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Heavenly Father, we pray against the chaos and demonic activity on college campuses. May Your heart for Israel be known among the youth of America, and may these hateful protests be replaced with cries of repentance and worship.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Have you wondered why the “Free Gaza” protests at colleges across the country include tents and makeshift structures?

Encampment is defined as “a group of tents or other shelters in a particular place, especially when they are used by soldiers or refugees.” These are not just protests (“the act of saying or showing publicly that you object to something”); they are something more.

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The encampments make it clear that the objective of these protests is not just to voice opinions, but to cause change. It’s not a coincidence that the term is often used to describe military movements.

It has been well established that this situation is not simply the result of college students championing the cause of Palestinians in Gaza. Professional activists are empowering this. Antifa is active. Calls for intifada have been part of the protests. Funding comes from those who have the philosophy to “burn it all down.” Why? So they can be in control of rebuilding in new ways, with their ideologies prevailing.

The Free Gaza encampments are providing protected space for evil to reside. There, individuals with hearts set upon evil are moving among confused and manipulated students. These individuals are gathering and gaining energy. If unchecked, the evil will grow.

Christians know that what we see and hear is not all there is. We know that there is always and everywhere a spiritual battle. The apostle Paul wrote that we need to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness … (Ephesians 6:11–12). Often, we can go through our days without noticing the evil at work, but watching the videos from Columbia and UCLA remind us that there are forces at work bent on causing humans to hate and to be violent.

You can tell if a group has a demonic motivation if you see anger and violence erupt from the gathering. The Enemy of our souls, the devil, stirs up only negative motivations in us: anger, hatred, violence. As evil encamps in hearts and gathers in broken community, it makes attempts to break out and establish dominance. In the past few days, we have watched peaceful protests move to encampments.

We shouldn’t be surprised that demonic spirits manipulate the broken people, attempting to convince them through their brokenness that they are justified in lawless actions.

This is why God created authority. Romans 13:1 clearly tells us that God has created all authority: “Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God.” These God-instituted authorities include college administrators, campus security, and local police. Authorities exist for one purpose: to protect the innocent from the evildoer.

Unfortunately, college leadership has failed in its God-given responsibility. Chaos has resulted. Teaching faculty, in seeming defiance of university administrations, have formed circles of protection around the anger-filled encampments.

The stage is set for Americans to be divided and conquered. We must not fall into this trap. We must not respond with anger and violence. Instead, we must respond with a firm rule of law and love based on true justice.

Often people pray for peace in situations like this. The word for “peace” in Hebrew is shalom, and it has a much deeper meaning than we usually realize. In our Western thinking, we see peace as merely an absence of conflict, but biblical peace, shalom, is much more.

The Hebrew word shalom is made up of four pictures. The first is strong teeth to destroy. The second is a shepherd’s staff of authority. The third is a tent peg to attach. The last is water or chaos. When put together, the definition of shalom becomes “to destroy the authority attached to chaos.”

The community of Intercessors for America is praying with confidence that the Lord would destroy the authority attached to this chaos. That means the evil spiritual forces at work, but it also means the organized, well-funded agents of terrorist groups like Hamas.

We are praying for law and order on college campuses. Local police have been brought in, at taxpayer expense, but we need to pray for a fundamental shift in the approach of administrations to these kinds of lawless demonstrations.

We are also paying attention to the political landscape. It’s possible that this is an attempt to bring chaos into our country to impact the 2024 election. President Biden voices support for Israel, but his actions are often perceived differently, and the Muslim vote seems to be critical for the Democratic Party. President Trump has been vocal in his opposition to the demonstrations, and some reports indicate that a Time magazine interview with him that will soon be published reveals that he no longer sees how a two-state solution will work. It will be important to be discerning in the election season.

While some campuses are full of division and vitriol, other campuses have witnessed historic numbers of baptisms and prayer gatherings. What if it’s our prayers that are making the difference?

