I Prayed have prayed
Lord, please direct this hearing and the entire impeachment inquiry, and let Your justice be done.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

An impeachment inquiry involving President Biden begins today.

From National Review. House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) announced Monday the names of the three witnesses for President Joe Bidenā€™s first impeachment-inquiry hearing thatā€™s scheduled for later this week. ā€¦

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


Forensic accountant Bruce Dubinsky, the Justice Department Tax Divisionā€™s former assistant attorney general Eileen Oā€™Connor, and George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley will testify as to whether Biden was involved in foreign business dealings with his son since becoming vice president in 2009.

Dubinsky has more than 40 years of financial investigative and dispute consulting experience, has served as an expert witness more than 100 times, and has testified in more than 80 trials, such as those involving criminal and civil financial fraud.


Oā€™Connor, serving in the Justice Departmentā€™s Tax Division for six years, has overseen the departmentā€™s litigation of civil, criminal, trial, and appellate tax cases.

Turley, who has been repeatedly outspoken about the Biden familyā€™s alleged financial crimes, has published work in constitutional law and legal theory. ā€¦

The hearing will be held in the Rayburn House Office Building at 10Ā a.m.Ā Thursday.

What are your prayers? Please post in the comments.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit:Ā Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

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Jerome H.
November 4, 2023

Lord Father,
I pray in Jesus name that your Holy Spirit, would come upon those who are practicing wickedness and dishonesty. Make Yourself known to them by any means of what You think is best. Protect the people of our nation in spite of the evil decisions that our governmental leaders have made. For there seems to be no stability because of justice not being exercised in the land. And one who receives a bribe over throws a nation.(Proverbs 29:4). Oh, I pray that You would honor the prayers of the righteous and be glorified through Your perfect plan in Jesus name amen.

Teri Nealand
October 3, 2023

I pray to and for all that Jesus sees us trying our best to stop the devil & his evil co-workers. Please let us see as Y, Jesus, see, so we can stop the evil, vice, refusal to follow the one and only Book Jessus wrote for all of us to follow. Right now, there is a Synod of Synodality taking place. (My interpretation of this: is that 5 Cardinals were chosen to read the word of God. They discuss aspects of the church perhaps. Same sex marriage. priests becoming married. I stopped reading there. The bible clearly states no same sex marriages. This will lead to more evil, chaos, bedlam and more separation. This is NOT the road we should be following. Follow the Blessed Mother & the Saints. For they follow Christ. They also pray for us. Lord, please guide us to our heavenly homes, to Share peace with you and each other’s good will.

Kathy Emahiser
October 2, 2023

Father, we look solely to you. Using your mighty authority and power, let your justice be done in this proceeding. I ask this in Jesusā€™ name, amen. Thank you father.

October 2, 2023

Please Lord expose the evil and corruption from the roots up. Help us to replace our incompetent and corrupt leadership with God fearing leaders not afraid to do the right thing.

Grant Windholz
October 2, 2023

You’re the ultimate judge Lord God Almighty! You see everything that has been going on. Please reveal the truth in this messed up political country we live in!

Glenda Ott
October 2, 2023

I pray that justice will prevail and that the truth will be exposed.

Dawn Siler
September 30, 2023

Jesus, you are the way, the TRUTH and the life. We ask fir your presence in those hearings and that you would bring a Spirit of conviction and confession.
We ask that the words spoken would bear much fruit both in the main stream media and in minds and hearts of every American.
In Jesus mighty Name, Amen.

September 29, 2023

Lord, guide this impeachment and let justice be done. Let the investigations be clear and

September 29, 2023

Thankyou Father for exposing of corruption. Lord heal our land

    R M
    October 1, 2023

    Rae, God works incrementally. Constitution-disrespecting Sen. Dianne Feinstein is gone now, prayers answered. The USA is for sale to billionaires. That’s all one reads about – billionaires including heathen George Soros. God has a lot more clean up to do.

September 29, 2023

And the judgment is based on this fact: Godā€™s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.ā€ All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.l John.3.19-20. NLT

Kathy Emahiser
September 28, 2023

Father, let everything hidden come out in the open and truth prevail. No matter how strong the alleged wall of lies and deception has been built, I thank you that you will bring it down and justice will be served. I also pray that the hearts of those involved will change and they will invite Jesus into their hearts. I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

September 28, 2023

Let Your JUST JUDGMENT prevail deqr Lord in Jesus mighty Nqme.. qmen

Timothy Lester
September 28, 2023

We need to pray that our Senators – who to date have no interest in protecting the public from the Democratic Party or protecting God’s law and our children – will wake up.

