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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for Your will to be done in the many prosecutions against Pres. Trump and the probe into injustice surrounding them.
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Fani Willis, the district attorney working to prosecute Trump in Georgia, reportedly met with the partisan Jan. 6 committee and fundraised off of her investigation into the former president. 

From RedState. Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan’s probe into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ indictment against former President Donald Trump has seen an interesting turn of events. Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, has been looking into the indictment over suspicions that it is motivated more by politics than by a pursuit of justice.

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On Tuesday, Jordan sent another letter to Willis highlighting her refusal to comply with the demands in the previous letter the committee sent. Of particular note, however, is a new revelation that Willis’ office reached out to the Democrats’ House Select Jan. 6 Committee to get information that could aid in her effort against Trump. …

The lawmaker pointed out, “It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump.”

Jordan then referenced a specific communication between Willis’ office and Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), who chaired the Jan. 6 committee.

We are in possession of a letter, dated December 17, 2021, and enclosed herein, from you to Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman of the partisan January 6 Select Committee, requesting access to congressional “records that may be relevant to our criminal investigation.” …

Jordan also points to the “significant delay” between the launching of the investigation and the filing of charges. “The timing of this prosecution reinforces concerns about your motivation,” he wrote. “In February 2021, news outlets reported that you directed your office to open an investigation into President Trump…Yet you did not bring charges until two-and-a-half years later, at a time when the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is in full swing.” …

What do you think of this new information? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from RedState. Photo Credit: Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

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December 13, 2023

The Truth will save us.

December 11, 2023

Reading these comments makes me never want to log onto this website again. Requests for prayer for truth to be revealed and for justice has turned into political arguments and brothers and sisters calling each other names – even to the point of some accusing the others of being controlled by the devil. Brothers and sisters this ought not to be- political issues can cause so much division in the body of Christ. I am a conservative Christian – I voted for President Trump twice. I didn’t want to vote for him, but he got the nomination and I had no other choice. I don’t want him to get the nomination this year. I think we have some other great candidates that do not carry his baggage. However, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him again. Although I am not a fan, I do believe all these indictments and trials are politically motivated and pray for the truth to be revealed. In the meantime, I will not call my brothers and sisters in Christ names because they may have different views than I do.

    December 11, 2023

    The shear meanness of some of the remarks is revealing of the heart that wrote them.

    Liz A
    December 12, 2023

    There is nothing Christian about these mean comments. How can people who profess to know the Lord be so blind??

December 11, 2023

Anyone with more than two brain cells has the capacity to comprehend the NON-Justice-Serving nature of this wicked witch hunt perpetrated by the adherants to the Democrat Party to advance their personal interests above , beyond and against those of the American People .
At a time when hatred for the United States of America is endorsed from the White House down, it should be no surprise to any American patriot that the most visual and individual defender of the country , President Donald Trump, is front and centre in the weaponised “sights” of our ( now ) most-despised Federal “Agencies”.
I pray to The Lord our God to protect and preserve His servant Donald Trump against ALL the powers of EVIL that are presently set against him with the objective being the total anihilation of all that is the United States of America. Amen.

December 10, 2023

Willis is the Dems/deep state “poster child” for corruption, bribery & gov’t/private individuals payoffs. She is also a study in “what happens when hatred consumes an individual”. I can’t even fathom how many overseas bank accounts she has, under false names, that are being “contributed to” on an ongoing basis.
We pray for continued exposure, revelation & all lies/falsehoods & corruption/compromise to be exposed fully in the office of Willis & those assisting her in criminal activity. Please expose the lies & collusion Lord.

    December 12, 2023

    You have no proof of that. Falsely accusing someone is an abomination before God.

    How can a leader which causes people to spit such vile comments possibly be a “leader of righteousness.”

    Lord, have mercy on this country.

December 10, 2023

We need to pray for the Christians in our government and courts who are under constant attack.

December 9, 2023

FatherGod we pray for deliverance from corruption in Jesus’s Name!! May your good and perfect will be done, God of love and mercy, in our country and all over the world. How we need you now!!

