…He has promised to never leave you or forsake you!
    We believe President Trump will still be in the White House for 4 more years, it just doesn’t look that way now. Hold fast!
    God is FOR YOU!
    Check out prophesies & worship that will encourage you: lohchurch.org
    (LORD OF HOST CHURCH in Omaha, NE)

January 19, 2021

I pray daily for God’s peace and that his will be done. Then I wait patiently to see how he is going to move.

Jack w Merkl
January 19, 2021

We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities. We need to decree and declare from our place of authority in the name of Jesus. That the wicked and corrupt are exposed and stopped. God isn’t done yet.

Donna Freeman
January 19, 2021

this scripture says turn away from evil, not join with it, like some are doing. I will never join with the evil that I’d trying to steal our nation.

William M. Duke
January 19, 2021

I’m thanking our Lord and Savior for the revelation of Himself in our hearts and the Heaven on earth that already exist—members of our small group studies and church—and strong Christian leaders with online devotions and ministries. Praising him for my family, community, city, state, and Nation and things like the Gospel of Luke as portrayed in the Jesus Film Project, which we can search on line and watch with closed captioning in almost ANY language. Also, thanking our Lord for the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and now the 1776 Commission Report just released on MLK day January, 18, 2021. Praise God, praise and gratitude are so liberating!!! Blessings to ALL on IFA.

January 19, 2021

I believe God’s providence put President Trump into office: I believe He will keep him there. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Lk 12:2

    Mary Doris Bock
    January 19, 2021

    Carol, I agree with you that God is uncovering the swamp of evil. My job is to ask God to take the blinders off of their eyes so they may see clearly the truth & follow through with righteous actions. My prayer is that God will keep our eyes clear & we will hold on to His perfect will – He’s coming very soon & we need to be ready with our oil in our lamps & in our hearts.

Judith Bell
January 19, 2021

Thank you for this prayer. It calmed my troubled mind and heart it reminded me that God is on the throne.

mary antony
January 19, 2021

Thank you for this verse. A stern reminder that our battle is for lost souls not lost votes. This world is marked with injustices that’s why we can confidently assert that Jesus is the answer to all that is wrong in this world. He is the only one who can judge justice justly.

January 19, 2021

This Nation was established a Christian Nation and we held the high moral ground for nearly 200 years.
Today, that high moral ground has been lost. What a shame and indictment it is upon us-the present day church in America. We have betrayed our Lord. We have lost the vision and purpose to exit.
II Chronicle 7:14 is still or guide to revival. That means there is a price to pay, action to take.
We have forgotten we are in a war–warriors in God’s Kingdom. In the art of war– to be the victor, there are two prerequisite. 1, Know yourself. 2. Know your enemy.
Knowing our enemy-“military intelligence” is a great failing in the church today. First, he overtook our power on the moral ground through LGBT acceptance, and then we should never have allowed our public schools become Marxist indoctrination tools. Let’s Repent together. Get on the school boards.

Donna Liput
January 19, 2021

I think about the torturous way the unborn are treated and wonder how anyone can rejoice in the presidency of someone like Joe Biden??? How can a Christian stand by while little babies are murdered so brutally. It’s a Holocaust. I’m having difficulty with the whole thing and feel strange knowing I’m sitting in church with people who approve abortion. I’m frightened.

    Natasha Hyde
    January 19, 2021

    Sis, open your heart and give people grace. If Jesus commands us to forgive. We should keep our eyes on Jesus and not on man. the president is in the hand of our Lord (Proverbs 21:1). We trust God not man. Therefore the name of the president doesn’t matter. The will of God will still be accomplished as we see in scripture.

    I think it is important that we not only speak for the unborn, but those who are killed daily in our society. The church has to be a voice for the unborn as well as the living. Let us take the same strong position against the violence that is taking place against the most vulnerable in our society. Many are against abortion but support capital punishment. Murder is murder. Let us focus on protecting all of God’s creation.

    In Zechariah 7, we read, “And the word of the Lord came again to Zechariah: ‘This is what the Lord Almighty said: “Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor.”’” Notice what “true justice” is according to the prophet: caring for the vulnerable.

    The poet in Psalm 146 praises God for his justice, which he sees in the way God supports the disadvantaged. He writes that God “executes justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets the prisoners free; the LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous. The LORD watches over the immigrant; he upholds the widow and the fatherless.”

    Job, in defense of his own righteousness, describes in Job 29 how he had clothed himself in justice, which he describes in this way, “I rescued the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to assist them. The one who was dying blessed me; I made the widow’s heart sing. I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban. I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy; I took up the case of the stranger. I broke the fangs of the wicked and snatched the victims from their teeth.”

    January 19, 2021

    Donna you are not alone
    Yes it is alarming and disturbing to be with your church family knowing full well they voted for this ticket and what they support

    Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ

    Sometimes it’s the church itself that needs to turn from its wicked ways

    Revelation is clear about the lukewarm church and how the Lord deals with them

    Read and remember Joshua 1:1-9
    Encouragement from God you can’t go wrong

    Understand where your coming from..

    Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might 🔯🙇

    Barbara Hesch
    January 19, 2021

    Donna, I agree with you and let’s also call abortion what it really is. Child sacrifice. We know how God feels about that. Someone here has compared Capital punishment to the sacrificing of the unborn. Isn’t a mothers womb suppose to be a safe place for a human being to grow? They are the most vulnerable among us, but we have allowed the slaughter of millions, and Democrats are all in favor of the practice. Therefore, I will never support them.

Kathy Burke
January 19, 2021

God only in your Love is all comfort & peace found. May that Love flow from us as you desire. May we point all seeking it to your loving presence. In Jesus I humbly ask you to pull us all under your banner.

Cynthia Sinnette
January 19, 2021

When Jesus was born it didn’t look like the people thought it would, and many did not trust God’s ways being higher, many missed it. We need to do our part and pray for GODS will, not ours, and be at peace with his choices and plans. He is creator, with abilities far beyond ours. FAITH, now, just standing strong believing what we cannot see.
Most of all, my heart is broken at seeing so many, even highly trained Christians, who are slinging mud rather than walking in Jesus footsteps and being good examples. Challenging…

Toni Kushner
January 19, 2021

May the world know we are His, by our love for one another. May your grace and the power of the Holy Spirit within us teach to reflect the face of Jesus in the midst of a changing world who hates the one who the Father sent. we surrender to You, O Lord and may You be Glorified in us to the Praise of Your Name.

Sandy M.
January 19, 2021

Many have referenced Dutch Sheets Give Him 15. I downloaded the give him 15 app. The entire broadcast is in print, including the prayers and degrees. You can also access all the previous posts in the archives. It is wonderful!

January 19, 2021

Father God,
I pray for Your glory to be released from coast to coast and from the north to the south.
May the fear of the LORD, the reverence and honor due to You, be re-established in America as we see Your mighty works.
May all this be done in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sandy M.
January 19, 2021

Anna. Go to http://www.BlessEveryHome.com. You’ll have access to the names of your neighbors and how to pray for them by name.

January 19, 2021

“If the foundations are broken, what can the righteous do?” The Lord is in His holy temple, His throne is in heaven; His eyes see, His eyes examine mankind.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭11:3-4‬ ‭MEV‬‬
With all that’s going on in the world and our nation, it seems like we’re headed for some (even more) difficult times, especially authentic Christians. Persecution of genuine Christians in the USA may be on the horizon. The world, and even many evangelical leaders, are coming against people like us who believe the Word of God, not prevailing cultural opinion, is the arbiter of morality. It often feels like we’ve already lost that battle. But God is still on His throne. He sees. He knows. He loves us. He has a plan. If He chooses to have His church go through a difficult season, it’s for our good as well as a testimony to the world of His faithfulness to His own. He may yet deliver us, but if He chooses otherwise, and we refuse to bow to the world’s idols, we can trust Him to stand with us in the fiery furnace, giving us Grace to endure..

“This is a faithful saying: If we die with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:11-13‬ ‭MEV‬‬

Grady McClung
January 19, 2021

“Be still, and know I AM the Lord” Containing my anxiety, my fear, my anger, and even my words has been the life lesson this last year. We are called to peace, to rest, and to prayer against the enemy and not the people. God loves every single person as much as He loves me.

What that means in a practical sense is limiting my exposure to the media and the chaos. I stay informed at a high level (enough to pray) but have to be careful about getting into the weeds: God is on the Throne, and I have read the end of the Book. Others may be gifted to sift through the chaff and noise, but I have to protect my peace to stay effective. I keep hearing “negativity does not exist in Heaven; my child should not seek it out.”

I trust my Lord with everything. He has plans for me, my family, my town, my region, my state, and my nation. I intend to partner with Him whatever those plans look like.

    Laura I
    January 19, 2021

    Totally relate. Sometimes a headline or snippet I hear from even conservative new sources makes me literally cry. Casting my cares is turning into my new daily goal. God bless you.

      Grady McClung
      January 19, 2021

      Laura, to quote a rogue politician from the past: “I feel your pain.”

      Literally, I am learning to take the dagger stroke and hand it over to our Healer multiple times a day. He gives soothing balm, and calms the storm within. I used to get apoplectic at the news: His way is better. Even many in the Church are taking ‘friendly fire’ as division reigns.

      May the God of peace comfort your inner cares and still the storm for you!

        Laura I
        January 19, 2021

        Thank you, brother! I appreciate being heard.It’s very comforting to be part of a community of Christ.

    January 19, 2021

    Misery loves company, so I’m glad for your post and the replies. My husband of 34 years has Aspergers and in the best of days our relationship is a struggle. I’ve been able to “maintain” through the first impeachment, the covid shutdown, the BLM protests and violence that co-opted it, political drama, deep state, fake news writers, big covid outbreak in our little town (and church affected), election drama, election integrity battle, and now the results. We live in the country, retired, beautiful spot, seldom need to leave. But my own husband’s nonchalance about gathering in a small building with KNOWN affected people – despite my objection – reminds me once again how little he does (maybe CAN) regard my/our safety over his naive optimism. Every time he leaves the house he takes his asthma and my lungs with him – yet he merrily goes along, confident he’s doing just fine. I should just shut up and trust him. I don’t. I’m writing here because our circle of friends is so small I don’t want to poison that well for the future. But after 30+ years of stuff and blow outbursts every few months, I am figuring out I’m living in a semi-permanent PTSD mindset. Don’t need pity – not gonna leave him – but I’m momentarily miserable and will enjoy the company. May the Lord make a difference between His true saints and the culture as His plan for the US unfolds.

Charles Epperson
January 19, 2021

The two phrases that keep running through my mind are, “Thy will be done” and “Give us this day our daily bread.”

