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Father, we thank You for raising up courageous leaders like Governor DeSantis. We pray that many more would follow his example and stand for Your truth.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

After Lia Thomas’ controversial win in the NCAA championship, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has issued a proclamation declaring runner-up and Florida resident Emma Weyant to be the true champion.

From The Daily Wire. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed a proclamation on Tuesday declaring that Sarasota native and Olympic silver medalist Emma Weyant was “the best women’s swimmer in the 500y freestyle” in last week’s NCAA championship.

Weyant, who is a freshman at the University of Virginia, clocked a time of 4:34.99 last Thursday, falling behind Thomas during the final stretch of the 500-yard event….

The proclamation states:

WHEREAS, Emma Weyant of Sarasota is an accomplished woman who excelled in academics and athletics as a student-athlete at Riverview High School where she was a member of the National Honor Society, a Scholastic All-American, and an award winning swimmer; and…

WHEREAS, Emma Weyant qualified for the 2020 U.S. Olympics team and competed in the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics where she won a silver medal in the women’s 400-meter individual medley; and

WHEREAS, Emma Weyant currently attends the University of Virginia where she is a member of the school’s women’s swim team and made it to the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division 1 Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships; and

WHEREAS, on Thursday, March 17, 2022, Emma Weyant competed in the 500-yard freestyle race at the Division 1 Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships, logging the fastest time among all women swimmers; and

WHEREAS, a male identifying as a woman was allowed to compete in and was declared the winner of the race by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Emma was determined to have come in second place; and…

WHEREAS, Florida rejects the NCAA’s efforts to destroy women’s athletics, disapproves of the NCAA elevating ideology over biology, and takes offense at the NCAA trying to make others complicit in a lie.

NOW THEREFORE, since she is a native Floridian from Sarasota, I, Ron Desantis, Governor of the State of Florida, do hereby declare in Florida that Emma Weyant is the rightful winner of the 2022 NCAA Division 1 Women’s 500-yard Freestyle, congratulate her on yet another significant achievement, and express pride that she is a Florida resident.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Florida to be affixed at Tallahassee, the Capital, this 22nd day of March, in the year two thousand twenty-two.

How do you feel about DeSantis’ proclamation? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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April 16, 2022

I love Ron DeSantis’s politics. I would vote him as President (but not if he ran as Vice-President to Trump—will never vote for Trump again).
These men competing against women in sports is a travesty and a joke. No matter what they do, they are MEN and should not be eligible to compete against women. Women are always taking one step forward and two steps back, because of insanity such as this.

April 4, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for standing up for GODs righteousness. The thinking today is certainly evil and Christians need to stand up for what they believe is right in the sight of GOD. You are a true Christian, leader, one to take action NOW, and inspiration to many. Thank you for your courage, bravery, and your proclamation naming Emma as the best swimmer in the 500y freestyle.

Sheryl Richardson
March 31, 2022

Thank you, Govenor Dr Santis!!! What an absolutely marvelous thing you did standing up for Emma Wyant and all our women swimmers and athletes! O Father, we thank You for Governor DeSantis and pray for a good strong support system and protection in the political arena. Continue to guide him with Your wisdom and courage and use him greatly!!! Amen!!!

Cindy Warner
March 29, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for your valor and steadfastness in the face of evil. I’m so excited to be moving back to the great state of Florida where I know the leadership is inspired by righteous principles and truth! Thanks be to God for giving you the strength and resolve to stand strong!

Jane H
March 27, 2022

Thank you Gov. DeSantis for standing up for the truth and now giving in to this evil culture! We need more leaders like you!

Diane Phillips
March 26, 2022

I back him 100%! That man has no right to compete in women’s sports and the NCAA is absolutely wrong

March 26, 2022


March 25, 2022

Thank you for standing for the truth.

Gary Baucum
March 25, 2022


Timothy Mayerat
March 25, 2022

Finally someone steps up and says enough is enough! Way to go Mr. DeSantis!!

Jessica Renshaw
March 25, 2022

Dear Gov. DeSantis,
Thank you for you bold stand for sanity!

Norine Carter
March 25, 2022

Well Done, Governor DeSantis! More like you are needed to stand up for truth!

myrna stovel
March 25, 2022

Good for you Gov Desantis..
reality vs fantasy

Willa Grant
March 25, 2022

Wow! This is truly heartwarming and exciting. Hopefully, this will send a message to other aspirants that the state of Florida has little tolerance for this kind of travesty against a competitor’s ability since fairness is an essential rule of any sport. Fairness is an essential rule of our culture and way of life; our God has given so much validity to each gender that there should be no dispute.

Margie Parrillo
March 25, 2022

I agree wholeheartedly.

