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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we appeal to you on behalf of the Ukrainian people. May Your plans for them be fulfilled. We pray Psalm 91 over our friends and their families.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

I was on the phone with Maksym and Vitaliy, our friends from Intercessors for Ukraine, as I was driving back from some meetings on the Hill.  We try to connect about every week.  I want them to know that they are being prayed for, and they share on-the-ground updates on the war and the progress of sharing Ukraine Meals and the gospel with me.  Our call came on the heels of the horrific Ukrainian train station bombing at Kramatorsk, killing 50 people, reports of civilian hostage taking in Ukraine, and the shocking killing streets of Bucha, Ukraine. As we discussed this new level of violence, we surmised that this attack on civilians is meant to keep people from fleeing and to keep them from rising up against the aggressors. It was terrorism.

Huge numbers of refugees stream out of the eastern part of Ukraine, and those who are seeking to dominate are enacting not only physical violence to overcome, but also psychological warfare as well. That’s the purpose of terrorism. Intimidation to be compliant. Using fear to force others to fall in line. Threats to squelch dissent. This terrorism is a strategy to make people afraid to leave and to keep them off the streets and afraid to rise up. Mariupol is one city where citizens are essentially locked in their homes under the threat of violence.

It reminded me of the C.S. Lewis book The Screwtape Letters, where lead demon Screwtape was instructing the younger Wormwood that war is not a boon for the Devil’s purposes as he might think.  For it’s in times of trouble, suffering, and hardship, men tend to seek beyond themselves and be open to the gospel of Christ. All around Ukraine, as people are experiencing hardship they have not seen in this generation, Ukrainians are being presented with the gospel and are coming to faith in numbers not seen in 40 years.

Gospel tracts are being distributed along with food, and the plans that the Enemy has are being thwarted, for in the suffering during times of war, men contemplate their future. Lewis writes, “In wartime not even a human can believe that he is going to live forever.” Maksym and Vitaliy agree, “There is such a hunger for God–it’s a great time for harvest.” As pastors, Vitaliy and Maksym are not only ministering to their own people, but also presiding over an evangelical event on a daily basis as they share food and the love of Christ.

As we turned our conversation to the prayer requests they have, both Vitaliy and Maksym shared their immense gratefulness for the continued and fervent prayer for the Ukrainian people. We pray for a backfire to the tactic of terrorism.  300,000 gospel flyers have been shared already. Another 100,000 shared in Poland to refugees. A reprint is on the way. They are reporting the highs of miracles in the midst of immense lows of the loss of life of friends. Maksym shared that their church is maxed out as they serve a steady flow of Ukrainian refugees coming through their town, in addition to meeting the needs of those in their own church body. Physical needs abound such as composting toilets for their underground bunkers, and restored internet where missiles disrupted service. But above all, pray that the strategy of terror that the Enemy is attempting to use would boomerang, and that people would continue to press in to God for relief, help, protection, and saving. As awful as war is, “the reality of imminent death has a way of focusing the mind on eternity.”

Share your prayers in the comments . . .

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June 26, 2022

Lord, thank you for miracles in Ukraine! We pray safety over those who are sharing the gospel, feeding the hungry, & sharing love in the name of Jesus! We also thank you that Ukraine is still standing as a David in the face of Goliath! As they seek You, may you reveal how to sling their stones to bring that giant down! Thank You for the great harvest in Ukraine!!

Skye Alison
April 29, 2022

Father, I praise you that you ALWAYS HAVE A BLESSED SURPRISE awaiting those who put their trust in you! It could not have been more pronounced in the Resurrection of our dear Savior; but You are showing this truth to us again. Now Lord let the enemies be confused, the darkness be overwhelmed, and the plans of the Lord made manifest through your grace and goodness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Dave, if iOutreachInc.org can be a help in your efforts to reach Ukraine with the gospel, let me know. [email protected]

Catalina Rodriguez
April 15, 2022

I don’t have to many words to say but sending my love to Ukraine.
Prayer’s for friend’ and Families out there God please comfort the people love upon them.
God command the angels of protection to protect Ukraine .
I speak Salvation, Deliverance, Healing Prayed Psalms 91 we cant stop praying.
Shalom to all
Catalina Rodriguez

