I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask You to show us what we can do about the prevalent search engine and internet bias.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Over the last few weeks, IFA articles have been blocked on Facebook and Google. We have also experienced difficulty in communicating to IFA intercessors through other means. First, please pray for IFA, that the news Christians need to pray about would not be blocked. Second, please share our articles and resources through texts and emails and your personal Facebook. This image shows the message we received when Facebook refused to run a paid advertisement for our Voter Prayer Guide!

If you haven’t seen the Voter Prayer Guide, it is direct quotes from the Democratic and Republican platforms, with Bible verses and prayers. There are no “facts” to check! 

When you comment on our Facebook posts, you help us by pushing our articles up in other people’s feeds. When you share, add a line or two that you liked from the article–this gives your share more interest. Find out in this short video how you can easily and effectively share IFA’s great content!  Click here!

Now read about how Google hid an article revealing how pro-abortion the World Health Organization is.

Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Ingersoll on Thursday showed Google hid a Daily Caller article about the World Health Organization’s abortion advocacy in its search results. Searches of the article’s exact title placed it on pages that statistically nearly no one ever clicks on, while articles that present pro-abortion perspectives come up first instead.

According to Ingersoll, even when fed exact phrases and quotes from the article including just the headline and SEO headline, Google’s search engine doesn’t display the Caller article earlier than at least page 10. The Federalist found similar search results using different browsers and search histories — placing the exact title in quote marks to search for it specifically did not pull up the article on the first page of Google’s search results. . . .

According to Ingersoll, instead of the article headlined with these exact search terms, a “FULL PAGE of pro-abortion advocacy” shows up, along with the previously mentioned results.

Ingersoll also pointed out that this problem doesn’t occur on other algorithm-free search engine platforms such as Bing, Duck Duck Go, and Yandex. The Federalist found this same result with Duck Duck Go. . . .

While a public search liaison for Google tried to justify the suppression, claiming the article wasn’t “currently indexed,” the Caller’s “in house dev” debunked Google’s claims showing that the Caller’s sitemap index is the same for all search engine platforms. That hasn’t led to similar results, as Google suggests it should.

This fits a long and growing trend of corporate media and big tech deciding what content users can see, with big implications for elections and even just political discourse, as studies have found that what information you know affects your views. . . .

Editor’s Note: IFA has been targeted in these recent weeks on Facebook, as well. One of our staff members has had their account disabled to sharing political content and several posts on our IFA Facebook have been taken down for “false information” reasons.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article by Jordan Davidson. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

How have you seen Google and Facebook block you or someone you know?

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Cathy Schneir
February 12, 2022

I posted this article on Nextdoor and my account was suspended.

October 13, 2020

That’s why I don’t or won’t use either Facebook or Google!!! Keep on with the Good News, IFA. America needs you.

Christine Clark
October 12, 2020

Yes! Just this morning i clicked on my IFA Headline Prayer in my EMAIL and it completely disappeared! I also noticed that I haven’t been getting Headline Prayer in my inbox on a regular basis like i use to. Very frustrating!!

Mel Teoh
October 9, 2020

Father God:
Please let GOOGLE, FB, YOUTUBE, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM etc etc be a good steward of what they’re doing i.e. to allow Freedom of speech for all and not policing of what they think is right. In Jesus name. Amen.

CM Brown
October 9, 2020

Dear God, I thank you for Your goodness. I pray that You will intercede in this situation and allow important articles regarding conservative issues be shown on Facebook, Google, and Twitter. May the whole world know that
You are in control, and You are more powerful that any social media. We, Your People, humbly ask for Your help.


October 6, 2020

This article is a powerful reason to pray that the church in America becomes the head and not the tail, the city on a hill God has called us to be. Another promise as spiritual descendants of Abraham is that we shall possess the gates of our enemy! Yet, what a backwards world we live in! The enemy has the upper hand at controlling the narrative! We have become dependent on their platforms in order to have a voice. Yet, God has called us to be the leaders, the inventors, the CEOs, the developers of ingenuity…let’s pray that God will create a turn-around in favor of His people! So, Lord Jesus we repent as a nation and as individuals for turning a blind eye to evil, for allowing our flesh to weaken our testimony and power to lead and become influencers for Your glory, honor and praise! Please empower us to be your Holy people so we can reign in America as Kings and Priests so our nation call fulfill our special calling—to make You Lord Jesus famous in all the earth!! In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

Jane Ann Casey
October 5, 2020

Good reporting Jordan!

