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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank You that You are our ultimate authority. Thank You that You are in control of the Senate, we pray that You guide our government officials with Your truth and Word.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff has won the second of the state’s two runoff elections against Republican David Perdue, the Associated Press predicted on Wednesday, handing Democrats control over the U.S Senate during at least the first two years of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Ossoff had maintained a razor-thin lead against Perdue earlier in the day, with the tally giving him an 0.6% lead over the GOP candidate.  . . .

Democrat Raphael Warnock was earlier declared by the AP to have defeated Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler overnight in one of two Georgia Senate runoff races, at the time bringing Democrats one victory away from taking control of the Senate.  . . .

Ossoff’s win gives Democrat Joe Biden a powerful position in trying to enact his agenda, with Democrats also controlling the House as well as the Senate.

Georgia law states a trailing candidate can request a recount when the margin of an election win is less than or equal to 0.5 percentage points, meaning that Ossoff’s apparent 0.6% victory will likely put him out of the range of a recount.

The 51-year-old Warnock upon his declared victory became the first black senator in Georgia history. . . .

“Tonight, we proved with hope, hard work and the people by our side, anything is possible,” Warnock said in his victory speech.

Loeffler, who was appointed to the Senate less than a year ago by the Georgia governor, has yet to concede.

“We are going to keep fighting for you,” said the 50-year-old former businesswoman. “This is about protecting the American dream.” . . .

Trump endorsed both GOP candidates and held a rally in support of their campaigns on Monday evening ahead of the election.

Former President Barack Obama endorsed Ossoff and Warnock. Biden held a drive-in campaign event on Monday in support of the Democratic Senate candidates.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said about 4.6 million votes were cast in total in the runoff election compared to nearly 5 million in the 2020 general election. In comparison, about 2.1 million votes were cast in the 2008 runoff election in Georgia.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Nicholas Ballasy. Photo Credit: .)

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Gary Fortney
January 7, 2021

The fight has only begun. Prayer and believers need to adorn the Armor of God, rise up and fight for righteousness. Our faith is in God, our Deliverer, Who made heaven and earth. Amen – So Be it.

January 7, 2021

We have failed in our responsibility as believers to make repentance and reparation for having allowed God to be marginalized in our country. If Harris ever becomes POTUS, even worse things than these will happen as the Democrats systematically tear apart everything positive that has been accomplished in the past four years. Donal Trump essentially shot himself in the foot on this election. There is no doubt that there was considerable fraud, and Eric Coomer will probably never be found alive again. Nonetheless, we must continue to hope, pray, and resist PEACEFULLY. That was NOT the mode of operation yesterday. I am also concerned that there are distinctly leftist tidbits in the IFA posts. Please edit better! I can see garbage like that sneaking into comments (which I hope are carefully reviewed), but the report that a like to contribute to the Biden campaign was in a post is ALARMING.

January 7, 2021

Are we entering the end of time?
Has God intervened to save America?
Will He?
Why should He?
The Israelites called on him and He turned away from his wrath but He also punished when they did not. He gave us commandments, Jesus reinforced them and yet many of us obey 8 or 9 but do we obey all 10? If not how can we expect Him to hear from Heaven?
Since 312 AD most Christian denominations fail to keep the one that starts…” Remember the Sabbath….” Do we pray to anyone other than Father, Son and Holy Spirit? To Whom do we turn for the forgiveness of sin? The One who died for our sins or to others?
America does need a revival but upon what will it be based?
When we do He will hear!

Stella (TX)
January 7, 2021

2-John10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching(Jesus Christ and Him crucified)do not take him into your house or welcome him….((killing babies/abortion/pedophilia, forced LGBTQ)
11 Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work.
Praying for our brave brothers and sisters physically toiling/standing, bless all their tireless hours of research following hard after God’s: Justice, Truth, Integrity; this is a Red sea moment. God has hardened pharaoh+host. Our response is “EVEN IF” we know OUR GOD CAN. Bring GLORY to Yourself Lord we pray. Let not one remain Exodus 14.

January 7, 2021

Father God as your children, servants, intercessors and more of the Most High God please help your church body get over and be delivered from their BIASES, PREJUDICES AND RELIGIOUS THINKING AND WAYS.

Help us align completely with you God, your way of thinking, your word and Holy Spirit. NOT OUR WILL BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE GOD. 

JUST LIKE President Trump you God allowed/appointed him to become President of the USA for such a time as this and most of the white churches and others got behind him and supported him. NOW if we are of you (white, red, black or yellow people. Regardless of the color of our skin) let us all do the same for President Biden and his staff/cabinet and cover HIM/THEM in the Word of God, Prayer and Fasting and with a spirit of expectation. I/We expect you God through the Holy Spirit to change him and the others heart, soul and mind in Jesus name. Amen!

