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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we declare the truth of Your word: "All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed" (Rev. 15:4).
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Election Day has passed and most of the results are in. The 2022 midterm elections were bathed in prayer. IFA hosted multiple prayer calls and webcasts, including in all 50 states on the eve of the election. Countless churches and parachurch organizations hosted prayer meetings. The Church prayed for this election!

Prayer is not a one-way conversation. We have been crying out to God. How will He answer? We know that all across the nation, intercessors have been hearing from God about the nation, the election, and our states.

Let this be a forum to make known what the Lord is saying. Post in the comments to share His words with the community.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Karin Miller
December 1, 2022

As Christians, God doesn’t ask us to only try when there is a probability of success / winning.
He calls us to be faithful, to stand up and be salt and light, and to entrust the results to Him.
We are to continue moving forward by faith! Matthew 17:20
“…If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. NOTHING will be IMPOSSIBLE for you.”
The size of the mountain doesn’t matter – the size of the fraud, the number of cheated votes, etc.
The height of the giant doesn’t matter – how big the obstacles are in the Democratic or Republican party, etc.
What matters is faithfulness and obedience to God, with eyes fixed on Jesus!
Our job is to stand and believe! His job is to move the mountain!

Nadine Pate
November 13, 2022

I’m in GA…doing all I know to do….when I found out a prominent Pastor endorsed Stacey Abrams I was devastated and angry…..then the elections hit……first reaction was anger at the Church and especially here in GA…they were all excited about Roe vs Wade….but not a word to get out and vote….Today I watched EMIC and Pastor Terri was on point about everything and the presence of God was so powerful and I needed that….we keep going folks….God is still on the throne and He will have the final say….

November 13, 2022

I believe God wanted the heart of America regarding abortion to be revealed being that so many chose that issue above all else in this election. Oh Lord change our hearts.

Emmanuel N. Donald
November 13, 2022

God’s people are to pray in the Spirit – led by the Spirit that Guarantees God’s position in every case. Joshua in Josh.5:13-15, withdrew to be alone with God and the Captain of the Lord’s Army appeared to him. Joshua asked, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?’. The Lord answered answered, ‘Neither! But as Captain of the Lord’s Army have I came. He asked Joshua to take off his shoes because he was on holy ground. Prayer should the intercessor to know God and walk with Him. God has been and will always work for the good of all the America people, the people for whom Christ died. God’s interest is His creation, people and His Kingdom. Selfish ways will never prosper. God’s people should never fail in prayer, but it must be in Spirit!

    Peter Simmons
    November 14, 2022

    Then we should accept whatever happens as God’s will for us!

November 12, 2022

Thy will be done

Patricia L Wenzel
November 12, 2022

A red wave of the blood of Jesus went across this nation in answer to our prayers. A wave of Jesus’ righteousness and justice is being poured out. The USA shall realize Divine Recovery according to the best plan of all, God’s perfect plan.

If Republicans swept, they would disappoint us. There are far too many Republicans who are quite simply gutless. We need David’s and Daniel’s to run for office. David and Daniel were not intimidated by big mouth leaders who push the agenda of darkness. If Democrats swept, they would press on with great joy forcing more of their dark agenda on all of us, especially the children.

The church must stay awake and pray for ears to hear and a heart to receive what the Spirit is saying. We must stand in obedience without fear, doubt or unbelief. Our God has a plan and His plan is perfect. Let faith arise and the enemy be scattered. The God of Righteousness and Justice shall bring a Divine Recovery. Let’s partner with Him in faith.

Jennifer Parker
November 12, 2022

I live in New Hanover County, NC and thank God for the strides made to advance God’s influence in our school system. It may seem like a small step forward but God answered prayers by placing 4 God fearing conservative leaders onto our School Board to influence our children for the Kingdom. We all need to learn from what was accomplished in our County through a group called “Tide Turners” and replicate it elsewhere. The assault on our families and children did not happen overnight and so we have to accept the hard work and discipline required through prayer and action to put God back in His rightful place!

L Jordan
November 12, 2022

I pray Psalm 91 over every righteous leader & their families & plea the blood of Jesus & draw a blood line around them against all the powers of the enemy …I pray for boldness & courage to stand strong for Godly values in the name of Jesus Christ…no weapon formed against them will prosper in Jesus Christ name

Douglas Nelson
November 11, 2022

Praise the Lord for the election results. They may not have have matched our expectations, but we believe God is in the details. It’s an opportunity for us to shine bright for the Lord in our darkening world. God likes a challenge. He can bring to pass something good out of seemingly impossible situations. Let’s engage the world on the battlefield of life though, like David, we have only 5 small smooth stones to hurl at the WOKE ‘giant’. The Lord will direct the trajectory path for the stones to hit their mark and bring down the giant. Let’s pray for righteous people in govevernment who wil ltake their stand on our behalf to resist all giant boasts and threats addressed in he face of the living God. God will not be mocked.Victory is as certain as Christ’s resurrection from the dead!. So we believe with boldness that ‘God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11)

Herb Johnston
November 11, 2022

Thank you brothers and sisters here for your prayers-, as they give me some direction in my thoughts.. as I am finding that- as my day to pray on this platform, which is friday,for California-, is finally becoming cemented in my mind.. as a commitment.. I find that my flesh is standing against me, which of course is Satan.
The summation of your thoughts here, folks.. I would say-,is what has been presented to us.. and is such as we are dealing with-.. and I will not list everything as you guys have already done that.. but I will say that as I begin to focus here.. the basic thing is that it always comes back to, – refocus-, and begin to pray.. and realize that- in our long history of being humans on this planet.. that as I pray for California on this friday.. my commitment-,..I am just one grain of sand in a long ongoing War of thousands of years.. but a soldier nonetheless.. and so as we face the realization that overturning and uprooting the deficiencies of a rigged voting system, yes – especially in california.. and new york.. but elsewhere as well-, has resulted in conservative and Christian victories across the nation, – and enough victories for our camp to stay in the battle- in a mindset we can be encouraged in.

Lord, I pray that you would continue to allow us-, and bless us with your Holy Spirit… to infiltrate the hearts and minds of newsome- pelosi..Padilla-Feinstein-, and in LA county and City.. Garcetti, Barbara Ferreira, and especially Gascon- and other legislators in california.. those who consider themselves standing for women’s health.. those who do not practice any form of Christian service or prayer.. and moving the hearts of humanity in California Lord, as I know that you acknowledge our work and our prayers.. and I hear I acknowledge that somehow you moved in an act where La district attorney gascon performed an honorable deed in acting to jail and active participant in voter fraud in Eugene Yu-, and Lord that is an answer to prayer.. Lord, continue to encourage us-and help us, to be the conduits through which you heal our land, that we would continue in prayer.. strive to not sin against you.. and pray for those who do openly and flagrantly with no concern, – sin against you- Lord help us to not grow weary.. as yes- our hope is in you Lord Jesus.. but we are still boots on the ground soldiers- that must do our parts.. let us not grow weary in well doing.. let us keep standing against evil.. and fighting forward- and moving forward incrementally,.. Lord- thank you for the conservative victories across the nation.. and Lord I pray that we could see the forrest for the trees-, in realizing that you have allowed for victories in proportion to the level of sin we are fighting against,.. and the amount of encouragement we can continue to walk in- on your path.. and I pray that the strongholds of evil in California will continue to subside-,in the onset- and onslaught..of our prayers-, to dissolve these strongholds.
I come against the strongholds in the mighty name of Jesus-.. strongholds of perversion- deception, adultery,manipulation in our government and our voting system, and in our schools.. thank you Lord, that we are making progress Lord,.. and thank you that You are there for us, as well- we lift you up- as you lift us up, Lord.. have mercy on us-,in the mighty Name of Jesus-,Amen

Douglas Nelson
November 11, 2022

Praise the Lord for the election results. They may not have have matched our expectations, but we believe God is in the details. It’s an opportunity for us to shine bright for the Lord in our darkening world. God likes a challenge. He can bring to pass something good out of seemingly impossible situations. Let’s engage the world on the battlefield of life though, like David, we have only 5 small smooth stones to hurl at the WOKE ‘giant’. The Lord will direct the trajectory path for the stones to hit their mark and bring down the giant. Let’s pray for righteous people in govevernment who wil ltake their stand on our behalf to resist all giant boasts and threats addressed in he face of the living God. God will not be mocked.Victory is as certain as Christ’s resurrection from the dead!. So we believe with boldness that ‘God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11)

    Peter Simmons
    November 12, 2022

    Let’s face it; the results came nowhere near expectations- it was a complete disaster. Are we on the right side of God’s will here? What is he telling us?

Pam Quick
November 11, 2022

The Lord will do something to show his glory.

Gayle Robinson Snyder
November 11, 2022

DO NOT STOP PRAYING, CHURCH! We must keep contending for God’s kingdom and righteousness. We must see this through. If you are weary ask Holy Spirit to encourage and strengthen you. Do not give up, no matter how long the road is. Think about our sisters and brothers in China, N Korea and other countries with evil governments. They have gone far longer than we have with corrupt government. Ask the Supreme Judge of Heaven to be true to His word in Proverbs 6:31, the thief MUST repay 7 fold of all he has stolen.

Jonathan Berry
November 11, 2022

[email protected]
Our Father who is in heaven, the maker of the heaven and earth and who made us humans ❤ in His image to be stewards of His creation. In 👋 His 💘 love for our fallen condition He sent Jesus to die for our sins. His Son came in Truth and love and we who recognize “Truth and Love,” saw a great light and because of that light; forgiveness and reconciliation occurred and we, “the reconciled” are called to share that reconciliation message throughout the world. The United States was not the first and we will not be the last! But we will be a heralding nation like John the Baptist whom God raised up to herald of one coming only this time our nation will call this world to prepare for the reconciliation of the nation Israel before our Father, our Maker who will come for a final reconciliation that will see a harvest of a billion souls as only His precious Son has orchestrated and is written in the Father’s book(s) of life! The fallen cannot see, cannot know, and therefore cannot understand the Father’s great light of love and truth because he is the author of lies and the fruit which is a cheap counterfeit of the Father’s great light of the truth wrapped in His love for His creation to which we humbly cry; come Abba Father, let us set our house in order, let us prepare for the final period of reconciliation which is Your clarion call of those You have written and even now pulling out of the hands of the great liar, and we, His children young and old say Amen!

ann savastano
November 11, 2022

I believe the Lord is bringing things to light, exposing the darkness (Eph. 5:11ff), and calling forth righteousness in His people. I believe He is saying to us Is. 60 — deep darkness will surround us but His light will shine on us, and many will come to the light. Also, He has been saying to me (for others too?) that it is important to “come into Him” not just partner with Him, and to “enter His Rest.” And then — when He pours out His glory, the spiritual darkness threatening to engulf our nation will flee away.

    Peter Simmons
    November 14, 2022

    I too believe our Lord is bringing things to light; those who denied the truth and embraced untruths in their hearts were admonished and purged in this election – praise God

Priscilla Meyenburg
November 11, 2022

As I watched Ken C. Last night as he presented remarks of Hope and wonderful stories of past life stories, he would always go back to the scriptures that ended with Jesus Love. I loved the stories of how His and Gloria Faith grew and the dependable stories when he listed to Father God and when he didn’t in his early years. His sincere message was built upon the scriptures ( he called them letters) and what power was derived from the words that was spoken. In the Bible is a different plan for all avenues of our lives to be followed. Each plan ends with words of God’s LOVE. I was disappointed for the state of Illinois and who got Governor, this will not stop my prayers it allows me space to say to people we need more Faith put in our prayers and boldness. I told God as I prayed that I knew he would not allow this Governor to continue to kill our babies, and the horrible surgery on the children both boys and girls. He supports this through donations to different hospitals. I asked God to direct my prayers to fight in the correct way to break the chains of darkness that surrounded this election, the votes were not Gods way! I asked God to check the votes in the upper controlled Left areas because where I worked as A Judge the numbers were low for him, high for Darren Bailey. But as I listened to Ken C. Love won, God loves us and He will see we still will win. God loves America deeply, he loves his Children he is going to make a way that is His way not man’s way. Man’s way keeps getting messed up. So today once again I turn my disappointment over and place them into Gods hands. Hebrews-11-1. 11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. My hope is in God no fear allowed. 🧎‍♀️✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Ron Byrne
November 11, 2022

Heavenly Father, Your church has largely compromised itself and bought into the world’s values. We have denied that Your word is “God breathed”, that sin is sin and that You hate it, that we have lost much of our saltiness and have not stood unified, with one voice, against unrighteousness and evil. In some ways we have turned a blind eye to it. Bring the blessing of conviction upon us that our hearts might be humbled, that we may confess and repent of our sin. Revive us Lord that we may be the light and salt You created us to be, influencing our culture so that Your purposes may be accomplished. We know how it all ends but until then, may Your people, starting with me, truly stand firm for You, only in Your strength, by Your power, enabled by Your Spirit. May many respond to the gospel and embrace Jesus, lifting His name high. This is asked for in the name of Your beloved, precious and powerful Son, Jesus. Amen.

David Esteban
November 11, 2022

LORD, Father … this land is sick. This land has been very sick for a very long time. This nation desperately, frantically needs Your healing. What we need is for You to hear from Heaven. We need You to forgive our sin. If You don’t, we will die. We need to turn from our wicked, wicked ways. If we don’t, we will die. We need to seek Your face. Your face. LORD, I am called by Your name. I humble myself. I’m praying. Please hear me. Please forgive my sin. I’m praying for this dark nation. I’m praying for myself. I’m seeking Your face. Please help. Please hear. Please forgive.

    Phyllis Welk
    November 13, 2022

    This is where we ALL need to be as God’s people. Flat on our face in humility, praying and seek the face of our mighty God and willing to turn from, repent of our wicked ways. Read Daniel 9. Even this godly leader, Daniel, knew that for God to act and restore, he and his people needed to acknowledge their sin and turn back to Almighty God, the One who formed their nation as He did the USA. These scriptures were written to God’s people, not to the lost. Lord, sent deep conviction on YOUR people……on me, my family and all who claim to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. If we don’t turn, then just as happened to Israel, we will fall.

Kat Amanti
November 11, 2022

Did “christians” vote for John Fetterman? Did “christians” vote for candidates who are pro abortion? Another problem that I see is that even the Republicans are voting to send 100’s of BILLIONS of dollars to a corrupt government in Europe, called UKRAINE, while, we have open borders, and our economy is going down hill! Even “christians” want to fund this war in Ukraine! The reality is that UKRAINE, government is very corrupt and we have bio labs there, funded by the Obama Administration! America first agenda, should include not only protecting our borders, but STOP funding a war for a country, who has the largest sex trafficking ring in all of Europe. A country where the dossier originated, and a country that funneled billions of dollars for the treasonous Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, etc… How can God bless a country, whose “christians” want wars, abortion, and open borders, allowing drugs and sex trafficking in our country! We have people losing their jobs, while we are sending 100’s of BILLIONS of dollars to a war in a corrupt country, where the elites are buying property in Switzerland and driving expensive cars, with our TAX DOLLARS!! Creflo Dollar, who is a “christian” prosperity, preacher, told his church of thousands to vote for Stacy Abrams a radical left wing abortion lover! Now, God will take care of His “real” children, but people who claim to be christian are voting for people who have very ungodly views. These are my thoughts.

    Susan S.
    November 11, 2022

    I believe that some people would have voted for Fetterman if he had, during the debate, dressed up in a tutu and sang I’m a little teapot just so they could keep getting easy abortions. As for Governor Abbott, I hope that he will now declare an invasion at our southern border since he was just reelected. The flood of fentanol and illegal aliens are acts of war in my opinion.

    Herb Johnston
    November 11, 2022

    Yes, the church has a long way to go in healing. There is a lot of distorted thinking.. and a lot of deceived minds. It seems like it’s always about the remnant.. the faithful

    Pamela Wood
    November 12, 2022

    I live in Pennsylvania and I fear evil here will continue The elections were rigged and I am so discouraged today My faith or what little I have is gone

      Peter Simmons
      November 14, 2022

      Praying your faith grows. Faith in God, and also in the electoral process he has given us. Why do you say “rigged” with absolutely no evidence, when good people of all kinds are working hard to count votes cast in good faith, and counted in good faith.

        November 14, 2022

        Have you seen the report called 2000 Mules? There is proof.

        November 14, 2022

        Pete: your comments seem to be geared more toward stirring up arguments. I wonder if you are here to forward the Gospel of Jesus Christ or to forward another agenda.

Jill Carrero
November 11, 2022

We praise You Lord for Who You are! Holy, Righteous and Just as well as Merciful, Forgiving and Compassionate our good Father in heaven. We know You are working in our nation , not done with America yet Lord! we humbly cry out to You to not let crooked shenanigans and lies take over America America turn to the will of the New World Order and WHO who want to kill off people with another pandemic.Lord God show Your strong right arm, Your Power and Might. The Devil has been exposed and his time is done. We bind, silence and CANCEL satan and his demons evil assignments over America to lie, kill , destroy and confuse cause division, fear , discouragement, weakness and hatred by The Authority of The Blood of Jesus. Lord we believe and declare Lord dispatch Your angel armies to loose the Lord’s mighty hands over this nation. His will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Lord let the people manipulating the strings of our government be caught in Your trap and ALL see and acknowledge the fraud and the unjust judges and manipulation of USA . Lord we honor You and continue to pray and humble ourselves
so You Will Heal our land! In Jesus name Amen.