September 28, 2023

In reading these comments below, I see why our country is in this shape today! GOD is looking for TRUE AND SAVED intercessors to pray HIS Will! FATHER GOD please put joe biden OUT OF OFFICE IMMEDIATELY SO EVERYONE IN THE WORLD WILL SEE IT! Let him be held accountable for all of the destructions he has allowed to come to America and to Americans! FATHER GOD please expose what is going on with this taxpayer money joe is giving to Ukraine! Expose every pocket this money is going into in our country and abroad! Please give our congress a backbone to represent Americans and to stop giving in to joes plans to destroy America! FATHER GOD YOU care for us and desire that we prosper and be in good health as our soul prospers! Please forgive biden and save his soul even as you unceremoniously kick him and his entire gang out of office quickly in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Thomas Byrnes
September 28, 2023

It is about time something is being done to bring “The Biden Family” to justice.

Nancy Bryda
September 28, 2023

Let God arise and his enemies be scattered during these impeachment hearings. Jesus is Lord over DC despite what the enemy believes as this is a territorial taking season for the ekklesia in this parting of the Red Sea moment. The enemy was swallowed up in a mighty rushing current of justice as the wheels feel off the chariots.

    September 29, 2023

    Amen! To God be the Glory in these hearings. Continue to bring credible whistleblowers forward with truth. And we confess Jesus is Lord over the media! . We speak the name of Jesus over the media covering this!
    Let God arise, His enemies be scattered.
    In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.

September 28, 2023

Lord, I pray, very simply, for Your balance of mercy and justice. in all of the world situations including this one. I am thankful that no one but you are pin charge because you are the invisible, immortal, all wise God. When you do carry out your justice, it is with all knowledge of the facts coupled with your wisdom, which is far higher than ours.

Susan Allen
September 28, 2023

I pray he is impeached. I feel he stole the election to begin with, and has inflicted this country with non-Christian values and has allowed Satan to have his way with this country. I pray to God a good Christian man takes his place.

Pam Zook
September 28, 2023

Lord we pray you confound the wicked and give wisdom to the righteous. You know the prayer of our heart is for Godly leaders who look intently on the welfare of our nation. We thank you for always hearing our prayers.

September 28, 2023

Praying for over a year for Hunter. He is crying out inside for relief. May he cry out to Jesus. And confess all to Him and to us. Massive clean-up of all gov entities.

September 28, 2023

I pray that all input and results from this action be used for Gods grace and his wants and needs for America.

Michelle Phillips
September 28, 2023

Please impeach Biden. This Country is in chaos! The invasion at the borders is not right. We have a lot of homeless people in the US already! They need to be taken care of first. Our hard earned taxpayer money should not be going to a corrupt war and country, Ukraine. Please investigate wire transfers to Biden and Shell COā€™s for bribery. He also should be charged with not paying taxes on bribery $ received. He has ignored excession inflation and has caused it. Mortgage rates are highest in 23 yrs, and so are gas prices! He also appears to not be mentally capable of the position.

Alberta Boss
September 28, 2023

Inform yourself. PRAY for guidance from God. VOTE your beliefs, your convictions.

September 28, 2023

God’s will be done in this inquiry, and I am in cooperation with the blueprints of heaven assisted by the heavenly hosts as directed by Father and Son. Holy Spirit hover over this event today. I declare justice over DC and a binding of any hindering spirits trying to manipulate or control or twist this event. There is resistance against the enemy in a ramping up whirlwind in Jesus’s name.

Ron Glenn Deere
September 28, 2023

We need to pray for the truth to win out, whatever it is. This is because TRUTH is the most important thing here, NOT politics.

September 28, 2023

I am in prayer that he is impeached and it goes through. Also that his son is held accountable for not just the gun incident but for his crimes against our country

Bridget Jentzsch
September 28, 2023

Father, We know you are not slow when it comes to justice, but patient, not wanting anyone to perish, but for all to come to repentance. Even now, we pray for hearts to change, for conviction to come upon those whose eyes have been blinded to their sin, willful or otherwise. Even so, your Kingdom come to our government, and your will be done. We trust your judgement above our own. We love an honor you, Amen.

