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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that out of the mouths of the children of America You will establish a stronghold in order to silence the enemy and the avenger (Psalm 8:2).
Reading Time: 3 minutes

For years I insisted that the American population was only one percent LGBTQ, based on studies and statistics that I knew were reliable. When June would come around, with the explosion of rainbows representing “Pride” rather than God’s promise not to flood the earth, I would reassure myself that this was only for that one percent.

But earlier this year, I realized that I was wrong. A recent poll of Gen Zers (those born between 1997 and 2012) found that 28% of that generation’s members in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ.

The total number of Gen Zers now living is nearly 70 million, which means that around 17 million young men and women have chosen a lifestyle that is contrary to God’s heart.

The global average is 3%.

Take a moment to let that sink in. I know that I had to take more than a moment for it to sink in. The next generation of Americans lives these immoral lifestyles at a rate of eight times the average of other countries.

There is a progressive/demonic agenda that would attempt to convince you that people do not choose to be LGBTQ. The progressive trope is that they were born that way and it is who they are. And yet, our nation has somehow gone from a boomer generation with some 4% identifying as LGBTQ (close to the global average) to Gen Z  at eight times the global average. Such a shift over a span of 50 years creates a statistical aberration that is impossible.

If sexuality were somehow genetic, how could there be such a shift in one generation?

The answer is simple: It could not.

Groomed for Destruction?

The evidence all points in one direction: America has become a grooming culture.

Grooming is defined as “the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity.” We have watched the slow, methodical process of an entire generation being groomed to embrace immorality.

It all started with the right to choose abortion. Then we were told that we must accept people’s lifestyles. Their “rights” and “freedoms” became culturally sacrosanct. The Supreme Court reinforced this when it mandated that states legalize same-sex marriage. Now it is not enough to merely accept or tolerate LGBTQ lifestyles — society must in fact become an “ally,” joining the fight for acceptance and even celebration of these lifestyles.

Who knows what this overt oversexualization of our culture will produce? We know that immorality typically leads to even more extremes of immorality. Romans 2 clearly warns us that God gives people over to their depraved minds. Recent trends to legalize pedophilia have surfaced. California’s governor signed a bill in May 2023 to protect homosexuals who have sex with minors. Confusion about laws in Connecticut and Minnesota on this issue has become apparent.

The demonic agenda launched against our country decades ago has produced a nation with eight times more homosexuals than the global average.

People are not born this way. In reality, people are being groomed this way.

What our culture created can also be changed. Many are pushing back on the sexualization of children and LGBT grooming.

There Is Hope

As of this writing, eight states have essentially shut down pornographic websites by requiring age verification of users. Parents across the country have demanded that their schools stop sexualizing their children.

Target, one of the stores where Pride displays have been most prominent, quietly decided to move much of that kind of merchandise online. A growing number of “detransitioners” are openly renouncing gender transition and the systems that promote it among children.

This June, when I see rainbow flags and Pride displays, I am praying for America, that God won’t give us over to these unbiblical desires, but that He will move in a divine reversal — out of the mouths of the children of America He will establish a stronghold in order to silence the enemy and the avenger (Psalm 8:2).

Photo credit: Teddy Österblom on Unsplash.

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Cindy Ashlock
June 21, 2024

Yes, Lord. I agree that You, Mighty God bring about a divine reversal. Deliver the Children from the evil agenda of being groomed. Give Adults with Your Heart, the boldness and wisdom, to stand up for purity and holiness. Set them in organizations, School Boards, College’s and give them the microphone and favor to speak out Your Truth in Love and Boldness. Holy Spirit, make a way. In JESUS NAME

Emelio Sebastian
June 21, 2024

The statistics are staggering! However, this is not entirely the fault of those promoting this ungodly agenda in America. Where is the church? Where are the pastors? Why haven’t we spoken up? Why hasn’t there been a more bold response by church leadership? Prayer is important but the prayer of faith without some type of corresponding act of faith produces little. Church, it’s time to arise and shine! Let’s pray and then go do what God has already spoken and given us to do. PREACH the truth in love! PREACH the Gospel that will set the captives free!

