Dave Kubal: Praying for a Miracle of Life this Christmas
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Dave Kubal: Praying for a Miracle of Life this Christmas
Isn’t it interesting that the first person to recognize our preborn Savior was a preborn child?
You probably know the story. Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, traveled some distance to visit with her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist. The scriptures recount an amazing welcome. Mary arrived, Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings from across the house, Elizabeth’s “unborn child in leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Lk 1:41).
The preborn Savior was recognized by the preborn John the Baptist and he leaped! They often talk of a mother recognizing the movement of their baby in the womb as butterfly wings moving, but I bet John’s leap probably took Elizabeth’s breath away.
The presence of the preborn Savior not only caused a physical reaction in John, but also the Savior’s presence caused a spiritual reaction in Elizabeth as she was “filled with the Holy Spirit.” The filling of the Holy Spirit is very limited before Christ’s crucifixion and should be noted as extremely special. We don’t know much about Elizabeth and the effect this filling had, but we do know that she raised John the Baptist, who turned out to be a world changer. Elizabeth’s filling of the Holy Spirit while pregnant was likely instrumental in John’s future impact!
The importance of the preborn Savior being recognized by the preborn John the Baptist is especially poignant this Christmas season. This year, for the first time in decades, we celebrate Christmas with the reasonable hope of Roe v. Wade being overturned by our Supreme Court. We are celebrating the birth of our Savior as we are praying for the protection of untold millions of preborn babies for years to come.
On November 1, 2021, the Supreme Court heard the case of the Biden Administration’s lawsuit brought against the pro-life law passed by the state of Texas. This Texas law protects all preborn children from six weeks gestation. On December 1, 2021, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This case could result in the Court determining that states have the individual power to establish abortion limitations.
During this Christmas season, as you see things that remind you of the baby Jesus, could I ask you to pray for the Supreme Court and their hearing, deliberating, and writing opinions concerning life in the womb? Pray they would be captured by the preciousness of life. Pray they would be convinced of the impossibility of drawing an arbitrary conclusion of the beginning of life. And pray the justices of the Supreme Court would determine that states can make these decisions themselves.
The agreement our Supreme Court has made to allow legal abortion on demand could not be in greater contrast with the story found in Luke 1, where the preborn Savior was recognized by the preborn John the Baptist. The preborn are precious and wonderfully made. Christmas reminds us of this truth.
Will you commit to pray for the Supreme Court and their decisions on life in the womb?
(Photo by Jared Lind on Unsplash. )
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This is a case which could cause MANY states to enact the same type of law, and go on to significantly reduce the number of abortions per year. Praying that ALL abortions would become unlawful in America! Blessings….
Lord, I pray for more than just overturning Roe. I pray for full reversal. I ask you to impress on the Supreme court that abortion violates the most fundamental right of any human; the right to love. I pray for a full reversal such that abortion is seen as the human rights violation that it is and it is declared illegal.
Dear Father,
May personhood at the instant of conception be established as the reason to end Roe v Wade. The fourteenth amendment protects personhood in all cases, thus making abortion a crime in all situations. Viability which the Justices discussed is a point at which a which a child is able to survive outside the womb, is the wrong criteria by which to judge abortion issues. Can a ten year old survive on his or her own without an adult? Man must NOT destroy the child YOU have created.
God. You knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb. God you have created all of us. We pray for a life line leading to Jesus that will shake the Supreme Court. I pray for lightning bolts to come down spiritually in order to change lives forever. I wish for all eyes to be opened and no man to be able to hide the fact that all humans are created by you and no man has the authority to harm a single one of them. God, we pray for grace to all of us praying for your precious creations inside of every woman. God save the unborn from this monster called “Abortion”.
Lord..we continue to pray that the original abortion travesty will be declared null and void- as it never should have been a law..and that it will never be declared a precedent- that there will never BE an abortion law to ” decide” about again
In Jesus Name, Amen
Amen, hallelujah!! Abortion was never “legal”..In the eyes of The Lord
ABBA Father we agree that the horrible travesty of abortion is murder in Your Eyes, and in ours as well. We pray that the urgency of saving innocent lives is critical to our nation’s spiritual wellbeing, and we ask that You would turn the hearts of every member of the Supreme Court, with the Holy Fear of the LORD compelling them to ‘judge righteous judgment’ on behalf of the little ones.
Have Mercy on our wayward nation and cause all those who support this heinous subversion of the Constitution to recognize that life begins at conception, and that all these babies have a destiny that You desire to see fulfilled.