April 14, 2022

Please Lord Jesus be with your Children in Ukraine. Especially equip pastors, military and Gov. leaders. Give them wisdom and direction as they care for their people. Please God bring a mighty Revival to this region. Save both the Ukraine and Russian people and let it spread throughout Europe. Deliever our world from Satan’s hands. We bind the demonic forces attacking our world. Let us remember that JESUS IS LORD! Amen

Vicky Maurseth (Jerome and Vicky)
April 14, 2022

Father in Heaven, confound the plans of the Russian forces as they plan their attacks and give Maksym and Vitaliy wisdom as they minister to those who come to them for physical and spiritual needs. Praise you that many are coming to faith in Jesus. Please rush the reprint to the hands of those who need it. May the Russian soldiers, turn away from the destruction that they are ordered or allowed to pursue. May this new General who has the reputation for merciless destruction of human life be thwarted. Protect the people of Ukraine and dray many to Jesus! In His name, Amen

Henrietta Conway
April 13, 2022

Father God,
The enemy seems emboldened. Only by the powerful name of Jesus will this enemy of darkness be thwarted. Father, You can bring confusion and You can cause the enemy to implode upon themselves. You can cause the Russian troops to refuse to fight. Father God, You are so creative…the most creative and You can defeat the enemy. The battle is Yours! I pray for lasting peace to come with Your guidance and power. Protect and provide for the Ukrainians and the Afghan people … women and children. Please spare the boys from being taught Jihad ways. Thank You for drawing people too Yourself as believers in Jesus Christ. ✝️🙏❤️

Janet L Knapp
April 13, 2022

Thank you for making available these action points to send messages to our selected officials. Thank you for the incredible work you are continually doing, and for leading us in how to pray over many different important matters.

James Balsamello
April 13, 2022

My Calvary Baptist Church in Little Egg Harbor Twp , NJ has raised over $3000
for relief to help the immigrants from Ukraine. All it took was a prayer request to help them. Praise the Lord , our little church stepped up as so many other Americans have done.

April 13, 2022

Yes, it is true, every shaking, wind and storm in one’s life or nation is allow to prune or cut of evol and wrong characters Amen

Victoria mcewen
April 13, 2022

We praying mothers are praying.God of Isreal knows all about them and he will not fail ps46

April 13, 2022

Father we pray for a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon the people and the land of Ukraine. Father may the enemy, spiritual powers of wickedness in high places, come crashing down. May You Father set a hedge of protection around Ukraine, it’s people and it’s land, and may every ploy, plot, scheme, and tactic fail in utter defeat for the enemy and may it backfire and be returned upon the enemy’s own head. May you sow a spirit of discourse and confusion in the enemy’s camp. Father, we pray for a great harvest of souls in the land of Ukraine and all of eastern Europe, a harvest such as has never been seen, with millions surrendering their hearts and lives to you. Father, may Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done in the land of Ukraine and eastern Europe. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit, fill them with Your Rivers of Living Water, Your joy and Your strength. We pronounce blessings upon the people of Ukraine. May the Lord bless and keep them and cause His Face to shine upon them. In the Holy Name of Yeshua our Messiah I pray, amen.

ofelia claudio
April 13, 2022

Indeed! ” For it’s in times of trouble, suffering, and hardship, men tend to seek beyond themselves and be open to the gospel of Christ.” Covid did it for many. But there are MORE who have yet to humbly cry out, “Lord, have mercy! Lord, I need You!” Especially those who think their money, power or fame can buy them health…. or even “life!” Not realizing that “eternal life” is what they need, and it can only be theirs through faith in JESUS CHRIST! Let’s earnestly pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon ALL flesh – literally! – as the day of the Lord Jesus’ soon-return approaches.

William Langston
April 13, 2022

For a couple of years I have had one particular request of God that has been pretty regular in my deliberate times with Him: What are You doing in our world that I need to understand?
Last night, during an intense wind storm here in Las Vegas, Holy Spirit answered me. God’s humor is interesting. We were concerned for our trees and plants and I was asking “What are You allowing in our yard? I have counted on You being our Provision and Protection.”
He answered me with one word; it answered both my questions, “Pruning.”
He is not destroying any who choose to hide in His promises, but, He is pruning us.

