I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, the citizens of North Korea are trapped in a hermit kingdom where individuality and human rights are non-existent. We pray that the chains of totalitarianism would be broken as you place your healing touch upon these persecuted people.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

“It’s not easy to give up a worldview that is built into your bones and imprinted on your brain like the sound of your own father’s voice.”

North Korean defector Yeonmi Park penned these words in her memoir, In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom, to illustrate how difficult it was to break the chains of a totalitarian regime that had complete control over her body, mind and spirit.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


The Cost of Freedom

Growing up in North Korea, Park escaped to China when she was 13 years old. Here she was sold to human traffickers, enduring several years of mental and physical abuse. In a desperate attempt to find freedom, Park and her mother crossed the Gobi Desert to Mongolia from China, eventually finding refuge in South Korea.

Communism Rising in America

Years later, Park would move to America, only to discover that the frightening signs of communism were appearing all around her. Whether it was the propagandization of “collective guilt,” the purposeful creation of racial division, or the deceptive promises of equity, she quickly identified the same political tactics being used in American society. In response, she wrote several books and gave many interviews, sounding the alarm that the communist ideologies she had been indoctrinated to believe, were infiltrating the American psyche.

In order to heed Park’s warnings, one must understand the deep, dark details of her struggle in a country where the simple concepts of love and friendship were unknown. Living in one of the planet’s most restrictive, cruel and isolated dictatorships, she knew nothing about the outside world. In her mind, only the supreme leaders and their twisted vision of utopia existed. All the while, the starving people of North Korea lived to serve them.

Starvation is an everyday reality in North Korea. Grocery stores are not an option, nor is running water, electricity or indoor plumbing. Bugs, rats and leaves are the usual mainstay if one is lucky enough to find them. In the winter, the occasional frozen potato or cabbage might barely sustain a family. Human feces are used to fertilize collective farms where workers see very little of the harvest they’ve toiled over.

You’ll Own Nothing and Be Miserable

The North Korean regime promised its people a land reform program that would abolish poverty and inequality. It boasted of a country where homes, healthcare and food would be plentiful and overseen by an anti-capitalist government. The great lie was that citizens would own nothing and everyone would be “happy.” Yet all that resulted was hunger, darkness and misery.

Dictatorship of the Mind

Park recalls that the biggest threat in this collective nightmare wasn’t just the lack of basic necessities, but rather the political persecution that comes with expressing any idea that differs from the ruling class. People suspected of “wrong-doing, wrong-thinking, wrong-knowledge, or wrong-association” are deemed guilty and deserving of a three-generation punishment. This idea is based off a philosophy known as “collective responsibility,” or “guilt by association” which means that the parents, children and sometimes grand-children of an offending person are guilty of crimes against the state. Therefore, all are sent to prison for the offense. There is no judge, jury or courtroom–just a life sentence.

“Factionalists or enemies of the class, whoever they are, their seed must be eliminated through three generations.” These words, spoken in 1972 by the North Korean dictator Kim II-sung, epitomized the importance of this practice to the regime.

Conditions in North Korean prison camps are so harsh that most do not survive more than a few months. Additionally, prisoners are forced to clean chemical waste sites, or used as experimental guinea pigs for “medicines,” surgical procedures, poisons, and un-tested treatments.

While all of this is bad enough, there’s a crucial component which allows a totalitarian system like this to operate with little resistance. Park identifies this critical piece as the “dictatorship of the mind.” The supreme leaders rule over the people as gods, brainwashing them to believe they know every thought, every emotion and every intent. Park compares it to a religion because it’s believed that the spirits of their leaders live on forever. Each week, people must repent for their sins against the government, reflecting on how they could have been less selfish and more devoted to the cause. Their entire lives are focused on serving these mind-reading “gods” whom they will inherit paradise with. This is why even speaking of the Bible or Jesus Christ is punishable by death.

Critical thinking in North Korea is not an option because everything is chosen by the regime. The same propaganda plays continually, feeding the population lies about greedy capitalists and the selfless sacrifices of their leaders. The concept of family is tightly controlled as well. Children are taught to love the dictators instead of their parents. Every child must publicly criticize their classmates and family, whom they see as comrades, rather than friends or loving care-givers. “Trust no one” is the motto of all those who give their lives to the party. Even though starvation, poverty and death lurks in every corner, the people believe that this is the sacrifice one makes to create a socialist paradise.

