I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for Your light of truth and love to shine and for a culture of life to be embraced.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

She shook her head. Perhaps she was signaling disbelief. Perhaps disgust. Whatever she wanted to communicate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D.Calif.) did not appear to like it when Vice President Mike Pence described the Biden-Harris position as one supporting taxpayer funding of abortion without restriction up to birth.

That exchange happened this week during the Vice Presidential debate, which usually is secondary programming in a presidential election year. After all, the main events feature the contenders for the top job.

But the debate seemed to attract increased interest this time around. Perhaps that is due in part to the likely influence of Harris or Pence in either a new Biden or ongoing Trump administration. Certainly, they both showed their ability to communicate clear delineations between the two camps, and this question on abortion was particularly enlightening.

First of all, it was, I hope, educational for viewers. Even though political campaigns are known for spin, hereā€™s the thingā€¦ Pence was portraying the national Democrat position quite fairly.

To the issue of taxpayer funding, the Democrat platform is very clear that its goal is repeal of the Hyde Amendment ā€” the decades-old law preventing federal dollars from going directly to abortion. That was a truce of sorts between pro-life and pro-choice politicians. Regardless of your position on ā€œchoice,ā€ it was generally agreed that citizens should not be required to foot the bill for the termination of prenatal lives.

No more for Democrats ā€” at least at the national level.

The partyā€™s platform also says it supports efforts to ā€œprotect and codify the right to reproductive freedom.ā€ The Biden campaign website goes further calling it a ā€œconstitutional rightā€ and declares that a Biden administration ā€œJustice Department will do everything in its power to stop the rash of state laws that so blatantly violate Roe v. Wade.ā€

Weaponizing the Justice Department on abortion is a plan right out of the playbook of Senator Harris during her own presidential campaign. And that shouldnā€™t be surprising. As attorney general of California, Harris was vigorous in opposing pro-life causes.

Remember the NIFLA v. Becerra case in which the U.S. Supreme Court rebuffed California for forcing pregnancy care centers to advertise for abortion? That started as NIFLA v. Harris.

According to NIFLA president Thomas Glessner, Harris was unusually active for a chief state law enforcer as she lobbied for the legislation that would then be used as a sword against pro-life pregnancy centers. Glessner recently wrote, ā€œWe knowā€¦ the would-be vice president wants to extinguish the voice of pro-life Americans.ā€

The fact is that Harris has been a hero for abortion activists in California and Washington, D.C. Itā€™s no wonder that Planned Parenthood is particularly ecstatic about her candidacy.

And that gets us to the ā€œno restrictionsā€ topic. ā€œFact-checkersā€ from numerous major media outlets have asserted that Biden and Harris donā€™t really want unchecked abortion access all the way to birth. Why? Because they donā€™t come right out and say that.

Now thatā€™s a curious line of reasoning for these journalists. Whether they apply it evenly is a question for another time. For now, letā€™s just look at the evidence.

Democrats explicitly want abortion codified in U.S. law, and they explicitly want taxpayers to fund it. Furthermore, they explicitly want the Justice Department to make trouble for those pushing sanctity of life laws that may somehow limit the current abortion regime.

Moreover, in Congress and in state legislatures, Democrats are quick to battle all sorts of bills that might put up some sort of guardrails or accountability measures around abortion. They canā€™t even allow parental notification laws or legislation like the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to go forward without a fight.

Oh, and Harris seemed to carefully dodge answering whether or not there should be any restrictions on abortion during the debate.

So what should a reasonable person think? Pence didnā€™t seem off-base. And if he was, then Harris should have said soā€¦ clearly.

But she shook her head. And that brings me to one more enlightening element of this exchange.

The fact that Harris shook her head and then the ā€œfact checkersā€ were so quick to slap down Penceā€™s assertion makes me think, at the very least, they realize that this position of unrestricted, taxpayer-funded abortion still sounds radical. That is a ray of hope.

May they realize that it not only sounds radical. It is radical.

Letā€™s pray for light to shine and for hearts in all parties to be opened. Letā€™s pray for the advance of a culture that truly honors Godā€™s good gift of life.

ā€œSpeak up for those who cannot speak for themselvesā€¦ā€ (Proverbs 31:8a)

Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.ā€™s public policy arena. He reflects on faith, technology, and the public square at FTPolicy.com.