Vivian Phail
June 20, 2024

Very informative. Thank you
God is working in our nation. Praise his holy name

June 19, 2024

Most holy Heavenly Father,
oh, how arrogantly, vainly, conceitedly and downright insultingly
we have rejected You,
in all of our well-intended pursuits of:
meaningful and honorable purpose (to please You), and
Your desired comfort, pleasure, perceived “happiness”, etc. for
us, (EVEN IF only unintentionally/naively/immaturely). Through our wanderings, we have FALLEN away (without even realizing it!) and are now SOOO LOST. Without Your merciful forgiveness, we cannot find our way back to you. Thank you for your loving patience and forgiveness. Please:
awaken us (all, as a society),
enlighten us,
guide us,
prod us,
discipline us,
strengthen us in deepest FAITH, to
come RUNNING back to you,
and then embolden us to FAITHFULLY, OBEDIENTLY, fiercely?, firmly and RELENTLESSLY STAND
for your truth
and against all evils,
ESPECIALLY (those evils of) seizing children
and (of) blinding and enslaving guardians (parents, teachers, all churches and administrators in
education, health, government, etc.). PLEASE, dear God,
we NEED You SOOOO badly. We CANNOT do ANY of this without You.
Finally, please KEEP us in Your loving grip,
so that we may NEVER stray again, thereby NEVER THWARTING Your holy will again. 
I ask You this in Jesus’ most precious name.  I accept it and I thank You for it.  Amen.

Don Johnson
June 18, 2024

I feel compelled to point out that Islam, although a false religion that offers what God hates …namely vengeance, born of the desire for revenge of Ishmael and Esau against
Isaac and Jacob…and totally incompatible with God’s true revelation through first the Hebrew prophets then finally through Jesus…does produce a sense of righteousness in many of its adherents. It may be self-righteousness but it reflects an innate knowledge that the West is in serious decline due to the collapse of morality. They cannot understand why Christians allow outright perversion to exist in our culture which Moslems would not tolerate for a minute. The answer of course is that God will not enforce His will on the heart of man, that all must make a free will choice of who to follow…God or satan, Perhaps that is why the Spirit of Jesus is appearing to so many Moslems now and their resulting dedication to the Lord puts many Western believers to shame. They know very well from what they have been rescued and by Whom. Anyone who doubts that should listen to the son of a Hamas founder who has become a true Believer. The fools in the West who favor Hamas get eaten alive if they try to debate that man. We need that zeal and dedication to face the days ahead. Believe that!

June 18, 2024

I am praying also

Richard Bennett
June 17, 2024

I believe your reference to chapter 2 of Romans is incorrect. This should be chapter 1, specifically vss 24, 26, & 28. Pastors should be really focusing on this as we are definitely in the time of great apostasy and approaching the time of the “Rapture” and and the end of times.

Leonard Piro
June 17, 2024

Thanks for taking up the mantle to guide us in prayer for our country! I receive your input and concern – and support you in my prayers.

Ann Adams
June 17, 2024

I also worry that endocrine disruptors in our water are an issue. Politico and others say it’s not but with our poor quality and manipulation of food, drugs, water etc. who knows anymore.

Either way there is no denying their are demonic teachings targeted at children to over sexualize them.

I pray our fool supply, environment, schools and society would all be clean and free of sexual modification and exploitation.

Don Johnson
June 17, 2024

Just the age old attempt of unredeemed man to be autonomous of God. Before salvation, literally anything goes and there is no logical reason for lining up one’s life with God’s order. With salvation, an individual receives and develops a sense of purpose which is to receive and return God’s love. That cannot exist if the mind is inflamed with a sense of chaos, the inevitable result of man’s natural hatred of God. Having spent several years in the so-called third world, I have seen first hand the hatred for this country that exists. It is not primarily because of our superior attitudes, our military or even our wealth. People actually understand those things. It is because we have been filling the world with Hollywood filth, destroying families and social structures everywhere. Now we are adding the spread of the spread of outright perversion to our list of offenses. I fear that a just God is waiting for our “glass of iniquity” to overflow. And unlike the Amorites of old, we do not have hundreds of years.

