I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for DeSantis' decision. Use this assistance to secure and protect our southern border, Father!
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Florida is working with Texas to solve our nation’s border crisis.

From Breitbart. Florida is sending assistance to Texas as part of a greater effort to secure the southern border, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced on Tuesday.

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“The impacts of Biden’s Border Crisis are felt by communities across the nation, and the federal government’s abdication of duty undermines the sovereignty of our country and the rule of law,” DeSantis said in an official statement, announcing that Florida is deploying assets to the Lone Star State to assist in addressing the border crisis, particularly in the wake of Title 42 lifting last week. …

According to the governor’s office, assets include 200 Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) officers, 800 Florida National Guardsmen, 101 Florida Highway Patrol troopers, 20 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officers, and 20 individuals working in Emergency Management. Additionally, Florida is sending what the DeSantis office described as 17 “unmanned aerial vehicles,” ten vessels, two Mobile Command Vehicles, and “five available fixed wing aircraft with monitoring equipment and downlink capabilities with two aviation crew teams.”

Resources are ready to deploy in the next 24 hours, according to the governor’s office. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Greg Bulla on Unsplash)

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June 3, 2023

Thank God for God’s people working together to protect our nation.

MN. LAURA DeGatana
May 20, 2023

Our God is good, all the time. And Gov. DeSantis will be greatly blessed by God, as HE WILL SEND OUT HIS MIGHTY ANGELS TO ASSIST IN THIS BORDER CONFUSION.

Herb Johnston
May 19, 2023

I was just reading about 2 days ago-, I forget who it was-, but they went down to the border and I only read and follow conservative and Christian sources-,so but they were down there, and the national guard.. which I understand had already been down there.. not indicating what is mentioned in this article-, about the forces that Governor DeSantis are sending.. were just standing around doing nothing- because the Biden regime had ordered them to stand down.
As I am considering this, I am reminded, I believe- by.. the holy spirit.. that I am joined at this moment, – and in related moments here on this platform.. by thousands of people at any given time-,and I am very grateful for that. We must pray that the forces of Darkness that weigh down that put pressure on this issue and on the border-,and that cloud the minds and oppress the heart’s minds and Souls of our current regime- is lifted and eradicated- and that God allows all the forces that we have to not only be sent to the Border-,but to actually be able to take action.. I am very thankful for what governor DeSantis has acted on.. but we probably need at least 10 to 20 times that amount of reinforcement sent.. all of course with the added mission of caring for those that are not terrorists and criminals and sorting it out.. we must also pray that the military age Chinese men that are being deployed through the border.. which are tens of thousands.. somehow the Lord will protect us from them because what is happening-, is that vast armies are being siphoned through the border -,that will be used to turn on us.. it does not matter if they are criminals or not.. if they are of an anti-christian and anti-American mindset- and have been used because they are being controlled, and will honor & obey the wishes of their communist Chinese party-, their overlords- they will attack us.. it will take a miraculous move of God to protect us. Many times Israel was out manned and outnumbered and outgunned.. or “out arrowed”.. and the Lord through confusion into their midst.. & of course, the story of Elisha..
“The mountain around Elisha was full of fiery horses and chariots.”
Good News Translation
-Then he prayed,
(2nd kings 6:17..)
“O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!” The LORD answered his prayer, and Elisha’s servant looked up and saw the hillside covered with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
This is what we’re going to need.. we need the Holy Spirit to change the hearts and Minds of the tyrants that are in power now..that power was stolen.. that tyranny was allowed to happen.. it was not stopped.
Lord, I just pray a simple prayer that you would move in the hearts of minds of those in the department of defense.. and whatever other department of government is overseeing this Lord.. let a miraculous intervention happen where.. as you have caused Israel’s enemies to fight against each other in confusion-, in the old testament.. let the miraculous happen all along the border of Southern California and Arizona and New Mexico and Texas.. that guardian angels and holy spirit powered beings would descend Lord and rescue us Lord.. let the innocent and hungry people be transported somewhere where they can be cared for lord.. let the criminals Lord be sent back.. and as far as all of these Chinese Nationals that are young men of military age-,and not just the Chinese, but all that would work as a force against us internally-, in our country.. Lord-,help us to stand against them Lord we ask you in this prayer to move against them that they would be rendered impotent- Lord-, that they would come to nothing ,Lord- that they would fall to their knees in tears and repentance Lord and it would be a witness unto your glory for all the world to see.. and let our national Reawakening and Revival take precedence and guide the hearts and Minds of all of our government and all of our military Lord. Otherwise Lord I shudder to think what we are in for.. as average families Lord.. must be protected Lord.. we are no match for what is coming Lord -,we need you. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Laura K
May 19, 2023

Lord thank you for Gov DeSantis decision to help out at the border. I applaud his action and ask that other people in positions of authority and power would take similar action. I ask also that you would send your angels to surround Gov Desantis, his family, his paid staff and his volunteers and to wage warfare over the demonic forces that are behind this ludicrous dropping of Title 42.


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