Joyce Stedt
March 25, 2022

Thankyou GOvernor DeSantis for your stand and declaration❣️

March 25, 2022

I am encouraged when I see that there are yet a few men and women who will not bow down to the false gods of a perverted ideology’ that obliterates the feminine race and then marches onto blur all natural distinctions.
God bless the governor of Florida!

March 25, 2022

I totally agree with Governor DeSantis. Just because you think you are a female does not make you such. God determined your gender, not you. To put men in a womens athletic team to compete is a mockery of womens athletic ability and achievements.
If this craziness isn’t stopped there will be no value for all that women have fought for and achieved.
Thank you Governor DeSantis for recognizing the value of women and their accomplishments.

Joseph Andruzzi III
March 25, 2022

The truth hurts

March 25, 2022

Thank you Father God for Governor DeSantis for having the courage to stand for what is of God’s Righteousness. May there be a genuine repentance of sin in America, sin of the anti-Christ . Lord God may your Righteousness prevail in America.

March 25, 2022

I’m overjoyed by Gov. DeSantis’ proclamation! Well said and well written Mr. Governor!

John O, Kanera
March 24, 2022

I agree with Governor Ron DeSantis in declaring Emma Weyant the winner in the NCAA 500 yd swimming race over Lia Thomas, who was declared the winner, even though he is a male competing in a female event! How can you sanction such an event? NCAA HOW can your leadership even permit males to enter events that are for females? Men’s bathrooms are for men. Women’s bathrooms are for women. Have you gone so far off center you are calling right wrong and wrong right? You better wake up NCAA AND get your head out of the mud and do the right thing! You don’t want to pervert something that God made beautiful!

March 24, 2022

Maybe Governor DeSantis should be on the Supreme Court. At least he knows what a woman is.

March 24, 2022

I thank God every day for Governor DeSantis because he is standing for what is right in the Almighty’s eye. I admire my governor and pray for him and his family for God to strengthen and protect him.

Paulina Fellenberg
March 24, 2022

Bravo! 👏👏👏👏🙌

March 24, 2022


Gail Thurman
March 24, 2022

Blessings on Governor DeSantis! It is refreshing to see someone simply tell the truth, instead of caving to falsehood under the guise of ‘political correctness.’

Sue Bernsen
March 24, 2022

I am very proud of Gov DeSantis, i pray God’s wisdom and protection every day. Thank you for standing in truth. I also pray for my Gov. Abbot.

March 24, 2022

Like many others, giving praise to Gov. DeSantis for the courage to make a public proclamation denotice the obvious winner of the swimming competition. I’m a recent resident of FL and and thankful for a Governor who stands for what is both TRUE and a scientific (biological) fact. May God continue to bless him and his family – and protect them against the attack of the evil one.
It is unfortunate that the NACC has surrendered its consciousness to the will of a few mislead people. Read Romans 1:28-32; focus on the final Words in verse 32 “Though they [should] know God’s righteous decree that those who practice [wrong behavior] they not only do them but give approval to those who practice [wrong behavior].” In my opinion this puts the proper perspective and sums up the situation quite well.

Janelle Coakley
March 24, 2022

Praise God for Gov. Ron DeSantis”s courageous, truthful statement! America wouldn’t be in the shape she is in if more people and politicians would do the same.

Rick Shultz
March 24, 2022

Praise the Lord for men and women who stand up for the truth. In any situation, whatever maybe the issue. Stop believing the lie.

Carole Beisel
March 24, 2022

Thank you Gov. DeSantis for your care and wisdom in this situation! We congratulate Emma Weyant as the female winner of this race! We are praying
for God to move by His mighty Holy Spirit upon our campuses and that young
hearts and old, will come to Him! Amen!

Andrea S.
March 24, 2022

There is a great difference in male vs. female muscle mass, that would give an advantage over the one with more muscle mass such as a contest of running or swimming in that it is a contest to see who is the fastest clocked individual.
This is the information that comes from PubMed.gov (government website on “Gender differences in strength and muscle fiber characteristics”:
“Strength and muscle characteristics were examined in biceps brachii and vastus lateralis of eight men and eight women. Measurements included motor unit number, size and activation and voluntary strength of the elbow flexors and knee extensors. Fiber areas and type were determined from needle biopsies and muscle areas by computerized tomographical scanning. The women were approximately 52% and 66% as strong as the men in the upper and lower body respectively. The men were also stronger relative to lean body mass. A significant correlation was found between strength and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA; P < or = 0.05). The women had 45, 41, 30 and 25% smaller muscle CSAs for the biceps brachii, total elbow flexors, vastus lateralis and total knee extensors respectively. The men had significantly larger type I fiber areas (4597 vs 3483 microns2) and mean fiber areas (6632 vs 3963 microns2) than the women in biceps brachii and significantly larger type II fiber areas (7700 vs 4040 microns2) and mean fiber areas (7070 vs 4290 microns2) in vastus lateralis. No significant gender difference was found in the strength to CSA ratio for elbow flexion or knee extension, in biceps fiber number (180,620 in men vs 156,872 in women), muscle area to fiber area ratio in the vastus lateralis 451,468 vs 465,007) or any motor unit characteristics. Data suggest that the greater strength of the men was due primarily to larger fibers. The greater gender difference in upper body strength can probably be attributed to the fact that women tend to have a lower proportion of their lean tissue distributed in the upper body.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)"
In closing, an individual can greatly strengthen the existing muscles and their size, but no one can create more muscle mass, only the size of the muscles.
I support Governor DeSantis' proclamation.