Heed the Warning

Life in the United States has been a blessing for Park, but she can’t help but notice disturbing patterns that have unfolded around her in the last few years. Today’s generation of Americans are being blamed for the sins of the past. Public shaming abounds as people criticize dissenting opinions. Certain groups are called privileged, while others are elevated as a special class. Racial and social divides erupt among those who were once friends.

Devotion to the new creeds and truths is essential. With a latte in one hand and a Coach handbag in the other, dogmatic influencers and leaders propagate irrational ideas that everyone must accept–men can be women, fossil fuels are evil, science is not debatable, and equity overrides meritocracy. The propaganda machine never stops, urging youth to question their parents and their values. Whether it’s legacy news media, Netflix entertainment, or public schools and universities, all roads lead to collectivism and a life without traditional family, religion, or faith in Jesus Christ.

Park warns that these same tactics are still being used in North Korea and they are shadows of a growing evil that must be stopped. Since January 2025, the Trump administration has taken the reins, with leaders vowing to remove divisive programs such as DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion). Important goals include strengthening American businesses, families and patriotism. Recognizing there are only two genders, pursuing justice for soldiers whose medical rights were violated, protecting the unborn, prioritizing energy over carbon credits, exiting global collective agreements and restoring free speech are just some of the areas being tackled in a nation where rights and freedoms were on the chopping block.

We Must Continue to Pray

Even though much improvement is being made, this is not a time to sit back and relax. Now more than ever, we must pray that our nation stands firmly with God. In North Korea, the only gods are the government leaders and this leads to complete devastation and misery. We must pray that our nation’s lawmakers, government agencies and citizens are more devoted to God’s ideals than their own. The voices of the people must never be shut down through censorship or collective shaming. In this nation, we should call each other friend, not comrade. Above all, we must love our neighbors as ourselves and desire biblical truth over the latest trends and ideologies.

Yeonmi Park became a Christian after escaping the horrors of North Korea. While obtaining physical and mental freedom was a life-changing experience, none of it compares with the spiritual freedom she received through Jesus Christ. She urges all Americans to never take this freedom for granted.

Lord Jesus, we pray for the people of North Korea, who are living in bondage to their leaders. Set these captives free and save their precious souls. In America, help us protect the rights we have been so graciously given and let us never forget that they only exist because of You.

What do you think about Yeonmi Park’s story? How can we pray for the people of North Korea?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and former teacher who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus and Hallelujah’s Great Ride. Photo Credit: Micha Brändli on Unsplash.

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Joyce Swingle
February 15, 2025

Angela, Thank you so much for this story and the opportunity to pray for these ones so loved by the Lord. When Rich and I were in China in 2008, we did his one-man play Beyond the Chariots in Dandong, China. This is on the Yalu River right across from North Korea. We had the opportunity to go on the river and pray for the nations. We also saw a large Ferris Wheel in North Korea but telescopic examination revealed it was a facade designed to show Chinese and others that life was not so bad in North Korea. I wonder how many families the money that cost could have fed.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. We pray for the freedom and salvation of the North Koreans. Bind and destroy the Beast in North Korea in Jesus’ Name. Fill with Your Spirit where the enemy was. In the love of Christ and for His beloved ones.

    Rich Swingle
    February 18, 2025

    Angela, I want to thank you for this excellent article as well. We’ll never forget our time on the border of North Korea. Days before our visit to Dan Dong, North Koreans had swum across the Yalu River. They were captured and shot on the spot. We ate at a North Korean restaurant and asked our host if we could invite any of the wait staff to my play (which had Korean subtitles). He told us he didn’t think they were able to leave the building at all.

    On another trip we went to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) from Seoul. We toured one of three tunnels that were dug under the DMZ. Each was large enough to bring thousands of troops into South Korea. When one was discovered by a farmer the North Koreans spray painted the walls of the tunnel black and said it was a coal mine. The week we were there it was reported in North Korea that Kim Jung Il, the supreme dictator at the time, had played golf and hit 18 successive holes-in-one.

    We visited the northernmost train station in South Korea. It’s completely unused, but I sensed the Lord’s promise it will be used one day. I’m praying into that!

Brandon Maddox
February 15, 2025

Totally agree that we can’t become complacent in our efforts to continue the cause of liberty and make sure that Capitalism remains our system of government!

Darlene Estlow
February 15, 2025

Father, I pray for North Korea and the people there. I pray for their freedom and their turning to you. And I pray for our country. May we not fall into that trap and sell our freedoms for false promises.

February 15, 2025

Thank you for writing this article. Please Abba reveal Yourself to the people of N Korea in dreams and visions and by radio and leaflet drops, etc.. Give believers more creative ways to get the Good News into the people. They need revelation from the Most High God- renew their minds with Your Truth!

