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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank You for speaking to us as we pray. Help us to seek and do Your will above all.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

On Pray With America’s Leaders, Kris Kubal spoke with IFA state prayer leaders Mark Johnson, of South Carolina, and Bill West, of Pennsylvania. They had a powerful time of prayer. Did you view the webcast? If not, read on, and you’ll see remarkable ways the Lord is giving similar promptings and warnings to intercessors everywhere. We can all receive His promptings as divine prayer strategies, so we can pray on-site and act in faith. Then, having done all, we stand.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


“We had received a number of warnings in about the last six months about specific things in South Carolina,” Mark Johnson said. “Yesterday, in prayer time, it was about a terror network coming through the southern borders — specifically, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina. An intercessor got a picture and asked the Lord what to do about it, and the Lord said: ‘Activate the borders.’ That’s what most of us have been doing; we have prayed around the borders of our states, asked God to protect them, and prayed again. A particular intercessor saw that when they prayed, flames shot up around the borders of each of the states and divided the terrorists’ intent. The smaller sects could no longer coordinate. 

“Fifteen minutes after the prayer call, I got information from two other sources that are not tied to our stream. They had been praying specifically for nuclear power plants in the area to be protected. It’s a warning that gives us the opportunity to pray. It’s nothing to be afraid of. God destroys the snake, we know that. We should rejoice as a part of our weapon of prayer.” 

You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you (Psalm 91:5–7 ESV).

Isn’t it amazing that so many intercessors are receiving the exact same intel — through words, dreams, visions, and impressions — to pray for our borders? The fact that the Lord is speaking to so many gives us all a chance to pray into it. If God has been speaking about this to you as well, then you also are being invited to pray about it. Vicki, an intercessor friend of mine, reached out to me the day after the webcast to say that she was so excited to hear Mark talk about activating the borders. It turns out that a friend of hers was invited by another intercessor to do this same thing.

An Aaron for Moses, a Susie for Sandi

One Sunday, Sandi reached out to her friend Susie at church. Sandi had been seeking the Lord over what to do about the things she believed He was showing her — involving physically praying at state borders. She didn’t think anyone would believe her if she shared what she was hearing, but the Lord said: “Ask Susie.” Sandi emailed Susie a clip of a message from Dutch Sheets titled “Paint Your State.” Susie agreed to help. Susie’s husband was a bit reluctant at first — it would involve a lot of driving for Susie, and he was worried about her ability to drive in the dark. But in the end, he did give his support and blessing, and Susie and Sandi were off to “paint the border.”

“Sandi made a number of wooden crosses and wrote on them: ‘The anchor will hold by the Word of God in Jesus name,’ ” said Susie. “These were all to be placed by the first of September. We both prayed and sought God about what to do, and we spent three days driving to Kentucky borders. We took the crosses, paintbrushes, and oil to anoint them. We drove to our northeast border that borders Ohio and West Virginia and planted three crosses there at the river’s edge. We drenched them with the oil and prayed that God’s will be done. We then drove to the east Kentucky border which comes to a point with West Virginia on one side of the point and Virginia on the other. There we planted three more crosses and prayed. We drove to the southern border of the Kentucky-Tennessee line, placed crosses there, and prayed. We drove to where the northwest Kentucky border comes to a point with Indiana/Illinois borders, placed three crosses there, and prayed.”  

Susie’s husband is involved with the Gideons and had spoken at a church in Grant County, in northern Kentucky, not far from the border. “I did place a cross at the church he spoke in and in another spot a little farther into Grant County and prayed over those,” said Susie. “We did not make it to the Missouri border, which is in far western Kentucky, but we felt that God would have someone else to do that border. We both had peace that we had done what God asked us to do. We are both praying that the anchors will hold against the shaking that is coming to this country. The link, Paint Your State, talked about the anchors buried deep in the earth and that the angels would take huge steel cables and place them from anchor to anchor, crisscrossing this nation like a spider web. We know our little wooden crosses are just symbolic of what He is doing, but we know we need to be obedient. We still pray for those crosses which may not even be there now, but God’s Word can’t be destroyed.” 

There’s a Prayer Group for You

Wow! While the Lord was speaking to Mark and his prayer team in South Carolina, He was also alerting an intercessor in Kentucky to do the same thing. These are stories we know about. I look forward to hearing of more intercessors engaged in prophetic acts such as this.

If you haven’t joined in yet, IFA has a prayer group in each state for your participation. You can join a praying community  interceding specifically for your state. Again, perhaps the Lord has been alerting you to pray, through dreams or visions. Maybe you can join one of the state prayer groups. Or maybe you can do as Sandi did: pray and ask the Lord to connect you with someone to help you act. Sandi didn’t think anyone would care, but the Lord revealed Susie by name. It’s important to note that Sandi and Susie have now done what they could, and they are also believing that the Lord will send someone to complete the task.

Just look at what God is doing through ordinary people like you and me. He will use anyone, of any age, and all He requires is our obedience. You don’t need a title or any fancy accolades; all you need is a willing heart. 

Mark concluded the webcast by saying: “If we press into God, His protection is there. It doesn’t mean there won’t be an attack, but His protection is there. His covering is there. God is waking people up. He pricks our hearts and minds and brings awareness. Natural terrorism has spiritual roots. It’s a spiritual battle that needs a spiritual answer. It’s time to activate intercessors to pray. The spiritual army has been alerted.” 