Louise Fugate
March 24, 2022

Thank you, governor DeDantis for standing up for the truth and holding your standards. You are a man of great coursge

March 24, 2022


Verna Knox
March 24, 2022

Thank you, Governor DeSantis. I am thankful that I live in Florida. I pray God will raise up more bold leaders and together we will take back our nation.

Donna Wellington
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for your courageous stand for truth!!

Jolayn Christofferson
March 24, 2022

May God bless Govenor DeSantis. God has not given Governor DeSantis a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7. Thank you for proclaiming truth about Emma as the true woman champion.

Terri Annerino- Eastman
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for taking this action and giving credit where it is due. You are my pick for 2024 (if Trump doesn’t run), if not for President, for Trump’s Vice President. Then you can take the reins. Wish Illinois could elect a governor like you! We are actually thinking of moving to FL, and you’re one of the reasons. GO DE SANTIS!

Pennie Thieman
March 24, 2022

Absolutely support DeSantis’ proclamation. Completely right and fair.

March 24, 2022

Thank God for the COURAGEOUS and TRUTHFUL Governor DeSantis!

Cheryl Bland
March 24, 2022

Thank You Governor DeSantis for standing for truth and righteousness as well as for Women across this world. May God continue to guide, bless and use you for His Glory.

Robert G McGowan
March 24, 2022

The Governor is direct, accurate, firm and respectful in relaying the truth in the midst of this scripted narrative by the LGBTQ thru this young man…Lia Thomas.
HIP HIP HOORAY (3x) for Governor DeSantis clarion call and stand against this “CONFUSION”… most of us know who the author of “Confusion” is, because we know the Author of LIFE!

Dawn Ann Satsuma
March 24, 2022

Praise God for courageous people like ageous leaders like Governor DeSantis who stand up for what is right. God bless him and his family and may God raise up more people like him who stand for the truth.

Frances Barkley
March 24, 2022

Accolades to Governor Desantis for his declaration. Praying that both him & his wife are blessed beyond measure for standing up publically for what is right. Praying for more righteous leaders in our nation. God save America!

March 24, 2022

It makes my heart glad! I rejoice in truth and thank Governor Desantis for honoring God and women.

March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for taking such a bold stance and a very much needed one. Thank you for not allowing this lie to rob women of their God right to benefit from their heard earned accomplishments. May the good Lord continue to bless and prosper you in all that you do to stand for truth and righteousness. You are a hero to all of us who stand and believe in the same things.
A true admirer.

March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for standing up for what is right. Not many Governor’s, or anyone in authority, stand up for truth anymore. They’re all afraid to stand up for truth. They may hurt someone’s feelings or “offend” someone. Well, I’m offended that the US allows this sin to continue happening and even makes it look like it’s ok. It’s NOT ok. God created man and He created woman.
God doesn’t make mistakes and He doesn’t want us to pretend to be or try to be something that we’re not. God is an AWESOME LOVING God, but He is also a JUST God and HE WILL judge everyone and their sins will be made known. I’m praying that people’s eyes and hearts will be opened and that they will turn their hearts to God and ask for forgiveness. I’m also praying for wisdom, strength, and protection for the leaders that continue to stand up for what is right and true. May God bless you leaders.

Gail Segars Rainey
March 24, 2022

Lord, I pray that many governors of the USA and leaders all around the world will take notice of Governor DeSantis’s courage in standing for what is right in Your eyes. He is a leader today who is a forerunner of what citizens expect of their elected officials TO STAND FOR YOUR COUNTRY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, A REPUBLIC MADE IN COVENANT WITH YOU TO BE A BEACON OF LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS, TO BE SOME OF THE MOST GENEROUS PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH. Thank You, Yeshua, for another victory, which is only the beginning!!!! Amen, amen, and Hallelujah!!!!!

Steve cobb
March 24, 2022

Thank Govenor DeSantis , the wirld desperatly needs more leaders like you that are not afraid to speak truth and expose lies. Thank you for your integrity and fighting the good fight. So many Americans are nauseous of the liberal lies and seeing children and women indictrinated into liberal lies

Dorothy Glover
March 24, 2022

Thank God for men like Governor DeSantis!