Michele Carlzen
December 9, 2023

Luke 12:2, in Christ Jesus Name, Amen!

Marianne Strenger
December 9, 2023

Everything done in the dark and hidden will be exposed! God is a God of justice! Thank You God that You are the One we put out trust in!

December 9, 2023

Lord, As Donald Trump has become a lightning rod for the hatred and animosity of the left who hold no regard for the rule of law or the constitution, spur us on to pray for him and for America. Following is a prayer from Karen Hardin:
“Where there re ongoing accusations, lawsuits and injustice thrown at him, we pray for America’s justice system to be restored. We declare unrighteous judges to be removed and held accountable for refusing to follow the law or creating their own. Where they have worked to silence him and his legal team we pray that it would come back on them. May they be the ones silenced and removed from their positions as they have tried to remove him. We ask that you would raise up judges, as in the days of old, who will deliver righteous decrees. Deliver Donald Trump from the hands of those intent on plundering his businesses and wealth with unjust indictments…. We bind every harassing, deceptive spirit that is operating against Donald Trump and our nation. We pray that the trap they have laid they will fall into themselves. Let the light overtake and expose what they have done in the dark… Honest scales and balances belong to you LORD for all the weights in the bag are of your making. And so we declare that honesty and fairness will be restored to America’s justice system and with it the removal of corrupt leaders, officials, law-enforcement, judges, and lawyers who have worked to pervert justice and who have declared evil good and good evil.
Our nation was founded on godly principles and we declare it will be restored to those principles and the Constitution on which it was established. John Adams stated “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” That explains why they hate it. So hear our cry this day, O Lord, as we humble ourselves before you and ask You to heal our land. W repent for the degradation that has taken place on our watch and ask that you turn America back to a moral people whose hearts fear and honor You.” Prayer by Karen Hardin http://www.city-by-city.org

    December 9, 2023

    Lord, also protect Chief Justice Thomas, who while has been stoic to attacks, has been on the receiving end of unjustified investigations and vicious attacks by the press.

    December 9, 2023

    Lord, thank you for this prayer, and I agree with this prayer! Protect Pres. Donald Trump from the lies and attacks of the evil one! Amen

    December 10, 2023

    We need to pray protection for all the supreme court justices. There was an assassination attempt against Brett Kavanaugh and his family not too long ago.

    December 13, 2023

    It is a mistake to think that someone who has been charged multiple times is for that reason qualified to be president.

December 9, 2023

Lord, please help Trump supporters to realize that, while charging Donald Trump with crimes is a stretch, that he is not without blame in the things he has said and done. Help them to see clearly that he is not a mature Christian. Help them to see that, while readjusting the DOJ and the FBI is necessary, his plans for revenge are not in the best interest of this country and will misrepresent Christianity to those who don’t know Christ.

    December 11, 2023

    Elizabeth – it is very unwise to councel God with devious words for He sees instantly right through them . Putting your eternal soul on the line for evil political purposes will not lessen the sentence God will pronounce upon your unrepentant soul.
    Do not presume to be an advocate for the Devil – it will have consequences spanning the eternal.

December 9, 2023

Lord, open the eyes of Trump’s supporters before it is too late.

    December 10, 2023

    Trump was the president for 2016. He is not the president we need for 2024.

      December 10, 2023

      President Donald J. Trump is God’s choice, so he is the one we need.

      December 11, 2023

      WT – I never cease to be amazed by the wilful diversionary tactics of those preaching from the LEFT of this worlds’ political classes.
      Trump was also President in 2020 barring several hundreds of thousands – if not actual millions – of “votes” cast by the deceased and long departed whose data was “ReBorn” illegally by operatives acting for or on behalf of the Party of the current White House inhabitant.
      The real TRUTH belongs to God, and this you cannot deny. To the Devil, his own – be gone !