I pray, especially the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, as often as I can, as well as frequently pausing for a simple prayer like “God bless America,please.”
I remind myself that God sees the big picture while my knowledge is severely limited. I believe Mary was telling the truth at Fatima when she said she would ultimately triumph. Jesus said in the end there will be one flock and one shepherd. I only have to strive to make sure I belong to that flock.
I would much prefer a miracle that would put conservatives back in control of our government, and if the radical left turns our nation over to communism, I will continue to pray for the strength to persevere in trusting God.
I volunteered to join the Army and went to Vietnam because I believed communism had to be stopped. I was a young man (or a boy) then. I am an old man now and I would hate to have to finish my life under a communist regime. But in all things I will pray, “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done.”

    Lynn M.
    January 19, 2021

    Paul Dias, I read your comment. Your feelings are coming from the enemy satan.dont allow him to put a stronghold on you. Stand up to him in the name of Jesus. Dont believe his lies. Believe God’s promises to us. Take your authority over satan. We have that authority & we need to use it.be a mighty man in Christ Jesus. He will hold you up. Trust him. He is always with you & he loves you. Pray the blood of Jesus over you & your family. Jesus paid the penalty for us @ Calvary. 5Rhe battle has been won. Claim the victory in the name of Jesus. Jesus loves you. Hold strong in the Lord. We will be ve praying for you & we will have gave our church pray for you.hold on Amen

      Charles Epperson
      January 19, 2021

      Apparently I didn’t express my feelings very well. I assure you that Satan has no power in my life.
      I was trying to say that no matter how bleak a picture the media paints, God is still in control and all is well.
      You can still pray for me though, I don’t think a person can ever have too many people praying for them.
      God bless you, Lynn

Susan Weidkamp
January 19, 2021

In response to this present darkness, and the Scripture, Dutch Sheets, Pastor Michael Thompson and IF of A posts, I have been singing my intercessions through this song the Lord gave me:

We serve a Mighty God
Who Reigns as King of Kings,
We rise as warriors strong,
We pray, we shout and sing.

Your Victory we proclaim
Power in Your Holy Name
Your blood speaks loudly even now
Knees are bending, heads must bow

Your presence Lord make manifest
In Your Glory we humbly rest
Holy Spirit strengthen us
Equip us for your service.

We clap and sing our voices raise
You sit enthroned on all our praise (2X)

Lord confuse the enemy
Lock him up and throw away the key
Shed your light on the enemy’s plan,
Expose the darkness throughout our land

Bind the strongman,
silence every serpent tongue,
Loose your warring angels
Expose the wicked throng.

Jesus your Name we Magnify
We shout praise to the God Most High
Glory to our Sovereign King
You rule you reign over everything

We clap and sing our voices raise
You sit enthroned on all our praise (2X)

Jesus your Name we Magnify
We shout praise to the God Most High
Glory to our Sovereign King
You rule you reign over everything, over everything, over everything!

Lisa Simmons
January 19, 2021

The Lord is sovereign. He works in His own way and own timing. He sees the beginning from the end and oversees the positioning of each thread on the beautiful tapestry of His creation.

We, on the other hand, operate from our limited understanding. In addition, we tend to be very impatient people who operate on hours and days rather than weeks, months or perhaps even years.

I have heard more prophetic voices than ever before regarding this election. If we look for a common thread, it would be that our Father has heard our cries and will be doing a work for which He – AND HE ALONE – will get the glory.

What this means for us is that:

1) We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to be discouraged by what we see in the news.
2) We must operate solely on the basis of faith, with our faith “being the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
3) We must praise Him and thank Him for what He has already determined and continue to press closer to Him.
4) We must be His body on this earth and not return hate for hate, but overcome with love.
5) We must be bold about standing on His promises and not back down for fear of man.

    January 19, 2021

    This is a test for the church in America. This bootcamp time. This is a precious time to learn how to trust God. You will appreciate this encouraging (short) message delivered Sunday by Pastor Kent Christmas of Regeneration Nashville. It concerns judgment within the church, the Endtime Revival in the earth and our nation and President Trump. Please enjoy and share. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmOHiy0MUxk

    January 19, 2021

    Totally agree Lisa. I truly believe that God would not have revealed so much of the corruption to us if He was simply going to sanction ‘business as usual.’ The Bible succinctly lays out for us in Chronicles and Judges those kings and rulers that were deceitful and unjust and God’s judgement on them.

    And then for the Saints to go into hours and hours of prayer would basically nullify God’s promise- The fervent prayer of the righteous makes tremendous power available (Message Bible). And as you iterated, there was a common thread of the prophetic voices Even in the Bible, we have a number of prophets God used to consistently announce the coming of the Messiah. God said He would do nothing here on earth unless He revealed it to his prophets. So my trust remains in the Lord and I will not back down. God is faithful.

    Laura I
    January 19, 2021

    Thank you for the reminder. Nothing is a surprise to Father God…. we are in the scary part of the story… God Bless you.

    January 19, 2021

    Thank you!

    January 19, 2021

    I agree. If it was taken care of with man’s ideas and ways, we wouldn’t see or glorify the Lord. He is the God of Angel armies and he is never late. Read Psalm 37. We must continue to have faith and stay strong. Praise His holy name and be still and know…know that he is God. Not us. He is coming to rescue us from this evil. I start my day wi5 Give him 15, then pray through the scriptures I’ve written down through this whole election cycle, then I come here and read and pray. I am filled with hope, joy and peace. He will come. And men will fall down and cry out, ” The Lord, he is God! The Lord, he is God”

Katherine Inglert
January 19, 2021

God is sovereign. What Satan means for evil, God will turn to good. It doesn’t always unfold as we think it should. Doesn’t mean God isn’t working. He will not let this evil go unpunished. How He accomplishes this is up to Him. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are higher than ours. The Word of God is true. Jesus Christ is faithful and true. Stand firm. Be of good courage.

Helen Clawson
January 19, 2021

I have been spending more time in God’s word and prayer.

January 19, 2021

I have been trying to figure out all that is happening. I know in my heart that Donald Trump won the election and yet the media is still saying that he didn’t. I know the prophets were in target! I also know that God is in control. He allows man to do what they do and then God! I still believe that Donald Trump will be our 46th president and that we will have 4 more years to bring in the harvest. God is not done with America. Lord help me to stand and your people to stand. In Jesus Name

P. Goodman
January 19, 2021

Dear friends, it has been a long road with this election. And even though I do not understand everything that’s going on I still believe with all my heart that God spoke through the prophet Kim Clement saying that Trump would serve seven years or two terms. Whether that is consecutive terms or not I do not know. But I do believe that as we continue to intercede and to appeal to our great compassionate God, a God of Justice and Truth, that this event is not finished yet. It is a hope that God has truly placed in my heart for many times I tried to just accept and move on but the Holy Spirit kept bringing Kim Clement’s prophecy back to my heart. I don’t know why we are seeing what we are seeing right now, but I believe in what God is doing in the unseen! I pray that everyone’s faith and hope is encouraged today because we ultimately look for a city whose builder and maker is God! And our home is not this world. But while we are here we can still have an impact for God’s truth and justice. God bless!

January 19, 2021

I am praying more than ever and trusting the Lord. Even “prophetic messages” are conflicting. So I ask God to veil the false messages and let truth come forward and prevail. I am focusing on his word and raising my 4 children. They listen to Alexander Scourby at night when they go to bed and we memorize scripture during the week to equip them with the belt of truth. Pray for my husband that God will strengthen his heart. Our family asks the Lord forwisdom and grace to care for oldest child with cerebral palsy. God in his mercy has kept him well & healthy and we are thankful but need strength wisdom and grace to care for him. God continues to help us. Psalm 121:1-2
I am thankful God’s hand is on us. He is awesome and I thank him for saving me! He is mighty and he is the same God today that he has always been. 🙌🙌

    January 19, 2021

    Robin, our family also cares for a disabled child, so I understand. He will turn 21 this week! I don’t know what I would do without the Lord in my life. He has been so faithful over all these years. And a hidden bonus of being homebound is that I can serve as an intercessor! I pray God gives you and your family the grace and strength you need for each new day. Blessings on you all!

      January 19, 2021

      Thank you Ruth. I will be praying for your family too. So true!
      God bless you sis.

January 19, 2021

In the last several days it has been helpful for me to remember 2 Peter 2:9 “So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment “ (read the verses preceding the quoted Scripture)

Nancy Wilson
January 19, 2021

2. Christ’s stern warning about protecting children

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” (Matthew 18:6–7, NIV)

My thoughts and prayers often go right to the human trafficking, especially of children. I believe we will prevail. I’m not sure when or how. I believe Trump will play a role in the victory with God as his champion. God cannot and will not let this continue.

Judy B
January 19, 2021

As with most I am very concerned about the direction in which our country is heading, but I am choosing to take my stand on the solid Rock of Jesus Christ because all other ground is sinking sand. When I focus on the things going on in the world, I can become fearful and I do NOT want fear to rule over me. I continue to believe God is going to do something great in His own way and in His own timing. My faith will not be shaken. He is the God of all flesh and nothing (not even one little thing) is too difficult for Him. Having done everything I now stand, believing. One great thing that has come out of all this is that God has called me back out to intercession. I now get up at 5am every day and spend 2 hours in prayer for our country and in worship. I have repossessed my position on the wall and will not ever abandon it again as long as I have breath in my lungs. Hope is the anchor to my soul and hope never disappoints. Let’s stand strong together, united in spirit as God’s conquering army, accomplishing great things for the Lord and advancing His kingdom here on earth. To Him be the glory!

    Ellen Bronkowski
    January 19, 2021

    My Husband and and I are listening to David Pawson on the book of Revelation series. He’s an amazing teacher/ theologian. It helps us to know what is coming and to be prepared for the worst. One assuring aspect is God is on His throne and rules in Heaven and on earth 🌍 in all the affairs of men. I pray for his mercy and those who hear Gods word will repent. I feel it’s a time of urgency.

January 19, 2021

I am greatly encouraged. Every night I wake up to read the WORD, and it speaks greatly to my Spirit. I am reading Deuteronomy, about the Blessings and Curses, what happens when we OBEY OR DISOBEY. I am reading Isaiah and Amos, that speak to the times we are living in. All affirmation of a nation that disregards Gods decrees.
Then I am lifted up by Dutch Sheets, “Give HIM 15” daily messages. Today was especially special. Are we Caleb’s, or are we one of the 10 who came back reporting negative reports about the promised land. Choices, between Obeying or disobeying Gods Word.
As for me, I choose to be a Caleb.