Rob Wogsland
March 24, 2022

Keep leading the nation, Governor DeSantis, in your unwavering stand for truth. Let’s see how many other governors join you in your proclamation. Well done, Sir.

Kevin W
March 24, 2022

Thank God for Ron DeSantis and his unwavering stand for truth! God protect him and elevate him in government, and may other government officials stand with him.

Nancy from GA
March 24, 2022

I am so thankful for Governor DeSantis and his courage to stand up and declare Emma Weyant as the winner of the 500 meter race. He is an example to everyone, standing against the NCAA’s efforts to destroy women’s sports. May his example give others courage to take a similar stand.

Ann Shaw
March 24, 2022

I am encouraged and I agree with the governor DeSantis. God bless Governor DeSantis and Emma she is the rightful winner.

Sandra Butler
March 24, 2022

It brings tears! God bless him and all those other true heroes who have the courage to speak the truth and put things in perspective.

Linda Bilton
March 24, 2022

Yes! Marvelous! I so agree with Gov. DeSantis’ proclamation!!

March 24, 2022

It’s the right move.

March 24, 2022

Amen!!! Thank you Governor De Santis.

Dana Sue Canary
March 24, 2022

This is the right thing for Gov De Santis to do. The world has been turned upside down to allow a man to be in women’s swimming.

Karen Pennington
March 24, 2022

DeSantis is so right and we need to support Influencers such as he in this chaotic time in the USA.

March 24, 2022

Thank you, Gov. DeSantis, for not being afraid to speak out. The left are all about women’s rights until there is conflict with the LBGT…. community. So we aren’t really equal. Some are more important than others.

March 24, 2022

YES and AMEN for a leader taking a stand for TRUTH!

March 24, 2022

Awesome we need strong leadership that is willing to speak truth. Truth must prevail so if you r a Christian you must stand for truth!!

March 24, 2022

Amen! Father protect this governor for taking a stand!

Maria Amélia Nascimento Quaresma
March 24, 2022

Apoio DESANTIS de forma incondicional e rezo a DEUS para que dê ao mundo inteiro governantes lúcidos, corajosos e sábios como ele. Viva DeSantis!

Elizabeth O
March 24, 2022

Praise the Lord for a righteous leader over the land of Florida who is exposing and pushing back evil. We need even more righteous leaders to stand. We thank God for prayer support to keep him strong.

Karl Peters
March 24, 2022

Having biological males competing in sports against women is “discrimination against women”. Sad when males are parading as wanna-be females are celebrated and are being falsely affirmed in their doing. Especially sad when part of society tries to endorse, celebrate, and force such on the rest of us. Let us look around, affirm, help and accept those who have learned and or are in the process of reversing their estranged self image.

Candi Martin
March 24, 2022

William Thomas DNA declares he is male, not female and cannot compete in female athletics. He does not qualify. We are questioning who created him?
Your cells testify you are male. Keep swimming with the correct male competition.

March 24, 2022

Finally someone has the public wherewithal to stand up against this denigration of women. “Lia” should always be referred to as “he”. Thank you, Governor DeSantis.

March 24, 2022

God bless Governor DeSantis for standing up for truth, justice, and righteousness!!

March 24, 2022

Praise God for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has the courage to stand up to the Gay Mafia and speak the truth.

Emma Weyant DID win the NCAA Championship, IF you eliminate the cheating.

When William (“Lia”) Thomas was unable to qualify three times when competing against men, he figured out a way to cheat female swimmers out of the Championship. This is nothing to celebrate.

Cheating is the antithesis of sportsmanship, and he should be barred from any future competition.

“Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool. ” ~ Proverbs 19:1

March 24, 2022

Praise God for Ron DeSantis, what a trail-blazing leader he is for the state of Florida! What an example he is for those who are thinking of running for public office! God bless Governor DeSantis and his family!

Kathy Martin
March 24, 2022

Oh Father we give praise for men like governor DeSantis. Protect him & his family as they stand for truth. Continue to give him wisdom, discernment & understanding with a Holy boldness to be a man of truth with no fear for the days we live. Bless him Father, in all areas of his life.

Barby C
March 24, 2022

I am thankful for Governor Ron DeSantis in my home state of Florida! He leads our state with courage and truth and we pray that Almighty God will continue to give him wisdom, discernment and boldness! We overcome evil with good. Thanks Governor for leading the way in Florida!

March 24, 2022

thank God for gov like DeSantis that are true patriots and men of God. Praying more leaders rise up and see this nonsense going on and rebuke the evil!

March 24, 2022

Thank God for leaders like Ron DeSantis who speak the truth and stand up for common sense!
Biology doesn’t lie.
I pray DeSantis’ actions encourage other leaders to be bold in speaking up from their convictions of conscience.