Consider sharing this article with your pro-life friends who are believing the lies that there are fewer abortions with Democrats. The evidence is clear, under Biden/Harris, there will be more abortions and we will be paying for them.

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Eolin Ann Tripp
October 24, 2020

I am pro life. Thank You.

CM Brown
October 13, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for Your divine intercession on this election. I pray that President Trump and Vice-President Pence be given four more years, because they are advocates for Life!! They are against abortion, and I thank You that they are. Please build a hedge of protection around them, and please intercede on this election. Please let truth prevail, not lies.


October 12, 2020

God says: Thou shall not kill! End of discussion! Father God, you are the author of Life, so there is no choice for Christians, but to follow your Word, the Bible. Father God open the eyes and hearts of people to the TRUTH of the EVIL of Abortion & Infanticide. Father hear the cries of the millions of aborted babies as their blood cries out for justice, as Abelā€™s blood cried out for justice! Let your kingdom come, your will be done in The United States & the World, as it is in Heaven. Help Christians repent & follow you. Help us Christians to be red hot for your son Jesus & not fence riders! Thank you for hearing our cries. In Jesus mighty name

Irene Lewis
October 11, 2020

I heard the debate with my daughter and I heard Senator Harris she believes women should have a choice. That is all. How you wrote a whole article on that sentence is ridiculous!

    Penni Bulten
    October 12, 2020

    Sorry, Irene, but the DNC platform and Senator Harris’ record speak for themselves:
    Further to the point, that is *not* all: She was part of the notorious NIFLA (National Institute of Family and Life Advocates) vs. Becerra case that went all the way to the Supreme Court and lost. The case was originally NIFLA vs. Harris, and, had they won, (Becerra and Harris) Pro-life organizations would have been forced to past Planned Parenthood’s local number in their crisis pregnancy center. Even the libertarian organizations Cato Institute and Downsize DC supported NIFLA in this case, and Downsize DC filed an amicus brief on NIFLA’s behalf.

    Sovereign Lord, please help us spread knowledge. Please also help voters choose wisely.

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    October 12, 2020

    God says: Thou shall not kill! End of discussion! There is no choice for a Christian, but to follow Godā€™s Word!!! Christians need to follow Godā€™s Word! Vote Biblically! Father God, you are the author of Life, open the eyes and hearts of people to the TRUTH of the EVIL of Abortion & Infanticide!!! Help Christians repent & follow you!!! Thank you for hearing our cry. In Jesus mighty name

      Penni Bulten
      October 12, 2020

      I suspect the article was not read through. (BTW – NIFLA vs. Becerra was once NIFLA vs. Harris)

      I pray that people will become informed, and vote pro-life.

        October 12, 2020

        I did read the whole article. I find your comment about Kamalaā€™s one sentence to come across cold. Obviously the article is based on more than her comment , but her evil stand for abortion! Abortion is a choice that ends a babyā€™s life! No person should have that right to end anotherā€™s life!

          Penni Bulten
          October 12, 2020

          I was referring to Irene having not read the article, not you. What in my link (or my comment as a whole) made you think I agree with her? The link describes how a pro-life group was almost forced to promote abortion. There was also a prayer at the end of my comment, requesting God would lead people to educate themselves and vote pro-life. You are forgiven for misunderstanding, but I hope you will read comments more carefully the next time.

    Penni Bulten
    October 12, 2020

    Who is to pay for that choice? Kamala Harris is one of the most pro-abortion politicians in the Senate, and was involved in the NIFLA vs. Becerra case. What is not well known is that the case was originally known as NIFLA vs. Harris! Kamala Harris as California’s AG championed Assembly bill 775, the reproductive FACT act, which would have forced crisis pregnancy centers to post Planned Parenthood’s local number in their offices prominently. The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates sued the AG to protect their rights, who by that time was Becerra.

    Libertarian as well as conservative groups supported NIFLA’s case, including the CATO Institute and Downsize DC.
    This case went to the Supreme Court, which ruled crisis pregnancy centers did not have to post PP’s number, and it would be a violation of their First Amendment rights to force them to.


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Dorothy Ter Horst
October 11, 2020

Lord please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling abortion. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name amen.

