During this Festival of Lights (Hanukhah), Let’s Up Our Wattage
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During this Festival of Lights (Hanukhah), Let’s Up Our Wattage
We have an opportunity to corporately do something that will boost the power of our intercession beyond human comprehension. During the Festival of Lights, December 7 – 15, 2023 (5784), let’s rededicate ourselves to loving our brothers and sisters in Christ.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:34 – 35).
In October 2020, I committed to and published this statement:
Today, October 8, 2020, I, Mavourene Robinson, commit to giving my sisters and brothers in Christ the benefit of the doubt.
I commit to not allowing accusations or whispers of bad motives any opportunity to take root in my heart.
I commit to lovingly engaging in dialogue with my sisters and brothers about their intent, before making wrong assumptions. And…wait for it… to not being easily offended.
I commit to remembering that sometimes people will have wrong motives and salty attitudes.
I commit to being grateful and humbled for that discernment and to not punishing the person with that knowledge.
Because I am truly committed to unity in the body of Christ and to living an empowered life of devil-whipping, God-edifying victory, I will endeavor to yield myself to the Holy Spirit, not allowing others to control my state of being and my emotions. I will choose not to enslave myself to the behavior of others again.
I am REDEEMED. I say so, and no one else’s process is worthy of my hurting them, re-enslaving myself or hurting the heart of God.
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During the years since publishing this statement, I’d like to say that I have always gotten it right, that I have a perfect record. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Thankfully, GOD doesn’t require perfection and is pleased when we admit when we’ve missed the mark, humble ourselves, repent and pray. If King David’s testimony has taught me anything, it is that GOD is moved when we’re willing to give a mea culpa in true humility and repentance. And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king; to whom also he bare witness, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my heart, who shall do all my will (Acts 13:22).
The Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) on the Hebrew calendar occurs as a reminder of the faithfulness of GOD toward a committed and dedicated group of warriors, who fought against the powerful Seleucid Army and Hellenistic Jews to retake Jerusalem and the Second Temple. Together, those factions had defiled GOD’s Temple, performing pagan rituals, pig sacrifices, and sexual debauchery. The Maccabean Revolt united those who joined together to resist, rather than capitulate to serving other gods, despite the threat of death. They succeeded in retaking Jerusalem, dispelling the better armed and much larger Seleucids, retaking and rededicating the Temple and themselves to GOD. Hanukkah means dedication in Hebrew. The Festival of Lights honors the traditional story about the one-day supply of Holy Oil, required to light the menorah (lampstand), miraculously lasting eight-days. Seven-days longer than expected. The light shone in the darkness, after GOD miraculously gave one’s committed to honoring His commands victory over a seemingly undefeatable army.
While Yeshua was living His earthly ministry, He declared Himself to be the Light. Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John 8:12). As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world (John 9:5). He also commissioned His disciples, then and forever more, to be lights in the darkness when He was no longer living in his earthly body, saying “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:14 – 16). Believers loving one another and being lights in the darkness go hand in hand, with the former affecting the wattage of the latter.
If there is anyone in the Body of Christ to whom you need to apologize or to whom you need to extend forgiveness, this is a wonderful time to do so. When we do, I believe that we’ll increase the wattage of our lights, increase our power (dunamis), and be ready to overcome seemingly unbeatable spiritual attacks.
How are you letting your light shine in this season?
Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools Board of Education in 2017/18 and the Maryland Senate in 2022. A life-long learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: Robert Thiemann on Unsplash.
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Jesus celebrated Hanukkah (see John 10: 22-39). He was at the temple in Jerusalem for this feast.
JN 1:9 & 8:12
(Spark of light at conception
of Yeshua HaMachiach).
Light Up The Season
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
6 – 7 – 8 NIGHTS
Candles Burning Bright
Golden and Blue
Shining Through
The Darkest NIGHT
Song from,
“Hanukkah on rye” movie
Re: Letting Our Lite Shine
I needed to hear that today and pray along with your timely prayer. Amen and Shalom , Shalom.
Light up hannukah candles, any lights you have to support jews and Israel during this feast. Does not matter if you are Jewish or not. It is In solidarity, for unity.
Much needed exhortation Mavourene! Sending to the leader of Prayer Covering Philadelphia. Thank you. Also pressing for supernatural victory for Israel over Hamas as Light overcomes darkness!
One way I let my light shine is this: while in the marketplace, I ask the clerk what I can pray for them. I try to get a name. The response is 99% positive. People are appreciative. I also pass out a tract about being born again, such as when I pick up groceries at the big box store. I try to be a blessing in the marketplace.
Father, continue to use me as You see fit, and may I cooperate with You. Amen.
Thank you so much, the part that states if we have love for one another will show to all God’s love. Thank you I so needed this today for healing to my body and my mind my will and my emotions.
Amen! I needed to hear this today also. God’s timing is amazing!