We’ve just been through PASSOVER, but now we are about to CROSS OVER.
Right before the Israelites crossed over the Jordan to take the city of Jericho and defeat their enemies, they had been instructed to stay in their camp for 3 days to prepare. It seems that God has a way of preparing His people for great exploits. Knowing they must set themselves apart to fulfill their purpose, God dictates times of rest, reflection, and repentance before a nation can secure its land.
“Then Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.’” (Joshua 3:5) God was telling His people that the only way they were going to be able to defeat their enemies was to prepare themselves. It was not a matter of strategizing their warfare but preparing their hearts. Little did they know the miracles they were about to walk into.
There was also another key element in the people being properly positioned for the battles ahead. Without the PRESENCE OF THE LORD going before them to mark their path, they would have no roadmap and no power.
“Then Joshua said to the priests, ‘Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on before the people.’ So they took up the ark of the covenant and went before the people.” (Joshua 3:6)
The Ark of the Covenant represented God’s absolute promise to fulfill His plans through His people. It was covered with His tangible presence and surrounded by His glory. It was so heaven-born, it brought the fear of the Lord to anyone in proximity. It was the visible reminder that His presence was constant, and His promise secure. Just as He led them through the wilderness with supernatural provision and daily direction, so He would lead them into their inheritance.
Not only did His promise and presence need to go ahead of the people – it was His priests that were responsible for leading the way. These were the ones He had called and set apart who were ready to carry the call and take the first steps – literally.
“And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.” (Joshua 3:13)
When the priests followed His lead and obeyed His word, it opened the way for miracles. Today, every follower of Christ is part of this royal priesthood of believers (see 1 Peter 2:5). But, even though we all have access, it is only those who embrace this responsibility that can walk in the authority attached to the call. It is only those who are willing to carry His presence and steward His promise that can lead the way for others.
I believe the Lord is calling out to the SET APART ONES in this time of CROSSING OVER. He has been preparing the people of God to go into new territories and take out principalities and powers that have ruled the land for generations. He has been getting us ready to face our enemies with boldness and courage. But, He also needs His set apart ones to lead the way, reminding everyone of His PROMISE and His PRESENCE.
The battles that are yet ahead cannot be won through our intercessory intelligence alone. We cannot deal with our enemies based on our perceived spiritual superiority or prophetic potential. The ONLY way these battles will be won is if His presence goes before us and we’ve learned to follow His lead. It is up to the sanctified and prepared priesthood of believers to lead the way and stir up the needed vision and courage for the whole nation to go in.
I call forth the priesthood of believers who have been set apart to lead the way! Rise up and get ready to take those first steps. Gird up your loins to step into the deep and confront your fears. You have been equipped, prepared, and are not alone. This call is not dependent on one leader, but on a COMPANY of faith-filled, Spirit-empowered Kingdom carriers. Don’t worry about those behind you who are fearful or blind to the possibilities. Keep your eyes fixed on His promise and His presence and you will discover a depth of courage on the inside of you as you step out in faith. Embrace your assignment with conviction and passion, knowing the God of Wonders goes before you.
Great exploits are coming! The sorrows of the night are going to pass away as JOY comes in the morning and the dawn brings new hope. Even as the giants threaten and bear down, know that God has gone ahead of us with heaven’s host to perform miraculous deeds and supernatural wonders that will defy man’s unbelief.
The preparation time is ending and the mission is soon to begin. It’s time for the people of God to CROSS OVER into the land of giants with feats of courage that will rewrite history. Let’s take those first steps together and see the glory of heaven begin its work.
Does this message resonate with you? Leave a comment.
Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including “Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.” Follow her blog at
(Photo by Eddie & Carolina Stigson on Unsplash)
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This message is so spot on with the word of God and my testimony! I’ve been studying the word and partnering in prayer with IFA and two other groups as well as my Church and my journal echos these words you have written. Especially that God is calling His people – His Church and especially those of us He has Set Apart – to “Rise Up” and lead the way re
minding others of His PROMISE & His PRESENCE…These past few days I’ve known in my Spirit and in the word that it’s time to step into the River!
Thank you & Bless you for taking the time to share this
“Crossing Over” – I’m Ready to embrace this assignment with conviction & passion!
Yes! This message is exactly in line with what the Spirit has been saying to me. Thank you for articulating it so well!
Yes! And I won’t turn back. Like Caleb, in God’s Grace I and Gods other sons and daughters are well able to take the land.
“Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. DON’TWORRY ABOUT EVIL PEOPLE WHO PROSPER OR FRET ABOUT THEIR WICKED SCHEMES. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper. . .it only leads to harm. FOR THE WICKED WILL BE DESTROYED, BUT THOSE WHO TRUST IN THE LORD WILL POSSESS THE LAND. Soon the wicked will disappear. Though you look from them, they will be gone. The lowly will possess the land and will live in peace and prosperity. But the Lord just laughs, for He sees their day of judgement coming. The wicked draw their swords and string their bows to kill the poor and the oppressed, to slaughter those who do right. BUT THEIR SWORDS WILL STAB THEIR OWN HEARTS, AND THEIR BOWS WILL BE BROKEN (powerless, useless). It is better to be godly and have little than to be evil and rich. FOR THE STRENGTH OF THE WICKED WILL BE SHATTERED, BUT THE LORD TAKES CARE OF THE GODLY.” Psalm 37:1-17
This is a very timely word and bears great witness with many of the same things our Lord has spoken to me and others (Josh 1:10-13). Praise God and may we go forward with his great strength, boldness, and courage (Josh 1:7-8). May we do what we see our Father doing (John 5:19) in order for each member of the Body of Christ to do its part (Eph 4:11-13). God bless you all!
A few months ago When praying about the desperately needed changes for CT and this country to tear down principalities and powers the Holy Spirit impressed me in a special way to KEEP DECLARING the promise of Psalm 125 and insert special departments (health, WHO, CDC, education ect)….. and He keeps reminding me to continue proclaiming it. I feel that this verse has a special anointing for BREAKTHROUGH.
The more people declare the promise the more powerful the effect as Gods word is likened to a hammer that smashes rock. The longer and harder it’s hit- eventually it will break.
I strive to do those declarations 3 times a day inserting all the departments/ areas I can think of.
I got excited before I even read the first two paragraphs. I shared it on facebook, then finished reading the article. God has a plan. Count me in!
Count me in too!
At the Last Supper Jesus gave us a new commandment: to love on another as Jesus has loved us. So, let’s put on our Robe of Righteousness and walk forth into the Call that Jesus has given us!
Yes! I want to be part of this army which will rewrite history! Thank you for your instruction and encouragement!
Praise God
A resounding yes to this message.
In 2015, I sensed the Lord calling me to “pray for our country”. I felt a burden that would not cease that prompted me to pray and pray. The Lord spoke to me and said “remember your experiences of long ago, how I brought you through a personal spiritual battle, how I taught you how the enemy works, and gave you tactics to defeat him. You have more to learn, but be prepared, for a great battle is on the horizon”. So I began praying and God opened up my eyes to a spiritual battle that included almost every aspect of our country, including government, the church, entertainment, finance, and family. It literally had the potential to take our country down.. I began to see that the current President was in the center of this battle, and that evil had taken over so much of our country and even the world.
Along the way I went through some very dark places that tested me and ultimately helped me to be more dependent on God. I began to see a plan unfold to counter this evil. I saw people and institutions being used by these evil forces. As each year passed I understood a little bit more and my confidence in what God was doing increased. The only way to learn is to step out into the fray, sometimes make mistakes, seek comfort, heal the wounds, gird up and move forward.
I know some have been in this battle much longer than I have, like Wanda. I so appreciate her words of wisdom from the Lord. Yes the time is now where we are headed into uncharted territory. I clearly see my purpose over the last 5 yrs was to prepare, in the Spirit, for the battle that is about to take place. We are going to see the forces of God’s army confront the enemy in ways we have never seen. Truth is going to be revealed that will render the enemy helpless and drive him out. Control will shift from evil to those with good intentions. God will be our strength and will guide us every step of the way. We must not be afraid and be obedient to Him when he directs us. I truly believe if we do this, we will see the purposes of God carried out and the evil defeated.
I’m going to copy your comment to be a constant reminder for me.
Years ago I was facing a difficult decision. God whispered to me – “I know what you’re facing. I am watching how you respond. I just want you to just trust Me, for I have a plan for you.” It has been my go to promise in every situation, whether it’s physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, relationship, what ever. I trust in God and He always brings me through.
Thank You so much for your inspiration.
Psalm 24:1, 3-4 The earth is the LORD’S and everything in it. The world and all its people BELONG TO HIM. Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His Holy place? HE WHO HAS CLEAN HANDS AND A PURE HEART, WHO HAS NOT LIFTED UP HIS SOUL TO AN IDOL, NOR SWORN DECEITFULLY? Yes Lord, I desire clean hands and a pure heart. At this time Lord, we a are ALL washing our hands all day long. I lift up myself and all my brothers & sisters around this whole world, which is YOUR’S. Starting with me, I pray I would desire spiritually clean hands and a pure heart. As this whole world has stopped due to this invisible enemy, I know nothing is invisible to You LORD-NOTHING! You take the evil meant to destroy us and use it for our good! Open the eyes of of our hearts to see, confess and turn from the idols in our lives as well as any lies we tell ourselves and those around us. I pray we confess our sins, seek Your forgiveness for Your word tells us-the pure in heart shall see You!