November 11, 2022

After spending time at the wall and seeing the result of election, I was truly disappointed. In my disappointment I asked a question, was I deceive into believing that my prayers had the capacity to change things? If not, why pray?, if all I hear is God is Sovereign, why pray?…
In my drive home, I saw in a different lens how deep we have gone as a nation… We needed an awakening…
I still do not have answers to my questions, I think it will be a journey…
I am more convince at this time tho the importance of campus ministry… Praying that as we reach a student for the Kingdom (Matt 28:19;20)… it will eventually advance Gods kingdom in our nation and beyond

    Herb Johnston
    November 11, 2022

    The border wall?

    Peter Simmons
    November 12, 2022

    What if God’s will did prevail this time? Could it be you were praying for the wrong thing?

      December 7, 2022

      Praying against evil IS the right thing. I think YOU have an evil agenda due to your comments. Wolf in sheep’s clothing. Even the demons can quote scripture!

Michelle satterfield
November 11, 2022

I don’t know why people can’t see the fantastic things that did come of the election. 219 people were elected that were supposed to be. We lost 16 places out of the others We are taking back the house and probably are going to take back the Senate. For most people who probably don’t know, the house controls the pursestrings which is causing all this of inflation. How is that not a red tsunami?
And if you removed all of the cheating we probably did have a red tsunami. People truly do need to stop watching the mainstream media and listening to their propaganda about how it was Doom and gloom on election day.
God was incredible and did great things.
And the state of Ohio, I believe it was, elected three conservative Republicans to the supreme court there? How about New York electing four new state representatives in Long Island that hasn’t been done since 1982? This broke the Democratic stronghold their state legislature. How about the fact that Florida did not have one Democrat elected to their state wide legislators?
Their cheating has been going on for years and years and years. Did you honestly think we were going to change it overnight?
If we take back the house and the senate, which no doubt we are, and we win Arizona and Nevada, which no doubt we are, God did incredible awesome things.
How about the fact that Roe versus Wade was overturned during the most diabolically demonic parties running our country? How about The fact that God blew up the Georgia Guidestones three weeks after the wonderful Roe versus Wade decision?
Focus on the wonderful and incredibly great things God is doing and not the negative Minutia coming from the mainstream media. They truly are the enemies of the people!!
And even if this is the end time and the end days, we are instructed to continue to occupy. Keep fighting and never ever ever give up!!
Thank you father God in heaven for the turnout that we had on election day and for hearing your peoples’ cries. Thank you for fighting for us in our behalf and for loving us above all things and for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!!

    Herb Johnston
    November 11, 2022

    Thats what I thought!!
    Dutch Sheets, and Jay Sekulow,both had a pretty positive outlook in their election report as well.

    Peter Simmons
    November 12, 2022

    I’m afraid the senate is lost at this point.

    Huss Louise
    November 13, 2022

    thank you for upholding hope and faith. God is good and His ways are higher than ours. He is not finished and will not lose.

    Peter Simmons
    November 14, 2022

    I am worried that truth is being buried in this nation. The Lord wants us to be truthful, even about our enemies. Why do you persist in saying there is cheating, when there is no evidence of this. We must be Godly in all our ways, not just when it suits us. Do you really think God will answer all your prayers? What if he is wiser than you? What if your will is not the same as HIS? Do you see him as some sort of spiritual ATM that gives you what YOU see as the right thing? Who is God here, you or him?

Anna Soltani
November 11, 2022

I believe we did have a RED wave but cheating was done once again. I believe the military will discover the cheat since they were watching and they saw the cheating of 2020. The bad guys are going to fall and the RED wave will be exposed.

    Pat marrs
    November 12, 2022

    The cheating by using mail in ballots is criminal !!! If you haven’t watched 2000 mules please do !! It
    It is shocking what is happening with our elections !!

    Peter Simmons
    November 14, 2022

    Then it seems like you would believe anything! What I worry most about with other Christians is how they are willing to set the truth aside because of political beliefs. God is a God of truth and we need to remember that at all times. When there is no evidence of cheating how can we keep repeating those lies that only heart our reputation as Christians.
    Remember there are good Christian people working and counting these votes; patriots who deserve our respect and prayers.

      December 7, 2022

      Yes. I have a friend who is involved. And she will tell you unequivocally that CHEATING IS GOING ON! To deny the truth is to disparage those who have seen and reported it, who have been threatened and who have been jailed. From the poll worker to the judge of elections to those who organize the workers to those who have done the research.
      Stop denying the truth.

CM Brown
November 11, 2022

I praise God for the states that stood strong for pro-life. I praise God that he works all things together for
our good. I am so thankful for the states that did go “RED”. And good always wins over evil.

David Balise
November 11, 2022

We prayed. Desperately! And God heard, and answered, but didn’t give us what we prayed for. Instead of a landslide, God allowed the result to be divided almost exactly 50/50. WHY?

We know the sins of the Democratic party. But clearly, both parties have sin and God is not happy with the current Republican party either. What are the sins of the current Republican party? “First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye…” God is showing us that this is the question we MUST ask. I’m sure there are multiple answers to this question, but from my prayers here are four:

1. God does NOT love “America First”. God loves His children all over the world equally. “For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave his only begotten Son…” Our policies need to show genuine concern and respect towards other countries and their people. We need to find the way to better share the blessings God has given to America, instead of ridiculing other countries and wanting nothing to do with the people who live in them. We must love our neighbor as ourselves, and Jesus showed us that “our neighbor” means everyone, even those in other countries.

2. Domestically, we also need to show more compassion to those in need, so that Jesus can say to us, “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me…”We need to promote self-reliance, but we also need to find ways to assist those without homes and without medical care. Surely God is not pleased with the extreme and growing divide between rich and poor. We need to find and promote creative policies that address these issues. God loves the poor at least as much as He loves the wealthy.

3. We need to show more concern for the amazing world that God created for us. God gave us dominion over the earth. We need to seek God’s guidance in stewarding the planet for future generations. We need to repent for the sin of greed.

4. Finally, and beyond Republicans and Democrats, we need to build Christian unity. As Jesus prayed, “that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me…”There are strong Christians in both parties. Neither party is 100% evil or 100% good. God is dissatisfied with all of us. We must NOT focus on judging the sins of others; instead we must humble ourselves, and build cooperation with Christians in both parties to find solutions together. With the election result so evenly divided, God is asking us to do exactly that.

    Herb Johnston
    November 11, 2022

    Thats what I thought!!
    Dutch Sheets, and Jay Sekulow,both had a pretty positive outlook in their election report as well.

    December 7, 2022

    You CANNOT be a good strong TRUE Christian and vote for a party or person who is for the murder of children or the perversion of children. Full stop. And considering 99% or more of the Democrats are for these evil things and more, then I say those who vote for those things have sided with evil and are NOT good strong Christians. They are deceived and have thrown themselves in with evil.

Shirley Elgar
November 11, 2022

I woke up to find we did not have a red tsunami and was disappointed. But immediately I thought “God is still on the throne.” That lifted my spirits. During the day, I realized that with the house and senate so close, it just goes to show how divided we are as a nation. My heart broke for those who are so blinded by Satan. All I can do is cry out to God for the souls of men while continuing to grow closer to God, asking Him to fill me with boldness and courage so I can proclaim the goodness of God and his wonderful plan of salvation.

Felmina Ajero
November 11, 2022

I live in NY. The midterm election result was unfavorable to me. I have been praying to God to teach me daily about Him being truly the Lord of my life. Lord in its’ true meaning. I desire it to be a 100% reality it my life. The election outcome is, I believe one of His lessons. Reminding me to Let go and Let God. He knows what’s best. He knows what He is doing. To live by faith, not be sight. To look at the brighter side of every situation, that is, Congress and Senate seats are still on going, but the Republicans are ahead. Even if God doesn’t answer my prayer in a way I expected, I still have to be reminded He is always righteous and sovereign. Forgive me Jesus for my unbelief.

    Jan Kingma
    November 11, 2022

    Mike Lindell was viewing the fraud “crime spikes” of voter fraud in real time on FrankSpeech.com. I think there is more to the story of elections, just like all the fraud we learned about from the 2022 elections. Arrests have been made. We must not give up and demand real elections. If you saw 2000 Mules or Selection Code, you are aware that election machines can be rigged easily for false results. For years our candidates are often “selected” for us by cheaters. Thank our Holy Father for revealing what evil has been happening because of our trust in man. Our trust in God will open our eyes and show us the path to His victories!

    Susan Rabe
    November 11, 2022

    thank you for your prayer. Your feelings express mine also. I live in Pennsylvania, so our voting certainly didn’t go the way I had hoped , but our God is sovereign, and his ways are not our ways even in the darkest of times we can trust him and not lean on our understanding.

Curtis Ray
November 11, 2022

God always wins! He has spoken. He has WON!

George Crabtree
November 11, 2022

We come running to you Lordl, we running to you Lordl we are fascinate by works, We come running to you Lordl!

November 11, 2022

I always wonder when people say “both parties have problems.” Why would anyone say that? Why would Republicans be lumped in the same sentence with democrats who support pornographic books in elementary schools? Dems support killing babies up to, and after birth! Dems support boys and men with male appendages being allowed in female spaces! Dems support and advocate letting 4 year olds choose a gender! Dems support blm destroying small businesses and burning cities! Dems say the crime rate is going down when statistics say murder is going through the roof in democratic cities! Dems support thieves running in stores and stealing without being arrested, which caused major businesses to leave cities! Dems support and believe in lying and cheating and stealing to get what they want! Dems do not believe in the Constitution! Dems do not appreciate American history and wants to rewrite it! Dems believe in chaos, and using that chaos to ultimately attempt to destroy America! True Republicans believe none of the above! Republicans believe and support the opposite of what the democrats want and support! Republicans believe in the Constitution and support the Bill of Rights! Republicans believe in GOD and family and freedom! MAGA is a movement! It is bigger than President Trump and you or I! It speaks to the essence of what most citizens want: to Make America Great Again! Stop lumping the Republican party with any other party, especially the democratic party because they are polar opposites and it is only false modesty! I’m glad to be an American and a Republican! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all Americans in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

    Jan Kingma
    November 11, 2022

    I agree with you, but I am wary of those Republicans who want to focus on issues but don’t seem to care about fraudulent voting, because if we fixed that, the issues would become more important, and the Republicans wouldn’t get to choose their politicians either. Selection Code movie; 2000 Mules movie.

Mary Mccullough
November 10, 2022

I sense this before the election. That no matter how much we pray, we are in the last days. We need to be praying for the church to be pure hearted and role model to a lost world what Jesus looks like in this hour

November 10, 2022

Be doers of the word and not hearers only in our personal Christian lives and in regard to what’s happening in our country. Read James 1:22 and Matthew 7:21-28 in the Bible. We must do things for God besides attending church. What we learn at church needs to be applied in the world in a stronger way!! God has a calling for each one of us to do. 📖🙏❤️

Paula Giesey
November 10, 2022

Father we declare we will not decide by what we see or hear, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God!

Rebecca Lee
November 10, 2022

The Lord said to me that the Republicans will win the majority in the House of Representatives.
I asked, “What about the Senate?”
No answer.
I asked again, “What about the Senate?”
Then the Lord said, “Fight for it”, and I knew he meant in intercession with declarations and pulling down strongholds in the mighty name of Jesus.

    November 11, 2022

    Charge!!! Storm the walls of the Enemy in the Name of the KING!! JESUS!! IN THE NAME OF THE LAMB!!

    November 11, 2022

    I want to encourage people to, as they are able, to financially support people like Herschel Walker. I’m not trying to endorse him because that’s not what this comment forum is for. I’m using him as an example. A run off situation consumes large amounts of money – no different than a regular campaign. The Dems, along with Planned Parenthood have already allocated “millions” to Pastor Warnock(?) in the runoff. Most of you know that Pastor Warnock is totally dedicated to “Pro Abortion” at all stages of life. That’s just 1 very important stand & deadly stand he takes….he embraces a culture of death, along with numerous other very questionable stances. I’m hard pressed to believe he even knows the true God. H. Walker, on the other hand makes publicly known his love for Christ & is fully prolife – regardless of what the media has “tried to lie about him”.
    I’m not from GA but I believe in certain situations, to help God fearing & life respecting people get elected…we must sacrifice out of the norm. It’s between you and God but I find that I have given to some candidates that I normally wouldn’t have given to. Times are tight but I want to encourage people that even $5 can help some of these good candidates who are truly trying serve. Probably like me, most think $5 isn’t making any difference. But $5 times 200 or 500 people giving the same amount does make a huge difference. Sometimes we have to see how God is working “outside our boxed thinking”. Ask Him to bless & increase anything you are able to help with. The enemy Satan wants to discourage us with thoughts that we can’t make a difference, so why try? Yes, the Father of lies never stops lying. I say to our enemy Satan that “by myself, that might be true but I have God, his army & his promises on my (our) side…and what seems small to you Satan can be multiplied, by the Lord of the universe beyond anything I can humanely see or imagine”. Then I finish with, “well,so much for that lie Satan. Oh, by the way, at Calvary, Jesus was victorious – not you Satan”. The enemy goes silent.
    So please, prayerfully consider financially supporting some “good or great” candidates, who are trying to actually serve this nation… still fighting to win in various states and above all – go to war for them in prayer. Know where the war to elect is still being fought. (AZ, NV, AK, etc.) We must stay faithful in prayer for these states because there’s too much to lose by not staying faithful. I know everyone is tired….ask God to strengthen you and He will.

      Peter Simmons
      November 14, 2022

      I’m not sending a dime to an ungodly man who gets women pregnant and just moves on to the next woman…..getting them to have abortion. There is evidence for this. He is the wrong man for this job and shame on those who put him forward, instead of a real man who is man enough to respect women and obey God’s law

November 10, 2022

God knows who are the good candidates the one who will us safe, good economy, building walls on borders, fighting for Americans, support our military, freedom of religion, respect our flag, America first.

Larry Brunson
November 10, 2022

We are doomed to frustration as long as we are not aiming at the same thing God is. Most Christians I know are aiming at MAGA (the restoration of America to the good old days). Many have convinced themselves that God “has to” restore America because of “our prophetic calling to be a light to the rest of the world” (so we are convinced we can claim Rom 11:29 for America). So we keep fighting and believing that things will turn around. But these efforts are wasted (if God has something better in mind) as much as Samuel’s prayers were for Saul (1Sa 16:1), or the efforts of the prophets to find Elijah (2 Ki 2:18).

But what if God has in mind the perfection of His Church? And what if the idols in America must come down for that to happen (because we lack the motivation to judge ourselves, 1Co 11:31)? We want Republicans to be in control to extend our prosperity. But what if God is not willing to wait any longer for the purity of His bride? Our present purity is good enough for us — but the world is unimpressed because, despite our claims to the contrary, they can see that we live by the same things (idols) they do.

And what if getting the purity God requires demands our undivided attention, which we have been dividing with other pursuits (including political ones)?

I have “seen” God before, and I know the purity of heart that is required (Mat 5:8). It is “One thing” purity (Psa 27:4). If you get this purity you discover that it is all you need, because God comes with it.

Jim L.
November 10, 2022

The Lord is trying to get us to understand that our hope wasn’t for the election or miraculous installation of Donald Trump or huge Republican majorities in Congress but our hope is in Him.

Craig Solomon
November 10, 2022

As Dutch Sheets & other Leaders have noted, enough people in thenation who are Voters need to Really feel the pain of the last 22 months. When I look at the races, I still see Corruption in the Same places.I now Believe some of this is Beyond human intervention.This Calls for Us to trust& believe GodAlmighty for Divine Intervention to REMOVE these sub-humans who defy us & God,saying,^What are you going to do about it?God Almighty is going to Do something about it!!!Listen to JulieGreen,TimV.Dixon.

November 10, 2022

I feel Jesus very close and very caring. I love Jesus and have confessed with much repentance for my sins. I am dedicated to Jesus now and will always be His. I believe we, who do believe in our Lord will be taken by Jesus to our eternal rest. Be it Purgatory for a while, or straight to Heaven to bask in His glorious and fulfilling love for all of time. All I ask now is for Jesus to welcome my older brother who just recently passed on our Dad’s birthday.

Skye Alison
November 10, 2022

Instead of watching the first part of gmae 5 of the World Series, I went to prayer for a hour instead. My prayer – O God, You know all things, all the ins and outs, ups and downs, all the cities, towns and rural countrysides; and even more, you know the hearts of every individual in this land!
I can hardly Imagine. To see and know like you see and know! I am quiet before you. How am I to pray? God, forgive us. Forgive us individually and collectively for our sins. Grievous sins. Forgive, Lord. Be merciful.
And may Thy kingdom come. Jer 17:5 “This is what the Lord says: ‘Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.” It’s the talk of the town – ‘kings’ talkng about a ‘Great Reset’. But you are going to bring about your own Great Reset and it is going to have a quickening effect on the world – it’s a reset of the affections of God’s people toward God. Amen. May it be. It’s a reset my heart rejoices to embrace. Col 3:1
It is going to involve a greater sensitivity to the Holy spirit; it is going to result in a greater willingness to forego personal pleasures in deference to the gospel. I feel it is going to yeild a harvest as we have not seen in a long time.

