I Prayed have prayed
Dear Lord, if it be your will for our nation, don't allow history to repeat itself like it has for many other nations through the ages. Move America to repent and give us clarity of mind to see the truth. Let liberty abound in this nation, and give our leaders the wisdom necessary to preserve the freedom of speech that so many take for granted. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

College campuses are spiraling further down the anti-Semitic rabbit hole. For many students, education has been disrupted by “pro-Palestinian” protests that have riddled American universities for the past year. For Jewish students especially, student life has been rocky. Christian, Jewish, moderate, and conservative students alike have found it intimidating to speak out or even share their views. They worry that their peers and school administrators could penalize them for not following or validating the predominant ideologies. But it’s not just the students who feel intimidated, because according to a recent survey, professors are feeling intimidated too. A new article from Faithwire says the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has released a 2024 faculty survey report to examine the state of free speech for professors working on campus. Their findings are alarming to say the least:

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“’While many faculty remain confident in higher education, and few report explicit threats or experiences of discipline for speech, the broader climate reflects that of rampant self-censorship, worry, and fear, particularly among faculty in the political minority,’ the study’s executive summary reads.

Some of the key findings underscore this warning. Thirty-five percent of faculty reported recently toning down writings for fear of sparking controversy.

And when you consider 14% stated they ‘suffered discipline or threats of discipline for either their teaching, research, academic talks, or other off-campus speech,’ these worries and moves become easier to understand.” (Read Here)

Historically speaking, it’s never been a good sign when teachers and professors felt the need to censor their views. Just look at China’s crackdown on teachers during the Cultural Revolution, where professors had to adopt a new Soviet-style education system, or face the consequences. Modern China is no different. Although today’s “cancel-culture” is nowhere near as severe, the data that this report is presenting gives a sobering reminder of why free speech needs to be recognized and protected. The article goes on to share statistics on professors’ political views in relation to their worries on freedom of speech. Unsurprisingly, conservative and moderate professors were more concerned about the potential destruction of their reputation compared to their liberal and leftist peers. Conservative professors were also shown to be three times as likely to report hiding their political beliefs to preserve their careers. Environments like these must be alleviated if we don’t want history to repeat itself. Early Americans had good reason to make the first amendment secure protections for free speech. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” In response to this we should continue to pray for a reawakening in American culture. All of America’s freedoms and liberties are built on the bedrock of our Judeo-Christian values. If the nation is to re-learn that these liberties are indispensable, it must first re-learn where they came from.

Share your prayers for free speech in the comments.

T.K. Robinson is a student and part-time (amateur) philosopher. In his downtime, he enjoys reading, music, and chronic daydreaming. His Scripture-oriented commentary usually involves the younger generation (especially Gen Z). He wants to shed light on important current events regarding his peers and share insights from a Biblical perspective. Photo Credit: Charles DeLoye on Unsplash.

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December 27, 2024

It’s up to students (who employ the university) to be educated and bold enough to combat deception on education. My high school and college students are taught and teach how to counteract liberal ideas at school. They belong to counteractusa, which employs cell groups to teach Biblical truths and how to defend them in a university setting.

    Mary Beth S
    December 27, 2024

    Bless this Bible teaching ministry to students, Lord!!

Brian Lynch
December 27, 2024

Lord Jesus, you know what is happening on college campuses throughout our nation. By your grace, Lord, please restore these campuses to an atmosphere of honesty and transparency. May Your will prevail in the education atmosphere. Thank you Jesus.

Peg B
December 26, 2024

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the professors which You have placed in the colleges. 2 Timothy 1:5-7 reminds of us very important truths, so let us recall and employ them: vs. 5 We are reminded of your sincere faith that dwells in you. vs. 6 We remind you to fan into flames the gift of God. v7 God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, love and self-control. I ask LORD, that You would bind these words on our hearts and minds to believe and to employ them as often is as needed. We trust by Your Spirit, they will be effectual. We stand in the promises that You give for they are truth and light! Let the Holy Spirit have it’s full effect in each of us, as we speak to the mountains “move and be gone” in the mighty name of Jesus. We look forward to the testimonies of “victory” found in You. Amen.

