I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that you would protect our nation from those who seek to weaponize the law for political purposes. We need reformation, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Laws like this could be used to intimidate and silence political opponents. We must pray that the truth prevails over politics.

From The Federalist. Politicians and the press have long been lying to the American public about the 2020 election by asserting that former President Donald Trump and his lawyers attempted to overturn the results of the election based on disproven claims of election fraud. Now Fulton County, Georgia’s prosecutor is pushing the same lies, while also seeking to criminalize legitimate legal challenges to violations of the state’s election law.

Connect with Others in your State in Prayer.


Yesterday news broke that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had obtained grand jury subpoenas to question several of Trump’s election lawyers, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, Cleta Mitchell, and Kenneth Chesebro. The special grand jury convened by Willis also issued subpoenas for South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and attorney and podcast host Jacki Pick Deason….

Willis’ investigation represents a political witch hunt seeking retribution against Trump and his lawyers for challenging the Georgia election results….

Yet in subpoenaing Mitchell, the Fulton County D.A. frames Mitchell’s legal representation of Trump as part of a “coordinated attempt” to “criminally disrupt” the 2020 election results. In other words, the prosecutor is seeking to criminalize legitimate legal challenges.

Ironically, to subpoena Mitchell and Trump’s other lawyers, Willis needed the permission of Brasher — the same judge who delayed proceedings in Trump’s election lawsuit until it was too late to matter.

That Willis used the special grand jury to subpoena several of Trump’s attorneys also confirms the political farce in play because attorney-client privilege will prevent Trump’s lawyers from answering many of the questions likely to be posed. Getting answers, however, is clearly not the goal. Rather, like the Jan. 6 Committee’s show trial taking place on the Hill, the Fulton County prosecutor seeks to shame critics of the 2020 election, and thereby teach Republicans to stay silent in the face of future election irregularities.

By going after the attorneys, as both the local D.A. and the Jan. 6 Committee are doing, Democrats are also ensuring that Republican candidates will have a difficult time finding lawyers willing to launch legitimate election challenges in the future. And, contrary to what the press is telling people, Trump’s claim that there were some 11,800 illegal votes included in Georgia’s final tally proved correct, which is preciously why the Fulton County prosecutor wants to focus on fraud.

The only fraud at play, though, concerns the storyline Willis and the media are feeding the public.

How are you praying about election fraud and the 2020 election? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Doris Hughes
July 15, 2022

I thought President Trump did not concede so that means he has control of the military and needs to arrest all these politicians and prosecutors that do not protect America. In Jesus name we send all Angels and Arch angels to bring down the deep state in Jesus name, we declare and degree it is done. Amen

July 12, 2022

We decree and declare that this effort will boomerang and be used for the good! let the investigation continue, because truth and justice will be uncovered! Let Justice roll on like a river and righteousness like a never ending stream!

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 9, 2022

We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God. I believe in the words of the Prophets: That the Enemy / Democrat’s will try and use every tool to keep American distracted away from the 2022 elections. God says through the prophets that it will not happen because of their lies and false narrative. The election fraud was real, I saw 2000 Miles and more is going to be revealed before the election. I pray all of the evil exposure will be highlighted and that the proof cannot be doubted. I am getting a little tired of the constant Garbage that is thrown out, these people who constantly are trying to Impeach someone are not doing the jobs they were elected for. We the taxpayers are paying for their lies and horse and pony show.😭 Jesus we ask for your help in speaking to hearts that they will stay focused on you and not the fear monger’s voices that are still constantly trying to destroy America with their evil agendas. I ask for complete deliverances in your name that they be stopped and their words will show their lies. Jesus expose them who hate America , I ask that they be removed from their positions, someone who hates America and keeps destroying it has no place in A Government position. I know many have and are praying for them, it seems their hearts are hardened. Jesus we need Honor in America. Thank you for listening to the many words of Hope to come over America. I just put it all in your hands to bring back honesty, truth and love for God and America. 🧎‍♀️🇺🇸

    Virginia Chapman
    July 14, 2022

    I agree with this prayer! AMEN. Well articulated Priscilla!
    Totally agree!