Barb Heithoff
June 17, 2024

Oh, my! I did not realize that the number of those who chose LGBTQ lifestyles had risen from 2% to 28% of our young people. Thank you for sharing this and know I’m going to be sharing this and praying on my knees about this. I’m not sure where I heard this but years back I heard that homosexuality was a sin of Idolatry as it is the Love of Self. These young people need more than our prayers they need Deliverance from the evil one. I encourage anyone who wants to make a difference here to follow Monsignor Rossetti online monthly deliverance prayer sessions. You can find his website at http://www.catholicexorcism.org.
I’m sure those who are not Catholic may be not wanting to do this but take it from someone who was raised Protestant and now Catholic I have found great healing in doing this prayer. We need to start sharing our resources and work together to defeat the evil one . Join me as we pray together for our children. Come Holy Spirit and show us how to pray for the salvation of our children and all those who do not believe in the merciful love and forgiveness found only in Jesus. That every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Amen

David Johnson
June 17, 2024

Groomed for Destruction – Reference should be to Romans 1 (verses 28-32)

“Pride goes before destruction and a haughty (arrogant and a sense of superiority over others) spirit before a fall.” Prov 16:18

May Almighty God, our Father, grant us a spirit of humility, repentance and turning from our wicked ways to His righteous ways and may the love of Christ, our Savior and Lord, guide our words and prayers through His love. May the Holy Spirit bring a spiritual awakening to our nation in our day and revive His church and restore His Word to His place of authority. In Christ our Lord. Amen.

David Johnson
June 17, 2024

Groomed for Destruction – Reference should be to Romans 1 (verses 28-32)

“Pride goes before destruction and a haughty (arrogant and a sense of superiority over others) spirit before a fall.” Prov 16:18

May Almighty God, our Father, grant us a spirit of humility, repentance and turning from our wicked ways to His righteous ways and may the love of Christ, our Savior and Lord, guide our words and prayers through His love. May the Holy Spirit bring a spiritual awakening to our nation in our day and revive His church and restore His Word to His place of authority. In Christ our Lord. Amen.

June 17, 2024

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in your name we bind this spirit of darkness and loose our children from this bondage in Jesus name. We plead the freeing blood of Jesus over this generation of Jesus to set them free. Thank you Father for hearing our prayers and delivering us from this evil. Amen

June 16, 2024

ADONAI, You are the God of all Truth. Please shine Your light into the hearts and minds of children, teens, and adults who struggle with same-sex attraction, are being groomed and abused, and being deceived by the woke agenda. Please raise up wise and righteous counselors and allow them to reveal the roots of these things and break the strongholds. Please bring deliverance and healing from this bondage and expose the lies of the Enemy. May the businesses and organizations supporting sin and deception either repent or pay the consequences. Send forth Your Word to all who are afficted and deceived, and heal them. Deliver all of us from evil. In the mighty and holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

June 16, 2024

Father, we stand in the gap and lift up this generation to hear Your word and Your voice. We stand against the evil one who works through the lost to destroy these youth. Greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world. Let our prayers diminist the evil ones intent to destroy those created in Your image.

Cynthia Lawrence
June 16, 2024

Father I ask that the church, body of Christ would operate as she should, stand up and not be moved, That the body of Christ would line up with Your word, and bring honor and glory to Your name in Jesus name amen.

