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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we see our nation in a such a pivotal place. We are seeing legislation, decisions and mandates that are sending our nation careening away from Your principles. None of this takes you by surprise. We need you God! May You find us faithful to pray and act to realign our nation under Your values and protection.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are multiple impactful decisions that are before Congress this week. Each of these huge bills will bring fundamental and consequential change to our nation. Be in prayer about each one of these bills and decisions. We encourage you to take action in addition to your prayer–you will see the action opportunities below. Pray for your individual representative, as well as the swing voters who are potential decisionmakers.

  1. The $3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bill:
    The latest according this excerpt from The Washington Times: “Warring Democrats were forcing President Biden on Sunday to pick up the pieces of his shattered first-year economic plan for trillions of dollars in new spending and massive tax increases, with liberals saying they had no choice but to remind the White House that its agenda included huge benefits for families and not just cash for roads and bridges to enthuse the centrist wing.Mr. Biden will promote his agenda in Michigan on Tuesday as part of a take-it-to-the-people tour after a Friday visit to Capitol Hill failed to mollify the factions and delayed a House vote on an infrastructure package that passed the Senate in August. The delay was a coup for liberals who, hoping to strike before the midterm campaign season, are withholding support for the bipartisan achievement until they see a bill that includes free education, health care benefits and provisions to fight climate change.”Pray for Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema who are the key votes that could make or break the push to pass this massive spending bill, or the pared down version which puts the bill in two parts.IFA staff were at a private event in Washington D.C. over the weekend when a member of Congress in attendance was called in for an emergency vote. Of course we know now that no agreement has been reached, but Congressional members are being told to stand by. Each day, deals, bargains, pressure, and posturing is taking place to push forward this massive spending bill with multiple non-infrastructure hidden spending issues. You can take action!  Click here to send a message to your elected officials about the massive Infrastructure Bill TODAY!
  2. The Debt Ceiling:
    Imagine instead of living within your means, you have a credit card and your solution is to just raise your credit limit instead of adhering to a budget and practicing disciplined spending.  That is what Congress is doing and has been doing for years- in both parties. The national debt has ballooned and instead of dealing with the budget and curtailing spending, the government just raises the amount of debt they are “allowed” to take on, print more money and risk sending our nation into disastrous financial peril. The debt ceiling decision has been temporarily pushed down the road, but Congress has to pass action to raise the debt ceiling and continue unsustainable spending. According to  The Washington Times, “Democrats have enough votes to raise the debt limit without their help by using a special budget process known as reconciliation. By forcing Democrats to extend the debt ceiling through reconciliation, Republicans believe it will force Democrats to lift the ceiling to a specific number, which would be tougher to pass through congress. Democrats so far have refused to go down that path. Republicans have twice blocked Democrats from raising the debt ceiling. . . .Since the U.S. has never defaulted on its obligations before, economists are largely guessing how catastrophic the fallout could be if the debt ceiling is not raised. But most economists agree it could be devastating.”President Biden is framing this as the fault of Republicans if the debt ceiling is not raised, promising disaster on our nation. In reality, a continued approach of increased spending and increased debt will lead to disaster in the form of crippling inflation, raised taxes, and devalued currency to name just a few of the consequences.

    There is a third option–the answer is not to just raise the debt ceiling, but to practice responsible spending and budgeting. You can call your member of Congress to let them know your concerns about massive spending and continued rising debt. Call the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 221-2131 to weigh in with your member of Congress.

  3. The Abortion Overrule otherwise known as the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021: 
    This is a dangerous bill that needs your prayer and action right away. The bill, HR3755, removes states’ rights on issues of life and abortion. It also states that “health care providers can carry out abortions with virtually no limitations or requirements, a provision aimed at pre-empting new state laws and superseding some current ones” as reported in The Epoch Times. This dangerous bill has passed in the House, and is in the Senate. 48 Democrats have co-sponsored the bill in the Senate, and a threshold of 60 votes is needed to pass without a filibuster. In addition to Senate Democrats who will likely support this bill, there are some Republicans who have already spoken up about their position on supporting abortion such as Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Susan Collins. Pray for them! Send a message TODAY about this bill that would wipe out a state’s right to determine how their state will legislate abortion/protection of life. Click here to send your message TODAY!


Have you taken action? Share your story in the comments . . .

