As IFA intercessors gathered to pray on Wednesday via phone and webcast, they were immediately called to pray about the stimulus package in Congress. All but passed, the bill had been cobbled together in the night by the Senate, with the final draft version readied for a noon vote today. Dave Kubal and Ralph Drollinger (founder of Capitol Ministries, and the guest on the IFA call) led a time of prayer asking for wisdom, guidance, and insight for leaders as they worked to pass this funding package, all while the IFA prayer call was happening.
Shortly after the call was over, we received word that a group of four Senators found a “massive drafting error” in the current bill that gives employees an incentive not to work.
From FOX NEWS: “You want to destroy what’s left of the economy? Pass it the way it’s written,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a press conference. “If you want to help people, pay them their wages, but don’t pay them more not to work.” The concern from Sens. Graham, Tim Scott, R-S.C., Ben Sasse, R-Neb., and Rick Scott, R-Fla., is that the current version could pay workers more in unemployment benefits than they’re currently making, by sticking a $600 per week payment on top of ordinary benefits that are calculated as a percentage of income. This could disrupt the labor market further, the lawmakers warn.”
God has paused this bill, so it is even more important to pray. Click the video below to pray in agreement with the timely and effective prayers.
Ralph shared that he is in Congress, the Senate, and the Executive Branch every week and he sees the result of the prayers of Intercessors for America. Will you pray for Ralph Drollinger and Capitol Ministries? Please leave a comment.
When asked how we can pray for the leaders involved in your ministry, Ralph shared these prayer requests:
- that this crisis would give our leaders who don’t know Christ an insatiable desire to know Jesus and God’s Word
- that God would elevate those leaders who have biblical wisdom in their spheres
- strong reliance on biblical truth
- nothing would pass through stimulus that contradicts biblical truth and wisdom
- that legislators would see imago dei (the image of God) in every person–that value comes from God and knowing God’s Word is the only way to have real wisdom for life
Download the prayer guide, written by IFA President David Kubal, on the coronavirus “Holy Shaking, Holy Pause, Holy Reset.” Dave summarizes essential prayer points to intercede about what’s going on spiritually behind the coronavirus crisis.
Capitol Ministries serves the leaders of national and state governments. One way is weekly Bible studies. Right now they are studying “Is God Judging America Today?” Ralph explains about God’s judgment briefly on the prayer call, but you can take a deep dive into the topic with him through the actual study. Click HERE to sign up and receive this 9-day daily email Bible study in your inbox. You will be studying what the leaders are studying. We have included daily prayer points for them as well.
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Father I pray that you would give us judges as at the first and congressmen and counselors as at the the beginning. I pray that you would restore Virginia and all of America to its foundational righteous roots.I ask it Father in Jesus name and I thank you so much and give you all the glory. Fill the whole earth with your Glory I pray in Jesus name, Amen!
Yes, The Lord gave me in December 2019 three words for this year of 2020!
I heard only three words: Collide, Ignite and Re-calibrate. It seemed odd at the time but I was impressed to continue learning about “Passover to Pentecost” and how GOD HIMSELF was making known His Plan and His Alignment in Time from the beginning. His Heart has always been to create and partner with a Holy People, who rule and reign accurately as Ambassadors on earth with His Righteousness and His Kingship. So as I ponder the revelation how blessed Israel is and we as “Christians get to be grafted” into this precious nation! We are becoming more in unity as one-new man to fulfill the Judeo-Christian heritage God Himself planned from the beginning.
Since the days in the garden of Eden, GOD has established seven covenants, which are “alive and active” like a huge seven layered salad of Love! Yummy! It actually tastes better than Kombucha tea! As I continue my studies in Torah, God’s original teaching instructions and government for Israel only to live well, I see it more and more as a privilege, when Jesus Christ died and the veil was torn in two. In God’s Hebraic timeline, God set this act in place for Jesus’s life to open up the doors for us Gentiles to partner with Israel’s priceless scrolls. But it is different this season, because we get to understand the Torah through God’s eyes of Holy Spirit. Years ago, Jews have been given this deposit we need but we have been given the Cross. They look forward to the Cross but we look back at the Cross. The point is the CROSS is still in the center of God’s Timeline and plan for both! So God has planned for me to invite and to celebrate, SONshine 2020, Passover to Pentecost on May 29 + 30 to explore this new unity of ONE new man in our city and county. WE will keep trusting in the Lord for HIS GREAT LOVE IS SOOOO ABUNDANT for us all!