September 28, 2023

Father You are the Sovereign King over all. Justice flows from Your thrown. This country was established in a covenant with You and we declare that covenant with You over our land. I pray that righteousness and justice return. That all the plans of the enemy are defeated. I pray for all of the unrighteous to be removed from office. Let them tremble in fear those that mock You with their evil schemes knowing that You are Judge over all creation. Turn the hearts of America back to You. Bring the prodigals back. Let us finish our race as Your servants. Strengthen Your people Father to bring in Your great harvest of souls. Prepare us for the battle is upon us. Cover us in Your armor, fill us with Holy fire and zeal. We declare that America was birthed for You in covenant with our forefathers and America shall be saved.
In the Mighty Name above all Jesus our Messiah. Amen

    September 28, 2023

    Father, we know that we do not wrestle against flesh, but against the powers and principalities of darkness and his cohorts who from the beginning has wanted power, lust, greed, death destruction and to take Your place, to be like You! He is so far from being like You, as YOU are love, he is filled with such hated, He is trying hard to set up his kingdom and take as many as he can with him.. he took 1/3 of the angels.
    We know that ALL this must take place,Your Word says so. End times prophecy in Your Word says to look for these things in Matt 24, Lawlessness, lovers of themselves, etc…and these are just the birth pangs of whats to come. Father make our foreheads like flint, make us gentle as doves, and wise as serpents. Let us be focused on what Your heart is focused on….planting seeds, sharing the great gospel message, loving You and our neighbors as ourselves. Help and strengthen us to keep running this race, eye on the prize! We love and adore You LORD. Let not my will be done, but YOURS…in Jesus Mighty Name I pray! Maranatha…

Brian Lynch
September 28, 2023

First and foremost, this is an inquiry, not an actual impeachment. Lord Jesus, You are in control of everything, including these inquiry proceedings. I pray that Your will might be done. You see the bigger picture, and You know what is best for our nation. We need to let the results be in Your hands. Thank You, Jesus.

September 28, 2023

Obama, Biden crime family,
Clinton, Pelosi, Comey, Wray, Clapper, Brennan, Miley, deep state swamp

Doroth Haynes
September 28, 2023

Father God let your kingdom come and your will be done. Your truth will always catch and overcome Satan’s lies. I believe this is what had to happen because the entire thing was a lie, and it was through lies and scheming that those who serve were placed in office. This could not continue, but you had a purpose it allowing it to happen because there were things you wanted to reveal. Now it is time for this evil to come to an end. Lord have your way during these impeachments proceedings. Protect the whistleblowers and all of the people that will testify, in Jesus name. Let the truth be revealed. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen!!!

Carolyn Evans
September 28, 2023

praying that all Evil Doers be exposed and brought to justice!

Debi Gamache
September 28, 2023

Father, Your words says the You love justice and that everything that is done in darkness will be brought to light. We are trusting in our God, the God of justice and truth. We also pray that the eyes and understanding of people will be enlightened. The devil has deceived them they are believing lies. We pray that their eyes and ears will be opened in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Deanna Huntsman
September 28, 2023

Praying the truth will be revealed to all and that justice will be upheld. Our entire government needs to be judged and all the wiicked have to answer for what they have done to all in America. Praise God.

Jeri Saunders
September 28, 2023

Father we ask “let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done ” today as testimony is heard. We ask for full exposure, that every deceptive deed done in darkness would come to the light. May justice be rendered from Your throne in the courts of heaven.

Pastor Gerald Waldron
September 28, 2023

Abba Father, thank you for your just and true self. Let these hearings reveal to the world, the corrupt and deceitful behavior of whoever is involved. Let your will be done. I pray this in Jesus’s name…Amen!!!
I’m blessed to be in this country. I’m not proud of the administration for its deceit and hidden agenda. May God’s will be done here. Come Lord Jesus, come!!@

September 28, 2023

ā€œHashem annuls the atzat Goyim (***plan of the Goyim);
He foils the machsh’vot Amim (***schemes of the peoples).
The atzat Hashem standeth firm l’olam, the machsh’vot of His lev l’dor va’dor (from generation to generation).ā€
ā€­ā€­Tehillimā€¬ ā€­33ā€¬:ā€­10ā€¬-ā€­11ā€¬ ā€­TOJB2011ā€¬ā€¬

Father you said YOU would annul the plans of the nations and foil the schemes of the peoples! We believe Your Word and stand firm on it, for Your heart plans are from generation to generation! We thank You now in Jesusā€™s name, for His Glory AMEN