Victoria Z
March 24, 2022

Thank you, Govenor DeSantis, for the courage to stand up and say what needs to be said. May God intervene in this situation for the sake of righteousness and the truly born female athletes who are experiencing a biologically unfair disadvantage. I dont know how Lia Thomas can be happy about winning knowing that men are niologically stronger athletes even in spite of gender modifications their God given DNA is male. Father in the name of Jesus, these women are being robbed of an opportunity to win championships ijntheir sport, please intervene. We thank you that younhave heard their prayers and ours and are answering them, in Jesus name@, we receive it, Amen!

Francoise A Armstrong
March 24, 2022

Good for DeSantis. As a woman myself, that vieing with biological males will crush the spirits of biological women.

Barbara Janicki
March 24, 2022

So thankful for the courage of DeSantis to do what is right, not go along with what is popular, (actually we are lied to and told these things, in this case men competing as women, are popular – meaning the majority agree with or are in favor of this – when we are not) but this is not true. De Santis has been a courageous leader throughout the last two years – no matter how badly the media portrayed him – the people of his state reaped the benefit of his keeping his state free and open, while in other states people’s lives and livelihoods were destroyed by government lockdowns, mandates and all the things government did to rob us of our freedoms and fail to protect us by allowing criminals free reign on our streets. I pray that others will follow his example – sometimes it takes just one to stand up and others will follow suite. This proclamation for the swimmer from his state is another example of a courageous action he has taken, showing that he will not abandon principles just because that seems to be the easier, more lucrative route at the moment. It is a privilege to pray for him as he continues to “fight the good fight”, honoring God and serving the people of his state well. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Lana Cunningham
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for being a forerunner, for standing up for what is true and right. I pray that the state I live in will follow your example and stand up as well. God bless you

Bea Edwards
March 24, 2022

Rock on Governor!

Lynne Bartz
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for your Proclamation recognizing the real winner in the swimming competition..
I have your family picture where it is a reminder to continually pray for you. God bless you!

    Dawn Williams
    March 24, 2022

    A woman is created by God,with breasts, and has menstrual cycles and a womb. “God hates every false way”

Donn Dolce
March 24, 2022

thank you Gov Desantis for speaking up for the vast “silent Majority”…this is so sad

March 24, 2022

I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with Governor De Santis! I applaud his courage and action taken in declaring Emma Weyant the true and legitimate winner of the contest! And I double down on expressing my disdain of the NCAA for trying to make everyone complicit in a LIE. We live NOT by lies!

Mary Aguilera
March 24, 2022


March 24, 2022

Thank you for standing for what is true and right. We pay for more like Ron De Santis to step up. Praise God!

March 24, 2022

I am thankful for this decision by Governor DeSantis and that He stands on principles, biology, science and creation as defined by God and not man.

March 24, 2022

AWESOME!!!! It is so AWESOME when righteousness reigns!!! Thank you Governor for standing for righteousness!

Bonnie S Anderson
March 24, 2022

I am encouraged and thankful for Gov. DeSantis’ leadership. That he is bold, strong, and courageous. I’m thankful for him standing up for what is right. I pray that the example that he has set would be followed by other leaders across our country. That they would rise up and also stand for what is right. Abba, bless Gov. DeSantis, protect he and his family and staff. Surround him with men and women of moral and righteous character. In the name of Yeshua.

Yvonne Richardson
March 24, 2022

It’s about time! Thank God for a Governor who is not afraid to speak the truth and back it up. The sickness of transgenderism follows on the perversion of homosexuality. America’s embrace of these evils is bringing us to ruin. People who follow these practices need our compassion and pity and we should pray for them.

Gessy L Dias
March 24, 2022

Congratulations to our beloved governor for his wise and fair attitude.
God bless you and your family immensely, you are in my prayers.

jill marshall
March 24, 2022

Hooray for Gov. DeSantis and boo to the NCAA. God help us when a Spreme Court nominee can’t even defin a woman.
And I mean it-God help us!

Esther Lazaga
March 24, 2022

I pray for Governor DeSantis to continue doing what is right and honorable. May our Lord continue to light his path. 🙏🙏🙏

Toni Kushner
March 24, 2022

I give thanks to our God for his bravery, may the Lord, God put a “wall of fire around him” as he stands against sin and shows the world around an example of righteousness and integrity. May he stand firm in belief and be his defense. God Bless him.

Mrs. West
March 24, 2022

It’s about time someone spoke the plain and simple truth! Thank you, Governor DeSantis! You’re a hero.

Doug Hartlage
March 24, 2022

I’m proud of Governor DeSantis for standing up for his actions on this matter to award the rightful winner !!! The NCAA has become an organization that should be ashamed for the liberal actions they have created for all the people in the sports agenda !!! They need to be held accountable for their actions in the only way they will listen and that is in lost revenue !!!