Sharron Dobb
January 19, 2021

I need to go without so I can go within. I’ve been in God’s ICU for 17 days now and God has done miracles. I have been so broken before the Lord crying out to Him on my knees in my living room in the darkness of the early morning. I need my attachments to this world to be broken. I came into this world with nothing and I will leave with nothing. I was once homeless while my parents lived an affluent lifestyle in Chicago. My husband worked as a slave on a dairy farm, what money he earned cutting wood for a dollar an hour in a harsh winter was stolen from him by his mother. He was later abused by his father who worked him to the point of severe illness.

But God has been so so good to us. He has given us a wonderful little home in a fabulous area, given us both job after job, two amazing children who are both serving Him and 6 grandchildren. Our home is filled with God’s peace and presence when we were both raised in homes filled with conflict and chaos.

I owe God everything and He owns it all. The globalists agenda, WEF video begins you’ll own nothing and be happy. I own nothing and am loved and blessed beyond measure. Love from Ontario Canada, Sharron

    mildred ranck
    January 19, 2021

    That was an awesome testimony. God truly is good. When we look to Him, He will come thru. May our God continue to bless you and your family.

Pat Bellan
January 19, 2021

No matter what my natural senses tell me, I believe God is good; that He is always working behind the scenes to accomplish His will and purposes for America; that He loves America and the nations; that He is a faithful and covenant-keeping God; that His timetable is rarely my timetable; that the Ekklesia has been in a process of maturation, and will continue to mature; that regardless of how things work out — whether the way we have believed/declared/processed them or not — He still is and will forever be on His Throne.

January 19, 2021

I realize that God knows what is best better than we do and we don’t understand His ways, but in a way it feels like this. Praying to have President Trump another four years and praying to have the evil exposed and then receiving the evil administration instead feels like what it would be like for a little child to ask for something special for Christmas and receive instead a paddle to be spanked with.

    January 19, 2021

    Oh my heart felt that Gail. Rest assured that you are not alone. In my darkest hours, I feel exactly the same way, probably because I struggle with an orphan spirit that needs a lot of love and reassurance. We will get through this. He will come through in His own way and timing.

    Tenney Singer
    January 19, 2021

    I was feeling that way too, but the Lord showed me this: that the wickedness rising to the top will bring about a global system and world wide persecution of the Church that leads to the return of the King. So either way we win, whether we have a nice country to live in, or better yet, the promise of the heavenly kingdom forever. Certain things have to happen before Jesus returns, and we must suffer, but the reward is worth it. As I tell my praying friends, it’s one thing to read the Book of Revelation, it’s another to live it. Take heart, we know the end!

Sharon Rapp
January 19, 2021

1Peter 3:8 will be my prayer. The Lord has been speaking to me about blindness on all sides and all levels. 1 Peter 3:8 gives me a place to stand right now and in the future. I have a friend who is mostly blind and she has decided to try painting. What she sees is recognizable as palm leaves but are not a true picture of real palm leaves. But at least she is trying to see and respond. For now that is enough.

Mary Diecidue
January 19, 2021

I feel the same way Mcn…….I am trying to understand, but have difficulty wondering what God’s plan is.

Elwin P Valberg
January 19, 2021

I am totally ragged out. The liars have triumphed and so we have to fight to be heard. That is not right. I listened to Newsmax talk about why they thought President Trump should attend the stolen inauguration. I totally agree with President Trump, why should he attend something that was stolen from him. He is the one who should be installed for another 4 years but criminals stole it from him. The criminals in the demrats are going right along with the whole sleazy situation. That stinks, stinks and stinks.

    January 19, 2021

    They are driven by pure evil. It can be seen in their faces and particularly the eyes when a camera gets close. Its chilling. Baby murder on a wholesale level, remove God from schools and any mention of Him in government. This has been a crawling infection for decades.

      Elwin P Valberg
      January 19, 2021

      It is up to us to stop them. They have lost all sense of being a decent human being or how one should act or react to their fellow man. I am glad I didn’t lose my temper to the point where I used language that I used to use in the past. Ralph, I appreciate your comments and am thankful for them. Together we will work to bring the America of our forefathers back again. They revolted against the taxation and so forth of England. I suspect that will be one of our burdens.

January 19, 2021

Our God is a God of Covenant. In 1607, the expedition led by Pastor Robert Hunt arrived in Virginia Beach. When they arrived in Virginia, the expedition dedicated our country to the glory of God. They planted a rough-hewn wooden cross, which they brought from England, in the sand and prayed:

We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.

In 1620, the Mayflower Compact stated their voyage was “For the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith,” and that people derived their right to self-government from God.

People and nations have been known to break covenant; however, our God keeps covenant. This land is established on Kingdom principles. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty. God is known to discipline, guide, punish, and judge His people and His nations. However, that which His will not be lost.
So fellow saints, let us be strong and take courage. Let us stand for God’s Truth, Righteousness, and Justice. The Battle is the Lord’s.

    Sue Ann Fisher
    January 19, 2021

    Thank you for sharing this. I knew about the pilgrims, but hadn’t heard about the 1607 covenant. Thank you for confirmation of America’s destiny because of our covenant-keepung God!

January 19, 2021

I wake up at all hours of the night. I get up and pray – asking God to hear and answer the prayers of millions. I’m on my face before him. Yet the burden doesn’t seem to get lighter. At times I feel like my heart is going to explode. I ask him to remove the heaviness but it rarely leaves. I cannot even remember when I last had 8 hours of complete rest.
I continue to give it all to God in the best way I know how. But it still feels like I’m not fully resting in him. I would appreciate prayers.

    January 19, 2021

    I understand some of those feelings. Praying for The Prince of Peace to provide you His Peace beyond human understanding.

    Sharron Dobb
    January 19, 2021

    I have to keep praying till a song comes. When I can sing I know I have prayed through. I pray that God will speak to us in the darkness of the night. Ps 6:6. All night I flood my bed with weeping drenching it with tears. But the Lord will answer our prayers. Please know you’re not alone. Love Sharron from Canada

    January 19, 2021

    I have to ask His forgiveness daily for “feeling” helpless on these issues. I love the Lord My God and I love my country. It seems as though both are hated by the incoming leadership. I pray that it be Gods will to vanquish the evil we are faced with. And I pray for the courage only our Heavenly Father can give us.

    January 19, 2021

    I understand you and feel the same way. I will include you in my prayers asking for peace in the hearts of us all.

January 19, 2021

As a 63 year old believer who is struggling with all that is happening in our country, I have made the choice to place my focus on God, His Word, Jesus, the Holy Spirit that lives within me and carry out His commandment to serve others. If I have neighbors, friends or family members in need, I do what I can to help – regardless of their personal/political beliefs. I have not watched TV in several years so that distraction is not a problem. I try to limit my reading of current events. When I begin feeling anxious and discouraged, I spend more time in the Word and prayer. I have also found that memorizing scripture is so helpful. The world is changing so quickly, but God never changes. I take much comfort in this fact. Also, His ways are not our ways. To us things may look like they are falling apart, instead I remind myself that God is in control and everything is happening just as it should. I trust Him, I trust Him, I trust Him. May God bless you and keep you.

    January 19, 2021

    I’m with you I have been doing the same. Those that are watching the news have so much fear. Our world needs prayer and I focus on the as well. God Bless

Mary Elda Arrington
January 19, 2021

I am handling the storm by keeping my eyes on Jesus and seeking His perspective; not feeding on fake news, but on those who support righteousness reigning in our land.
As I will be watching this week unfold, I am reflecting on a message that greatly encouraged me not to look at what is seen because it is subject to change.
The message was from 1 Kings, Chapter 1.
King David was old. His son, Adonijah, said, ‘I will be king’. He got chariots ready and conferred with the priests and they gave him their support. He invited all his royal officials. They are celebrating with Adonijah and saying, ‘Long live King Adonijah’. King David called in his priest and prophet to take Solomon and anoint him king over Israel.
Adonijah was inaugurated – there was celebration. But when the corruption was completely revealed, God intervened and saw that he was taken out and Adonijah did not reign as king.
God’s dates and timing is not our timing. He can do whatever and whenever He wants in order for His purposes to be accomplished. God is going to deal with the corruption. We don’t know how. It may even take a couple of months, but we know that God is faithful. We can trust Him. Don’t cave-in. Keep your joy. This nation is not going backwards.

    January 19, 2021

    Thank you for sharing this story in scripture. It’s very encouraging. I agree with what you shared focusing on Jesus and His word in the storm is our hope, strength and salvation

January 19, 2021

I’m not handling this election well at all. Trump won by a huge landside and there’s tons of evidence to prove it. Why hasn’t anything been done, that’s my concern. My heart aches for him. He did so much for our country and now he just walks away from a stolen election? Really? Where is the Lord in all this? I’m not giving up, I’m standing firm, but I’m afraid of what’s to come with Biden in office. I have pleaded with the Lord to save this nation from the evil that is to come. Praying for the Lord to have mercy on us and take down the deep state and all the evil players.

    January 19, 2021

    Also Ps 37 – esp vv 3-4; Phil 4:4-9; 1 Thess 5:16-18
    And the song “Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus”

Yvonne Pendleton
January 19, 2021

Do we praise God only in good times? Are we safe in the storm? Abide in His Word. Pray…think on our blessings. Stand firm as our victory is sure. Declare that our God reigns! Whose report will we hear? Take the land was the battle is the Lord’s!

    January 19, 2021

    Now might be a good time to put our blessings in writing each day and to make sure we keep in contact with others in the church who are doing the same.

    1 Thessalonians: Therefore encourage one another and build one another up…

David DuBois
January 19, 2021

This morning, the 1944 song “accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative” came to me. It goes on to say we need to have have faith or pandemonium in likely to walk onto the scene. In fact, I think our national faith has been lacking and pandemonium – a lawless, disorderly, noisy place of assemblage, has walked onto the scene.

I have really been glad to see all the positive interaction on this site, and the strong desire to eliminate the negative. May we continue indeed to not compromise with our Christ-given standards, that is to “mess with Mr. In Between” May we not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of our minds.

January 19, 2021

It has been a trying past couple of months. In some moments my spirit has been grieved more than others. In the end, I’m left with -but God! I am making sense out of all this by being thankful that He is God and He will not be dethroned. There are no principalities or powers greater than His. In fact, they all most bow to Him. Maybe this was more about us as believers than political parties. Maybe this was the catalyst that was needed to get us as believers back into right position. I’m praying for my brothers and sisters who are having a hard time making sense of all of this and pray that they will seek God for guidance more than ever before. We must continue to pray for all of those who have rule over us, obey what God instructs us to do and keep trusting God.