Penni Bulten
October 11, 2020

The Democrats may well try to pack the courts to ensure Roe and Doe are enshrined indefinitely. Most telling is the refusal of either Former VP Joe Biden or Senator Kamala Harris to either confirm or deny whether they will pack the Supreme Court. Though two parties can play that game, (which would follow a precedent started by the Democrats: no filibuster on judges and justices) this would set a horrid precedent. Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she opposed packing the court, and said it back in Obama’s term.
From FRC (Family Research Council)
https://www.frcaction.org/get.cfm?i=WA20J20&f=WU20J06 (Joe Biden Can’t Get Out of Dodge On Courts – Fun title, yes?)

For the late Justice Ginsburg’s view on packing the courts:

Heavenly Father, I pray a hedge of protection around the Supreme Court and Judge Amy Coney Barrett, as well as the Senate. Please expose the plans of Senator Kamala Harris and Presidential Candidate Joe Biden if they are hiding a plot to pack the Supreme Court.

    Penni Bulten
    October 11, 2020

    Oops, she actually said this in reference to whether a 2020 Democrat candidate should pack the court if elected. I apologize for the mistake.

Sandra Lee
October 11, 2020

To anyone who has had abortions please know that God forgives and heals…I am living proof of that fact. There are ministries who can and will be glad to help with the aftermath. As a former addict, I am now 4 years sober, and am being used by God in many ways. Tell your people to cry out to God!! He hears and He will heal this tremendous hurt. I pray for each one who replied and the many who didn’t..

John Malito
October 10, 2020

Lord Jesus, the simple truth is that abortion is murder and murder is sin. Enlighten those whose eyes are blinded to Your holy truths.

Helen Thompson
October 10, 2020

Lord Jesus, I see you standing in these abortion clinics as these babies that are created in Your image are killed, I see you weeping. Lord Jesus, we weep with You. we don’t understand how this can continue and how some can say that these are not babies with eternal souls! Lord Jesus, I see my grandson and marvel at how precious he is and wonder how this can happen. Oh Lord God, stop this evil, this spirit of Jezebel, this awfulness. Oh God help us!

October 10, 2020

Why can I not find the map of people who usually do not vote? I’ve and tried to find it.

Lisa Bradford
October 10, 2020

I’m sick and tired of the Democrats’ anti Christian, anti newborn life rhetoric. Its damning at best. So, Democrats, is there even a heaven? Or don’t you care, because you are definitely notthe chosen ones, obviously!

Joan Diane Bartruff
October 10, 2020

Heavenly Father, In Jesus Name, all things are possible for you. I pray Lord You would dispel the lie that humans have the right to decide whether life within the womb should be allowed to live, or should be murdered.
Expose all the evil rationale which enables anyone to justify ending life of the unborn. No human should have that right. Gently lead all to revere the miracle of life, and the responsibilities that go with creating life.

Heavenly Father, save us from our delusions and evil choices. Bring us to repentance, and thirst for Your forgiveness for our wrondoing. I rebuke the demonic notion that emphasis is placed on whether, or not taxpayers should pay for abortions, rather than we are killing the unborn in the womb. Have mercy, Lord. Amen

    October 10, 2020

    Praise God for who He is! Thank You Lord for being the Most High God, forgiving, loving, understanding.

    Thank You Lord for these testimonies shared and sharing of Your mercy and Grace in their lives. Give them the peace that passes all understanding in their hearts. Give them the certainty that they have come to You for forgiveness and You have made them whole, lacking nothing. Filled with the Fruit of the Spirit.

    Open the eyes of our hearts Lord in this nation and world to see what You desire, what is important to You. May Your Kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