Jo Ann Atherton
November 10, 2022

I believe God is trying to wake up and grow up His Church. I don’t believe the majority of Believers understand how profound the corruption is in our nation and how deep the roots of iniquity run in our Government. The evil voting machines were used again. Could it be that many intercessors did not understand the need for warfare intercession. Pastors need to do a better job of talking to their people about their responsibility as Christians to be informed about elections and to vote on God’s side. While God is at work preparing His bride to rule and reign with Him our job is to stay in intimacy with Him, allowing Him to teach us how He wants us to pray, being patient and trusting that He will save America.

Sheryl Strople
November 10, 2022

This is what I understood in my time with the Lord..
November 9, 2022
I have no idea what the news is today, but I asked Father God for His perspective this morning and these are the passages He gave me …

Zech 4:6
Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of armies.
Acts 22:21-23
On an appointed day, after putting on his royal apparel, Herod took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them.
The people repeatedly cried out, “The voice of a god and not of a man!”
And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died.
2 Kings 19:35
Then it happened that night that the angel of the LORD went out and struck 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians; and when the rest got up early in the morning, behold, all of the 185,000 were dead.
Ex 14:13-14
But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will perform for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again, ever.
The LORD will fight for you, while you keep silent.”

He quickened in my heart that He has indeed raised up the dry bones, brought them together, covered them, and released His breath through His exceedingly great army. Yet, it’s not the army that conquerors, but His breath (His Spirit) that we release, thus “Not by, might, nor by power, but by His Spirit!

If you were watching flashpoint, you saw Mike Lindell’s presentation, and the clear evidence of the election fraud that was happening. The enemy has exalted himself against the knowledge of God. Now God will confront him beyond anybody’s ability to question that it was God.

I finished by reading the whole book of Zechariah, which underscores the reality that Jesus has the victory!

Stand, release His Breath and see the Salvation of the LORD 🙌🏼

    November 10, 2022

    Yesterday, During flight back from Israel a brother instructed me to read again Zechariah 8.

November 10, 2022

Be sure to pray. Then ACT on what our precious Jesus through His Holy Spirit tells you to do. Amen “We must be doers of the word and not hearers only. “ 🧎🚶👩‍🦼🕺

November 10, 2022

I feel in my spirit a peace that God’s will was done in this recent election. Many gains were made for Christian conservatives. Think the promises some of the current strong Republicans to get busy and straightened out the federal government as much as possible will be kept. Now they will be able to act when the newly elected begin to serve. Seems to me God gave us a quiet victory and the Leftists were content?? With the gains they made. If we had a red wave it could have caused riots in the streets again. God knows what’s best and we prayed and gave it all totally to Him. Now we’ll keep praying and take our parts in what God is planning next. Be sure to speak out with the truth and be courageous in a loving 🥰 Godly way. Love draws people to Jesus that maybe don’t know Him yet 🙏🗳⛪️

Gayle Robinson Snyder
November 10, 2022

I think it is very important that the solution is absolutely seen as something God does. A political victory was certainly what I hoped for, but not the solution we need. I pray that God will intervene in a way that is miraculous and give Him all the glory.

November 10, 2022

With so many people praying, why did things not go as we hoped during the election? There may be two reasons. King David said “If I regard sin in my heart, the Loord will noot hear me.” According to statistics, American many Christian men are deeply into PORNOGRAPHY, including most mainline pastors. I have seen this in our own family and church! So, can you commit adultary this was, lusting after strange women and expect God to hear you?
The second reason is unforgiveness. Jesus said that if youu don’t forgive others, God will not forgive you. That means there is a block between you and God, when you have a bitter attitude toward someone who has wronged you. I think we should examin ourselves for any jsin, known or unknown so our prayers will bring godly results.

    November 10, 2022

    Pornography is a problem, but I believe women killing their babies through abortion is a far more grievous sin than that. The shedding of innocent blood is major sin. I do agree with you about unforgiveness. We have seen that one a lot in deliverance ministry.

      November 10, 2022

      Sin is sin in God’s eyes so there is no hierarchy to sin.

Phil Lundquist
November 10, 2022

AS we are still and listen to God’s word, we realize that He is speaking… He is reigning and ruling from heaven. We are his people and we are seated in the heavenlies with Christ our Lord. He is the Go who sees, who knows, who rules. He will have His way and the nations are His (Psalm 2 says it all!)…
2 major storms (Nicole and Alejandra) hit the U.S. simultaneously this week as we voted and prayed for God to help us… Nicole means “Victory of the People” and Alejandra means Defender of mankind”. God is speaking as these storms (and many others) are rising in our midst and sweeping across (CROSSING) our country. He is in complete command and will lead His people to VICTORY and SALVATION while DEFENDING us from the enemy. He is to be implicitly trusted and obeyed. He has already defeated and destroyed the works of the devil through His death, burial and resurrection and now He rules as the rightful heir of ALL THINGS from His throne in heaven! Worship Him and serve and obey Him only. Repent if you need to and He will show mercy. Nothing can separate us from His love (Rom. 8 also says it all!)… Thank you LORD God for you are VICTORIOUS!!!! Praise YOUR Holy Name Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit!!!

Psalm 46 – God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah

4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy habitation of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns.
6 The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
he utters his voice, the earth melts.
7 The Lord of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah

8 Come, behold the works of the Lord,
how he has brought desolations on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the chariots with fire.
10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”
11 The Lord of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah

Michael Byers
November 10, 2022

I’m praying for this nation that God’s will will be done I don’t know if it’s time for the US to fall but if it is it’s God’s will I’m asking God to send a revival to bring about this country back to God

Connie Seglem
November 10, 2022

In my quiet time this morning I was in Acts 8:1-“ and there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem and they were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.” This was the scattering of the gospel, the Jews (the church) went out to their enemy (Samaria), and spread the gospel because the great liar (Satan), thinking he had the victory. Well, we know that’s the start of the spreading of God‘s church . It just seemed so clear to me what the church needs to do. “ The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” Tertullians God is so amazing!

    November 10, 2022

    Check out PREPARE TO STAND on You Tube for some very practical steps for facing persecution that he learned during his 2-year imprisonment in Turkey. There are 7 short videos.

John Regulus
November 10, 2022

When I saw Fetterman beat Dr. Oz in PA, and saw all the races here in IL turn Blue by very small margins, then I know Rapture is coming soon. Be Ready !!

    November 10, 2022

    It demonstrates the deep wickedness in our country. Abortion rights were #2 in importance.

Cathy Rae
November 10, 2022

It is Gods will and timing. My selfish self wanted to see God show his almighty power, how glorious to see God come to the rescue and state who is King! But….it is his Will…not mine. As many of you have stated we did have victories with many people with busy, responsible life’s that stepped up to place one more burden on their heavy load because they do not like the direct our country is going into. Thank you Abba Father for these blessings and your children that follow. Bless the ones you have appointed in God’s Honor that they will be listening and in obedience to your commands.
What I have learned from this is a lesson in “Trust”. I need to work on that.

November 10, 2022

What I think God maybe saying to us, strictly in relation to the results is – don’t give up praying. There are races still undecided. Pray for truth to win out & over the lies, unholy compromised stands and to continue to pray for those, to be elected…who will best uphold law & orders, God’s commands & precepts…and the best interests of the people of the United States. I believe God is also reminding us that due to years of apathy, non-involvement and our reluctance to be involved – it will not be an overnight change. We have allowed through, “not paying attention” to what many politicians & officials were doing… poisonous ideology, teaching & officials who have no fear or respect for God – to creep in over decades. Those who lean left, don’t believe in God or accountability…play the long game in politics. Sadly, Christians sometimes make the mistake that our God is a microwave God – pray a few times and it’ll change. Not saying it can’t but little is learned without pressing in & being faithful. In other words, answers from “microwave prayers”, in gov’t related leadership issues is often “long term” prayer(s). The elections showed great progress in electing people who can “help” steer our nation back to godly standards & being obedient to what God has told us to do for centuries. But it’s up to the body of Christ to be faithful, not give up & fight for this nation.
Be encouraged people. It’s moving in the right direction but it takes time, faithfulness, sacrifice and fortitude. But God is able. I encourage people to challenge news & media companies to tell the undiluted truth. Challenge them when you know they are lying or leaving out facts or distorting news through bias. You have to be fearless. Do it because we are commanded to do so but do it in love and with the heart of God. Minds & hearts must change – and then the same will happen across our land with gov’t officials.

November 10, 2022

Oh yes, I knew that cheating was going to go on. I pray it exposed quickly in JESUS NAME! Amen!

November 10, 2022

James 4:13-17

God in His sovereignty is in charge of each final vote result and in His timing. We can and should pray our hope and trust for a more righteous government and give thanks for each desired “win”. But, even in the Body of Christ, take heed, that presumptuousness does not override what should be humble petitions remembering it’s God’s ultimate call! Amen!

Mary Shields
November 10, 2022

I watched Flashpoint last night and Mike Lindell was on discussing the election and the amount of real time voter fraud that he was able to see happening in many of the battleground states. The same type of crime that went on in the 2020 election that wasn’t realized or discovered until his cyber teams worked on it after the election had already taken place. and Catherine Engelbrecht and Greg Phillips made their discoveries that resulted in the movie 2000 Mules. But with this election they could watch it happen in real time with the knowledge they now have. Mike said that had there been a true red wave, then no one would be thinking about the voter fraud but with what happened on November 8th it is now fully exposed for all to see. He saw God’s Hand in the results. Also, we only focused on the “big ” races for governor and senate seats on Tuesday evening but in reality the local elections went very well for Republicans. Isn’t that what we’ve all been praying for, that regular people would run for office? Well they did and many of them WON! So important to see God’s Hand in the election results and not fall into the devil’s trap and get discouraged because our version of the red wave didn’t happen.

November 10, 2022

We all prayed for victory. God’s victory is not one of politics. While some of the politicians are followers of Jesus, many are not. The whole political system in the US is evil. It’s “laws” are no longer Godly. God’s victory will be global, not just at one nation’s level. We need to prepare ourselves to be a part of the much larger victory.

November 10, 2022

I am encouraged by the gains we see, the victories won! We must continue to hold fast and draw near, pressing on and increasing momentum in the future.

November 10, 2022

I have heard that only 20% of the church votes in elections. The ones in Deroit Michigan were telling the church to vote yes on the Proposals that will change America in very horrrendous way. Very sad. This is the time that church should be leading the way by voicing their beliefs through that vote. Prayer and Action. Lets go Church!

Michael Guidera
November 10, 2022

In 2015 a desire came over me to really pray for our nation as I sensed the power of evil being unleashed on our nation. Lord began to show me through a vision that the ruler assigned to our nation was Tyranny. Many other principalities were taking orders to bring about tyranny in our nation. I could see it take its hold in our government and in society. Perversion and deception were being used to blind people to accept it. I assumed that since these demonic forces played a big role in all the chaos were are seeing, that the logical step would be to pray they be removed. Frankly after 7 yrs I was not seeing much success. I prayed and asked God to give me wisdom to understand my dilemma.
Eph. 3:9-10 really started the process of opening my eyes to a bigger picture concerning the plan of God. Paul says he is “to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in heavenly places.”
I am to make wisdom known to enemy I have been fighting for 7 yrs.?! I thought I was to rid them from our midst. Another thought that hit me as I read it was that maybe God has a plan that does not necessarily have my best interests in mind. I got to thinking why am I praying for our nation? Am I motivated by my own self preservation? Am I motivated by fear for my children and grandchildren? All the great men and women of God in the Bible were motivated to please God, not themselves.
This understanding led me to see in the Bible that His purpose is to bring about redemption through His Son. That is why It says “ For creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.
Somehow, demonstrating this manifold wisdom of God to the principalities is a necessary part of God’s plan to bring about His redemption for creation.
We cannot lose sight of God’s most important plan for all of mankind. Let’s understand that the purpose of praying for our leaders is that we can live peaceful lives. But a more importantly, God is building His Ekklesia to rule and reign with Him. He uses suffering to peel our fingers off of holding on to all things concerning the self so we may be dedicated to Him. Let us not resist this process, as God has unfathomable riches destined for us. Is He using our current political and social woes to bring us to a more surrendered place with Him? I think so.

    November 10, 2022

    Watch 7 short videos on You TUBE, Prepare to Stand by Andrew Brunson. You are on the same page. Soon America will come under judgement for the wickedness of our land as seen in the election results. We must take steps to prepare for persecution.

      Michael Guidera
      November 10, 2022

      Thank you for the links. I watched the first 3 videos. Very profound.

Torey Goodson
November 10, 2022

I’ve pondered these Elections, why were’nt they the Tsunami we wanted them to be? I don’t know. But one thing I do know, God has a plan, He’s a God of timing…His plan will come to pass, fraud will be exposed and heads will role at the exact right time. I have every confidence we will see it. I will keep praying and trusting Him.

    November 10, 2022

    Take heart, there were many victories in local levels we’re not hearing about. There was indeed a red wave, just not in ways we were expecting. The red wave is more like an infiltration, just like they quietly infiltrated us, we are now infiltrating their strongholds, weakening them & tearing them down. All the candidates who took strong stands to limit abortion, won in huge numbers. Radical abortion was not a winning issue for the democrats like they hoped. There are many victories going on, don’t be discouraged. You are right to keep trusting. We have to keep fighting with God’s help. This war will keep going & we can’t lose heart.

Mary Buckley
November 10, 2022

The TRUTH will set us free. In Jesus Name Amen

November 10, 2022

Taking back our promised country will be like the taking of the promised land — little by little, with battles and strategy as God leads. We will need to run to the battle like David ran at Goliath, fearlessly, knowing the enemy is defying the Living God and is no match for Him!

November 10, 2022

Daniel 4:34b-36 Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.

His dominion is an eternal dominion;
his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
35 All the peoples of the earth
are regarded as nothing.
He does as he pleases
with the powers of heaven
and the peoples of the earth.
No one can hold back his hand
or say to him: “What have you done?”

36 At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before. 37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.


November 10, 2022

I heard, “I’m not done yet. I’m up to so much more.”

Mary Hammers
November 10, 2022

I know that the elections were not all we had hoped for, but I know, without a single doubt in my mind that the Lord ALWAYS keeps His word, NEVER lies, that His words do not return to him Void. I also know His Timing is Perfect and His plans are Perfect. So, I continue to practice patience (not always easy), Walk in Faith, Stand on His Promises and KNOW without a doubt He is going to return our country to us and the world to his children. So, if you are downhearted, don’t be. If the elections had been everything we had hoped for that man might have said it was man who saved us and not the Lord. All the Glory and Praise belongs to HIM. So, keep praying and believing and above all Do Not Fear.

    November 10, 2022

    That is exactly what I see from the results. God doesn’t need our limited and faulty man made methods to bring the nation back to the being His nation. I also think that if it looked like a red wave we would not keep pursueing the truth about the 2020 election and fix the problems.

Darlene DeAngelis
November 10, 2022

Father God you see what goes on in the darkness because you are the total light you see the evilness that has infiltrated our country the USA release your Wrath on this evilness Lord make them shake and bow with the knee people that do not want to be exposed work in the dark behind a door but you always open up the door make them repent Lord in Jesus name I pray

Darlene DeAngelis
November 10, 2022

Father God you want more from the Christians than they are giving we are the ones that are going to move you when we move we have not used a voice for much of anything we’ve sat in a building comfy in a sea listening to what the pastor says but a lot of people just leave church they do not serve and they lose what they heard at church their cell phones are their God the world is not giving you what you’re looking for Lord we are sinners and we have yet to repent we have had not enough of suffering and we will suffer more and more until we do what God expects when the church is closed down lord this did not make you happy because it showed who are God was but Lord you kept open some of the church’s praise God people continue to be afraid of a man-made disease Lord you saw what happened and you know the truth and it’s coming to fruition every day there is so much wrong in the of Christ and you are definitely separating the wheat from the tares we have such a spirit of Oppression timidity fairness there are a lot of bold Christians but not enough to fight this battle father God continue to work with the lukewarm and cold Christians what US The Bold and courageous Christians stand up for what you represent and let us not repeat history but again Lord this is a repeating of history of who we are honoring exalting in glorifying and it’s not you Lord and I am very sorry for that change it led to what you want show us what you want Lord in Jesus name I pray

Mary D'Angina
November 10, 2022

Holy and Almighty God,
We wait upon your forgiveness and grace to intervene. We prayed, we voted,now we are depending on results. Let there be no deception of any kind Lord.. May Your righteousness in loving us prevail in Jesus Christ LORD God. We humble ourselves and acknowlege our sins before You. Please forgive once more O God, and heal our nation. In Jesus’ Name I prayed. A-men.

Wayne Wakefield
November 10, 2022

Is the poor showing because we need to repent further? Or is God trying to tell us we need new leadership in the Republican Party? The Democrats need to replace their whole party!

Allena Jordan
November 10, 2022

I noticed that the votes for Fetterman and Oz were very close for on-site vote count; the mail in votes for Fetterman were nearly the same as the on-site votes for him, but grossly outnumbered Oz. Hmmm…
I do pray that the votes are audited.

