I Prayed have prayed
Father, protect the freedoms we are still experiencing in our country and help our nation to still hold to our personal freedoms.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hundreds of companies and executives released a letter on Wednesday condemning legislation that restricts “any eligible voter from having an equal and fair opportunity to cast a ballot,” per the New York Times.

Why it matters: It’s the most concerted action yet by big business in opposition to GOP-sponsored bills at the state level that limit mail-in ballots, implement new voter ID requirements and slash registration options, among other measures.

  • Critics say the restrictions will disproportionately impact voters of color.
  • Advocates of the bills have said they will secure the vote, and in some instances have cited former President Trump’s baseless allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 elections. . . .

Below are the signatures of the letter which include. . . General Motors, Netflix, Starbucks, Amazon, BlackRock, Google and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, . . . etc.

Advertisement opposing voting restrictions

The statement was organized by former American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault and Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, who last month led 72 Black executives in demanding corporate America speak out in the wake of Georgia’s new voting restriction.

  • Their open letter helped spur an outpouring of condemnation from corporations ranging from Georgia-based Delta Air Lines and Coca Cola to Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Google, though not all of those companies signed onto Wednesday’s statement.
  • Chenault and Frazier took part in a historic Zoom summit Saturday, where more than 90 business leaders discussed how to respond to the bills. . . .

“Throughout our history, corporations have spoken up on different issues,” Chenault told the Times.  . . .

  • The statement does not refer to bills in specific states, but opposes “any discriminatory legislation or measures that restrict or prevent any eligible voter from having an equal and fair opportunity to cast a ballot.”
  • “These are not political issues. These are the issues that we were taught in civics,” Frazier told the Times.

The other side: A leading conservative group is targeting the business community with a seven-figure ad buy on CNBC and local TV defending Georgia’s new voting law from its corporate critics, as Axios reported on Tuesday.

  • Republicans like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) have decried the companies speaking out as “woke corporate hypocrites,” and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has called for executives to “stay out of politics.” . . .

Were you surprised by these corporations signing this statement against these voting bills?

(Excerpt from Axios. Article by Fadel Allassan. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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April 21, 2021


Donna Piper
April 17, 2021

Read Rev 17-18
These are the wicked merchants of mystery Babylon.
We are seeing the last of the last days (note that sell people as products…human & sex traffic)

Sharon W
April 17, 2021

Do these companies have any idea of how they would operate under a socialist regime? They wouldn’t…or if they did, the profits would NOT go to the company but to the ELITE or socialist leaders! They’re not helping the people of America at all! They’re destroying America! So shortsighted!

Dear Father – Confuse their plans. Grant them wisdom to see beyond what the evil one is whispering in their ears. Open their eyes to the TRUTH, your truth, father. Lord, we know you love them so we too love and pray for them. That doesn’t mean we have to support their lies nor their businesses. Show us what YOU want us to do Lord. We know it will require sacrifices from us but they’re NOTHING compared to what you gave for us. Help us be strong and to stand up for YOUR values and YOUR kingdom. Thy will be done!

April 17, 2021

God is not surprised at the lies and hypocrisy perpetrated by these leaders of large corporations. They haven’t read the new voter laws, don’t understand them, are incapable of understanding them, or are jumping on the bandwagon to appear’woke’ and be politically correct. God doesn’t care about any of that foolishness. He makes the wise foolish (which we are witness to) and they fall for the lies of Satan. I pray for those who are absolutely lost and headed for Hell, taking family, friends and others with them. I pray they will truly wake up, repent, confess and turn to God before it’s too late. May we keep our focus on God and His truth and stand firm in the armor of God! In Jesus’s name I pray, amen!

April 16, 2021

I believe the Lord is allowing us to see what these corporations have been about all along. This has been YEARS in the making. We just were unaware of it! Our country has been betrayed by corporations, media, big tech, Hollywood, politicians, etc., and even some pastors and churches. Many are so politically correct and scared of what people might do or think of us that our silence and inaction has allowed this evil to happen. Covid has certainly ushered in “the perfect storm” for the enemy! We need to “put on our armor” and get on our knees. However, we also have to stand with Congressmen, pastors, leaders, organizations, who are fighting this battle, etc. Those of us who can, have to get on school boards, city councils, run for local, state and federal office, even getting on zoning boards! The enemies of God are in every area (we just didn’t realize how deep this is). Put “feet” to our prayers! Don’t financially support these corporations by buying their products. I know it’s impossible to boycott them all, but we can pick some products to stop buying! “Greater is He, who is in us, than he that is in the world.” Enough is enough!!

April 16, 2021

Sovereign and Holy Father, thank you that You see all the events that are unfolding in our daily lives. Help me to remember that Your hand is in all things, and all things are in your hands. Help me to continue to trust You, and not be overcome by fear. I ask You to use this movement, where corporate America is acting like they have the power to control. Let them fall into their own trap Lord. There must be some among these executives who are burdened in their heart, knowing they are wrong. I pray that You will continue to bring truth into the light. I pray for our new media to be exposed for their faulty reporting of what is really happening. Nothing is hidden from Your eyes Father, so I thank You what You will do this very day, to bring more truth into the light. Expose evil, take away their power, take away their financial support. Awaken me Lord, and my Christian brothers and sisters to how we can behave this day to bring glory to You. Thank You that You are moving to bring Your plan for America to completion. In Your name Jesus, I pray. Amen

Sherry Mallory
April 16, 2021

This evil web of the corporate, financial, media and entertainment, major league sports, political, and wealthy has an agenda to destroy our Constitution and the rights and freedoms of the American people. Lord, we continue to appeal to You and ask that You intervene and take back what is Yours. Bring chaos, confusion, and discord into every camp. Convict every CEO, administrator and employee of these entities. We join You with the authority You give us. In the powerful name of Jesus we bind the evil forces that feed this entire scheme. We decree this web is being broken down, unraveled and destroyed. We declare Your are in control and that righteousness, truth, and justice prevails in America. You, Father, govern our nation. In You we trust. Thank you for Your grace, mercy and love.

Curtis Guhl
April 16, 2021

I am surprised that these corporations would come out of the wood work. Major globalists who have influence politics all over the world for profit. Everything is for sale and has a price. They don’t cry out about national debt as they enrich themselves with tax laws,saying debt helps the underprivileged. We pray for honest politicians who can’t be boutght Lord. Thank you for Donald Trump.


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