    Rich Swingle
    February 18, 2025

    While we were in South Korea we toured the Far Eastern Broadcast headquarters, and we saw a map of where they broadcast the Gospel. It includes all of North Korea. They drop radios with solar panels and hand cranks on mini-parachutes. I’ve seen satellite photos of the Korean Peninsula at night, so I asked the question, “Can the solar panel work with indoor lighting?” thinking that our host would tell me they don’t get indoor lighting, but his answer was more chilling: If they’re caught listening to their radio station they’ll be executed, so they listen under covers in the dark.

    Lord, set them free! May Revival sweep their land again!

February 15, 2025

Father, thank You for setting the captives free and saving their souls , in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Mary Beth S
February 15, 2025

Thank you for this testimony and warning from Yeonmi Park, YHVH. May we heed the warning, as a nation and society. Have mercy upon the North Korean people, and reveal Yourself and Your Truth to them. I know that there are believers there, and I know there are missionaries who are called to North Korea – You do not leave Yourself without a witness! Please preserve them, strengthen them, empower them and give them strategies to share the Gospel. Take down this evil regime, and expose their evil ideology. Let the veil of deception unravel and fall away from the North Korean people’s eyes. May they behold You, the One who instead of demanding sacrifice, though You deserved it – gave Yourself as an atoning sacrifice on our behalf – so that we could become willing and loving living sacrifices for Your glory.

judy hansen
February 15, 2025

This gal Yyeonmi Park wrote a book –is there a way to find out the name of the book and purchase
it –thanks

    Mary Beth S
    February 15, 2025

    Judy, in the first paragraph it says, “North Korean defector Yeonmi Park penned these words in her memoir, In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom.” It looks like it is available through several sources to buy, and might be available at your local library.

    February 15, 2025

    In Order to Live, by Yeonmi Park

Linda Rice
February 15, 2025

Someone needs to write about the Pyongyang revival of 1907 and how Korea went from godly to godless in 20 years. It began with the invasion of Korea by Japan in 1910. See how the enemy comes in quickly in the face of revival. Communist ideology always begins with an anti imperialist message.

Peg B
February 15, 2025

Heavenly Father, we thank You for rescuing Yeonmi Park. We thank You for salvation in Jesus Christ. Thru trials and tribulations You sustain her and give her wisdom from above. Let her voice be used for Your glory and to show clearly the wicked workings of deception. You have sent her here at a time such as this, thank You. Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through You. We proclaim LIFE to the people of North Korea, thru salvation. We stand in agreement that freedom comes from You (maker of Heaven and Earth). Set the captives free in the mighty name of Jesus. Remove every oppressive regime in this nation and let it flourish for Your glory. Bring beauty out of ashes, hope that overcomes and defeats darkness, bring LIFE to dry bones. Holy Spirit hover over North Korea with a refining fire and let the joy of the Lord come forth! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

David Engle
February 15, 2025

To further underscore this tragic story, here is another example of a man who survived 2 years in a prison camp in North Korea. Kenneth Bae’s imprisonment was ignored by the media…he was only a missionary, so no big deal. His book “Not forgotten; The True Story of My Imprisonment in North Korea” is available on kindle

Nancy Rife
February 15, 2025

God, have mercy on the North Koreans!!! Send Your help to break down the totalitarian dictatorship there!

February 15, 2025

Dearest Heavenly Father: Please wake up our nation, including our young people, to the lies of the Devil. Help us to restore common sense and instill in us the desire to study YOUR WORD to show ourselves approved, realizing that your word is a light unto our paths and a lamp unto our feet. That eternal life can be theirs when they realize you are the one true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent. We need parents to stop allowing their children unmonitored access to movies, internet and games filled with demonic influences using that as baby sitters because it is easier than spending time with them or listening to them. Give our parents and youth discernment about good and evil. Help our young people see how they are allowing so-called “influencers” to lead them astray and down a dark and dangerous path. We need true Christian Influencers to arise and lead them to YOU. We pray they will seek you and begin to burn with a desire to know you personally. That they will become influencers of their friends and family introducing them to you also. We pray for Revival in our Land as time is short before your return and I know that it is your desire that none of them perish. Help them to study and know the Lake of Fire is a very real place. I pray when they are studying they seek youtube for Christ Unveiled Church’s study on the book of Revelation from the bible instead of what the latest celebrity is doing. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power and Praise for you alone are Worthy to be PRAISED!


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