March 24, 2022

Praise God! We need more Governors and government leaders to lead like Governor DeSantis!

Marsha Bashor
March 24, 2022

Yay for Ron DeSantis!!! A Governor who works for the people and defends the people of his state of Florida. I certainly would want him on my side, and he is on the side of the people. Thank you Governor DeSantis for recognizing Emma Weyant for her accomplishment that she deserves! I continue to pray for Governor DeSantis and his wife and family, for good health and protection and wisdom and guidance from you Lord❣️✡️

Mark Mendes
March 24, 2022

Let’s stand in the truth.
Created, not identified.
Body competing against body not body against gender identity.

March 24, 2022


Carla Watson
March 24, 2022

We need more Governors and government leaders to lead like Govenor DeSantis!

March 24, 2022

Yay! Good job, DeSantis!

March 24, 2022

I am visiting from another state and am thrilled and overwhelmed at the courage of your Florida Governor!
I wish he could be Governor of more than one state because I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
Thank you Governor DeSantis for your courage, your strength and your willingness to stand up and take a stand for what is right and for truth.

Evonne Reynolds
March 24, 2022

Praise God for Gov. DeSantis for his courage to stand up. I thank him and pray many other leaders in our country will do the same. This along with prayer will bring change things.

Mik Sutton
March 24, 2022

Keep speaking truth, Governor!! You and your family are being lifted in prayer throughout each week!!

March 24, 2022

Bravo! Thank you for being bold and proclaiming the truth!!

karen bishop
March 24, 2022

May God bless the Governor. I am glad to see that he took a stand against this cancel culture. Men are men and women are women from birth!

March 24, 2022

Thanking God for you Governor DeSantis !! For your stand for truth and standing on God’s word ! I pray for great boldness and strength to help you to continue to stand in this dark day in our nation!

Gloria Mitchell
March 24, 2022

He is right on. So thankful that he stands up for what is right. A man who wants to be a woman can NEVER be a woman. Chromosomes can never be changed. Keep praying for those who have common sense.

Midge McCay
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor for standing up for what is right in God’s sight. I’m praying for you.

March 24, 2022

Applauding the Governor DeSantis for supporting women of his state. I admire his courage and tenacity throughtout his leadership in Florida…..! Father, let his example give other governors courage to follow his example, imitate him as he follows you.

Linda Davis
March 24, 2022

Thank you Lord for a governor who is not afraid to stand for you! Bless him and his family and help him to continue to be strong in what is right and good in Your sight.

March 24, 2022

I just don’t understand how all the Women’s sportscasters who praise Women’s accomplishments finally being noticed are not screaming out at the unjustness of the NCAA allowing men who identify as a woman, that day, to participate in Women’s sports and be acknowledged as the champion! Where are those women sportscasters voices in those incidents! Are they not brave enough to speak out against this? They are cowering at the feet of PC!! Shame on you!!

Carole J Wolbert
March 24, 2022

Father God, thank you for Gov. DeSantis! for his right thinking and for his courage to do the right thing. Pour Your blessings upon him and his family Father. In Your Name Amen.

March 24, 2022

I wholeheartedly support Gov. DeSantis’ proclamation!

The U.S. has lost it’s way. I am outraged at the utter evilness of what is occur ring in our sports arena. To see the progressive agenda making deep inroads into our culture is sickening. Only a revival can reverse this downward spiral that we’re in.

March 24, 2022

Thank you, Ron DeSantis, for allowing a woman (not a pretend woman) be the one to win in a woman’s sport. God bless you, Ron DeSantis

March 24, 2022

Hallelujah for men and in particular leaders who will stand up for what is right and good. We rejoice for these types of leaders who remain stalwart in the midst of the chaos and the fray.
Thank you Father and give him favor and strength to continue to lead. Raise up more leaders that will stand for truth instead of fantasy. In Yeshua’s/Jesus’s name I pray Amein

Char Kolzow
March 24, 2022

Praise the Lord for strong men of God who speak truth to lies. Satan is the Father of lies and EACH of us must follow Governor DeSantis’ example in our OWN lives . TRUTH is the only hope for this nation. We ARE, and WILL BE. “one nation” ONLY if we are united UNDER God’s rules and ways. The 10 Commandments were NEVER 10 Suggestions.

    Char Kolzow
    March 24, 2022

    Praise the Lord for strong men of God who speak TRUTH to lies! Satan is the Father of Lies and EACH of us must follow Governor DeSantis’ example in our OWN lives. TRUTH is the only hope for this nation. We ARE, and WILL BE, “ONE NATION” only IF we are united
    UNDER God’s rules and ways. The 10 Commandments were NEVER “10 Suggestions”.