Let’s see protests become revivals! Share your prayers for college campuses across America below.

David Kubal is president and CEO of IFA, which serves over 1 million praying Christians every month. David serves on the National Faith Advisory Board and the National Day of Prayer Task Force, and he is frequently featured in national news outlets such as Victory Channel, CBN, and Fox News. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

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Denise Frankos
May 13, 2024

Recently Christian leaders and pastors were invited to the Israeli or US embassy to view the horrific videos of what Hamas did on Oct. 7th. If at all possible I wish those students that are totally clueless about what this is really all about would b shown what happened that day. I would hope that it would sicken them and cause them to repent. I know that some of them know exactly the evil they are supporting but I think a lot of them are just deceived from believing the lies these liberal professors have been drilling in their heads for years. I pray for the truth to b made known and revival to take place in their hearts. I pray for peace in Israel and may God have mercy and bless the USA.

Nelda Oakley
May 9, 2024

I agree with President Trump about a two state solution for Palestine and Israel. With all the negotiations and offers, Palestine continues to not agree to anything Israel has offered. Israel is defending itself and their goal is to get the hostages returned and rid Hamas. It is clear the Gazans/Palestisms want to inaliate Israel not agree to a two state solution.

May 9, 2024

Lord God, we ask you to continue to expose evil on and about these campuses, and to bring about a moral outrage and indignation in our nation to the disorder that is occurring.

May 8, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray: I am increasingly appalled that people who are supposed to be furthering their educations are -after many years of schooling – so ignorant and blind to truth. That all they have learned is how to blindly follow demons and have closed minds and eyes to what and where they are even being led. It appears that our institutions of “higher learning” have so failed our children they are paying thousands to be duped into believing lies and into not using the minds you gave them, Father. I pray that all the students who are being misled will come face to face with you, My Lord and Savior. That you will meet them where they are and that such conviction of the spirit you formed in them at birth will be stirred until they have to seek you to obtain any peace or rest. I pray revival will hit these encampments and that you will turn these students around for YOUR glory. I pray you expose and eradicate those funding this hate and that those who do not accept your love and repent will be expelled from these schools and our country or otherwise held fully accountable for their actions.

Grant Windholz
May 7, 2024

Oh Lord God Almighty 🙏, I pray for these foolish college students who have no idea what they are doing! Just believing whatever their professors say without any rational and don’t even think about life altering consequences they are creating against themselves. Not only that, supporting Hamas and their massive evil inflections on God’s motherland Israel!!!

Kathy Emahiser
May 7, 2024

Father, open the spiritual eyes of these protesters and reveal truth to them. Let them know that they are being deceived by the lies of Satan. I thank you Father that what Satan means for bad in the minds and actions of these students you will turn it around for good because they will have a one-on-one encounter with you that open their eyes to who you are and your mighty love for them. This encounter will shake them to the core. Thank you Father for answering prayer in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Darlene Estlow
May 7, 2024

Father, it seems that the more we pray, the worse things get. And that is true because Satan sees he is being defeated. Our prayers are working. “It cannot be healed unless it is revealed” and that is what God is doing. Praise your name, holy Father!

Kristy Zimmermann
May 7, 2024

Praying for the church to rise up boldly.

Donna Peterson
May 7, 2024

Father, We pray that you would diffuse anger, hatred, and anti-Semitism on these college campuses. We plead the Blood of Jesus over the hearts and minds of all involved in these protests and encampments, that they would come to salvation in Jesus, and be set free from demonic spirits that are deceiving them. Just as we heard the testimony from Israel of many Muslim men who had a dream, where Jesus appeared to them, may you visit the lost on college campuses in dreams and visions. May the Christians on campus rise up in courage and stand with and defend their Jewish brothers and sisters being persecuted. And may they be willing to also, show love and support to others who may be persecuted on their campuses. Now is the time for the believers to shine the Light of the Good News of Jesus (Great Commission), walking in His Love (Great Commandment)!