We do not need to be rescued with money and we do not need to strive to go back to “life/business as usual”. We need to fall so the masses will hopefully look up and find HIM. The at need at hand is personal repentance leading to community and national CHANGE.
🇺🇸Thank YOU JESUS for ALL that YOU have done for each and every one of us. May YOUR HOLY SPIRIT continue to come upon leadership at every level and weed OUT those who do not acknowledge YOU.🇺🇸
Better pray about the $350m going to refugees and immigrants cause we obviously didn’t pray enough concerning the border issue getting resolved. Exactly how is this $2T bill gonna get paid back?
Theocracy: Every government is predicated on precepts that reflect their world view, which by definition is a religious foundation::
Merriam-Webster: re·li·gion /rəˈlijən/ noun
1. a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
The USA government is predicated on Old Testament laws, tempered with the New Testament principles of Jesus! After Reagan’s term in office, their was a divergence from a Jesus centered Theocracy to a man centered official government approved religion called Humanism, followed by a further divaricating into the religion of Atheism, Socialism, homosexuaIism, with a segue into “gaia” mother earth worship, and even Mid Eastern religion. However Jesus being the foundation of our “Constitutional Republic” & even the “Federalist Papers,” we must return to our original theocracy, where the government/state is divided from the 1st Amendment power of the church [the real Thomas Jefferson of division of Church & State]. A return to a government centered in the creator of the universe, who is Jesus, the highest form of governing in the world [far above all others], which made America the number one economy on the earth, that is until the religion of Humanism eclipsed it, and we began the downward cycle of entropy, fast becoming 3rd world county. Now we have an apostle in the white house and a hope [a spiritual excitement and expectation of greatness again] of returning to Jesus as a nation.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. From John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.1 John Adams
When God’s people agree in prayer, I get excited to see what God is going to do! I believe in prayer. This is defiantly a spiritual battle. God forgive us as Christians, followers of Christ, For our putting other gods (pleasures, greed, entertainment, self gratification) before You. Give us opportunity to witness to others in this time of need. May they realize their need for a Savior and come to know you in saving grace. Lead guide and direct our leaders. May we not fail to give you the glory. For Thine is the power, glory and honor forever. Praise your name! Amen
Yesterday’s prayer call was so powerful & got the attention of our Father in heaven! This is the first time I heard Ralph Drollinger & I was so impressed with his knowledge of the Bible. As I walked and listened and agreed in prayer through my neighborhood in FL I felt the power & presence of the Holy Spirit like only His Word brings! Thank you Dave Kubal & Ralph Drollinger for leading a powerful time of prayer when so many are hurting & wondering what’s next! Mr. Drollinger is now added to my prayer list! Our God is an awesome God and I’m so grateful
He knows the beginning from the end and we are on the winning team! Amen!
I’ve been hearing similar things. Reset, refocus and recalibrate. Yesterday I felt pulled to pray that through this stimulus package that the ones who opposed and are against Trump in DC would get onboard with what God is doing. That those who oppose would see God moving and hearts and minds will start to shift in DC. A shift and reset would happen and momentum in humility, unity and honor would begin to take place across the board.
Thank you for standing in the gap. I have been praying along the same lines, especially that nothing would ‘slip’ through in this package that is not directly related to issue at – incentives not to work – and that are biblical. I agree with Holy Shaking Holy Pause and Holy Reset as I continue to pray for this issue and our nation. Thank you Heavenly Father for raising up Godly leaders who will stand in the gap for your people and this nation, for America belongs to You. Continue to give our leaders, wisdom and much need discernment fr such a time as this to make a godly decisions regarding the issue we are facing. . We know that you are moving among us and within this situation to bring in the harvest. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray Amen.
Mighty God, we give you thanks for our leaders that are honoring You! I also thank You for placing Ralph Drollinger to minister Your word through weekly Bible Studies. I ask that You would bless him and his family and place a hedge of protection around them. That no weapon formed against him shall prosper. May Ralph be filled with wisdom, discernment and strength to minister boldly to our leaders. I ask that our leaders who don’t know You, be filled with an insatiable desire to seek You and give their lives to You. We ask that you would forgive our sins as a nation, and heal our land. We ask that You would continue to bless and guide our wonderful President and keep him safe from all attacks meant to harm him. It is in Your precious name, Jesus we pray, amen.