    November 10, 2022

    Oh yes, I knew that cheating was going to go on. I pray it exposed quickly in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Wendell Owens
November 10, 2022

Although I prayed for a complete turnaround from liberal & demonic ideology, I have long felt that after the 2020 election that Father God started His timeclock counting down to the End of Days. That the Rapture was imminent at any time now, and once we the church are removed, then will appear the Anti-Christ to take his place and rule over the New World Order, or as the Word says, the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” Once the Father’s time clock is started, nothing on earth shall stop it until all things be fulfilled. This mid-term election was neither a “stay order” a reprieve, nor a delay, it was simply a “Warning Signal” to America & all the world to Get Ready, or get left behind to face the Holocaust that is so near you can actually see & feel it. God has often spoke to me to get your house in order Now, and win souls for His kingdom while there is still time. I will finish with this, “This is not a time of great fear for believers, but of great rejoicing for soon we shall be with Jesus at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, but Woe to those who refuse to listen to what the Spirit of God is saying.

    November 10, 2022

    I feel your comment is spot on. Exactly what I am receiving from the Lord. We are lacking repentance in our nation and though I put no stock in elections I feel that the abortion issue being so important grieves the heart of God and judgment will be coming.

Barbara Downey
November 10, 2022

I did try to post
Do your research of
Clint Curtis hired by mr Finney
To rig all machines
I left another detail info
Need me pm on fb gladly tell all

Sarah Kump
November 10, 2022

The overturning of Roe just months before the election, made abortion an issue affecting the vote. Did you, as I did, ask God, “If you are totally in charge and hate the shedding of innocent blood, why couldn’t Roe have been overturned AFTER this General Election?”

God knew overturning Roe would not eradicate abortion in our nation. Since it was overturned, some states are passing legislation to make abortion, up to the point of birth, legal.

If legislation was proposed to ban abortion on a federal level, such as recently put forth by Senator Lindsey Graham, and was passed by both Houses, it would probably be vetoed by the current President?

Is God implementing a plan to put a Pro-Life President into the White House and/or create a Pro-Life majority in both houses of Congress in order to pass veto-proof legislation to outlaw abortion? Is God allowing the negative and even destructive affects of liberal policies and the incompetency of the Administration in the White House to influence the next General Election in order to install Pro-Life candidates into the White House and Congress? I pray He is.

Barbara Downey
November 10, 2022

I know by viewing my Christian program on Victory channel “Flashpoint” also Mike Lindell tv network which media took down.
“Clint Curtis” of Tallahasse Fl was hired by a man name Finney to
Rig the machines all of them! Period.
He spoke of Algorithuims
(Speller doesn’t like the word.)
Proven over and over by Mike Lindell and Dinesh D’Douza !
Why do you think Mike Lindell was stopped at Hardee’s parking lot and phone stolen.
He knows all!
Has all proof. This week they took down his tv network.

Maureen McInerney
November 10, 2022

AMEN! GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL AWAKE AMERICA, PRAY!!PRAY!! PRAY!!! we Christians have to keep praying and standing up for our freedoms not be afraid. Pray for Hershel Walker to be victorious on December 6

Hall Hunt
November 10, 2022

Please continue … after all we’ve done … to pray frequently and faithfully for the run-off between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker in Georgia’s Senate race…roughly a month from now. I believe that though an ordained pastor, Warnock is a wolf in sheep’s clothing given some of what I’ve heard of his personal and clerical life. Herschel has unabashedly throughout his campaign professed his trust & faith in “Jesus” … opening confessed that his past life manifested his need for Him. To me he is a humble man of God… perhaps somewhat immature and fallible but a man of faith. WITHOUT HIS ELECTION I THINK REPUBLICANS WILL NOT BE IN THE MAJORITY.

    Gardening Lady
    November 10, 2022

    You are exactly right Hall Hunt! The fact that Warnock supports abortion as a pastor, tells us all we need to know. I agree that prayer must continue for the runoff in Georgia.

November 10, 2022

At first I was disappointed but then I thought of “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. “ Isaiah 9:6. And realized that God’s got this! That I need to keep my eyes on Him & not people because He’s the God of justice & mercy & His plan is perfect!

Maria B
November 10, 2022

I know many were disappointed that the Red Wave did not happen the way we thought it would. However, I believe it was not yet fulfilled as the Lord is doing a work in His church to fully trust in Him and not man. The word I heard was, we must stay close to Him as many prophets have told us. WE, the church (the ekklesia) are the Red Wave (blood bought, redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ) and if we will continue to pray, seek His face and not just His hand, take our places on the seven mountains of influence, then restoration and reformation of our land will come. It was not just about a political red wave.

Let us do as Habakkuk 2:1 says, “I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me.”

November 10, 2022

My pastor has encouraged us to seek the Lord for a word at the start of each new year. For 2022, my word was “awaken.” As the year has progressed that continues to be stressed. With the approach of elections, I took a trip from my home in Kalamazoo County in Michigan to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. For a major portion of that trip I prayed over the areas I drove through for awakening – that complacent and apathetic believers will move from lukewarm to a fervency for the things of God and that non-believers will become disillusioned with the dry ashes of a self serving life in an increasingly wicked world and be awakened to a hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Having participated in the 3 day Esther fast promoted by IFA, I found myself restless after voting on election day asking the Lord what I was to do. Two friends and I gathered at the highest point in Kalamazoo county at noon to blow the shofar and pray. There are four shofar calls. I may not have a complete understanding of them, but roughly they are:
Draw your attention – acknowledgement of status quo – a single blast
Sorrow for our sins – a breaking down of walls and hardness of heart (walls of Jericho) – set of 3 blasts
Sound the Alarm – awakening – call to battle – call for change/repentance – 9 staccato blasts
Call to renewal – invitation to the presence of the Lord – a single long blast
We blew the shofar to the east west north and south and interceded for many things including a repentance for the spilling of innocent blood and an awakening. We also called forth:
Davids who understood worship and its relationship to battle and had the freedom and abandon to dance in passion before the Lord
Jonathons who can stand with armor bearers laying a fleece before the Lord in a situation of impossibly long odds with a commitment to go into battle
Yehus who drive like mad men and are zealous for the pulling down of unrighteous strongholds
Isaiahs who though born in wealth were willing to lay aside everything to humble themselves to carry the message of the Lord
Generals, Corporals, Sargents, Privates, etc standing ready to receive marching orders and enter the battle.
All of our fervent prayer has laid a ground work for a coming repentance and revival. The nation will change when the heart of its people changes. Possibly we have looked for a change of vote without first seeing repentance and a change of heart. God will not override our individual will. Our nation is ripe for judgment. At this time, we can stand in the gap (EZ 22) to cry out for mercy, but true, lasting change comes when hearts change as the church becomes salt and light in our communities.
I like many others prayed in faith looking for a great turn around in the midterm vote only to find myself grieving over some of the results. There is still much work to be done to impact the heart of the nation. In the Garden of Eden, the serpent said that eating the fruit would open Eve’s eyes to be like god knowing good and evil. The enemy has always been most effective working in half truths. The truth is that we are living in a day when men have not acknowledged the need to choose obedience and seek the one true God and search scripture for truth. We have instead rebelled, deifying ourselves and defining good and evil by our own flawed standards and human understanding. As in Ninevah, judgment will only be averted by repentance.
Awake sleeper and rise from the dead and Christ the Lord will shine on you. Eph 5:14

Anne Mukisa
November 10, 2022

2 Chronicles 7:14.. ” If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I shall hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. ”
God didn’t address this to unbelievers but to Christians. Yes we have prayed but so many of us haven’t turned from our wicked ways. We still have hatred, unforgiveness, foul mouth, pride and so many other works of the flesh. I felt in my spirit that God is calling me and you to turn from wicked ways…let’s learn to honor another even if we don’t agree with the person. Why is the president still addressed by his name and not Mr. President. Do we ever compassionately cry out for him and the so called left. They are only under the influence of the enemy to whom we must address our fight. Love the sinner, hate the sin…that was Jesus’s way..May the holy spirit convict each and everyone of us..

November 10, 2022

It’s very saddening to know that five states voted for legalizing abortion up to the NINTH MONTH! We need to pray for the HolySpirit to speak to our countrymen.

Alethea Bosworth
November 10, 2022

Today Jesus, I rest in the knowledge that your thoughts are above my thoughts. I know that you work all things for the fulfillment of your word and plan. Just how the results of this election, whether my state and district results were what I prayed for or not, will glorify you in the end may not be for me to understand. But I rejoice in hope! I come into your presence find mercy and receive your grace for the work you have prepared in advance for me to do. You are the King over all the kings of this world. I praise you, I trust your plan and receive your peace Lord. Amen and Amen!

Joy P
November 10, 2022

Stand up * Look up * Rejoice!!!
Luke 21:28

November 10, 2022

I praise and Thank God for His strong Arm and that He heard and listened to our cries! He moved mightily and helped restore godly leadership and order to ourHis Land! And my city!!! We are in a much better position now. I am filled with hope now and hope am not the only one. There is yet much to be done through prayer yes, but pathway is clearer and straighter. All glory and praise to Him.


November 10, 2022

Great discouragment. But it is a new morning.
Lord, today You leaped off the pages of Your Word to me, Isaiah 25,26,27. Weeping over these promises. Did He not go out with our armies? This is our God. Yah. We have waited for Him. We await You. You will expose evil, turning it to dust.

    November 10, 2022

    As did David, I will “encourage myself in the LORD”.


Sue Tracy
November 10, 2022

Father thank you for the privilege to vote and choose. You have given this right to us for our good we pray that the election would honor You and lead and guide those chosen to govern our nation for your glory.

Cynthia Infante
November 10, 2022

Psalm 2 –
We cannot despair, nor lose hope, nor faith, nor fear man, no matter what the world is doing. The war (spiritually speaking) is not over, but we do win battles. We must trust our GOD in that he is still shaking this nation and His glory we shall continually see in our midst of praise & worship to Him! We have so many amazing voices God is speaking thru and let us believe His truth and guard our hearts from evil. Focus on God and give no room to what satan and his puppets are doing or saying (let us declare the Word of the Lord). Look and see what the Lord has done, look and taste of His goodness, look and remember His promises! He is absolutely Good! I will continue to stand, pray, declare, decree with my brothers & sisters in Christ! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!!!! Hallelujah & Amen!

November 10, 2022


November 10, 2022

As this is Thursday and we still do not have some election results.The thief has tried to steal again but God will expose all who have tried to steal in this election.I believe we are about to witness Gods mighty hand of judgement on these individuals that continue to mock God and do not repent.USA is blessed by God and protected by Him.We are to stay with Israel these last days.God bless our nation and those standing for righteousness!!May Gods will be done Amen

November 10, 2022

Every day, no matter what the outcome of this election, we need to be praying for the truth to be revealed to those who are being deceived by Satan. This is a battle of good versus evil. Let’s be clear about that!!!

November 10, 2022

When we seek God first the enemy will flee from us. It’s stated in His Word that “when we resist the devil he has to (must) flee.” Satan and his minions cannot be around us for long if we are continually praising God. Remember, we have had the most ungodly regime in the USA in history and yet, Roe V. Wade was overturned because His people prayed and continue to pray. Like an artist who sees things others can’t see, we must see God is with us when we are with Him. He lives on our praises. Therefore, we give Him glory and honor and resist the temptation to complain, to be bitter, or to argue. He has done a margin of what we may have expected, but God is always in control and He has called HIS PEOPLE to turn from their wicked ways. When we praise Him for all that He will do, we are not going against His will.

Heavenly Abba, Father, we ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to bring revival to the USA and turn the hearts of those who would entertain evil to turn to you. We ask you to raise up godly people who will give you honor and praise to manage our government. Our hope is in YOU, Lord. Amen

Billie Cash
November 10, 2022

God is still moving forward. Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer. Romans 12:12

Jorja James
November 10, 2022

So much for the polls. Though I think the GOP did better than given credit for on a more local level.

Sheldon Livesay
November 10, 2022

God keeps taking me back to Deut 28. Sixty years ago, we began to slip from the blessings in the first half to judgments of God. Rev. 3 gives the prescription- remember from where you fell, (REPENT), and return.

Is it we have memorized the verse II Chron 7:14- but we don’t know how to apply it. Is God still in the mode of “requiring us to repent”? Is the election results simply God saying, we’re not there yet?

Many have been praying. Many have been repenting. We do see signs of revival across the nation- especially in the Bible Belt. Many believe it is the beginning of the end time awakening- I’ve studied revival for over 40 years and all the signs are present today which indicate people are beginning to take their changed lives and change culture around them.

God for sure showed me one thing. The World Trade Center was impenetrable, yet in 2001, planes found a place of weakness. They imploded and they turned to dust and fell in their own footprint. God said our targeted prayers are doing that to the fortresses of evil here in America

Sheryl Atkinson
November 10, 2022

Agreed! This election has been bathed in prayer, and at the end of each prayer, we have prayed, “not our will, Lord, but Yours be done.” So, we can celebrate with the victories, and we can rest assured that the seeming defeats are all part of God’s sovereign plan. We have to believe that, and wait expectantly for God’s will to be accomplished. Thank you, Lord, that Your ways are higher than ours, and though we can’t always SEE what You are doing, we have FAITH that You will accomplish Your purposes for our country and for our lives. Amen.

Fulton Sheen
November 10, 2022

Here is what I sent out in MI
Commentary on the 2022 Election (11.9.22) Fulton Sheen
The GOP took control of Congress and may take control of the Senate and that is certainly a victory. However, positive results were not the case in Michigan, in fact the worst things that could happen did. There are only two main explanations for the MI elections results. The majority of MI citizens have rejected God and His word, or Fraud. I believe both are true, with the latter having the much greater emphasis. Proposal 2 & 3 were by far the most significant and far reaching proposals ever to be voted on in the history of Michigan. Passage of Proposal 2, ends free elections and any logistical future hope of ever winning a majority in the Michigan House, Senate, SOS, AG, MI Supreme Court or any other statewide Office save a direct intervention of God. Passage of Proposal 3, governmentally and legally makes MI a death state that will now put MI in the position to compete with California & New York with killing more children than the other 47 states.

I am not sure what happened in the local school board, township and county elections, which are now more important than statewide elections as a wall of resistance to the state and Federal government, I pray we did well. However, many of you have not been as actively involved in past elections are likely devastated and disappointed by the results as we all should be. However some of us, myself included, although disappointed, I am not surprised, as I felt this way after most elections I have lived through. Our election, government and judicial systems are broken, fraudulent and no longer reliable. Nothing short of a complete change from top to bottom will fix this, as our current political systems are beyond repair.

In the days ahead, many will question the prophetic words pronounced over Michigan, were they all wrong – no, were the all right – no, but those words should have no bearing on your belief. Your relationship with Jesus is more important than any prophetic word. My hope is not in the government of Michigan or the United States, my hope is in Jesus, for He is the God of hope and He and only He, can redeem our state and country. Our mandate to oversee, govern and take ground in the communities God has placed us remain unchanged, in fact it has become even more important as Michigan becomes a more hostile, lawless and pagan environment which surrounds us. We are at a Red Sea moment, nothing but a miraculous move of God can deliver us, from the encroachment of the enemies forces, and that is exactly what I expect will happen. Until then, we resist and take ground for our King, our redeemer and our God!

US House – Republicans are expected to take majority, but by less than expected
US Senate – still up in the air, results may take several days
Michigan’s Congressional Delegation will be Dem 7 – GOP 5

House – Dem have taken majority for the first time since 2010 by 2 seats Dem 56 – GOP 54
Senate – Dem have taken majority for the first time since 1984 by 2 seats – Dem 20 – GOP 18

PROPOSALS – All 3 Proposals passed

SUPREME COURT – Current Justices Brian Zahra and Mark Bernstein won (1 Dem, 1 Rep)

    Jorja James
    November 10, 2022

    I totally agree. This reminds me of Oregon, which is a very pagan state. Even evangelists have said that. As I was watching the commercials and ads from liberals slamming their opponents, they focused on abortion rights. I feel the Republican National Committee could’ve given more financial support and backing to conservative candidates in states like Michigan and Oregon where some inroads could be made by pushing back on these accusations that their civil rights are violated. So more babies’ civil rights will be violated instead. Oregon has like 5 heavily populated counties which vote blue majority, the rest is red. Back on June 21, 2021 I was praying and the Lord to me clearly, and it surprised me because I was praying about something else. But he said 2 Chronicles 7:14 to me and then “Fire and Rain.” The west coast has suffered drought, out-of-control wildfire and flooding. Violence, crime, and homelessness is rampant, and they blame it on Trump for becoming president in 2016, but actually it was happening before 2016, and the people in charge did nothing about it. We true believers must trust Jesus, our King even more, take back ground, and remembering we are the salt of the earth.

      r m
      November 10, 2022

      Jorja, blame Sen. Mitch McConnell for lack of support. He is compromised and needs to go.

Steven G. Coy, D.Min
November 10, 2022

Recently this is what I sensed the Spirit of God was speaking to my heart,
“My sons, My daughters, My children through the shed blood of My son, the Christ––hear My words:

You are to be about the works of My kingdom. You are to be about My calling upon you as ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ. There is much to do but the laborers are few. This is the hour to establish your legacy in heaven. This is the hour to be about your Father’s business. This is the hour to be bold in your faith and your witness for Christ.