May 7, 2024

In Jesus’s Name I bind Baal the “prince of the demons” and the money god of satan’s kingdom. He uses puppets like Soros to try to overthrow the USA. Lord, these demons and men have cursed the restoration of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel which your Word very clearly declares as your intent. See Amos 9.11, Jeremiah 31-33, Ezekiel 36-44,etc., etc. therefore curse their efforts and their finances, dry them up and let their influence wither. They shall not prevail in our Land. Biblical Zionism is God’s plan to restore the Garden of Eden Worldwide with Israel at the center. Yes and Amen Lord.

Kristy Zimmermann
May 7, 2024

Praying for the church to rise up!!!

Kenneth Webber
May 7, 2024

Whatever spirit that you yield yourself to, that spirit you will obey…. If these protesters really cared about Palestineans, they would pack up and send them the free tents they were given. They need shelter in North Gaza when they return home from the south … Mockers lead the fools and the simple….

May 7, 2024

Who imported all these headscarves?
Who purchased and provided all the tents?
Who imported all the Palestinian flags?
Who printed all the posters?
Whose name is on these purchases?
Who coordinated this uprising?
May GOD reveal the identity of the organizers of this outrageous rebellion.
Let the students who couldn’t walk to the platform to receive their degree be among the first to reveal the identity of those who organized the uprising.

May 7, 2024

It is not a question of what if our prayers are making a difference, but a KNOWING that we KNOW our prayers ARE making a difference because we are praying FROM THE VICTORY SIDE, according to God’s word and God’s word ALWAYS wins!

Brian lynch
May 7, 2024

Lord Jesus, it is more than time for this unholy behavior to end. I swing the sword of the Spirit upon the head of the evil spirits – deception, fear, anger hatred, Leviathan. I replace these deceptive evil spirits with calm, order, and a spirit of repentance for the terrible behavior of these “protestors”, including the terror group, Antifa. I ask this in the matchless name of Jesus.

John Crawford
May 7, 2024

I graduated from Mississippi State University in 1973. About a year ago, the Lord Jesus gave me an assignment to pray over my college. I pray over the president of Mississippi State University, all the faculty and administrative officials. I pray for the student athletes and their coaches. I think if we intercessors would pray for the college or university that we attended, we could cover these institutions and see God’s original plan for higher education in America.

May 7, 2024

I am a Christian, but I am NOT a Zionist! I am not ashamed of the gospel. The Church has failed to preach and teach the true gospel! False teachers and their divisive spirits take the LORD’S name in vain, by preaching “another” gospel… and it is just shameful! It is the devil’s deceit and trickery in the guise of “teaching” the Word of God! They demonize people like me who believe in the teachings of Christ such as love your enemies, and blessed are the peacemakers… because they are seduced by false doctrines! Even to the point of killing and shedding much innocent blood, for a piece of Real Estate! We need to be praying for the Palestinians, they are the true victims! Israel is NOT the victim. Nearly 35,000 Palestinians are dead, not counting those under the rubble, and the tens of thousands who are injured! Israel has been using an AI weapon to target the beautiful Palestinians, called the GOSPEL. Yes! Evil Netanyahu uses an AI weapon to murder innocent unarmed women and children with a weapon called the GOSPEL!! In American churches, Israel has become idol worship! The Israeli flag has replaced the CROSS in some churches! Support for Israel has replaced true and pure doctrine! Loving ALL people and desiring for all to hear the gospel has been replaced by blind support for Israel because, churches do not preach the gospel or the NEW COVENANT!! God has fulfilled ALL HIS promises to Israel, in Christ. The Palestinians have suffered for many years. Their farms, vineyards, homes, have been stolen. They are murdered on a daily basis! Zionism is EVIL.