December 26, 2024


Pastor Gerald Waldron
December 26, 2024

Abbq Father., we love you and thank you for everything. Father, we come to you at this time to ask to strengthen our brothers and sisters that are toning down their outspokenness. We must be bold and when we feel that we are in danger of losing our income, we become afraid. I ask that you embolden them strengthen them, and empower them to speak up when asked or to offer what is needed to be said at the particular situation. And I pray that they trust you completely. Let your children be seen and heard by everyone. I pray this in the Holy and precious nqme of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, ..Amen!!!

December 26, 2024

Please pray for those of us in higher education, especially in the Colleges of Education. To stand and be true to the Word of God, one must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Every day, I have to fight against anxiety and depression due to being in higher education and wanting to see God move. Just got back from a conference where conservative values were clearly not embraced. May the Lord give us His strength, stamina, bravery, prayer power through the Holy Spirit, and ability to serve as His representatives. Remove my fear, Oh Lord. Prayers appreciated!!

    Jody Koch
    December 26, 2024

    Praying for you right now!

      December 26, 2024

      Thank you, Jody. It’s time for the heaviness to lift. Many of us are weary from the daily battles that war in our minds as we endeavor to speak truth and advance.

    Mary Beth S
    December 26, 2024

    Barbara, may the Lord honor the cry of your heart and provide opportunities to speak and the wisdom to speak as Holy Spirit directs. I agree with your prayer for yourself and your believing colleagues. I also pray that you can be used to encourage your students who are believers to hold fast and not be afraid to speak up. May any fear, anxiety and depression bow to the mighty name of Yeshua, and you having been delivered from their tyranny experience a boldness that surprises and delights you!1

Mary Beth S
December 26, 2024

We must be thermostats – setting the spiritual temperature according to YHVH’s will and Word, instead of thermometers which just reflect the current spiritual climate. It may have consequences, but those consequences will only become more difficult if we don’t. I was 40 when I returned to finish my degree in early childhood education in 1990. It was not nearly as woke, DEI, etc. but liberal ideology was evident in all departments. I spoke up in several situations, in ways that I was intimidated to do so as an 18 year old – whether verbally or in writing – speech class, especially. I spoke on the dangers of premarital sex. Many times I was pleasantly surprised by the reactions from students and faculty – but push back was common, too. I even went to the chair of the biology dept. to protest the lab book that defined abortion as the only 100% effective means of “birth control”. I told him it was not birth control. it was murder, but abstinence was 100% effective – and it wasn’t even mentioned. His comment, “Yea, like that’s gonna’ happen!” He treated me and the celibate students with disdain, but hopefully I made him uncomfortable and gave him something to think about.
Lord, help us to be bold and courageous, and not allow lies to stand without rebuttal. Help us to speak Your Truth accurately and appropriately, and with conviction – but help us to remain respectful and not join in the vitriolic nature of the current debate. You guarantee our freedoms, including freedom of speech, not our government – so may we speak up and entrust the outcome to You.

    Mary Beth S
    December 26, 2024

    It was in my lab manual exactly as I expressed it, whether you accept my word or not. Have you personally read all textbooks, both past and present? Wow, now I’m being called a liar!

Rob Stark
December 26, 2024

It seems to me that it is not only a reputation and career that can be destroyed. It appears that there is a physical danger as well.

The left is evil, and there are many on the left today.

December 26, 2024

Dear God please preserve freedom of speech in this country and let the #liberalfascists get what they deserve.Amen

    Mary Beth S
    December 26, 2024

    Apparently, you don’t know Yeshua. All we human beings do deserve is death and hell – but the free gift of eternal life is available to those who repent of their sin and trust in Him. I for one am not receiving death and hell which I do deserve – that is His grace, but instead I’m receiving good things that I don’t deserve – that is his mercy. I’m so thankful!