June 16, 2024

This article is eye opening with the current statistics, of the current state of the Nation, and world.
However, I remember clearly, that while in third grade, 1970/’71 one day we had our normal opening exercises, the pledge to the flag, the Prayer, and Devotions, this was in a public school, in rural PA. then, the next day, we did not have prayers, then the next week, no more devotions! By the end of the fall that year girls were allowed to wear pants, under their dresses, than by late spring, they did not have to wear the dresses, just blouses, then it was tshirts and shorts for summer.
By 5th grade, girls were wearing mini skirts and half tied around waist blouses. Abortion was not yet legal, but Women’s Rights like NOW was being protested everywhere and all over TV.
In 4th- 6th grade, we learning about ” change of life” girls had a class and boys had theirs. I remember my mom talking on the phone, with her friends about these letters from school, asking permission to teach the students such things, and my mom saying, she thought it was good, they could teach it better than she could!
This, was the beginnings of today’s moral dilemnas, right out of the 60’s Sex, Drugs and RockNRoll culture, were the teachers of my 70’s school years!
Two of my high Jr. high school teachers were men right back from early Vietnam war experiences! They vividly shared what they experienced, right from the news shown live on TV for the first time!
Our world back then, was changing quickly, right before our young eyes! And, the single parent families were exploding as well, no fault divorce became another legal right, and my parents, as well as many of their friends were getting divorces, including each one my mothers siblings!
We know, that none of this was “new under the sun” evil generations were on the earth since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, that is when God’s children fell away, and their
hearts battled good vs evil everyday therafter. The days of Noah, the Tower of Babel, the Sodom and Gomorrah era, and generations
of bad Judges and Kings we can read of many horrific crimes and wars throughout the Old Testament.
We certainly need to be on our kness, and out in our communities teaching Truth of His Word, look beyond our backyard, and realize we are on a fast track to destruction and the only things we can do is Live as Jesus Christ and His apostles had, teaching, preaching, encouraging, praying for and about all that is happening and those who are lost, and strength for the saved and laborers in the field; as it is ready for harvest!
Praying for each one today, and everyday, to walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be obedient, be strong, love others as you want loved, and forgive others as you want forgiven Thank God for His mercy, grace forgiveness and Love.

Jim Ballinger
June 15, 2024

Hebrews 12:6: “Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.” A crude connection but what the Lord showed me re this subject. It’s so tragic that people go to Hell just because they want a certain type of sex and that’s enough to make them end up hating God. Romans 3:24-25: “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.” Homosexuality is not a societal cause, it’s a symptom of a society that has become completely self-centered, which our internet-focused world of instant gratification makes very easy.

June 15, 2024

Thank you Dave for your article. It is very informative. I hope many read it and their eyes are opened to truth. God have mercy on America. Lord, shut down the agenda of the enemy who continues to ensare our youth with lies and deception. Lord, open the eyes of those caught up in sin, press their hearts to repent and come to You. Lord, save them and show them Your love and salvation, Lord, bring them Your truth that they are wonderfully created by You in Your image.
Psalm 103:8-14: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins; nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.

Linda Hebert
June 15, 2024

I lift You up on high with Praise, Almighty Living God of the universe because You have seen fit that “Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babes You have established strength”
“because of Your adversaries, that you might silence the enemy and make the revengeful cease” Ps 8:2 (AMP).
Glory to the Living Most High God who “Has selected (for His purpose) the foolish things of the world to shame the wise (revealing their ignorance), and God has selected (for His purpose) the weak things of this world to shame the things which are strong (revealing their frailty).
“God has selected (for His purpose) the insignificant (base) things of the world, and the things that are despised and treated with contempt, (even) the things that are nothing, so that He might reduce to nothing the things that are, so that no one may (be able to) boast in the presence of God” 1 Cor 1:27-29 (AMP).
Thank You faithful, steadfast LORD of ALL who welcomes all children in need of Your faithful love that breaks every yoke of bondage and every chain. We stand with You and through You to protect, nurture and defend all of these little ones. Give us strength and insight for those in de-transition and for all those who will follow their lead to expose and defang the schemes of the evil one.

Lauri Losinski
June 15, 2024

See Stonewall riots June 28, 1969. That was before Abortion rights. Stonewall Bar in New York. You may know this already.

Rich Swingle
June 15, 2024

Thank you so much for pointing out the reason for this trend. They can’t have their own children so they groom them.

Lord, deliver them from confusion and bondage to their desires and identification with their perversion. Set them free in Jesus name, and may many swim in the rising tide of revival!

Darlene Estlow
June 15, 2024

Thank you for this article. We pray for those lost souls who embrace LGBT confusion!

June 15, 2024

Great article Dave! Totally agree!

June 15, 2024

The Lord laid it on my heart to look at and then pray verses on humility this month since humility is the opposite of pride. Here is one of many: “But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’ ” (James 4:6)

Joanne Parkin
June 15, 2024

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.”Ephesians 6:12
By the authority that I have in Jesus Christ, I take authority over the demonic evil forces that are behind the LGBTQ sexual immorality in our nation. I take up the shield of faith to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one that leads young people in sexual bondage. I pray that Church in America will stand strong on Biblical morality and not compromise has some denominations have done. Lord, convict those congregations that have affirmed the LGBTQ lifestyle rather than preaching the gospel message of transformation through Jesus Christ. Bring repentance to these churches.