    April 13, 2022

    Yes, it is true, every shaking, wind and storm in one’s life or nation is allow to prune or cut of evol and wrong characters Amen

Ruth Leske
April 12, 2022

Thank you for the email. As I read it I thought that is what has been happening all over the world with the Covid plandemic !! Suppressing the people, creating fear . Please come Lord Jesus come
Prayers, prayers and more prayers, eyes up to Jesus. Blessings to all over Easter, Ruth

Brenda T
April 12, 2022

Precious Lord, we ask for you to transform the hearts and minds of those who are evil, and send them back from where they came. Also, open the eye’s of our leaders in America so they do the right and honorable thing and help the Ukrainians with the weapons they want and need. Surround the people of Ukraine with your loving arms and your Peace that surpasses understanding.

Diane Konicke
April 12, 2022

Thank you for giving us heads up, that God is working and
We are thankful for the people God brings to those who are
suffering and to thank God for those doing loving things, And
By not giving up ever…. I will pray for all again and again,
You have lifted my spirit and giving me hope in what you shared! Thank you, please Heavenly Father help us to be
open hearted to You and to receive what you desire — we need you and you want us to know you are with us, especially
In bad times….Thank you!

Christine Stott
April 12, 2022

Father, we appeal to You on behalf of the Ukrainian people. May Your plans for them be fulfilled. We pray Psalm 91 over our friends and their families.

Karen Magistrelli
April 12, 2022

I am grateful that you are not citing the Russians as the cause of the violence. The destruction is from the Enemy, who could be Nazis among the Ukranian people. I am more drawn to your prayer request as you aren’t making a political statement condemning the Russian troops. Many Christians, conservatives and certainly our mainstream media are putting a lot of blame on the Russians. Are they reporting truth? Either way, the innocent civilians need prayer and salvation.

    Maynard Beck
    April 12, 2022

    In case you missed it:
    Looks like Britian has another Churchill…

    Daniel Moak
    April 12, 2022

    The question remains: Who is really responsible for the Ukrainian destruction and deaths? Is it really the Russian army or is it the Azof Nazi battalion? Or is it some other terrorist group? Or the Ukrainian Mafia? Or other Ukrainian Gangs? I would really like the answer.

    In any case we really need to pray earnestly for a great revival, repentance, and turning to Christ for: (1) Zelenskyy, (2) The Ukrainian Government Officials, (3) Ukrainian Mayors ,(4) The Ukrainian Military Forces, as well as (4) The Citizens of Ukraine. I know that the Ukrainian government has had a recent past history of corruption, but I still pray for them anyway. I have not lost hope for them.

    In the times of great distress, people who have previously ignored God, often cry out to God. There is an old saying “There are no atheists in the foxhole”. Let that be the case throughout Ukraine, including the Ukrainian leadership..

    I am really encouraged by the great revival occurring in the nation of Ukraine as a whole. Let this revival and harvest of souls spread rapidly into the Ukraine’s government officials. Then God’s blessings will greatly increase for Ukraine!

Pat M
April 12, 2022

Jesus, You alone are our comfort when our world is falling apart. In You is perfect peace while our eyes see otherwise. Help us to see from Your perspective! We bless our enemies as You require; yet we cannot trust them. Show us how to pray for ourselves and families and yet honor Your commands. We are frail but in You we are strong. Show us our strength that we may rise above the terror by night and horror by day. We love You and trust You to be our Psalm 91 protection.

Susan Gauen
April 12, 2022

God we pray for the Ukrainian people. Reveal Yourself to them and let them find you in such a real and tangible way that will change their lives forever. You have put eternity in the hearts of men, and we pray they would be drawn to think about eternal things during this time of losing all temporal pleasures. Bring in the harvest. We pray every Ukrainian would give their lives to you and come into the saving knowledge of Jesus. Spare their lives, guide them in where to go and what to do. Save their lives, Jesus. Save them to heaven and save their lives here on this earth. Let them know you still have a hope and a future for them and for their country. Breathe hope into them. Show them how You want each one of them to be involved in ministering to people around them, and what you want them to do in the future. Use this to raise up a new wave of believers and of missionaries from the Ukraine.

Debby Schmidt
April 12, 2022

This week my encounter with Holy Spirit …
We’ve heard it said in the media these last few years … “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. We know without expounding on it, what has been implied by those saying this. Three times this last week I heard these words and the last time, I heard Holy Spirit speak… “I too NEVER let a good crisis go to waste. I AM ALWAYS reaching out to those in crisis if they will but let me. I desire to use my children in the earth to be my hands and feet, bringing GOOD in the midst of chaos, in the middle of crisis. For such a time as this, I call you up and out, to let me flow through you to those around you. Listen to Me and I will lead you, giving you what you need to be my ambassador. All I am looking for is willing vessels.

