I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank You for giving these parents courage to defy indoctrination. Protect their children and others from the LGBT agenda!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

LGBT curriculum in schools is becoming more prevalent, and some schools are even removing the ability to opt out. Parents are pushing back.

From WORLD. The Mahmoud-Barakat, Roman, and Persak families of Montgomery County, Md., may not appear to have a lot in common. Tamer Mahmoud and Enas Barakat are Muslim with high school–age children. Chris and Melissa Persak, whose daughters are in elementary school, are Roman Catholic. Jeff Roman is also Catholic. His wife, Svitlana, is Ukrainian Orthodox, and their only son is in second grade.

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But when the Montgomery County school district introduced pro-LGBT children’s books into its curriculum last year, all three families decided the content of the books didn’t line up with their religious beliefs about sexuality and marriage. Since the state of Maryland and the Montgomery County district both allow students to opt out of instruction related to family life and human sexuality, the parents declined to have their children in class for the readings. But in March, the school board announced that teachers would no longer offer notice about the LGBT material and students could not opt out, according to a federal lawsuit filed against the board last week.

“It’s a deeply American principle that parents have the right to direct their children’s religious upbringing, to direct their children’s education, especially on sensitive issues like a child’s own identity. … The job of schools is to support the parents in that effort, not cut them out of the process,” William Haun, senior counsel with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, told WORLD. The Becket Fund filed the lawsuit on behalf of the families. …

In Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope, a mom defends her young daughter’s insistence that she is a boy, telling another child that “not everything needs to make sense.” The book says that children, not parents or other adults, are the best teachers about their gender identity. …

“It’s a ‘child knows best’ view of human sexuality,” Haun said. “And that leads to the kind of life-altering decisions that the Montgomery County Public Schools as a function of this curriculum are cutting the parents out of.”

The introduction of the books into the curriculum raised concern among hundreds of parents in the nearly 160,000-student system, according to the lawsuit. …

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(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: John Moore/Getty Images)

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dennis mauck
June 2, 2023

We love YOU, please eliminate the deamons driving this train indoctrinating our kids.
We seem to be unable to stop the rush to stupidity

June 2, 2023

A lot of American schools are substandard and are dumbing down students. Now they want to indoctrinate all grades from preschool through college and we are supposed to let these schools pervert our children? FATHER GOD please let parents remove every one of their children from these indoctrinating schools! Let them know that they can do it and teach their own children with YOUR help in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Barbara Toler
June 2, 2023

I prayed

Joanne Sgrignoli
June 2, 2023

Science has proven that the prefrontal cortex of the brain, responsible for critical thinking and decision-making skills, isn’t fully developed until between the ages of 25-30. This appears on the NIH, NIMH website.

Throughout a child’s life there are milestones in brain development, which drives personality development, as well as many other things. The angst that kids have at these various stages is normal, not gender dysphoria.

This ideology that is being pushed on kids is contrary to the decades old scientific conclusions of brain development. Bill Maher said it best, “As a kid I wanted to be a Pirate. I’m glad they didn’t poke my eye out and cut my leg off.”

I will be praying!

Judith Taylor
June 2, 2023

So thankful for those who stood against this destructive, wicked propaganda in our public schools! May we continue to see similar action across our nation!

    Barbara Toler
    June 2, 2023

    I will share on several sites. I knew this but you said it so well. Thank you! I will continue to pray that the truth will be known all over the world! God bless you for sharing!

Mary Palsgrove
June 2, 2023

Thank God, you are standing up for the innocents spirita and souls of your children! May HE greatly bless you!!


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