June 15, 2024

As the church teaches Jesus’ grace and everyone is to “love” therefore they can be gay and still love Jesus and still be fully forgiven fully accepted because that is how God made them, the hearts are most lost and hurting wondering why don’t I feel better See Jesus is grace and he forgives. But the church needs to remember it is grace and truth. Holy spirit is still not in many churches taught because we know the HS can be grieved. Jesus kept pointing to us even in the book of Revelation to HS. So it is easy to twist his truth when you focus on Jesus only. Though salvation is through King Jesus which this extremely sinful person before Christ is so thankful, my heart aches for the children, my prodigals, my nation and so many friends who accept and are in the LGB… crazy. I see a rainbow and reminded of Gods mercy and covenant for we could all be under water. As it was in the day of Moses so it will be in the last days. This month I call out by name those that are hurting and lost and co-mission with Holy Spirit as we declare the Blood of Jesus…His grace and truth!!

June 15, 2024

Thank you for sharing this.

Dr. Bridget A. Bonczyk
June 15, 2024

AMEN, Brother David. Yes, Lord, may there be a reversal in America on the 17 million who have chosen a lifestyle that is not rooted or lines up with the Word of God. Thank you, Sweet Jesus.

Lauree A Reed
June 15, 2024

I SO APPRECIATE the wisdom in your post! I work in the Design industry and have several dear friends who have chosen the LGBTQ lifestyle. They have shared many of their troubles with me and I try to let Jesus show them His pure unadulterated Love through me. It is grievous that America has become the grooming center for the devil’s deceiving agenda. Too many innocents are being hurt and mislead. And it is pretty obvious that the sign of the rainbow was purposely chosen by this movement to make it appealing to CHILDREN. In actuality, the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant to redeem mankind. It’s NOT a symbol for any group angry at God or attempting to hijack His purpose. God’s heart is tender FOR those caught up in the LGBTQ life choices. He hates no man. He does hate sin because of the wounds it inflicts upon our soul. One sin is not less in His eyes than another. The ground is level at the foot of the Cross. He loves us all while hating the sins that entangle us and wound us. Our Heavenly Father has a tender heart for those who have endured rejection and a broken heart. Jesus was called and annointed to heal the broken-hearted. And ONLY Jesus is Holy enough to pay the price for our redemption. He completed His task, and now invites all who will hear Him, to receive His free gift of eternal life, starting right here, right now, in this life. It is up to His Body to lovingly put the Truth out there, in full contrast to the Lies about the Rainbow. It is heartbreaking that some misguided people spew hatred at gays, and some gays spew hatred at Christ. Forgive them Father, for they don’t understand the deep and wide and never-ending Love you have for them. Yes, we are to speak God’s Truth, but always from a heart motivated by Love and seeking to bring God’s covenant promises to others. We will not endorse what satan is doing to rob our children and loved ones of the promises God has for them! The Lord God loves every soul He created, and does not want any one of them to be injured or lost.

Lord Jesus, we loose the spirit of Adoption to those caught up in the devil’s lies and agenda, that they will call out to You, Abba Father. Minister to those hurt by this lifestyle, that they could see their true identity in YOU! By the power of your Holy Spirit and ministering angels, I ask you to RESCUE those being violated and put them into the place of Truth and Safety that they have longed for. Bind up their wounds and bring them to Freedom in Christ, the true Shepherd and Lover of their soul! Help us as YOUR Body to lift You up that ALL men, women, and children will be drawn to You! Your Kingdom come to this earth as it is in Heaven, where all wounds are healed.

June 15, 2024

Lord, Please hear our prayer as we come to You for healing and restoration. Our country has permitted many sexual sins. Our children are caught up in the lies of the enemy. Protect those who are courageous enough to stand against the culture that approves of sexual behavior that You have strictly forbidden. We cry out for a generation that is lost and plead the blood of Jesus over them. Give our churches boldness to speak the truth. Bring many into Your kingdom, for Your glory. In Jesus’ holy name we pray.