Sathish Arthur
December 9, 2023

”For they intended evil against You; They devised a plot which they are not able to perform. Therefore You will make them turn their back; You will make ready Your arrows on Your string toward their faces. Be exalted, O Lord, in Your own strength! We will sing and praise Your power.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭21‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

December 9, 2023


Free the innocent people;
J6ers, Alternate Electors, Christians, Catholics, Parents, Children, Unborn, from their evil persecution. We cry out for JUSTICE JUSTICE, YeHoVaH

    December 11, 2023

    Dennis, may I add the name of the unarmed and peaceful mother protester – Ashli Babbit – who was foully murdered by one Capitol “police” coward in furtherance of their unholy war against “We, The People” ?

December 9, 2023

I pray Psalm 7 for President Trump 🙏

December 9, 2023

This is true. Fani Willis sees herself as a judge if the Democrats get in. This is exactly what you said, nothing else.
This will fall apart, then each will get paid back for what they have done.

I bind these demonic spirits. I loose Psalm 91 over President Trump, including his family and businesses. Also including all those who are of You our Heavenly Father. I loose peace, joy, salvation and wisdom and revelation of what to do . Plus listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    Liz A
    December 12, 2023

    You don’t know the heart of Jenna Ellis. You have no proof. To make something up is to be a false witness. This is an abomination before God.

December 9, 2023

Our Father in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
THY Kingdom come.
THY will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Thank you Our Father that You are aware of the battle taking place on earth.
Nothing is hid from Your eyes.
You see all the schemes of the wicked
And You only have to say the word, and innocent shall be vindicated and this country healed.
Deliver us Father from all the evil machinations of the wicked.
Let them fall into the traps that they have set for the innocent.
And let them suffer all the consequences of their vile schemes.
May they be publicly shamed
That others may learn to resist the temptation to deal wickedly but to always do what is right in Your eyes.
In Jesus Name, and for Your Glory Our wonderful Father GOD,

Victoria Z
December 9, 2023

Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the tireless efforts of Jim Jordan and others working with him on behalf of Donald Trump and his supporters who are seeking justice for him against Democrats and RINOs who want to crimilize him for putting America first and resisting the Democrats efforts to woke and bankrupt America and put us in bondage to the devil and NWO. Father continue to bring new revelations and reverse the curse of those who plot against Donal Trump. Uncover their own lawless and compromised activities and secret crimes and bring them to justice. Father if Trump is guilty of previous wrong doings during a time when he was not seeking and serving you that he has since repented of, please intervene and decide these cases in YOUR perfect justice and free him from unfair partisan hatred and retailation, and turn the tables on his accusers and oppressors, in Jesus name we ask and according to your word we express our faith and belief that you will answer our prayers. Thank you.

Thomas Deconcini
December 9, 2023

after WW II , The Americans went all out to de-Nazify Germany and to rid Japan of the war culture, the leaders of japan and the NAZIs were put on trial and many hanged in order to cleanse those countries, America needs to be de-Democrats, !!

    Truth Arbiter
    December 14, 2023

    Reading between the lines. In your statement, “America needs to be de-Democrats” I get what you are suggesting but what you are asking for in one of our partisan parties being eliminated CAN be misconstrued as socialism. If you were to have one ruling party, let’s say the republicans for example, then you have only one ruling and governing system with no checks and balances. Regardless of whether you have our current legislative branch of a House and a Senate, because there is only one governing body whom have subscribed to the same ideologies and beliefs you have now become a socialist country. Without opposition and debate you now have one ruling body or class whom dominates the lower class. Basically the Hunger Games.

    Instead, can we promote/vote in the candidates and leaders whom live biblical values with examples of their fruit as proof of their relationship with Abba Father and whom uphold our sacred documents (constitution, declaration of independence, etc.)? Just a thought.

December 9, 2023

Their doing any and everything they can to just try to make it sound and look like Trump is doing corupt things. They’re hoping that just the mere implication of charges filed against Trump will get voters to suspect that he has to be guilty of something or charges couldn’t be brought against him. But people don’t realize that you can charge someone with ANYTHING YOU WANT BUT YHE BURDEN OF PROOF REMAINS ON THE ACCUSER !

Debi Gamache
December 9, 2023

We are calling out to the God of Justice, who loves justice, to intervene on behalf of president Trump. Amen

Judy Akin
December 9, 2023



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