December 26, 2024

Rise up warriors! We must not afraid to speak or to lose our jobs. We must hold the line in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord will make up for anyting we may lose in his Name. Speak the Truth, in Jesus’ Name. Defend Israel, but also pray that they stop doing evil too. We bless them. We cannot curse what the Lord blesses. Their enemies are doing much evil too. God, have compassion over innocent Muslims. Bring them to repent and accept the Lord as their only and sufficient Savior. I pray that Israel accepts Christ as their Messiah. Liberate souls, in the name of Christ. Don’t hold. Don’t be afraid of our enemies. God will bless you for speaking the Truth and defending Justice.

I call our of enemies to scattered. I call for all the conservative professors to be bold and speak the Truth without fear of retribution from universities. I call for the Spirit of Boldness to invade their spirits. I call for America to stand against strange ideologies that go against our Judeo-Christian values. I call America to repent of its evils too. I call for Victory over all our enemies, foreign and domestic, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Kim Hardy
December 26, 2024

Years ago I taught in a state university. I was not allowed to teach a class on OB despite having had 2 OB practices. It was an adjunct who told me it was because I called the (interutero) baby and not “fetus”. Unless one can teach all classes in the ciriculum, one cannot be tenured. So despite helping this university develop this program, I could not teach because I called a baby what it is. Instead of fighting, I left.

    December 26, 2024

    Here, all the opposite. I denounced Covid against students. I denounce LGBTQ. I denounced evil. I conquered in the name of the Lord. do NOT back off. Never run away from Battle.

    December 26, 2024

    Higher education has circled the drain thanks to censoring and liberal administrators. Notable exception is Hillsdale College which does not accept federal money.

    December 26, 2024

    May the Lord bring you comfort as you struggle to stand against evil and thank you for your honesty.
    I will not judge you and none of us have gone any amount of days without sin or any other imperfection. In the last four and a half to 5 years many doctors and teachers and other professionals have left positions in the onslaught of tyranny and their rights being impugned then taken away and many of them are Christians.. the lord always uses the remnant.. we can always turn for my imperfection and try again and take up the cross and the shield and go forward..
    Kim, you are a child of God and Jesus loves you and do not let any of the comments here bring you unnecessary pain or discomfort -or Any pain or discomfort.
    Let God be the judge

Valerie Vincken
December 26, 2024

I’m 54 and went back to school a few years ago. Our general studies are all DEI and if we don’t write papers about gender, LGBTQ whatever and women’s rights, we don’t get to graduate because the general classes (Communications, microeconomics, marketing etc) are required. I dropped English 1100 three times until I found an instructor that was tolerable and allowed me to voice my frustration. Every textbook is left. Every online textbook that the instructors write themselves say Trump in his first 4 years was terrible and the economy was bad. they state Biden and Oblahblah are champions for the change needed for the misgendered and illegal migrants. It’s just all lies and propaganda. All you learn is to follow direction and liberal indoctrination or they will fail you. You will not graduate without writing research and term papers that go against everything we value. Not even from a 2 year community college. They do not want you to think for yourself. It’s global everything all day every day. For people who shove “sustainable” down our throats, they don’t understand it’s not sustainable for people to come across the border illegally and expect us to provide them with everything our own citizens don’t receive. Look at Swannanoa. I have friends still living in tents in 30 degree weather while the border jumpers who came illegally are in hotels and houses bought by Blackrock and rented back to the government. It’s criminal. We fought a war over being taxed without representation. It’s no different today.

    Kim Hardy
    December 26, 2024

    I completely understand and agree about the DEI propaganda! And am glad you found a good prof for you!

    December 26, 2024

    Indeed Valerie !!! We must not overlook our college campuses across America as we intercede for Revival . They have become a stronghold of evil that we must stand against , shoulder to shoulder, shield to shield we speak JESUS!!
    Thanks TK .. in our saviors name we proclaim Victory !! Hallelujah

      Darlene Estlow
      December 26, 2024

      Thank you for reminding us to pray for our colleges. It is the only way things will change.


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