June 15, 2024

According to a 30-year study in One Plus, in the country of Sweden, a very gay affirming country, those who have gender dysphoria and had the hormones and surgery had 19 times the suicide rate of the general population. We do not have any long-term studies.
According to the CDC, the number 1 cause of HIV/AIDS, male homosexual sex, also the LGBT community has the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases.
There is nothing gay about being gay!

Jane Murray
June 15, 2024

I am praying along with you and others that America will return to its christian values and our young generation see the errors in believing that gender identity is a choice..

June 15, 2024

Many so called churches are giving in to the LGBTQ agenda, and not only accepting but promoting those sins. Instead of teaching that The Word of God is not to be compromised, they just change it to suit themselves.

June 15, 2024

To place primary blame on parents, or single parents, etc is a very narrow minded viewpoint.
This is not the place to refure or support, or discuss where “you” thing the finger should be pointing.
Just stop that nonsense, and move toward love, grace, prayer.
It is far beyond the blame game now.
Just pray. And don’t tell God how and when to resolve the issue. That, too, is not your job.

Mari Williams
June 15, 2024

We need to ask what factors have contributed to this state of affairs?
Single parent families ?
Non-attendance of families at Sunday Church services?
Too much applied psychology and not enough applied discipline?
Taking the ten commandments out of schools?
PRAYERLESSNESS in the USA churches?
Unprotected television and its evil programming?
Disobedience to parents, but worse, parents disobedience to GOD!
The blame lies at the feet of the parents and that is where the remedy has to begin.
May GOD grant this nation the gift of repentance for all the ways we have lived in disobedience to the clear teachings of scripture and are now reaping the horrific consequences.
GOD is not mocked, as a man sows, so shall he reap.

June 15, 2024

“American”, I suppose you COULD be right, but, regardless, Jesus (Himself) warned: Judge not, lest you be judged https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew%207%3A1. Instead, Constant. Fervent. Prayer. [– for Z’ers (ages 12-27!): a. rescue from Satan’s grip and b. enjoyment of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=fruit+of+the+Spirit&version=NIV) and then, also, for us, as a nation and as His fallen children.] God bless and Godspeed.

Grant Windholz
June 15, 2024

Satan is doing everything he can to capture the minds of our youth with evil, deception with the LGBT! Spiritual warfare and stand firm against lies and manipulation!

skye alison
June 15, 2024

Thank you very, very much for the insights here – the stats on it and the background driving it! Amen.

Virginia Blakeman
June 15, 2024

Father, I pray according to Your anointed word in Proverbs 15:27-33: As lovers of God we think before we speak. Forgive the careless for blurting out wicked words meant to cause harm. Keep our eyes focused on what i beautiful bringing joy to the heart and hearing a good report I declare June is your month and Jesus Christ the beautiful One, is our righteous model of divine humility. I pray those deceived would accept constructive criticism (correction from You) opening their heart to the path of life, making them right at home among the wise, improving their lives so that Holy Spirit’s revelation insight comes as they receive a Father’s correction and the wisdom it brings. I pray the Source of revelation knowledge be found as they fall down n surrender before the Lord Jesus Christ submitting their hearts at the foot of the Cross where the blood of the Lamb was poured out for each one. We desire to see Shekinah glory on this earth, Father, we call forth sincere humility upon deceived humanity through Your Son’s perfect righteousness. Father, pull on hearts to embrace Jesus Christ so He can lift them up on the last day (John 6) according to Your Son’s words. Thank You for hearing and answering our cry for broken humanity in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

June 15, 2024

This is what bad/no parenting gets you. They’ve shunned the church. These “parents’” parents are probably also to blame. It began in the 1960s.

    Luna K
    June 15, 2024

    You have no right to judge!
    Stop the blaming and start praying
    for forgiveness on behalf of those lost, including you!

      June 17, 2024

      He has a right to his opinion. And it IS the parents’ fault. Sorry if it touches a nerve. Who has absolute control over their children during the formative years? Nobody but the parents! And the parents have the duty and obligation to make sure kids aren’t being ruined in “school”. And to make sure they are brought up in a godly manner, knowing who God is and who they are! Children can still go their own way… but the parents absolutely have responsibility if they haven’t done EVERYTHING possible to give them the tools to live in this godless, pagan society!

