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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that our younger generations would fear You and that we would see revival among those generations of children.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

I feel strongly to post a vision I received in 2013 of a generation freed from the belly of a snake that had swallowed it. It spoke of the battle for the minds of this generation of youth, and of the increase of persecution that would come against Christians from the secular humanists. . . .

We can reclaim this generation, the media, and education:

I had a vision of an eagle circling over Philadelphia, who then swooped down to pull out a serpent which had been laced through the 13 original colonies, and whose head and mouth were over Massachusetts. This serpent had swallowed a generation of young people into its belly, where they were trapped in deep darkness.

I understood this serpent to be related to the sprit of the “Prince of Greece”, of secular humanism, and it had especially swallowed young leaders attending East Coast universities, and especially the Ivy League universities in the Northeast of America. This spirit of the Prince of Greece, of secular humanism, promotes the worship of man’s mind, beauty, sexuality, and physical strength.

As intercessors cried out, the eagle grabbed this serpent between it’s claws, took it up, and then ripped it apart, with this young generation released from the prison of its belly, and parachuting down on the East Coast to become points of burning fire in the darkness.

I saw this dealing with this serpent had the potential, if guarded and fathered, of growing into a “Third Great Awakening”. At the same time, we can expect increasingly violent persecution to come from secular humanists against Christians, but if we persevere, it will only fuel great growth in this new move of the Lord upon this generation of young adults. [November 2013] . . .

Share your prayers for the younger generations in the comments below. . .

(Excerpt from Succat Hallel- House of Prayer. Article by Rick Ridings. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Sharon Culp
February 26, 2021

Lord I pray against the works of Satan that places our children and people in bondage. Set their minds free and I pray they would hear the TRUTH and be set free and receive Salvation.
Lord Jesus died for the souls of all people and we pray that Spiritual blindness be removed and they will receive the Good News, repent and believe. Greater are You O Lord than he that rules this World. Thy will be done and all the Glory is to You our Redeemer, Savior and Abba Father. In Jesus name. Amen

Dawn Beth Beck
February 26, 2021

Father we bind this serpent spirit of deception in Jesus name!! I pray the blood of Jesus over this collegiate generation, Father God take the scales off their eyes and open their ears to truth, Your Truth, the only Truth, King Jesus!! Send Your lovers into their midst with revelation knowledge and wake them from sleep In JesusName

    Marlene Bickel
    February 26, 2021

    as well as their minds. Old expression of ” seeing with your minds eye”
    And adding all children from this time on from college age down to the unborn……….
    Agreeing in prayer with all intercessors in the Name of Jesus. Amen

February 26, 2021

We must pray most diligently against Satan’s delusions over the minds of government leaders in our country. Jesus will overcome.

Pat M
February 26, 2021

Jesus, come again to this former heavenly-rescued land! We repent for being casual about and with You. We have lost honor for You. We have lost honor for one another. We have lost honor for Your creation. We are at a rock-bottom moment Creator God…a place that 50 years ago we could not foresee in the comfort, leisure, freedoms and rights we thought we had. Forgive our casual relationship with You, using You like a genie to meet our every self-centered “need” which was really a pagan mentality. That serpent devoured us and we need the heavenly rescue of Your eagle angels to release us to heal the confusion, manipulation, deception and intimidation of our common enemy. Thank You that You never leave us or forsake us…call us into righteousness we likely never had…

Pamela Hernandez
February 26, 2021

Lord our children need you the enemy has no hold on the young generation I pray

Lori Meed
February 26, 2021

I was at that meeting, in Valley Forge, when the vision was shared. There was a great travailing that day among the participants. We felt the delight and the sobriety of that image. Still praying into it.

    Susan CC
    February 26, 2021

    What an experience! I got this in an email and was so encouraged that I shared it on the “DEMONS ARE FLEEING EVEN NOW” page. I pray this vision has been guarded and fathered and WILL BE a reality for the children of our nation, Israel’s, Iran’s, China’s, Russia’s, Europe’s, all children in a global awakening. Bring our children out of the darkness into the light Father God. I ask you do this for Your Glory and their good. Pray for them Jesus, move in them powerfully, Holy Spirit. Amen

Christine Bremser
February 26, 2021

Jesus let Your light shine. Your truth be manifested in the hearts & minds of Your people in this nation to shut down the Equality Act.

Donna Liput
February 26, 2021

Why would the church depart from the Word and allow secular humanism in? God is the creator. God is the center. God is the sovereign. We are separated from Him by sin. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Our children have to be taught from the word of God from the time they are born until we send them off. Secular humanism is destroying the church. Because we don’t understand it it is creeping in…. it has crept in…. and unsuspecting believers have bought into it. Secular humanism means man is the center of all things, not Christ. Not the Father who has given us His only Son to die for our sins and raised Christ from the dead and dwells in us by the Holy Spirit. Without Christ no man will see God. Without Christ man will suffer eternal separation from God. Remember Our children aren’t “ grandfathered” into the kingdom. They must realize for themselves their need of a savior. Unless we teach them they won’t know. We have to teach them ourselves. Dropping them off and expecting them to learn about Salvation through Christ alone from someone else isn’t good. Just like Everything in the garage isn’t a car neither is everyone in the church building a believer. Test every spirit to see if it’s of God. Nothing can be assumed any longer. If we are going to take back the generations it must start with the believing parents. Our children are our mission field. Lord, forgive us. We are sorry. Help us raise our own children is the fear and nurture of the Lord. In Jesus name I pray amen 🙏

