I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect the freedom we still experience in our nation today. Please heal our land. Keep our nation and it's leaders from evil.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The formation of a totalitarian state is just about complete in America as the most powerful public and private sector actors unify behind the idea that actions to stamp out dissent can be justified, according to several experts on modern totalitarian ideologies.

While many have warned about the rise of fascism or socialism in ā€œthe land of the free,ā€ the ideas have largely been vague or fragmented, focusing on individual events or actors. Recent events,Ā however, indicate that seemingly unconnected pieces of the oppression puzzle are fitting together to form a comprehensive system, according to Michael Rectenwald, a retired liberal arts professor at New York University.

But many Americans, it appears, have been caught off guard or arenā€™t even aware of the newly forming regime, as the idea of elected officials, government bureaucrats, large corporations, the establishment academia, think tanks and nonprofits, the legacy media, and even seemingly grassroot movements all working in concert toward some evil purpose seems preposterous. . . .

Despite the lack of formal overarching organization, the American socialist regime is indeed totalitarian, as the root of its ideology requires politically motivated coercion, he told The Epoch Times. The power of the regime is not yet absolute but itā€™s becoming increasingly effective as it erodes the values, checks, and balances against tyranny established by traditional beliefs and enshrined in the American founding.

The effects can be seen throughout society. Americans, regardless of their income, demographics, or social stature are being fired from jobs, getting stripped of access to basic services such as banking and social media, or having their businesses crippled for voicing political opinions and belonging to a designated political underclass. Access to sources of information unsanctioned by the regime is becoming increasingly difficult. Some figures of power and influence are sketching the next step, labelling large segments of society as ā€œextremistsā€ and potential terrorists who need to be ā€œdeprogrammed.ā€ . . .

Is It Really Totalitarian?

Totalitarian regimes are commonly understood as constituting a government headed by a dictator that regiments the economy, censors the media, and quells dissent by force. That is not the case in America but itā€™s also a misunderstanding of how such regimes function, literature onĀ totalitarianismĀ indicates.

To claim power, the regimes donā€™t initially need to control every aspect of society through government. . . .

Dissenting media in America havenā€™t been silenced by the government directly as of yet. But they are stymied in other ways.

In the digital age, media largely rely on reaching and growing their audience through social media and web search engines, which are dominated by Facebook and Google. Both companies have in place mechanisms to crack down on dissenting media.

Google gives preference in its search results to sources it deems ā€œauthoritative.ā€Ā Search results indicateĀ the company tends to consider media ideologically close to it to be more authoritative. Such media can thenĀ produce hit piecesĀ on their competitors, giving Google justification to slash the ā€œauthoritativenessā€ of the dissenters.

Facebook employs third-party fact checkers who have the discretion to label content as ā€œfalseā€ and thus reduce the audience on its platform. Virtually all the fact checkers focused on American content areĀ ideologically aligned with Facebook. . . .

To the degree that a totalitarian regime requires a police state, thereā€™s no law in America targeting dissenters explicitly. But there are troubling signs of selective, politically motivated enforcement. Signs go back to the IRSā€™s targeting of Tea Party groups or the difference in treatment received by former Trump adviser Lt. Gen Michael Flynn and former FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabeā€”both allegedly lying to investigators but only one getting prosecuted. The situation may get still worse as the restrictions tied to the CCP virus see broad swaths of ordinary human behavior being considered ā€œillegal,ā€ opening the door to nearly universal political targeting. . . .

Totalitarian Ideology

The element ā€œthat holds totalitarianism together as a composite of intellectual elementsā€ is the ambition of fundamentally reimagining societyā€”ā€œthe intention to create a ā€˜New Man,ā€™ā€ explained author Richard Shorten in ā€œModernism and Totalitarianism: Rethinking the Intellectual Sources of Nazism and Stalinism, 1945 to the Present.ā€ . . .