Bob Stenson
January 19, 2021

We’ve had some in our church who had a vision of dark clouds coming in. Last Sunday, my wife prophesied that the dark clouds are demonic powers coming to destroy the United States. My brother posted a prayer, which I shared on my timeline. The prayer asks God to remove the occult shields of protection that have allowed the deep-state, politicians, etc. to get away with crimes and fraud. God also warned us that this is a spiritual war, and we must fight it in the spiritual realm. We’re in prayer against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in the high places. We don’t know what God will do or what He will allow. American Christianity has been lukewarm at best. We’ll see what God does.

January 19, 2021

IT IS NEVER A TIME TO GET INTO FEAR. Fear places the believer under the control or influence of Satan. Satan laughs when he sees us cower in fear. SATAN is not our leader…THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE HEAD OF THE BODY OF CHRIST! Don’t spend your time today in fear. Here is a message on “Weapons that prevail Aggressive Prayer” from Derek Prince, the founder of IFA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t5nson_vUA&list=WL&index=22 (one hour) listen to it and pray. (Mr.Prince and his prayer group changed nations with prayer and fasting. I previously commented on the time when Josef Stalin, Communist dictator of the Soviet Union, planned a “holocaust” of all Jews living under Soviet rule in post-WW2 Russia. Derek Prince and the intercessors held a one-day prayer meeting for deliverance of the Jewish people. TWO WEEKS TO THE DAY AFTER THE PRAYER…JOSEF STALIN UNEXPECTEDLY DIED. THE GENOCIDE WAS ABORTED. THE JEWISH PEOPLE WERE SAVED. HISTORY WAS CHANGED. Let’s all get into faith and pray today!
Here is a great encouraging message to the Body of Christ from Sunday. It concerns the revival in the earth, our nation and judgment within the Church. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmOHiy0MUxk&t=322s
God is our strong Deliverer. Pray for President Trump and his family. I’m sure Satan is attacking their emotions and thoughts right now.They must stand!

Sandy M.
January 19, 2021

In Dutch Sheets “Give Him 15” today he talked about the warring spirit of Caleb in the face of the giants. I prayed that God would fill me with a warring spirit to be part of this revival that’s been prophesied to be coming around the world. In the daily email I received today from Concerned Women of America to pray for one of our leaders, I saw a web link, http://www.BlessEveryHome.com . When you sign up, you’ll have access to a list of your neighbors and each day you’ll get a list of 5 to pray for with a prayer point. There is so much more to this it is too lengthy to go into. The Kendrick brothers, who produced “War Room” movie, are affiliated. Can you imagine how God would work if all His people prayed for their neighbors by name on a daily basis!

January 19, 2021

We are called to pray for our enemies. Jesus died for them too. I believe that they need to be exposed and judged – for the sake of America AND for them to come to repentance – but prayer is the only avenue for that to happen. This is a spiritual battle. Biden and others have been seduced and used by the Enemy to attack God’s agenda. They truly need our prayers.

January 19, 2021

By the power given me through the Holy Spirt, sent by The Lord Jesus Christ, I speak to any evil spirts in my nation’s capital, leave now at this moment and never return in any capacity to my nation. Thank You Jesus.

    William Navarre
    January 19, 2021


    January 19, 2021
    January 19, 2021

    Jesus thank you that you taught US to pray and trust! Give us your abiding love, your faith and freedom from Fear: I agree with Dolores prayer, Send the evil spirits out of our Nation’s Capitol and send them to the dry desert places – never to return to prey on our Leaders and those who are part of the darkness! BRING your Great Light and Your decrement to the Minds and Hearts of our Leaders! PLEASE turn ALL Hearts and minds to YOU alone! Thank you for caring for each of us and for this great Nation, show your might, power and love to Other Nations so they too can be set free from great deceptions and darkness and put their trust/faith in your care, may a great awaking fall all over the Nations and we see people going FREE and into your loving care! Let the storm be YOUR Holy Spirit falling on your people! Amen and Amen

Regina Ford
January 19, 2021

This section from 1 Peter is also found in Psalm 34:11-16. One of my favorites in teaching me how to live a long fruitful life
I have been choosing to stay in the Word and prayer all day, guarding my heart and reminding myself of WHO is in charge, showing grace towards others, limiting TV talking heads on all outlets
This has been most freeing. Be anxious for No Thing
Remember the King’s heart is in the Lord’s hand. The Lord puts up one and pulls down another
I purpose to daily pray for leadership of all levels for this is right and good
My prayer will be for just and God- fearing leaders as mentioned in Derek Prince’s Book on Fasting and praying for the nation
God is able and He cares for us all
Remember to be strong in the Lord … this not a flesh and blood battle and we fight this good fight thru the finished victory of Christ

January 19, 2021

Psalm 91 and Ephesians 6:11-24. Jesus is Guide and Comforter. God is in control. We must remove abortion, stop this “worship” to the present day Molec. In the OT the chosen people kept falling back into apostasy, abortion is one of our current snares. Thank you for this site and our congregation here. Wait and be patient. I think we will look back and see the Lord’s hand, providence. Prayers to the Almighty!

Jim Davidson
January 19, 2021

This must be similar to what Jesus felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. For me, maybe even just before he uttered “into thy hands I commend my spirit” on the cross. We as a nation have committed unthinkable sins, we in the church have allowed evil to prosper, we have sat still / silent / refusing to speak up and be involved. Should God choose to allow what appears imminent to go forth, we will all feel the impact very soon. Hordes of illegals are making their way to our southern border, the Keystone XL pipeline will be shut down, China and Iran will again receive untold US funds and support. The people of this country will suffer … come soon Lord Jesus. Come soon!

January 19, 2021

When the reference to God was taken out of the platform of the opposing group years ago, I knew exactly where this group would be going. In spite of those churches who might have neglected to warn us about the outcome of this, many Christians understood what was happening. The enemy has appeared to infiltrate the minds and culture of citizens in our country very quickly but Christians around the globe know exactly what we are concerned about and are praying for us as well their own nations. This gives me hope because God is hearing our global prayers even though we have neglected Him in the past. We have been down on our knees crying out to Him and He hears us. Exodus 3: 7,10,14 –(7) The Lord said, “I have SEEN THE MISERY of my people in Egypt. I have HEARD THEM CRYING OUT because of their slave drivers, and I AM CONCERNED about their sufferings. (10) “So now, go.” I AM SENDING you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.(14) God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM! This is what you are to say to the Isaelites, ‘I AM has sent me to you.'” Almighty God, You have seen, You have heard, You are concerned and You are acting! All power and glory are Yours for Your Kingdom WILL come on earth as it is in Heaven. Alleluia! Amen

    January 19, 2021

    Yes, if we look at things of the world, we might believe all is lost. We know and believe the tremendous phrase BUT GOD and nothing is impossible with you. Help us keep our eyes on You and on the Word of God, Truth. Praying O Lord, we cry out from our position with Christ in God that You will show us our way day by day and if You call us to stand, You will help us. In Jesus Name, amen.

January 19, 2021

Moving forward. God is still in control. Some areas of prayer are going to be answered through the Biden administration. I believe we will lose on some issues of importance to all of us. However this suffering will be mild compared to what our brothers and sisters face in many other countries. God has not and will not forsake us. I believe God will answer our prayers in surprising ways!

    Regina Ford
    January 19, 2021

    I agree with you!! I am a supporter of The Voice of the Martys and each time I read the stories of their resolve to stand for Christ I stop my whining and remind myself to be strong in the Lord and focus on Christ who is my life and the reality. All this is temporal, but while I am here, I am to occupy. Render to Caesar which is Caesar and to God what is God’s. I belong to Him and Jesus is Lord. Every knee will bow

Linda M Stephenson
January 19, 2021

He hears us when we call! HIS ways are not ours, trusting as we wait to see HIS PLAN for our nation.

    Jill Parisi
    January 19, 2021

    I just read the story of Jesus asleep in the boat as the disciples allowed fear to overwhelm them(I would have done the same). They trusted in their own abilities as professional fishermen. Lord, help us to focus on You and Your Word. “I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Ps 16:8 Let our praise lift our eyes and our hearts to You and be strengthened. Thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you for your kindness, faithfulness and everlasting love. May those that know that Love share it generously and courageously.

Leigh Ann
January 19, 2021

I am very conflicted. I know Christian’s who prayed for a Biden victory and are celebrating God answering their prayers. I’m struggling

January 19, 2021

The best way for me to understand what we are experiencing, is to know and trust that God is in control over EVERYTHING that is happening in the world today. He is in charge, no matter who is our president. He is against all who do evil. We do not need to fear man.
We DO need to have a healthy fear of God, which, in my opinion, needs to come back to His church. Amen.

January 19, 2021

1 Th. 5:16-24 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil. May God Himself, the Gd of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it.
These verses speak to me in the situation we find ourselves in. May we all heed Paul’s words of wisdom today. God is faithful!

    January 19, 2021

    This is the first thing I read this morning. I woke up heavy hearted and you reminded me to be joyful. Thank you

Teri McEachern
January 19, 2021

I am waiting in eager expectation and anticipation for what our God is about to do!
He is God of the impossible. He is never late and never early but always on time. I believe the Red Sea is about to part and we shall walk through to the other side. The Great Awakening is upon us! We walk by faith not by sight.

January 19, 2021

Father, Thank you for the invitation to come into your presence and stand boldly before the throne of grace. We put the healing of our nations in your hand. We know that it is the enemy’s job to kill, steal, and destroy but you have sent your son to give us abundant life. We put our fears, worries, and anxieties in your hand. We pray for those who are sick, we ask that you will heal our nations, give our leaders wisdom to make decisions for the greater good of the people. We thank you for the provision you have already made and for all the things you will make available to us. Thank you for supplying our needs according to your riches in glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

January 19, 2021

I was woken in the middle of the night w heaviness & great discomfort in my back & both arms. When I tried to lift my arms it hurt too bad. (I have no back or arm problems or pain)
I felt it was the Lord speak to me & said, “let ME carry your burdens.” Immediately the heaviness went away & I feel back to sleep. Staying in God’s word & in prayer; truly resting in Father God’s plan for our nation🙏❤️

January 19, 2021

This storm has me so scared and praying I will be faithful in suffering.

    January 19, 2021

    Please know there are prayer warriors fasting & praying daily all over. Praying for you & all God’s people 🙏❤️

    January 19, 2021

    I share your exact thoughts, Amy. Praying that you and I will have the courage and strength to always stand for Jesus and never bend to their coercions, whatever the penalty.