Thank You Father God that You are always looking, always reaching out, always calling to us, to draw near. No man comes to the Father unless the Father draws him. Use your children in Ukraine, in Russia to reach out, speaking your word, showing your love, being your vessel. Use those of us far away to pray, to intercede, to give financially so that many souls might be saved. Let us view crisis as You do, an opportunity to see You move and people be touched as they might not have ever been before. All things work together for good to those who love You. All things might not appear good, but You are always good and always with us. Let us not shrink back in hard times, but allow You to draw and lead us, and others to be your hands and feet on this earth. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen.

Debra Dickey
April 12, 2022

Praise to God for his purposes are being fulfilled in that many, many Ukranians are coming to know His saving grace in their lives! Thank you for the update.

Sue Tracy
April 12, 2022

Thank you Lord for your umbrella of protection over the Ukraine. Continue to bring the unsaved to you that Your Kingdom of believers is growing. Thank you Almighty God.

Sue Tracy
April 12, 2022

Father we ask for Your umbrella of protection over the citizens of the Ukraine. Continue to lead and guide them as the enemy has surrounded them help them to not look at what’s happening but to trust that You will take care of them. Continue to save souls that You are the help they need. Thank You Lord for Your awesome power and strength and protection.

Darlene Estlow
April 12, 2022

I echo this prayer: “But above all, pray that the strategy of terror that the Enemy is attempting to use would boomerang, and that people would continue to press in to God for relief, help, protection, and saving. As awful as war is, “the reality of imminent death has a way of focusing the mind on eternity.” As the war continues, may the spiritual enemy of Ukraine be foiled by the people turning to you.

April 12, 2022

Let’s pray Psalms 36 for Zelensky _Trump also Texas their overwhelmed l

Roger Warner
April 12, 2022

Psalm 33:16-22
No king is saved by the multitude of an army;
A mighty man is not delivered by great strength.
A horse is vain hope for safety;
Neither shall it deliver any by it’s great strength.
Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him,
On those who hope in His mercy,
To deliver their soul from death,
And to keep them alive in famine.

Our soul waits for the LORD;
He is our help and shield.
For our heart shall rejoice in Him,
Because we have trusted in His holy name.
Let your mercy, O LORD, be upon us,
Just as we hope in You….

LORD, I pray this would be the Ukrainian’s prayer and understanding that all things good come from you. That You are their strength and salvation. You alone are their deliverer and savior…he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him. In Jesus’s name I pray.

April 12, 2022

Just this morning God prompted me to pray Psalm 91 for the people of Ukraine. It was a heartfelt prayer with tears and is being repeated. This began two hours before receiving this message, indicating and confirming the Holy Spirit at work through God’s precious Word. Jesus walks with you all through this valley of the shadow and He will never leave or forsake you!

April 12, 2022

The Holy Spirit is in citizens of Ukraine. Their bodies are His holy temple.
These Ukrainians have triumphed in Christ. Nothing can separate them from the love of God! This Easter or ever.

Psalm 91: 9-16
14 -16 Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him. I will set him on high Because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and Honor him. With long life I will satisfy him. And show him My salvation.

Psalm 91: 9-16
9-13 because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

Psalm 91: 9-16
11-13 For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.

Jesus knew the angels were meant to bear up his people.
And when Satan tempted him in the wilderness, Jesus knew Satan was twisting His words. And He knew He had to fulfill Life by not “being taking up”.
He also knew “he had to dash his foot against a stone” on the cross, taking on all the sins of mankind in exchange for life.

Matthew 4:5
Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to Him,
“If You are the Son of God throw Yourself down. For it is written: “He shall give His angels charge over you,


In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone”

But Jesus knew that Satan was twisting Words see that message was meant for those who have set their love upon Him, therefore He had made a plan to deliver His mankind.

Matthew 4:7 Jesus said to him (Satan), it is written again, You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”
Satan tried to give Jesus a way out. he did not want Jesus to follow through with his plan to save the people in our world.