You and your faith and your testimony are the living witnesses for the resurrected Christ. Each and every one of you has a testimony if you have been born again through faith in My son. I want you to share it with others–with your friends, your family members, your neighbors, and even with the stranger. My love for My children of faith is awesome, but My love for the stranger to God–the lost soul–is also intense.

I have provided the gift of eternal life to all who will believe in My son, the Christ.”

From the Scriptures…
“Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”” (Matthew 9:37)
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
“So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”” (Acts 16:31)
“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:12)

John Holsey
November 10, 2022

[email protected]

Our prayers need to include the leadership suffle now going on in the republican house.

November 10, 2022

On Monday night we had to get the polls set up for Tuesday morning. GOD never let me sense a “red wave!’ What I felt was a strong sense of the HOLY SPIRIT and unity in the body of CHRIST! I also sensed unity with patriots and Republicans that may not be saved yet. When we first got to the polls, us Christian Republicans prayed for all polls in our country before the polls opened. We came against cheating on any level, and that it would be exposed if it did happen. We prayed for CHRIST’ love to be at every polling place. All parties, Republican, Democrat, Green, and Independent all worked as one unit in our polling place to service the people and make sure we had a smooth day. There was no party division with us poll workers or with the voters. All had IDs and no complaints. I am so grateful for all of the prayer that has gone forth about elections and voting since 2020 and before! What I sensed from GOD is for us to love the opposition and pray for them and….TO NEVER GIVE THEM ANY QUARTER EVER AGAIN! We allowed the riots of blm, the stolen presidency, and the interference of China in our elections! We stood by and allowed a few to fight for us when we needed to join them! GOD will show us how to fight, but fight we must to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY! FATHER GOD please order our steps and direct our paths and show us how to go up and fight as David did when he “recovered all” in JESUS NAME! Amen!

November 10, 2022

If your in a state with absolutely no voter safe guards their is no way to defeat the corruption in your voting process. MN is one of the worst as it relates to voter fraud….the current regime knows this so they have no regard for the concerns of the people..only filling their own agendas and pockets.. media is complicit in going along with the scam. This election cycle went from really bad to worse ….they stole everything…Governor…House..and the Senate….The Lord said ..it is time to move. Spoken to many who are doing the same.

Karen Lusher
November 10, 2022

God’s ways are mysterious, but our God is ALWAYS good and merciful and wise. The atmosphere in our nation is so volatile. Perhaps if either party had had an outright victory, violence, civil war or anarchy would have exploded in a horrible way with masses of people’s lives destroyed. Our God of Peace is always our God of righteousness and of MERCY. He knows how to curb the spread of evil. Nothing is hopeless with our God of Hope. We claim 2 Timothy 4:18 “And the LORD will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me unto His heavenly Kingdom.” Proverbs 10:6 “Blessings are on the head of the righteous.” Psalm 28:7 “The Lord is my strength; my heart trusted in Him, I am helped. Therefore, my heart greatly rejoices & with ny song, I will praise Him. ” We are not to panic or fear….for God is Almighty God and HE is greater in us than the evil one in the world orchestrating all this evil. Fear is from the enemy. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For GOD has not given me the spirit of fear but of POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND.” Jesus always wins no matter what!!!!!

    Eva Ivonne Candelario
    November 10, 2022

    Ameeennnn!!! Glory to God. He wants us to pray accompanied with prayers confident in His Words. He says “stay still since I am God” Praying and Praising and waiting confidence in what He will do. He is God.

    November 10, 2022

    I had the same thought Karen, this morning the scripture from Deuteronomy 7:22 came to me in my prayer time :,”little by little He will drive out these nations as you advance. You will not be able to destroy them all at once, for, if you did, the number of wild animals would increase & be a threat to you.”

November 10, 2022

I feel vitrine is our God given right and we need to participate, the outcome of the election is not the answer. And it is not actually prayer unanswered. The answer is the attitude in our hearts , can we continue to walk in Power Love and Sound mind no matter what the outcome of the election is. Voting is the right thing to do, what we may consider losses does not tie the hands of God. God works ALL things for good for those who love him.

Carol Petersen
November 10, 2022

This is a journey back. We are on the way. God is good all the time! His ways are not our ways!

November 10, 2022

Prophetically and Biblically we appear to be in the last days. God does answer prayer, but it would appear He has taken his protective hand off of the US which may explain why America is not in the Bible. Either way, we need to continue to pray for God’s will and his protection. Pray that he will encourage us to stand firm in Him while we see depravity all around us!

    Jorja James
    November 10, 2022

    I agree with that too. I believe God has removed hedges from about America.

Kaufoou Pale
November 10, 2022

I think the Lord Jesus Christ got this. His ways is higher so to His thought. Keep on praying and believing. Nations are upon His shoulder and we the people upon Him too. Powerful message from the book of Act, when Paul told the captain of the ship to stop sailing but they do not listen to him, and shipwreck happen. God save all of them because of Paul. I think we are heading to a shipwreck, but God will save this Nation because the praying church still here. Yes, I am disappointed, but I still have faith in Christ. He got this.

Vicki Gibbs
November 10, 2022

Lord, thank you for providing your kingdom and your Holy Spirit for us to dwell in peace, provision, protection, health and joy even now! Psalms 91 is a strength and joy to me. Thank you for saving me. Be with the little ones that are under attack from the enemy of our souls. Cover them and bring them to you, I pray.

jacquelynn chechile
November 10, 2022

I and three others met weekly since July praying against prop 5 in Vermont. I asked the Lord why it wasn’t defeated. I felt the Lord was telling me not enough Christain were earnestly praying for its defeat.

    Vicki Gibbs
    November 10, 2022

    Sadly, I heard the same thing here in California. The Christians did not accept we are to manage here on earth, not hide and whine. I think many are like Gideon, acting like worms, not mighty people of valor. We pray Lord you open the hearts, and minds of Christians to the truth of your Word.

      November 10, 2022

      I believe we do have the votes, and the prayers, are votes are being… but are prayers are not. CA is a praying state, it just appears like we are not and it appears the enemy is doing everything he wants but God is in control and he knows all those who are crying out and repenting, do not be discouraged but continue to draw closer and be the light as times get darker.

        November 10, 2022

        I disagree, I’m in CA and I have had trouble getting people to pray for our nation because they think we are in the last days and just want to give up. I’ve also had conversations with other Christians who think that we should not interfere with a woman who wants an abortion even though we wouldn’t do it ourselves. I think God has great plans for this state but I think there is much deception and apathy here. I only saw one sign that said NO on proposition 1 and I didn’t hear any CA pastor say something about this proposition until the Sunday before Election Day. I think some cheating is happening, but many California Christians are deceived and/or not willing to be vocal. I think God has good plans for CA but the large scale deception and apathy of the CA churches is an issue.

          November 10, 2022

          (Genesis 18:26, if I find fifty righteous people in the city of sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake. ) There is always hope, I know there is more than 50 people be encouraged.

          November 10, 2022

          Yes. I run across so many Christians who are not willing to do anything because they just want the,Rapture to happen immediately, so are shutting their eyes or being complacent.
          They don,t want to get involved in serving God and working for change. God is not finished with His plan for the Great Harvest on this earth.

      November 10, 2022

      California had a chance at renewal when Gavin Newsom was recalled, but voters rejected Larry Elder who had a great chance if the Christians and patriots supported him, which they did not! Sometimes people haven’t been shoved in the dirt enough to be tired of it. Well those that stayed home, or voted for Newsom and let him be re-elected from the recall are partakers of all of his evil in GOD’S Eyes, and either need to move out of California or suffer from Newsom’s demonic mind and constant evil! Only GOD can deliver California in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Vito Faraci Jr.
November 10, 2022

Subject: Not Enough Hatred for Evil

I heard a wise man once say that the more we love what God loves, and the more we hate what God hates, the more God-like we become. As a mathematician, this statement seems perfectly logical to me. In fact, the Old Testament is full of passages that speak about what God hates. For example: (Proverbs 6 King James Version) “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren”. Nowadays if you pick up any daily non-biased newspaper you will probably read about most if not all seven.

Since the end of WWII I have observed a decline in people’s hatred for evil. For example, I hear people talk and say things like “Did you hear politician XYZ lying on TV last night?” and a common response would be “No big deal, all politicians lie.” It is now become acceptable behavior for politicians to lie. People give them a pass. To say it another way, some people have become desensitized to lying and other bad behaviors, i.e., some people are becoming more desensitized to sin. They have forgotten, or maybe have not been told, that one of the things that the Lord hates is a lying tongue. And then of course there is still another possibility in that some people only believe in what they want to believe.
Nowadays you will hear some people (mostly liberals) saying that it is wrong or not politically correct to hate. I suspect that this is a denial mechanism, a way of justifying themselves from not hating the evil that surrounds them or some of the things they do. It is interesting to note that this behavior is related to the path of least resistance, or to the path of most comfort. I really believe that all this political correctness nonsense was manufactured in hell.
There is no sin in hatred as long as we hate what God hates. In fact, when we hate what God hates, hatred becomes a virtue. There is something wrong with a person who does not hate being lied to by the president of his country or does not hate being forced to pay for other people’s abortions, or does not hate a government that encourages laziness, or does not hate the act of innocent men, women, and children having their heads chopped off. What would Jesus have to say about these behaviors?
I have also noticed that since the end of WWII within the Catholic Church, and in other churches as well, there is plenty of talk on the subjects of goodness and love. Certainly, these are very good things that people need to hear about. However, there has been a decline of talks, homilies, and teachings about sin, evil, and the devil. In fact, there is very little or no talk on these subjects today. For the most part, churches, schools, and government are silent on these issues. This observation raises some very basic and profound questions. If a person does not fully understand sin and evil, then how can he be expected to fully understand goodness and love? Should people be held responsible for not believing in sin, evil, or the devil when their pastors, parents, and teachers are silent on these subjects? What is the root cause of these subjects not being talked about in our churches and schools?

Below are some excerpts from a Retreat that Bishop Sheen gave in Gary Indiana back in 1973 which seems to confirm my observations and offer some insight and explanations as to what is going on:
1) We are living in the first age in history that has denied the reality of sin.
2) It used to be that only us Catholics believed in the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Nowadays
everyone believes that he is immaculately conceived.
3) Sin is not the worst thing in the world. The worst thing in the world is the denial of sin.
Note: Compare 3) with “To see evil and not call it evil is evil.”
4) We are either domesticating the devil or denying his existence.
5) The devil is most powerful when he has people believing he does not exist.
6) God’s definition of Himself is “I Am who Am”. The devil’s definition of himself is “I am who am not”.
7) The devil is running things down here and is doing a damn good job.
8) We do not have to wear hair shirts these days, our neighbors are hair shirts.

What is so very interesting to note here is that Bishop Sheen said these things back in 1973. When one considers, among other things, the increase of murder, abortion, violence, terrorism, tearing apart of families, drug abuse, disrespect for police and rightful authority in the past few years, we find that 1973 was relatively calm compared to what is going on today.

Today I hear a lot of people complaining about others starving for food and shelter which is very noble, but I do not hear any complaints about others starving for Truth. Like good food, people require Truth to maintain a healthy and fruitful life. Many people are starving for Truth and do not know it. We need to go back and teach some simple basics like the nursery rhyme “Little Red Riding Hood” to be reminded that evil can come in various disguises and learn what we can and must do about it.

Denise K Phillips
November 10, 2022

I agree that many are still blinded and deaf to what evil is happening in our government. Sorry to say it will probably have to get worse before it gets better. The thing I am hearing to comfort those that have their eyes and ears wide open is “GOD will not leave His children begging for bread”. Our Father GOD will take can of our needs during this very difficult time, we just need to stay glued to Him!!!!

Douaa girgis
November 10, 2022

God will be glorified, those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Now, more than ever we are sick & in need of Your salvation, we await Your salvation O Lord knowing that You work through the weak. We love You, we thank You, we Praise Your Holy Name which called upon us

Kathy Sawvell
November 10, 2022

Give careful thought to the path for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Don’t turn to the right or the left; keep your feet from evil. Don’t fret or be envious against those who work unrighteousness. They will soon be cut down like grass and wither like an herb. Be confident in the Lord and do good.

Nancy Bryda
November 10, 2022

I pray for God’s will to be done in Georgia Senate race and for exposure to continue especially with the candidate who is a pastor and supports full term abortion. God’s will to be done in Georgia. Lord, we trust you. Also, Lord may your will be done in the Arizona Governor’s race. I am asking for exposure of all election manipulation, and I lose justice over the state to move upon all people, voters, people in leadership, candidates – all people and may your will be done for the Lord’s purposes and His purposes alone.

Joy Marion
November 10, 2022

I felt like the Lord was saying to be patient.
Many of his people are still blinded by this evil agenda.
Things will have to get worse before they get better… for the blind must see and the deaf must hear.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over them
In Jesus name Amen

Nancy Bryda
November 10, 2022

Don’t be wearing in doing what is right and in due season we will reap a harvest. Be thankful for the positive wins in the midterms. I continue to pray for corruption to be exposed and it is according to God’s blueprints. These elections exposed how flawed the machines are and the need to go to paper ballots. Many lawsuits will occur concerning voting integrity and judges will get the opportunity to act righteously, and I ask for a hovering of the Holy Spirits over these judges, Saul to Paul conversions is in process and I have a hopeful and faith filled expectation that God is and will continue to save America. No King but Jesus.

    November 10, 2022

    Mike Lindell said last night on Flashpoint, please pray for the judges. He has the proof we just don’t have the judges.
    We still have much work, much praying to do.
    My confidence is in God alone. He will come and turn this nation to Himself. Revival then reformation!

    November 10, 2022

    Amen, I agree! Vindication comes in Gods time, exposing the enemy is good but what’s more important is a that are hope is in the Lord. I feel like the enemy is using this election to discourage Gods people. We cannot grow weary, but continue to trust God no matter what the outcome.

Susan S.
November 10, 2022

While the results of the election are disappointing, God is still on his throne. Voter fraud brings down a curse and LBJ died on the very day that RoevWade was announced.

November 10, 2022

God is revealing where we stand as a nation for the value of life. We must always stand for life as God created all in His image.

Tammy Shaver
November 10, 2022

AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED. So many prophetic voices warned not to look to the mid-terms – but to look to Him. It wasn’t a huge victory. BUT, it wasn’t a huge defeat either. Let us remind ourselves that our help comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth [Ps. 121:2]. Our suddenly moment will arrive, right on time. And, it won’t be a suddenly at all, but a culmination of years of prayer, decrees and worship warfare, tipping the bowls in Heaven. We hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL. [Heb. 10:23]

November 10, 2022

Please continue to pray for Georgia. I know that both candidates have their issues but Walker has confessed his sins and Warnock has not. Warnock is supposed to be a preacher but I don’t know any real preachers who claim abortion and go vote the way he does.

November 10, 2022

The US is a remarkably wicked place now, whose political leaders are mostly humanists. Our youth are twisted by media, culture, and the wicked. Perhaps God is finally done with our Country. On the flip side – for the first time in many years media like Peter (Hegstead on Fox) and leaders like Secretary Pompeo transmit powerful messages of their love of Christ. Our nation is split, as is the World. Our response must be love & practicing the Word. We can depend on His hand to guide us where He will.

    Terry Cook
    November 10, 2022

    I too have noticed that other people in the media–add Jason Whitlock to that list–are openly declaring God’s Word publicly. I’ve believe God wants all his people to speak openly about Him, not shying away from “thus says the Lord “. Since we are ambassadors for Christ we certainly have the authority to speak in His name, in spite of the godless political class’s condemnation of us when we do. Bold yet humble…

Cora Olivas
November 10, 2022

Lord, I am thankful that the crafty cannot hide their plans and deeds from You. You know the thoughts of the devious and the usurper and already have their reward mapped out. You will exact the harvest of the wicked justly as You exact the harvest of the righteous. Reaping what they sow, the wicked are defeated by their own devises; their own hand. Thank you, Lord, for the fighters of America. Prayer Warriors, righteous leaders, watchmen on the wall. I thank You for filling our churches with patriots who have become bold as lions on behalf of Your nation. God bless them this day and God bless the U.S.A. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

angela rodrigo
November 10, 2022

Still praying for Arizona. The enemy came to kill, still and destroy but our GOD IS FAITHFUL AND HIS WILL WILL BE DONE. Arizona IS A BEAUTIFUL STATE and GOD LOVES US.

Jeff Isaac
November 10, 2022

The Lord has been impressing on my heart that our nation, and specifically the church, need to continue to pray for our nation, repent of our national sins, and stay watchful. While I pray for a change in the party that is currently leading our nation, I wonder how the church, in general, would have responded had there been a “Red Wave.” Would we have continued to seek the Lord? Are we really concerned with corruption? With the undoing of evil and unjust laws? Maybe. But I wonder if, by and large, we want to go back to a way of life where we weren’t so disturbed. Where things seem easier and I have less cares. In recent times, many Christians backed off of these issues when “we got our guy in.” Assuming the work was done and we could go on in our comfort. I believe God is refining us to move past this type of attitude and turn wholeheartedly to Him. I’m grateful for this platform. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but be encouraged, the outcome of this election is God’s answer to our prayers. I think He is saying to stay vigilant.