January 19, 2021

Sometimes I do struggle to make sense of all that is going on, but I know that God is still in control. And I know He still has a plan even though things may look bleak.

January 19, 2021

Standing firm on the God’s destiny for America and the reset to her covenant roots. God reigns and His purposes will be accomplished – America will be saved and the Great Harvest will come. Praise His Holy Name.

Barbara Baumann
January 19, 2021

In the Name of Jesus,I declare Trump will be president 4 more years

Diana Grenier
January 19, 2021

I rely on His promises and especially in this week to come, “For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Therefore, whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.” Jesus speaks these words in Luke 12:2-3 and prefaces them by saying, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” Our Lord is a Promise Maker and a Promise Keeper! I trust in Him always!

    Sandy M.
    January 19, 2021

    Even when we can’t see it He’s working. He is our Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness! HALLELUJAH 🙌🙌🙌🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💞💞💞

Lavinia Ropata
January 19, 2021

To God be the Glory, his promises are yes and Amen.
1John 5:5
Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
God bless America 💜

January 19, 2021

I wonder how we got it so wrong. Then I remember the First Generation church thought that Jesus was coming back in their time. The OT prophets prophesied but didn’t know as to when it would come about. Yes, we have prayed, many have fasted for our nation to repent. God is more concerned about the state of our sound than the state of our country. The Church needs to preach truth in boldness and not allow others to censor them. We need a First Generational Pentecost experience.

Monica Anderson
January 19, 2021

“So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:38-39‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Linda Livingston
January 19, 2021

Psalm 56: 3-4 Thank you Lord we have your word. Your will be done!

January 19, 2021

I know that God is in control and I trust in Him. I see His plan playing out because of the evil in the world. The prince of darkness is alive and well. I just never thought I would see the fall of America in my time…that saddens me. What will we endure until Jesus comes?

Vic Pallotta
January 19, 2021

2 Chronicles 7:14 -If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
I believe God is a promise keeper and even if those of us that might be but a remnant stay fast, have faith, we will see the mighty hand of God move across this nation. I have to believe also that God put Donald Trump as President of this country for a reason – God has protected him – anointed him- and President Trump has been a faithful servant–I don’t believe God would turn His back on President Trump and let him be defeated or disgraced in the face of our enemies. He has endured much as his family has also for the sake of this nation.

Diana Harto
January 19, 2021

I know that God is in control and I trust in Him. I see His plan playing out because of the evil in the world. The prince of darkness is alive and well. I just never thought I would see the fall of America in my time…that saddens me. What will we endure until Jesus comes?

January 19, 2021

I prayed. I am suffering. I feel invisible… that truth and fact are no longer valuable and honorable. Both my husband and I have lost our jobs and the future looks so bleak to us. We cling to our Savior. May He reign all over these circumstances.

    Laura K
    January 19, 2021

    Lord I pray Romans 8:28 over Natashya and her husband:

    For we know that all things work together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purposes

    I pray for peace, I pray for open doors that no man can close, I pray for revelations and uplifting od hearts and spirits in the mighty name of Jesus.

    Diane Larsen
    January 19, 2021

    Praying that God will open doors so you both will find job in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus

January 19, 2021

I’m heartbroken., and saddened. Hard to trust God in all of this.

    January 19, 2021

    I once heard it said that, “You never know God is all you need until God is all you have.” I, with many countless others, share your sorrow and broken-heartedness. Not that I like the process, but I believe that God is allowing our faith to be tested and tried, but that is the way it is purified. So I exhort you (and us all) to:
    Hold on to God, the author and finisher of our faith.
    Stay in His Word.
    Turn every sad or anxious thought into a prayer for more of Him.
    Ask for eyes to see glimpses of His beauty and His working (because He has not quit on us).
    Ask for ears to hear His voice (because He still speaks).
    Ask for a heart willing to receive His Truth, His words, His glory.

    “Hold fast to (don’t lose sight of/hold tightly to) your faith without wavering for He who promised is faithful.” — Hebrews 10:23

    Praying for you and for all of us.

    “He will hold me fast. For my Savior loves me so, He will hold me fast.” — words from the Gettys song, HE WILL HOLD ME FAST. https://youtu.be/936BapRFHaQ This song speaks such comfort and encouragement to me. I hope it will minister to you as well.

    I offer this, not as a rote prayer, but as what my heart is praying for you: May “the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” [Numbers 6:24-26] Amen!

    January 19, 2021

    I understand. Things are very confusing right now.

    I believe that there are people just as passionate about God as you are who at higher levels of our nation and who are doing there part in their areas of influence…in their lane.

    Keep seeking and praying! Pray for the unprecedented number of troops at the Capitol. Pray for protection of our people and values. The nation seems to be preparing for what looks like an unprecedented attack on US soil…not a virtual inauguration. Let’s pray specifically about that!

    Lynn M.
    January 19, 2021

    Melanie, yes, it is very hard to trust in God right now, but he is our only hope. Dont give in to fear which comes from satan. Dont let satan pull you away from your trust in God. God has a plan & he is expecting us to stay with him. Pray for strength & ask Jesus to hold your hand. He loves us & he will give us the strength we need. Look toward him, not the problem. The battle is between God & satan. In the end God wins. God will give us inner peace if we ask. Stay strong in the Lord. God is in control not man..

Deb Nalley
January 19, 2021

The church (people) have failed. we cannot blame the evil for growing, we allowed it. We the church need to rise up and become the warriors God told us to be. It is heartbreaking to know that the wicked prevail there schemes and think that they have won. But GOD!!!! Psalm 64….. In the end they can take our bodies, but our spirit will never die… We WIN!!! We need to rise up and fight (not flesh and blood) but by the Spirit of the Holy God. Be encouraged…… God has not taken us this far to leave us…..

January 19, 2021

This is a test for American Christians! Do we believe God or not? One thing i know….EVERYTHING MUST AND WILL CHANGE WITHIN THE CHURCH! WE CAN NEVER RETURN TO THE MEDIOCRITY AND WEAKNESS AND CARNALITY WE HAD BEFORE! NEVER! Remember Esther. She and her maidens participated in a three day fast, no water—no food. It was powerful! It was effective! History was changed. God has heard our prayers. Listen to a powerful message from Pastor Kent Christmas delivered on Sunday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an-7Sh1GAi4&t=424s

January 19, 2021

Isaac, please know that we are praying for you and lifting you up to God. He will hear yours and our prayers. Stay connected to your Bible and listen to what God tells you. He will lead you through these difficult times.

Deborah Tenwalde
January 19, 2021

God’s promises are Yes and Amen. He always keeps His promises. I’m trusting God that He’s got this. He’s a Way Maker. He will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Mary Jean
January 19, 2021

I admit to being confused and fearful at times. I know fear is not from my Lord as II Timothy 1:7 says. But the verses that seemed to “come alive” to me this AM—-Hebrews 10:35&36. NKJ. “Therefore do not cast away your confidence which has great reward. For you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God you may receive the promise.” Also Hebrews 12:25-27. God says He will shake the earth and the heavens, so that things that cannot be shaken will remain. Verse 28 of that chapter talks about Gods kingdom can’t be shaken. PTL. Lord please grace us with Your power to continually seek Your kingdom. In Jesus name Amen

Amor B
January 19, 2021

I remain unafraid. I believe God remains on the throne inspite of the storm, He is King of kings and Lord of lords. His sovereignty is over all the earth. I have to be still, to see and know that He is God.

Cathy Miller
January 19, 2021

No matter what we see with our natural eyes we have to remember above all OUR LORD is in charge of EVERYTHING and it is his mercy that we have been given this time to come back to his ways.It is proven now that the PEOPLE of the America have voted for good and it is not the fault of the people that are laws do not reflect the people’s will so I believe that is why we have been given this mercy and time. We have been blessed by this president and he has tried to bring us back on the good path by his policies. If it is God’s will he will serve another 4 yrs. but if not it is really up to us to continue individually on the right path no matter what the laws and who is in office. We need to keep praising our LORD for WHO HE is no matter good or bad. Remember all the wonderful things in our life our good God has done for us and praise his name.

Mark W Stowell
January 19, 2021

I know God’s got this and has his plan as a Christian. As a human I see pure evil and my country that my family and so many others fought and died to keep America free and honor its founding Christian beliefs.
Only God can fix this. I pray for the Lord’s justice on all evil trying to change those freedoms and remove God from her.

Linda Rice
January 19, 2021

2020 was a great disappointment to me because I saw no change in Christians. It truly did not shake the Church into being the Church. The posts I saw on Facebook by those who professed Jesus as Lord and are involved in politics seemed to focus on the genius of Trump and political maneuvering to win the day. I think God is jealous.

I have never heard the word repent in my local church, AG, nor did our services get any more serious or focused on the urgency of the hour, winning souls or making disciples. The Church (the majority) reminds me of those on the Titanic required to keep playing as the ship sunk.

After the masks and lockdown tyranny, the Lord asked me if America used its liberty for the gospel or for self. That was an easy answer. And it was personal. I’ve now declared Revival > Liberty.

I’m purchasing a ham radio and will be wiser re internet use. We need to learn from the persecuted Church. We are being refined and separated.

    Laura K
    January 19, 2021

    That is so sad that your church is carrying on as ‘normal’ and not shouting out God’s values from the pulpit.

    Much change is needed within the ekklesia. Shake us up Lord for your praise and for your glory.

    Anna Deboard-Johnson
    January 19, 2021

    I have been sad, and as I walk through my neighborhood I begin to cry, I have prayed especially vthe Psalms as so many appeal to God for protection and use His mighty hand to stop the wickedness of those who would mock Him, I have to believe that He will make good if all of this evil, He did it time and time again throughout scripture, I am finding that I need to constantly refocus on Him. It would seem that many did focus alot on Trump the man, however, I believe that Trump, the man was annointed by God, and he truly respected and encouraged God’s laws. For those who would bring up the man’s past or his sins I say whoever is without sin pick up the first stone. As we are all sinners God has extended Grace to us. I have prayed Psalm 83:1-4, and Psalm 11:1-4, and so many others, and of course Esther, for such a time as this… trying so hard to understand what is happening, but ultimately my trust is in our Savior Jesus, seeking strength and knowing all authority has been given Him in Heaven and earth. I will hold on to that no matter what!! We as Christians need to hold on to the fact “One Nation under God”, be strong and courageous!

January 19, 2021

“President Trump, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Please remember GOD IS A RIGHTEOUS JUDGE! “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10 (NIV). Do what you have to do, but hold tight and wait for the surprise from the Lord.”

Continue to pray for the President and his family and staff. I am preparing for a celebration.

