I Prayed have prayed
Thank You, Lord, for this settlement! Bring an end to government censorship and meddling, especially in medicine and health.
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The FDA has chosen to settle in a court case, forcing it to take down its many statements and posts mocking and criticizing ivermectin as a treatment for COVID.

From The HighWire. The FDA has settled a court case that alleged the agency overstepped with its campaign against ivermectin. The federal agency needs to remove every post or statement they made against ivermectin. This includes the most viewed post for the FDA on the platform X, in which they state, “You’re not a horse, stop it.”

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The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) issued a press release regarding the settlement. Paul E Marik, M.D., was a plaintiff in the case and is the chairman and chief scientific officer of the FLCCC Alliance (FLCCC). He said, “The FDA interfered in the practice of medicine with their irresponsible language and posts about ivermectin. We will never know how many lives were affected because patients were denied access to a lifesaving treatment because their doctor was ‘just following the FDA.”

Ivermectin was highly publicized at the height of the pandemic as the number one podcast host in the world, Joe Rogan, said he took the medicine while he was sick with COVID-19. That prompted many mainstream media outlets to run stories stating that Joe Rogan took a horse dewormer drug instead of getting the vaccine. …


The same thing occurred with the FDA’s famous “You’re not a horse” post. Despite this heavily shared post that lacks important context, the FDA has a page titled “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat COVID-19“, which was last updated in December 2021, that provides this context. …

… This page, which speaks primarily about ivermectin as a deworming drug for livestock, must be removed within 21 calendar days of the settlement, which falls on April 11, 2024. The settlement includes all other posts that indicate ivermectin should not be used to treat COVID–19 and posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram making similar references to ivermectin as a drug for horses. …

The three plaintiffs in the case were doctors who said the FDA campaign against ivermectin harmed their reputations. The three doctors are Robert L. ApterMary Talley Bowden, and Paul E. Marik. These doctors used their medical knowledge to prescribe the best treatments for their patients. The FDA tried to step in the middle of the doctor/patient relationship. These doctors endured censorship and harm to their reputations as a result. 

At the same time, the Murthy v. Missouri case continues as an important legal precedent for government-encouraged censorship of social media companies, which took place at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. …

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(Excerpt from The HighWire. Photo Credit: Bundesministerium für Finanzen – Ivermectin-Aufgriffe des Zolls seit September rasant angestiegen, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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May 6, 2024

Those in the FDA who pushed for the jab and ruled against all other treatments should be have been on trial for all the deaths of those who took the jab. As I see it they are guilty of the deaths. Also include drug companies for their lies and dangerous product. God will pass judgement on them all so they should repent before that day. Amen

James and Cara Murphy
March 27, 2024

I have used ivermectin since approximately June 2021, it was prescribed according to my body weight. I did not take the “jab”. The mena invasion caused me to consider against taking something which would invade my rna, placed in us by God, so took the risk of getting covid. I did, three times before I started ivermectin. My husband took the two jabs which they were being pushed on the elderly. He still got covid which sent him to the hospital for 9 days, and left him with hallucinations (along with Lewy Body Dementia) then a nurse at the nursing home talked him into letting her administer a booster within three weeks of having covid. He has not fully recovered. I am currently not taking it, the risk seems to have lessoned. If I get covid now I can renew my prescription in one day if I call my pharmacy in the morning so they can compound it. I never got covid again!!! I’m a strong healthy 85 year old. Cara M

Darlene Estlow
March 26, 2024

Father you are sovereign and as we look at the corruption and covering up of facts, let us remember that all the bad things we see are meant to help us come to you in repentance and a desire to grow in you. Thank you that truth if being released. Give repentance to those who hide the facts and for their part in the many deaths that occurred because of the truth was hidden.

Victoria Kee
March 26, 2024

Too little, too late. It’s a hand smack. What about all of the lives lost that could have been saved? The truth was always exposed. They don’t care now if they have to remove their campaign. Their campaign is already finished…has been for several years. They got the results that they wanted. This isn’t shedding light on anything. But now that it’s out there, citizens who were refused this treatment should sue…and even then a class action suit wouldn’t even dent the billions of dollars that they made from their fear mongering campaign. I am happy that these doctors got their results, but it is way too little and too late. But this was just a battle. God will win the war.

    March 26, 2024

    Maybe one good thing, many eyes are open to see how deceptive all government agencies are.

Teresa Brown
March 26, 2024

This is great news but in my opinion its too little too late…I lost my husband to covid because the hospital would not give him Ivermectin…but I took it and got better in days…glad those Drs’ reputations were saved.

    Ellen Hoffman
    March 26, 2024

    So sorry for the loss of your husband. We took ivermectin too and got well quickly. So sad that the love of money is over ruling common sense.


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