In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
Yes, I constantly pray for abortions laws to be removed and our Nation to return to GOD.
Dave, I support everything in your good article but one sentence: “And pray the justices of the Supreme Court would determine that states can make these decisions themselves.” NO, THEY CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT be allowed to make these decisions, any more than any other court or entity! As I wrote in “DOBBS: The Elephant in the Courtroom,” there is now technological evidence of the scientific fact that life begins at conception, thus proving the personhood of the unborn from the beginning of pregnancy. It is not up to federal OR state justices–or lawyers, doctors, teachers, parents, or any other human being–to make these decisions, by drawing an arbitrary line of viability before which abortions can be legal. At EVERY point in pregnancy a baby is alive,, human, and a person protected by our Constitution.
In the second half of my article about the Dobbs case, “Reversing Roe is Not Enough”, (which has not yet appeared in IFA’s Headline Prayer) I make the case that returning the right to make these decisions to all 50 states–the way things stood before Roe v. Wade–is NOT the solution. Nobody has the right to allow murder at ANY stage of life for those who qualify as persons under our Constitution. Roe must not just be overturned but NULLIFIED, just as Plessy v. Ferguson (1896 – “separate but equal”) was effectively nullified by Brown v. Board of Education (1954), by striking down ALL segregation, not just segregation in schools. The original ruling was considered to have been wrongly decided in the first place and no longer worthy of EVER being used as a precedent for any subsequent case.
This should be the focus of our prayers for the Dobbs decision–that Roe v. Wade will be recognized as an “egregiously wrong” decision in the first place and set aside as having any legal standing as a precedent.
The down fall of Roe vs Wade will move the country from political agendas. If states rights are recognized, as the constitution dictates, then spending on political agendas will be limited by the Federal government and lobbyist . The down fall of Roe vs Wade would be a great Christmas gift. We pray for wisdom on the Supreme Court.
Father, touch our nation to see that life in the womb is as precious as life outside the womb! May we as a nation, especially as a church, see that we need to protect the most vulnerable of our country. May all 9 justices see the travesty of having the Constitution say it is a right to kill a human being. Thank you that we can come before you and you honor our requests.
Lord, We come in agreement with the Word of Life that in YOU is life yet death and destruction is the plan and purpose if the enemy. By the power of Holy Spirit, we declare that Roe v Wade is overturned and no matter how the justices decide, Your verdict stands! We pray for each of the justices that Your angels will minister to them and turn their heart to You. We pray dreams in the night to confront them with the truth and the fear of God would fall on each of the justices. Thank you Father for overturning Roe v Wade and bringing healing to our nation! Receive Glory Lord in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ! Amen
Dearest LORD, we ask that your intervention would move in each heart of all the Supreme Court Justices to see that that Lil life that YOU CREATED, is a Beautiful Creation of YOUR LOVE. So, SWEET LORD, may YOUR AUTHORITY, move in these hearts, in JESUS NAME AMEN
Thank you for this powerful message Mr. Kubal. “Will I commit to pray for the Supreme Court and their decisions on life in the womb?” Yes! And this stanza is rolling through my head, “what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.” https://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/h/789
May each member of the Supreme Court be convicted in both heart and mind of this truth… “life in the womb is precious and wonderfully made.” And because we have been chosen to bear fruit and to pray in His Name, Jesus says the Father will give us what we ask. I pray LIFE for the unborn and and pray the decisions by Justices Roberts, Breyer, Thomas, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney- Barrett will be in support of LIFE as well….all 9. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will remain—so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.
Jesus IS the Christmas miracle. Anything positive that could possibly happen regarding the Supreme Court decision(why is it taking them so long?) will be a gift of the Holy Spirit. I am praying daily for their decision to align with God’s will. It would be good to see this decision-making return to the individual states. The federal government has FAR too much power over us to begin with.
God bless you for that beautiful article, such a blessing💕. Holy Spirit, bless those who are pro-abortion with dreams, visions and revelations that will open their eyes to the injustices being done to the precious life they desire to snuff out. Let them be uncomfortable until their stance supports life at every turn. In Jesus’ Mighty Name Amen
I have been and will continue to pray. My heart aches when I see precious little lives and to think that they are being killed for baby parts and because some women do not want the precious baby. We need to pray for the mothers, doctors and nurses that does the procedure. They need to know our precious Lord. Our prayers are important and could save a baby’s life. Help stop this by being faithful and keeping this in our prayers daily .