    January 19, 2021

    I found this translation: Certainly for months we are here and waiting to see what will happen !!!The struggle is intense in the other sphere and the repercussion is there also on earth.!!!Let us pray, praise and worship our King of Kings, the Lord of the Lords, for Jesus, dying at the Cross, stripped the dominations and the authorities and delivered them publicly in a show, triumphing over her by the cross.This is He is our Lion of Judah and He will make His righteousness triumph.He will exercise His Sovereignty over America, He remembers His Alliance with America.Hallelujah that this victory be for His Glory.Amen and amen.

    Thank you for this prayer.

      January 19, 2021

      Apologies – this should be underneath the prayer from PIETTE MARIE-ANTOINETTE

Teresa King
January 19, 2021

I’ve never really been afraid for our nation as I am now. I feel like we’re about to be hit with a tsunami that can’t be stopped, that we’re about to see America change that can’t be fixed , that everything that the founding fathers & those who died for our country , for freedom & liberty will be gone forever. It’s a feeling of impending doom that has me fearful not only for this generation but for the generation of my kids. But, there is no doubt God allowed this. And he didn’t do it because he didn’t hear our prayers. He did because he DID hear our prayers . We are about to see the ushering in of evil that we in America have never seen but, it’s always been true, our hope is in God alone.

    January 19, 2021

    As He told us, in the world we will have trouble.
    But He HAS OVERCOME the world!

    Sometimes I think our circumstances have become the idol we worship, instead of keeping our eyes on God, as He pilots us through the waves – so they don’t overcome us, and through the fire – so we’ll not be burned.

    It also seems to me, since not much of the edicts and panic of the past year – or the lack of action against obvious fraud – made any sense, that it MUST be from God, to slow us down, refocus, seek His face. I do know His provision is complete, and His timing is perfect, and He blesses those who wait for Him.

Lynn M.
January 19, 2021

God is still in control. He is still on the throne. I am putting my trust in him. Our country has been so blessed , but now satan wants to take over & he is fighting hard to do so. He know his time is short. Because in the end God will win the battle.He said the battle is his not ours.we need to be in lots of prayer, worship & fasting. God hears us & loves us. I put my faith & trust in the Lord. We need to stay strong in the Lord because he is our only hope. Pray for our enemies. If God can change Saul to Paul, he can change anyone. Lord I pray you will continue to watch over us & give us the strength we need to stay faithful to you & not buckle under fear from satan & his wicked plots against God’s people.let us stay joined in the Lord & trust him fully.Especially in the bumpy times ahead. In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We are redeemed by his precious blood.Amen.

    January 19, 2021

    I agree with your comment.

    I respectfully will not pray for our enemies.

    They are not Saul.

    They are Satan’s minions.

    I pray for our President, his family, his team and my fellow believers.

    I also pray for The Lord to destroy evil.


      January 19, 2021

      If God is to hear our prayers, we must approach Him with a heart willing to obey. To not pray for our enemies is to disobey God to whom we pray.

      Jesus said in Matthew 5–“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love only those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?”

      In Romans 12, we are instructed, “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ To the contrary, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

      None of the above is easy, but if Jesus could pray for those who were driving the spikes in His hands and feet and mocking Him, then I guess we can rely on His strength, grace and loving kindness to help us to pray for our enemies. I believe this is one of the many things we, as children of God, are needing to learn in this time. I pray you will allow Jesus to speak to your heart regarding this.

        January 19, 2021

        Thank You

        I will try to pray for them with the grace that The Lord will provide

          January 19, 2021

          Cory Ten Boom felt the same as you, Joseph, when one of the Holocaust guards who had been instrumental in the death of her sister Betsy approached her years later. He had been born again, had come to a talk she was giving, and afterward came to her beseeching her forgiveness. She could NOT lift her hand to his outstretched one – but God did it for her!

      Lynn M.
      January 19, 2021

      Joseph. God said pray for your enemy’s. Thats what Christians are suppose to do. No they are not Saul. Thats just an example of what God can do. God can change anyone even our enemy’s. There are many christians praying for our government & the people that are in charge. God doesnt want anyone to perish.he died for all. That none should perish.

Susan Nofziger
January 19, 2021

I have been encouraged that God has reminded me again, He alone is Number One and has dominion over all things. Although recent events have been disappointing, He still guides and protects His children today as He did when He led Israel out of Egypt and then into the Promised Land. Trials are a part of life, and major turmoil part of the end times. He still wants to bring revival globally and will! That’s worth the price of our inconvenience and suffering. Wondering why so many predicted Trumps’ second term in office I told my brother it was interesting that he didn’t get it, and he replied “Are you sure he didn’t win?” He may have but we will take what God gives us instead and honor Him above all. He will comfort, sustain, and bless us and we will work harder than ever to make Him Lord.

Carol M
January 19, 2021

Sometimes I read things of what is happening as almost laughable. I don’t know what God will do but I believe He will do something that could cause the fear of the Lord in all men (as in mankind) in this nation and the world. Whatever it is, I’m praying for this nation to cry out to God with repentant hearts, and our Lord in His great mercy will forgive their sins and save our nation. I’m standing firm against this evil and pray the Body of Christ will stand up and fight. It’s a spiritual war and our weapon is His word. Never give up, rejoice in Him for His joy is our strength and remains in us. Nehemiah 8:10
I just remembered a dream I had last night. I believe I was at the White House. I was with a couple of friends and President Trump was there. I asked him if I could pray for him and he said yes. He bowed his head as he sat in a chair with his hands clasped together, nodding as I prayed for healing in him, I prayed the Lord would give him strength and heal him and keep him and his family safe. He was grateful, thanked me and got up and moved around in the room which now seemed like a theater as the chairs were able to fold up or down. I followed him and said I would like to pray for you again and he allowed me too. I then thought maybe I should have been satisfied to pray once as he was so busy and somewhat troubled but was thankful he allowed me to pray for him again. I will keep lifting him up in prayer for wisdom to make the right decisions for this country. God bless our President.

    Lynn M.
    January 19, 2021

    Carol I have said from the beginning that if something happens out of the ordinary that people will know its God in his glory. That he will get all the praise & glory, not man & man will know there is a true God. It will be a wake up call. Man will get no credit. Only God. I beieve that. Amen

Sharron Wright
January 19, 2021

The Lord keeps telling me over and over this morning: “Be still (through prayer, fasting) and know that I AM GOD and having done all, STAND upon my promises… the WORD, your foundation. It is harvest time! The fields are ripe and ready for harvest but I need labourers and it’s near the 12th hour! I’m coming SOON!

Raymond Allen
January 19, 2021

Just read Genesis 45 and Joseph told brothers God allowed him to be sold in to slavery so that Joseph could save the family. All things work for good because God will use the evil for good. I believe God is going to have a revival and save our nation in it. Pray and keep God presence and you will have the victory as you walk with God.

Sylvia Murdolo
January 19, 2021

I feel supported for the most part. In those moments where doubts of the Lord’s Plan enter, terror rises to the surface. The thoughts are squashed with such Scriptures as “As You have used us to show them Your Holiness, now use them to show us Your Glory.” Last night I had a hard time sleeping. But in all things, I kept praying Jesus, I trust in You. Btw, thanks for asking such a pastoral question.

January 19, 2021

I am afraid but as I was on my knees praying, read from Ephesians 6:10-18, saw for the first time in verse 17 that we don’t just take up the sword of the Spirit but also the helmet of salvation. No fear! Then I flipped to Psalms and it opened to a spot with an underlined verse: Psalm 56:3-4, When I am afraid I will trust in You. …. this chapter and chapter 55 also gave me words to pray. The LORD is with us. I will not fear.

Mariann Benway
January 19, 2021

I see what Biden & his communist regime had already started & I fear fir America, but we are gathering with our Conservative tribe, building more community than ever and will do whatever we have to fight against the coming tyranny.

    Cynthia Taylor Curtis
    January 19, 2021

    Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.

January 19, 2021

I pray Ps 37 over this nation and all the nations of the world.
Psalm 37
King James Version
37 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

3 Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.

7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.

9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.

10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.

11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.

13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.

14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.

15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

16 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.

17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord upholdeth the righteous.

18 The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.

19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

21 The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.

22 For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

26 He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.

27 Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore.

28 For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.

29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.

30 The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.

31 The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.

32 The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.

33 The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.

34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.

35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.

36 Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.

37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.

38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off.

39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of trouble.

40 And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

    Catherine Cooke
    January 19, 2021

    This psalm has resonated with me for months. I heard someone else speak of it just yesterday. It is hard not to fret when you look with human eyes at our situation, but God says fret not several times in this psalm. That is what he wants us to do. I am believing God for a humbling of HIS people and a return to God like never before. I believe we are in for a rough time in the church, but God will prevail. We must seek Him and turn and keep our eyes on the prize!

    January 19, 2021

    That’s my favorite Psalm, the pages are worn thin!
    When I was so discouraged the other morning, the Holy Spirit drew me back there, to read it several times. I was led to look at all the commands in it, and then all the promises.
    As far as I can see, after several readings, there are about twice as many promises as commands.
    Take heart!

January 19, 2021

The Lord led me to read about Jesus rebuking and calming the storm. Matt 8:23-27; Mark 4: 35-40; Luke 8: 22-25. Jesus is the one who asked all of them to go to the other side and then this furious storm arises and they were perishing. Doesn’t this seem to mirror where we are? We are in a storm that threatens to overwhelm us and it looks like Jesus is asleep. Whichever way you read the reaction of the disciples, Jesus came through. We are can choose to rebuke the storm ourselves trusting in the power given to us by Jesus; we can choose to trust and not be afraid knowing that no boat that Jesus is in will be overturned by waves, no matter how furious the storm; we can choose, when we feel fearful and feelings of despair threaten us, to cry out to Jesus to save us as we are drowning. All in all, the answer remains the same in every storm: JESUS. I choose to trust in Him, call on Him, wake Him up when I am afraid (even though I know He does not sleep), cry to Him, vent to Him, believe in Him, ask Him, seek Him, and allow Him to rebuke and calm this storm for me because on my own, I can’t.
Jesus, we know You are in this storm too. Please, help us have faith in You, trusting You and help us to always call on and look to You in Jesus name, Amen.

January 19, 2021

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.


