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Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunities that You give us to reveal Your glory to a world that needs You.
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Tony Bennett led the No. 1 seed University of Virginia basketball team to victory in overtime Monday night over Texas Tech in the NCAA Division 1 Men’s National Championship game. “I do want to thank the Lord and my Savior,” Bennett stated during a post-game interview. This is the Cavaliers’ first national championship.

This article was originally published in Decision magazine in 2014, after UVA won the ACC Tournament for the first time since 1976. Since then, Bennett has surpassed 250 career wins (2017), won another ACC Tournament (2018) and led the Cavaliers to the Elite Eight twice (2016, 2019).

Men’s basketball players at the University of Virginia not only have a coach who just guided them to the school’s most successful season in more than three decades, they also have a coach who regularly prays for them.

Tony Bennett privately kneels to intercede for their health and for their relationships. He asks God that they’ll perform with excellence, that they’ll reach their full potential, that he’ll coach them well and that they’ll discover and know Jesus Christ.

“How many people are mad at you when you tell them that you’ve prayed for them?” Bennett says with a chuckle….

‘He Practices What He Teaches’

Bennett has become one of the nation’s most highly regarded college basketball coaches. He has a 320-122 record in 13 seasons at Washington State (2006-2009) and Virginia (2009-present). (Excerpts from BGEA article on BillyGraham.org)

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Linda Hill
April 9, 2019

Glory to God! It is so refreshing to hear our Lord and Savior lifted up by both of these teams. Texas Tech did the same thing before the final game! Now the news channels need to air this on TV and not subdue it as they do most Christian Athletes!

kathy Nunamaker
April 9, 2019

God was lifted up here, both on the Virginia team and Texas Tech team. Coaches and young men spoke words of faith and belief in Christ as their Savior. My prayer has been for the Texas Tech team that their words of faith will be just as strong and powerful in their defeat as it was in their victory, and on the Virginia team that those young men of faith will be encouraged and emboldened to continue so speak out about their faith and others will come to know Christ as their Savior as well. Praying for revival to break out among these basketball programs and that it will spread across these campuses for His honor and glory and the advancement of His Kingdom.

Alan K Veasey
April 9, 2019

There is no field of human endeavor where God is not the All Wise
Sovereign. He cares for the people doings and burdens of all people everywhere. Blessed are those individuals in all walks of
life that acknowledge Him in their daily walk. It is a blessing
the read such testimonies as Coach Bennett.

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