Ps 24:8 Who is the King of glory? The LORD STRONG and MIGHTY, the LORD MIGHTY IN BATTLE!
I didn’t mean to post my prayer here, sorry!
I needed to hear those words. I’ve been praying daily for Revival for 3 years now. 2020 is the year of preparation. We must get ready!
Let’s put on the Armor of God. The earth is ripe with Harvest. Father confuse the enemy and clear the valleys. We will March at your command. In Jesus Name.
O Lord, with thanksgiving and with praise I come before You acknowledging that righteous and true are Thy judgments. We Thy people are Your house, O Lord. You have said Your house is a house of prayer, a most holy place, a habitation of the Lord, a house of meeting between Thyself and Thy people….yet we have filled Your house with a thousand idols of jealousy–substitutes, imitations, distractions–made by human hands, things that have drawn our hearts away from you…spending our strength and our times and our resources which You have so bountifully supplied…in service of the one greatest god of deception, the god of SELF. SELF has lured our hearts and crowded our lives with a multitude of things that have no eternal value. Lord, we have forgotten what it is to be a people distinct from all other peoples upon upon the earth. We have not imitated Thy Holy Son but we have imitated the world even in that which we have called “worship”, building religious kingdoms for ourselves and exalting a god of our own imagination whose name is SELF. We eluded Your voice have closed our ears to the Shepherd’s call in tuning our ears to noise and clamor of all the peoples around us.
O God, forgive! O God, have mercy and compassion on us once again –for Thy name’s sake! O God, remove and cleanse our hearts and our minds from every idol of SELF-LOVE that we would love the LORD our God with all of our hearts and minds and strength and serve Him only. Deliver us, Lord. Rescue us, Lord, from hearts divided and distracted and deluded by compromise and complacency.
O God, speak to us now in the quietness of the calamity which You have ordered upon the earth in the midst of this dark and perverted generation–this vast ceasing from labor and personal pursuit–and cause us to listen!
I cry to You, the God of Wonders to open our hearts to see YOU and to join YOU where YOU are in this great calamity we call coronavirus, for Your Word tells us that if a calamity occurs in a city that surely the LORD hath done it. Open our eyes to see the work of Thy hand and the desire of Thy heart and what is Your eternal purpose in this temporary calamity that has taken the whole earth by surprise into a captivity. O God, shut us in with THYSELF, deliver us from every idol of jealousy our hearts have served. Capture our hearts as Thy willing, grateful, joyful bond-servants.
Call out and raise up a people for Thyself to consecrate themselves that we might lift up holy hands to Thy name and abide in full surrender to YOUR government of our lives–that we might live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God every in every detail of our lives, every minute of every day of our lives–that You might be LORD and GOD to us in Spirit and in truth. You have placed the government of our lives upon the shoulders of the King of Glory Whom You have installed upon Zion–cause us to serve Him and Him only; however much the nations roar and devise their own counsel to rule the earth and to rule their lives and ours, fasten our full allegiance to Jesus Christ Alone!
Raise up a people who desire intimacy with You as our chief joy–who would gladly trade all the treasures and all the pleasures of this world to KNOW YOU, even as our brother, Your, a people who’s delight is to do Thy will, O God. Hear my cry, that all who would call You “Lord” and “Savior” would make it their ambition and their delight to be holy as You are holy and to be faithful even unto death.
Open blind eyes this day, Lord, to see you–to BEHOLD You–in the beauty of Thy holiness and who will seek You and find You and be with with You where You are, and follow where ever You lead on holy ground…all the days of our lives.
O! May it please You to hear and to grant us this request, that Your house would be cleansed and Your name would be honored among those upon whom You have set Your love.
“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in ignorance, but like the Holy One Who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.” ~ 1 Pet.1:14-16
Yes and Amen. Do we really think that God is sovereign and yet He does not have His hand on this pandemic? That it somehow is only from the enemy and God does not bring curses? Recheck 2 Chronicles 7:13 – “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people,” From what I have seen, we, his people, seem to be a little too caught up with focusing only on getting the Blessings and never talk about or we ignore what God said and demands: “If you obey me …” Do we really believe we are all walking in obedience? Are we only willing to look at others and their sins and not our own? It’s time to stop thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought.
Thank you, Cindy, for your comment. Mine was not an easy prayer to share; it comforts me to know there are others who share my burden. May the Lord hear our prayers and answer them according to His great faithfulness. Amen.
Amen and amen! This Passover/Crossing over time is the most significant in history, I believe, here in the USA and in Israel. We MUST have His presence and we must cross over as a company. Lord,help those that you are preparing to hear Your voice and command clearly in this hour and to band together with the others that You are calling. We must be strong and courageous and not terrified. You ahve given us the giants and the land. Amen.