Jeri Wilson
March 24, 2022

We are 100% in AGREEMENT with Governor DeSantis’s proclamation. We pray .. and I MEAN pray and intercede in Jesus name that Holy Spirit is breaking the enemy’s spirit OFF of God’s CREATION .. HIS men and women .. GOD IS BLESSING AMERICA and other nations. We turn our HEARTS TO HIS TRUTH AND WISDOM that a BILLION SOULS ARE BEING SAVED. AMEN !!! We Praise you Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit.. !!

Eloisa Garza
March 24, 2022

I’m elated that Florida has a governor who has a backbone to stand. I wish we had more leaders like him.

Anna Newell
March 24, 2022

Thank you Gov. DeSantis for declaring truth! I appreciate your stand.

March 24, 2022

DeSantis did the right thing. Pray that more and more would stand for truth.

Judy Davis
March 24, 2022

Praise God for his stand.
I am from Tennessee and wish Governor Lee who is a Godly man would take a stand like this.

Carol Lenz
March 24, 2022

Thank you Gov Ron DeSantis for standing up for truth and speaking out against the lies of this age. We pray that God would raise up more men and women to lead our country who fear God more than men and their current ideologies.

Kay Fetner
March 24, 2022

I praise the Lord for the courage of Governor De Santis to stand for his faith and for the truth.
Isaiah 7: 9 If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.

Kathleen A Krause
March 24, 2022

I wholeheartedly agree with Governor DeSantis! I thank God for his great leadership and pray for for him and his family.

Janifer Blanchard
March 24, 2022

Thank you, Governor De Santis, for your courage to stand up to the perverted woke generation, and decree and declare God’s truth amidst the lies and deception of the enemy.

sonia hernandez
March 24, 2022

I agree whole heartily with him praise God for justice

Mary Ellen Franks
March 24, 2022

So proud of and grateful for Governor DeSantis standing for truth! Praying for his continuing courage. May the Lord bless you and keep you !

Andrea szott
March 24, 2022

Amen & amen! Great way to honor truth!

Ken Bostel
March 24, 2022

Governor, you make me proud to be an American. Thank you for standing up to God’s standards and not man’s,

Marilyn Rinker
March 24, 2022

God Bless Governor DeSantis. A light in the darkness!

Jack Ripley
March 24, 2022

We are in a crazy, mixed-up world when people of adult age who claim to believe the Science and then say and do things that defy the most basic of Scientific Truth.

Ann Darling
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for doing what the NCAA should have done from the onset.

Preston King
March 24, 2022

Thank God for leaders who stand for Christian and true American values and push back publically and proudly against a woke organization that needs calling out. Gov. Desantis verbally certified Emma Weyant as the rightful winner of this championship final as she IS ! It is appalling to see such a mockery in American sports. I have given my last $ to such a corrupt organization.

Raymond Taylor
March 24, 2022

The proclamation issued by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made it absolutely clear that there is, always has been, and always will be, a biological difference between men and women. This is the reality we must accept and respect, and no ruling from the NCAA or any other legal body can change that fact. I pray that people will in time have the courage and common seen that truth and not let anybody or anything force them to think otherwise.

MaryGrace Dansereau
March 24, 2022

Thank you, Governor DeSantis, for defending the truth

Lorrie Dalfo
March 24, 2022

I Love Rockin Ron. He’s smart , Brave and loves the Lord. God protect him and keep him in our government!!!

March 24, 2022

Thank God for men who follow the true and living God and are not afraid to stand up for TRUTH!!

Jayne Moyer
March 24, 2022

Lord continue to lead Govenor DeSantis to govern in Godly truth & righteousness. May the people of Florida also support this same truth. I pray the rest of the country follow this example & other leaders stand for God’s truth.. Lord the confusion & lies Satan is causing in the world seems more prevalent than ever before in my lifetime. I know you have a plan & are in control but I continue to pray for your intervention that people’s eyes, hearts & minds be opened to Your truth and realize the lies of this world. I ask & pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

    March 24, 2022

    Congratulations to Lia for her amazing performance! It’s not fair to be denied victory because you met the God-given criteria of gender. Lia, you were “born for such a time as this”. There is much more to come.
    Governor de Santis, you also have been birthed for this time. Continue to proclaim truth and right! More than this medal has been stolen!!! And the only ONE to call for HELP is Jesus.

      April 16, 2022

      How can you congratulate the man who stole this competition?No matter what he does to his body, he is a MAN, not a woman. Whether he likes it or not, God gave him his gender. He was an usurper in that race, and deep down where he really lives, he knows it. God made him a MAN, with the muscular and bone structure of a MAN, not a woman. This whole situation is just plain silly, this conversation should not even be necessary. The USA has lost its way. God help us to return to Him.

