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Used by permission from James Goll, “It’s Time You Walk as a Living Example of Isaiah 60”

But You, O LORD, abide forever, And Your name to all generations. You will arise and have compassion on Zion; For it is time to be gracious to her, For the appointed time has come. Surely Your servants find pleasure in her stone and feel pity for her dust. So the nations will fear the name of the LORD and all the kings of the earth Your glory. For the LORD has built up Zion; He has appeared in His glory. He has regarded the prayer of the destitute and has not despised their prayer. This will be written for the generation to come, That a people yet to be created may praise the LORD (Psalm 102:13-18 NASB).


This passage speaks of an “appointed time” when “the nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth Thy glory.” Although such a day has not yet arrived, there are many signs that suggest it may be near. The gospel of Jesus Christ has begun to spread into many nations and regions of the world formerly closed to it. Response to the gospel, particularly in non-Western parts of the world, is growing at a rate unprecedented in history since the first century.

Another indicator that a new chosen prophetic generation may be at hand is thatĀ the greatest global prayer movement in the history of the Church is currently underway. Surveys indicate that as many as 170 million believers worldwide pray daily for spiritual awakening and for the revival of the Church. There are 10 million prayer groups around the world that pray for revival every week.

This is absolutely unprecedented in Church history. It is unprecedented in breadth because it is not confined to one nation. It is unprecedented in scope because it is not limited to one denomination. It is unprecedented in strategy because it is a wedding of prayer and evangelism. Prayer has always been one of the greatest weapons of the Church, particularly before and during times of awakening and revival. It is no different today. From the beginning of the current “Elijah revolution,” prayer, and especially intercession, has been the foremost strategy of this generation of holy warriors that God is calling forth.

Coupled with this call to sacrificial prayer and intercession is a call to fasting that is more widespread than ever before in the Body of Christ. After generations of neglect, fasting as a powerful spiritual discipline is being rediscovered across a broad spectrum of the Church. In this current chosen prophetic generation, fasting will no longer be thought of as a sign of extreme or “abnormal” Christianity, but as an integral part of life in the Spirit.

“Normal” Christianity has always been “extreme”: extreme devotion to the person of Jesus Christ; extreme abandonment of self-will and absolute surrender to the will and purposes of God; extreme love for God that totally consumes one’s heart, soul, mind, and strength. This global prayer and prophetic movement today represents nothing less than the restoration of raw, radical Christianity in this generationā€”Christianity as it is supposed to be!

What time is it?Ā It is time to arise and shine!

To read the entire article by James Goll, CLICK HERE.Ā 

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Michael Ripon Biswas
April 17, 2020

Dear friend in Christ.
Greetings from National Christian Prayer Fellowship of Bangladesh.
I think physically we are all okay. Maybe mentally we are not okay all over World. I don’t know exactly what’s your present situation. But as a Bangladeshi people we are 3rd world country peoples we are not okay right now. Because last one month we are all inside our home lockdown. Also next one month we will be stay our home for Corona purpose. Maybe you know our country is very small but population is very high. Our total population is right now 170 millions.

After USA corona South Asia and South East Asia is very risk area for Corona. Because this area lot of peoples living very small area.
Personally our Ministry is faith base Ministry. If I not visit our Cell group . Then peoples are not give us offering for Ministry purpose.
We are look like daily bases labour for our Ministry. If local group not support us then we can’t move any work for our Ministry work.
Last one month we can’t raise any fund for our Ministry purpose.
Right now we don’t have any mount for our Salary purpose.
We need support for our salary for our family purpose.
Otherwise we can’t give our house rent and also not buy our family food.
Maybe one more week we will run our family for food. After that our family food will be finish.
At the same time I feel we need to help our community also. Because our country most of the peoples are very poor. That’s why in our country most of the places right not food crisis. Even our family also.

Now may I request humbly please think about this Issue and please pray for us.
May God bless you.
Pr. Michael Ripon Biswas
[email protected]

Edith Ng'ang'a
May 16, 2019

Please pray with us that our newly launched business in Kenya,Little Oak Events & Caterers together with the two affiliated departments:International Volunteer Chefs and the International Culinary Arts Internship programmes will be successful(Proverbs 16:3)

Edith Ng’ang’a
Operations Manager

Patty DeGroot
January 2, 2018

Thank you, Father, for the encouragement from this article! I must remember that there are 170 million believers worldwide who pray daily for “spiritual awakening” and for revival of the Church! That is no small number! The 10 million prayer groups around the world that meet every week to pray for revival also are heard by You! We are a desperate people and we need Your touch as we are very human and get in your way often. Thank you that You allow us to be used by You in spite of ourselves! In Jesus’s precious name. Amen

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