    Zoe Hagy
    November 10, 2022

    I so agree with your assessment, Jeff Isaac! I believe the Lord is telling us to stand up for what we know is truth and He is forcing our Congress men and women to do the same by not allowing a “red wave”. Our natural bent is to return to “normal” and in so doing, we tend to become very complacent. Lord, help us keep our eyes on You and your word on our lips as we continue to stand up for you and your truth.

    November 10, 2022

    Jeff, you are absolutely correct,
    “I wonder how the church, in general, would have responded had there been a “Red Wave.” Would we have continued to seek the Lord? ” Yes, the outcome of this election is God’s answer to our prayers. It’s all about Jesus. ❣🙌🙏

Russ and Linda johnson
November 10, 2022

My husband and I prayed too and this was a strange midterm. Many Family members who ALWAYS vote seemed to ignore my “reminder” how important it was. Yes, their lives were busy etc., but that never stopped them before. We know satan is blinding Truth from the “world” but it disheartened us to see Our family too? Not all family but most. I think the trust and confidence in our voting system may have contributed to this.

Carolyn Thompson
November 10, 2022

Thank you Heavenly Father! 🙏

November 10, 2022

HE is still on the throne! Don’t let your heart be troubled. Faith is in the waiting………

November 10, 2022

Some Churches didnot vote, Woke Churches voted for Abortion, etc…
AND, dominion machines WERE involved again!
Real Time Crime Seen;
MI 1:30 AM 150K dump
PA 500Kdump, OZ should
not have conceded.
AZ Maricopa CO, Criminal
Kari Lake will win.
32 states had machine

Pray for accountability!
(Lies, theft/corruption, perversion, murder, mandates…)

Christine Gallagan
November 10, 2022

The Ecclesia is still ushering in the Kingdom of God. America shall be saved and reformed. This will take some time as the shaking and exposure continues. Florida is a forerunner in all of this and as she represents the finger of God as she points the way to righteousness. As the Ecclesia is persistent in her prayers and declarations all of heaven is activated to close the doors of injustice and open the doors of justice. We must continue to Ask,Seek and knock and never give up. We must be brave and courageous in the face of many trials. God said take the giants in the land, He didn’t say to take them all at once, that would be nice but this is war and the enemy’s head must be taken off one giant at a time. God is still on our side He is still fighting for us and He will have His nation back.

Christine Rhyner
November 10, 2022

There can’t be righteous leaders without a righteous people to elect them. Though, thank God, some Conservative wins have been gained, these races shouldn’t even be CLOSE. If they truthfully are, we are witnessing great degradation of character among the electorate (The Word states it will be so in the last days). Vice, ignorance, self-love & deception are running rampant & though God is trying to get our attention, people don’t see it. Of great concern is the ‘Gen Z’ voter, favoring Socialism, Marxism, senseless that they are begging for their enslavement. We need to pray for them and ask God to raise up role models of true character in the places they are influenced including in sports and entertainment. As long as this nation continues down the track of sexual delusion, ie, the transgender movement, abortion and the growing anti-Israel indoctrination on college campuses, more terrible candidates will be in office.

Julie M.
November 10, 2022

As I prayed before the election, of course we are to discern God’s will and pray according to it. His will would be that babies are not tortured and killed in the womb, and that we minister to women who feel the need to abort. His will would be that people embrace how He created them, male or female, and that we minister to people who are struggling to embrace who they are, and not confuse children, etc. That is His will. So I discerned that if He allows or puts people in office that do not believe in Him or His will, or who distort and pervert His truth, this can only mean He has given us over to our sin, our rebellion, and our pride. That however does not mean He doesn’t love us or that He has abandoned us in any way. He will never leave us or abandon His people in any way. We do need to pray according to His will, in agreement with Him, stay the course, continue to shine like stars in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation, speak truth in love, bless our enemies, and the like. And we need to accept this evil He is allowing is because of our sinfulness, so repentance continues to be needed, as it always has been.

November 10, 2022

The Red wave has not fizzled. It has been artificially surpassed and tampered with by the enemy. But God will reveal it all and restore it the way it should be. God will keep His promises. Start praising and thanking Him for what will happen.

Hans Vandergouw
November 10, 2022

The Lord moved upon my heart to hold 3 one-hour prayer session via FreeConferencecall.com (thank you folks for this God given platform) three weeks before election day. For me at least, the main prayer point was “HIS MERCY”. After all which we have heard about in terms of election fairness, I knew that only the Lord could pull this off. Thus far, it looks a whole lot better than before. Now, I’m praying that I, and the rest of the body of Christ, will serve Him in ways we never have before. Time is so short before His glorious return.

November 10, 2022

“Pray” and “Go.” Two commands to go into the world and witness. Luke 10:1-3
“Go and make disciples” Two more commands to witness. Matt. 28:19
“The gospel of the kingdom will be preached (by my disciples)…as a witness and then the end will come.” A command and a promise. Matt. 24:14

If you are not in a church or group of friends to encourage you in this, I pray that you will find such a church or group. We all need encouragement. Then the end will come.”

Barb Wilbur
November 10, 2022

Two things that God has impressed upon me.
First, the voting machines, & voter integrity still needs fixed. Some were corrected but not all, especially in the bigger cities. Second, we have a nation that has drifted way from God .Many churches that have compromised the word and have become social gathering, not manifestations of the awesome power of God and reverential fear of God.
We need to pray for completion of voter accuracy in the polls and nationwide revival and outpouring of his spirit.

Stephen Russell
November 10, 2022

Still working on the US since Red Wave fizzled

The Prayer Sentry
November 10, 2022

“Exceptionalism” comes with repentance and Grace.

Roger fox
November 10, 2022

GOD’s ways are above our ways. GOD has his own plans. Our obedience is required to walk in his ways.

Renee Page
November 10, 2022

I stumbled on 1 Kings 12:15 today by accident and it spoke to me about our current events. “It was a turn of events from the LORD, that He might establish His word” We seek God’s will, we pray for righteous leaders, we trust Him….and then we let the results be up to Him because He is planning things we don’t understand so He can make Himself known. Hallelujah! We continue to seek, pray, trust and we will see God establish His Word in our land!! Never give up, He is still on His throne!

    angela rodrigo
    November 10, 2022

    Continue interceding for all those who have made it even when we don’t agree with them as GOD CAN WORK IN THEIR HEARTS. God wants all to be his. They are deceived by the enemy. Never give up. Continue that GOD WILL BE DONE AS NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD.

Brian lynch
November 10, 2022

What the Lord is impressing upon me, is, that everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, that the people that got elected are those who were supposed to be. He has impressed upon me, that as long as our focus is on politicians, we will be frustrated and disappointed by what we see happening. We truly need to focus upon Him, as He is our provider, not the government. Until our government truly becomes Christ-centered, it will continue to be the dysfunctional, backbiting, fractured mess that it is, especially in these End Times.

November 10, 2022

As I reflect back on 9/11 and the pandemic, I have always felt that these were warnings from God as we (America and the world) have turned away from Him! And I’m reminded of during both Old/New Testament days, Israel disobeyed God many, many times and He punished them! But He restored them because He loved them! 2 Chronicles 7:14 comes to mind – If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, seek My face, pray and turn from their wicked ways, then, will I heal their land. Yes, we and millions of others have prayed for God to heal our land – specifically, that He would enable through both the midterm and 2024 election to bring us back to Him. Apparently, God has allowed some improvement but we’re not there yet! Our prayer focus should be on God’s anointing power to bring repentance, revival and restoration!

To God be the glory!

David Littlefield

Romans 8:37-39

November 10, 2022

Voter Integrity is the Issue!! We cannot accept once again voter fraud and a stolen election in many of the lost seats that should have been red. There definitely was a massive red wave only to be stolen once again! They were not punished for 2020 which enabled them to become smarter, more brazen and sneakier! Pray that the enemy in our camp be removed so that we become stronger and not divided! That the voice of the Patriot become louder and bolder and more courageous!!! God Save Our Nation🙏🙏🙏and lift up Joshuas and Davids in our pulpits and country.!! In the mighty name of Jesus!

Robert Graham
November 10, 2022

I will say two things. Personal Holiness matters and Trump has to much baggage. So I personally hope DeSantis runs. 2 Biblical Worldview Matters! It matters for our candidates and personally!

    Nancy Berkey
    November 10, 2022

    Robert Graham, DeSantis is in the cabal fromwhat I have been reading. He’s backed bybillionaures. Look it up. Trump isn’t perfect. Neither was King David. The Deep State hates Trump because he is not of their wicked agenda. Hod used President Trump to reealthe world all this unholiness and dishonesty that has been going onin this govt. I thought uuderstoodthat.

Ron & Sue K
November 10, 2022

We keep receiving the inspiration that Pastors in Georgia who preach TRUTH from the Holy Bible need to immediately form a coalition to Stand up for Hershel Walker in bringing the faithful into Prayer into such a coalition, and they need to do so in a public forum.
We Pray that if this is the LORD’S will, that such a coalition comes into being asap.

Carolyn Billington
November 10, 2022

Praying in God’s Spirit battles in the heavenly realm and we will continue as long as have breath. Jesus will return and find us praying.

Wanda Downes
November 10, 2022

Father God we feel your hands are upon our nation. We feel your movement is the spiritual direction that we need to save America. Thank you Lord for your love for your protection and for loving the United States of America.

Curtis Guhl
November 10, 2022

We need to watch and pray as we watch for God’s push back on all this wickedness that the election represents. To intercede for mercy for revival. Amen

Lynn Baird
November 10, 2022

God is speaking to me that he wants us to trust in Him, not government. By allowing this election to not go the way we hoped, we look up for our source of strength in dark times and call on the power of Heaven. God’s light shows the strongest of in the dark.

November 10, 2022

Father have mercy on us, we are a sinful people. The stench of our sin and corruption will see discipline. Our people are so out of balance, this decay has been going on for decades. We pray our people be called out of Babylon, the world systems and into repentance. Take us out of
Socialism = worship of government
Independence = worship of self
Environmentalism = worship of the earth
Occult, witchcraft, paganism, new age, idolatry, pride, rebellion, let us see where we participate in pagan rituals, bring us to repentance. Make us your beautiful, pure, spotless bride…

Get out of Babylon, my people, and run for your lives, before I strike the city in my anger!

Go forth from her midst, O My people, “” And let each deliver his soul, “” Because of the fierceness of the anger of YHWH, Literal Standard Version

Debbie Nalley
November 10, 2022

The Lord never said there would be no persecution, as a matter of fact everytime the body of Christ grew they were under persecution. We have to trust in Him.. We are soooo close to being with Him.. The good news… Any day now be ready….

November 10, 2022

The long awaited red wave flowed from Calvary long ago. If all power and authority was given to us then stand firm in faith and use His Word of Truth which is our Sword for Heaven is here and we have access to manifest it here on earth…release the angels with a word to bring about our Father’s will for his glorious renown and our good. His Grace is sufficient for today. Jesus come! He will give us back the land little by little. Stay in his peace while you wait. I have found myself getting angry at some things going on and these thoughts I shar have brought me back where I need to be, Christ centered and knowing that he has given us all we need for life and holiness, keep our eyes on Jesus. 🙌 Blessings

    November 10, 2022

    Loved “the long awaited red wave flowed from Calvary long ago.”

November 10, 2022

Two things: During prayer, the Lord kept speaking to my heart: “The fix is in.” So I was saddened and interceded but wasn’t surprised. Because they are dominating by cheating. We must pray for them to be exposed.

The other thing that made me awaken is that we have a generation now of young women who think abortion is healthcare and their right. They have no (open) remorse. They get pregnant and dispose of the baby. That’s who voted. It shows we have to focus less on elections and more on salvations and helping people to see that taking a life is against Gods will.

Daniel Patrick Druk
November 10, 2022

I believe that God is gathering up his children and more need to come to know him. From what I have seen, evil governments local and federal are using as we should know, their evil plan. It may look dark, but I am not shaken. I know God is in total control and all the glory will come to those who keep their eyes and hearts turned to God. We must not be shaken. We must have faith that all nations will bow before the true God. We are not here to live among the ones who do not believe. We must stay focused.
Victory is only for the ones who have unwavering faith. I choose to have that unwavering faith and accept all that is to come, because I know that God will fulfill his promises to us. Just because we have seen the early results of this 2022 election, doesn’t mean that God is finished. What if God is sparing us an unspeakable horror? What if God is gathering all of us together and we are not together yet? What if we are so close to our victory and God is ready to show us the light in 15 minutes? Would knowing all these things, make you feel better today? I believe that all of these things could be possible. I also believe that God will give us such a great victory that we will all fall on our knees and worship him once the light is shown on the evil ones. I choose to praise God now, because I know all these good things are God’s plan for us to live through. Just as we have lived through these past 3 years of misery.
May God bless America.

David Coe
November 10, 2022

Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight, removing obstacles in your way. Proverbs 3:5-6

We are in a Spiritual battle, [Ephesians 3: 6] He said Occupy until I return. Do not be afraid.

The key to winning is to introduce others, those in you sphere of influence to Jesus personally His core Values for humanity. Failure to do that is failure indeed.
Learn how to do just that with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, those He gave you in partnership with Him.

Come Holy Spirit, with your wisdom, teach us the power of loving Humility Like Jesus, that you may change the world for your Kingdom glorifying you
and your-our Abba, Father.

Lori Meed
November 10, 2022

No King but Jesus! Keep pressing in for the Third Great Awakening be ause morning short of Holy Spirit changing hearts will turn America. The ekklesia is awakening and God hears the prayers and heart cries of His people. His desire is that none should perish. Press in! Press in! All hail King Jesus!

November 10, 2022

The TRUE battle is for the heart of our citizens. It is inconceivable that, despite RECORD crime, inflation and a host of other ills, candidates whose policies encourage lawlessness were still reelected in many states. It is also a severe indictment on our nation that citizens voted in 5 radical abortion measures. GOD HELP US. May we, His Bride, cooperate with His Holy Spirit to deal with the ROOT of our problem in America: the turning of stony hearts into hearts of flesh.

Debra Sawhill
November 10, 2022

Standing in the gap🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🔥🔥🔥✝️✝️✝️🙏♥️🙏

Joy Almendarez
November 10, 2022

I feel the election results point to the true heart condition of the 🇺🇸 USA. Many profess to be Christians ✝️, but most are cold or lukewarm. And God says that lukewarm is worse than being cold. Why? Because it leads those who are lost astray, leading them to believe living in the world, without the Word’s wisdom, is ok. This is a continual sifting for sure. To show the Church and pastors the cultural climate we are in, and up against. It’s time for the Church to be bold, to stand up with clear truth and application in the Word. Notnshying away from what has been made ” political”. Life is not political, biology is not political! Laws are to keep us safe, and to help us as a nation, to keep blessing others.. laws are not political! It is time to stop taking government breaks as churches, and see How God provides them His people.

    Joy Almendarez
    November 10, 2022

    Edit. “Through * His people.
    Say No as church to government tax breaks .”

Debra Sawhill
November 10, 2022

I believe we are to continue to be steadfast in our intercession for America, for King Jesus to bring His light with WarriorHeavenly Hosts into all communities of America and remove veils of lies, deception, fraud, manipulations, brain washing by media, all satanic agendas against all humanity, in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray this daily. We are to have no fear, no matter the circumstances for Father God’s will be done, His plan and purpose prevails. This is beyond democrats verses republicans, it has always been a spiritual battle, the timing for all to wake up is now!!!I pray this now too, in Jesus name 🙏♥️🙏

Michelle Duchnowski
November 10, 2022

National Hopes

In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:
Isaiah 26:1‭-‬4 KJV

November 10, 2022

God has already won this war against the evil doers of this world that have been ruling for years n years n years NO NWO , only Gods order , only The Father knows the date and the time AMEN

November 10, 2022


Allena Jordan
November 10, 2022

After reading Dutch Sheet’s GiveHim15 Thursday, Nov. 10, and after reading a post of Lance Wallnau’s, both of which are reflections on the outcome of the elections, I believe God is saying that He is not done with the shaking. Don’t we often ask ourselves, “How bad does life have to get before someone decides to change the direction of his/her life?” Isn’t that where we are today? How bad does this have to get before God’s people wake up? How bad does it have to get before people cry out for help from Him who changes lives? Well, it’s time for all of us to keep our seatbelts buckled, to continue to be alert, on guard, faithful; to continue to dream and prophesy; to continue to look for the open and shut doors. Most importantly, we place our trust in Him with Whom we have to do – God, the Almighty and creator of the universe. God’s plan is not null and void, but is working itself out. A long distance runner practices for the race. Then, when that time comes, he is ready. Let us prepare for this next portion of this race toward spiritual awakening and revival. We rest, eat, strengthen ourselves in the Lord, and press on.
1 James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.
2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Galatians 6:9 Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.