~this is the prayer of JESUS. The LIGHT of The World, The WORD, The CHRIST, The SON OF The Living GOD, THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD WHO TAKES AWAY ALL OUR SINS WHO WILL NEVER LEAVE US AND WILL NEVER FORSAKE US A VERY PRESENT HELP IN TIMES OF TROUBLE and now Father, Our Father, I come in agreement with This perfect prayer prayed by The Word Himself WHO IS THE SAME TODAY AS YESTERDAY AND FOREVER and add my own yes, Amen. When two agree…You will do it Father. Unify us with His perfect prayer as we keep looking to Him our Beloved Savior JESUS \o/ fellow OVERCOMER, if He is in our boat with us in the midst of this storm…then we will get safely to the other side. Hold On!! Father, may we see Your Great Glory in this hour? \o/ In the name above all names…JESUS we pray TO THE GLORY OF GOD ALONE\o/

January 19, 2021

Lord, it is so easy to fall into the frey! Keeping our eyes heavenward, may we mount on wings of eagles. May our countenance glisten with Your full armor! May our words be only those that represent you, Father! Let us not be afraid but filled with your Holy Sprit. Lord, we put our faith and trust in you!

Lois Quesenberry
January 19, 2021

I am very angry at the evil that has been done against our President. It has gone on for 5 years and it seems as though all hell has been leased against him and conservatives. God help our nation and raise up an army against this evil for America’s sake.

lynne whelden
January 19, 2021

God’s mercy would lead to Trump’s re-election. God’s judgement would lead to a Biden presidency. That’s been my take all along. Now I’m upping the ante. I personally believe we may have entered Daniel’s 70th week, the 7-year Tribulation. But so many are convinced we’d be raptured out before that happens. I think the antichrist is on the world stage, pulling strings behind curtains, only to reveal 3 1/2 years from now. Not trying to stir up a hornet’s nest. Just floating a very real possibility.

    January 19, 2021

    I am thinking this may be the beginning of the tribulation as well (or close) and Christians will be going through it and experience persecution … I made this the year for me to study end times and all the prophecies in the Bible, just using Scriptures alone. I have studied on and off for 9 years, open to all views, but still not clear on how events will play out EXCEPT that I have become convinced we will go through the tribulation as believers. Now I’m studying for more detail. I’m amazed at how excited I am to dig in everyday and that the verses are becoming more clear. Since Covid hit, I felt this was the beginning of the end and have been walking through the process (with the Lord Jesus) of being killed for my faith. See Philippians 1:18-30 to see Paul’s process, struggle , and final resolve. In short, he was so consumed with Jesus that to live or die didn’t matter. But it was a struggle! And something he obviously had to work through in his heart. “For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him. We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it.” Be faithful unto death my brothers and sisters!

      January 19, 2021

      I am not about to argue eschatology with anyone, but our house believes in the pre-tribulation rapture. So does our United Methodist Church. And we don’t intend to change from that. In fact, our pastor said Sunday that the rapture could be at any time.

        lynne whelden
        January 19, 2021

        We all agree rapture is imminent.
        But we also could be in Year 1 (or even Year 2) of the 7-year Tribulation. As far as I know, the only definite “marker” along that path is Antichrist’s desolation of Temple at the 3 1/2 year point.
        Even the Temple site is controversial. Researchers like Bob Cornuke say Wailing Wall is NOT where the temple was. That was an old Roman fortress. The real temple, Bob says, is 600 feet to the south.
        If that’s true, that means covert sacrifices could be on-going as we speak! We shouldn’t be surprised that government is done in smoke-filled rooms, out of sight, behind closed doors. CNN isn’t going to broadcast the Abomination of Desolation.
        If the Wailing Wall/Dome of the Rock is bogus, I don’t think God will respond as if it’s the real location.

          January 19, 2021

          I’m not going to argue eschatology views with anybody. Our house and our church is pre tribulation rapture view, which holds that the rapture is before the tribulation starts. The main purpose for the tribulation is Israel, not the church. But I don’t know how many problems we might have.

      lynne whelden
      January 19, 2021

      Let me add…the spirit of deception has heavily descended upon the world (not just America). I haven’t heard people talking about the implications of that.
      Personally I think that’s why the virus “pandemic” has been bought into by most people.
      Personally I think why a majority in America choose not to pay attention to election fraud. It’s as if it never happened!
      Only God, through the deceiving spirit, could close people’s eyes so profoundly.
      Only during the Tribulation could that Deception Spirit be so prevalent.
      God, open eyes to see what you are doing in the unseen dimensions.

January 19, 2021

My heart is breaking for our nation. My continued prayer is : Dear Jesus, please help us! Please forgive us for the sins of our nation because they are many. Please bring many lost souls to faith in You, Jesus! You are Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Amen

January 19, 2021

Certes depuis des mois nous sommes là et attendons de voir ce qui va arriver !!! La lutte est intense dans l’autre sphère et la répercussion est là aussi sur la terre.!!! Prions, Louons et adorons notre Roi des Rois, le Seigneur des Seigneurs, car Jésus en mourant à la Croix Il a dépouillé les dominations et les autorités et les a livrée publiquement en spectacle en triomphant d’elle par la croix. Voilà Il est notre Lion de Juda et Il fera triompher Sa Justice. Il va exercer Sa Souveraineté sur l’Amérique, Il se rappelle de Son Alliance avec l’Amérique. Alléluia que cette victoire soit pour Sa Gloire. Amen et amen.

    Maureen B Bonner
    January 19, 2021

    can someone translate this prayer please?

      January 19, 2021

      Certainly for months we are there and wait to see what will happen !!! The struggle is intense in the other sphere and the repercussion is there too on earth. !!! Let us pray, Praise and adore our King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, for Jesus by dying on the Cross He stripped the dominations and the authorities and gave them a public spectacle by triumphing over it through the cross. Here He is our Lion of Judah and He will make His Justice triumph. He is going to exercise His Sovereignty over America, He remembers His Alliance with America. Hallelujah may this victory be for His Glory. Amen and amen.

January 19, 2021

The Battle belongs to the Lord. Lord I commit my prayers to your will. I repent of my contribution to this mess and my fellow Americans who’s complacency my have contributed. Please if it be in your will help us and strengthen us to go through what is coming…in Jesus Name

Glenn R. Freeman
January 19, 2021

2Cor. 4:7-18

7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 12 So then death is working in us, but life in you.

13 And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak, 14 knowing that He who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus, and will present us with you. 15 For all things are for your sakes, that grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God.
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

May the God of all hope, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, bring glory to His everlasting name through the sufferings of His saints, the glorification and cleansing of His church, and the revealing of His eternal purposes on earth as it is in heaven. May I be found faithful to honor Him.
Ps. 103:1
Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Robin Prance
January 19, 2021

God’s will be done…..to GOD be the glory. We are his sheep and he is our shepherd- he will not fail us. AMEN and AMEN- to our glorious and omnipotent KING

Samantha Waddle
January 19, 2021

I’m struggling. My emotions are on a roller coaster and I’m frequently asking Father God to forgive my fear and worry and disappointment. I ask His forgiveness for placing my hope in a man and not in Him. That one breaks my heart. I’ve been hearing since November how our churches will one day be closed, how we’ll be jailed or killed for our faith, how we’ll have socialized medicine, how COVID was developed to thin the population … some of these comments were said from the pulpit and some from other Christians. I’m in the Word everyday, I’m praying, I’m asking for discernment. My hope is in the Lord. May God’s will be done!

    January 19, 2021

    This is the post-trib rapture view, the really scary things. I’m not going to argue views with anybody, but our church and our house are pre-trib.

      January 19, 2021

      You might want to re-read Matthew 24:4-31, especially paying attention to all the sequences Jesus outlines, and how He ends it in vv 29-31. And consider also the whole panorama of the Bible, and how there is a cost for disobedience, and also joy in the fellowship of His sufferings. The battle does of course belong to the Lord, but it doesn’t mean, as Charles Stanley used to say, that we float to heaven on flowery beds of ease.

Carolyn Winger
January 19, 2021

God has been weeping over this nation and he has heard the many cries of His children and He’s about to step out!

It’s time to praise as we pray. God has never lost a battle. He wins, so, we win! Hallelujah! Victory in Jesus!

    Lois Taritas
    January 19, 2021

    Yes God wins!
    Trump will be in office 4 more years! Hallelujah

Carol in Farmers Branch
January 19, 2021

A wise Bible Study teacher told our class…If we knew everything that God knows we would choose to do what He chooses to do. He is Sovereign Lord, He is God Most High, He is our Lord and Master, He sees all things, He created all things and He holds them together. Let us praise Him in songs of worship, for He is worthy!

Christina Glazer
January 19, 2021

I believe what we see is not what is going to be. I walk by Faith, and not by sight🙏🏻God has this⚔️He is not done with The United States and his people. He will get all the glory of what is about to happen! There will be a revival like no one has ever seen🇺🇸⚔️🙏🏻

Kathyrn Skellenger
January 19, 2021

God’s Plans. God’s Time.

lestra gross
January 19, 2021

Every morning I have to worship til I get my peace back. That’s how I feel! Keeping eyes fixed on Jesus.

Cynthia Weatherwax
January 19, 2021

I keep hearing Be still, and know that I Am God. Ps 46:10. God is always on time. The preaching I am hearing is no demomenations just o e body of Christ as the Head of the church like in the book of Acts. We are commanded to love one another. Many churches leave out what Jesus taught His disciples, the signs that will follow those who believe Mark 16:14-20. All of it amen. Cynthia

January 19, 2021

Thank you for the encouragement. My heart has been so heavy since Nov 3rd. But this morning I read Philippians 4:6,7: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.” The Message
So I echo His words…”Peace” to you all. And…God IS ultimately in control and He IS “working all things together for good.” And because of that we can rejoice and give thanks in all things!
And my spirit is lifted in joy and thanksgiving to Him once again…

Jose Antonio Rivera
January 19, 2021

Pray that Biden and Kamala be brought to justice…before execution…and that they repent there….

January 19, 2021

Most of the time I am walking by faith. I try not to look to the left or right, but to stay focused on the promises of God. Also I listen to the apostles and prophets. I’d have to say that I know, I know God,Jesus,or Holy Spirit will not forsake me or my family or my brothers and sisters in the Lord. God Bless buckle up enjoy the ride because no matter what the end of the Bible says we win and Satan is defeated.

Linda Todd
January 19, 2021

I am at peace in the storm because I know God is sovereign no matter the storm or chaos. Jesus will calm the storm in our spirits if we listen to Him. Isn’t that all we need?

Laney Kerry
January 19, 2021

We need to pray just as fervently for Biden and Harris as we did and do for Trump. This is all in God’s hands and we have to leave it there. He knows what he is doing and his time is not our time. So, as hard as it may be, we need to throw our baggage at him and leave it there – baggage being the burdens on our shoulders concerning the election. Let the joy of the Lord be our strength and rest in him.

January 19, 2021

I have to battle all day, every day to stand and believe that God is going to do what He said He would do but i will battle this discouragement. I have to Worship throughout the day.

