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Lord, we desire integrity in our elections! Your word says in Amos 5:10 that the wicked hate those who speak truth and love justice. May you intervene in our nation and uphold those who desire truth and may justice prevail!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters knew that the Colorado Secretary of State was most likely committing a crime when she ordered voting machines cleaned of 2020 Election results earlier this year.  So Tina Peters made a backup of Mesa County’s 2020 voting machines.

She was then targeted by the state for her actions.

Tina Peters had her office raided after she made the decision to not allow Democrat partisans to wipe clean the election data from her county’s machines. Tina Peters has received numerous death threats for saving the data. Democrat officials demand it be erased.

During a recent presentation, Tina Peters and her associate credited The Gateway Pundit with exposing radical Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s donors including George Soros.

In another recent article by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, a Colorado election judge wishing to remain anonymous reports the following: “I have been an election judge for a county for several election cycles. I received that from the Larimer Republican Party because they are asking me to be their lead election poll watcher. I know that USPS threw away Republican ballots in certain precincts. What goes on in the scanning facility for ballots is top secret, and with Jena’s gag order and staff in place it will become a black hole.”

Recently, the Mesa County, Colorado data was reviewed by database and systems analyst Jeffrey O’Donnell.  Numerous issues were uncovered.

  1. The accurate final vote for Mesa County cannot be determined based on the review.
  2. Persons unknown altered data from the election and at least 5,500 ballots were processed differently than the other ballots in the county making them ineligible.
  3. For some unknown reason, new adjudication and tabulation databases were created for most of the ballots processed in the county.  The 5,500 ballots were not included in this activity.
  4. In the new databases, adjudicated cases decreased in half, from nearly 10% to near 5%.  There was no explanation from the county for this significant decrease.
  5. There is no way of confirming that the new database included the exact same results from the original database.
  6. Log files were purged almost daily which is illegal since election files must be maintained for 22 months after the election.
  7. There is evidence the election machines can connect to the server and evidence SQL was accessible to make material changes to the data in the files.
  8. There is evidence the systems have not been backed up for years, which puts all the voting machines at risk.

This report shows that the results in the county could not and cannot be relied on.  This is why the corrupt Soros backed Secretary of State in Colorado wanted them kept secret across the state.  She knew they were corrupted.

(Excerpt from Gateway Pundit. Article by Jim Hoft. Photo by Getty Images.)

Pray: Lord, we desire integrity in our elections! Your word says in Amos 5:10 that the wicked hate those who speak truth and love justice. May you intervene in our nation and uphold those who desire truth and may justice prevail! 

Your Turn: Share your prayer for election integrity in the comments below. Share your prayer for Tina Peters. Share a scripture that you are led to pray…

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Darlene Estlow
November 19, 2021

Father, we ask that you would protect Tina Peters and her associate. May she be victorious in her fight for revealing information in Mesa, Colorado. Give her favor in this fight and send others to help her. Thank you for her and her courage to do the right thing.

karen secrest
November 19, 2021

It seems that 5he leadership is bound by fear. May we see the demise of the Soros contingency and similar persons who influence our government in this state. We have been and are currently under restrictions because of COVID. However, it’s been determined the rise in hospital admissions is NOT due to virus. It leads to the conclusion that our governor in his recent same sex Jewish wedding is also a victim of coersion.
May the Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth be Merciful when judging our wayward, violence against His Kingdom. May the Angelic history now be released to do battle against All the forces of the enemy. Against those who are blocking ports, truck drivers, gardeners, dairyman, cattlemen’s and the Sycamore tenders and Prophets.
We see destruction according to the prophet called by God named Amos. He said over and over, Repent.
The Day of the Lord is at hand. We now down and we place our crown at the feet of Jesus. We cry,
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, is our God.
May the God of All Heaven and Earth communicate His desires to us today. Live OF CHRIST never fails. Psalm 42, 103, 136.

Lisa Shonts
November 19, 2021

Dearest Heavenly Father, when You called the Apostle Paul into ministry, to preach unto the gentiles for their eyes to be open to turn from their wicked ways.
We ask according to Acts 26:18…to open their [spiritual] eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness and release from their sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified (set apart, made holy) by faith in Me.’
In Jesus name we pray this, Amen🙏


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