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God, we pray against antisemitism on college campuses. Change the hearts of the faculty and students. Allow a love for Israel and the Jewish people to blossom on these campuses in the place of this hatred.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Colleges have been facing accusations of antisemitism ever since Hamas’ initial attack, and the recent House hearing only made things worse. What do you think of these presidents’ statements?

From The Hill. College leaders seeking to fend off accusations of failing to protect their students from rising antisemitism have instead shot themselves in the foot.

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For weeks the presidents of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were drowning in criticism of not taking the problem seriously enough after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel, and a House hearing this week put them further into treacherous water.

The opportunity for the presidents to make the public feel confident in their steps has turned into calls for their resignation after all three tried to sidestep a question on if a call for the genocide of Jewish people would be considered harassment. …

Harvard President Claudine Gay said such a genocidal call could violate the school’s policies “depending on the context.” Sally Kornbluth, the head of MIT, said the calls would need to be “pervasive” and would warrant an investigation.

Penn President Liz Magill got into a longer back-and-forth … on the issue, with it ultimately coming to a head when Magill testified: “If the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment.”  …

The pushback was swift and strong, with the White House calling it “unbelievable that this needs to be said: Calls for genocide are monstrous and antithetical to everything we represent as a country.”

On Thursday, Education Committee Chair Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) announced “a formal investigation into the learning environments at Harvard, UPenn, and MIT and their policies and disciplinary procedures.” …

Harvard and Penn have released statements in the aftermath of the hearing, neither giving direct apologies for their responses.

“Let me be clear: Calls for violence or genocide against the Jewish community, or any religious or ethnic group are vile, they have no place at Harvard, and those who threaten our Jewish students will be held to account,” Gay said.

Magill said she was more focused on the legal side of the issue then what her community needed in the moment.

“In that moment, I was focused on our university’s longstanding policies aligned with the U.S. Constitution, which say that speech alone is not punishable,” Magill said in her statement. …

All three universities were called to testify due to increased antisemitism on their campuses since Oct. 7. Harvard had a student-led group blame the October terrorist attack solely on Israel, MIT Jewish students said they were blocked from going to classes by protesters and Penn was already struggling after hosting a festival that included antisemitic speakers. …

While all three schools say they have commitments to free speech, each is a private school and not bound by the same First Amendment restrictions as other public institutions.

“They could censor and restrict whatever speech they want to. It’s really entirely their choice. If they want to have a notion of having free speech on campus, that’s generally a good thing, but this is their free choice to allow hateful speech on their campuses.” said Nathan Diament, director of Public Policy for the Orthodox Union.

Share your prayers and scriptures against antisemitism below.

(Excerpt from The Hill. Photo Credit: EllenSeptember – Flickr, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Jessica Renshaw
December 9, 2023

“Hate speech” sure stirs up swift moral indignation and judgment from the left when it involves any other racial or ethnic group, Palestinians (which are neither), LGBTQ(RSTUVWXYZ)–anything but Jews!

Neil J Sogge
December 9, 2023

Lord, we know that at every opportunity, the devil seeks to stir up hatred for your chosen people. In our country, which has undergone a moral/religious vacuum in recent decades, the dark forces of hate have exploited many of our university students. We pray against this demonic drive of hate. Stop it, so that the Gospel of Truth and Grace is not obstructed. May Your light shine instead, so that students are truly transformed, revived in Your presence to be ambassadors of peace. May your protection be there for the Jewish students, and may the light come to them as it has already come to us. May You move on those of us in Christ, those students who are in Christ, to shine brightly, glorifying You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

December 8, 2023

Lord, we have seen the plans to “dumb down” this young generation over the past years but we choose to take a bold stand against believing that this young generation is a lost cause. Instead, we pray that the very (false) sense of indignation will be met by the righteous indignation of the One who sits on the Throne, and that the demonic spirit of delusion, stupor, and deception on this generation will be broken off. We pray that in Your mercy, there would be a window of grace within which these youths will be able to see and understand the Truth according to Your will. We pray for that boomerang effect in the energies invested by this young generation into agreeing with demonic prophesies, that they “shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free” and moreover, they will be the very ones to proclaim the high praises of God, and give themselves to the pursuit and proclamation of truth according to Your will. We prophesy that those in leadership over these institutions of higher learning will lose their voice over this generation, and we pray for salvation for the “elites” and “highly educated” in these universities. Let it be so that these “institutions of higher learning” will be restored to the Most Highest pursuit of seeking the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

In the matchless name of Jesus Christ we pray.


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