Daryl Perkins
September 28, 2023

I just hope they get to the truth. I do believe Joe Biden is corrupt,hard not to be after 40 years in politics. Joe Biden has sent hard after Trump

September 28, 2023

Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. I thank you that where His Light shines, darkness must flee. I declare His Light over this world, our nation and in particular this morning over this impeachment hearing. Proverbs 12:19 tells us “Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.” We decree that now is the time for truth and the time for lying is over. Father, we trust in You and Your word alone. I speak faith, endurance and boldness into Your Remnant and all yet-to-be believers and I praise Your Holy Name. Amen

Cheryl K Reeves
September 28, 2023

Lord, I pray protection over the witnesses, the people in the whole impeachment process , I pray protection over them, and their families against any evil, that might try to come against them to stop this hearing or hearings in the future. Let all that was done in secret be revealed & justice be served. I pray also for any involved in the crimes come to true repentance & lives be changed to walk in Gods light & not in evilā€™s darkness & give God all glory due Him in Jesus name.

Deborah Gilbert
September 28, 2023

Father, we ask for truth and swift justice to prevail. May every lie and deceitful thing be exposed with sound proof leaving no doubt. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you gracious Heavenly Father!

Lisa Sharpe
September 28, 2023

Lord, I pray that these hearings would not become a national fight between factions. Rather make these hearings a united search for truth that brings about justice.

Maureen Peronne
September 28, 2023

Please Get out all the facts and punish him like he deserves. God will do that just like he is doing right now to him. Canā€™t speak correctly canā€™t walk. You canā€™t steal money from foreign countries and not pay for it god will get you I promise

Proverbs Lover
September 28, 2023

Proverbs 29:16 When evil men are in power, crime increases. But the righteous will live to see the downfall of such men. Proverbs 11: 7 When a wicked man dies, his hope dies within him. Confidence placed in riches comes to nothing. Proverbs 29:18 A nation without God’s guidance is a nation without order.

Jeff Johnson
September 28, 2023

This hearing is pure theater. I pray that we see this. Amen.

September 28, 2023

Our nation is facing one too many problems even the experts cant or wont do what is best for the majority. Enough is enough!…

September 28, 2023

We The Majority Of People In The United States Of America are worthy and must have “UNITY, EQUALITY, PROSEPRITY MOST OF ALL QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS.” Our leaders arent honoring our lives well at all in our society and world today…

Beverly Armijo
September 28, 2023

Heavenly Father, please guide these hearings, and expose and bring down these evil doers and all who would harm America & Israel,
Lord we know there are many good men & women serving us in Congress, but there are those that have sold themselves to the evil one in their greed for power & money, Expose and bring them down Father.
In Jesus Precious name!

September 28, 2023

The majority of Americans cannot continue to stand idly by and no longer be treated as if were nothing other than tools for profit, burdens much less not worthy of what serves our well -being while we endure political power hungry games at the expense of we the people’s best interests, freedoms, rights etc. Where is this nation headed? Today more than ever we must do all that is in order to have serious positive changes for current & future generations are at stake of financial lack & major losses they nay not be able to recover from, sure to regret, lives ruined by powers at be who’s agenda we cant afford. Theres too many power & control forces seeking to dictate over the masses, no equality and issues in all directions unable resolve Concerned more than ever us American citizens are facing chaos & disaster among many other complexities in the future causing what amounts to senseless struggling & suffering with no relief or recourse of action in sight. ” WHAT JUST FIGHT , FIGHT , FIGHT OUR LIVES AWAY?”.

    Michele Snow
    September 28, 2023

    Thy will be done, Lord.


    Michele S.

Vern Karnstedt
September 28, 2023

Woke Democrats do not care about the Truth.

    September 28, 2023

    They will …. when they feel or experience God’s WRATH!!

September 28, 2023

Father you promise that what is done in the dark will be brought to light and we stand on your word that this will happen in this investigation. Your will Father.

Jamie Hotelling
September 28, 2023

ā€œGod is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows he shall reap!ā€ I continually pray that all corruption from Biden on down is exposed and that all truth is brought into Godā€™s light. I pray that Biden and all corrupt government officials humble themselves, confess their sins, and truly turn from their wicked ways. Then God the righteous Judge will heal our land.

September 28, 2023

Full justice and no compromising. Enough cover-up and corruption. I pray that God will co tiniest to bring everything out into the light and that he will protect those that will come forward.

Amy Harlib
September 28, 2023


Michael Robert Blevins
September 28, 2023

Let it be so, Amen and Amen


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