July 8, 2022

Lord, reveal the evil that dwells in our political organizations & government.
May you continue to place who we need as President in office.
All of our faith& trust is in you.

July 8, 2022

ELECTION FRAUD MATTERS!!! Thousands of people are dead because President Trump was not installed back into the White House. World dictators respond to weakness. As a rational person, if you take the time to view the election “irregularities”, you will conclude that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen!

Judith Shults
July 8, 2022

Dear Lord,
Thank You and praises to You for already exposing many of the falsehoods that have been hidden for years in our election and political systems. Please continue to bring out the truth of the 2020 election in all of the states that participated in the big lie. You have given us many signs to show us the fraud was real. But our government and election officials and many judges do not want to deal with or hear of it.. We humbly ask You in your mighty power to bring forward and expose to the public the complete true story of what was done in the election. Please give us strength and courage to stand firm with our faith in You. Amen.

Judy Shults
July 8, 2022

Dear Lord,
Thank You and praises to You for already exposing many of the falsehoods that have been hidden for years in our election and political systems. Please continue to bring out the truth of the 2020 election in all of the states that participated in the big lie. You have given us many signs to show us the fraud was real. But our government and election officials and many judges do not want to deal with or hear of it.. We humbly ask You in your mighty power to bring forward and expose to the public the complete true story of what was done in the election. Please give us strength and courage to stand firm with our faith in You. Amen.

Gail Polizzi
July 7, 2022

Dear Lord,
We pray that you will allow the 2020 election fraud in Fulton County to be revealed and reversed as a result of the AG’s attempt to undermine truth and justice. May the efforts of Garland Favorito and other truth seekers for Georgia positively impact the election’s outcome.

In Jesus’s name
Gail P

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 7, 2022

I Believe: “ Watchman Decree

As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
through the power of God, we are His world influencers
because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy

We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
We declare that our nation is energy independent.
10. We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and


11. We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over

our people.

12. We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines

in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.

13. And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!

We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!

We WILL take our country back.

We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

“Working together with Him, we strongly urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain [by turning away from sound doctrine and His merciful kindness]. For He says, ‘At the acceptable time (the time of grace) I listened to you, and I helped you on the day of salvation.’ Behold, now is ‘the acceptable time,’ behold, now is ‘the day of salvation.’” (2 Corinthians 6:1-2; AMP)

*Watchman Decree was written and shared by Flashpoint on 7/1/2022.”
Read this daily to Help get message to other Christians to pull down God promises from Heaven. This battle will be won. God did not create us to fail.

Pam Johnson
July 7, 2022

Michael n his party battering the evil works in D.C. and states regarding election fraud. Hamon hangs on his own gallows as every attempt to lie about 2020 will fail and truth regarding 2020 will be widely known across the nation!

July 7, 2022

Lord, You know who has lied, cheated, and manipulated the 2020 election results in Georgia and in other parts of our nation. I ask you, Lord to reveal truth, that those who are guilty of voter malfesance will not succeed in remaining hidden, that their fraud will be exposed, and that this travesty cannot continue as we look forward to upcoming elections. I pray for the souls of those who have done wrong will be touched by Almighty God, that they will confess their wrong to You and ask Jesus into their hearts.

david dubois
July 7, 2022

I have just been sworn into a grand jury in California and the judge told us we, the grand jury, are to be a sword and shield of justice – a sword to smite the wrongdoer — and a shield to protect the innocent against unjust prosecution. I pray that both my grand jury and the Fulton County grand jury will be governed by this good principle, and justice rendered.

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 7, 2022

Jesus I have listened to the voices of the prophets and the words are very reassuring, that God is going to expose all of the evilness and things are going to turn around for the good. I believe in the prop voices that God is using to warn us. Truth, = Faith =Beliefs

Barbara Smith
July 7, 2022

Let everything hidden be revealed in the Name of Jesus. I come against any words, curses or spells spoken against President Trump or his legal team in Jesus Name, and I render them powerless and send them back to those speaking them. I pray warring angels to protect Donald Trump and his legal team in Jesus mighty Name!