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October 5, 2021

..the worst thing about this monster is that it contains provisions to convert the government to a permanent liberal democrat/socialist terror machine.Just keep praying,it doesnt have to be the most eloquent prayers,just petition The Lord,..try to not grow weary,.and like me-, I keep repenting for my sin.
“Lord,I also lift up to you Lord these intercessors here at IFA that they,and we,would not grow weary in well doing,and (peace would be retsored to our land,as we pray for leaders..and all those in authority”)
1st Tim 2:2

Rebecca A Thornton
October 5, 2021

Abba Father, I pray that none of these bills will pass! I repent for this nation and all of its wickedness. I repent for the body of Christ being apathetic, complacent, and lazy for decades which has brought our nation to this point. We were asleep while satan took a foothold and now the battle is fierce! Have mercy on us Abba, forgive us, heal this land and bring us back to our original foundation of glorifying Your name and furthering the gospel in America. I pray for a halt to this wicked administration. May they turn from their wicked ways and find salvation. Abba, You are our hope for this nation and for this world. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

    October 5, 2021

    Don’t be silent on these Bills, please! They will destroy America, as we know it! There are so many “hidden” things in each one, it boggles the mind! Don’t be deceived, there is NOTHING good about these Bills!! They are dangerous and destructive to our country!

    October 5, 2021

    Oops! I messed up! I meant to just say AMEN to you, Rebecca! Instead, I re-posted my comment. Sorry.

October 5, 2021

Don’t be silent on these Bills, please! They will destroy America, as we know it! There are so many “hidden” things in each one, it boggles the mind! Don’t be deceived, there is NOTHING good about these Bills!! They are dangerous and destructive to our country!

Ally Oliveira -
October 5, 2021

My sister, there are thousands of legal immigrants ( not citizens) that have been working hard, paying tax and are waiting for a Immigration Reform. And it seems this bill will bring it. Now I feel they have included immigration mixed with too bad things, but as an immigrant I am just seeing the benefits this bill will bring.
I am divided here, I was praying for this bill pass but now I am confused. Oh God !!!
Maybe somehow on the way they will select what stay in the bill and what will be drop off.

October 5, 2021

This “Bill” is extremely dangerous because it is driven by “climate change” deception. It will penalize companies and individuals who use oil, gas, and coal use….. while fanatically pushing wind and solar. Wind and solar are NOT sufficient to power the dynamic USA economy! This net result of this hellish proposal will be to severlely affect the prosperous, free, God-fearing middle class, with less ability to support the Kingdom of God! In Jesus’s Name I curse the “infrastructure bill, may it not pass or be implemented! PRAY seriously for this people, it could radically affect your future and World evangelism.

October 5, 2021

Dear Father and God, we see our nation in such a pivotal place. Lord, I pray that You will help our leaders make these crucial decisions that will be pleasing You. None of this surprises You, Lord. We need You God! May You find us faithful to pray and act to realign our nation under Your values and protection. Help to stir us to take action and to encourage others to do the same. In Jesus Name and Authority, Amen.

Tanya Williams
October 5, 2021

It is so important not only to pray for the hearts of senators and congressmen/women, but AGAINST the demonic forces formed against them. We made that mistake with #45, praying for his heart and his protection while witches were calling up demons in the WH, intelligence, media, tech and Hollywood.
I have sent ems to my Senators, called my congressman and prayed against the darkness that follows them, in the name of Jesus.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephes 6:12 KJV

Dawn Beth
October 5, 2021

Father God thank You for using Senator’s Manchin and Sinema to hold back the destruction meant to drop this great nation and bring it to dust🙌🙌🙌I stand in the gap for them and declare that no weapon formed against them will prosper!! That they find favor with You Lord and with men as well. I pray that as You continue to use them to bring about Your purposes for our nation that their hearts would be pierced with the Truth, Holy Spirit, draw them to Jesus and turn them from any wicked way.Show is Your glory Father, we love seeing You work behind the scenes🙌🙌🙌🙏

October 5, 2021

Father God,

Please work in the hearts and minds of our congressmen that they will seek Your wisdom and seek to please You. These bills represent a continuation towards destruction and chaos. The costs associated with the massive infrastructure bill are unsustainable and will cripple the American tax payer. It is obvious to many that there are dark forces working to destroy America. BUT GOD, You are greater, You are all power and You know the beginning from the end. Help us to walk by faith and not be led by our emotions. Keep our hearts fixed on You, Lord Jesus! This world is not our home, but help us to share Your Truth standing firm with courage and resolve. In Jesus Name we pray!

October 5, 2021

Dear Lord, You know the dilemas facing our nation. You know all about this upcoming legislation. We pray for each and every legislator who will vote on this in the coming days. Please, guide and direct their actions, Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Maynard Beck Sr.
October 5, 2021

My experience with calling the Congresssional main switchboard has not been productive. If you don’t get put on hold, the Congressperson’s number will go to voicemail that’s sure to be filled. Using IFA’s new action board will not only be sure to get through, but also allows you a better chance to witness by including scripture. If you can get their local office number, that is a good method too. It gives you a chance to grow a relationship with the staff. Whichever method you chose, don’t take a pass this one.

    Herb s Johnston
    October 5, 2021

    when I search online the person’s name,I can usually get an office number that is not washington D.C.and that connects to the actual legislators office answering system


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