Lord Jesus, May mankind (especially Ukraine) see Your love, refuge, dwelling place, deliverance, and honor, knowing it comes from Your words. May we experience the intimacy of God’s love, and sacrifice in the midst of these horrible circumstances. And help us with our unbelief so we can trust our maker, and savior to redeem us from it all.

carol lifrieri
April 12, 2022

Most Gracious Heavenly father, I come to you in the name of Jesus asking you again Lord to protect and keep those of whom you share intimacy with, and I pray for heaven to open up for those who are fearful
and don’t know of your protection that they may have a heavenly visit and come to Jesus. Amen

Allena Jordan
April 12, 2022

Lord, our hearts are filled with compassion for what the Ukrainian people are experiencing during this horrific onslaught. Thank You, Lord, that You are working in the midst of all the chaos and destruction. Your people have risen to the occasion, helping people physically and spiritually. Lord, You are the shepherd of the sheep. May Your rod and staff comfort Your people. Lord, spread out a banqueting table in the presence of their enemies. May their cups overflow. Guide, direct, protect Your people. Save many souls during this crisis. All for Your glory, I ask these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Carolyn M. Hale
April 12, 2022

I do believe there is an on-going battle between good and evil in the Ukraine 🇺🇦

April 12, 2022

Praying for the Ukrainian people that they will seek God and Christians will be empowered to share with them. We pray for you. In Jesus Name

Sharon Patterson
April 12, 2022

Lord God, You who brings life in the midst of death, comfort in the midst of untold suffering and salvation for those who open their hearts to hear your invitation, Continue to do more than we can imagine to provide, save, deliver, and heal the people of Ukraine. Turn the hearts of the enemy from lies to truth. In the powerful name of your Son, Jesus we ask these things. Amen

Mary Watkins
April 12, 2022

My heart is very sad about the violence and loss to the Ukrainian people. However, early on, the Holy Spirit gave me a picture of Ukraine ablaze, ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit. He told me He would birth a revival among the Ukrainians both there and abroad that will affect the whole world. It will be instrumental in bringing countless persons to salvation. I did not sense a “revival” of signs and wonders, but a revival of “defeating the enemy” prayer. That is why the enemy is trying so viciously to destroy Ukraine, But God wins is winning and will continue winning. I pray for any signs and wonders right now to be to help the Ukrainian warriors, and all their military efforts to drive out the enemy from their land. But more than that, for the outpouring of the HolySpirit to be happening ,now! WE need to keep standing behind them by our prayers.

Judy B
April 12, 2022

Lord, you alone are our refuge and fortress. You alone can we trust to lead us. We praise your faithfulness to all generations.

May your mighty arm be evident in every battle in Ukraine; may you be glorified and this evil be defeated. The glory is yours for both Israel’s existence and now Ukraine’s stand against a giant as well.

May corruption be defeated within Ukraine now as you send angels to help them in battle; give them plans now to revise those upcoming Ukrainian government agencies as well to remove internal corruption.

May your Holy Spirit open Americans’ eyes and turn their hearts to you in masses as we watch how you move against evil in Ukraine. Let the whole world see you alone glorified in these battles.

Thank you for giving us Psalm 91 and your son, Jesus. Help your people do what is right in your eyes. Amen

Kris Kubal
April 12, 2022


April 12, 2022

Praying in agreement 🙏 1Co:10:17
“Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of one loaf.”
In JESUS name we pray. AMEN

Kari L
April 12, 2022

Father, Please grant wisdom to leaders, military and civilian. Help them see clearly what is before them. Help them choose life, mercy and grace. Guide and interfere with them so they see miracles, safety and peace in the midst of evil. Reveal truth in this war. Change the hearts of men from hearts of stone, to hearts of flesh. Be with them, protect them and help them cry out to you not just as Savior, but also as Lord and King.

Maureen Hannon
April 12, 2022

PRAISE THE LORD!! Another ROMANS 8:28 moment!! The enemy never learns!! He thought that he could thwart GOD’s plan to save mankind by killing JESUS. THE LORD’S BLOOD is what enables people to be cleansed from sin and spend eternity in the very presence of GOD! He thought he could stop the Ukrainian people from serving GOD by bringing horrible suffering and loss to them. But, once again, GOD TOOK WHAT THE ENEMY MEANT FOR EVIL AND TURNED IT FOR GOOD!!

April 12, 2022

I am a Polish-American…my prayers are filled with tears and praise for the Polish people who are showing love to their neighbor!

    Kris Kubal
    April 12, 2022

    Absolutely! Poland has been so welcoming and helpful in loving people in crisis.