    January 19, 2021

    Here is a very encouraging message from Sunday delivered by Pastor kent Christmas. You will be encouraged https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an-7Sh1GAi4&t=424s I believe God because He is a Righteous Judge. President Trump fulfilled God’s will to the best of his ability during his first term. There is still much work to do. Also the revival is in the earth. There is more to do. God is not finished. THIS IS A TEST FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST HERE IN AMERICA!

January 19, 2021

Expectant. Come what may, I am waiting and praying with expectation to see what God wills. I love the last part of 1 Peter 3:8 because it speaks to God’s justice and righteousness. This world is not fair and I pray for all things to be made right and for strength and protection for all the people God is using to do this. Yet, even if now is not the day of righteousness, I pray for the God-given stamina to fight the evil that will be in leadership. Our battle is not physical, but spiritual. I thank God for the men and women He ordained for this awakening of close to 100M Americans to date, and I pray for the leaders in this next chapter.
Thankful. I am so humbly thankful that our God is on the throne. The ultimate battle is already won through Christ Jesus. And I am open and ready to be used by Him to further His kingdom. To God be the glory.

Linda Orf Strebbing
January 19, 2021

Keep your eyes on Jesus and lean into prayer and the Word

patricia n slade
January 19, 2021

I pray for America.
I pray God will intervene at the last moment and restore truth and justice.
I pray those things which have been hidden, will come out to the light and we will all see what the truth is. I pray for President Donald Trump for his future and safety.
I pray that America will not be overthrown and seen as weak as the new prospective president takes office. I pray that hearts will be pure and honest.

Ken Budz
January 19, 2021

Go to YouTube and search for Handel’s Messiah with lyrics. Listen to the musicians and sing along with the choir and know that the Lord reigns forever and ever. Let God touch your heart and soul.
Worship Him for He is worthy.

Tamara Saputo
January 19, 2021

Getting through the storm with The Power of Prayer and leaning and Trusting in our Lord God Almighty and Savior Jesus Christ!
I had a vision athe beginning of the Jan. 2021, of a like a Hurricane Storm in the middle of the sea. Then heard the Lord say, just as a storm stirs up many treasures that have been stuck in the sand or deep in the sea and brings them to the surface, on to the shore for many others to find, and it also brings up all the junk like seaweed, dead fish, etc. So also God is using this storm to stir up within His Body many treasures of His Spirit within us, that have been sunk deep inside, also bringing out or exposing the junk the Church needs to get rid of. The treasures that are coming out of us (which all the treasures are hidden in Christ Jesus) will be seen by many and for the lost to find. Like Purifying is as Gold, the heat gets turned up and the impurity’s come to the surface, and then you are left with pure Gold!!! Stay focused on Jesus!! The Author and Finisher of Our Faith!!! God Bless all of you for keeping us informed! IFA has been a great uplifting encouragement through these how times to keep us focused in prayer. Thank you so much!!

January 19, 2021

The Truth is marching on. And, if we look with eyes of faith we shall see the glory of the Lord! Having bottomed out from Covid and election woes, I look upward for Jesus’ comfort and guidance. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come! I thank the Lord for His keeping power throughout the past year. I humbly seek His face to guide me through His gentle loving Holy Spirit to support and encourage those He has placed and will bring into the sphere He provides.

    January 19, 2021

    I have prayed for you, Mel, that God will fully restore you to health. Truth may walk slow but it always shows up. A friend taught me this. And more important is that His love and truth endure forever! We have not yet seen the full picture of what God has been doing behind the scenes, or even what He is doing now. May the Lord bless and keep you save on the journey.

      January 19, 2021

      Thank you, Betty, for your blessings. I am praying for Holy Spirit’s special power in you as you walk in faith in the Gospel. In Jesus, Mel

Clay Rooks
January 19, 2021

Only one way to handle this: Prayer, more prayer, praying in tongues.

January 19, 2021

I’ve watched our nation not only accept sins as “ok”, but actually celebrating them & being proud of them. I’ve been praying hard for quite some time for a Christian revival. God may be using this storm to wake us up & stir us to truly turn our hearts back to Him so that He will heal our nation.

Jo M.
January 19, 2021

I have found such peace in your mailings! It is my hiding place in this storm, the right words at the right time.
God is very near!

Kimberly Gould
January 19, 2021

I’m probably going to upset some people, but at this point, it is time to accept the results of a fraudulent election that God has ALLOWED to happen. Time to stop looking backward at something we can’t change and time to stop talking about it…. it is what it is and the only option we have is to move in a forward direction….Earth is our current home and where we will be until we die or we are raptured out. There is much work to do and souls to see saved….we need to recommit ourselves to that task. My job is obedience and faith and EVERYTHING else is God’s responsibility…
God still has a plan for us as individuals and also collectively….but we have to stop mourning over Saul……

    Tim Moore
    January 19, 2021

    It not over yet!

    January 19, 2021

    I agree! It is not over yet!!!

    January 19, 2021

    And we never have to accept fraud. God did not do this but He will use it to His glory. We need to not see things as the world sees them.

    Sunny Lemming
    January 19, 2021

    God is not finished. Stand firm and faint not!

Sara Taylor
January 19, 2021

God does not acquit the guilty.
We can stand firm. We can exhibit our faith & values by our show of kindness & grace. We continue to pray & release God’s warring angels to do battle in these dark times. The battle is the Lords. We cannot dictate dates, times, years, or methods to Him in regards to this battle. He is never late. He lives His children, His bride… He will not forsake us.
Get that armor of God back on & stand stall, stand firm! God wins in the end. How & when is not for us to dictate or assume.

    January 19, 2021

    We certainly do need to put on the armour of God and be ready. Part of the armour is the shield of faith. Have faith, not fear.

    January 19, 2021

    God has changed my heart from anger for cheaters amd liars, to pity. Truly in other social media my first response has been to pray for the blind evildoers. That’s God working in my heart, not my natural reaponse

January 19, 2021

God, we can’t speak unless it’s according to the culture we live in. I’m so tired of feeling distance from my church, my grown kids. Where is the unity in the body? Jesus, give us your heart and your words to speak life in a dying world.

    January 19, 2021

    God will bring life to dry bones. Have faith and believe that He has already done it. Keep praying for your children. Never stop praying for them. Always pray God’s will shall be done. Do not bind His hands.

LT Fisher
January 19, 2021

Lord, on behalf of billions of people worldwide we pray for this nation. A nation that has blessed the entire global population in so many ways. When there are natural disasters, political upheavals, religious persecutions, and even twice in the 20th century with WWI and WWII the US has come to the rescue of the world. But most importantly, You Lord have used the United States to spread Your Word, the gospel message, like no other nation ever has. Please continue to bless our nation, please don’t put us on the shelf or let us self-destruct into the dustbin of history.

Please expose the corruption in our government, our judicial system and our media. Please motivate Your people to pray and take whatever action is appropriate to help preserve and heal our land.

Please expose the corruption in our election process. If we lose the right to free and fair elections then we lose this nation “of the people, by the people, and for the people”. If the election corruption is not exposed and ended our nation will then belong to those who have sold out to the lust for power and gain by devious means. Our elections will be useless and not matter at that point, so Lord please expose the evil one and his corrupt ways for all to see so we can be united in our efforts to take our country back from the deceiver, the father of lies. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: but You, Lord have come that we might have life, and might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

    January 19, 2021

    Amen and Amen.
    (This sounds like another LT I “know.”

    January 19, 2021

    Hallelujah! To God be the glory

    Jim Salassi
    January 19, 2021

    I agree. As I see the voices in the body of Christ standing their ground it’s become apparent to me that there is a battle to be fought on several fronts. I can pray for those in the legal field to fight the court battles; for the Prophets who said Trump would have 2 terms maybe he will but not in succession. It can be said he won in truth but the evil power’s overrode the righteous. The voter fraud must be exposed. It’s not about a Saul being King as much as the integrity of our voting system. We were thrown a curve with COVID. It allowed an apparently corrupt system in some states to squeak out a victory. My large church is closed for services but open in Zoom and limited contact. I’m beginning to see our right to assemble and worship as more important than the irrational COVID numbers. Our platforms in Social media are being squelched because we disagree with their point of view. These are truths in the temporal. I always look for truth.
    Now for me, I’m burying myself in the One Letter written by the Father. I pushed the reset button. My relationship to the The Lord and his truth is Predominate. I’m blocking out the news feeds and taking the Purity of Gods word and then pound the devil in the head with Prayers and see God unify the body. Too many voices out there all screaming for attention. He will unify us. Don’t know how but that’s not for me to say. Now more than ever, in Him

    Shirley F.
    January 19, 2021


Patrick McNeil
January 19, 2021

Since November I have put this in the Lord’s hands. After all God does intervene in human affairs just as was explained in Daniel about spiritual powers behind the scenes. God knows what He’s doing so be calm on that one.
Christians are going thru spiritual warfare and should be prepared for it as Paul wrote.

January 19, 2021

Thank you for asking how I feel…I feel numb, all what I want is the truth!

Texas Prayer Warrior
January 19, 2021

Standing firm! I continue to pray, fast, read my Bible and worship God. Do NOT give up! Meditate on God’s faithfulness and remember those heroes of the faith who stood firm under extreme pressure, such as Joseph, Daniel, Esther and David.

Subscribe to Dutch Sheets “Give Him 15” for daily prayer points. (Sign up on his website to get daily emails and/or Subscribe online to watch daily videos). It is so encouraging to read the Comments online (under video) and see the prayers (some include prayers in the Comments section). Christians worldwide are watchimg the videos and praying with America.

Trust God and stay in peace.

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in YAH, the Lord , is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:3‭-‬4 NKJV

    Kathy Sullivan
    January 19, 2021

    I agree that Dutch Sheet’s daily “Give Him 15” is an excellent source for daily information and godly encouragement as we pray together for our nation. I downloaded the app several years ago and bless the Lord every day for the powerful biblical declarations and decrees Dutch writes to encourage us in our faith!
    Thank You also Lord for IFA, and for all the powerful and faithful intercessors who pray here for God’s blessing and deliverance of our wonderful nation!

Chanel Manohar
January 19, 2021

All this hate against people, it is making me weary and tired..when does wicked gets their dues..

    Cheryl Anguiano
    January 19, 2021

    Lord our prayers are for all your people to be saved so that we may live a peaceable life. It shows through what we see in site that your kingdom is coming. Thank you for your written word. May we speak the quote from St Peter and find stamina through your promises. For we know you hear our prayers and your battle has already been won by Yeshua and ‘the face of the Lord is against those who do evil’.Amen


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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