October 10, 2020

How many of the women that have had abortions later regretted their decisions? I pray for these women. Having stood beside my daughter, who was a pregnant drug addict, watching her beg the doctors to take the baby from her prematurely, I was completely heartbroken. In a Biden-Harris world, the doctors would have done exactly what she was asking that there would not have been a thing I could have done about it. Even today there is nothing that I could have done about it, despite her being in a withdrawal state at the time of her outburst. I did a LOT of praying that night along with the nurses on the floor. That’s right despite the Coronavirus and strict regulations, I had nurses that laid hands on me and prayed that God would settle my daughter and that my grandson would be safe. Those prayers were answered. Despite being born at 33 weeks, he never once had any issues with breathing. Furthermore, God protected him from her daily drug use and he had minimal withdrawal symptoms. His meconium test even came back negative for drugs. To this day, I am grateful for all that God has done in this situation. She is now glad she did not try to get rid of him. She is being monitored by DSS, which she is mad about, but at least she is being held accountable.
This may not be every story, but I also pray that they will reduce the cost of adoptions, so that people who cannot have babies can afford to adopt. Those that want abortions need to be given all the information before they make a decision that cannot be reversed. We need to continue to speak for these babies that cannot speak for themselves.
God, I am forever grateful for the things you did in our lives since the birth of our grandson. The road has been hard and has not gone the way I saw it going, but I am trusting in you. I know that you have already gone before us and made this situation what you intended for it to be. I pray daily that you keep him safe and that heal my daughter. Rip her from Satan’s stronghold. Today, Lord, I pray that you open the eyes of all those involved in these types of situations. Educate them, Lord. I also pray for those that cannot have children, that you will provide for them. Lord, you know the desires of their hearts. I pray you use all of us for Your good, Lord. Equip us. We ask all this in your son’s name. Amen

Roe Belfiore
October 10, 2020

Lord you alone create life, who is man that he thinks he has the right to end what you have started. Sweet Jesus, reveal the work of the evil one who would want to kill the innocent. Show the true heart of those who would take such a stand. Lord let the evil doers no longer hide behind lies but allow their true motive to shine forth. Allow all of us to see the enemies plan, so we may cast him from the election in what ever form he takes. Help all who call upon your name choose life. Let your kingdom reign once again over our nation in the name of the only true king Jesus.

October 10, 2020

Thank you, Mike Pence, for taking a stand against evil by calling it out. I pray, Lord Jesus, that You intervene in this upcoming “election”/ ongoing coup-d’etat . Please , by Your grace and power, let the deceived radical left fail miserably in their attempts to steal, kill and destroy. We bind the attempts of Satan and his minions to destroy the American way of life. I pray that the deceived liberals wake up and discover how they are being used by the enemy, and repentance follows. In Jesus name.

Carole Ann Neve
October 10, 2020

The USA should not be funding abortions period. This has to stop. The USA needs to stop the curse of funding abortions and reverse it to the blessing. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

jeanette ruth arpin
October 10, 2020

When the subject aforementioned is viewed in its broadest context, it becomes one of How Does a Government Govern the Unborn? This is the most neutral zone to view this topic. How does or How should??? Now, my legal point is this: IN A GIVEN REPUBLIC GOVERNED FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE SHOULD MONIES GO TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD WHY ARE NOT EQUAL MONIES DIRECTED TO PRO LIFE???? You say, for what? to establish prenatal care for single mothers to be and perhaps well equipped orphanages or homes for mother and baby. Let’s get God’s people on the playing field and get God decide the victory!!!!

October 10, 2020

If this happens and the democrats win the government will then probably charge taxpayers another tax to pay for the psychological healing involved after teh abortions.

They talk about abortion but talk about the after long lasting life depression associated with abortions. They don’t talk about the mental health of the issue. They don’t talk about how much more it will cost taxpayers to fund someone elses convenience.

    October 10, 2020

    I meant they don’t talk about the long lasting psychological effects in life with depression associated with abortions.!

    Carole Ann Neve
    October 10, 2020

    So true!

    Penni Bulten
    October 11, 2020

    Thankfully they will likely have to win the Senate and most likely won’t. They are not likely to win both the House and the Senate, and if they try to pack SCOTUS, that’s likely to be to be ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS itself. I don’t think it will matter if Judge Barrett is on the Supreme Court or not on that one, since Justice Ginsburg herself has said she did not approve of ‘packing the court’. If the Democrats try to pack the court, Republicans should point out the fact that the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg disapproved. (BTW, she also said a president’s term was four years, not three when Judge Merrick Garland was nominated by Barack Obama- But we had a Republican Senate then. The nominee is put forth with the ‘advice and consent of the Senate’, according to the Constitution.)