July 7, 2022

Please don’t interpret my comment as an endorsement for Biden.. He is manipulated by Satan as any Old Testament Baal priest. I’m simply talking for myself that I would not be a part of IFA today nor praying as diligently as I am for the Holy Spirit to control if our friend Trump had not been robbed . The church in America WILL be victorious in this battle as was Jehoshaphat in 2chron. 20.
God’s victory was a result of the people of Judah praising Him which brought confusion to the three armies marching against them !! The upcoming victory will be as big as this Biblical example!!!

Eileen Ealy
July 7, 2022

May every intention of evil backfire against the enemy of truth, and let the truth be told so the American people who are watching may see first hand the fraud of the 2020 election. May this plan completely blow up in their lap. May Truth Reign Supreme! To God be the glory, in Jesus name I pray and believe!

Ty Aldrich
July 7, 2022

I pray that it be known widely that there were 11,800 fraudulent voted in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election vote count. Let it be known that a challenge to Georgia’s bote tally was plainly legitimate. May the accusers be shamed to silence.

July 7, 2022

Did you also defend Nixon and his cover-up cronies in Watergate?! Please reconsider your unqualified support of a president, some of whose policies may align with Christ’s, but whose character could hardly be less Christlike!

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    July 9, 2022

    I’m 72 years old and was in my 20s when Watergate happened. Watergate was not a threat to the voting rights of every American voter like the 2020 election was. Nor did Watergate strip Americans of our individual freedoms like biden is trying to do! If you don’t like or support or agree with Trump, fine!
    What do you say about the current fraudulent biden who has done nothing GODLY since being in the White house? We have enough going on that needs our prayers without someone questioning our right to honor and respect President Trump who honored us and America as well as fought against lies of this current administration daily! How CHRIST like are your comments? Are you perfect? No? I didn’t think so! FATHER GOD please let us all examine ourselves and the scriptures daily to make sure we have eternal life in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

July 7, 2022

Praise God !! Hey y’all take a sec and look at the way God has taken our distaste for the corruption , lies mismanagement of our borders, and deception of our climate change . We as an ekklesia have grown in strength and power since 2020 . God is using Satans folly to introduce a great revival of th Holy Spirit, from our small towns to the Capital. What an exciting time to be alive and witness our savior and the creator of th universe squash this evil rebellion of our adversary!!!!!!
Hallelujah in Jesus Christ name amen!!

Melvin Westerman
July 7, 2022

Fraud in elections has been around for centuries. The shock of 2020 is that it was carried out to such an enormous extent. It is “pie-in-the-sky” to think anything will change without a reversal of our country’s cultural norms. This can only happen when true, born again spirit filled Christians live the laid down lives Jesus requires of His disciples. I see glimmers of hope in myself and others that we are “getting with it,” but feel we have a long way to go. I can only be true to the calling He has on my life and encourage others to seek Him concerning having their spiritual lives strengthened by Holy Spirit refreshing. I need your prayers to persevere. Thank you.

July 7, 2022

Thank you for always bringing to us the facts we don’t get anywhere else. I pray for this country, and for truth to prevail in all voting matters. We the people shall take this country back to one nation under God.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Bev Kline
July 7, 2022

Thank you for this information and especially praying against the political using the law against those that disagree about the election. I am happy to pray with you. I copied this because of course you don’t see this on media anywhere except on Newsmax. Pretty sad when country is taking away the freedom to just disagree.

Marie Anderson
July 7, 2022

You people are not standing for the Truth! You are still promoting Trump’s lies about the election. May God forgive you.

    Daylynne Starr
    July 8, 2022

    Marie — If you ask the Lord who won the election — He will tell you! If you still get the same answer you got before..
    I suggest you receive Jesus into your heart as your Lord and savior again! Did you
    notice all of us agreed? God Bless you, and give you a great life with him! 🙂

    July 9, 2022

    I think for myself Marie. I saw enough to recognize fraud before President Trump ever said it. Like it or not, the democrats cheated to win this election. They removed all references of GOD from their platform and they appear to hate Christians as well! FATHER GOD open the eyes of non believers to see and receive YOUR free gift of eternal life and discernment and knowledge of the devil’s wiles as YOUR WORD says that YOU would not have us ignorant of satan’s devices in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Zoe Ella
July 7, 2022

I pray that all elections be accurate and fair.