I pray for our leaders on “both sides” of our government. Lord, renew their minds, such that they are lead by Holy Spirit in their day-to-day decision making. May they usher Your agenda into every bill, every proposal, and every law that’s set before the (3) branches of government. Lord, be the common thread weaved throughout the diverse fabric of our government (and nation). Unify us under Your Good cause.
Regarding our nation, Mighty God, cause Your Spirit to sweep over our land, from the east coast to the west coast, from our northern border to our southern border; saturate our land with the healing power of Your wonderful Grace and Mercy. Heal our land, heal our homes, heal our families, heal our hearts and heal our minds. Yes Lord, I come to you with great expectation! I ask that you not only heal us from this virus, which we can see [under a microscope], heal us from the “virus” that that we cannot see! The one that darkens our hearts. I cry out for Reformation! Set our nation back on Your Good path. Yes! Revive us Lord; spirituality, emotionally, physically, and economically. Revive our nation, lead us back to You and reign Supreme over our great land!
Breath Life into us, that we may thrive [once again] as One [indivisible] Nation, under God. Allow us set an example to the rest of the world; an example of what’s to come when [the people of] a nation humble themselves, pray and seek Your face, and turn from their wicked ways – to follow You!
In the powerful name of Jesus, I humbly ask this of You. Amen.
“If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.”
2 Chronicles 7:13-15 NASB
Lord I praise you for the calling of this ministry to do Bible Studies and lead prayer through Capital Ministries. Lord I pray Eph. 6:10-17 and Psalm 91 over all that gather or participate in this study.
Lord I stand in agreement with the prayer requests the this ministry put together. May Thy will and purpose be done and may You be glorified and praised.
Lord bind the enemy from using the unsaved or those also who claim to know You in our Government. Expose any corruption or the root cause of any hidden agendas in this crisis. Lord I pray for the Salvation of all those in Authority over the people of this Nation that are not saved. Take them from darkness into the light. (John 29:20-21) Lord I pray for repentance and revival in the Capital and throughout our Nation. Thy will be done hear on Earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for Your steadfast love that never ceases, your mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, ” says my soul, ” therefore I will hope in him”. Lam. 3:3-24 In Jesus name I ask and believe. Amen
God has called this nation to repent. He hears from heaven and heals our land as we turn to him. In daily prayer we lift up those in authority over us, so they will have God’s wisdom and we will have peace. Thank you for your service to God and our nation. We hold up your hands as Moses were held. in a time of need. God bless the United States of America.
Lord thank you for answered prayer, you are the God who sees and gathers his people to pray,we are to pray without ceasing,we are to seek your face,praise,worship,and be salt and light to the world. You are a good GOd and will use this crises for your glory, Let us not grow weary in doing good,but trust in your word. The glorious opposite of this virus spreading is the spreading of the word and praise that will heal the physical as well as emotional. Let us continue the course and momentum of prayer and when this peaks and dies out,we will not stop and go back as usual,that it has sparked a desire to keep praising,worshiping,and praying. Thank you IFA for staying the course.
Dear heavenly Father, I am praying AGAINST any stimulus package today. It is time the American people get back to work and STOP looking to the government to bail us out. Our government has broken our laws and unconstitutionally closed our churches. This package is intended, no matter what is in it, to give our government more power over us and more burden on small business at a level we have never seen. Please join me in praying against this.
Praying for conviction and heart soften for Jesus Christ to come in to change the lives of politicians for His Glory. Proverbs 3:5,6 fear of the Lord Jesus Christ is the beginning of wisdom.
Father, You care about every aspect of life as our Creator. You made us in Your image so that shows how important we are yet free will has given us choice which like pro-choice in abortion is deadly as we move from Your will to self will. Thank You for Jesus who loves our repentance when we teshuva. We praise You how You are using men of wisdom in Your ways in DC to teshuva our nation back to Your original design and intent. We are in awe of You Almighty Holy Father God Yehovah. To You We praise and honor Your name, plans and FORGIVENESS to join Your works in the earth.
Thank you Father for those who are leaders of prayer ministry groups across our land. I pray special blessings upon them; give them strength wisdom and endurance as they hold a critical position that is sorely needed in our Nation.
AMEN… to Jerry’s comments because without these Prayer ministry leaders, America would have gone under a long time ago. And because we are allies with Israel, God will bless a nation that prays for them…in Psalm 122:6-7 (NIV) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure. 7)May there be peace within your walls… Thank you Father…that this President sees the value in being an ally with Israel 🇮🇱
Agree that we need to continue to pray/hold up these prayer ministries throughout our nation. God bless them as they pray throughout the day and night!! Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!!!