    Shirley p
    February 26, 2021

    We have a generation of children that definitely are and have been swallowed up by Satan through all the witchcraft videos, movies, toys.. books like Harry Potter…all made to tempt, tantalize, entertain what looks innocent through cleverly devised formats..like Walt Disney, and other animation movies that insert subtly or now even more out right obvious sins… Like adding gay characters to desensitize us to that being a sin lifestyle. And videos that emphasize murder as a game..a demonic spirit. And witchcraft fun and games..casting spells, wedgie boards, etc. their parents allowed this! Adults dress with skeleton images and their are children’s clothing with cute skeleton pictures! This is marking oneself with an invitation to promote death not life, an open invitation to Satan to who is an easy target..the ignorant of Satan’s mo..rob children of their innocence, kill, destroy them of a safe future. We have an epidemic of suicide among young people.
    Christian adults be educated how to safe guard yourselves and your children from Satan who comes looking for whom he may devour! Be knowledgeable about the enemy and resist (take action), rebuke his actions through Jesus name and apply actively the Blood of Jesus over everything, everyone for protection against every demon, spirit of Satan that reveals itself. and above all actively speak the word of God, His double edge sword to slay the enemy in his tracks!
    Jesus and the disciples spent a huge majority of time casting demons out of people young and old, believers are not exempt. We cannot have the Holy Spirit possesed by Satan but our minds and bodies are an open field to be oppressed and influenced in bondage form because we are flesh and blood, human. Satan tempted Jesus mind and body in the wilderness. Jesus showed us we can resist, rebuke Satan. We need to be Jesus people and be deliverance, casting out demons, healing ministers people like He and the true disciples were.

Linda Madrigal
February 26, 2021

Dear Lord we cry out to you today to stop this Equaily Act. This cannot take place of our children This is evil against our nation and parents right to protect our young children . We pray that you bind every schemes of the devil that only wants to harm our children. We pray for God’s protection over this evil act. Prayers also for women’s right to stop men playing in the sports with women to use the same bathroom. We pray against this unlawful act of the schemes in Jesus name . Amen

Sherry Mallory
February 26, 2021

Lord, we cry out for our children. In Your might and power we ask that You bind and destroy ever evil scheme set up to take control of the youth in our nation. Invade our education system, from elementary school to colleges and universities. We ask that You stop the distorted ungodly curriculum that is set up to brainwash and control our innocent children. Open the Heavens over these institutions and fill the atmosphere with Holy Spirit and Your presence. Penetrate the minds and souls of every student, teacher, administrator and parent. Open their eyes and hearts to Godly truths and cause a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Break the curse over our children and free them from any unknown agreements they have made with the enemy. Forgive us for not being a stronger voice in the past. Give us Your wisdom and courage to combat these ungodly issues as we partner with You. O, Lord it’s Your Kingdom here on earth that we cry out for. We confidently declare that You reign and Your promises are yes and amen. All hope is in You.

    Shirley pedersen
    February 26, 2021

    Sherry, I do not fault you entirely for your lack of understanding about authority for it has been very wrongly taught by many leaders of the church, thus harming the Body of Christ greatly to this day, myself included! But we are told to rightly decipher the word of God ourselves, do not believe everything preached, taught…ask the Holy Spirit for understanding of His word.

    Jesus defeated Satan once and for all and made a public spectacle of him by the cross. But He returned to Heaven to be our High Priest, our intercessor for us to the Father. Why? Because He had all authority in the heavenly realms (including Satan’s 2nd Heaven) and earthly realm authority. He prays for us to follow in His footsteps, we are His body on earth to enforce the victory over Satan and his demons Jesus accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. Now we are commissioned by the power of the Holy Spirit to be His army, His royal priesthood to carry on, decommissioning Satan and his army, in Jesus name.

    And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be Head (High Priest) over everything “To The Church Which is His Body”, the Fullness of Him who fills everything in every way! See Eph1:17-23.
    Note how it emphasizes the need for the Holy Spirit first, not man to give you wisdom, revelation, be enlightened to our inheritance of power and authority in Christ!

    In Mark 16:14-20. Jesus rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith then goes on to tell them what authority He has given them to do In His name… go preach,,drive out demons, speak in a new tongue, take on Satan, heal the sick…then He was taken to Heaven!

    By grace we have been saved and God raised us up with Christ and “seated us with Him” in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus! Eph 2:4b-6
    This is a position of great, important partnership authority with Jesus.

    Now you, Sherry are a chosen people (person) a royal priesthood….belonging to God, to carry on the assignments He gives you with a new boldness of who you are in Him, His Spirit! See 1Peter 2: 4,5…2: 9-11. Shalom!

    Reply Report comment moderated
    February 28, 2021

    AMEN!!! Thank You Sherry for your powerful prayer for young people and children. I so agree and I copied it so I can read and pray it often. 🙏

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