Daniel Herlinger
June 15, 2024

I also believe the pride flag and all associated with it are actually part of the plan to overthrow are country to a socialist type society. The woke agenda has been pushed very hard in military and so many American companies are involved.All to make us slaves to the enemy in sin and poverty. I fully reverse and destroy these plans and pray that Jesus Christ place his own ruler and strong hold in America and the world.All in Jesus name!Jesus is the way and truth and Life.Many in America follow him and will not change he must prevail and protect and provide for his own people!Also
dear Jesus please wake up the youth and people that that have fallen into this this death trap.Please heal them.

June 15, 2024

My prayer churches will take over education our children and instead of Sunday school, it would be daily and instead of Sunday school, it would be daily school And instead of Sunday school, it would be daily school. We would have the golden rule. They would actually learn reading, writing, arithmetic, and how to think for themselves, and there would be no evil teachers union, and that parents would take part in the education. Also that would make churches more prevalent they would take back some ground instead of just being a weekend after thought.

Linda Vaughan
June 15, 2024

Father God,

Thank you for who You Are & that we’re ALL CREATED IN YOUR IMAGE!

God, we pray that you would save, deliver & heal this generation! We ask that You would pull down the strongholds that hold them captive in their sins.

Thank you for using our young people to bring revival to America!

Jesus, I love You & thank You for the POWER OF YOUR BLOOD & YOUR NAME!

Thank You for hearing the prayers of Your people!

Jerry Givan
June 15, 2024

As far as percentages and polls go, I think we may be seeing people say they are transgender, etc, to appear to be popular or woke even though they are not. Men are seeing they can win medals by claiming they are women. Hollywood seems to be a hotbed of people “playing ” the game. My thinking, time to pray for salvation’s, clearly a lot of our politicians are in need of it as they push for Socialism/Communism in our government.

June 15, 2024

Lord Jesus, you said, suffer the little children to come to you and forbid them not. What the enemy planned for evil, Lord I believe and know You will turn it around for good! As we continue to cry out to You for this generation. I thank You Lord God.

Carol and Lew Hudgins
June 15, 2024

My husband and I are shocked with this and your characterization of a country BEING GROOMED is spot on and tragic! Signs of hope, but there is a “wearing down of the saints”. THANK you for helping us not get discouraged and to persevere and be a PHILADELPHIA/SMYRNA church.

Terri B
June 15, 2024

Dear Lord, please bless and multiply the Good News Clubs that are going into the schools to teach the kids about You! Send the willing volunteers that will give of their time for this! Help these after school Clubs find favor with the schools. Lay it on the heart of churches to adopt a school and support the Good News Clubs financially and with the volunteers. And then send the kids Lord. They love coming and learning about you! Your word never returns back to You void! In this I ask Lord in Jesus’ name!

Richard Hennessy
June 15, 2024

This is such a problem in this generation because it is being indoctrinated into immorality by liberal “leaders”, beginning with our false president. For the future of our Country, this must be corrected in the November elections.

Deborah Ann Ortiz
June 15, 2024

The generation that has been raised with smartphone in hand is greatly influenced by peer pressure. For many of these it has become “in” to be thought of as different.

June 15, 2024

Lord, Jesus, in Your Name, we release Your Word (Psalm 8:2) to establish strength for Your Purposes “from the mouths of infants and nursing babies” to overpower the foolishness of the world via sexual confusion. This new generation shall be strong in the Lord, restoring the foundations of our culture, so that the gospel of the kingdom shall advance.

Daniel J Chapman
June 15, 2024

Amen David.
It is stunning how fast these things are happening.

Brian Lynch
June 15, 2024

Lord Jesus, none of this takes you by surprise. I pray that You would reveal truth to these deceived and mislead people. set them free from the bondage that they are living in. Thank you, Jesus.

June 15, 2024

What is so confusing is what exactly is it that some are so prideful about that they would fly a flag declaring deviant behavior?
I feel the use of gender as a substitute for sex is a problem that only benefits those on the transgender bandwagon. Gender and sex are clearly two different categories. They are not the same so why are they being addressed as if they are?

