I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask You to awaken parents on ways to better protect children from online predators. And we ask You to protect children as they are online; give them discernment and keep them from those who seek to harm them. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Online gaming is one of the world’s fastest-growing entertainment industries. While many players log on looking to battle with friends, speed through a simulated race track, or even build a virtual world, there’s a seriously dangerous aspect to gaming.

A new FBI campaign, It’s Not a Game, warns parents that sexual predators consider these platforms “hunting grounds.”…

“Unfortunately wherever children are, predators are lurking. So when you have kids on social media or video games, particularly when there’s an interactive element, you’re going to find predators there,” warns Lina Nealon, Dir. of…(NCOSE)…

In the summer of 2020, FBI analyst Chris Travis noticed a trend in several child exploitation cases.

“These perpetrators were using online gaming platforms to open communication with the children…and then woo them over to other applications, where they can then have video and picture sharing capability,” Travis told CBN News.

Once on a social media app, the suspect would push the child to send photos, getting increasingly aggressive…

“Our kids in this country who are sex trafficked, this is the number one way it happens…,” said Kevin Branzetti, an NYPD veteran and co-founder of the National Child Protection Task Force…

After more than a decade working in cyber investigations, Branzetti says some of the same technology he uses to find missing kids, could also help prevent them from ever being targeted. It all has to do with the personal data collected by the websites, social media platforms, and apps we use…

While Big Tech companies may have that information, they don’t currently use it to keep their spaces safe for children. Nealon is on a mission to change that.

“We’re asking these corporations to default to safety, default all of the safety controls…And again, proactively intervening when appropriate,” Nealon said.

While she’s making progress with these companies, it’s a slow process. So in the meantime, parents need to be vigilant…

Chris McKenna, the founder of Protect Young Eyes, says building a strong relationship with your child is one of the best forms of protection…

All of these experts stress not to attempt banning your child from the internet….Instead take more control over what they can access, in order to stop unwanted access to them.

Share how you have established online protection for your children. Please share your prayers for protection as well!

(Excerpted from CBN News. Article by Caitlin Burke. Photo Credit: Emily Wade/Unsplash).

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August 11, 2021

Daddy God, the children BELONG to YOU so we pray for their protection and that You will bring them into their destiny in You and destroy ALL the attacks of the enemy!! Help we parents, Lord, to teach and protect our children according to Your TRUTH and SPIRIT through Christ in us in Jesus Name!! Amen!! You love the little ones and we love the little ones!!

August 11, 2021

Very good article and so important! There have been too many amber alerts in my state of NC. (I consider even one to be too many)
We have used them and other real life accounts (using tact) to warn them.

1.Our kids have been schooled in what to look for online and offline and how to back away from inappropriate content.

2.We pray that they will do what is right even when no one is looking.
Ps 139:7, Numbers 32:23

3.I pray that God will make me trustworthy and build trust in our home.
Prov 31:10-12

4.We pray that God will surround them with people that will encourage them in the Lord so that there is not a vacuum in their social lives.
Pr 27:17

5.We pray for discernment as parents to know when to be “curious” and not controlling.
Col. 3:21

6. We have an open door policy based on James 3:17 where we ask God for wisdom that will be first pure and gentle, easy to be entreated so that we are always approachable.

7.We rehearse situations and how they should respond.

8. We pray that as parents we always do what is best for them even if we are tired & weary.
Gal 6:9

9. We pray God protect them from evil. Proverbs 1:10

10. We pray for strength and grace to parent our children in the Lord. PS 34:11, Pr 22:6 Eph. 6:4

11. We pray our children will listen to wise counsel. Ps. 33:11, Prov. 19:20

I pray confessing that I cannot do any of it without God’s help.
Heb 4:16

I beg for MERCY and for the blood of Jesus to cover our family. Acts 16:31

God help us.🙏


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