The most dominant among the current ideologies stem from the so-called ā€œcritical theories,ā€ where the perfected society is defined by ā€œequity,ā€ meaning elimination of differences in outcomes for people in demographic categories deemed historically marginalized. The goal is to be achieved by eliminating the ever-present ā€œwhite supremacy,ā€ however the ideologues currently define it.

While such ideologies commonly prescribe collectivism, calling for national or even international unification behind their agenda, they are elitist and dictatorial in practice as they find mankind never ā€œwokeā€ enough to follow their agenda voluntarily. . . .

Elements of this intellectual foundation can be found in ideologies of many current political forces, from neo-nazis and anarcho-communists, through to progressives and to some extent even neoliberals and neoconservatives, Lindsay acknowledged.

ā€œThis is why you see so many people today saying that the only possible answers are a full return to classical liberalism or a complete rejection of liberalism entirely as fatally disposed to create progressivism, neoliberalism, etc.,ā€ he said.

Thatā€™s not to say these ideologies are openly advocating totalitarianism but rather that they inevitably lead to it.

The roadmap could be summarized as follows:

  1. Thereā€™s something fundamentally and intolerably wrong with current reality
  2. Thereā€™s a plan to fix it requiring a whole society buy-in
  3. People opposing the plan need to be educated about the plan so they accept it
  4. People who resist the persuasion need to be reeducated, even against their will
  5. People who wonā€™t accept the plan no matter what need to be removed from society. . . .

Points four and five now appear to be in progress.

Former Facebook executive Alex Stamos recently labeled the widespread questioning of the 2020 election results as ā€œviolent extremism,ā€ which social media companies should eradicate the same way they countered online recruitment content from the ISIS terrorist group.

The ā€œcore issue,ā€ he said, is that ā€œwe have given a lot of leeway, both in traditional media and on social media, to people to have a very broad range of political viewsā€ and this has led to the emergence of ā€œmore and more radicalā€ alternative media like OAN and Newsmax.

Stamos then mused about how to reform Americans whoā€™ve tuned in to the dissenters. . . .

The logic goes as follows: Trump claimed the election was stolen through fraud and other illegalities. That has not been proven in court and is thus false. People who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and managed to break inside and disrupt the electoral vote counting did so because they believed the election was stolen. Therefore, anybody who questions the legitimacy of the election results is an extremist and potentially a terrorist.

With tens of thousands of troops assembled to guard the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) recentlyĀ told CNNĀ that all guard members who voted for Trump belong to a ā€œsuspect groupā€ that ā€œmight want to do something,ā€ alluding to past leaders of other countries who were ā€œkilled by their own people.ā€

Former FBI Director James ComeyĀ recently said the Republican party needs to be ā€œburned down or changed.ā€ . . .

Under the regime, allegations of election fraudā€”de facto questioning the legitimacy of the leaderā€”have become incitement of terrorism. YouTube (owned by Google), Facebook, and Twitter have either banned content that claims the election was rigged or are furnishing it with warning labels. Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey was recently recorded as saying that banning the presidentā€™s account was just the beginning.

The approach closely mirrors that of the Chinese communist regime, which commonly targets dissidents for ā€œsubvertingā€ the state or ā€œspreading rumors.ā€

Whatā€™s the Alternative?

If calls for radically reorganizing the world are inherently totalitarian, how is the world to avoid them? The question appears to be its own answer. If totalitarianism inherently requires allegiance to its ideology, it canā€™t exist in a society with a lack of such allegiance.

The United States was founded on the idea that individual rights are God-given and unalienable. The idea, rooted in traditional beliefs that human morality is of divine origin, stands a bulwark against any attempt to assail peopleā€™s rights even for their own good. . . .

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Peter Svab. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Joann Soland
January 24, 2021

First we must repent. Sadly I’m not sure we did that.Father forgive us for all the evils our nation has committed. Many not known. But many we turned out eyes away from. Ex Abortion. Father many who call themselves Yours have been deceived. And have caused great disunity. Pray You pour our Your blessed Holy Spirit upon Your nation for Your harvest. Unify us as one voice for You. In Jesus name Amen

January 23, 2021

Katie Couric has just recently called for Trump supporters to be de-programed.