Erilda Coleman
June 15, 2024

Thank you Yeshua for the power of prayer. We lift up our nation to you and seek forgiveness for this deprivation that has come from the demonic spirits roaming across our nation. Change and open the hearts, eyes, and minds of this cultured generation of Zers who have come out as LBGTQ but in reality they were NOT born this way. Help their unbelief & bring your children back and seek you Lord Jesus for forgiveness and repentance. Give them a faith like Paul & help them to be strong in sharing their testimony to help others of the sinfulness of this LBGtQ lifestyle. God has created only two genders. – Man & Woman. He created them to be a family. The world has created lies and liars through satanic liberal individuals pushing this lifestyle. No more will Sodom and Gormorrah lifestyles be acceptable. Yeshua send your Holy Spirit across our nation into those in authority over us. Repealing laws that are not Biblical. Bring us back to being One Nation Under God. We know how your heart is broken for us as we are a broken and hurting people . We give you all praise and glory. We thank you ahead of time for what we know you will do. In your precious name we pray. Amen

June 15, 2024

America is exceptional, but she is not exempt from judgment.

June 15, 2024

I’m sure the figures are accurate, but because the alphabet people have added so many “new” designations, there are more “choices” for them to identify as. In many instances, I believe it’s only for “shock value” that many identify as anything other than male or female. I continue to pray that GOD will open blind eyes to see His Truth.

June 15, 2024

We cannot expect God to bless America while the children are being killed or turned over to Satan.
2 Chron 7:14; Matt 18:6; Mark 9: 42; Luke 17:2.
God, heal our nation. Remove the scales from our eyes and help us to see and resist the sin in our lives.

June 15, 2024

Dear Father: America has gotten so far away from you and it grieves me deeply. Parents are so self-absorbed and have been for years now to where no one is really “raising” the children except the perverts and sin filled people that seem to be running our schools, colleges and government. We have left even ‘home training’ up to total strangers rather than being responsible for it ourselves. Children are not being taught anything about you or your word. They are being pushed off onto electronics and are rarely if ever taken physically to church. Ir used to be that every home had at least one physical bible in the home — maybe laying on a coffee table even. Now they claim they have it on their phones, which they rarely look at for reading your word. That is why it has been so easy for them to hear and accept perverted practices. Father, help us as a nation to return to you. To stand up for our children and actually talk to them and guide them. I am so tired of seeing parents cave — in the name of love and acceptance — to allowing near babies to choose different genders than what you created. A parents job is to TEACH their child right and wrong and that has been laid by the wayside. I don’t see how you can have love without having TRUTH. I pray for the confused children, and the absorbed and irrational parents that they will find you, find clarity of mind and be saved. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray. Amen

Jerry Young
June 15, 2024

God destroyed the earth by a flood of water. Then He put a rainbow in the sky to show his mercy and promise to never use a flood to destroy mankind. God destroyed the world then because it was full of sin. It is ironic that a rainbow flag is used as a symbol of pride month celebrating immorality. I pray that people will recognize and turn away from their sin and turned to God.

Conrad Olsen-Utvåg
June 15, 2024

I think the Pride is much more than 3% in our sozity – I have meet it by Bussiness men – Men of a “High Authority” in many Branches… They help one another in Business – With Loan in Banks – By Assuranse Companies/ In Courts… And support one another in than many cases… They want to be understood that they are few – As 1,5 % in our Sozity – But thay are Many… In Schools and Community Leadership…

Tina Yotter
June 15, 2024

Father, thank you that you are redeeming our children and our generation who has turned our heads for far too long. Forgive us for our trespasses and reconcile our hearts to do your will!
I thank you that you are raising a multitude willing to stand against this wicked agenda unleashed on our children and our generations to come!
I declare your word and your promise over our children:
‭Isaiah 65:23-24 NLT‬
[23] They will not work in vain, and their children will not be doomed to misfortune. For they are people blessed by the Lord, and their children, too, will be blessed. [24] I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!

And I agree with this prayer here today, that “out of the mouths of the children of America You will establish a stronghold in order to silence the enemy and the avenger (Psalm 8:2).”

So be it in Jesus name. AMEN!


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