Sandralea Nieves James
July 7, 2022

In Jesus name we cancel out this witch hunt against those who stand for righteousness in our elections well tell you satan you have no authority. We bind ever lying spirit every spirit of blindness or corruption in Jesus Name. We losen truth justice and God redeeming light into this situation. We decree this will not have any fruit it will die on the vine.

July 7, 2022

Dear king Jesus, our heart is broken over the election of 2020. We know the truth and the truth will set us free. I pray a miracle from you happens with his 2020 election. Also I pray for January 6 everybody is set free in prison. Thank you! Let everything be exposed!

July 7, 2022

Heavenly Father, I come before you throne in the name of your son Jesus, seeking Justice on behalf of the citizens of the United States. People with evil agendas have denied us so much. I pray that ALL people will know all the ways in which the 2020 election was stolen from Donald J. Trump, and all media outlets would come forward with this information. Help all people to receive and believe the truth! Separate the wheat from the tares, Lord, and bring recompense to those whom it is owed. Dispense your judgement, Lord! I pray that you would also work in the hearts and minds of those who have been manipulated, blackmailed, threatened or compromised, and reveal yourself to them in a way they can’t deny. Move them to repentance, to speak out, speak the truth, blow the whistle and get into alignment with you, LORD, and what your plans are for the U.S. In Jesus’ name, I also pray that our legitimate President, Donald J. Trump, his family and those who are helping with his efforts. I pray they will all be protected by your Angels. Help them all to hear your voice and lean on you and your word! Give them discernment, wisdom, understanding, courage, excellent health, strength, stamina and resolve. I also pray that those whose names and reputations have been dragged through the mud will have their honor and reputation restored, and double for their trouble, in Jesus’ name!!!

July 7, 2022

LORD God, save us from evildoers. Amen.

Barbara Janicki
July 7, 2022

I am praying that the truth will be made known so widely and clearly that it is irrefutable and that the lies of the media can no longer suppress and silence the truth regarding the 2020 election. I pray for a whole army of individuals who know the truth but have been silenced by bribery or fear, to finally find the courage to speak out – I pray for truth to be so widely known that it can no longer be covered up or silenced. The same deceitful practices that succeeded in 2020 must be abolished or the midterms will be no different. If our elections are not free – we are not free. What they are doing to Guiliani and others is like China – government control – silence any opposition. Now is the time to stand up and fall to our knees in prayer. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Marsha Bashor
July 7, 2022

Dear Lord I pray that the strongholds of the lies of the 2020 election results are brought down! In the state of Georgia, in the state of Pennsylvania, in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada. Break through and remove the ones in power in these states who are not allowing truth to prevail. In Jesus’ name I pray!
Let President Trump get back his presidency that was stolen from him. Let it be known over our whole land and let it be clear to the mainstream media, and to all people in the US of America that there was indeed fraud in that election . Thank you, thank you to the ones who are working relentlessly to expose the fraud of that election, give them your Devine help Lord. Make a way for this to be evident.
I pray for Rudy Giuliani, and Lindsay Graham, and others being questioned. Let their testimonies not be distorted. Let the truth prevail!!!

July 7, 2022

Yours truly has watched the movie “2000 Mules,” she is fully convinced of what she strongly suspected even before the 2020 election, that there was skullduggery happening, that that the election was stolen by those with nefarious intent against our country and the American people as a whole. Let us turn to God as those who are exposing the truth are attacked by those who cheated, let us pray that He will bring to light the truth, protect those who are investigating and exposing the steal, that justice will be meted out to all involved in the theft of the 2020 Presidential election. May many of those involved be brought to repentance and salvation in Christ Jesus, May God our Father raise up many to see to it that future elections are run honestly with no interference by those with evil intent. May He raise up many more individuals with righteous and Godly intent to serve in positions of leadership and government, most of all let us give God all the praise, glory and thanks in Jesus mighty name, amen.