Dan Roussin
March 24, 2022

EXCELLENT!! Bravo!! Desantis is a strong leader, a man of integrity. I support his effort inn this situation. I’m disgusted that there organization NCAA would even consider letting a biological man enter this contest, let alone be called winner. Dear God, please forgive us, and heal our hearts, inn Jesus’ name…!!!!

Sandy Hymore
March 24, 2022

Praise God for Ron DeSantis who has the courage to stand for the truth!!! God bless him and his family!!! This article made my day.

March 24, 2022

I say AMEN to Ron DeSantis declaration. A woman won the race!!!

    Camille Bood
    March 24, 2022

    We ar seeking truth. There is no truth in transgenderism. It’s a counterfeit woman who actually stole the win by virtue of be a biological male. We should not be perpetuating this lie causing harm to women. The governor did the right thing by honoring this young woman because the wind was actually stolen from her.

March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis,
No Matter what a person may feel they are in sports it should go on biology. As a males biological makeup is different than a woman’s and always will be. You cannot change that. They have more ribs than a female, they have more muscles than a female. I think woman sports should only include women. That possibly the person switched because swimming as a male swimmer they were only average and now they are on top and getting a lot of attention.

Judith Brumley
March 24, 2022

I am supportive of Gov Ron De Santis’ ruling declaring Emma Weyant the true Winner. All the confusion presented has no legitimate science.

Erendira Riggs
March 24, 2022

Amen , amen for Governor DeSantis who is not afraid to speak the truth!!!!
Joshua 1:9. “Be strong and of good courage….for the Lord is with you….”
Congratulations to Emma Weyant.

Patricia Polyniak
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for standing for what is true. I pray for you and your family often. Protection, healing and blessing to you and your loved ones. thank you again for your perseverance against evil.

Connie forbis-jennings
March 24, 2022

I see gov desantis as President DeSantis someday & a really good one too

laura sawyer
March 24, 2022

So proud of the bravery and integrity of Governor DeSantis to make this public declaration.

Gerry Crawford
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for boldly stating truth.

March 24, 2022

After Trump returns I hope Desantis runs for President!!!

Miriam J West
March 24, 2022

Amen !!!! Men “winning” in Women’s sports is nothing but a cheater!! Thank you Mr. DeSantis!!!!

Luba Germak
March 24, 2022

I can’t believe where this world of ours is going…Jesus please come n help us…
Abortions are going to be free while the elderly have to choose between buying their medications or groceries.
“Men” are competing with women in sports n winning n people are supporting this.
Our personal rights are being taken away from us… we are being forced to put poisons in our body that we clearly do not want. Now our military personnel, who are laying down their lives on the line for us every day, is being mandated for the vaccine.
What happened to the politicians who are supposed to be representing the people of their country? When are they going to stand up for us n for what is right?!? What’s next?
When you think things can’t any worse they do!
In schools, instead of teaching the “3 R’s” 4 yr olds are being taught to question their sexuality at the ripe old age of 4…really?
The decisions of NATO have been laughable…when are they finally going to go in n assist Ukraine? When are they finally going to call this invasion what it is…a WAR. Almost 4 million people have left to avoid death n starvation while Putin continues to bomb the country, who has minded its own business n has been flourishing over the years, bringing it down to death/rubble. WAR CRIMES are being committed every day while NATO sits n watches…DO SOMETHING!!!
What happened to democracy n freedom of speech Lord….what happened to love thy neighbor as you love yourself…gee, I thought ALL lives mattered…not anymore. If you are a person of color you can loot, carjack, even commit murder n they slap an electric monitor on your ankle n off you go. Police Officers are told to stand down while crimes are being committed n told not to shoot when being shot at.
Jesus please take a look around you n see what we did to this beautiful world your Father created…talk to Him…I know there will be no floods but I definitely think its time….
The devil has been working overtime n we the people of this once beautiful world are praying for a miracle.
Please Lord, intercede, power n money has taken over n people are drunk with it n all we can do is watch, cry n pray.

Connie H.
March 24, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis for sending up and protecting our God given rights.

Frankie Hutchens
March 24, 2022

Hallelujah! Thank you Lord for Governor DeSantis standing up once again for what is Biblical and correct. There are many who should follow him. We pray for the deluded and lost, such a sad state of affairs they are in.

Donna Pendergrass
March 24, 2022

Praise God for Gov Desantis. Our prayers are with you! Keep fighting! Thank you for your bravery!

Karen Hardeman
March 24, 2022

Finally! A man of courage! A man of valor! A man with Common Sense, willing to lead our people back onto the path of sanity and justice for ALL (including real biological women!)

Thank you and God bless you, Governor DeSantis!
Karen Hardeman, DDiv. PhD, MEd, LMHC, CCMHC, NCC

Maria Miller
March 24, 2022

Love it – wish all governors took that stand.

March 24, 2022

Hallelujah! I totally support your declaration!


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