Sheldon Livesay
April 12, 2022

We join our hearts and faith in the words of Psm 91.

We ask You Lord to gather the Ukrainian people into Your refuge and fortress surrounding by Your host of angel armies.

We ask You to cover them with Your feathers and under Your wings they will trust. Father that is a picture of a mother hen and we know a hen will fight for her chicklets. We plea with You Lord to fight for these innocent victims in Ukraine.

Many times Judah was attacked by enemies and You brought a supernatural victory. You told Jehoshaphat the battle belonged to You. We look to You, oh Lord, for their victory.

During this time of attack and devastation, turn the evil to good by sending missionaries and Bibles and tracts to refugees, bringing them into Your kingdom by the hundreds of thousands. Turn this war into an Awakening coving the land.

Irina Murashova
April 12, 2022

I would say Amen if only Real enemy and truth about who is doing those terrorist acts are named.
Ukrainian government is the worst enemy of Ukraine. They killed their own citizens in the south -east of their country. Where was Ukrainian church and her cry?
Dear believing in Christ brothers and sisters in Ukraine, take your responsibility for your silence. God loves those who have been killed and destroyed for 8 years in Ukraine as much as He loves you.

Dona Schmidt
April 12, 2022

Father, may the Resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ abound in peoples hearts and lives. May they know that in the midst of this war You are their and will accomplish Your purposes. Build a rampart around them, defeat and destroy the enemies plans. Bring Ukrainians cling to the hope that You bring, deliver them from darkness to light, reveal Yourself to them in marvelous ways! Supply their needs according to Your riches in glory! Is.26: keep their minds on You for perfect peace. Bless You Lord!

April 12, 2022

There is a lot occurring in the World today. Lock downs in countries, war, mask mandates., people out of work, Drs and nurses over worked, food shortages. However God is in control of the earth. We where born for such a time as this. He hears our prayers. He never sleeps nor slumbers. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins. Forgive America for making the bunny rabbit important and teaching children that Easter is about rabbits., eggs and candy. Please Yahweh bring our nation back into Christ and the real reason for Resurrection Sunday not Easter Sunday.

    Hal Lundquist
    April 12, 2022

    Amen and Amen! Indeed we were born for a time such as this. In spite of all the turmoil in the world we who believe are standing on favored ground. May we gratefully receive the greatest gift ever given, God’s unmerited favor. Lord , grant forgiveness to America for our move into the wilderness, for this drift so far away from you. As Resurrection Sunday approaches let us rejoice in The Risen Christ. HE IS RISEN !

Blanche Woodiel
April 12, 2022

Oh Lo

Herb Johnston
April 12, 2022

Thank you Lord-, Lord as I was praying through the beginning of this article I started to think how these tragic events cause men and women to Seek You.. and then I got to the part of the article where it mentioned the increase in responses to the gospel-, and I rejoiced.. so again-, we know that our continuity of thought in line with what we have been taught many years is manifesting.. from your joyous heart to the people seeking You, in prayer-,and that many are coming to repentance..even in the midst of being terrorized- and so Lord we pray you would continue to squelch the terrorism to provide Escape Routes for the people even as you cause them to come to you in repentance-..for salvation- Hallelujah Lord!! for all the Glorious activity In response to You in Vitaly and Maxim’s Church.. Lord please do the miraculous in the lives of those heartbroken victims- the families of those that lost people in the train station bombing.. Lord please let this carnage stop..let no more people die in Ukraine-, Lord.
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

Daniel J Chapman
April 12, 2022

Lord, as the length of the war is now nearing the point of exceeding people’s attention span, may Your attention remain on the suffering people, the Ukrainian citizens who did not want, nor do anything to deserve being invaded. May there be a revival in Ukraine like we have not seen in generations in Europe. May humanitarian aid arrive to those without food, water, heat, and sanitation waste capacity. Most of all, may You, who make wars to cease, repel, and supernaturally drive out the invading Russian forces since nations will not supply Ukraine’s military needs.

Deborah Ulibarri
April 12, 2022

May God be glorified as He manifests in the lives and hearts of the Ukrainian. People. May the enemies plans to kill steal and destroy be thwarted . In Jesus Name Amen !

James Graham
April 12, 2022

Praise God for men like Maksym and Vitaliy. We pray the Lord will use this terrible time in Ukraine to bring many people to Christ. May the Russian forces fail in their efforts to destroy the people of Ukraine!


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