Father, I lift up all the prayer warriors who fervently prayed for this election. Lord, we all were hoping for something a little larger than what happened. Yet, we are encouraged because of checks and balances in our government. There is a brief “stay” now in the House and the Senate. Yet, we still have unrighteous rulers. Therefore, we take these verses from Hebrews:
Hebrews 12:11 All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. 12 Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, 13 and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed.
Father, we make straight paths for our feet. We strengthen our hands and knees. And because we are covered by the blood of Jesus, we lift our faces toward heaven and say “Have thine own way, Lord. You are the potter. We are the clay.” Do what You need to do to turn the people of this nation back to You. Purge us all of unrighteousness, injustice, murderous intents of the heart, and lack of trust in You.
We declare today that our trust is in You and You alone. You will have Your way in the United States of America. Freedom will ring across the land. Souls shall be saved and hearts changed. Use us, Lord, to that end. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Jane Shu
    November 10, 2022


    Henrietta Reed
    November 10, 2022

    Thank you, Allena, for your perspective and encouragement! So agree that our hearts and Nation need to be purged of unrighteousness, and turned WHOLLY towards our Lord and Maker! May the Fire of Holy Spirit cleanse and be set ablaze in our hearts, prayers and divinely directed actions, in Jesus Name, amen!

November 10, 2022

The outcome of the election is a reflection of what’s in people’s hearts. We need to change hearts to change votes. I love IFA and all the ways it encourages me to pray. Prayer is needed so badly to change hearts.

Linda k Rice
November 10, 2022

When the salt leaves the saltshaker, that’s revival. Going is intercession. Mingling with the world, being in it, is our call. We became monastic at some point and then decay set in because the salt was not preserving anything but its own culture. That is sin.

November 10, 2022

A red wave would have put Americans back to sleep. I think God wants us to keep fighting hard for our country and for the return of His church to His kingdom. Not a minute to waste as socialism is the worship of government in place ot God. Mail in ballots were the new cheat. Pray and work every minute of every day

November 10, 2022

God is at work even when we think He is silent. His ways are higher than our ways. Let us keep our focus on Him who causes or allows things to happen – always for a purpose.
Let us rejoice always- our hope is in the Lord.
Let us keep praying without ceasing- God is listening.
Let us be thankful at all times- God remains sovereign!

November 10, 2022

I believe this is a call to the remnant to lead the Church into the Promise Land which is for His Bride to be filled to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ so the world will see His glory and only His glory on the earth. He is bringing about Eph. 4:11-16 as a reality for his people and my prayer is that many more will awaken to this call and turn in repentance and trust in His promise to fulfill it. I want to be a part of a Body of believers who have their eyes fixed on Him so that while we pray for our government and our nation we never lose sight of His plan and purpose for us, His Church!

November 10, 2022

American Christian’s should rise above viewing their challenges as just human. They should quit thinking that the solution is an election victory by one man or party. Rather, christians in America should realize they are battling against principalities and powers. It calls for sincere intercessions and spiritual warfare prayers devoid of blank partisanship except where the Lord expressly directs. I believe as the Christian’s stand on biblical principles of righteousness, justice, holiness boldness and love and genuinely seek the Lord, He will turn things around.

Laura Campa
November 10, 2022

So myself like most I know was expecting a Red Wave. Some of the choices some made just blow my mind, but I know it is all un God’s plan for Anerica. A lady at my church said God told her that we are granting Satan legal authority to not just get in deeper, but to totally ruin this country. So I choose not to give him legal authority and push back at every single corner that I can and we all need to do this. Prayer is very important 🙏 and I know for a fact that God answers prayers, but we need to be more involved in our schools (even if we do not have kids or grandchildren), we need to run for offices in our communities and we need to stand up and rebuke Satan and his demons at those corners. We cannot sit by idolly and let this happen. We need to bring as many to salvation as possible. AMEN!!!!!!! 🙏

Betsy West
November 10, 2022

Yet another revelation in this multi-layered process. Knowing the proper targets are essential. The aftermath reveals that the Gen Z’s voted 28 percent Democrat. The largest block in all age groups. No doubt being offered free drugs, abortion on demand, college debts paid off, where deliberate bait. But now we need to pray ever more diligently for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit just as in the 60’s and 70’s that rescued my generation. Only a supernatural demonstration of the power of God will bring heartfelt transformation.
We must remember this is not a 50 yard dash, it’s a marathon. This is not is just one battle in a raging war. So we put away our Microwaves and Instapots and patiently watch and pray as God reveals His plan to capture the hearts of this critical generation. Strategy has already been downloaded and I pray for multiplication of evangelists like Sean Feucht.

    Cindy Quattrocelli
    November 10, 2022

    Yes, indeed! Father we thank You for raising up evangelists in these days to help us as we the hands and feet of Jesus GO OUT to reach the lost using the gifts You provided each one of us. I agree with Sean Feucht, that now with the Republicans in congress as the majority, we can more successfully hinder evil legislation. So, this election was a victory for us. Yes, and I am still declaring and decreeing Joel 2:28-32 coming and yes, I too am realizing as time goes on that this kind of victory comes in layers. Let us praise the Lord as we battle in prayer saying, His Love Endures Forever! Amen.

Deborah Keller
November 10, 2022

I love IFA! I’m so grateful for you, who have taken up the call of God to stand in the gap!
The Lord reminded me of when the Israelites asked for a king. But God was their King who reigned over them. I am a citizen of His kingdom and I must honor and obey Him in everything, teach my children to obey Him, model His government to people around me. “And the government will rest on His shoulders…..and of its increase and of peace there will be no end”. He showed me I am to increase His government and peace in me and all around me.
He showed me I am to hate no one! If people do evil, they are influenced by their father the devil. “Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you.”
Yes, pray for those in authority and for good government. But NEVER forget the kingdom I belong to and have pledged my allegiance to and who my King is.
I think He is saying to me, a people wholly submitted to God will make a better earthly government.

November 10, 2022

Our prayer group has met every Wednesday night for over 3 years now to pray for our nation. Last night we of course were sad, disappointed etc but we just began to praise God for Who He is and our spirits began to soar & His Presence surrounded us. We “heard” many things during that time. All were meant to encourage the saints. Reminding us to walk by faith & not by sight.; He is the undefeated ONE, the prayers of the righteous are availing much. And we were again reminded that HE is always busy working on our behalf and what is happening in the unseen is accomplishing much of what His remnant is praying for, He urged us to remember that our mission remains the same: to share the Good News and yes, we too sensed an urgency in that,
Be encouraged today faithful saints!

November 10, 2022

i have been examining my heaRT and repenting for ways I took advantage of the gift of freedom. and how I contributed to the conditions that have led us to this dark place. Repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand. More people are repenting and standing in the Gap! Now we stay Strong and Wait on the Lord!

November 10, 2022

There are many things in the body which we think are alright but what does Jesus say to us. We must seek God with the whole heart. Pray psa. 139 :23 “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thought: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. We need to really seek the truth about what or who do we really love. It has always been a heart issue. to the Lord. It’ not so much what we do but why we do what we do. If we get our hearts right then other things will line up according to what God expects. Repentance has alway been what our God is looking for. Millie

Cindy Ireland
November 10, 2022

And the people chose darkness over light because they were wicked in all their ways. Many of these leaders they deserve. Leaders who will rule over the people with contempt and who will continue to destroy America and pressure the world to adopt their evil ways.

    Joanne Hickin
    November 10, 2022

    My daily reading on election day was Ezekiel 7 (which says it all). Pray for the full harvest.

      November 10, 2022

      Dear Joanne,
      I believe you are right on track with what the Holy Spirit has been showing me. In the wee hours of Election Day I was praying and received a huge rhema “download”. Yesterday the Holy Spirit continued to “flesh it out”. On 8-21-2017, America had the First Arm of what looks like an “X” over our land. On 4-8-2024, the Second Arm of this “x” will complete its 7 YEAR TIMEFRAME for REPENTANCE which America has been granted. He has been GRACIOUS. He has been PATIENT. But, Our God is HOLY and He cannot “wink” at our sin. It should be noted that the very EPI-CENTER, TWICE, of this “x” is an area known as “Little Egypt”, the Carbondale Area in Illinois. Notice they did NOT name it “Little Goshen”, but Little Egypt and it has tons of pagan symbols which the culture is blindly unaware invokes God’s Wrath for idolatry. Since 2017, the Holy Spirit has periodically brought me back to it–as if GOD HAS HIS EYE WATCHING if ANYONE UNDERSTANDS HIS HEART! He has blessed America so much and “those to whom MUCH has been given, MUCH is REQUIRED.” (Luke 12:48) The Holy Spirit has also reminded me that our Ancestors dedicated this land of America, via the Mayflower Compact, “for the GLORY of GOD and the ADVANCEMENT of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST”. He is watching to see who wants to work to be IN ALIGNMENT with, and work to help fulfill that vow. He is also watching to see who is praying for Israel and their growing Harvest!
      I, too, was brought to Ezekiel–Chapters 8 and 9. In particular, Ezekiel 9:4–The Remnant who love Jesus will be VERY BLESSED to understand that the “x”, by what I was shown, is actually the ancient Hebrew “TAV”–which looks like a wide “X”. In that passage, when the angel is told to MARK the forehead of those who “grieve and lament the detestable things done in it”–the word MARK is TAV. Let that sink in…
      Jesus is the Aleph (First) and the TAV (LAST). He is Our EVERYTHING.(Rev 21)

      The Bride of Christ needs to continue to repent, pray like Daniel, Azariah, Mishael, Hannaniah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Deborah, Esther, Simeon and Anna! Let us continue to purify ourselves and pour ourselves out like pure oil, in continuous prayer! We must snatch as many from the fire as we can, because The Word is being diluted. Many Christians are asleep, or have not been seeking The Wisdom which comes from above. Yes, you are right, we should be about Our Father’s Business-THE FINAL HARVEST. We belong to the LORD of the HARVEST and we are THE LIGHT in the encroaching darkness. He will “oil our shields” (Isaiah 21:5) He CHOSE THIS TIME IN HISTORY to place EACH INTERCESSOR! Let us pray and work and advance in THANKSGIVING and PRAISE (which confuses the enemy-the demonic forces waging spiritual warfare)–for we have a GLORIOUS KINGDOM which is coming and we are SO GREATLY LOVED and give pleasure to Our Heavenly Father when we pray and seek His Face. He will be FAITHFUL. May we all EXPAND the HARVEST of those in America who will receive the “Mark-TAV” because their hearts belong to Jesus, Our MAGNIFICENT MESSIAH and Coming KING of kings! Let us keep praying for America to repent…as many who will hear what the Spirit is saying!

      Gracious Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving us Jesus the Author & Perfector of Our Faith and Our Battle Commander during this season of contention for the Harvest. We bless YOUR HOLY NAME YHWH for also giving us the Holy Spirit to DWELL in US and GUIDE US! Lord Jesus, be the Glory Cloud which goes before us covering us as YHWH NISSI and OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST WHO LIVES TO INTERCEDE for us and may the FIERY HOLY SPIRIT be the ILLUMINATING COLUMN OF LIGHT in the dark–granted us STRATGEIC SPIRITUAL INTEL to valiantly serve Our God in these days. POUR OUT YOUR OIL on Your Spiritual Warriors, Lord! “Let us NOT grow weary in doing good, for at the Appointed Time, we will REAP a HARVEST if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9) Help us to “ARISE and SHINE” for Your Glory has shone on us and saved us! Help us be FRUITFUL SERVANTS of the MOST HIGH GOD–this is OUR PRAYER and OUR PRIVILEGE! (Isaiah 60:1)
      We ask all this in Jesus MIGHTY and HOLY NAME. Amen!

Felix Morgan
November 10, 2022

In the New Mexico’s Governor’s race Democrat Michelle Lujan Grisham was re-elected. Like most Democrats, she is for open borders and NM is a “ sanctuary” state for women who want an abortion. I have been praying for her and I bought a Gospel of John for a man who works at the VA hospital. However he told me that he has already read the whole Bible but considers himself an agnostic. As I prayed and listened, God said that I should send it to our Governor. I included a hand written note telling her that I had been praying specifically that before early voting began on October 11. In the note I wrote her that I didn’t know if anyone had crossed her path and shared the Gospel with her but I heard from God that I should send her the Gospel of John and that it is my favorite Gospel. Amen 🙏🙏🙏

November 10, 2022

What the Lord is saying after this election is – Trust. Trust in My plan and dont loose faith. It may seem like the evil wins constantly but God is in charge and if we continue to trust then we will see His plan for redemption, judgement, justice, peace come to light.
We tend to place all our hopes on the results of one election when we should be placing ALL our lives in Gods hand.
I used to be so worried and upset about these things but not anymore. I cant control it so what does getting upset gain me(us), Nothing.


    November 10, 2022

    We must pray for a revival in our land as generation Z and the millennials voted overwhelmingly for the democrats and therefore abortion.
    As someone said earlier, I pray for the revival that we experienced in the sixties and the seventies in the United States of America. At that time everyone wanted to be born again while the Gospel spread like wildfire.
    Yet we now face a Godless era. The youth of this land need to hear the Gospel and we need revival. Prayer is needed for the mainstream media for Silicon Valley, for Washington DC and the Federal Government.

Bonnie Lofthus
November 10, 2022

Yesterday morning, the morning after the elections when the tallies weren’t even completed, the Lord reminded me that the disciples thought Jesus came to deliver them from a harsh, cruel empire (government) that was hunting Christians down, burning them alive, hanging them and persecution in many forms. That didn’t happen. Instead, Jesus was tortured and hung on a cross. (this is a shortened version of the events). We know that God’s plan was much, much bigger than taking out a government and installing a new one, although, in the end that is what really happened. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we gained access to a kingdom realm that has no end and eternal life. In fact, we are still learning of all the benefits we received when we accepted Jesus into our lives.
We need to press into God’s heart and ask Him to show us the bigger picture here….His heart, His plan. I don’t know what it is but, as His Church we have more access to His kingdom than we know.
2 Cor. 2:14 says “Thanks be to God who ALWAYS leads us in triumph in Christ and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place”.
‘If we aren’t experiencing triumph, we may not be fighting a battle led by God’. It will be a triumph not by external circumstances being all what we want, but our emotions are supposed to line up with God’s word. That’s what He’s teaching me.

Dottie Kraemer
November 10, 2022

We fasted and prayed every Wednesday for weeks prior to the election here in Murfreesboro TN- of course we have felt some disappointment in the results but I also have sensed a peace that only comes from God that He has this and it’s in His plan to bring America to Him…. I sensed that the shaking of America is not over because we are not desperate enough to seek God first… the ultimate goal is for ALL to come to Jesus so we need to buckle up, pray and fast, speak and stand up for truth and for Jesus and watch God work …. I’m excited to see what God has for us as we remain faithful and diligent to His calling upon us to continue in steadfast faithful prayer… we will keep on, we will stand firm, we will have a more active presence in our communities and WE WILL NOT STOP…… Heavenly Father, we trust you with America, we lay our beautiful country before you and ask that you intercede in all our lives. We pray that your spirit will sweep across our churches and wake us up. The Church must wake up, Repent and change to set the tone for the culture… we have allowed the culture to rule and not Godly principles. forgive us Lord… set our course again as our Founding Fathers did…. guide us, change us, and lead like never before – Awaken your people to take our rightful place with boldness in America.. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

    November 10, 2022

    Oh dear sister. Amen I typed through my weeping! Amen

Leslie Hunt
November 10, 2022

We worked hard for some pretty great candidates for the school board and commissioner here in Raleigh. It turns out the teachers union is stronger and wants to control things. God is bigger. I was only makes me believe the darkness is deeper than we ever dreamed. I worked as a greeter in the polling areas and the people who came in we’re heavily blue, heavily. It was actually discouraging.Yeah, this was bathed in prayer and I know that for sure.

    November 10, 2022

    I too live in Wake County and was devastated over the school board election results.

    Nancy Berkey
    November 10, 2022

    We need to pray for Pennsylvania citizens especially the9nes who voted Democrat. PA is how full blown Democrat. People were cheering where I work they r happy to have a victory for abortion. I pray God touches the hearts of the PA people that they come to know truth about the Democrat party and sin. I pray all will come to know Christ as Saviour of the World and not any party or govt. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen☦

      r m
      November 10, 2022

      Heathens voted in a brain dead former mayor for the US Senate and a liberal state governor. Heathen sourced money financed those elections. The choice of candidates for governor and US Senate was also poor, influenced more by heathen big money rather than competency for office.

Don Freehafer
November 10, 2022

In the 7th century BC, the prophet Habakkuk cried out to the Lord…
“O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you ‘Violence!’ and you will not save? Why do you make me see iniquity, and why do you idly look at wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; so justice goes forth perverted.”

And the Lord answered him…
“Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told you.”

– Habakkuk 1:2‭-‬5 ESV

Despite the outcome of this election, God is still at work today. Amen?

    Leslie Hunt
    November 10, 2022

    Thank you for your words that remind us the evil that exists isn’t just for this day and that God is still bigger.

    November 10, 2022

    Thank you, brother, for these scriptures – gave me peace and filled my heart with joy!

    November 10, 2022
      November 10, 2022

      Pray with a willingness to wait.

      In Habakkuk, God is saying – I’ve got this but you don’t know what I want to do. Lean into what you know of me. I’m going to work but you need to wait while I’m working. Pray and wait for what is within God’s heart to be formed.

Karen Hall
November 10, 2022

Very thankful to be living in this day and time. I know that God is speaking and will continue to speak through His prophets. We can not be discouraged by what happened or did not happen. We continue to rest in the perfect peace of His love.