Michelle C Craven
October 5, 2020

In Jesus name, we pray for you to intervene in this electronic system. Continue to expose the unfairness and ungodliness of both Google and Facebook. I pray that you would supernaturally make it show the truthful articles and dumbfound the company with no explanation how it is happening or how to stop it. May your word be held true in this situation. Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others — ignoring God! — harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life. — Galatians 6:7-8 MESSAGE And just as in Psalms may their schemes be made powerless. In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak, who are caught in the schemes he devises. — Psalm 10:2 Be with IFA and give them God-inspired ideas how to spread the word. In Jesus name, your will be done. Amen.

Debra Henage
October 5, 2020

To whom it concerns. My FB account has been deleted saying that because I am under the age limit for FB. I have been sharing the Prayers from the 40 days of Prayer for the Election and prayers for our children that attend our school systems and I didn’t know WHY I was shut down. I saw this post just tonight and Now it is very clear to Why I have been shut down.

October 4, 2020

As everyone knows Google Twitter Facebook etc. Big Tech Big Pharma are all part of Deep State Global Elites. They’re paving the way for Antichrist and unfortunately many of them know it. That’s a sad state of affairs. We have to pray hard, Fast, Repent and Pray for Conversions!

Angie Tijerina
October 4, 2020


R de Maine
October 4, 2020

Can any more see the areticle you had listed abut George Soros

October 3, 2020

Parler — options exist for those willing to ditch the FB and tweeting. Might want to repent (i.e. re-think and go in a different direction)!

Carole Ann Neve
October 3, 2020

I got hacked twice on Face Book within one week about one year ago. How I knew this I got a creepy picture of a hairy thing head in my messages. A friend of my daughter who was my FB friend asked my daughter if I needed money because I supposedly was asking for some money through a Face Book message. I did not ask for money on my personal Face Book account. My daughter called the phone number contact information her friend gave and the voice was an Indian speaking person on the line. My daughter immediately told my husband that I have to delete my account. I figured it was an internal scam so I am not returning to Face Book. I still have a Google account and I have to find a different one. Also, when IFA wants us to send out prayers about certain issues to our governors and Senators, many in Michigan are not Republicans and they could have problems stemming from that as well with their leanings. Continue to pray for your leaders and for the people to know the truth that will set them free in Jesus’ name.

October 3, 2020

Stop funding Facebook and start using “Parker.com”. We need to send them a message-we don’t need them. They need us!

    October 3, 2020

    Using Parker.com is difficult. They ask for lots of identity checks before going online.
    and to advertise efficiently FB is still the one with the largest audience.
    But I agree that we need to have our own social communication media,
    but even if we do it seems that for a long time FB still takes us years ahead.
    Better is if Let us pray and that they will be fined for their discrimination policies against everything that does not represent their evil and low morality

      October 3, 2020

      I like that there are identity checks on Parler. We can’t really expect the unbelievers at Facebook to care how they impact us. I’ve been off for years and it’s been a blessing. Doing what’s right will cost us something.

October 3, 2020

I have been sharing posts with links to IFA articles, CBN articles, and 2 links to interviews with Jim Caviezel. Now I’m unable to post comments on FB.

    October 4, 2020

    That’s censorship and control! Not cool! Jesus we need your help!

Corina Kostreba
October 3, 2020

I also use Duck Duck Go.
I have also signed up with Zapit.com. It’s a Christian based social platform for believers.
It was started by Elijah List.com.


Corina Kostreba
October 3, 2020

Let’s begin praying for everyone employed and affiliated with FB, YouTube, Google, Twitter, Apple, Yahoo, Instagram, and TikTok, BLM, militias.

Prayers, decree and declare over the racism, violence, anger, spirits of offense, evil (rape, murder, pedophilia, perversion), mayhem, murder, hatred, deception that are on the loose. This is a short list.