This is just another perfect example of the left’s quest to become a totalitarian, dictator regime in America (a free country).

Team Jubilation
January 23, 2021

sharing a powerful video with my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!
facts we need to know to not fall prey to the mainstream nay sayers- illegitimate prez don’t fall for it. Continue to pray and educate your self to be used as a light to illuminate the location, from the candlestick from where you are placed in this beautiful world GOD gave us.
pray and share


    January 23, 2021

    Thank you for sharing and encouraging. Why in the world would we believe people (and demons) that have been lying and stealing to us for years. Those very people have been caught red handed and have been exposed over this fraudulent election. Many judges have been corrupted too, otherwise things would have gone differently in the natural.

    You will also enjoy this other video below because these courageous soldiers for the Lord( pastors and prophets Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo,and Kat Kerr) are obeying the Lords word and standing. They aren’t paying attention to the nay sayers and the mockers. Sadly, some Christian mockers are in that mix.

    Biden is indeed illegitimate and the Lord uses that very word to describe his current position through this prophetic message.


    In this message, the Lord has instructed us to remain standing and has very strong words for those that fall away from believing His promises regarding this matter. He wants as many of His children believing His promises regarding this matter as possible.

    May God Bless you and your household for continuing to stand when it a extremely challenging time to do so when even some Christians have begun to mock and throw stones at the tested and trusted prophets. God work’s on His own calendar, not ours.

      Team Jubilation
      January 23, 2021

      Thank you for taking the time to share this. I soo appreciate that. I also follow this channel and it inspired me to reach out to IFA too. Their prophetic wisdom lines up with so much the world “conspiracy people” already know to be true. I believe God uses them plus each of us to strengthen our faith so we can help HIM manifest what HE wants in the natural. I also believe HE is also reminding us a storm is coming still and we should stay grounded in faith but also act on HIS biblical teachings to not only love HIM as the first but also to love our neighbor as ourselves. And if you agree as I do and want tools for an ark to help do just that. email me back off thread to help us do just that from right where we are.

      [email protected]
      God bless

      thank you

January 23, 2021

It is godless,and we worship the Most High God ,ruler over all,ever ready to hear our cries for mercy and act on our behalf!

January 23, 2021

oh no its not god is even now freeing america and the world

January 23, 2021

Father God,
We ask for Your mercy and protection over this nation and our Constitution.
We pray that You defeat every enemy, both those in the spiritual realm and those in the physical realm.
Give us wisdom how to pray and what actions to take. Help us clearly hear Your Holy Spiritā€™s voice and be quick to obey.
You are God and You alone sustain us. By Your power and might cause Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
In Jesus name may all this be so.

January 23, 2021

This has started many decades ago. While we were spending money time resources on theme parks games of all sorts things we Donā€™t really need and etc they have been plotting cheating lying to dig their trenches and now they get away with murder (mostly babies.) they have distorted all truths as we bend to them trying to feed our families and keep our heads above water because most of us are trying to live the will of our lord. Well those days are over. Yes praying in every moment should be our goal must be because the lord hears on the same hand we must do a radical change. Stop supporting the things that are ruining our country. Stop buying Chinese goods stop going to games start being aware of what your watching movies tv be serious about telling others the message of hope. All things are possible in him. Start now. Satan is seeking who he can devour, put on your armor And cover your life with the blood of the lamb

    Susan C
    January 23, 2021

    Sandra, your words are truth. I pray the Lord’s blessings of peace and prosperity on you, your home, those you love, and those who have yet to meet you. Amen

January 23, 2021

Lord, place those in authority that love you and be willing to assist in delivering our country from this evil. Holy Spirit help us to intercede for our country before it is too late. Amen

    Team Jubilation
    January 23, 2021

    sharing a powerful video with my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!

    excuse my interruption but sharing some facts I use to better focus my own prayer as an intercessor . And help other so we don’t not fall prey to the mainstream nay sayers- illegitimate prez don’t fall for it. Continue to pray and educate your self to be used as a light to illuminate the location, from the candlestick from where you are placed in this beautiful world GOD gave us.
    thank you

    pray and share


Susan C
January 23, 2021

Prayer does not equip us for greater worksā€” prayer is the greater work.
Prayer is the battle, and it makes no difference where you are. However God may engineer your circumstances, your duty is to pray.
When you labor at prayer, from Godā€™s perspective there are always results.