My God I’m expecting miracles and believing the impossible in YOU! Only YOU God can do this NOT ANY MAN! Nothing is too hard for my/our God! Thank you Lord Jesus for the souls being saved and coming into the Kingdom of God! It is truly HARVEST TIME! Amen and so be it.

    January 7, 2021

    I do not recognize the pretenders to the throne as legitimate authority. I will pray that God will expose their deeds and remove them.

      Donna Piper
      January 7, 2021

      Thank you.
      Nor do I recognize this illegitimate authority, or will I ever refer to Mr Biden as President

      Donna piper
      January 7, 2021

      PS However I will pray for all of these governmental usurpers…I do not want my response to be misconstrued as rebellion.

    January 7, 2021

    I am praying avidly for Joseph Biden to experience a deep and lasting conversion so that his “interior commitment to life” becomes his outward commitment. He CAN and SHOULD stop being a paper-doll pretend-to-be Catholic. God help us if Harris ever becomes POTUS!

    January 8, 2021

    Correction: It’s President-Elect Biden and not President Biden.
    Thank you for letting me know in a godly and professional manner. God Bless you.

January 7, 2021

As many as 8,410 military and overseas absentee ballots could be accepted in Georgia on Friday and decide the winner of the close race.

Of more than 26,000 military and overseas ballots sent out per voter request ahead of the election, 18,008 ballots have been accepted, and 8,410 ballots are outstanding.

Teri Sala
January 7, 2021

It’s not over! The military ballots and overseas ballots have till Friday!

January 7, 2021

The GA runoff was won through fraud as recordings on TV prove. So the same thing that took place with the presidential election also took place in the runoffs.
Lord help our nation. Our elections are no longer secure or trustworthy and many candidates being elected no longer care about honesty, integrity or character. Our nation is so rife with corruption we are swimming in sewage. Save us Lord for we cannot save ourselves.

January 7, 2021

I agree, I REFUSE to accept a corrupt and dishonest election of the president and senate. Joe Biden is NOT my president, nor will he ever be, in my opinion! I am also sickened by the lack of morality and courage in our country. It is very difficult to pray for people who support abortion, LGBTQ, etc.

Terri Jo Bassett
January 7, 2021

I am sickened by the lack of moral fiber in America today. Warnock supports abortion, LGBTQ rights, dispersion of the traditional values in America. I cannot pray for this man.

    January 7, 2021

    I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I’m asking God to help me be obedient to pray for everyone & that would include Warnock’s salvation. But if Warnock ignores the spirit of God or rejects it, then I pray for his removal from office also.
    Its difficult but I sincerely believe that God is trying to get us to move from hatred of what an individual believes in…..to hatred of sin. The enemy is continually blurring and crossing the lines and we must ask God to help us to pray for others because often, we are too weak to do that within our own emotions.

    January 7, 2021

    Thank you for your kind response. I will be more Godly and pray for Warnock .. God bless you

Cibele Neves (Brazil)
January 7, 2021

I pray God give peace for everyone in USA and guide this situation how He is doing since tbe begining althought the things are hard and sad, God didn’t lose the control. Let’s pray and trust in Him and His promise.

January 7, 2021

NEWSMAX…Why did you say in this short article or prayer BIDEN’S presidency??? Are you turning on us too??? Are being treacherous too???

Biden has not WON ANY PRESIDENCY. We will NOT accept an evil, corrupt, NWO communist,CCP dictated person as president.

January 7, 2021

I don’t understand how during the daylight hours in both recent elections the Republicans are winning, then by some magic “during” the night democrats always somehow pull ahead to win???

    Carole Ann Neve
    January 7, 2021

    Trump gave us the heads up on their cheating ahead of time in the Georgia election 2021! If they want to kill the unborn and happily so, what do you think is going to happen? They should fight for the unborn in the land and change their ways! President Donald J. Trump is giving them a chance to get it right. Read the L. Lin Wood tweets if you can. The tweets were good and telling. Trump is a master chess player. Trust the plan. He knows the play book.

January 7, 2021

Yes, God is our ultimate authority, but He is not ‘in control’ of the United States Senate. If He were, would we have the mess we now have? The Senate may be at risk of being controlled by another spirit however. Our God doesn’t impel people to do anything. The Senate is a group of people who each have free will and are not being controlled by God to make the decisions they’ve been making. It is absolutely my prayer that they would desire to be guided by God, as He is willing and able to guide them into all righteousness and truth.


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