November 10, 2022

Let’s continue to fight the good fight. Let us not weary of doing good.
1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. “

November 10, 2022

Praise the Lord

November 10, 2022

I feel God is continually showing us our vital need for Him in every aspect of our lives including what governs us. The USA did not get into the state it’s in overnight. The church sat quietly on their pews while one by one our freedom have been attacked. Praise God we are arising! Let us look to Jesus the Captain of our faith and become the bride that all creation has been groaning for. Our dependence on God throughout this battle is our strength

Maria M Fillyaw
November 10, 2022

Dear heavenly Father, we trust you in all things. Please continue to be our guide, and help your people to stay focused on you and be faithful to You always in Jesus name amen

Dave Schulz
November 10, 2022

Our intercession is not an Election Day destination and now we accomplished what we thought might happen. We need to be encouraged in the victories that DID happen and continue to fervently press in to prayer for this nation. Never… Never… Never give up. This is a journey. I am encouraged that the Lord is moving in ways that I do not always see, by exposing unrighteousness and darkness and changing hearts. We need to press in all the more. Remember, 2 Cor 4:18…. We don’t look at what is seen, but what is unseen.

November 10, 2022

We have taken some ground. We have to keep moving and let the Lord prepare us to conquer and occupy. The Children of Israel took the Promised Land one battle at a time. It was not all at once. One victory led to another victory. But they did have victory! We may have not seen a greater victory than we expected but we have taken much ground all to the Glory of God! We must honor God and be submitted to Him. Seek Him with all our hearts! He is doing a mighty work.

November 10, 2022

What matters at this point is that we don’t grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap if we do not give in (Galatians 6:9). STAND. For if we are in Christ Jesus, what matters is faith activated and expressed and working through love. (Galatians 5:6). We must keep running the race well and not allow these disturbances to prevent us from obeying the truth (Galatians 5:7).

November 10, 2022

We are seeing all the signs of the end times! America is not seen and this we see America being dismantled by the global agenda that will form One World Govt.
This world is NOT our home and God is in the throne unfolding His events!

Look up our redemption draws nigh….🙌

    Cindy Ireland
    November 10, 2022

    And the people chose darkness over light because they were wicked in all their ways. Many of these leaders they deserve. Leaders who will rule over the people with contempt and who will continue to destroy America and pressure the world to adopt their evil ways.

    Truth! Look up, for our blessed hope.

November 10, 2022

I am from a liturgical background. We used to sing a hymn called “For all the saints. All the words are encouragement of us still on the front lines, remembering those who stood for Jesus in the past: This is my favorite verse: “And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, Steals on the ear the distant triumph song, And hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia!! Alleluia!!” It reminds me , “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us run with endurance the race that is set before us”…and : “Do not cast away your confidence which has great reward… We have need of endurance…”. Hebrews 12:1 and 10:35,36

November 10, 2022

I believe God is speaking to me to keep my eyes upon Him and not upon earthly things. We cannot see what He is doing and so we must trust Him alone. Keep the hope, continue to pray, be a light to the lost world. Share your faith when opportunity arises. Study the Word of God. Keep informed about what is going on in your community and state. Above all, Pray! 2 Chronicles 7:14

November 10, 2022

Bottom line ( & the good news from Him) is, God makes the final choices on who will rule over us.

“ ‘The decision is announced by holy messengers. So all who are alive will know that the Most High God is King. He rules over all kingdoms on earth. He gives them to anyone he wants. Sometimes he puts the least important people in charge of them.’
Daniel 4:17 NIRV

It seems God is orchestrating the end time events of the book of the Revelation to allow Satan’s short term influence for evil.
Lord, thanks for having us exactly where we need to be for bringing the most number of people to Jesus in these challenging but most important days ahead. We surrender this day to You with gratitude & expectation because of Ephesians 2.10 & AMEN !!!!!

    November 10, 2022

    There are 2 nations only that can claim that they were created by the inspired Word of God: Israel & the United States. We are a republic governed “of the people, by the people & for the people”. So in the United States, the CITIZENS are the ruling authority, and those elected are given limited representative power by us to protect our God-given rights. I’m surprised how many Christians do not understand this & think we are subjects meant to serve an elite class. Not true, not here. That is why election fraud is so egregious. And election integrity is foundational to protecting our nation.

November 10, 2022

Father God, we thank you for the privilege of voting. We I ask that you do what do whatever necessary to expose and bring accountability to what has occurred to COMPROMISE our elections….As a people, we the people, help us to see and have to courage to face and call out the hidden things that some are trying to do in this time.
I lift up the democrat party to you. I ask that thosw still left in that party that are righteous would either rise up and call out the inequity, or that they would defect and leave their party. May they work together with the righteous of the land to expose and hold accountable the evil.
Please expose and circumvent the elite globalists, including our enemy countries, who are behind the scenes pulling the strings of the US elections, government and the democrat party, in order to gain advantage over and destroy and cause America to become a third world country. Do not let them control America and the world by doing this.
May the people of Amerca rise up and stand firm in their freedoms, calling out and bringing accountability to the traitors who are enabling our foreign enemies, by weakening us.

Raise up courageous patriots who will call out and bring accountability to election fraud, and the socialist and communist agendas!

    November 10, 2022

    Amen Kate! 100% agree! The Truth will prevail! May God protect America from all the evil that surrounds us and walks this earth today, America is the Greatest Country God ever created! May “We The People” stand up and defend our God given rights, FREEDOM & LIBERTY! We give God all the glory! Praise The Lord Jesus! May God keep us STRONG and FAITHFUL! AMEN!!

November 10, 2022

Bottom line ( & the good news from Him) is, God makes the final choices on who will rule over us.

“ ‘The decision is announced by holy messengers. So all who are alive will know that the Most High God is King. He rules over all kingdoms on earth. He gives them to anyone he wants. Sometimes he puts the least important people in charge of them.’
Daniel 4:17 NIRV

It seems God is orchestrating the end time events of the book of the Revelation to allow Satan’s short term influence for evil.
Lord, thanks for having us exactly where we need to be for bringing the most number of people to Jesus in these challenging but most important days ahead. We surrender this day to You with gratitude & exhortation because of Ephesians 2.10 & AMEN !!!!!

James Allen
November 10, 2022

We must pray 🙏🏽 and target the ability of the enemy to steal elections – there need to be an opportunity for evidence to be presented in a court of law that allows for discovery to take place. We need judges to allow for this to take place. Many court cases on election theft never got to this level – it’s always the complaints are not on “good standing” or what ever. There need to be major election reforms in a national level – the removal of ballot harvesting and the dominion machines. Do not think for one minute the occult is not involved because they are – Biden appointed a known practicing satanist to a government position. So if the Church refuses to get involved politically no doubt that will please the devil because the number #1 mountain he want to control is the government mountain and the WORD of GOD is filled with stories of what that looks like

November 10, 2022

Trust in God, all things work in accordance to his will and purpose. God hears all of our prayers and will answer in his time and in his way. Be faithful, keep praying, and live in such a was as to give glory to God at all times.

Cynthia Weatherwax
November 10, 2022

Be still and know that I am God, Psalm 46:10

November 10, 2022

Stay the course on prayer and have faith for he is working all things for good.
We wanted immediate results he wants us to continue having faith and hope in him and his timing.

November 10, 2022

May God forgive us if our hearts are not pure, if we prayed for a red wave of political candidates rather than a red wave of the precious blood of Jesus!

Marilyn Droney
November 10, 2022

There is nothing to fear but our God He is our Saviour and the Judge We need to know Him and His purpose in all He requires

David Schmirler
November 10, 2022

The Holy Spirit led me to Romans 1:28-32. I believe a day of judgement is near.

    November 10, 2022

    The judgement of God is upon the nation. Oh, that we would repent of our sins and turn to him.

    November 10, 2022

    Yes, and the following verses…

Rami Intriago
November 10, 2022

God just continues to remind me in His Word that He has a greater purpose for all the evil and corruption we’re witnessing in our country. God is reminding me that He truly is faithful and sovereign over all and that my His will for my life is point people who put their hope in anyone or anything on earth to our only hope in this life and in death – the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace., our living Hope. Galatians 2:20 🙏🏽👆🏽✝️

Roger Wagers
November 10, 2022

Psalms 31: 23-24
O love the LORD, all you His godly ones! The LORD preserves the faithful, and fully recompenses the proud doer. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in (wait for) the LORD.

Patricia Holtke
November 10, 2022

I believe that God has determined that we are in End Times, and that He is allowing the very unsettling things to happen in order to bring on End Times. I pray that all Christians witness to as many people as they can about how crucial it is for them to accept the Lord as their Savior if they haven’t yet.

Erendira Riggs
November 10, 2022

First of all, I want to thank this organization, for your faithful witness and great encouragement through the prayers you have offered for this precious nation and the world.
I have been very sad because of the results of this election. So many thoughts have crossed my mind. Statistics show that an average nation survives about 250 years, for the USA it will be 2026. But then the Lord brought this verse to my mind.

Acts 1:7-8 “Then they gathered around him and asked him, ‘Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’7 He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’”
Jeremiah warned his people for so many years and he himself saw the fall of his nation, God gave him these words: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.” 25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; 26 it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.’ ”

Our duty is to keep on praying for this precious nation and the world, as well as continue to share the Good News of Christ to those God brings to our path. Galatians 6:10 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

November 10, 2022

Well, God is speaking His Word, Jesus said, if I am lifted up to the world, I will draw all men unto Me. And trust Jesus! Father God wants people to look to Him, and not a man or woman to fix the country, but look to Him. I had a dream yesterday, that I was standing on the bank of a quiet pond in an old overgrown Marsh with heavy woods. Across the pond I saw a black mane Lion with a light in His eyes, looking at the water with a smile, then He turned into a huge White Horse and then a very large angel enveloped Him with his big black wings in a cloud of smoke, and a Man came out from under the wings and fell into the water. While this was happening a large old man-like being saw this and came lumbering towards Him. The ogre started to baptize or drown the Man, and finally the Man shouted up to Him, I’m God! Then, the ogre stopped, nodded his head and lumbered off. God just floated on His back and wiped His face with His right hand, like what was that all about! Then I woke up. Well, then last night I figured it out. I was watching Flash Point and a fella on there said, there are giants in the land that God needs to remind them. I checked in on God and He was resting and woke up in the woods. Then, I saw the beautiful white horse standing in the dark lighting it up. I asked Him, whatcha doing? He said, lighting the darkness. I said, ok! Love You!

Jc Crowley
November 10, 2022

Thus far the results of the mid-term elections are not near what I had hoped for to have a Republican controlled Congress, if any thing by far from it. Intuitively, I have known America has been facing God judgment for decades. Moreover, the increasing crises we have witnessed in the nation one after another, I believe to be the outworkings of God’s judgement. I know the Church: God’s believing people are praying, and I am praying. I believe we are living in the last days often spoken of in the Bible. I believe there is now an even an all the more need for many of God’s believing people to learn, I mean to really learn how to face the last days without fear, and I would now like to point you to this message given by Derek Prince some years ago of which I believe to be even all the more relevant now even than when he gave this message to help others. If you do a search for this message you will find it on YouTube: Derek Prince: ‘How To Face The Last Days Without Fear.’

    Lynn Savron
    November 10, 2022

    Please also watch David Wilkerson teachings. A true prophetic voice, although he called himself a watchman. He was passionate about the lethargic church becoming stronger as we face the persecution coming in these end days. Also deep teachings by Dalton Thomas of FAI.

      Mrs. STephanie L. Dash
      November 10, 2022

      A friend JUST sent me 2 videos of David Wilkerson’s prophecies that the Lord laid on his heart back in 1973 and the Lord is fulfilling them right before our eyes; some during the past 10 years BUT many during the past 2 years. I, too, believe we are VERY close to the lord’s return and so some of this destruction is going to have to happen before He returns(we may already be there; I do not know) but I have felt over the past 2 years the judgment and persecution is coming to America. I don’t like to think that nor does anyone BUT we are not exempt from judgement and our country has fallen so far away from the Lord. I never had peace about a Red Tide with the Rep. because the country is so divided; almost evenly and as the STATE schools continue to pump out kids that have been propagandized to hate America and having a socialistic ideology, the scales will tippled more and more until Socialism, Marxism, Communism will take over UNLESS “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray; and seek My Face and TURM from their won wicked, sinful ways. THEN, I WILL hear form Heaven and HEAL their land(our souls and our country).” Revival is the only answer for this country to turn around…man cannot do it apart from the above scripture. I’m VERY grateful the Lord gave us the wins He did the other night but I’m not sure we, His Body, have repented to the point of a great healing in our land as yet.

Florence Montegu
November 10, 2022

God is a merciful God, Who gives us chance after chance for redemption, shall we decide to turn from our wicked ways. This is repentance. This is His grace that empowers us to change.
However, He has given us free will and will not violate this free will.
He won’t make us love Him.
He won’t make us follow His way.
He is always willing to set us free and heal us.

“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
‭‭II Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬

Deceived, emotionally-driven, power-hungry or simply out of ignorance or fear, people make decisions to follow evil every day.
God extends His grace but we have to grab it.
We have to humble ourselves to take what He offers as a loving Father.
Yesterday, we had an opportunity to appropriate His way, His truth, and His life for our region
And only a few did. Not enough. The church didn’t show up! A few interceded, but the vast majority didn’t.
Ex: 67% Christians in Massachusetts (all Christian denominations combined), if they all showed up, it would have been a landslide. The landslide went the other way! Where are you church?
“My people suffer from a lack of knowledge…”
My heart breaks for what’s to come, the deception, the lies, the suffering, the emprisonment, the persecution. The death.
But make no mistake, God will try again and again because He loves us, His heart will always be to rescue us from ourselves. He is Abba.
He is not finished. And never will be!
The government rests on His shoulders.
He will use what’s now established and will extend another chance to His children. And again. And again. Until we get it.
He is patient.
He is faithful.
He is almighty.
He is LOVE.
Let’s pray the Church wakes up! Shows up! And turn!
Lord we praise You for Your grace, extended to us once again. Have mercy on us, as we passed on it once again. We praise You for Your unconditional love for us, Your faithfulness.
Have mercy on Your people in Jesus mighty name👑

    November 10, 2022

    Excellent..Amen. I add that “the truth is hidden from the lost” Sadly our media is biased and the lost are not aware of what is happening. I like the judge who recently said “misinformation” is not a word. The unfiltered truth must be available. We, as God’s people, must continue in prayer and boldly proclaim Our Lord! Help us Holy Spirit to do this with your guidance and direction.

Bob Huseby
November 10, 2022

Psalm 7:12. If a man doesn’t relent, he will sharpen his sword, he has bent and strung his bow.
Faint not my friends for the battle rages on !! Many, many babies HAVE been rescued and given life but there are many more for us to continue our fight!!

Steve Bryant
November 10, 2022

Lord, we don’t understand why some we supported won and why some lost or are in election limbo or will be in a runoff in a month. But we DO know who created this beautiful world we live in, we do know you sent your Son to die for our sins, we do know He willing laid down His life, that we may have a blessed life now and eternal life at the end of appointed number of days you’ve given us to live on earth. We Thank you Lord for walking with us thru it all! We trust you Lord implicitly and strive to live for you daily, point others to you! The most important Election is the one where You chose us and I pray everyone chooses You, before we leave this earth!

Thelma L. Fletcher
November 10, 2022

November 10, 2022
Regarding the election, I heard the Lord say: “This is the time of great exposures. The truth will be revealed. The hidden things will be coming out. Things that were done in the dark are coming to light. I’ve given people many opportunities to repent. Many have not done so. This is My time, saith the Lord of Hosts, to expose them for who they really are. The elections and the voter fraud are all being exposed. You are going to see who is behind it, who orchestrated and planned it. I’ve allowed certain things to happen for a reason. I know people don’t understand, but I did it for a greater purpose. They will soon see and understand why I had to do this. I still have great plans for this nation, the United States of America, saith the Lord.”

Susan Wood
November 10, 2022

Our Heavenly Father, we give you all honor, glory & praise. You alone are worthy to receive praise and you alone our the Lord our our God, King of heaven and earth. Please be with us and guide us in the days to come. Help us to always seek your will and follow in your ways. Please protect your children in the womb and the innocent little lives that may in some states, for no reason be killed right after birth. Please change the hearts of these mothers that they do not need to murder their precious, innocent children. Thank you for loving us and forgiving us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Marlene Dupoux-Davis
November 10, 2022

The church prayed and will continue to stand in the gap in prayer. God will answer our prayers. His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9)
Be still and see the salvation of our Lord. Arise Church!

November 10, 2022

The Lord has his good figs and bad figs. He will do what is needed to bring our nation to her knees. Abortion IS the issue, which He will not tolerate and bless. Pray for mercy! So many judgments have come, year after year, worse and worse and people do not see or understand.. Need fear of God to come upon the people and their leaders. Note in Jeremiah that God singled out different groups for their response and responsibility, the people, the prophets, the priests, the elders, the shepherds (kings). Those who obediently submitted to his instructions were marked for salvation and eventual return. Those who were stubborn, for death. The first to suffer immediate death were two prophets who kept saying that everything will be okay.

    November 10, 2022

    I felt the Lord tell me that unfortunately alot of his people agree with abortion some are my family.


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