These quotes are from Oswald Chambers who lived his final years in Egypt, during WW1. I believe each and every one just as I do those in the Word of God. When you read about prayer in His Word, we are to pray:

asking according to His Will
without ceasing
in belief
evening and morning and noon
in our room with the door shut
at all times in the Spirit
with thanksgiving
lifting holy hands w/out anger or quarreling
in confidence….

in prayer I heard, ” they have opinions, I have a plan.”

Dear Heavenly Father, “I humble myself under Your mighty hand and in due time, You will lift me up. I have no anxiety, You care for me. Keep me alert and of sober mind because my enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion wanting to devour me. Help me resist him, standing firm in the faith; you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. You are the God of ALL Grace, Who called us to His Eternal Glory in Christ. After we have suffered a little while, You will restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast. To You, Father God be the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

1 Peter 5

January 23, 2021

And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

January 23, 2021

pray GOD is in control, he loves us and GOD does not fail. Watch and see what he does, hallelujah! šŸ™ listen to Kat Kerr on the victory channel (you tube) GODā€™s got this !! Praise the lord

Debra Dee
January 23, 2021

ā€œFor though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.ā€ 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

ā€œFinally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devilā€™s schemes.ā€
Ephesians 6:10-11

Barbara Rew
January 23, 2021

Christians know that God has the power and can stop the evil of a Totalitarian Government if enough of His People pray!
This then is the first and most important duty of every Christian.

Donna Liput
January 23, 2021

Those who donā€™t defend the constitution are actually giving in to a new form of government that will ultimately take away their freedom to worship the One true God. This is where the enemy is headed and we need to use our God given rights no keep America free for the enemies of our form of government both foreign and domestic…. CNN and the rest. We fight to keep men free….Father, the enemy wants to take our freedom away to hold us back. Father, I pray for those who love You and are Yours that are still there in the government will seek your face and stand strong. They that will promote religious liberty and defend the constitution but mostly that they will take a very strong stand against abortion. We canā€™t keep killing our children and expect You to bless us. Father, in Jesus name, break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Help us keep our eyes on you and not be afraid. Amen

    Barbara Rew
    January 23, 2021


    January 23, 2021


    January 23, 2021

    “break our hearts for what breaks Yours”
    This is a powerful statement in your prayer Donna. This is what I have been feeling for a few months now. When I think of all the sins that God’s people are committing in this world, I feel God’s tears. He is crying for us.

    I think the Church has not preached about all the attributes of God. Yes, He is Love but He is also Our Father and as such He must discipline us. So, now we will see the wrath of God. As you say, our freedoms will be taken away. “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” Read 1John 1: 5-7

    Light purifies us and we have been living in darkness. Truth needs to be exposed, we have tried but too many coverups.
    I pray for Donald Trump and Mrs Trump and their family because they tried to expose corruption and darkness prevailed. Please Father do not allow evil to come after them.

    I join your prayer that the people still in government will seek God’s face and stand strong.

    Pray for this nation and God’s people:

    “The Lord bless you and keep you;
    The Lord make His face shine upon you,
    and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His
    countenance upon you, and give you peace.”

    Team Jubilation
    January 23, 2021

    Excuse my interruption but I’m sharing a powerful video with my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!
    facts we need to know to not fall prey to the mainstream nay sayers- illegitimate prez don’t fall for it.And helps me how to better direct my own prayer as an intercessor.
    As it is so important as you said to Continue to pray and educate ourselves on our rights too to be used as a light to illuminate the location, from the candlestick from where you are placed in this beautiful world GOD gave us.
    pray and share.

    thank you



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