Let’s go forward with a prayer:

Father, thank You for speaking to us in dreams and visions. Thank You that especially in times of uncertainty, You alert intercessors to pray and to act. And thank You for the obedience of innumerable intercessors who are stepping out in various ways. Give direction to those who feel called to action but don’t know where to begin. As You did with Sandi, bring about connections and friendships. We know that we are in dark times, but we will continue to walk by faith and not by sight. Receive our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Has God been speaking to you about our borders? Share how you’ve been praying.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: IFA, Bill and Betsy West praying outside the Supreme Court during the Dobbs hearing (Dobbs was the case that overturned Roe v. Wade.)

Here is the broadcast mentioned in this article.

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November 19, 2023

Thank you Jesus! All praise to You!
I am so glad to be able to be online, email was frozen, and I really did miss this group!
Lord, thank you so much for talking with us, warning us, planting Your desires so deep into our hearts that we share Your heart desires as prayers, joining You in Your good work on our planet, building Your kingdom.
Forgive us our unbelief, forgive us our lack of love, forgive us giving in to that bent to critique, forgive us clinging to our own understanding instead of deeply trusting the results to You….TODAHs Forever for Your Faithfulness, Your tenacious tender loving care, for sinners aka the lost , in Your training of us, Your children…saved by The Blood she’d for me, each ‘me’ who believes.

November 19, 2023

For decades now we have celebrated The Lord of the Harvest at Halloween at our house❤️‍🔥☝️

Mari Williams
October 30, 2023

Forty-five years ago GOD spoke to me about Americans celebrating Halloween! Over the years, I have contacted numerous pastors regarding the evil of Halloween but only one listened and changed his plans for a Halloween Party for the children of the church to a Harvest Party where the children came dressed in costumes celebrating Harvest time with costumes of fruits and animals and leaves–it was beautiful. They also brought gifts for local families who were suffering hardship at that time. Three times I have written to the local Catholic priest imploring him to switch from Halloween to Harvest but without success and it grieves my heart that little children are taught to think that Halloween is fun when it is the old Druid religion and is demonic. We wonder why America is in the condition it is in? Look no further than Halloween celebrations and ask yourself: Who or What are you celebrating?

Karen Secrest
October 28, 2023

An unusual Word from the Father; I was led to put my arms around Jesus and comfort Him
I then recalled f Kenneth Hagin Sr. Who told of having his entire congregation meet in the evening to:minister t o the Lord:. There was no asking but a total hour at a time of loving the Lord and telling Him how Grateful we are for His love and care guidance. Direction every day
Wonderful Blessings followed

Grant Windholz
October 27, 2023

Lord God, please help us all as Americans look up to you by giving you glory for all that we do! This is only done through prayer and let’s get back to that!!

October 26, 2023

While our Southern border has been open for years, I’ve been praying for revival so that people speaking many languages will be saved. They can then enangelize to others in their countries.

Rose Higuera
October 26, 2023

I have been praying and also speaking out at my local City Council on the scary statistics of sheer, massive numbers of unvetted people, drugs, cartels and children who are unaccounted for and used for sex trafficking and sacrifices and how we are vulnerable to attacks.

Mary Beth
October 26, 2023

LORD, make us aware of Your desires and strategies, and may we each be willing and obedient to Holy Spirit direction, operating in Your anointing.

October 26, 2023

The LORD JESUS wakes me up at 2,3,4am for a prayer, scriptures, declaring, standing for the issues at hand. One day HE had me praying in a song: about mothers and the breath of Life to be safe in the womb as i was doing laundry. Or when doing things in the garden so the plants can produce fruit in due season. Or the HOLY Spirit overwhelmingly puts a fire of praise to GOD almighty for what’s happening. Bless be Israel and america.

Karen Cox
October 26, 2023

I’m in Kentucky. How do I connect with Sandi and Susi?

Liz Lewark
October 26, 2023

A couple of years ago I heard of Russia submarines off of the East coast. Then I heard there are large numbers of UN ships off of our coast as well. The Lord showed me yesterday that there are China submarines off of our West coast.

Lord we have been called by You, for such a time as this. Until you take us out of here, we shall stand in the gap and pray. Holy Spirit You are the restrainer in us to hold the enemy at bay. We ask that all of the war ships, submarines and enemies that have made a way onto our soil or our waterways or our space, be exposed. Their evil plots and plans of the enemy will be found out and spoiled. We plead the Blood of Jesus over all of the United States of America, that the enemy can not and will not be able to harm our citizens or our land from within, by sea or by air, in the Name of Jesus.
All of the evil ones that would plan evil on our citizens or our country will be exposed and their plots revealed and all extinguished, in the Name of Jesus.
Protect Your people all over the world Lord. Open our eyes to see who the enemy is, open our ears to hear their plots in secret and open our mouths that we would speak out against the enemy and open our hearts that we would love those and lead those to Jesus who the enemy uses. In Jesus Name Amen

Allena Jordan
October 26, 2023

With all that’s going on such as wars and rumors of war, a porous border, corruption, lies and so forth, God has said to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. We’ve anchored our country in prayer. It is important not to forget about oneself. Anchor myself in Him. To do so, I am reading His Word, worshipping in song, turning to Him at every moment. Peter walked on water while His eyes were on Jesus. He sank when he thought about his situation and thus took his eyes off the Master. Psalm 1: 1-3
1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.

Cindy Burtch Fraser
October 26, 2023

My husband and I were a part of painting the borders of Indiana. We made our journey on July 4th and did the eastern border with Ohio from Rte 224 to the northern border with Michigan. It was a profound experience!


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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