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    May 7, 2024

    You are very much mistaken!
    The people of Israel and their precious little babies who were murdered in their cribs, and their teens taken captive by wild Islamists and tortured and raped and murdered whom you say are NOT the victims. You claim to be a Christian? Really? You condone the actions of murderers, the vicious lusts of raptists, of men who set fire to peoples homes while they were inside and prevented them from escaping? Burnt to death!!? Oh, my GOD, please don’t tell anybody that you are a Christian, because you are NOT! You don’t even seem to be aware of the Ten Commandments–let alone Jesus’ instructions that we are to love one another.

May 7, 2024

Ephesians 6:11-12 in the 1560 Geneva Bible also mentions ‘worldy govenors’. It was removed.

    May 8, 2024


    Speaks volumes to the events of this age.

    Thank you for bringing that forward.

May 7, 2024

Pray for St Michael, the Archangel, to intercede for us against evil just as he did when, at Gods command, he threw Lucifer out of heaven
St. Michael is a powerful defended against evil.

“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.”

Myra Moody
May 7, 2024

By living in souther AZ, I am acutely aware of the large number of Special Interests Aliens from countries hostile to America and the Infidels, who have entered our nation. FBI Director Christopher Wray’s dire warning about terrorists activities from our universities should be in our prayers.

With all of America’s crises in addition to what is going on in our universities, I am praying for God’s peace ahead of the enemy’s agenda for civil unrest this summer in our country.

May 7, 2024

Father God I asked that the hearts of these students would be softened and that You would send born again, Spirit-filled, believers into their pathways to preach the gospel in such a way they would receive it and understand it. I thank You that they will hear the truth and the truth will set them free. I ask Father God for confusion to come into the enemies camp and that they would turn on themselves and become self-destructive. I ask Father God for you to dry up all the money that is being given from evil people to support this chaos. Because it is written the wealth of the sinner is saved up for the just. And Father God I give You all the glory and the honor in advance for hearing and answering our prayers. I give You all the glory and honor in Jesus name amen

Mary Beth
May 7, 2024

We ask that You destroy the authority that holds this chaos on our college campuses together – by Your shalom. We ask that You send workers into that harvest field, to bring the Good News of salvation to confused and broken young people who are being severely and dangerously deceived by workers of iniquity. Convict them Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness, and judgment – which Your Torah defines so clearly.

Michele S
May 7, 2024

Lord… we ask You to quell the hearts and minds that tend toward evil and not the goodness that You bestow upon us all each and every day. We ask that the people who have evil motives and intentions turn away from those ways and seek Your lovely face instead. While we know that Satan/evil is at work in these uprisings , we also know that You are at work, too. It’s in that knowledge that our hope lies, and it’s in that which we know that You are the ultimate victor. Thank you, sweet Lord. Continue to reign supreme forevermore, and bless us with a revival never before seen.

May 7, 2024

Repentance needs to begin with us individually and the Church and then extend to our communities, colleges, cities nation and beyond. Let us seek God as our only hope to mitigate the coming plague.

    May 7, 2024

    Repentance needs to begin with us individually and the Church and then extend to our communities, colleges, cities nation and beyond. Let us seek God as our only hope to mitigate the coming plague.

May 7, 2024

Lord, we pray you will destroy the evil that is behind these protests and turn the protests into revival for the glory of Yourself!

May 7, 2024

Hear our prayer LORD for peace in our nation and in Jerusalem.

Nancy Rife
May 7, 2024

Excellent article – Lord, we pray that these demonstrations become revival! I pray for a holy hunger on college campuses, and Your evangelists to share the good news there! In Jesus name – Amen!!

    Rosemary Loven
    May 7, 2024

    My very dear friend, who is incurably Liberal, responded to the campus unrest by talking about the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza who, she says, are being killed and otherwise suffer from the Israeli invasion. When I pointed out that Hamas routinely puts innocent civilians in front of them as human shields, her response was “well, that’s what they say, but it’s still terrible what is happening to them.” I pray that a balance, the end of suffering for both sides, and ultimately the end of Hamas’ terror will be achieved soon.


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IFA President
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