    Regardless, we might want to consider whether a ‘tax honesty’ or ‘tax protest’ would be biblical in this case: pastors I respect are on both sides of this issue. (although the majority hold it would not be, Pastor Charles Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship and Pastor Curtis Crenshaw have both made a case for it, Pastor Crenshaw indirectly: “Copeland also asserts that if we say words that are not positive, such as speaking against government taxes, we will bring woe on ourselves instead of weal. He should have been present in 1776 to instruct the Founding Fathers, whose revolution was founded on a tax rebellion, but which God still blessed.” (Man As God, Rev. Curtis Crenshaw, ThD. pg 170)

    Pastor Charles O. Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship wrote a whole book on the topic called Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission. He directly makes the case that it contradicts God’s nature to expect a believer to finance evil, even under ‘color of law’. The Book is available on amazon and other places, and he has a video on youtube as well:

    On the other hand, R.C. Sproul suggests we should obey the law as long as basic Christian rights are not violated. Most pastors take this position, John Mac Arthur among them.
    https://www.ligonier.org/blog/christians-and-government/ R.C. Sproul

    Heavenly Father, help us to respect each other on this issue and allow for others to follow their consciences as we follow ours.

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    Penni Bulten
    October 11, 2020

    I’ll side with Thomas Jefferson on this:
    “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

    In this case, they’re not just compelling speech, but compelling action as well.

    Heavenly Father, I pray against such coercion. Please deliver us from those who want us to continue to pay for the evil of abortion, especially those who want to push it further and eliminate the Hyde Amendment.

Lloyd King
October 10, 2020

It is a sad state of affairs when the value of animal life is higher than human life. Father, the hearts of many have indeed grown cold. I pray that common decency along with common sense will once again prevail in America and the world. May the veil of darkness and evil that has blinded so many people be lifted and that spiritual and moral sight be returned. I pray for the defeat of satan and his minions. I Jesus all-powerful name I pray. Amen

Sandra Lee
October 10, 2020

As a person who has had abortions in the past, I am definitely pro-life now. Those left such a hole in my soul, that only God himself could heal. I am a Holy Ghost filled believer now who firmly believes that Roe vs Wade should be overturned and no child should be aborted EVER, for any reason. I will also be crying out to God more regularly, about these precious, souls as the Holy Spirit Himself is training me to be a prayer warrior. I pray He uses me to minister to women and men who have been traumatized by this evil.

    October 10, 2020

    My identical twin sister had 5 abortions, I begged her once to give me the child if she carried full term but she didn’t. I couldn’t have children so I said I would care for her unborn. But she chose not to . Till this day she has so much anger and turmoil in her. Even when we turn to God, we still have those memories of the choices we made. I am glad you chose to renew your life to God as in prolife. We need to spread, that when the moment of conception God breathes life and all knowledge into the unborn. Best to you!

      Carole Ann Neve
      October 10, 2020

      That must have been very hard for you. I am sorry she made those decisions that effected the both of you. Please forgive her. Tell her you love her and forgive her. I think she was selfish.

      Penni Bulten
      October 10, 2020

      I’m so sorry to hear that! Anger often relates to hurt, does she speak to you at all? Do you think you might be able to reach out to find the hurt behind the anger? I pray for my sister Kate that God would heal her hurts, and her sister’s hurts as well. You are the one who heals relationships and restores them. Please heal their hearts.

      A book that helped me when we had a still birth of a daughter was John Mac Arthur’s Safe In The Arms of God. Because of the broad way he covers the death of those under the age of accountability, I found it very helpful.

      If you order it from Amazon, and use the Amazon Smile option, you can donate to Students for Life, or you can order it directly from Grace to You, John Mac Arthur’s ministry.

        October 14, 2020

        Thank you for your note. She transfers alot of emotions at me. It has been a few years i have heard her voice, and it is her choice. Myother siblings say to leave her be. Difficult for sure since I love her. But in time , God’s time, as he knows her path to be. I once had a vision while praying as I was waking up and above my head towards the ceiling were so many baby faces smiling down at me. I knew all those babies up were telling me somethng. Love . Made me smile and still makes me smile to think they are there waiting for us.

    Brenda L Smith
    October 10, 2020

    Thank you for being so bold to share your experience I pray that many woman would read your article and be honest on how this has affected their lives also. That they would also stand up against the destroying of innocent lives. God is a loving forgiving God who only wants wholeness and healing in people’s lives. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord use your voice to speak to those who have been tormented by their choice. Thank you God for your loving kindness.


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