I thank God for this message today. I am seeking the Lord but Hes calling me closer, upward, tighter with HIM and HIS presence. I am encouraged today to push forth and crossover. Again, thank you for your lead and perseverance in these times.
He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1John 4:4
Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. The cornerstone has been laid, our sure foundation. In the Mighty name of Jesus, the Authority of The Blood of The Lamb, and the help of The Holy Spirit, I will follow where He leads for He alone has the Words of Eternal Life. With a heart of thanksgiving and a mouth full of praise and worship to our King, we join together with shouts of “Grace, grace to it” in The name of The Great I Am amen. Zechariah 4: 6-7
Wanda, Thank you,for sharing with us what the Lord has given you to encourage the Body of Christ.
Yes! This resounds with my spirit! Thank you Wanda!
This resounds with conversation and prayer of an intercessors group last night. It is time. Stay the course. Keep your eyes on the ark (look up, your redemption draws near) … for we have not been this way before.
Wow wow Wow
These truths brought me to tears
Hallelujah- so be it
Yes & AMEN
I agree with this message. I believe this is a time for prayer and repentance for believers. Yes to set apart ourselves from this worlds system and ways and false doctrines of man and deception that has sneaked into the churches of America. I believe Elohim will manifest His power in the coming days and as the children of Israel had to believe and trust YeHoVah to prepare a table for them in the desert so will we. Though they questions His ability to do so. Could God set a table for them in the wilderness? We must build our faith up so as not to fall into unbelief as they did. “ Father build up our faith that we can endure to the end with courage. Build up our faith that we will believe in your provision and be a light to a dark world. It is not by our might, or by our power but by YOUR SPIRIT” AMEN
Oh God in heaven thank you for this powerful word from Joshua in the encouraging word of the great plan and purpose that you have lying before us! There is no reason to fear when you empower your people and your promises. Please stir me to action with the confidence that you are before, beside and behind me. Thank you for your great promises that are ever true and held by you!
I definitely feel this in my spirit! I have had war horse dreams followed by prophetic words that it’s time for the bride to rise up in the saddle and prepare for victory! I see this is happening! Come on remnant….it’s time to ride!
Yes! When I think of the importance of God’s presence, I’m reminded of Moses, who basically said, “If You don’t go with me, Lord, I’m not going” God MUST be in us, and before us, and all around us,so that we are completely drenched in Him as we go. Let us seek His presence fervently! Then He will lead us into the battle(s) we were meant to wage!
Oh Lord, Our God, Praise be to the One who goes before us, who grants us all courage and wisdom as we move beyond fear to faithful obedience. Lord, let Your power be seen and Your presence be known as You destroy this virus. Let the nay sayers be brought to shame and those that mock and curse You be shown Your great Truth and Power! Lord, prepare the hearts and minds of Your Church to stand firm and speak truth! What can man do to us? Nothing, because we have been purchased by the Blood of Jesus Christ! We belong to You, Lord Jesus! Give us Your courage and strength as we pass through the waters! We love You and We trust You! In Your Powerful and Perfect Name, We pray! Maranatha, Lord Jesus Come!
This word is exactly what I’ve been hearing the lord say to me. What a confirmation! Thank you!
Amen and amen! I do believe the Lord is preparing us to possess the land. Even though the Giants of evil seem powerful, if the church will rise up and trust God we will see amazing deliverance! Thank you Lord and Wanda Alger!
Just a question—since there was 40 years in the wilderness before the “crossing over”. Wonder if there will be a time of wilderness first, a time of testing, before the “ crossing over”?
There was 40 years in the wilderness because of the unbelief and fear of all but Caleb and Joshua. God would have taken them into the wilderness sooner if they would have believed God’s greatness and power would go before them.
This may seem like an odd thought, but Woodstock ushered in a sexual revolution and drug culture in 1969 and Roe v Wade came in 1973. Maybe we have been in the wilderness for the past 50 years and it is time to reclaim our promised land.
I totally believe that as prayer warriors unite in purpose that God will show himself strong in our behalf. You will go before us with light and power and we will see miracles. I pray that President Trump will have the wisdom of Solomon to handle this pandemic future. A spirit of prayer and repentance and humility must come upon God‘s people and ultimately to the unsaved to draw them to Christ.
“Christ in you, the hope of glory”. This was so good for me!! I see the “crossing over” that must take place today!! Lord, help us to be courageous in You, to trust You and be obedient to the Call you have on us!
“only those who embrace this responsibility that can walk in the authority attached to the call. It is only those who are willing to carry His presence and steward His promise that can lead the way for others.”
Not by power, not by might, but by MY Spirit, says the LORD of Hosts (war).