Jane Mitchell
July 7, 2022

I pray for God to shine His light into the darkness that is the deep state and those who believe the lies of the devil, and to bring His justice to our country. In Jesus’s name.

Peggy Robinett
July 7, 2022

I praise the Lord for all standing up against the tyranny in our nation..be encouraged accdg to james 5 :16 the fervent prayers of a righteous
Man availed much…we are not praying in vain but in Jesus name the God who made covenant hears and will answer!!!

sheila taylor
July 7, 2022

Father exposed, disrupt, and dismantle this wicked plan of the enemy. Let everything they attempt backfire and boomerang upon themselves. Father bring your Holy Justice to this matter, and let Truth prevail. We decree that Truth will prevail, and Holy justice will be served. In Jesus Name we pray and decree. Amen

Rebecca Kurtz
July 7, 2022

I’m praying that corruption will come to light and all the evil intents will be exposed.

Pat M
July 7, 2022

Father God, You are continuing to show us the depth of evil in our nation. Forgive us for believing You would turn 2020 results in a month, two months and now it is almost two years and the USA is in mid-term primary season toward the fall general elections where we see people of faith rising up. You want the church to arise and stand for something in our nation not continue standing down in tolerance of evil as we have done for over 75 years (my life time) especially but the enemy has been working for centuries to get here. Forgive us riding on the fumes of comfort, which is fleeting and not going for that which is eternal–souls! May Your Love pervade the captives of our enemy that a great turnaround continues in the hearts of men–whistleblowers who risk all like the founding fathers for the rest of the culture.

We are in war and most people unfortunately are not aware that their division is a key flank of the enemy and they are beating their war drums and creating more “smoke” and like DA Willis “battles” to confuse and torment over and over good people as Jan 6 and more legal atrocities are doing.

July 7, 2022

Praying for Willis to either have a change of heart or be replaced with one who will administer justice without prejudice.

Carol Hiatt
July 7, 2022

A fool says in his heart there is no God. But I Am that I Am needs no affirmation from man. God destroy and tear down these evil plans. Make the wrong things right. We submit willingly to whatever you see fit to correct this wrong. Reveal the evil and destroy it.

Daniel J Chapman
July 7, 2022

Lord, we appeal to You, may these totalitarian tactics boomerang. Lord, show us how to pray in a time of increasing lawlessness.

Marie Luchaco
July 7, 2022

Yahweh Lord we in America and all land, sea, space that human beings are inhabitants on, I pray for awaking of their spirit, soul, body, to the One Holy Spirit of the Living God.
That billions upon billions of souls are saved.
Starting in our family bloodlines and those married into our family, I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ my Savior, Lord, King to keep us in right order to serve His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
I thank You for You
Truth will prevail.
Restoration,redemption, revelation is happening
In Jesus Christ Name

Ginger McBride
July 7, 2022

Dear God Almighty,
I ask that You use this investigation to expose evil. Dear Lord, use their tactics against them. Let true come to light. Let truth prevail. Open the investigators’ eyes to the truth of our elections. Holy Spirit, show up in that court room. Give Your servants the very words to say. Dear Jesus, You say in Your Word,
“11″When they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not worry about how or what you are to speak in your defense, or what you are to say; 12for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” Luke 12:11-12NASB. Holy Spirit give Your servants the words to say. Let the evidence be so understandable and provable and undeniable. I ask for a calmness and a peace over those who are called to testify. Let them speak truth with conviction and words that convince. In Jesus’Name. Amen

joyce belland
July 7, 2022

I pray for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth be revealed concerning EVERY stolen election, and that they be made right!

Charles Tass
July 7, 2022

Dear Lord Jesus,
Please expose the truth about past and current election fraud to the public. Defend us against the wickedness of the devil. May God rebuke the evil doers and protect our elections. May the Lord watch over our elections we humbly pray.

July 7, 2022

There is proof.


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