For salvation, for life changing experiences that will draw people to Jesus.

Donna King
October 3, 2020

This is why I no longer use Google. I use Duck Duck Go, which I recommend to anyone who wants access to more diverse information. I also recommend that when you come across an article, video or info. that you find interesting and may want to reference later, particularly if it has a conservative viewpoint, you save it to your computer before it gets scrubbed entirely from the net. This is happening to some info. already.

Although I have both a Facebook and Twitter account, I haven’t use either in over a year because of the censorship. I refuse to support companies that engage in such. Since these tech platforms make their money from advertising dollars, I honestly believe if people just stopped using them en masse, they would either change their policies or go the way of MySpace. Advertisers are leary of investing in platforms that don’t offer a return on their investment in the form of millions of people viewing their ads.

October 3, 2020

My Facebook account book has been permanently blocked and disabled due to my Christian and conservative posts. I have been under attack from this corporate “suppression giant” for over a year because my posts and how I would saturate multiple sites were getting widespread viewing, “likes” and positive feedback with others reposting and sharing. FB (who I now refer to as Fraudbook or Fakebook) was periodically shutting me down for the last year. They now will not let me in at all. That is when you know your posts and facts are reaching thousands!!!
I recommend that people start keeping an accurate account of when this happens to them and then turn it into media watchdog MRC and their new site Censuretrack. They have a form on their website that anyone can fill out and send to them. They also have a couple of members of our government as part of their board.
Remember that no action will bring about “no results” If you want things to change, then something is required of us. It starts with prayer and that must be followed by actions on our part.

Cindy Siebrecht
October 3, 2020

I had posted this prayer on Facebook twice in the past. It was removed both times.

God our Father,
Giver of life,
we entrust the United States of America to Your loving care.
You are the rock on which this nation was founded.
You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to life, liberty, 
and the pursuit of happiness.
Reclaim this land for Your glory and dwell among Your people.
Send Your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation’s leaders.
Open their minds to the great worth of human life
and the responsibilities that accompany human freedom.
Remind Your people that true happiness is rooted in seeking
and doing Your will.
Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, Patroness of our land,
grant us the courage to reject the “culture of death.”
Lead us into a new millennium of life.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

Karen Secrest
October 3, 2020

It appears that fb fact checker is aligned with that broader organization that includes TicTok. Thus, the reason the President has informed us about national security issues.
This last week a friend found a page she had accessed that appeared to be local news about our suburb was actually owned by a Communist Chinese company and was being streamed from China and Hong Kong.

Darlene Estlow
October 3, 2020

Parler is a new site that is like Twitter but does not block content.

    October 3, 2020

    Parker and Spreely are two new platforms that do not censor unless extremely vulgar or dangerous (meaning lawbreaking per government guidelines).
    In the meantime, I continue to pray for all censorship from tach companies to be exposed and legally dealt with. We know certain laws are being skirted and particularly the 1st amendment.
    Try the other 2 sites. They are growing and of course, FB is doing everything in their power to suppress that growth through subversive means.

      Corina Kostreba
      October 3, 2020

      I agree with you. If only someone would draw a line in the sand and file a class action lawsuit against one of them. If at least to bring attention to the issue and the attempt to infringe upon or remove our 1st Amendment rights from the national conversation.

      Shalom in Jesus’s Name.

C J Walker
October 3, 2020

I wish someone would create a new platform to compete against Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for those of us interested in truth without corporate censorship. Name it Trumpet.

    October 3, 2020

    I tried to do that about 5 years ago. We were getting close, but it takes a lot of support and money. We closed it due to the amount of power it takes for PC power. It was going to be honest and faithful. God would be the head of it. I still want some one to make one. I have not used FB for years because of this. I have no social media, internet and now I have removed utube. God is ALL we need and our email. God bless you all.

    October 3, 2020

    Try Spreely or Parker. No censorship!!

Lisa Stout
October 3, 2020

I have posted articles on the social media site NEXTDOOR. Politics is not allowed on there but you can if
you post in a special group site. I though was kicked off temporary for posting about drag queens reading to our children on a post about sex education curriculum for the state of Texas. LGBT was being considered in the curriculum and a parent asked on post if this is really happening in our schools and what can we do. I was kicked off for dissemination and hate speech. Never said anything negative in the post either.

Julie Maltagliati
October 3, 2020

My simplest prayer remains the same, “Lord, let lies be exposed and truth be revealed.” With information disseminated using today’s technology combined with psychological programming, that’s never been more important.

We know Who is Truth and we know what the father of lies is. The latter is having a field day now, but God is and will always be greater.

Beloved Abba, please let lies be exposed and truth be revealed, despite best efforts to conceal both!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus…

October 3, 2020

The censorship and suppression of Truth is so very evident. But Lord, You can overcome search engines and any other schemes used by the enemy. Please reveal the tactics used by the enemy and make away for Truth! Expose the enemies of justice, righteousness and faith! Speak to hearts and grant discernment! Jesus warned us to beware in the last days there would be lies, deception and false teaching and even many in The Church would be deceived and fall away. Help us Lord God to stand firm and hold fast to Your Word as we wait for Your soon return! Maranatha, Lord Jesus….come quickly! In Your Name I pray

Terri Kring
October 3, 2020

My cousin, who is a Texas Republican Delegate for her county had her entire Facebook account wipe with no explanation/warning other than she Violated their terms.

Ken Budz
October 3, 2020

Lord you are so good to Your faithful, please be with us we are experiencing persecution. Our right as citizens are being repressed. We want to share our faith with others but are being held back. Help us to declare Your love. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

October 3, 2020

I am so thankful to intercessors for America for helping me focus more my prayers for this nation. It is not surprising that now prayer, one of the most powerful tools we have, is now being censored. God, however, cannot be censored.

Derricee Newton
October 3, 2020

Satan has no power over the Holy Spirit, the Angelic Host or more so Jesus! Jesus took the keys of the Kingdom from slew foot and he can not have it back. We declare by the Power invested in me that the actions of the enemy to cease and desist and that a further warrant be issued for their arrests by the Spirit! Father we thank you for Your Almighty Power and Victory in the Precious Name of Our Savior. And it is SO!

Bill Tobey
October 3, 2020

It is election time! Google & Facebook will do whatever it takes including breaking the law to promote the liberal and pro-abortion position.

Linda crew
October 3, 2020

This is spiritual warfare..Satan is behind it. We as Christians need to use the authority given to us by the blood of Jesus to stand together against this evil.

    Bill Demlow
    October 3, 2020

    Lord, help us be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. You ARE the truth!

Donna Liput
October 3, 2020

This is unacceptable! We need to spread the word. Free speech is essential to our freedoms. If allowed to go unchecked we will certainty face many more “ lockdowns” of speech until it will be illegal to spread the gospel altogether. Free speech is a gift…..let’s.make sure we don’t lose it. Hold Facebook accountable. Remember they need us to survive. We drive it. Fight back with prayer 🙏

    October 3, 2020

    Perhaps we need to find other reputable platforms to use and take our business elsewhere. Facebook is not the best choice for security readons….hasn’t been for years according to my IT security specialist. We keep using it because people we want to connect with use it….How long will we continue following the crowd? Maybe we need to start a new trend by using and supporting platforms that will support us.

      JoLinn Kampstra
      October 3, 2020

      It’s the worlds system. The Christian community needs to “come out of her” and create other formats. Are we not His chosen ones whose gifts and talents will be blessed? Let’s roll up our sleeves and get busy.

      October 3, 2020

      Yes! Definately, How can us Believers and Children of God create our own “FAITH-book” or Children of God platform, and we can all close our accounts on facebook, its all lies and drama, deceit, filth and everything that goes against God anyway. Some one please help us. I will be the first to join! As i know Millions of folks will be joining and put facebook to sleep once and for all…
      Thank You Lord Jesus…..Amen

        October 3, 2020

        There may be one already. I’m checking with my sources.

          October 6, 2020

          So my source suggests Parler. It isn’t a Christian platform but it is unbiased and uncensored. Unfortunately most of the platforms he’s seen claiming to be Christian put more effort into marketing and than into security.

          A platform for Free speech is what they are endeavoring to provide and continue to develop.


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